Clawing Out Brokenstar's Eyes

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oh um hi i was just on my way to yellowpink's den to have her take a look at this scratch on my shoulder but while you're here i might as well give you a tour of the new outside of the medicine cat dance scene it's super cool come on let's go check it out so when you're entering the clearing to the medicine cat den you pass through this fern tunnel right now i just have this one fern plant that i made that they can pass by now you see me now you don't what a great hiding spot this area over here is just some berries and flowers and this tree stump with some vines around it i think this could be a great place for sorting herbs or even just a fun place to stand over here a little bit out of sight is this nest outside of yellowfang's den which she can use as a place to keep a closer eye on her more serious patience oh i didn't know it was so comfy i might take a nap here more often but back to the tour oh you guys have got to check this out this little trickle of water has made a pond that's perfect for soaking moths for sick patients or to get a nice clean lap of water from time to time mmm so good yeah huh wait was that today today's a filming day broken stern yellow thing must be in there now this is a really important scene i can't miss this before we head in there let's just take a moment to admire the craftsmanship of this den i bet you guys can't guess what this was made out of well maybe it's not that hard to tell it was made out of a liter of soda let me know if you guys would be interested in buying scenery like this on etsy or if you'd like to see a tutorial of how i made it in the future uh oh i really better get in there oh my goodness i forgot today was filming day i am so sorry don't worry about it you're just in time to watch me claw this bozo's eyes out but it's just going to be makeup right yellow thing nah man we're taking your eyes this my friends is how you claw out a customs eyes uh who are you talking to you sound like you're filming a tutorial or something no i get to witness it all well first we gotta make sure we get the scene because after this he's not gonna have any eyes so there's really no take backs so let's get our flying eye stretching out kick done i really don't have a stunt double for this you're funny but enough with the jokes it's time for you to lose your eyesight no i'm not ready too bad wait you scratched me but i can still see don't worry we'll fix that soon enough hey rachel come over here and cut the eyes off a broken star alrighty so rachel is here with me now woohoo here i am she's got her exacto blade so she is going to be cutting broken star's eyes out so he's going to be blind now so i swiped him across his eyes like this so they're going to be horizontal across his face all right because a lot of people with their artwork they have it be vertical on both eyes but she only does it in one swipe so okay i think oh no my eyesight i think i'll take it from like an upward angle a downward angle to an upward angle it's gonna be all the way across want to be sure not to get all the way through his eyes so he has holes in his head though there goes his eye crazy strip [Music] oh my goodness so fun to destroy customs so it has been very difficult filming this episode because i had to film things in order of which he still has his eyes and who has different injuries through the battle because i like to film things scene by scene so like behind us here we have the medicine cat dan scene maybe i'll show you guys around it while she's cutting his eyes so this is a really cool scenery piece that i made this one has like little spider webs all over it and little herbs and then there's this little rock that has a aloe vera on it see rachel's making her first cut on his eyes oh the pain yeah broken star has blood all over his mouth because he bit fire heart earlier and he's had this blood on him for several weeks it's not blood it's just lipstick but he's actually beautiful miranda sings lipstick try not to break his hairs right not adding too much pressure it's hard there goes another eyepiece ooh look at those scratches so i'm thinking i'm gonna just fill these and make it super red and like cloudy bloody in his eyes for this scene and later in force the secrets when he's shown again he's going to have blind eyes because they're not going to get cloudy and blind right away he's got such cool eyebrows so for the base of him we used a newer lps it was a bulldog turned out pretty cute for a grumpy little face perfect he's got such cool eyebrows okay let's see the paint comes off but not the plastic coming what's it something important for people to remember when they're cutting off eyes of their own customs at home just be really careful cause you could just destroy them probably honestly if you were going to do this you would do it on it one before you painted it but he had life before and now he's going to have like naturally with like scars i would use a hot knife because it would melt through the plastic and the paint but he's a unique circumstance too much to do in one swipe yeah and hot knives are really dangerous oh yeah so we want to make sure we don't peel off the actual paint of his face because if it does we'll just touch it up but it's gonna be so bloody and gory all right i think that's looks awesome basically and we got all these little pieces of his eyes looking out at us thank goodness there's another piece of eye i over it oh my goodness good job rachel you kind of look like you were scratched by blue star with those blue scratches across your face yes this is what it looks like right now you can't really tell the depth of the scratches yet all alright alright let's finish this up i'm gonna do a little twirl for you guys now and when i turn around my eyes are gonna be all scary and gory so if you don't want to see that look away now here i go [Music] are you ready to see it oh here we go here we have it his eyes are clawed out oh so later he'll have blind eyes but right now they're just bloody and scratched out you you did this to me i'm actually over here broken star oh you you did this to me dude i'm sorry but it had to happen now we can finish filming the episode oh i'm not ready i need some time uh i like your new daniella thing it's cool uh yeah yeah it is cool thanks uh let's get out of here well um that was certainly enlightening i guess you guys at home now know how to make your custom go blind very interesting knowledge to know that's for sure well fireheart thank you for crashing filming and bringing everyone here for the scene tour i hope they learned a lot i'm sure they did be sure to let us know in the comment section down below what your favorite new scene piece for the medicine cat den is episode 12 of fire and ice will be coming out soon so make sure you click the little bell icon down below so that you don't miss the next upload which is definitely gonna be the episode i'm so excited well i guess the next time i'll be seeing you is in the episode bye bye guys
Channel: pinkbunnygirl43
Views: 77,297
Rating: 4.9202251 out of 5
Keywords: pinkbunnygirl43, LPS, Littlest Pet Shop, warrior cats, warriors, cats, kitties, funny cats, lps videos, pinky, fire and ice, into the wild, speedpaints, warrior cats speedpaints, cat speedpaint, daily speedpaint, theory, warrior cats theories, lps series, The Unknown Flame, episode, fanmail, fanmail opening
Id: 8QW5pEW3PlI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 24sec (564 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 28 2020
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