The BEST TASTING FISH That No One Eats!! (Shore Fishing)

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oh i was kind of expecting cats but uh these are fun river rats i was about halfway here and realized they haven't eaten anything today and i brought no food and i'm not very smart to begin with my iq points definitely drop when i'm hungry so uh hopefully we get something to eat let's go yeah seriously i'm starving like i'm pretty scatterbrained when i'm hungry not always the best for my fishing capabilities similar to my intelligence they weren't the best and then they're even worse when i run in when i'm in situations like this but i think i have my cooking stuff with me if not we'll haul them home okay here's a nice spring usually where there's a spring there's rock and where there's rock there's a current break and apparently people fish here pick that up on the way out we'll give this 15 minutes or so hopefully that water got him moving did bring slappy i don't know how much he's going to come into play but i find a slower revolving current type area i'll definitely be using him in the meantime i'll just cast it out and let it sit next to the bank so hopefully that's where they're at hopefully the old cats aren't too bashful i got them some nice delicious bluegills just came off ice we're gonna try to get one out quick i gotta rig the other one i'm all jittery because i haven't eaten anything and i drank too much coffee all right that'll work well we'll see if it works should be real rocky in here that there in the meantime get the other one rigged up i guess i might as well throw my bobber on the bank too i'm at it go get em bud the way that one's bowed up in the current one taps it's gonna look like he teed it up we're only gonna be here 10 minutes or so because there's a nicer current break down the way that i actually prefer did i mention i'm hungry kind of always hungry though [Music] oh hey oh i dropped it that rascal right on the bank hopefully he comes back a little more giddy up and go you might okay she's rigged use the beads as like a spacer between the hook and the rattle that way i don't want to worry about the rattle potentially interfering with the hookup or at least have to worry about it less there are times where rattle is the way to go especially especially for channels and blues flatheads sometimes care wish they cared more often oh there's a tap do it man it's not a bad sign getting tapped at the very first spot man i want to watch that bobber just zip under water i love that i'm going to go out on the limb and say this one is covered in gunk or snagged or both plenty of gunk that'll make it tough to catch a fish that's why you just pecked at it two minute warning all right let's keep her moving well good thing i just rigged this one all right you guys get a little extra time because uh we gotta rig this one back up real quick no getting the nib take it down not acting very catfishy at the moment very turtle like if you're like how can you tell it's a turtle it's because it's soft pulls it down lightly and then drops it and keeps coming back catfish usually hit it a little sharper they'll fool you i'd like to be fooled right now that would be nice turtle you are officially out of time oh yeah he munched on it pretty good traversing a jungle never came down here this late in the year so one of the reasons why i could have brought my boat but i didn't feel like messing with it geez making progress a little bit of an opening at least i think this is my current break it's a current break so we're gonna fish it mobility is definitely the trick especially during the day some gets man i'm jittery well there's a fish right there they'll throw this just down river of them hopefully somebody tease that up we got some fresh bait chunks got some unintelligent comments i'm so hungry not bringing food was not a good idea it's one two pounder one two pounder will make my day [Music] oh hey a couple nibbles take it down weenie well that wind feels nice [Music] and again we're going to move hopefully third time's charm this heat is taking care of my hunger so that's kind of a win this feels like lunch get in here what are you you're not what i expected oh that's funny oh he's grunting at me the old gasper goo the underappreciated table fare too and he will make fine fish nuggets so it's not something i share with a lot of people but i'm kind of a closet drum addict especially big dogs they start getting this size or better then they start fighting really good and they taste better i mean they're hit or miss sometimes you get a chewy one and it's not like an appetizing chewy like calamari but aside from the occasional one like that they're pretty dang good so i'm putting him on the street oh tell me about it all right i got another nib maybe the first time i've ever caught a drum on cut bluegill caught him uncut shat okay fresh chunk of bait get right back out there is that a fish or is that junk on the line it's hard to tell that's a pretty impressive log floating down river yeah the old drum got real nice white flaky flesh like i said underappreciated [Music] is he on i don't know that's weird he kind of took it down and he's there at the moment i'm gonna take it easy because i don't know how good he's hooked [Music] not a bad fish whatever you are another gash for you oh yeah big dog gash for you barn door gasper goo [Music] i think you're hooked good oh i was kind of expecting cats but uh these are fun usually they hit it with a little more gumption when they get this big but not always that is the illustrious barn door drum right there at least iowa standard central iowa standards there's a few other places where they get mammoth but you don't get a whole lot a whole lot bigger than this around here i like these things i'm weird i admit it oh no the other one pulled my stringer crap now i feel like a real jerk yeah the other one when i was fighting this one ripped the stringer out of the ground what that means is i don't have a stringer to put him on and i'm hungry so what i'm gonna do is uh i'm gonna go cook him right now i'd like to fish a little bit more but do what you got to do you know damned yeah he ripped it right out of the freaking ground that walk through the jungle kind of sucks pick up a little trash the delos have been growing on me a little bit well no he's complaining about people leaving litter because i don't fix nothing but picking it up does well i forgot a sock gross no i don't need a pad on the back for picking up litter but i think it's worth video video taping because uh i think it sets a good example i try to set a good example of what to do and when it comes to that string or what not to do 99 times out of 100 i double reinforce it in my scatter brainness i didn't do that this time if i somehow made it through that walk without getting poison ivy i'm going to be amazed but got that drum fillet they're nice white firm flaky fillets they got red meat on them like most freshwater fish chop as much of that off as you can and they make a fine fish taco i don't have stuff for fish tacos i'm not even sure if i have stuff to cook them i think i do yep been a while since i've cooked on the bed of a pickup truck kind of enjoy it got a cooker back up fuel oh goodness plenty of oil things are looking oh paper towels holy cow surprising myself stuff usually isn't in here i just got lucky couldn't remember food but lucked into bringing stuff to make food and cop food i do cook food other or cook fish other ways than just uh the franks but frank's is a go-to i think i will do uh i need to do some horseradish mustard next time oh it's leaking good thing we're cooking outside okay they're coated i'll let them sit for a few minutes while i get everything else ready i'm cooling off the shade's nice the hunger's coming along with it though which is ideal i guess if you're gonna be cooking something hopefully oh i even have tongs they're not even that dirty that dirty okay they're soaked long enough for me because i'm hungry like right now those are very nicely breaded let's get this bad boy going that's not good there we go sounded like a lip she's lit and this lunch is gonna be lit try not to catch my paper towel on fire that's important trick is don't jump the gun ooh it's a little sizzle tester piece good thing i just went with one oh yeah still gonna be quite tasty that'll be just fine i'm gonna load her up these things might be the best tasting fish that nobody eats yep perfect [Music] i have a lot to clean when i'm done with this also worth it some of these are some beefcake chunks those are ones where you get to truly appreciate the taste of the fish if i hadn't coated it in frank's anymore yep perfect we got one more round after this ooh that one's gonna have the extra crispy end it's exciting and they are done one bummer of uh being so far from the water is cleanup's going to have to occur at home mostly the upside of that is things are actually going to get real clean might even use soap okay probably the most underappreciated eating fish in fresh water it's awesome white and flaky crunchy little hit of spice from the franks quite wonderful it'll be stuffed after this it's really nice white flaky meat it's not walleye it's not crappy but it's not a long ways off well that's going to do it for me hope you enjoy the slight change of pace more flathead videos should be coming in the future the fisherman is pretty decent just missed opportunities most of them self-inflicted because i've been trying stuff and you know i i say good's the enemy a great and if you settle for good you'll never be great and that's way more philosophical than it's necessary for flathead fishing but yeah i like to experiment with stuff and it doesn't always go well so if you like this video hit the like button if you want to see more hit the subscribe button go try some drum they're genuinely awesome this is no no me goofing around every once while i get a chewy one but all the other ones are pretty dang good thanks for taking time to watch hope you catch giant [Music] you
Channel: Spencer - River Certified
Views: 725,292
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Winter, spring, fall, summer, catfish, missouri, pig patrol, ty PigPatrol, primitive, camping, remote, monster, huge, giant, enormous, blue, channel, flathead, wing dam, dike, mississippi, hole, spot, location, cold, bait, shad, skipjack, anchor, rod, reel, line, best, kayak catfish, massive, rig, how to, alabama, south, cutbait, tips, catch, tons, lots, lake, river, stream, drifting, whiskerseeker, hook, pigpatrol, catfishing, big, wilderness, DRUM, bank fishing, shore, The BEST TASTING FISH That No One Eats!! (Shore Fishing)
Id: WCR0I6WmQf4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 26sec (1106 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 20 2022
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