LPS: The Bake Off! (A Movie) | lps kitkat ♡

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[Music] Cayden why are you quiet Jaden just tell me what's going on mom and dad are talking and you're gonna want to hear this well we can't afford to run this house anymore what else do you suggest we do they'll be heartbroken if we have to move we don't have much of a choice what are they talking about quiet down before they hear you from what I've heard so far the bakery mom works at just closed you're kidding you really think I would joke about something like this oh please you joke about anything fine you're just gonna have to trust me so what about dad's job his business isn't doing well either well we have to do something can't we look for a cheaper house Cindy our house is as cheap as it gets so you want to just move leave all of your friends behind Cindy I never said that but what else can we do I don't know but we'll think of something we have to come on I have an idea this can't be good what does sitting here like dummies gonna do just be patient Mia always has a plan Mia the same girl who got me grounded for a month yep that's her oh great what are we gonna do Cindy you can't leave me here I haven't really worked that part out yet but I mean we could try to make money somehow I only have about a hundred dollars right now lucky we'll take anything at this point I would give you guys more but my sister borrowed a lot of my birthday money when is she gonna pay you back knowing her it'll be a while does she have a job or something there's no way she's responsible enough to that there's just this contest at that.you bakery she's gonna enter don't we're winning because their cooking is the worst surprise is money yeah why what do you mean why money is exactly what we need let's go looks like a lot of people at the same idea as us guys we are never gonna win this is their only hope what else do you suggest doing trust me I know but there must be something else we can do because this is never gonna work guys we can talk about this later but now is not the time they're about to announce the contest welcome all tops bakery to give back for the successful grand opening you held we're holding a baking contest anyone who wants to participate can sign up and we'll put a slip of paper with your name on it inside of this hat here eventually we will draw three names out of the Hat the people that were chosen will be participants in our contest the winner of the whole contest will receive $500 [Music] [Applause] there are only three rules the first is that your recipe must be original the second rule is that you can only enter your name in the Hat once the last and final rule applies to the drawing of the contestants if you're not present at the time we call your name we'll pick someone else to fill your spot all boring things aside we have one more prize to give not only will the winner receive $500 in cash but the recipe will also be for sale at our bakery thirty percent of the profits from the winners recipe will go to the creator sign-ups are inside the contest will be held three days from today so in the meantime happy baking [Music] we should wait a few hours for the crowd to that down definitely if we go now we'll get run over guys this plan is a total bust what's wrong now princess um just the facts that we're never gonna be picked for this stupid contest all right he's got a point we do need it back a plan well obviously Kaden why don't you try coming up with an idea well lot of mom and dad try to get a job here I'm sure Tony the extra money we could try working here too that's not a bad idea did you expect it to be bad maybe all right well you guys go I'll just talk to someone inside and see if they need any extra workers okay see ya Caden and I can wait for you if you want more of Kaden right here you know yeah all pass thing is now I'm stuck with him you know but I'm out [Music] and here you are alright thank you hi I was just wondering if you could sign me up for the bake-off yeah sure I just need your first and last name Savannah Anderson's alright thank you welcome to tops bakery the top bakery in town how can I help you it's top bakery because it's the only bakery in town some would say that what's your name Cindy I'm assuming you want to be entered yeah can I have your last name Thompson is that all I can do for you thankfully I can't let her be picked oh sorry you didn't see you there no never does though it's too bad the rules aren't reversed my eyes deserve a break did you sign up for the contest did you of course and I'll win if your name even gets pooled let's just say I know some people believe it or not I know people too you know it's actually not uncommon Cindy stop playing dumb you know exactly what I meant that cheater do you guys think we have a shot there are a lot of people here if any a long one you never know we all signed up there's an okay chance that at least one of our names will be pooled oh shoot what do you do now a better question would be if you asked what I didn't do I forgot to tell you guys up how'd you manage to do that Cindy you literally had one job I know I'm sorry this bakery owner's son isn't exactly nice and neither are you so you can imagine how that turned out [Music] this is it guys welcome all today we gather for the announcing of our contest participants we will be pulling the names from this hat here as promised one will be selected from the three to receive $500 and have their pastries sold at our bakery allow me now to pass the honor of the drawing to my son well the first contestant in our first annual baking contest is Ned is there and then here that would be me perfect just a reminder the contest will be held two days from now contestants must be at 9 a.m. do we need to bring our own ingredients will be supplying everything for you just make sure you tell us what you need ahead of time all right thank you the next person participating in our contest is Trina is there a trainer here yes right here and the final participant is Trina again each pet was only given one slip of paper there should only be one note card in here with your name on it she cheated disqualify her redraw please give us a moment everyone it seems that someone enter their name more than once which breaks one of our rules will be back outside once you confirm this thank you for your time I knew Trina will cheer way into the contest this is definitely not unlike her so you took the cheating to win mind your own business Mia Trina some people really need that money and I'm one of those people why bother [Music] during our search we found multiple slips of paper with Trina Smith's name on it that is unfortunately against our rules and unfair to others who wanted the spot in the contest we'll have to disqualify her even more unfortunately we found out that Trina wasn't the only one that cheated multiple slips of paper with the name Cindy on it were also found she will be disqualified as well Cindy what why would you do that I wouldn't why would I jeopardize a one chance of staying I was framed I'm sorry but if you can't provide us with any evidence which tells us otherwise you will no longer be able to participate in our contest I bet it was Trina or whatever why would I give you a better chance of winning you tell me I'm sorry but regardless of what you say we cannot allow either of you to participate wait Cindy didn't cheat oh yeah I shouldn't have been called at all I never put her name in the Hat and why is that I shouldn't have done it and did you do this with anyone elses entry No all right I'm sorry for this inconvenience please remain here so we can continue announcing excuse us for a moment [Music] what is happening don't ask me let me get this straight you cheated or you didn't I already told you all right sorry I just had to be sure oh gee thanks Caden guy is calm down I'm sure though tell us exactly what happened in a minute thank you for your patience they're searching the Hat we have discovered that a contestant and my son have cheated I will not be causing any more trouble to clarify Trina is the contestant caught cheating she will no longer be able to participate in our contests and Cindy is still able to compete as she was framed net will remain a part of the contest but we will have to redraw two other names and that is after you put some B's name back in the Hat right alright now we may continue the drawing the second participant is ava Smith oh my dog after the drawing has concluded I'll speak to you on the other contestants to elaborate on the contest details now our last and final contestant is [Music] Cindy Thompson oh my gosh yes thank you to everyone who signed up we really appreciate it if you'd like head inside the bakery for a discounted treat enjoy I hope this is perfect we've got this from the bag there is no way I'm losing after all of this don't get too cocky Cindy we don't know our competition yet you should probably go get the details on the competition just so the others don't have an advantage Kaden and I will start planning a dessert for you to make good idea hi guys good luck everyone oh I won't be needing it yeah thanks I guess now that you're here I'll give you the details of the contest the three of you will be baking a pastry you think we should sell here at tops bakery when you select a pastry you will prepare a list of ingredients our bakery willing to provide you and are you one of the judges I am any more questions what's your favorite dessert I like anything chocolate will that be all yeah thank you wait Cindy huh I just wanted to apologize for earlier okay so um sorry it's fine [Music] it has to be really really good I have to allow them how about donuts they're simple but everyone loves them that's the thing they're too common I need something they've never seen before as long as it tastes good you'll be fine who says but baking expert not exactly right how about pie maybe I've got it you should make macarons like the ones we see at the mall not bad but it could be better you should do craves or even better a crepe cake they look amazing and they taste even better it's perfect I think you're forgetting you don't have experience are you sure that's a good idea what if it's too hard she'll be fine you just need to practice exactly don't worry too much Mina it's hard not to especially when the stakes are so high we'll sort through this we're already a step closer anymore this morning how are we supposed to choose from all of these flavors it's simple choose one the judges would like the most hmm today we'll set he likes chocolate you see one of the judges yeah he mentioned it while he was talking to the other contestants that's great chocolate it is alright in the ingredients I'm gonna run to the market to get them when I get back and make the cake I promise you'll be the first to try some I better be time to get started let's see what we got here two eggs check milk check sugar check flour check and melt the chocolate let's begin [Music] come on down thank you we go [Music] hey Cindy hey I just finished the Kate and it looks pretty good great I'll be right over all right yeah bye looks pretty good for your first try what's that supposed to mean I thought it looked pretty good on its own well it's a little lopsided what I'm only joking surely the taste will convince you [Music] Wow it's actually really really good told you so have you turned in the list of ingredients yet oh I almost forgot I'll head over to the bakery in a few maybe scope out the competition sounds good text me when you get back sure thing [Music] [Applause] here's my ingredients list crepe cake yeah how'd you know well for starters you titled it crepe cake but otherwise I actually used to make them a lot myself oh nice well uh good luck Thanks hey so what are you guys making why would you stop being so paranoid it's not like she's good anyway oh really and how would you know am I wrong I guess I'll find out anyway I'm making macarons how about you ned cinnamon rolls okay cool I'll see you guys at the competition then wait what are you making you'll see [Music] all right these are the final products tell me your thoughts you oh shut up Caden it's so good Cyndi fine fine I gotta admit I thought this would be too hard for you to pull off but if you make it just like this tomorrow there's no chance the others will then you think so we're definitely no professionals but it doesn't take an expert to know good cake from bad right then I guess I'm ready we're all counting on you but no pressure gee thanks Caden I had no idea it's just a reminder I don't want you to forget how could I my dad wants me home no worries we'll see you tomorrow yeah we can get ready together sounds like a plan see ya bye guys you thinking what I'm thinking must again [Music] Cindy your cake was delicious don't stress so much what if I can't do it again especially with all of the added pressure I guess we'll find out welcome again today the baking contest will begin all contestants will enter the bakery in a few moments to start I along with mr. tops in a professional Baker will be judging the products in two hours once again the winners will receive $500 and their food will be for sale at our bakery at this time I would like to ask Ava Ned and Cindy to enter the bakery and begin good luck Cindy thanks guys now that everyone's here I'm gonna have you guys follow me to the back room all right all of the necessary ingredients should be stored at your stations Ava your station is over there and that your station is here and Cindy yours is right in the middle you may begin your preparations but remember if you bake before you're allowed to you'll be automatically disqualified Cindy do you mind if I borrow some sugar sure thanks time to switch these out thanks again no problem does anyone need more time I do I'm actually missing my sugar can anyone lend him some oh I can go for it I'm gonna go get my dad now good luck everyone thanks you guys too again I don't need it [Music] you all have two hours to finish your desserts if you don't finish in time points will be taken away from your total at the end the presentation and taste of your food will be scored if the time should happen we will choose the winner by different means good luck to you all and may the best Baker win you may begin [Music] Baker's your time is up please bring your final dish to the table since you all finished in time no points will be taken away we're now going to begin grading each of your desserts on presentation next we'll taste all of your desserts and grade them now let's taste Cindy's you Oh what did you put salt in this I can use any salt take a bite and last but not least nuts desert Ned Cindy you've got to get your proportions correct your deserts are so sour please allow us some time to consider the results hey Ned can I talk to you yeah I don't know about you but I'm pretty sure that a dress sabotaged me what makes you think that before the contest started she asked to borrow my sugar you think she replaced it with Sol something like that I guess it doesn't explain your dessert though actually she was the one who landed me sugar in the first place I'm betting that's when she switched it out exactly the judges will have to disqualify her they find out we have no proof though go grab your sugar there's only one way to find out good idea this is some salty sugar you're telling me come on let's bust her we've got something to show you Ned this is the sugar it gave me and taste it if you say so [Music] is this salt now try this what are you guys trying to say one of our main ingredients was sabotage and the only person with a plausible motive is Ava what if she just mix them up sugar and salt do look pretty similar I guess that's true you've got to be kidding Eva had multiple opportunities to switch up our ingredients plus she borrowed my sugar in the beginning so why isn't Hearst messed up - wait she did she easily could have given him salt instead of sugar give us a moment to talk about this I can't believe that you're about to pretend like nothing is wrong will have a valid point not when you consider everything we know alright fine I'm sorry we all agreed that ava is not a fair winner however we also realized that Ava had the opportunity to sabotage you however opportunity doesn't equal proof so let's go talk to her mr. tops wanted me to take over we know what you did is that what I think it is an empty jar salt wait huh come here ava has a completely empty jar of salt in her trash can and there's barely any salt in macarons I didn't do anything they're framing me if you didn't do anything you have nothing to hide so step away from the trash can no you don't understand Ava we're gonna find out anyway just listen Pyne Sumeet you're officially disqualified from now on you're banned from this competition allow me to show you the door I can't believe she ruined the competition for us wait let me go get you guys some sugar get ready to bake oh it's on [Music] where's Cindy I'm not sure I'm betting they just finished I'd like to say a quick thank you to everyone for allowing this to happen I wouldn't be able to get this money away without successful grand opening you guys gave tops bakery and with that out of the way I'd like to announce the winner of the bake-off wait a baker from the contest has just confessed to sabotaging the other contestants desserts therefore this contestant has been disqualified from the bake-off ava is no longer the winner since the two remaining contestants you didn't have that chance of serving their actual dessert no winner can be chosen wait oh it seems the contest is still ongoing we're really sorry for the delay but you'll find out who won the contest when we open up the bakery this Monday I wish ever dessert is shown on the menu thank you all for your time [Music] where is everybody I don't know but let's go see who won come on Sydney do you guys see anything not from down here excuse me sir oh sorry it was me he chose me what that's amazing where's the money we've got the money in the back but uh congrats Andy thank you the chocolate move was good I thought it would be everyone does have a weak point and not just me apparently your cake is a hit Wow yeah we're gonna be meeting more of that maybe provide us with the recipe Oh trust me you're gonna need more than my dad's recipe but might have to be really good Baker maybe sometimes he could stop by and help let me go talk to my dad about it well done you're crazy is delicious Thanks your cinnamon Earl's turned out great it was a really close call yeah I guess so hey Ned come here huh oh I gotta go see you guys see ya what do you say you get a slice yeah let's go you'd better hurry before they run out [Music]
Channel: LPS KitKat
Views: 256,134
Rating: 4.8532462 out of 5
Keywords: LPS, kitkat, bake, baking, lps kitkat, movie, lps movie, short film, lps shortfilm
Id: TjK0z_DrDd0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 0sec (1860 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 16 2019
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