Warrior Cats: The Rise of Scourge: The Movie [COMPLETED]

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[Music] that's us my brother socks yes you'll never run into here my sister Ruby seven eight nine ten and me mom calls me tiny that's mama her name is Quincy ready or not here I come Oh found you ha ha good one Oh Ruby socks come here at once yes ma you shouldn't play Sarepta with your brother you should know better than that oh I hate being small mama is too weak any meals too much he always gives away we're here it's no fun to play with him he's your brother Ruby and you should treat him better I don't want to see roughhousing like that again Halle want is for my brother and sister to like me I grow if I could we're all pretty excited when mama says we're going outside all kinds of things we've never seen before plus I realized there's even more to see on the other side of a fence hmm I think I know what this is my purse now my talked about it a couple times I think it's before come on tiny it's time to go inside Oh coming mama mama yes Connie do you know about the forest a little bit didn't scare your father as much as it did me he explored out there a couple of times and he told me about it it's a dark shadowy dangerous place and the wild forest kept to live there quick and ferocious they have to fight every day to survive and they face all kinds of awful monsters and all kinds of beasts only the strongest warriors make it through well we were going to the forest mama no tiny forest cats have fleas mama I mean it those savages are a scourge on the name of all good cats soon you'll have your own house hope to take care of and a brand-new backyard the plan oh I don't want to leave you don't worry we might still see each other if you don't live too far away a couple of days later mama says there's no Alice folks here to see us here play with this ball of yarn and act adorable yes mama Oh what adorable kittens socks and Ruby don't fool me they're just pretending well I don't want to pretend I don't want to get anywhere in your socks or Ruby a health walk wants us not you and you know what happens to unwanted kittens hey hey thrown in the river huh I thought about what Ruby said yeah I tried you like you to be the house hope to like me but they just won't past me I'm not going to find a new house poke so what would them threw me in the river he'd go to get away fur as I can whoa well is that what's happening running away from home are we then just make sure you don't go into the forest Sonny why shouldn't I go into the forest you're much too smart adventurer in there why those Forest cats would eat a cat a small human single bull I'm not small I'm plenty big and strong - hmm they can say what they want I'm going exploring Oh what are you doing here this is ThunderClan territory dis so qua he's only a kid it's not as if he poses a threat to us an intruder is an intruder for fur you're only saying that because he's a kitty pet you always think you soft on them or it's cats real white for his cat's I thought it'll do if I run don't touch me but if I don't here I'll put it to my apprentice what do you think tiger paw how should we handle it I think the kitty that should be taught a lesson one he'll remember so be it then no hold on there's no need for this I I have to fight I have to maybe I can do it maybe I can be strong and I [Music] see you Mikey pit stop tiger paw that's enough warriors do not need to kill caps to win a battle remember I was just defending our territory and you've done that this kid has learned his lesson yeah you'll never forget me will you oh I hurt everywhere I've gotta go home but I don't have a home anymore if I go back they'll throw me in the river I've got to keep moving I can't go home I can't go into the forest but the city is my only choice heard mama talked about it before but I never imagined to get it is this like walking into a bad dream starving hmm so we'll eat food I've had a nibble before and it tasted really good maybe uh it lost keep it go find your own food oh sorry scurry hey you're there huh yeah you heard me you lost want something to eat you you don't mind sharing I can't resist kitchens down on their luck here go ahead mmm this is delicious what is it chicken I'm surprised the kid you kind of like yourself didn't know that uh I keep hearing that word what's a kitty pet it's what you are a 10,000 took the too late that color you're dead giveaway well I don't live with the two legs anymore gotta find a way to get this thing off see ya Thanks oh no a dog what's it doing is it growing up me dogs chase cats even eat them sometimes I think I might pass out Sam c'mere boy hmm Oh Eve of a flame that sounds old so he can barely move he's not gonna eat me hmm what's this a tooth his teeth are falling out he's definitely not going to be anyone maybe I can use this tooth to get my colour off but what's that stupid colour the tooth not stuck I just wanted to lose this colour and forgive my past oh you'll never forget me William so hungry it's not something nice with these alley cats uh excuse me may I please share your food this kid he looks pretty edgy hey where'd that tooth come from huh oh right the tooth I ripped her right out of a dog's head and tried to steal some food that I had stashed away so I had to put in this place it was pretty fierce but it couldn't stand up to me once it was dead I pried opened its mouth and took this ever trophy is that a fact you you children are introduced to uh uh-huh well then help yourself I don't know if the entirely believes me or not but I've got food that's all that matters hey you stop right there are you talking to me my name is bone and this is brick we want to speak to you okay about what is it true that you fight dog um yes good follow us no what do they want or do I go while you're done this can't be good okay so what's the problem a big jaw just made it spin back here won't let any of us near the food we've tried to chase the weight but it's just too big and too strong so will you fight the dog for us what I owe you please your only hope it's just dog didn't leave we'll all starve yeah man please did use my home now text me too I'll fight he never killed me oh I can't do this I'm sure small talk for me to rip me to shreds wait is the dog sternum my shadow this could work that that was amazing your hero oh it was nothing really thank you so much you saved all of us by the way I'd never cut your name my name yeah who do we have the bank it's not tiny anymore that's for sure time for a new chapter the name scourge Thank You scourge we are forever in your debt [Music] word of me driving away that dog got around quick I helped them did something this city cats could not it grew to fear and respect me it wasn't long before the cat started coming to me with their parabolas but when you're the cat in charge you get the bad along with the good scourge there are some road caps behind the - like food place they've got brick I'm afraid they're going to hurt her nice not force cat I wonder you think you could just come here and take food without my say-so who wouldn't bring me something to eat maybe then I'll decide what to do with you not tiger paw I've never seen this cap before she makes him no more than an intruder leave her alone and get out of here trouble boss want us to take care of it broken star no no trouble would be bigger we're just looking at a nuisance you will talk rent it was become only be with the leader of this ramshackle lot that would be me you leader you're nothing but a kitty pet tell you what to a pet we're just passing through but while I'm here you could be my personal servant fetch me some water tiny [Music] I'm not small I'm not weak I'm scourge and this place belongs to me if you won't give me the proper respect and I'll take it by force hmm dang oh my gosh I've had my fill this place it's time we return to the forest where we belong I had to have ice in my vein to do what I just did I expect the ice to melt but it doesn't the colder and colder and I will come it things change after I kill that rogue cat still come to me with their problems but now they come bearing yes and I accept them as a sign of my cat's allegiance to me courage is the best leader if it wasn't for him we would have blood clan I have everything I've ever wanted I control every cat in the city no one comes or goes without my say-so I know of every kid that's born and they all fear me and yet still not content scourge you have visitors bring them to me come here DOX Ruby 20 again skirts our house folks moved away and abandon us we don't know how to get our own food or your help oh please why should i my own cats barely have enough to eat it's not my problem that you're too weak and stupid to feed yourself that's good were your litter mate doesn't mean anything to you oh yes mud is everything but the only blood I'm interested in flows from my enemies look around you these cats are bathed in blood it soaks their fur laughs at their pots this is why we survived we are mud clan get these two out of my sight they're not welcome a blood clan territory yes scourge blood of my enemies must flow before I'm content I will make that stripe at forest cat pay for challenging me is this the place this is it now remember what I told you tiger star the cat we're going to meet holds commands over mini cats we must treat him with respect identify yourself we don't like strangers here greetings bone remember me so you've come back have you Boulder we want to see scourge I can't imagine that he'll want to see you and your friend there my name is Tiger star I've come from the forest to speak with your leader what do you want with him I'll discuss that with you earlier not his border patrol scourge needs to hear this it could be to every test advantage fine follow me up there that scourge that's him he's no bigger than a Prentice Tiger star this lead up to your clan as we know it but these tests would kill if their leader ordered them to it seems I have visitors I was expecting to see you again Boulder I heard you'd gone to live in the forest yes scourge I have so what are you doing here have you changed your mind and come crowing back expect me to welcome you and no scourge it's a good life in the forest there's plenty of fresh kill no two legs you haven't just come to extol the virtues of forest life squirrels live in trees not cats why are you here I'm Tiger star leader of shadow clan and I have a proposition for you I have enemies in the forest and exchange for your help I will give you a portion of territory there I am intrigued what clan will assist you the day finally arrived I knew all of tiger stars promises were empty I never intended to help him what beside me scourge and you'll have all I offered you my clan and I will fight when I choose there will be no battle today what really hurt see what happened to cap to defy blood clan your friend here thought he could truly it was wrong to uh wrong help me my sibling said it was too small too weak I've proven them wrong I've learned how to be strong I live for blood that's the key no man sir I am the leader of blood clan I and scourge now I have won
Channel: pinkbunnygirl43
Views: 2,780,629
Rating: 4.766901 out of 5
Keywords: pinkbunnygirl43, Littlest Pet Shop, LPS, pinky, warrior cats, warriors, scourge, rise of scourge, the rise of scourge, warrior cats scourge, lps warriors series, Warrior Cats: The Rise of Scourge: The Movie, completed movie
Id: hTgq-6yDDCk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 38sec (1178 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2017
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