I Had to Call the Game Warden While Fishing

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there's a fish oh oh oh the State of Florida is arguably one of the greatest Fisheries in the world with endless amounts of water that's teeming with marine life it's one of the only areas I've ever seen that you can just pull off the side of the road anywhere you see water and catch fish that are literally supposed to be in the Amazon is that a good thing that's a conversation for another day but on this particular trip I teamed up with a couple of my good buddies and we caught some of the most amazing looking fish that our state has to offer whoo check it out look at all those shiners they're not very big those are small guys but they are going to catch some really cool fish we are back in a spot that I have not fished in a year and a half but I made an awesome video here that you guys really really liked where I caught all kind of cool fish here in southeast Florida and we're gonna do it again hoping for snakeheads clown knife fish and peacock bass that is the goal oh nice water is super clear we're going to try to take some of these shunners and maybe do some sight fishing y'all check out the size of this cichlid that is a you got him on artificial too man it was that an NLB end dude there we go man there we go cool take a little shunter right here and see if we can get one where'd you see a snake head oh really that's cool there's a peacock bass literally right on the bank right here oh he's on it he got it he got it oh I lost him choked on him my first peacock he's just sitting here chilling let's see if he'll eat again oh yeah he did there he is got him got him whoo nice dude these guys fight so hard that was a sick eat yeah nice come here we have been here a total of two minutes we've already got a peacock bass such a beautiful fish let's let him go right here all right beautiful that was awesome thanks man what was your name Dylan Okay cool so Dylan is a subscriber watches the vids we're gonna fish together this afternoon and hopefully get on some more fish let's go uh get another bait out I hope there's he's taking it got him there's a fish got him there we go there we go that's a different species here oh we came off that was a big cichlid you guys have the right idea it's so hot I've fish it in the shade let's see if we can get another fish there's lots of fish around it's a really cool spot these are just Canal systems oh oh dang there's a fish chasing my Shiner right there oh there we go RJ's got him good oh you got a snake head check him out nice snakehead there we go y'all remember RJ he uh was in my video here a year and a half ago when I caught a clown knife fish that's just another Bullseye Snakehead check it out there's something about Shiner fishing in Florida that I just love brings me back to when I was a kid it's one of my favorite types of fishing to do oh my gosh what is that look at that fish on top right out here holy cow oh he's chasing it he shows I got him I got him got him got him oh oh check this out y'all check this out this if I get this one in it'll be the second one that I've ever caught in my life here oh you don't want to come on to the land I can tell you that that is a bullseye snake head such a cool fish second one that I've ever caught right there the first one came from this area too a year and a half ago we're going to take us another Shiner and get it out there's just so many fish today it's just a great bite just a great bite today so everybody's catching fish that's the way you want it oh there's a clown knife fish just roll I gotta get a clown there we go I'm in clown knife fish area right there but oh look at the clown see him just raw yeah that was a clown there we go there's a fish there's a fish oh look at that peacock he's a dink just a dink peacock but still a beautiful fish I would throw it right out there past that grass probably oh it's a largemouth nevermind I thought it was a snake head catching all kinds of species such a cool place another lmb right here got another Shiner going here let's keep it keep the momentum alive we've caught peacock Snakehead and Largemouth only fish I wish I could catch is a clown knife fish however uh we're seeing a lot of them roll but they're a little harder to catch oh there's fish there's a fish oh oh oh oh oh that's a big fish dude this is a bacon he's on the grass biggest fish of the day that I've hooked I don't know what it is but he's hooked in the grass ah bro oh he's coming there he is yeah oh it's a big Snakehead come on oh got him heck yeah beautiful Snakehead right here that is such a cool fish folks we are about to call FWC and clear this up once and for all bearded Brad recently posted a video catching invasive species and he was releasing his invasive species and he got annihilated in the comment sections uh people were saying he should be put in jail people were saying making up laws in the comment section so I would like to spread awareness as to what the actual law states so I am going to call FWC right now I don't know if they'll allow me to post it but I will relay exactly what they say thank you for calling the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission if this is a wildlife emergency please hang up and dial 1-888-404-3922 yes I have a question regarding invasive species fish species and I was hoping to get some clarification on it and was hoping you could point me in the direction of the person to answer that question okay so we do a lot of fishing in South Florida for invasive species like Snakehead uh clown knife fish and so if we happen to catch one of these fish is it legal or is it illegal to release that fish into the same body of water that we caught it from okay so they've got me on hold right now they said that I could not record their answer um I'm not sure why so I'm just gonna relay it to you yes ma'am [Music] Florida statute 379.4015 [Music] okay let me just get some clarification uh so if I catch it and I put it and I have it alive uh like in a live well or something like that it's illegal so that means like an invasive like a cichlid for bait is illegal but yet if I catch it while I'm fishing for peacock bass or something and I release it back into the same body that it is perfectly legal but frowned upon I got it got it well that clears things up okay okay thank you very much that was pretty clear so here is where it gets confusing to me though because when you Google uh can you release invasive species it says absolutely not it's illegal but yet FWC just told me it was legal and so I am thinking that releasing means like you can't you can't take them from your fish tank and release them or release them into a new body of water but you can release them into the same body of water is what I understood from that conversation does that mean it's right no a lot of times when I'm fishing I'm in the zone and I catch a fish and I'm not even thinking about it because I'm like ready to catch the next one and so like if I we have and here's the thing guys there are 25 million invasive species in South Florida so like in order for there really to be something done about it the whole state needs to come together and do something I don't know what the answer is but I will do my part moving forward look I'm still a little confused I don't know everything I'm just trying to relay the proper information that is what FWC told me so let's get back to fishing oh guys there's a big biggest snake head I've seen all day sitting on the bank right here holy cow where's he going I don't know I don't know that may have spooked him what's it what's going on that was a huge snakehead oh my gosh there's a huge peacock that's the biggest one I've seen yet oh we turned off of it come on oh he ate it he ate it there we go that's that's the best one of the day for me hands down oh that's a nice one that's a good one there we go there we go whoa all right nice peacock bass such a beautiful fish let's release him oh well he's gonna release himself that was that was smooth that was not that was super smooth I did not mean for that to happen not to release a peacock and that's not what you do we're just kind of sight fishing now there's fish all over this bank that uh pretty cool oh dang peacock came up to it missed it oh there's a bite there he is got it got him there he goes oh that's a good fish yeah nice peacock heck yeah beautiful fish right here these fish are so beautiful check it out nice peacock bass right here you know about once a year if you've been following my channel I got to pick up the shiners and just have a have a day of Shiner fish and it's a blast [Applause] oh yeah me too I saw the same one [Music] oh got him got him there we go there we go come here let's see if we can get a double up right here it's tossing out right right in there I don't know if he's still following him or not he was right on his tail check it out another beautiful peacock bass oh I gotcha that is my boss got it got it there you go that's cool oh there we go there we go come on yeah ah dude that one's tough to catch oh I'm on again do you see him eat it there we go we finally got his because he was a little guy that's why he was tough to catch we finally got him so is this a different type of peacock bath look at how the colors I know there are actually a couple different types but look at the the pattern on this guy is different than the other ones I was catching y'all comment below is that a different type of peacock looks more like a large mouth with a hint of teacup yeah that's what we call a large it's like never ending action when you Shiner fish it's like if the fish sees the Shiner it's game over oh oh oh I think I'm all cool there we go there's a fish there we go that was a sick eat man these guys are so strong oh Brad's own oh yeah y'all small big beautiful fish right here I'll take a look at Brad your fish could have ate my fish yeah pretty little I think there's a that's a different type of peacock bass I really do comment below all right Dylan it was awesome fishing with you today we're gonna take a photo before we leave what a cool day so much fun snakeheads peacocks cichlids like dude the snakehead bite was fire Largemouth Largemouth saw some clowns and didn't get them but overall it was an awesome day
Channel: AnglerUp with Brant
Views: 694,863
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7jSJ08lzq0s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 52sec (1012 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 31 2023
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