Warrior Women - Session Three- Dalton Ga - Kevin and Kathi Zadai

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[Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign hmm [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] fired [Applause] [Music] me [Music] uh [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] the whole earth is filled [Music] so [Music] [Music] oh [Music] my [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] over let the fragrance rise [Music] let the fragrance arise this is my story this is my song i'm praising my savior all the day long and this is my story this is my song i'm praising my savior all the day sing it out again this is my story this is my soul i'm praising my savior all the day long this is my story this is my song i'm praising my savior all the day long [Music] i'm praising my savior all the day all the day let this fragrance arise it's all for you jesus let this fragrance the arise arise we want to welcome you back to the second session today of warrior women what a great start after two sessions praise god this is your your first meeting you've made just restrooms are to my left and right uh thankful that the the trade center's been a great host they've asked us to observe social distancing with three or four chairs between family groups i appreciate you thinking about that [Music] a couple things i want to point out i hadn't you know we've been talking about the the bed spread here well there's three chairs in front of the bedspread and what that is that comes from a vision from 20 years ago in this arena and and those three chairs were seen and for years uh i thought those three chairs were for three speakers and before we had our last conference back in november december the lord spoke and said it's for the father son and holy spirit so if you'll notice those are the the three chairs that are highest in this arena for for their seats of honor and so we welcome the whole trinity here we welcome holy spirit we welcome jesus and the father so if you're wondering what those those uh [Music] they're not symbols of they are that they would be seated so um we're going to have a great session i will tell you the the we're tweaking things around a little bit but the third session is going to start it uh worship will start at 6 15. the session will start at 6 30 tonight so gives you a little bit more time in between and it's going to be an awesome one so again welcome so glad you're here be blessed be blessed because god is good amen bless you [Music] okay [Laughter] it's my story this is my song i'm praising my savior [Music] this is my story this is my song i'm praising my savior [Music] all the day long sing it out this is my story [Applause] i'm praising my savior this is my story [Music] this is my soul i'm praising my savior all the day long [Music] i'm praising my savior all the day long i'm praising my savior all the day long [Music] all right amen thank you julie all right [Applause] how many of you have my study guide on angels how many have had how many have not would you like one all right get up here on this side and this side cafeteria style this is fun [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] um [Music] uh [Music] okay merry christmas amen [Applause] okay so everybody ready all right now listen listen we're doing this azusa street style we're letting the spirit lord lead we're choosing people from the audience from the body this is the way it's supposed to be everybody comes with a psalm a word a prophecy a tongue interpretation but paul said let it be done in order and and he didn't differentiate between men and women it's all about believers so we're doing this the lord's speaking to me so he's telling me to pick out people and bring them up here and have them speak okay so that's what we're going to do it's about the body of christ it's not about me yeah hey dude you may be next if you don't do that okay now listen okay now the now what happens is i do a lot of things myself to save the ministry money so we find ways of doing things ourselves so that somebody doesn't get in there and be a middle man and take 80 percent okay because god taught me to be a businessman too and so if i can do it myself cheaper than i'm going to do it myself if i can find someone i can trust then i hire them i don't i don't just like use them and i hire them i'm looking for people that have the same vision and are called to do this so the partners actually pay for everything the partners do now oh please don't leave i'll pay you i'll pay you just one one we have many many arms of warrior notes many different outreaches and there's things that we do for people that you will never know about but we help churches we help all kinds of organizations and this is this is what warriors is all about but it's also about the body of christ and individuals so just the school alone listen to me there's 18 000 students just a school alone would run warrior notes forever just to school supports everything forever that's just one thing but see it's the partners that actually help us to do all that we're doing as far as so all the products i do myself to save money and then i have a public i have publishers but i'm quitting them amen so we already the reason why is that this is this is something that is very personal to me and i had something happened to me three years ago that that changed my life now that involved if i told you what it was it involved a movie and a book and the angels came to me and told me that man is not supposed to touch these these came from the father god he's giving them to you and you are to give them to the people and what was happening was is that there were there was there was they were telling me well you can't talk about speaking in tongues because sony wouldn't do a movie about that and then then the uh simon and schuster they didn't want me to talk about certain things i go well then then we're not we're not doing it so i published myself and then i got hooked up with um harrison house and destiny image and we did i think uh eight to ten i think we've got two more then we have ten they've all became best sellers but see that's not my goal but you know how it is it's everything is based on the success in the world is based on sales but see what if i change someone's life and they didn't give a dime well or like it doesn't register right if they what if i change somebody's life but they didn't have money for a book okay so you it doesn't register as success then because i helped somebody but i gave them the book so you understand so that's where the partners come in so it's the same with everything else everyone here should come with a psalm a a word a tongue interpretation like like paul said we should have to control it like paul did okay just two or three and one at a time okay don't everybody speak up you know that's the way it should be like we're having to tell people hey we can only take a few of you but see it's turned the other way to where now it's extreme the other way where no one in the congregation participates anymore but you know if someone has a tongue and an interpretation it's just not fair right but did you notice that we've kind of migrated out of alter time and deliverance and and uh you know then the tongues and interpretation words of knowledge words of wisdom this is not for the apostle and the prophet this is for this comes from the local the body right okay so here's two individuals and i want i want leslie leslie her husband is out preaching right now but he um he's his name is johnny and he'll you'll see him around but i love these two and and i i wanted leslie to come up here and speak by the spirit for a couple minutes like maybe 10 minutes and then then i've got lynn as well she will be speaking too so go ahead leslie i i can't wait to hear what you're going to say hi hi um the last couple days the lord has woken me up very early and i really was like oh i don't want to wake up at three in the morning and have to concentrate and focus but i think i know why the lord set that up now and it's just amazing because last night um the service just the flow of it was right in line with this god has me in the song of songs and it's about what it's really about is a progression of intimacy with the lord so in chapter one the the and we know that we're well traditionally we're taught that the song of songs is about like you know the king who's gonna be the husband and then you know the promised bride but we know that's talking about us the bride of christ and jesus right so when you read this these when you work your way through these chapters and you have that in your mind you see some things that the holy spirit can show you that's quite amazing in chapter one this is how the bride sees herself i know i am so unworthy so in need i feel dark and dry as the desert tints of the wandering nomads but this is how her groom to be sees her how she sees her groom he's a lover of my soul and this is how god sees her yet you are so lovely you are like the fine linen tapestry hanging in the holy place and you know in the in the holy place linen tapestry represents our righteousness so in other words you are not dark and dry to me you are righteous to me so but this is such an amazing thing once she realizes that he sees her as righteous this is how she sees herself i am truly his rose the very theme of his song and then she says this i hear my lover's voice once she sees herself as righteous then her sense of belonging is growing and the thing that i feel like ties into so well with last night when we talked about the soils and releasing offense and unforgiveness and all of that ugly stuff that our souls can carry sometimes that blocks our hearing the lord that blocks our upward progression and that's when we end up on the merry-go-round instead of ascending the hill of the lord then she moves on and she recognizes that fear is hindering her ascending the mountain with her groom and so she refuses him and then she recognizes that he feels distant and she re she regrets the distance that our fear has created and then this is how god sees her at that time a lover this is in verse five in chapter three a lover that needs protection until she is ready to arise so then when she deals with her fear this is what she says i will go to the mountain with you because now she sees herself as a true bride and she sees her groom as the one who makes her a fruitful garden and this is what god says to her you are beauty itself to me my beloved my darling bride my paradise garden now possessing the fruits of the spirit you are we are ready to climb the highest peaks together and then in verse 12 it describes the exclusivity of that relationship just as a marriage partner is exclusive god is fastened to his bride then in verse in chapter five she left because we all you know it's it's not a straight climb up the mountain is it sometimes we move up and then we go sideways for a while or down a little bit and then decide to go back up but she got to a point where she let her devotion slumber even though her heart was still awake for him but she knew that he alone was still her beloved but she knew and she felt she heard him knocking at the door of her heart and this is how he saw her my equal my bride a pure loyal dove a perfect partner for me my flawless one yeah so god is suffering for a deeper level of intimacy with his bride [Applause] would you could you um impart just real quick before lynn talks could you just impart so lord your desire is for us your desire is for us and your desire is for us to see ourselves as your bride as exclusive to you and to see ourselves the way you see us in those robes of righteousness so i am part now just an awareness of how righteous and clean you are before god and that there will be nothing hindering your intimacy or your upward climb a ceiling ascending the mountain of god with him and i also the lord remove fear from your hearts remove all fear of ascending it's a safe place he is exclusive to you he won't let go of your hands thank you thank you thank you hallelujah you receive that thank you leslie god bless hallelujah what a gift huh all right lynn go for it thank you it is a privilege to be up here but yeah you could introduce i didn't so i'm lynn and i'm just part of the body of christ here in dalton and we are so privileged you're here we've been praying for you for months and a prayer of my heart is always father will you show me your heart for your warrior women we love the warrior men are here and i'm blessed by the children and we've got babies down to i think the youngest of six weeks here tonight and this this whole weekend so we're we're so blessed you're here and um i can weep when i feel the father's heart for you so um we've we've been here we've been walking this arena and we've been declaring big things and big expectations and there's so much more to come so i'm thankful you're here and i um you know this is a challenge just to be filled up and i i'm just going to tell you what's fresh on my heart i kind of woke up in the night with a seat or two and i'll just share that so i think i love kevin's obedience to the holy spirit to speak regularly about the parable of the sower i love that the lord's actually shown me you have to understand that one first to understand the other parables and that parable is really dear him a heart and you may think this sounds silly but i am passionate about soil and i love god's physical soil but i love the soil of his children's hearts and i have the privilege and i'm so humbled to be able to pray with people at times and i'm just passionate and i can even have righteous anger rise up in me to set captives free because i want his children free so i love the soil of your heart i want it to be clear and clean of everything and it for to be healed and and it touches a part of my testimony and some of you all know my story this is a small part of my testimony but it's a very important part of my testimony and it's about the soil so eight years ago my brother is david he's the one who's done some of the introductions up here and the lord spoke to david and i at the same time and eight years ago he said i want you to sell your houses with our families and learn to grow that's all he said sell your house learn to grow well for several generations in our family we haven't had any farmers i didn't know one thing about growing i like nutrition but i knew nothing about growing so this was a complete surrender to holy spirit we sold our houses they sold fast we looked for land god showed us where it was and then we said holy spirit will you teach us to grow so the holy spirit was so faithful and the first thing the holy spirit taught us was to grow you must heal the soil and i thought well of course to understand that parable so let me tell you i love that parable that maybe he has me learning to grow because i'm going to tell you his scriptures have come alive to me and if if that's the only reason i'm growing other than some yummy food and we get to share with a lot of people i'll forever be grateful that the seeds of his word are are being planted in my heart but let me let me just tell you how he's taught us to heal the soil i mean it's straight from the parable but it's very literal and so we go to the soil and we have to look to take out the rocks i mean we physically pick up every rock i mean as you prepare the beds every season and we have to take out any of the thorns and we have to take out anything that's taken root there in any way it has to come out and then and then we add amendments and we add minerals if anything's depleted and so it's awesome the soil is like our bodies if we become depleted of something god has made a way for us to add things back vitamins and minerals and healthy foods he's made it all so that we can rise up in divine health and our immune systems can soar like he's designed them and fight off what needs to be you know um fight it off but i the soil is the same way so this is the cool thing and and the holy spirit is teaching us um he sent us some godly friends and they help us and then holy spirit of course is the number one he he's an awesome teacher holy spirit is an awesome teacher and then sometimes we're led to little tutorials on youtube but what we've learned is if you heal the soil you plant the seed just like it is in our hearts you know the seed the word of god in our hearts and then we leave it up to god there's rain you know we we water but the great sunshine but the seed contains the life and it's what and it you know so i would never prepare the soil and then get on my knees and pray pray pray pray that tomatoes will grow without putting the seed into the soil it won't happen but if i plant the tomato seed those beautiful tomatoes are going to come forth and so this is what's awesome when you heal the soil the plant comes forth healthy and it literally has a vibration a frequency that repels the bugs so we can farm with healed soil by using no pesticides when the soil is healed and that's just like our bodies how awesome is god when our bodies you know are balanced we can repeal so i just you know i'm just thankful for the faithfulness to talk about that parable it's that's why i'm passionate about soil and i just want to bless you um great things happened last night i think there was beautiful celebrations of healings and deliverances but y'all there's more today there's more tonight and so i just want to declare as i woke up all through the night and i guess you know two i got two seeds the two beautiful um scripture verses and this is what i want to declare of you today um as our hearts are healed we just i just declare that chains are going to be broken strongholds of the enemy will fall and you will receive healing you will receive abundance of life and so father this is what you told me over and over i kept hearing it as i woke so we choose to plant this seed in our hearts today first john 4 17 he is so are you in this world so father we thank you that all these beautiful warrior women and men children and babies they have a design when you're in them father their spirits are just as jesus is and we thank you that those spirits we bless them to rise up now in the name of jesus we thank you that all that you are um that you're in them and father they can operate in the spirit as you do father so i just declare over them great and mighty things and also the other seed i heard was second peter 1 3 that god has given you all things that you need for life and godliness so i just bless you with that and i i'd love to pray for you and just and impart those two words so father i just speak and bless this whole room full of precious children of god i bless your spirit right now and i celebrate the abundance within them father i thank you for the healing of their hearts lord we declare good soil in this place father we pl we declare that anything that's not of you anything that cannot bow its knee and call you yeshua the messiah it be bound now now in the name of jesus and father we pray that you would shed light and lord that even corporately we through the power of you can pull down the power of lies and replace it with the truth and we worship you that you are truth and with truth your children will be set free so father i i love your children here i just declare that they are righteous in you that you have good plans for them that father you call them your beloved and they are loved they are wanted they are fought for and father we just thank you for each one of them i just bless them in the name of jesus and we disagree with your love we honor you father we honor our brothers and sisters in this room and i just pray these things in jesus name amen [Applause] thank you wow see everybody's got their part huh all right um kelsey and jessica would you come up here um thank you all right whatever the spirit says who wants to go first you can come over here you don't you come over here there you go thank you lord i'm kelsey o'malley and you know it was three i think three conferences ago here in dalton the holy spirit led me to come and it was such a supernatural move that god did it was like he began speaking to me and saying you need to go to kevin's you need to go to kevin's and i was like well lord it's a six and a half hour drive and i'm just going to be there for one day and then i have to drive back and i said lord would you confirm to me that you want me to go and the next day i remember you had reposted a prophetic word that i spoke and that was my sign from the lord and i told my husband i said okay i'm going the lord confirmed so as i came here there was so many different things that happened but it was such a god set up for my life and it showed me that god had not ever forgotten all the times that i met with him in the secret place and all the all the times you cry out to god when you're just alone nobody sees that just the lord and he's so faithful to honor that time with giving you the desire of your heart because he knows what's in you he knows the desires he knows the plans he has for you good plans to prosecute to give you a hope and a future and it was just the supernatural way that god opened the doors for me was incredible and i realized that when i'm connected to the vine in john 15 5 if we're connected to him he does all things for us i didn't have to open any door myself i didn't have to strive it was just me loving him and me meeting with him because my heart so longed for my beloved it still does every day and there's not one day that goes by that i cannot fall more deeply in love with him because he's so faithful and he's so good and he'll always meet you like there's not one time that you go and you cry out to him with your whole heart that he won't meet you not one time but most of the time the distractions come in and they block us and they hinder us and all these things come up in our head that stop us from meeting with god and once you've taught me like through yielding to the spirit and you've taught me so much through your school and through everything i mean so much god has used you to pour into my life so much and from learning from you i would just stand up to the devil and say shut up i'm i'm not doing that i can do that later and i would go and i would spend time with him and he would give me grace to do that and if you ask for grace he's going to give it to you he's not going to give you a stone if you ask for bread he's going to give you grace and he's going to accomplish everything in your life that he has told you there's not one word that god has spoken to you guys that will not come to pass it's your thank you jesus it's your yieldness it's you yielding to the spirit of god at any time and i know a lot of us out here are moms there's a lot of us that are moms and i stay home with my kids but that is not gonna hinder me because at any time at any place i can be in the secret place there's not i don't have to walk into my closet okay now i'm here and this is it it can be at any time washing dishes changing diapers i mean i come through the house praying in tongues and my kids don't even look like it's just the life of loving him and letting the holy spirit just come whenever he wants to come because he's the one who's going to fill you you just yield and god has been so so faithful he's been so faithful and so i just pray over each and every one of you here today each and every heart that is here just focus right now on the lord don't look at me look upon him he's so beautiful he is so holy his presence is everything you need every answer you need is found in him so lord i ask that you speak to every heart right now reminding them of what you've spoken to them the promises you've made over their lives god i ask that your presence would come and fill them fresh god i ask for a fresh touch all over this place everybody watching online god touch them fill them lord jesus you are so worthy it's about you lord it's not about us jesus it's all for you our lives are for you god we've surrendered them for you we honor you we love you jesus you are everything to us have your way in us holy spirit have your way in each and every person here lord let them be world changers history makers you're not passing anyone by it is not too late the lord says it's not too late there is nowhere you could run from his presence nowhere even hell itself he says he is there and there is no secret that hell keeps from him he knows all he knows everything so thank you jesus for your presence we yield to you we open our spirit up wide and yield to you jesus keep us close to your heart don't let us be distracted by the evil one i take authority over every lying spirit of deception and i rebuke you in the name of the lord jesus i command you to go i thank you lord for clarity i see washing of minds right now i see water pouring over you i see him renewing your mind with his precious living water lord i thank you for clarity jesus lord bless them bless them hallelujah i hate to break that man and what i was going to speak about was a little heavy so i'm kind of like lord help me um so my story some of you here know me some of my sweet sweet friends are over there and jen i just keep thinking about what you said you said you're going to be my midwife and we were going to birth this thing together praise god and here i am birth in this thing part of my story is actually abortion i had an abortion um in 2013. and of course um i know statistics are one in four women have had an abortion and that's a heavy subject and a lot of people don't want to hear that word and never thought i'd be standing here in front of you guys and the whole world telling everybody that that happened to me but it did and if you know the enemy he will take you farther than you ever intended to go but long story short the lord has written a beautiful story for my life and for my baby who's in heaven and kevin is a huge part of my story and i don't know if he even knows this but the lord revealed to me when i took a class in 2019 which was a post-abortion healing class because i said yes to god the lord led me to this class and i was revealed that my baby is alive in heaven and that he has a name and i had to pray and ask the lord to reveal to me the gender of my baby and then he was a boy and he revealed that in chap in judges and led me to the story of samson and i look i thought wow you know i was just weeping and doing this study and it was amazing what the lord was revealing and i i said one of the most bold prayers i've ever prayed and i said god you reveal to me that i have a son in heaven what's his name i don't even want to name him like i want to know his name and so he led me into the into the story of samson and i immediately got on my phone and i was like what does samson mean like i think it means strength but it actually means sunshine and right there in the in the table on my living room where i was doing this study this is just part of my story i have to share i was doing this study and the lord revealed to me his name and revealed to me that samson means sunshine and i thought about sunflowers and i thought oh sunflowers i love sunflowers and so i thought i'll plant some sunflowers because it was all about giving your baby life because they are alive only the lord could take abortion what the enemy is doing with that nasty devil and he could give birth to it because those babies go to heaven and i've heard kevin talk about how many of them are there and so in the middle of my table was one single sunflower already there and i looked at it and i thought god like you put all these pieces together in my life i didn't even have to do a thing you were already writing a beautiful story of redemption for me even when you knew i was going to walk in and make that choice and so from then on i just started seeing sunflowers everywhere and you know all these beautiful things were happening but fast forward to kevin i was i started listening to kevin and i was led to warrior notes and i heard him talk about samson and how he was a deliverer and i was sitting in my car one day listening to you speak about that and you said that he was he was his life was to picket fight with the enemy and the lord spoke to me and he said only i could take your baby's books that you aborted and bring birth from abortion and he said you are going to walk out his books the both of you together through kevin you encouraged me so much with that because i thought he is a deliverer and he will with god take out the principality of abortion and the lord has called me thank you lord [Applause] thank you jesus thank you god thank you lord thank you jesus [Applause] thank you lord so i just want to speak to anyone here i know that statistically i can't be the only one that may have that in their past and if you do i just want to tell you that your baby's in heaven your baby boy or your baby girl has a name and he or she is with the lord and they are a mighty deliverer too and the lord may be calling you to stand beside me to stand with him to speak out about this because the church needs to be healed a lot of women and men even that aren't in the church that are not sitting in pews like i was bound by hell bound by the devil thinking if someone could just set me free i was sitting in a pew in a church and the church wouldn't stand up the church does not want to deal with this issue so it's going to take a remnant it's going to take women that are going to stand up and look at that principality of abortion in the face and say no you will live and not die says the lord and we will take back this country and this world and speak life we will i believe it and the lord wants to bring healing and freedom to your heart just like he did mine i never thought in a million years that i would be up here sharing and even uttering that word because before my freedom and before my healing if anyone even spoke the word abortion i would shudder i mean it's it's a terrible thing it's a terrible terrible thing to walk in one way and walk out of that abortion clinic a different person and you give legal rights to the enemy and so not only do these women and these men need freedom and healing but they need deliverance praise god they need to be loosed from the devils that they open the door to so i just wanted to share that yeah and i'll pray i'll pray for you god father in the name of jesus lord i just pray right now that you would set captives free god that you would loose chains especially chains of abortion if there's any woman or any man in this room or hearing my voice online god that have made that terrible terrible decision god please forgive them and set them free god show them that you sing songs of deliverance over them every day god and that you ha you are the redeemer you are the deliverer god and lord jesus i thank you that you died on the cross even for my sin of abortion that you died on the cross for every single thing that we were going to do god and that you rose from the grave thinking of us lord we give you all honor and praise and glory and lord i just pray god that you would touch hearts right now father that your father heart would impart into every single heart in this room that no matter where they've been no matter how dark of a deep place of a pit they've found themselves god you can reach down and touch them there is no darkness that your light can't reach and lord we give you praise that you're singing songs of deliverance over us right now father god thank you lord that you love us that you redeem our stories that you bring us beauty for ashes that you give us a crown of beauty from ashes lord and you truly rewrite our stories thank you for the books that have been written about every single person in this room and every single person watching online we say yes to our books lord we say yes to our books lord thank you lord for the beautiful books that you've written about us we praise you god for you are so magnificent you are the great i am you're the alpha and the omega the beginning and the end you are our almighty creator and we give you all the praise it's in jesus name i pray amen thank you wow you're doing so good okay wow praise god all right let's have um hillary come on up the lord had spoken to me that that all these women would be here and that they would speak and so hillary showed up here and um [Laughter] rachel you come on up too did you know you're preaching too okay all right these two are friends and so hillary um you're in phoenix with i met you through patricia king and rachel of course and i've been praying for you just like these ladies i've been praying for i just met jessica in in houston but i've been praying for her for a long time and kelsey too for over two years before i met her and i told the lord you got to bring kelsey so i can pray over her and the next service she was there but she was told to come to dalton you know the last the last time we had it last year and it's the same with hillary you know she shows up and so it's it's it's it's just time to launch these ladies it's time you know so go ahead hillary i i love you ten um ten minutes for both of you i'm gonna sit down thank you well i came to know kevin uh zadai because of uh patricia king and he she was having him as a guest on the show i think it was 2017 i believe and i was on the prayer team i was just gonna get to go and pray behind the scenes and i was like of course okay okay my friend franklin the intercessor for patricia's like do you want to come pray for kevin zadai and i was like i don't know who he is but yes i would love to and i did a little research and i was like a man that went to heaven and talked to jesus of course i'll be there but yeah i want to come in the midst of uh being up in maricopa arizona with patricia and learning from just an amazing woman of god i went up there saying yes to the lord because i was a teacher and a coach and i had a miracle happen to me where the lord found me in the midst of severe severe knee pain and i couldn't walk i was in a wheelchair i was on crutches i grew up as a lutheran i was i mean very lukewarm christian but i knew jesus and i talked to him and i knew he was real but i always knew that there was something more i always wanted to know if there was something more and in the midst of a basketball injury i had several injuries in my life and that's been really where god has used a lot of pain in my life i've had so many injuries so much so much and i'm not overplaying this so much suffering so much that i even wanted to go to heaven like six months ago i said lord just just take me out because i i can't no human body can possibly take this much so when i talk about this it's very fresh off the press even though i'm 41 years old this miracle happened to me when i was 29 but just like the woman at the at the well the samaritan woman just like any story in the bible where someone was touched by jesus profoundly i have to say thank you every day by sharing the gospel with any person that will listen to me if it's a dog it's a cat patricia told me if you don't have an audience and you preach to lily your dog and i have been preaching to her she's full of the word she's an evangelist she leads me to people but uh i was never looking for this i was never looking to be a full-time evangelist and and i'm proud to say that i'm an evangelist because i'm proud of jesus i love jesus with all of everything that i am and the people that came to pray for me one night when i was 29 had come this is so important that y'all get this because this is like so i'm so passionate about this i was drinking alcohol every night not because i was trying to party or get wasted but i was drinking alcohol because i could barely go to work as a teacher and a coach my passion is basketball i played basketball at baylor university uh that was my dream i wanted i wanted to be a professional basketball player i wanted if i didn't do that i wouldn't be a coach and i said you know lord you know i can't even work on this knee that is hurt that i had this injury on i can't even walk i can barely even get through an hour of my day with these little kids and and i taught high school all the way down to elementary so i absolutely adore children so i love the warrior kids that's awesome i love i love kids and so i was crying in my shower i was probably a little bit buzzed because i came home and i drank alcohol because i could barely i couldn't take any medicine because i've also had half my colon removed and i can't take hardly any medicine for the pain so i was just gutting it out and i said lord i need you to heal me whatever you want me to do i will do it here i'm a little lutheran girl i didn't know about the power of god i didn't know about tongues or dreams or prophecy prophesying i didn't know what that was i just knew that jesus was my savior that was it and i heard him say to me hillary you're more than an athlete and a coach i heard you and he's like thanks for getting real with me that's pretty i heard the holy spirit for the first time in my entire life i had never even received one prayer in my former church where someone would lay hands on me i didn't even know that you could do that i just thought people prayed at their house or oh i'll be praying for you i didn't know about any of that so a month later i'm drinking some alcohol and these people call me now they've been involved in every healing miracle of my entire body they just god uses this couple to minister to me the heart of jesus and they said hillary we're coming over it's 9 30 at night and i'm like drinking i'm like my house is a mess you know when you're depressed you don't clean and you know it's just it's just it's really hard and i didn't even want to drink i said lord i don't want to be drinking you know i'm a role model i'm a role model for these children i love you god but i just don't know how to cope so they came to pray for me and the scripture that i that i tell the maid at conroe that just got saved at the conroe conference with this scripture it's a scripture i use it starbucks it's the scripture i use if i speak to a bunch of people i don't care who it is it's hebrews chapter 13 8 and it says jesus christ is the same yesterday today and forever so paige and daniel said hillary either that's true or it's not either either the bible is true or it's not either that scripture's true or it's not and i'm a woman once you once i i i get a hold of something you better watch out devil because i'm gonna smash your face in with the truth of god so when i learned the truth of god that he's still a healer i didn't have this giant i have a giant faith for miracles and healing and winning souls i feel like every single person i talk to they're coming into the kingdom whether they like it or not they're coming in right just kidding just kidding the love of god will draw them in and my testimony helps too but they laid hands on me saying you don't have to have a lot of faith for this healing miracle to take place i said you know what i don't have hardly any and i just got done drinking a beer and i don't have any faith i don't even know why you're praying for me i didn't feel worthy they laid hands on me i'm pretty slender but this leg was about half the size of this leg i i couldn't really work out anymore i love the gym i love playing basketball i love all sports the next day i go to the gym this is pretty wild okay i'm up there i'm swimming i completely forget about the the prayer because i didn't really see a lot of the results like i was still in pain but paige said hillary jesus just healed you whether you believe it or not the devil is going to come and try to snatch that word right out of your heart just like kevin talks about all the time he's going to try to snatch it out right your heart has to be ready to receive the word so it can go in and reap the i don't even want 100 fold i want a thousand full for all the hell i've been through i don't know about you guys i've literally been overcoming pain for 41 years straight like it's it's crazy and i'm still overcoming a major deal in my life right now barely even got up here but i go to the lifetime fitness i'm going and swimming i go and do upper body weights i go and look i never wanted to go look at the basketball court because i was like the doctor told me i could i was never going to walk again and the lord said go and look go and look at your your your potential like i healed you and i'm like jesus is this real like are you trying to play a joke on me like i i still feel the pain he goes you need to go walk out your healing just like you tell your athletes go walk it out okay so i go down in the gym or you know the where they're playing basketball i want to be a mother i want to i want to raise warrior kids just like kevin talks about so i see this mom and her two twin boys she's she's like she's pretty good mom she's probably in her 40s and she has two twin uh boys and she's training i'm on basketball it's not the dad it's the mom so it's for me right and the boys go you want to play with us you want to play basketball and i'm like oh wow this is this is a lot of faith my knee is hurting bad i can barely walk i said well i'll play horse i can't really play you know like a full like game of basketball and uh they said well come on please please please just play with us i said the lord said play and now i'm like hearing the holy spirit like full on i'm like wow this is amazing i'm hearing god's voice so i played basketball for four hours the next day that day i played for four hours straight and um talk about the woman with the issue of blood i'm her times 41 years not 12 years so i can i can relate to every single one of you if you grew up in religion if you had to overcome alcohol i've overcome being uh you know sexually promiscuous i've had to overcome issues with my dad i've had to overcome losing every friend because i went into ministry full-time by faith i had to overcome so much and so i called paige the next day i said paige my knee is healed she goes i know you're healed i know i know i'm like no it's really healed i can like run and i can like move and uh she's like praise god i said well how come you ought to pray for my back because like this is feeling really good my back was hurting for 15 years and so the story of my back and i'll make it in a couple of sentences jesus performed a miracle on my knee i was like one of the lepers that came back and i've come back every day to thank god i tell that story i probably just told that story to like thousands of people as i witnessed to them one-on-one every day i say lord who can i share that story with i just shared it with another lady at the hotel she was like wow have you heard of that kevin guy he's in town it's like yeah i know kevin they had a lot of good things to say about you but the point of the story is is that my back was healed by a prophetic word they paige said you're going to be healed this coming year so i thought okay i'm going to be healed there's a healing service at church i started going to her charismatic church where they fall in the ground and they have holy laughter and it's totally crazy amazing so that prophetic word i had to have bulldog faith so if you're believing for a miracle today know that god i could come pray kevin could just pray he could be you could be healed in your seat by a miracle right now okay so put your hands up [Applause] by faith by faith so lord we just release the healing power of god right now we curse every pain every sickness in jesus name we just say today is a great day for a miracle god we say thank you that backs are getting healed knees are getting healed we say thank you lord for the gift of gratitude and thankfulness as they get healed they're going to share this testimony with boldness with fire god we say thank you lord for the power of testimony that we overcome by the by the word of god and the blood of the lamb god we say thank you god they don't have to have a 100 million faith they can have a mustard seed of faith god i impart the healing virtue the miracle anointing of jesus christ upon them right now be healed in jesus name be healed i just wanted to share one thing this is important the back my back got healed after 15 years of pain because i stood on a prophetic word i stood on a prophetic word and december 31st came around and that my my friend paige said it was going to be healed so december 31st i had like three hours left in that day my friend said go out to eat with us for new year's eve i said nope i'm gonna praise jesus in my house i got my flags out i started praising god we had a new year's celebration together i said lord i'm putting a demand on your word you said i'm gonna be healed your prophet said i was gonna be healed i'm gonna be healed tonight i will i went to bed that night after 15 years of pain i couldn't i mean it was excruciating i woke up with no pain after 15 years of pain so i just want to encourage you guys that whatever god has done for you you better be thankful because god is a good god and he led me to repentance and he led me to be fiery fiery and passionate for him because of what he's done for me so don't keep it a secret don't keep it a secret thank you kevin i love this girl she's amazing we have the same birthday too oh thank you so much what an honor and a blessing my name is rachel benton and i live in phoenix arizona and i'm one of the newest employees at full time at warrior notes thank you you know as soon as kevin did i didn't know i was going to be doing this so thank you jesus i started getting this is how holy spirit works i'm getting downloads of scriptures he's he's basically giving me a download what to share because my testimony is lengthy as all of ours are and as i was sitting there i was remembering when i used to i went to south africa seven years ago with the pastor and i remember sitting in the front row of this church and i looked up at this ginormous church and the scripture was not by our might not by our power but by his spirit i was pinned to the chair that scripture has been revealing itself to me in the most powerful ways in the most painful manner as well because unfortunately growth comes but sometimes it can be painful and i it leads me to share what it means for me personally what it means to die to self so it's been so much of that is not me living in my emotions because sometimes a lot of the times if you're living in your emotions the enemy can then have access to you so let's say you get offended or hurt or you take things personally or anything in the negative column you want to step away from that look at that and say hey is that in alignment with the word of god or is that the enemy trying to get me to go around that mountain which are where is she she was shared that earlier forgive me i don't know where you there you are hi yay thank you and it's it's powerful because what that does is that enables you to hear from the holy spirit then you can operate in what you're called to do and live the book that you was written about you before you came to earth he also wants me to share with you a little bit about what it meant when i actually received christ i was born and raised in new york and i'm jewish i know that's a rare thing a new york jew anyway if you're from if you're from the east you get that it's um i was i was actually raised in a home where jesus was not talked about in any regard and so when i moved out west before i moved out west i had a dream of two rachels and one rachel i had long hair and i was in my 30s i i this is over 25 years ago guys this dream but in the dream i was in my 30s i had hair down in my back it used to be really long and i was in this like white flowing dress and if you knew me back in new york i would never wear anything white and flowing and so i in the other rachel i had on a couture suit if you know what that means it's a very expensive business suit and i was probably anorexic thin and i looked in the mirror and my eyes were black the other rachel i wanted to be the other one i wanted to run away from this at this time in my life i was doing drugs and all kinds of witchcraft and all this other stuff and i had no idea all of hell had come into my life i was wanted to kill myself because of all the demonic nightmares since i was five years old so i came out to arizona and i dreamt of this man i didn't know i had prophetic dreams back then he's the one that actually told me what would happen to me if i had killed myself he showed me a scar that went from his wrist up to his clavicle the night he tried to kill himself he said if you killed yourself tonight you most likely would have ended up in hell and you know you know when someone's speaking the truth to you you know it in your spirit even if you don't know him yet and i went to sleep that night because i guess he stayed i was he was on suicide watch i know that now and i went into the nightmares that i had ever since i was a little girl and i did something i never did before i cried out jesus help he showed up in my dream he took them away and he showed me what they really look like guys look the enemy only gets the power we give him and it's like this little not my not even like tiny little speck of black dust okay and now i'm not going to even remotely go there because that's like another 25 years we don't have time for that but the reality was that began the journey with for me now people say were you saved that night i don't know honestly that wasn't the night i confessed that jesus was lord and i received him but that was the night i met jesus and you know you know when you're in the presence of the son of god you know you know who he is and it's unreal he's alive he's in all of us and we are an army we are women and men and we are the army of god so we are so i thank you lord for everything that we've walked through because everything that enemy means for harm you use for your good and for your glory we all have a story every one of us could be up here talking and sharing and i could like go on and on and on but the reality is now everything i've been through and i see someone i can see things that maybe they're going through that i went through and i can go up to them and i'll have a heart of compassion not judgment not harm and i can step out of my flesh and not live in my head or my emotions no i'm not saying emotions are bad guys that's not what i'm saying i'm saying listening to thoughts that are not of god and complying with that and coming into agreement with it that's what i'm saying and that's part of dying to the flesh and listening to the word and walk the word um the lord healed me from multiple sclerosis but that's another story so it's a long story you know it's like i said the enemy he tried he tried he tried but he failed he failed he failed because he fails every time thank you jesus father we thank you right now lord we pray right now jesus that everybody here lord that they come to everyone that came here lord receive everything that you want them to have thank you jesus they will receive their package in the mighty name of jesus i know my father got to come against that spirit that's telling anyone here that they for they've been forgotten in jesus name you are not forgotten we he sees you in jesus name i love you lord we thank you because as christians lord we go after the one the one that people don't see and we thank you lord that you have risen up this army we thank you jesus as we go out and go forth lord that you use us and continue to use us mightily in the workplace and in the marketplace we claim salvation everywhere we go healing and deliverance in jesus name and we thank you lord for activating everybody here in the name of [Applause] jesus [Music] okay just getting started here open mic night all right all right you two come here i haven't met these ladies yet but i've been i got a story about charlene so pleased to meet you i finally get to meet you and stormy bless you i've been praying for charlene since 2017 and i've never met her till now i've um stormy was a year later i believe and i've been praying for her she i remember she was in a lot of pain with something going on in her body and i can't remember exactly what was going on but i would pray for her all the time and i get to meet them both now they're both here and the lord said have them come up so i don't know them except in the spirit but i know that just like i've everyone that's come up here that i've called up here i have prayed for them for a long time i mean a long time i mean hours a day sometimes and so i know they have something to say so i'm just going to give them 10 minutes each and then after these two i think i'm just going to speak a little bit and then i've got pastor lisa um right here that that she's her and her husband are actually the ones that that the the lord had call me and have me speak they were youth pastors they convinced their pastor uh to have me he was afraid he wasn't sure you know but they they convinced him to have me they were the first so pastor lisa will finish it out but anyway charlene go ahead and share for whatever you want and i'm so thankful to meet you all my name is charlene this is my sister stormy and before we get started i feel like the lord wants me to tell you guys get ready it's time to celebrate it's time to celebrate and it's time to celebrate because many of you came here seeking and looking as we all have right but many of you are getting and we'll get before you leave you're going to get it not it's in your head you're going to get it in your spirit the authority that you have you're not leaving here the same the enemy you drew a line the enemy stepped over and you said too far that's it it's over and you've got it and you're not going to leave here the same way that you came so i just had to get that out um i didn't know i was going to be speaking of course and i'm more of a writer than i am a speaker but of course the lord always pushes us into other areas right so i just i feel like the lord wants me to speak on some restoration tonight as women you know the enemy likes to use our emotions again against us we were made that way he made us we are fearfully and wonderfully made but the enemy can take our emotions and he can fling us around and he can use that and it can destroy us but that's why we're going to take that authority right we're going to take that authority back but i lived in my emotions for a long time and so this was something you know that i've actually walked out but i feel like the restoration is the part of it that i want to talk about especially with i know because of my sister and that he's been praying for for both of us for many many years my sister and i actually didn't even speak we were estranged from each other and i can't even really tell you why to be quite honest with you we we grew up in a household that was i it was my stepdad and her her father and my stepdad raised us and it was a very um verbally abusive physically abusive it was a very chaotic upbringing where there's six years in between us so it doesn't seem like a lot but when you're younger that's a lot of it it's a lot of difference so we both have different perspectives on on the way things happened and where we were in our maturity when everything was going on but it caused issues the enemy came in used emotions and for years even though we would try he would still get in there so for years and years and years i knew that i knew that i knew that her and i were supposed to do something for the lord i didn't know what it was but i knew we were supposed to do something and it was several years ago i had i was involved with the ministry we were over in colombia her and i weren't speaking at this time and i was at a conference in in columbia um south america and the lord gave me this of course i'm the only blond-headed chick in the whole place i stood out like you know but i loved it i enjoyed it so much but the lord spoke a word to me and he spoke the word with the word aruca i had no idea what that meant no idea i just thought maybe it was spanish for something well it's not spanish it's actually hebrew and it means god's restoration and you know that when god restores something he didn't just you know fix it up and put band-aids on it right he restores it well that was three years it was about two years later i can't even tell you how it happened i don't i don't have time to get into all of it but the lord started bringing her and i back together and he started restoring and he started healing some things and i and i had even got to the point where i told the lord even if it's not till we get to the other side i want her to know i love her i will i don't have any i'm not gonna let the enemy use my emotions to do what he wanted to do i said i love her i prayed for her and i just released it to him and i said i just want truth revealed even if it's not till we get to the other side it's okay i'm gonna love her to the end and the lord immediately started some restoration in that so um long story short because i don't want to stay i'm i'm speaking to somebody i think i think the lord's going to do some restoring some eruka in here but the lord started restoring and he put us back together and he actually in 2020 when everything was kind of falling apart he actually put some things together and he put us in a business together and um yeah in our business are and it's an online business but it's something that he did and he's he's going to have to finish it he started he's going to finish it and he's going to have to because he completely took every possibility of her and i on our own ability to do it away financially physically jealous you know everything he removed it because he wants to get the glory and what he's going to do so he started doing that restoration the yaruka healing and restoration and now our business is actually to restore child sex traffic victims that's our heart so i just feel like um for those of you here who came here to get something you're you're leaving with it like she said the package you're leaving with the package and i feel for a lot of you it's going to be restoration and definitely healing emotionally and those kind of things so i just want to that's what i want to share and i just want to pray for everybody right now father god i just lift every other soul every person in here every soul in here father god i just thank you for them i thank you that you put him there right here in this place for such a time as this it is not a mistake that they're here in this time and in this place father and i thank you father that you are restoring things in a rooka father god i think you're going to restore things back to better than it was father god the things that the enemy took that he tried to take out he tried to do to change he tried your story just like the ladies story with the abortion and he's going to take that and he's going to move it forward and he's going to restore things the only the way that you can only the way that you can father so i just i just release that restoration over this place father god and i thank you for what you're going to do in this place i thank you that they're going to turn around and they're going to go and they're going to touch and they're going to restore other lives and it's going to spread all over the nations father god from the fire that you have put in them right here and right now in jesus name amen the fact that i have a microphone in my hand is the truth that god has a sense of humor because this is not me i i hide in the in the back in the corner but um i feel like god wants me to talk about the journey here sorry our trip here was quite interesting we drove from she lives in texas and i'm in oklahoma and we had truckers trying to run us off the road we had i mean it was just the most bizarre trip here and we were like something big is happening when we get there we knew and um we get to our hotel and we had we were i was so tired and i've been working a lot and um we got relaxed and i was like we were in a really nice hotel in brentwood tennessee and we were like we're gonna get some sleep and we both were like nestled in and my phone rings and it's my oldest daughter who's 19. my girls are home alone i'm a single mom and i have a 19 year old a 14 year old and um she said mom i had to call 911. she said i heard something at my window she said i go and i met with the man's face and i'm 10 hours away from home i have nobody in this town that i can go you know have her go to the house long story short i slept none and i knew then that the enemy the enemy is always after my kids he's been after my kids for a long time now and um i get here and there's we're with i'm not sure where we're sitting but we're with um with a couple of two amazing young girls that are living their life for christ they're gonna have amazing ministries and i'm talking to them and the lord kept telling me like to sow into their future ministries so i'm like okay i'm gonna do that i'm gonna do that and i put it off until today and i go over and i sit down in front of him and he kept telling me telling me go you know you know you need to do that and so i sat down for him told him what i was going to do that i was going to sew into their future ministries and i go and i sit back down in my seat and my phone rings it's my daughter again and she informs me that one of my friends daughters which is her age had just passed away it was just earlier and i said nope i'm done so i so double what i was going to sew because i am sick of it i am so i am tired of watching the enemy go after our kids especially our teens my girls gave their life to christ at a young age and they've turned they've turned away the enemy has you know pulled and i'm fighting like heaven to get him back and the enemy went too far today he went too far i was like nope i'm done and i don't know about the rest of you guys but when i get to i'm pushed too far i'm done like i'm done and i'm mad yeah i i am done and so i i'm coming i'm coming after every teenager on the planet yes yes we're getting our kids back they're coming to the kingdom and they're going to serve god the move of god that's coming from these teenage girls yes yes that are coming from these kids the prophetic movement that's coming you better get ready because you ain't seen nothing yet the fire of god the fire of god is coming from these kids it's going to rain down on you and you guys are going to be blown away it's not going to look like anything you've ever seen before in your life it may have tattoos and earrings and crazy colored hair but it's going to be god yes yes thank you lord thank you jesus thank you lord yes yes [Music] [Applause] i didn't know they were related i was playing for them separately that's hilarious thank you oh my god isn't this a blessing amen okay hallelujah all right get ready pastor lisa okay here we go i'm gonna skip you're really surprised at that i'm sure let's see i'm not saying anything about what just happened for the last couple hours because i don't have any words i just obeyed god and we would have been blessed we have been blessed praise god all right turn to chapter five in your study guide and let's pretend like we have a class here just to say we did and amen amen i want to talk to you about the faith of mary the mother of jesus and it's something he probably didn't notice so i'm going to bring it forth in this service and then then we're going to we're going to um have a shift and a change there's miracles in this room right now i mean there are little miracles in this room but i want to show you something that you might not have picked up and what what um you might have picked up if you're keen to it is when these ladies spoke they have a little bit of an edge about them because they've been cornered and the only thing left in your corner is to come out fighting because you know it's it's over in the it's over in the physical so now you just got to come out and hope that you're scarier looking than the enemy is and that they back off because you know the enemy the enemy he understands humanity because he's he studies and watches us but the one thing that usurps his ability to to be against us and succeed against us is the very fact that we have learned how to be restored back to who we were before we fell and that happens in your spirit and if you listen to the edge about these ladies what it is is they have developed themselves spiritually and a lot of these ladies i don't i i've prayed for them for years i prayed for my wife every day before i met her i prayed for her since i was 19 i didn't meet her until i was 31. but i went out under the stars at night and i said lord my wife is on the earth under these stars somewhere and i would pray for her by faith and god brought us together but just like everyone else we have a story and a journey of the war that goes on so i what i want to develop in you and what you might have seen in these ladies it's really in all of us no men you don't have the feminine in there but i'm not talking about that so don't get confused here we're not confused what i'm saying is is that in heaven we are spirit beings who live in a body and we have a soul so inside of you and i i i know i'm gonna offend people but when i was in heaven there is neither male nor female we are all spirits of righteous men made perfect on mount zion there's a reason why it's referred to the sons of god if there is a reason for that that has to do with the way that god started everything it does not have to do with what you think because if you base it on down here then you have male and female their image of god and you're given in marriage it's not adam and steve it's adam and eve okay so now we got that straight it's it's to have babies and the babies are supposed to be born and grow up and be congressmen and congress congress women okay but when we in our spirit there's no difference your earth suit is your body that's who you are down here but eternally you're much more so you can see that there if you develop yourself spiritually you're gonna have an edge about you it's gonna be from the other realm and it doesn't matter you know it doesn't matter where you're male or female down here it's do you do what god has told you to do what you're assigned to do the gifts inside of you i didn't look at people up there as being female or male we were we were we looked like the image of god we did not look like what we look like down here the only way that i can tell now listen to me if i offend you i'm sorry but the only way that i could tell if someone was someone i knew on the earth was when i looked into their eyes nothing to read my lips nothing else gave me indication of who they were because they all looked like god we all looked like god now there was different characteristics but it was really hard to tell unless you looked into people's eyes to know who they were that was my experience so i don't down here i don't look at you as male or female i look at you as a son of the living god a child that is down here ruling and reigning to bring back jesus to bring in the harvest now if it takes a you know i just don't care to tell you the truth whether my pastor is a woman what she is or a man i just don't want a donkey to have to speak for god you know because when it gets to the place where no one shows up and a donkey has to say yo dude there's an angel with a drawn sword and i'm not going to be a part of this mess that's when ignorance has gone to seed and it's about to produce a crop so does it my bottom line is is don't let the rocks cry out don't let the the animals have to talk you know let's just let's just resolve this that the image of god is male and female on the earth but eve was in adam from the beginning she just needed let out she was there in adam but it wasn't good that man be alone so he brought her out so that she can look face to face at him do you get it it's the same with god god took us out of him and put us in front so we could have face to face with him do you get it okay so we got that over with okay all right so mary mary had to do a switch because she was she wasn't god doesn't have a mother so she's not the mother of god she's the mother of jesus okay because she helped give jesus his earth suit but he was preexisted and trust me his body that he had but see now he has a human body that has no blood in it he has a body like us it doesn't say he left his body here last time i checked he took it with him he eat a meal and walk through a wall figure that one out okay all right so mary mary had to do a switch she had to do a shift in her mind because her role was to bring him up but you have to remember she remembers the angel she remembers everything that happened with john the baptist in elizabeth and how those babies jumped at six months they were communicating they were texting each other they were ready they were ready to come forth but they were in the womb okay so mary remembers all these things now now jesus she's she's pondering these things as he grows up and so you can't figure out like how jesus was talking to the scribes the pharisees at a very young age i believe it's 11 in the bible i'm not sure but mary loses him for three days and like jesse says you know mary lost god for three days i mean that's not something you want to brag about but you know i guarantee any any mother in here is going to notice their babies gone you know but anyway jesus was probably prone to be talking business with people you know i don't understand how he was growing up but there came that shift when he said i had to be about my father's business okay the kid isn't even you know he's probably just barely riding a bicycle you know if they had one back then he's not he's just transferring from tricycle to bicycle you know i don't know 11 maybe not you know i don't remember i have the scars to prove when i did get my bike and i took the training wheels off but i can't remember what age it was but i have scars that i remind me that i took my training wheels off and thought i could do it but anyway mary had to do some shift shifting in her head but this is what happened to her in chapter 2 of john i want i want you to look at this because most people i've never heard a message taught on this and the lord showed this to me a couple weeks before i i did this this this manual which has only been a couple months if that mary went to a wedding and they they last a week so can you imagine having to have a wedding that lasts a week you know it costs so much just to have it a day but mary included him in on an issue a logistical thing as you know about the wine now it says that he was there with his disciples so he had actually chosen his disciples already but his ministry was not launched officially you know he hadn't gotten the okay from the government yet you know but he hadn't he had launched it yet but he was there and she asked she brought this problem to him and this is what he said he said dear woman not dear mom dear woman that's not our problem this is in uh john 2 verses 4 through 5 in the new living translation time has not yet come okay now does jesus lie okay so he said his time was not yet so it wasn't yet do you get that okay but his mother told the servants do whatever he tells you and walks off thanks a lot i want to show you mary's faith she understood authority she actually had made the shift to discern him as the messiah the word there is whatever he commands you to do do it well what that did was that pushed jesus's button of faith pushed the button it was faith she was discerning him not as a son but as messiah and when that happened all of a sudden it is his time do you get it because jesus wouldn't have lied it wasn't his time yet he didn't want to be involved with this he's he said this is not our problem don't involve me in this but her faith involved him it triggered something in him and that's what i wanted to share with you about in this short time that we have before we will we'll give it to pastor lisa and then we'll we'll come back tonight um there are times where we have to discern what god is doing and i have noticed i i mean i since i came back it's like i froze at 16 years old inside i feel like i'm 16 and i'm always like this when i talk about jesus it's like i just got saved when i talk about him it's as though he just appeared to me but it's been such a long time now 28 years i don't i when when people call me a father or papa or you know this or that i'm thinking i'm not old enough i'm not old enough to be your papa yeah because i i just started driving you know no i'm serious and i don't think that way i initially don't i don't think like stop calling me that but it it it's the environment it's the environment of what god has shifted me into that causes everything to be new every day so i'm being renewed every day and it's affecting my body affects everything about me i don't think about the fact that cert like like jesse duplantis he said how are you doing what you're doing he said because he's going to celebrate his 40 50 year of ministry he said you're at my 33 year mark and you did it in three years where he was at 33 years he said all his buddies he said he said to me he said in 40 years of ministry six of my buddies have not had one thing that you've had happen in one year you've had six that they've not had one of them in in all their years but see i don't think that way because i don't have i don't create reference points where i can sit i don't count my fighting men it's a sin it's a sin to consider where you're at and lose sight on where you're going because you're going to miss a lot i'm competing with paul to pray in tongues more than him because i got at least a 10-year head start on him because he didn't get saved until a certain age and i was already saved and prayed in tongues for at least probably 10 years okay i want to exceed moses and i already have and so have you because jesus said there has never been anything anyone greater than than john the baptist everyone that's come before him no one greater than john but he said from now on the least in the kingdom is greater than john so we've all exceeded moses however isn't it interesting that god had to tell moses to die because he wouldn't die he did he had to calm up there was nothing wrong with him but it was 120 and he said you're not going in so die he fell dead before him he's he told he told he told man in genesis chapter six i'm done with you all i'm going to destroy the earth he grieved that he had made man he said their years should be 120 because i'm not going to strive with them anymore it was like at the tower of babel they they were so bent on evil that all their thoughts were evil that's what it says all their thoughts all their the thoughts their heart was bent on evil it grieved god because in their as a man's spirit a woman's spirit he has he has contact with that and he can feel that so he comes down occasionally to see if what is coming up before him is as bad as it's come up so he would do that with sodom and gomorrah he came down he goes we want to see if what has come up before us is as bad as as as the male head the male has indicated so he said 120 is it that was because man was bent on evil in in babel they were in agreement and in unity but they were on the wrong page with god they were against him so everything was evil they were reverse engineering and tracking the stars and there were there was a gate access to the heavenly realm the wrong way not through the proper door that's why you cannot consult with mediums and familiar spirits that's why a lot of what's going on today even in ministry is familiar spirits and they get in and it's really hard to tell to someone who has had this happen but once you have it happen then you can help others however god in this day with us walking with god who told you you have to live to be a certain amount because i have seen no this is not hearsay i have recovered and i don't know that i have them on file right now but i went and did some research and to find the oldest living people and it brought up a lot of people in iran that were muslim that were living to be 147 one person was 175 and it just went on and on and on and it's just like everything else it's just like there are no giants but yet i have these photos of these farmers with 15 footers on their farm that they found and the smithsonian doesn't know what happened to them well it's the same way with this it's like well then wait a minute so i'm thinking like well what if i'm supposed to boost my immune system and then i don't need a vaccine was just thinking okay so [Applause] something happened with mary where she discerned i mean she those 12 are there what's jesus doing it must be gonna it's coming down it's gonna happen the evangelistic jesus evangelistic association is gonna launch you know so this is the thing whatever he says do it you get it no i've never heard a sermon on this and when i was shown this i put it in this study guide because this was a mother who just who made the switch to messiah she made the switch and now jesus is her lord and her god you get it she made the switch and and even though there were times where you could see where jesus was later on he was like you know what woman these are my mother and my brothers there were times where he had to tell her to back off but mary in her heart knew how to tap in to jesus as the son of god and i think that we should learn something from that about our emotions and about our attachments that at any one point we can receive from the lord it might be that we just don't discern we haven't made this the switch the shift and so i want to leave with you with this because what's happening now is you're thinking that certain things are your source and then when that starts to change and and you have to start to rethink and reconsider if you don't make this shift you're going to miss you're going to miss the fact that you're supposed to go to the brook of zarephath that that's where your meal is coming you have to go to the place of your provision but god designates that so kathy and i worked really hard to pay off all our bills and we did and then we had our house and you know that someone paid our house off but see we were working really hard and it seemed very hard and uphill to do that to overcome and yet when the lord revealed to us the pathway in which that would happen was that we were to give and not focus on taking extra money all the time and putting it towards something and just thinking that someday it would get paid off eventually that is like the system of calculation and counting your fighting men like david sinned against god it said that satan provoked david it's the first mention of satan if you look because i i do i do this kind of thing you know the the devil went undercover the serpent went undercover and there's not a mention i i i'm concerned i like these kind of things i want to know it's like i go through like where was the devil well he pops up with david but if you notice there's very few mentions mentioning of evil spirits and the devil and i wanted to know where he popped his ugly head up first and what was going on and and it it if you check it out because i wanted to know when the evil spirits started to show up now that doesn't mean that they weren't there it just means that there wasn't anybody hot enough to stir them up so that they would manifest but when david took out goliath man he hit the hornet's nest right okay so then you start to see evil spirits coming and manifesting and then when jesus came you know they already were negotiating with him as he's getting out of the boat you know haven't even let them disembark yet and that they're they're the the people are down there with those demons in them meeting him to to begin to negotiate we know who you are don't are you going to torment us before our time are you going to send us out of the area they're already negotiating they know they're going so they don't even ask for that but they said just don't send us out of the area because they've developed their matrix there they don't want that disturbed they don't like to be taken out because they fight each other so if you if it's hilarious if you take one and you put them in another territory they beat the living daylights out of the thing they don't get along i'm serious so that's why it's good for for for you all to come from other areas and then meet to come from another area and meet in a certain location and then it messes up everything in the spirit do you get it okay you bring your angels with you and that just really you know can you just imagine the news in the spirit indulge in dalton's spirit spirit news right now and the devil's announcing that we might lose dalton you know we might lose it if they keep doing this so you see upset okay but these kind of things really do happen because you can do it like right now i could take you i could take you in a jet take you an hour away and during the flight when i feel it happen and we're out of the bounds of that that territorial spirit i will i will announce it you'll feel something happen all of a sudden nothing's bothering you anymore and there'll be peace it's not because there's good air on the airplane but then when you land if you stay in the spirit you can do a lot of damage before they get you where they start to hook you there they work on your soul to get in but if you stay in the spirit then it's like a drive-by they don't know what happened okay so you got to discern when a shift comes and see mary discerned that and she used faith discerning who jesus was so in any situation in your life as long as jesus is in command and he gives a command if you can get him to say something about your situation and what i do is i say what is in the bible that pertains to my situation and i keep saying as i like right now like like i woke up and swear i said lord you know i know you're going to move and i know you're going to heal people today and i thank you for it i don't ask them i know their demons gonna leave people i know that people are not never going back to the way they were before they came here i know that lord i thank you for it and i i said lord i said i want people to to when they get to heaven we're going to watch their film of what happened after dalton see that's my faith for all of you okay so i tell the lord whatever you say or whatever whatever he agrees to do we're going to do it but i help him i give them some ideas from the word i say you know you know because it says it says come let us reason together it says command ye me that goes over well but it does say that doesn't it where is that honey bunny thank you that was mr strong's concordance thank you isaiah 45 11. all i can tell you is you might not be there yet 50 percent may be there but i'm telling you what there's a lot of things that you feel that are limitations to you but when you get to heaven you're going to find out that they were put there not by god the lord will show you that he never said that to you he never limited you that way you you received information and you took it and you made it truth but it was not it was a fact but it was not truth see the facts change science is constantly finding out they were wrong but they have to change the data i want you to realize that you don't have to wait to get to heaven to find out what god was saying to you and what the truth is about your situation so one of the ways that you can start is you take the seven things that god hates that are listed in the bible and you begin to hate them too and you realize that maybe the reason why you don't have what you're believing for is because god has made a decision that is beyond your understanding about it you know when i was 19 i got saved i started praying for my wife but i wasn't praying for her to be perfect i was praying that i would be a good husband nobody heard that i'm not down here to change people i'm not down here to heal people deliver people that's not my job jesus does that jesus changes people jesus heals people he delivers people he's he he changes people's lives what we are to do is inform we are to to announce reconciliation with god that's what paul said in second corinthians chapter five he said you announce that you have been reconciled to god that your sins are forgiven you've been it's been taken care of and it says it it says you're to compel people to come in you announce the news you must be born again you talk about the goodness of god and it leads people to repentance according to i believe romans chapter 2 or close to it i don't tell people about hell i've not been there i don't plan on going there no hell is a real place and most people go there most people do you it would blow you away however the goodness of god leads us to repentance that's what paul said but i'm not going to change my message and just mention god but not jesus i'm not going to refrain from using the word blood because that's offensive but if you look i'm telling you the truth i've already done this study on it and i've watched i watch every word that people say i watch every word and it's amazing how you can get 60 000 people in your church if you don't mention the blood or jesus but you just say god god loves you well yeah god loves hitler do you get it you see the gospel is the power of god paul said it's not enticing words of man's wisdom but it's power and demonstration of the holy spirit that's what paul said in first corinthians chapter two so i have the gospel is offensive paul said it so i'm not trying to not be offensive because i'd have to change the vocabulary of the gospel in order to not be offensive the cross that's where the power is see we think it's the resurrection but jesus told me he said everybody wants resurrection power but nobody wants to die so he said you concentrate on death to self picking up your cross denying yourself that your life is not your own anymore it's like it's it's like talking about the tithe the tithe was never yours it never will be yours it was the lord's from the beginning it's a test and they'll sit and argue about it and there the bottom line is it's a blank page between the old and the new testament that they're arguing over but i have not seen anything in the new testament that says if you will do this i will rebuke the devourer for your sake there will not be enough storehouses to hold what i'll pour out from you for on you it's the only place in the bible where it says test me it's the only place in the bible i found i asked a scholar too i asked somebody and they said no you know i thought you were wrong of course everybody thinks i'm wrong at first but you know they looked it up and i was right there's no place where god says test me but he said you test me in this and see if i will not i will not pour out so much on you and one of the most contested issues it's not an issue okay think about this it's the same with tongues why is it such a contested issue because it's effective the spirit comes in in our weakness when we don't know how to pray and lifts us up supernaturally and super intercedes for us on behalf of god's will what better deal could you have than that to pray perfect prayers what better deal than have god rebuke the devourer for your sake okay but you're going to sit and argue about these things okay this is the shift that has to happen we have to respond to god in faith and say just give the command and it will be done mary did that and started jesus ministry early the centurion got what he asked for and he wasn't even a jew the samaritan woman half breed got what she wanted because she said i'll just eat the crumbs you don't have to give me the meal jesus just throw something on the floor and my daughter will be delivered okay what you'll find out is that we were right at the door and everyone here in this room right now knows it in the spirit we're at right at the door and the decisions have to be made individually but it's we have each other and isn't it a miracle isn't it a miracle how this all started here even here but this is we have a story for every city i was in natchez mississippi one of the first churches i went to the pritchards were seated halfway back in that congregation i didn't know who they were but the lord said you give them this word and it's this word and i said lord i don't want to be wrong i don't know them they might it was very specific word you know you can't you can't wash it over so i said can i give it tomorrow morning so he said okay so the next morning they're there i had him stand up i gave him the word and a year later when i came here didn't know it but i had answered the invitation of those two and everything that i he goes well you like your prophecy i go what i had prophesied that building that we started in this city in i said what they said let me tell you what happened i didn't know that i'd ever see them again now i look we had 1500 people sign up for this they said we'll have 55 people when they invited me you know over three years ago so what is it inside of you that if you made the shift and said lord just give the command and it'll be done because it's already in you and we're right at the door right now i just feel like everything counts from now on what time is it oh okay i got 15 minutes get ready lisa okay i have been told i have been told if you wouldn't have prayed i wouldn't have come i have been told that by angels if you hadn't done that this wouldn't have happened do you know how many times i've heard that supernatural beings that wanted to do god's will but i needed to start something there had to be it it's a heart thing it's not an it's not passing the buckets it's a heart thing it's saying that i'm not waiting till tomorrow i'm not waiting for the next time it's right now now is the day of salvation enter in to the promise while it's still today enter in don't be like those who fell in the desert through their unbelief and disobedience and did not enter into the promises i'm quoting hebrews it's in the new testament so there's no controversy with that little blank page in the middle of your bible you know malachi is a good book god said you know what you've robbed me and you've also your words have been stout against me and they're like well okay when have our words been styled against you and this is what god said he said you have been heard saying it doesn't pay to serve god so if you read from verse 16 the whole way to i believe 25 or whatever it is there the group of people us that sat around and spoke well of the lord it says a book of remembrance was written about them that they had done that that day and the lord says i'm going to remember them on the day they're going to be jewels in my crown just because we spoke well of the lord now listen i just want to tell you there's certain things i'm not going to do but i just want to tell you this it is god's will for me to take 800 people to israel next year okay but i want to tell you something israel is saying you're going to have to take the vaccine if they if they if they if they say that and do that i'm not taking you i'll tell you why because decisions are made and not everything is known and i'm not going to be responsible now i'm not saying anything about it i'm just telling you if my passport has to have that on it then i will stay in the united states and i will i will if i have to get my own jet and fly around i'll do it if they do something about that then i'll walk [Applause] now the reason i'm saying that is because there are certain times where i've been told that the lord wanted to do things but he didn't have his way and i have to i have to step back it happened it happened in january with tampa there was a red alert for for every major city the highest level of alert and i thought i'm not going to have people traveling i could just go by car and have have guards but what about all the people that gotta travel you see so in your spirit you've got to discern what god is saying in any situation i i'm asking you to pray about everything you do i'm not going to do something that the lord is telling me not to do and i'm not going to make a decision for you that you should make yourself because you should know what the lord's saying enough said enough said okay the reason i'm telling you all this is because in your spirit god is not destroying your dreams he's given you dreams in your spirit is a womb that births those dreams births the word of god it's the absolute truth but you will have to fight for that to come into this realm and you're gonna have to fight to keep it and this has been the way it has been so if a nation will not do what's right then a remnant within the nation will do you get it that's what i'm trying to tell you so i have made decisions based on the remnant the sheep to minister to sheep not to goats to minister to wheat not tares to minister to the five wise virgins which means everything is pretty much cut in half but they are the fighting men and women it's down to 300 of gideon's army but see i had to make the shift in my spirit i was believing for the whole i want to say this so bad but i i have done so well over four years i've never been dinged once never been kicked off never worn nothing but i'm not taking a tour group to israel if it forces me to make a decision for you that's really not my decision to make it forces me to do something that's against because because i don't have the wisdom and the knowledge to know what's really going on there all i know is is um i'll say this in code so you get it i don't ask the guy that works on my computer to give me a stab in the arm get it i don't work with electricity or plumbing because they can kill you i just leave the electricity and the plumbing to someone else i'll pay them i'm telling you i was at work and the pilot asked me what'd you do on your days off and i showed them my hands and they were cut and he goes what is that i got laid tau because have you ever done that before i go no he was well how'd it turn out yeah it did good it was good it was beautiful my wife likes it and everything but it took a week he goes how much do you make an hour i said 64 an hour he said so how much you make on a three-day trip i said i get it he says next time pay somebody else to do it and come to work and serve cokes and sprites i go oh my god the guy's not even saved and he has more wisdom did you get what i just said he said you could have bought you could have tiled your whole house and your neighbors with the money you received from doing your job and not getting cut but no you had to do it yourself just like tim the tool man the benford 5000 you know all right so the spirit of the lord at times will speak loudly and clearly through the word of god there are other times where it seems to good to you and the holy spirit and you go forward with it but there are times like mary where she discerned that i can tap in to his deity she didn't discern him as jesus the the the son of joseph and mary she discerned him as the son of god and she tapped in by faith which overrode what jesus had said do you get it okay once again i keep bringing you to this are you ready to tap in now okay so you know that somebody that works on computers cannot make decisions that a doctor should okay so you don't have your computer guy you know when you show up at your doctor's office you don't expect your computer guy when people would show up and say i'm flying the plane today as you know i'm standing there greeting them they go uh step aside i'm gonna be flying today i go well i'm getting off then right because that person's not qualified to do that but see jesus is qualified to make decisions but sometimes you have to push his button by faith and i know this to be the fact i'm just i'm still up here because i don't feel like i have communicated the power of this there is nothing impossible if you'll believe okay this overrides everything instead of thinking about failing thinking about what it's going to be like to receive what you're believing for can you can you feel that okay right now popcorn did you smell it did it have butter on it isn't that powerful see see how powerful that is oh the glory of god's here raise your hands can you receive by faith right now can you receive your healing the lord says i want to revive those visions and dreams i want to ignite that fire i want to take you back to your first love i want to take you back to the simplicity of the gospel i want to take you back when it was just you and me says the lord and you would believe anything i told you oh really really really you should be dead right now you should be dead right yeah you said three months right they said three months three months and that was a year ago jesus touched me february 3rd february 3rd 10 30 p.m i never gave up on him he used to be in all my meetings then i found out he was his wife carrie here said i really never even officially yeah but i haven't really even officially met you all i mean i've seen you before but but i wouldn't let go but i wasn't like emotionally attached to this but she she refused to to lose him and so i said well i'll side with that so i did over facebook i mean i really i don't remember have we have we even really met officially met but i i pray for them all the time and i stood with lost it yeah okay that's fine tell me the truth anything else you want no no but i'm looking at this man all of a sudden i realize he should they gave up on him but but she didn't and he didn't and i didn't but i get to meet them now but i've seen them before okay so faith is the substance of things hopeful the evidence of things not seen yes i am the proof that faith is the substance of things hoped for and i'm the evidence of things that weren't seen at that time and are now amen amen appreciate you guys i'm telling you you see what social media has done i have attached myself to people in my spirit and i get to meet them here in the flesh but no one who has 1500 people show up will hand them mike to somebody they don't know but i just did it to a bunch of crazy women who would do that but in my spirit i know that i know that i know that i know okay so there's the proof that man shouldn't even be here but he is here because god said something that was beyond what the decision had been made by the doctors but see really him and his wife agreed and it usurped authority over what was pronounced and jesus honored that that's my point so you got people here that have this testimony so there's so much agreement in this room i don't i can't leave yet i need to leave there's lisa get ready come on up in your spirit agree right now is touching that thing whatever it is it is it is it is somewhere in the spirit in god's realm his kingdom it exists and faith takes a hold of that we believe for the impossible right now we believe you father said father we agree with you as touching our lack that you become our provision in whatever area give the command and it shall be done in jesus name is it time we're good okay here's pastor lisa well i heard the lord say you can quote jesus and take that to the bank and if we just quote what he says you know his word is settled in heaven and what an honor and a privilege it is thank you dr kevin and kathy as you go rest that they would entrust me to close out this session and we're just gonna accumulate and just uh summarize everything that's been said but i came with a a really cool scripture for you all so i want you just to open up your bibles real quick to psalm 68 it starts out really great let god arise and his enemies be scattered did you get that we're gonna there's another scripture i want to read to you and i'm gonna read it out of the passion translation and uh just it's really good it's verse 11 and it says god almighty declares the word of the gospel with power and the warring women of zion deliver its message the conquering legions have themselves been conquered look at them flee and then it says this now zion's women are left to gather the spoils and i want to read it just so you get this word deep in your heart i want to read it out of another translation and it says this the lord the lord everybody say the lord gives the command do you get that the lord gives the command and then it says the women who proclaim the good tidings are a great host i want to let you know ladies you're a warrior woman and you're part of a great army you're a great host and the father he's given the command and he's got a whole army and some men here too you know we're not going to leave you out but he's got an army of warrior women that he's raising up in this hour there are deborah's arising there are esther's arising there are anna's arising this hour and he's given you he's given you gl good glad tidings get this the word is good tidings are a great host kings of armies flee they flee and those that remain at home will divide the spoil now i gotta let you know the father has a has an agenda and see the enemy wants to kill steal and destroy but jesus said i came i came to give each one of you life life zoey life and life more abundantly and see there's you've got to understand that you're in a war these women they know they were in a war okay and they heard their commanding officer the captain of the host himself jesus when he gives a command and just as mary said do whatever he says do it when he heard when jesus heard his father say something he said i only do that which i hear and that's what i see my father tell me to do when he says do it when he gives you the command you've got to understand his word is settled and there's something about that edge that dr kevin was saying when you get a understanding that god's word is powerful and we can take it to the bank i heard the lord say hey you can quote jesus and take it to the bank now that doesn't mean that we don't face trials we don't face hard situations and i've had plenty of them i've known dr kevin and kathy for 20 years they know my story but i want you to know that god is raising up women that will say i won't take no for an answer i've driven i made the line in the sand and i'm saying devil back off buddy you've gone too far you've touched my family too much and see when you get to the place where you understand that he's given you all power and authority he's given unto you he said you will tread upon serpents and scorpions and all the power of the enemy will not touch you see when the devil knows he's messing with the wrong mama he's in trouble i remember when i went on a vacation and we had been gone and it was really nice because the demons in that area didn't quite know who i was and i got to be incognito and just you know like you know kind of and i went back home and then i was hit again with everything and i was really going down the in my car and i was going down the street and all of a sudden i'm like you know i was a little bit down i don't want to be here you know who wants to live in a prison city that has all these prisons by the way you know where my husband i pastor a church and they have three major prisons there the maximum security prison and the correctional institution and another one and by the way pastor and my husband and i we've hosted dr kevin at that little city and it's changed the surrounding area and the region okay started coming in 2011 to our our little unknown little church called the river all right y'all might watch it on the youtube it's the one with the big lion in the back okay but anyway i'm driving home and i'm like man i don't want to be in this depressing area by the way it's so cold you know and all of a sudden something on the inside of me had to rise up again because that's where i was called to be and sometimes god will place you in places you don't want to be or work or live there you know and all of a sudden i said wait a minute devil wait a minute all right okay guess what hello devil guess what i'm back in town look out you're not taking me down you're not making me depressed but hello guess what and i screamed as loud as i could in my car i am back look out and see you've got to understand that and i want to say this to you years ago i got saved when i was five and filled with the holy ghost when i was seven and had dreams and visions for years and all kinds of things hit me but i knew this i had a call i had a destiny and nothing was gonna stop me you've got to understand this warrior woman you're a part of a company here it said there were a company of women a great host and they heard the lord's command you hear the voice of god you must hear his voice and the voice of the stranger you'll not follow so i began to hear god's voice at a young age and i went through a lot of things in life and i'm not going to tell you all the stories but i found myself at 29 faced with a situation i was standing under a dogwood tree in a beautiful hot sunny day in tulsa oklahoma and i found out actually i was 28 at the time and i found out that my beloved husband had full-blown aids man of my dreams that i married met at a christian university oh my goodness what are you gonna do and i was going to have to be tested and whether i would live or die or whether my children both my children andrew and anna who now work for kevin zaid i dr kevin and kathy full time here at editor hi andrew and my daughter anna they were three and five at the time when their father finally passed away but when i was standing there all of a sudden i said wait a minute devil you're not gonna have me i said you know what i don't care if that test comes back positive because i was going to get tested and then my children are going to have to get tested and i said i don't care if it comes back positive you know what i'm going to fulfill my call in destiny and i want you to know devil you're not taking one day out of my life until i finished the work that god has for me and see you've got to know that there has to be a command about you in the spirit you have to hear the father's words you can open up the book and quote jesus and take that to the bank that he has a plan he has a destiny for you you've got to use your authority that is in his word and through his blood i would end up preaching my husband's funeral my very first sermon and god would launch me into into ministry at that time see god will do the impossible he'll take someone that was shy and couldn't even speak in front of people and you'll say i'll put my spirit on you see god can raise you up even when you think you have limitations and you can't do it i was like a widow a mother of two how could i do this and by the way my test came back negative i'm telling units and i'm telling you it's been 30 years now but i was understanding that i could speak his word i could stand on his word i could declare his word i could use his authority and then situations would come and face you know those fiery ordeals that you face don't be unalarmed and you know like freaked out because you're going through something man you can count it all joy when you face these things for this testing of your faith is producing something great on the inside of you i looked at this and i said you know what i don't care what's happening here but see i'm probably making the camera man have to move all over because i'm going crazy over here all right but i want you to know the sufferings of this present time are nothing compared to the glory that's now being revealed on the inside of you you've got to speak his word and you've got to pray from the other realm you connect with the holy ghost i began that began to be this tongue-talking kind of crazy girl that i just pray in tongues all night and pray in the spirit but see when i got myself in situations or situations happen to come and they weren't from god they were from the devil but i mean i'm i'm gonna overcome these things it's either something you stumble on or you just hurtle over it people we run upon a wall and we leap over it okay there's obstacles in our way but i want you to know warrior women you are a rise in this hour it's time for you to take your stand and when you've done all you stand and you stand and you don't give up 2010 i think it was no it wasn't 2010 it was 2013. i got a call from my daughter right on her birthday finding out that she had a brain tumor okay and they were going to take out part of her temporal lobe and her entire right hippocampus now i'm a mom i'm a pastor now and my husband our pastor in this church we're a thousand miles away from our beautiful daughter anna and i got our permission to tell this story today because sometimes you don't like me to tell her testimony but i'm telling for you guys and i had to make i had a choice give in to fear allow the enemy to say i'm taking out your daughter and i'm like no no no no i went into prayer praying in the spirit and i heard god say i'm upholding anna with he actually said my righteous right hand and then i heard this that changed my life and by the way daughter i'm upholding you with that same righteous right hand i didn't know what i was going to face my daughter didn't know what she was going to completely face but we knew that we could put our face into this book and into and and into the face of jesus and look unto him as the author and the finisher of our faith and i'm telling you there's something that god is doing among women right now that he's putting a fighting spirit within you the lioness is arising and saying it's not happening on my watch and see god needs the people of god the remnant to come up and say i will not put up with this injustice i will not allow the compromise within the body to happen i'm going to be the one that says i will be the i will be the sheep the real sheep that stands up i'm not a goat i'm not going to compromise i'm not going to back down with opposition i'm not gonna back down in fear i'm gonna take courage because the lord is on my side i want you to read psalm 68 later yourself because he says he's got thousands upon thousands of chariots that come to help you okay he says the lord gives his command and he commands strength to his people and see there's something about when you connect with the holy ghost despite the circumstances despite the happenings that are happening to you right now and i'm not saying that you're not faced with difficulties and and the obstacles and things that you have to face but i'm telling you you've got a greater one that's on the inside of you and he's great and you've got to get the reality that christ in you is the hope of glory he's on the inside of you and wherever you go jesus is with you and he's already deposited all things that pertain to life and godliness on the inside of you but the question beloved today is are you tapping in to that power he's already given it to us he's already conquered death hell in the grave he took the keys from the enemy but he's waiting for his women his warrior women of this hour to arise and say i'll take my assignment when the lord gives the command the women who proclaim the good tidings are a great host and guess what the enemy's armies all the king's armies they flee and what they do is that he who remains they go back and they take the spoils see not only is god going to give you restoration in this hour he is also going to give you restitution and the enemy is going to pay back for all the pain and suffering that you've ever gone through make him pay make him pay back what he did and see what i did is i said you know what my daughter is yours my son is yours i had to fight for my son as well and i had to draw a line in the sand and i said these are my children these are mine this is my you know they came from me but god you gave them you sent them to me and my children are gonna align with the simon of heaven and the enemy cannot stop it i'm telling you right now there's something in you that's gonna give you a fight you're going to be a warring woman you're going to be a woman that says i'm not giving up i'm not giving up in this hour so you need to pray in the spirit so i would pray in the spirit for my children i prayed my daughter through and i'm telling you here today you saw the girl carrying the camera that's my miracle girl we were told that chemotherapy wouldn't work radiation wouldn't work and anna only had a survival rate that was less than three years not only that we didn't know if she would have memory we didn't know if her left side of her body would work well she's working pretty fine right now and she's going to fulfill god's mandate and i have to tell you this there's something where you have to hook up with the holy ghost and all i did was eyes of my i'm like god whatever you say goes and i began to pray in tongues and i had to do this where situation with my husband my second husband when he's the pastor now we're pastors church he was a he had a terrible accident where his spine went out and he was going to be immobile and second husband was going to be in a wheelchair for the rest of his life and we connected with the word of god and prayed in tongues and i'm telling you god is not short of miracles for you today he has a miracle with your name on it he's got a room in heaven with new body parts he's got family members delivered prodigals coming home deliverance for your house and it's for you he's calling you to rise up and link with that in faith and i really felt this to to tell you this if god is for you then who can be against you if god the god of the whole universe is on your side how can you be denied his word is final authority and when the lord gave the command that great company of women they rose up at that hour and i want you to be that would you stand up right now you need to be that company i got so many testimonies but that's not important today what you need to do is you need to get this from your head to your heart where it makes a change in you where you say whatever you say god i will do that's all you gotta do i'm gonna agree with your word i'm going to agree with your promises i'm going to stand that your blood was enough jesus your blood was enough it's powerful what jesus did on the cross for you for your deliverance and your healing tonight today he i mean the word is i've got to turn around for you this is your turnaround day this is your turn around weekend and what has plagued you what has tormented you what has come against your mind what has come against your family enough is enough let's just pray in the holy ghost for a second so oh raise your hands up to heaven right now he's your answer he's your deliverance hallelujah father we thank you for the fire of god falling on the people right here we thank you god that you are delivering them you're delivering them spirit soul and body that their spirit their soul and body will be blameless upon your coming back lord father i thank you right now that you are healing hearts you are delivering people you are breaking off mindsets off of their mind father they are hearing your command they are walking in your command and father we thank you right now that you're raising up a mighty warring army a mighty warring army of women lord i thank you for the warrior women in this house that father they are seeing their prayers answered and delivered and we thank you for resurrection life flowing in each one of you and all you have to do is say yes i do oh you're just answering you're the bride looking at your groomsmen oh the king of kings and the lord of lords and he says will will you be mine and you just go yes i do oh thank you father or somebody lord thank you for the sweetness of your presence holy spirit you are our friend and you are a helper and a guide and i thank you that you're sealing each one of these people with your precious blood thank you that their hearts are good fertile ground they're receiving the seed of your word and the enemy is not stealing it and lord we thank you we thank you i speak that he will bless you with every spiritual blessing that that is now right now in christ jesus and you guys say yes i receive it whoa hallelujah hey man praise god how fun was that huh all right all right all right you crazy warrior women we'll see you back here at 6 15 with worship so go have nice dinner kevin's got a powerful word for tonight so we'll see you in a little bit but we have to clear out quickly if you're going to buy something buy it quickly but [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] fine you
Channel: Kevin Zadai
Views: 34,180
Rating: 4.9522862 out of 5
Keywords: #kevinzadai, #theagendaofangels, #warriornotes, #nonproft, #spiritschool, #conference, #schoolofthespirit, warriornotes.tv, warrior notes tv, kevin zadai
Id: mdQY6Lfn8Pk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 191min 23sec (11483 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 13 2021
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