We Found An Old Forgotten Pond!

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all right so minette and i just hopped on the ranger and we know there's this little old forgotten pond we don't know what's in it don't know how long it's been since it's been fished might have nothing in it might be full of fish i don't know but we go and get them i hope so [Music] oh there it is what do you think what's it got in it bass brim who knows we're gonna find out let's check out our our bait and our tackle so here's what we're using for bait we caught some crickets uh hanging around our old tool shed and they look good and juicy that's gonna be bait and so let me show you what we're gonna be using for hooks weights and uh and for forks all right here we go just the eagle claw uh i don't know the number if this is a number three or four uh brim hook i don't know i'll have to have to check up on that and let you know but we're gonna use that uh on the net line here she's got a little quick little swivel on here i'm just going to leave that on and there'll probably be enough weight on that plus the hook we'll just use a little slimline cork here it's weighted at the end make sure it sits sits upright to start with i'm not going to set it too deep i don't know how deep the water is or what kind of snags and stuff are in there but we're going to start off with about uh i don't know a little over a foot let's see if we can nab one of these uh cricket throughout the rest of them got it all right okay so there you have it all right here we go first cast an old abandoned pond okay must be jumping over not a bite yet it looks like maybe a little bite or that cricket is wiggling soon got a bite not quick enough maybe they didn't take a little bit longer this time okay how many years expenses have fish like this [Music] daddy no i think you got my cricket let's see yes got our cricket need another cricket all right second cast getting the bite already that was a pretty good fish strike over there yeah i have to throw my shyster a couple times yeah [Music] set it right back over in there ain't much cricket left but oh you still get points about right where it was it looked like a decent sized brim before i was seeing them let's try it again just ease it away from him slowly maybe maybe pick it up and set it back out there just a little bit further up a little farther out just a little bit there you go oh you got it those are these quick maybe try it out a little further hey much cricket left well there is at least something in here i believe you got it oh that one kind of hard to set the hook on that dude are you still messing with me well he's not getting no more cricket oh that's good ain't no catching at least he's getting me got him you got him you got him i don't know how good i got him all right let's ease your mind straight up now i don't really like my tracer oh that's a nice bleed deal bring him up oh he's pretty much picking him up oh he's pretty okay good eating yes old abandoned pond you got a bluegill in it how about healthy looking yeah nice fish okay let's get him off the hook took a bunch of times to get this sucker yeah what you doing i'm gonna get something okay she's gonna take the cricket back see if you can catch another one another bite already yep nice two hey that's a little little dude getting our you thought up can't get away dude i'm gonna move over and look at this here they hit in here though almost every time all right oh i'm getting a bite keeps hitting pretty big over there yeah oh you got him oh no no i got that little bitty flat bite i'm still hanging on this little bitty that might be the trick to catching them as a little bitty piece of cricket well i think they want a little more get me a cricket on here not sure exactly what kind of cricket that is but anyway yeah they're not little black crickets are we growing them that one well i didn't get skunked um up on that all right you got him i got him three for me bruh oh nice one you want to fish right here baby nope she is out fishing me bad four now four to one if it was a competition okay i'll just be your second i'll catch them you cook them all right uh-oh i think i went over your line that's okay i ain't doing no good with anyway big bass out there down to b i'm coming back oh yeah doing 1500 i'm gonna describe that stuff next time and part of my deal is my hook is a good bit bigger than yours probably should have put a smaller hook on man you need to get some bags this looks like it's got eggs [Music] all right i could stand right here huh oh yeah i don't know oh i got the biggest so far somebody somebody might have the most but i got the biggest okay i'm about to give me a bath not too bad for an old abandoned pond so we stopped fishing with cricket but that's throwing a little h and uh my daddy has been hand tying some crappie jigs so i'll put one of those on i don't know if you can see it i put one of those on and uh caught that little bass so not bad well we didn't do too bad whatever we do one little bass be enough to eat for this afternoon yep thanks for watching hey better than turkey hunting so far we've had a successful day first time we fished this little pond we out
Channel: Trim Cane Productions
Views: 2,360,499
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xoTuIjeFQQQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 16sec (1276 seconds)
Published: Sat May 14 2022
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