LPS Forever Four MOVIE

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[Music] [Music] hey Kenzie thanks for the ride as always oh no problem you know I love driving you to school [Music] [Music] quit nail polish is that it's so cute it's my favorite look [Music] [Music] hey finish oh hi hey hey hi nice to see you Courtney you didn't say anything I wasn't planning on saying anything why not I mean you guys like have classes together don't you like homework or something yeah no wait hey Finn tea noise yesterday's homework for anatomy was oh yeah we just had to complete the worksheet that's all yeah that's good did you do it yeah did you of course I was just making sure there wasn't any more hey maybe we should study together later but they're given a TAS shut up Sandra so uh sure awesome see you later here's good oven winter do that yeah I guess Oh No here she comes [Music] hey Daphne yeah give me your Anatomy homework what no I want to see it why so you can copy it yeah why else would I want to see it I'm not gonna let you copy it that's cheating oh are you afraid you're gonna get in trouble just give it to me winter leave me alone sure but first the homework winter I'm not giving you the homework you better otherwise I'm gonna tell Finch how horrible then you are Yeah right okay suit yourself come on girls Daffy just give her the homework wait winter hmm I'll give you the homework thought so [Music] class I hope you've all done your homework because it would be worth a lot of points now for this class we will be continuing to practice what we learned last class Daphne honey could you get in the back of the room that stack of papers on top of the bookshelf umm yes mrs. Welch now you all must realize how important [Music] recalling it that is how you take tests you are recalling information that you learn what just happened Daphne those papers oh sorry here you go mrs. Welsh um could I go to the bathroom why yes of course my dear thanks that was weird how did I do that hmm let me see if I can come on do it again so I'm not crazy [Music] what is this oh my goodness I grew a pair of wings oh my goodness oh my goodness I have to tell Kensi how am I gonna get back to class Oh No oh no what if someone finds me here huh oh no how do I make it go off how do I make it turn off okay okay okay um say turned it on by jumping so if I just come on wings go away come on you okay gotta get back to class now I just grew a pair of wings come on come on Daffy just tell me I've been waiting all day I'm so incredibly impatient you have to tell me right now her gonna explode okay okay Kenzie calm down I'm gonna tell you okay here it goes I did ask you out what no come on Kenzie you know he likes winter no I doubt it come on you guys would be so cute together anyway Kenzie we're getting sidetracked can I tell you now yes okay okay here it goes I can fly what I was in class reaching for some papers and I grew wings no way you're a superhero no Kenzie I'm not a superhero I just apparently I can fly can you fly fat like actually I haven't tried flying yet I don't know what you gotta it's probably so much fun yeah I mean I don't really know how to though I might fall oh come on come on you gotta try it could be dangerous dangerous engagements just try it hurry show me your wings okay okay okay hang hang up here goes here goes I can do this ha can you do some cool little spinny thing and then they pop out you should try to get you try it I guess I mean the only way I've gotten them out on command was by jumping but maybe I can try spinning oh my it's like a superhero outfit you are a superhero ok ok try to fly trying to fly ok ok ok I don't think I can yet uh you're such a party pooper Daphne you're always like aah safety safety we gotta be safe ok I'm sorry for wanting to not die oh you're not gonna die ok Kenzie it'sit's fine let's try flying another day ah ok do your homework on time I will no longer be accepting late homework if mrs. Welsh could I go to the bathroom why yes of course my dear [Music] what just binge have powers too oh my goodness oh my gosh Kenzie I saw the craziest thing today when I was heading to the bathroom what's really what I saw Finch oh my gosh did you guys talk no no remember when I told you yesterday that I could fly aha well Finch has powers too he can shrink oh my gosh no made for each other are you sure did you like see him do it yeah this is crazy remember Kenzie don't tell anyone I have to figure this out now you have an excuse to talk to him what are you gonna do it what are you gonna do it what are you gonna do it I don't know oh you have to okay well I guess we better get going right yeah I have work to do I know me too Oh waiter alert Daphne what do you want now winter all of your answers on the homework you gave me were wrong sorry winter don't sorry me I know you did this on purpose and I'm gonna get you back for this whatever come on girls but your answers are never wrong I know okay for wrong ones hey perfect okay let's go home see you later Kensi thanks for the ride no problem what's this come to the park at 3 o'clock who would want to see me at the park hmm maybe it's Finch I better go there hmm the parks completely empty yes I'll just wait Daphne winter you wanted me here ah you're the one who sent the note no I didn't I got a note too Yeah right I don't believe you for a second I can't believe I wasted my time winter hey Finch I got your note note uh I got a note saying to meet here at 3 o'clock so did we do we didn't boom leave her at all Finch she says that she got a note too I bet she's the one that gave us the notes uh no I thought a note - yeah right winter I'm sure she got a note it's fine let's just wait for whoever sent them glad you all can make it huh why hello there everyone who's this dick I am a fairy you three are very special [Music] [Music] we're special very special each one of you has a gift and I would like to invite you to use these gifts you're not telling me anything I didn't already know I mean I'm one of a kind that's right winter you are one of a kind all three of you will not Daphne she's the most boring cat I've ever met Daphne is far from boring and you two are going to have to learn how to get along if you're ever gonna be able to work with each other work with her Yeah right what is this anyway some sort of scam I'm out winter you have a special power a special power give me a break the only special power I have is the power to look absolutely stunning winter you have the power to tell the future the future what's next am I going to get a unicorn well do you want one okay what kind of sick joke is this I have come to ask you if you would be willing to come live in a secret headquarters tree house with me and you will use your powers to defeat evil we need your help you will not be returning to school if you agree okay this is getting better by the minute I have to see this glad you have decided to join us now could you all agree we desperately need your help yes I agreed to help what Finch sorry winter this isn't a surprise to me I already knew about my power okay this has to be a joke you guys are joking right winter it's real and you'll believe us when you see it yourself what whatever winter will you at least join us in looking at the treehouse sure I mean if there's going to be magical unicorns and ponies I'd love to see that Daphne um I'll come but can my best friend Kensi come along too Daphne this is very top secret and we don't have space for Kensi anyway but she can keep a secret and she's so useful please Daphne we just don't have the room I'm sorry now come along you three I'm going to show you the treehouse can I at least just call her and tell her that I won't be around I suppose that would be okay okay I'll only be a minute I promise hello hey um Kenzie can I tell you something real quick okay well this fairy arrived in the park because I was told to meet there and she told me about my powers and Finch is here Oh [Music] Kenzie Kenzie don't worry about that for now anyway I'm gonna be moving into a tree house and I don't think I'm gonna be able to see you very often because I mean I have to use my powers to I don't know go on missions or something wait no Kenzie I asked I know I know I tried to say that but they didn't care there's no space I'm sorry I guess but you better get here quick because I don't know where it is or how to get there All Right see you later Kenzie and remember don't get caught [Music] Finch you're so funny yeah are you three ready um I just have a quick question of course feel free to ask me anything um where is our headquarters and how are we gonna get there we are going to teleport there it's the easiest way of transportation for all you three well how will we be able to come and go you know for our missions and stuff that'd be kind of difficult if we don't even know where it is I am going to teach you how to teleport but can't you just tell us like you know a general location just just so we know like what if I have to fly there or something fly and how are you are going to fly that's my power I I have wings I don't see any wings that's because they're not out winter anyway can you just tell us the location I'm sorry Daphne the location is so top secret that even I don't know for sure will okay thanks anyway does anyone else have any questions before we go we're all set good now everyone grab on to each other if you're not touching you won't be able to come and we'll leave you behind grab on Daphne okay [Music] welcome to your new home it's huge indeed can we um have a tour of course follow me this is the entrance there are several different ways to get up on top floor and back down we don't have much in this room because it's very wide out in the open come this way this is one way to get to the third floor someone must be at the top to let you up on the opposite side of the tree there is a ladder for now let's take this way up hop in well Daphne get in oh it's so high up let me give you a boost thanks winter I can get in myself okay excellent you are all in all right now climb the vine and get up here this is the third floor there isn't much on this floor except for in this section there's just some seating area and a swing behind me now come to the middle floor and here we have the middle floor there's just some old stuff that you guys don't have to worry about and now if you follow me this way we'll go to the basement this place is really spooky oh what a baby oh that's a hard fall my necklace is it okay oh I'm sure we'll get used to it this is your living space bathrooms over there kitchens over there the girls beds are here and Finch she'll sleep over there I have to sleep next to Daphne soon you guys will be the best of friends Oh Kenzi Kenzi what are you doing here where am I again um mom mom where are you Kenzi stop it now I know what you're doing uh you do yes now how did you get here Daphne uh well I'm with you guys you know grabbed on I just wanted to see I just really wanted to see you Kenzi you know too much hi well it looks like Daphne's the troublemaker I guess you'll have to kick her off the team just you and me Finch no no Daphne is staying and Kenzie is too right oh no Kenzie you can't stay what oh come on she's already here I will bring her back home now well fine if Kenzie goes back then so do i oh thanks daph Daphne this is top secret she cannot know anymore Kenzie and I are a package deal if you want me you have to take her - great get rid of them both all right Kenzie can stay whoa isn't this great daph I promised magical fairy lady I will make myself useful I have magical powers - you want to see I can make myself disappear no you see me now you don't oh my goodness what have I done um Kenzie come back now I'm invisible whoa okay okay I'm gonna make I'm gonna reappear now ready Kenzi you don't have powers get over it I do too have magical powers I'll show you and I can sleep right here right next to Daphne and magical fairy lady can go back to my room with me and I can take my bed okay we will do that in a few moments as far as you guys go you must start training immediately your first mission is very dangerous [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] it is time for everyone to wake up now please your presence is needed momentarily [Music] Kenzi Kenzi wake up huh chocolate-covered popcorn oh hey - where's winter oh how weird I guess Oh everyone is awake wonderful please gather round you will be going on your first mission as soon as possible before I tell you what you will be doing on your mission I first must explain something to you your main goal of being here is to help defeat the darkness we what do you mean help is there more of us yes you are not the only ones with powers there are more of you around the world anyway the darkness is highly guarded there are different levels of protection and we must defeat them all in order to get them you guys may not be powerful enough to defeat the darkness yourselves so you must aid in helping the others today you'll be going after the easiest set of guards however don't be fooled you guys have zero training so this should be very difficult for you I do believe you guys are capable of completing this mission but you do need to be very careful awesome so what's our mission Kenzi you will not be attending the mission what how fair I go work task Niko's I should be allowed to go on this mission you said it yourself it's supposed to be super easy Kenzi this mission is not super easy and don't even think about going against what I'm saying I'm allowing you to be here so you must obey my rules don't push it well okay now your mission you will need to teleport to a location and defeat three Giants teleport how are we gonna teleport Daphne is capable of teleporting you her specialty is transportation so it should be pretty easy for her I'll be back oh my goodness staff this is gonna be so super exciting you have to give me every single detail when you get back okay please promise me won't leave anything out okay okay Kenzie I'll tell you everything I promise i I guess I'll change first and you get to go with Finch isn't that so super exciting hey I bet he's such like a hero and like he'll save the day and oh my goodness I can't believe I'm not allowed to go cuz I would love it so much if I could go and watch Finch be such a hero but at least you'll be there I mean like you guys are so cute together like II would be such a perfect couple I ship it I ship it so hard okay okay Kenzie be quiet he's in the other room and now that you're like living with him you can like get to know him better and then become like best friends and then like become a couple Kenzi she's coming not right so uh woody guys think it's cute Finch what do you think Daphne we love it awesome I'll just go change into mine huh so uh Daphne you fly right um yeah yeah I fly yeah cool you know I can't wait to see you in action on today's mission yeah you too awesome I bet will work great together all right Daphne these Giants aren't going to defeat themselves so why don't you get changed and then we'll head out hmm yeah yeah totally Daphne you're such a klutz whatever oh my gosh Finch you're like gonna love Daphne's wings they're so pretty she showed them to me one yeah wow those are some nice wings um thanks it's everyone changed yep everyone's changed okay it's time to teleport out so uh how exactly am I supposed to do this like I don't even know what we're teleporting to let alone had a teleport don't worry Daphne you'll get it just think exactly about where you want to go and you'll be there it's that easy so where do I want to go somewhere with an evil presence and help is needed there will be giants and that's about as many details as I can give you but you can work with that okay everyone grab on here goes nothing Wow they did it they really did it yep well now all we have to do is hope that their mission is successful what do you mean hope I thought you knew that this would be easy enough for them to do without any training like I said Kenzi all we have to do is hope whoa [Music] why is everyone small we can't understand you universe maybe if I shrink I'll understand him I really don't know um I'll have to talk to the others we just started so I'm not sure I'll try do you know all these other tips how y'all got here do you know how you shrunk huh the giant shrunk ass shine yeah ever so careful with them okay um yeah I'm shrink now um yes so I can talk to the others [Music] [Music] what do you think they're saying honestly they're probably talking about Kranz what I don't know Finch what's going on Finch what'd they say she doesn't know how they got here or why they're small but there's something we need to worry about there's there's Giants apparently what where I don't see any Giants well I don't know where they are but I just something we should be aware of you know like they they could come at any minute um yeah so um I guess I'll have to see what I can do okay um so what do you think we should do next I'm not sure we haven't gone through enough training to really know what we should do maybe see if you could try to get some more information [Music] okay I'll talk to some of the others wait what's wrong winter they're they're coming they're coming right now what who's coming what's coming the Chinese thank you oh thank you you saved me what when you shrank down to talk to me I was able to get myself to grow oh okay um guys I'm gonna see if I can rescue any of the other minis we pinched the Giant you can handle it Daphne you think so just fight them off Daphne they're gonna be here any second okay uh [Music] what should I do fight them [Music] winter I got one great job now going again and when you do the purple dogs gonna try to swing at you dodge it okay great job Daphne you got em you got em [Music] I got the second one winter okay now when you go towards the penguin he's gonna dodge you and then you're gonna run into the ground so instead of trying to hit him just go towards them making u-turn and then go back again okay [Music] you did you did it you're doing a good job Finch [Applause] huh where's Finch oh that was like amazing yeah yeah okay well Kenzie I'm fine you're what I'm fine the mission was actually really easy it was easy hey please tell me everything well when we got there there were a bunch of pets that were really small so I shrunk and talked to them and when he grew back another one grew with him so we figured out we were able to grow them just by Finch interacting with them and then Wynter saw something I had a vision that the Giants they were really big they were coming and they were really close to ah so you're getting good at seeing the future yeah that's what you want to call it and then well while Finch was helping the others grow I was fighting off the Giants I just kind of ran into them and they were like freaked out and they just died it was weird but really I couldn't have done it without winter she helped me so much winter true of course it's true if I wasn't there they'd still be stuck there trying to figure things out well uh great job guys you worked together very nicely actually you did a really good job I wasn't expecting that you guys have no training and went on a mission and completed it with ease actually I suspect that you three are part of the forever 4 but we're only three that forever for you may be more special than I thought hmm oh no oh no no no not here not here not again not again not again what is that Daphne that Daphne I'm coming Daphne [Music] major feature winter huh Daphne what's going on why are you up here it's so late you should be asleep we might have a mission tomorrow I couldn't sleep why is there something bothering you no Daphne just mind your own business for once okay um are you sure Daphne just go back to bed please I said him fine okay I just wanted to make sure you were okay Daphne for the last time leave me alone sorry you did the right thing okay why can't you people just leave me alone I'll leave in a moment I just need to let you know that the dreams you've been having are part of your visions okay and telling anyone else about these visions would be extremely dangerous if you were to do so it could completely change the future for the worse you are the only one that can safely know what you see in the future since it's your power you were meant to know all right all right don't worry I won't say anything to anyone is that all I just want to be alone now yes that's all right now please leave oh so could you please please please tell us more about the darkness well what would you like to know well since we had such an easy time with the Giants couldn't us three just start training to defeat the darkness and then go defeat it it's not that simple Tiffany only the forever for all four together can defeat the darkness even if you three were part of the forever 4 and we were just missing a member you still wouldn't be able to do it and that's only if we don't even know if you're part of the forever 4 now are there any other questions what even is the darkness no one knows no one alive has ever seen it we speculate that it's a giant monster something but there's no way to know for sure those that have gone in to fight it have never come out to tell the story yikes yikes indeed now you three you have another mission it's going to be somewhat similar to the last one but you'll be fighting different monsters monsters yes I'm not entirely sure of what you will be fighting but monsters of some sort oh I love monsters monsters are super cool can I come please I'll just why don't can see you don't have any power whatsoever it would be so dangerous for you to go with them come on please please please please please I just I really want to see it just be so cool to see Jack need action like Cathy Kenzi I'm letting you stay here is that not enough no no I just I just want to get parents of action like you yeah it'd just be so much fun Kenzi please stop asking or I won't even let you stay here anymore oh but I just I just really want to see a monster Kenzi I'm sorry you cannot go oh all right are you three ready we're ready all right get changed [Music] all righty guys let's do this oh good they're all changed you can teleport out as soon as you're ready all right everyone grab on by Kenzi Yeah right wait Kenzi No [Music] Kenzi I cannot believe you just did that well believe it cuz I'm here yeah super Kenzi is to the rescue hey Kenzie just please try to stay out of trouble hey wait a minute I thought there were supposed to be monsters you're right let me ask winter what she's seen hey winter winter yes Stephanie what we're on a mission can you focus are you seeing anything because there aren't any monsters around here and I don't know nothing's come up yet well focus let's look around or something okay on it oh yeah me too Kenzi please just stay out of trouble while we're on our mission okay no problem I'll just keep watching this cake yep you do that this is the least intimidating place ever huh what's that is that peeping sounds like it's coming from behind this wall [Music] or are you stuck let me help you there you go be free you're stuck little futuretelling dog now how are you going to see it ah come on my cover is anybody up here how is this place so empty Kenzie Oh Kenzie Kenzie where is she [Music] chico on the mission with them Kenzi oh no I am kicking her out of this treehouse for sure this time Kenzi where are you that's it she's in big trouble when she gets back huh um hello is anybody here huh what's that sound Oh little guy are you stuck well what's happening wait no no wait [Music] [Music] hey where is everyone winter Finch hello hello is anybody there I'm stuck huh wait a minute that sounds like Finch hello is anybody up here oh hey little guy aren't you cute yep nice rings you got there too bad they're not as nice as mine um excuse me yeah adios ah that was weird [Music] wait it doesn't matter I'm protecting this piece of cake and you can't have it [Music] hey it's my um excuse me are you okay huh I guess he's just allergic to strawberries I can't fly huh winter and Finch Finch I have no idea what you just said but I think there might be a little crack that you can squeeze through since you're so small [Applause] Finch you saved me oh and the evil guy he's dead oh thank you oh no problem Kensi Kensi are you okay what oh yeah I'm fine turns out the evil guy was allergic to strawberry what so you killed him huh yeah I guess so well that's actually kind of shocking okay I'm superhero to me you know I can make ice cream at lightning speeds okay Kensi just don't get ahead of yourself can we go home this was kind of a weird mission yeah definitely okay everyone grab on bike huh oh my gosh I'm starving oh it's so good to be back I really gotta pee Daffy that was awesome that cake was so cool I protected it with my life Kensi the ferry is gonna kick you out yeah that's only if she finds out so you and Finch Kensi Shh oh no one can hear us so when are you gonna profess your love to him I'm not I'm pretty sure he likes winter they were getting pretty close on the mission today oh come on I see the way he looks at you he totally likes you I don't know Kensi oh come on you're meant to be [Music] okay okay Kenzi fine if I promise to do it tonight will you stop talking about it uh yeah okay okay fine yeah I can't wait please guys get married and have cute little children Kenzi oh right we're not talking about it I'm not talking about it beautiful weather we're having oh well it's getting pretty late I think I'm gonna go to bed whoa what inch well maybe I'll just do it tomorrow what's the harm in that Daphne you promised just don't do it now hurry fine you can do it all right right I'm going Finch are you out here you're just really great you know that Finch yeah [Music] what what do you mean gone for good Kenzi you went on a mission when I told you not to go oh come on it was just one mission and nothing went wrong Kenzi you're leaving tonight that's fine Kenzi you helped yeah yeah I mean the evil guy eat this strawberry cake and then he died I think he was allergic to strawberries all right all right fine you can stay what oh those easy but don't go on any more missions or this time I'm kicking you out for real you gotta buy hmm something very strange is going on with her I'll have to keep my eye on her hey hey Daphne Daphne it's time to wake up you got to discuss the new mission with Barry Daphne Daphne run Oh Cousy Daphne get up now what is taking you so long today oh I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm up it's about time now hurry up [Music] good morning Daphne all right all right enough of the chitchat time to talk about today's mission All Right today you guys really need to work together on this one this is not a simulation this is the real deal wait what what do you mean it's not a simulation the others weren't real yes all of the other missions you have completed have been faked they were tests now we know that you guys are worthy of continuing on this is the real deal wait really I'm sorry guys but you couldn't know otherwise it would have ruined the mission that's why it's more important than ever now to work together on this one okay okay yep sure I guess just forget it all right guys this mission is life-threatening someone stole some gems and hid them in the ground years ago we don't know where they are or if they're alive we just know that they hid these valuable gems in the ground and they're guarded by some creature oh wait oh um actually uh you know what guys I'm gonna sit this one out you guys go ahead all right whenever you're ready get going what's going on with you Kenzie just leave me alone I have to change change all you do is spin around in a circle and that's it I could be here for that just leave me alone oh come on Daphne I know this about Finch just tell me all right fine she was with winter what so so he likes winter not me okay yes me open your eyes Kenzie I mean look at them Oh yeah I guess you're right yeah so nothing I can do [Music] bye guys have fun I'll be here whoa did someone just leave their tools here I guess so you know I don't see any creature let's get digging wait uh no no no don't take there you're not gonna find anything there try a different spot Oh whatever you say winter wait wait wait um yeah yeah that's a good spot keep going Hey hey guys I found something nice keep going I got it I got it great job Finch try digging again ah this sucks winter how's this spot nope there's nothing there yes pinch right there right there I see it I see it good job Finch you got it you're almost there here it is winter nice I can't see how this mission could possibly go wrong it seems like we're doing a great job oh no oh no we have to get out of here we have to go right now what what is it winter it's coming it's coming oh no we gotta go we gotta go right now hurry it's coming winter what's coming the the creature the creature that the fairy was talking about we gotta go Daphne Daphne we gotta go what what are you talking about winter everything's fine I just had a vision Daphne you're insane it's so peaceful here nothing's coming no oh no oh no oh no not now Kenzie wait wait how'd it go not good no can you just leave me alone - me maybe you should just talk to him about it why so I can confirm my suspicions coz then does that at least you'll know and you know what if it turns out to be pretty good huh then what and then you won't know right now and then you'll go on living sad forever and ever and will that be horrible don't you wanna live happy Finch ha ha don't you don't you alright alright fine fine go go see who did it okay okay I'm going hey Finch um what you doing oh hey Daphne um nothing oh okay yep yep that's great okay um so I guess I'll see you later wait Daphne what yeah-huh is everything okay you're acting a little weird I thought we were friends what me weird no no no no whoa I'm with you and winter oh um I guess we're friends why and that's it Daphne why are you asking me this I I saw you two together last night on the couch oh um you weren't supposed to know about that winter was just feeling a little upset so I was trying to just calm her down you know but don't tell her I told you what wait so do you like her or oh no no no is that what you thought well well yeah I am I couldn't possibly like winter because I like someone else [Music] what is this place why is it always the same place winter winter hello there it is again wait that voice calling for help hello can you hear me who are you how can I help you you need to get out of here you need to go hate winter huh oh hey Daphne what are you doing here oh I was just hungry so I decided to have a midnight snack and came out here to eat it what about you Oh would you get strawberries uh yeah so why are you up here oh um don't worry about me no reason I just I couldn't sleep are you sure did something happen a bad dream no no no no no no nothing I just um I don't know I couldn't sleep that's all what's going on with you actually heard you get up a few times you get up a lot in the middle of the night I'm perfectly fine really you shouldn't worry okay um just you know you can tell me anything right yeah really really it's nothing okay well at least try to go back to bed good night uh goodnight [Music] why can't I tell her I told you winter telling someone about your visions will alter the future drastically and not in a good way I just don't think a little information would hurt anyone I should at least be able to be vague no matter it's too dangerous you really have to listen to what I tell you I know what's best for you guys yeah I know please try to get some more rest those visions are helpful anyway good morning good morning where's my eggs and bacon Yankee yay I love breakfast got me hmm Daphne Daphne if you made eggs and bacon without me I'm gonna be really upset is she that means that me hmm Daphne you in there all right Daphne stop playing games huh not in there either Daphne that's me hmm oh she's okay that's me starting to get worried hey Finch are you awake Finch wake up Finch such a heavy sleeper Finch huh what is it Kenzie um have you seen Daphne um no I've been asleep why would I have seen Daphne well she's missing and she didn't tell me she was leaving and she's gone so now I'm starting to get worried and I started calling her name I was like Daphne Daphne right and she doesn't respond and I thought maybe she was in this but then she wasn't and I don't know why she's messing around okay okay okay okay okay I hope you find her yeah how do you have so much energy in the morning Daphne I have more energy I got some eggs and bacon that's me hmm I'm gonna go get ferry and maybe she'll be able to find her okay that's me she's missing you say yes before I wake up then usually she'll tell me she's doing it but she did it and I remember I woke up and she wasn't there we're just a little concerned well I'm sure everything's fine this is a top-secret location no one should be able to find it unless she left and went somewhere else then maybe someone got to her I'm sure it's nothing to worry about though she could have just gone for a morning walk Daphne a morning walk very funny I mean it's possible perhaps she was unable to sleep and didn't want to disturb you are you kidding Daphne always wants to disturb me Kenzie I'm sure it's nothing to worry about we'll just wait a little longer and if she doesn't show up then we'll whirring okay calm down Kenzie you shouldn't be causing any trouble sorry I guess we'll just wait it out there shouldn't be anything to worry about winter is everything all right no we have to go right now we have to go right right now someone's in trouble winter remember what I said last night it doesn't matter we have to do something come on we got it go away remember not to disclose any details you've already said too much okay we don't have time to worry about that let's go right now where's Daphne God teleport out of here we don't know where Daphne is she's gone well how are we gonna get there well I guess I could do it and Kenzi can stay behind in case Daphne shows up and then Daphne can join you later on how's that sound okay yeah sure let's go wait what's going on winter thinks someone's in trouble we're gonna go check it out someone's in trouble oh we're not sure but it sounds important hmm is everyone ready do we have any idea where we're going not really someone's in trouble what if it's Daphne they can't go without me if it's Daphne she's my best friend I need to help her I can help her I'm gonna go with them okay we have no time to discuss let's go everyone grab on all right here we go now's my chance Oh Kenzi I'm sorry but what Daphne's here and she needs our help oh my what is it winter this this is the place from my dreams my visions if someone out there can you help people who's there we should go in and see who it is no you can't go in there why not we have to help whoever that is they need us you have to listen to me we can't go inside how would you know you've never even seen this place I um winter just please don't go inside you can't it's dangerous we have to come on now we're wasting time let's go wait I'm coming Kenzi no you stay out here what but I think you'd help no Kenzi come on you're staying out here with me we're gonna teleport back but ferry then we're stuck here I'll come back for you guys don't worry you go inside with Finch but I want to go inside with Finch too I promise I won't just get in the way I can help Kenzi you have no powers you cannot help it's true you're only gonna get in the way No that's not true Kenzi she's right please just stay with faerie winter let's go okay let's go come on Kenzie oh but this isn't fair I should be helping I'm sorry Kenzi there really is nothing you can do come here oh alright alright hang on tight here we go um nothing's happening oh I think we're stuck here Kenzi what why me there's a stronger force here no one's ever been able to stop my teleportation like that the only one that could is the darkness the darkness is here yep I don't know if Finch in winter coming out of that castle alive Kenzi they can't hear you oh then we have to go in and get them come on Kenzi go in that building and you are not coming out oh no please tell me they'll be okay I can't promise that only time will tell this place is kind of giving me the creeps winter art are you okay Oh Finch I have to tell you something is now really the best time I dreamt about this place what what do you mean like a vision like a vision but longer and clearer and creepier so what does that mean well in my vision there was always someone calling for help but it wasn't me also there's something else here something like what I'm not exactly sure but I saw it I think it might be the darkness what winter only the forever four can defeat the darkness I know that's why I told you we shouldn't have come in here well what should we do can we leave no there's no escape the doors were always locked well winter what can we do I guess we can try to face whatever it is head-on this is crazy I know but we're a good team I think we can do it but we need Daphne winter winter help me Daphne's here what Daphne could she be in there she's gotta be I'm going in Kenzi you're not going in that building no matter what but Daphne meets me too bad you're not going in come on let's look for Daphne what is this place Finch watch out watch out winter I've got this one [Music] Finch go for the antennas the antennas are a weakness [Music] you did you didn't thanks for the help let's keep moving we have to find Daphne Wow is it who are you Who am I om yeah please don't hurt me well the darkness you and your little friends have reached the end finch winter i think we're lost no no I I saw Daphne what yeah we have to go back we we passed her let's go yeah Finch what do we do I'll distract it you get to Daphne but Finch go we don't have time okay all laugh that's it I can't take this anymore I'm going inside Kenzi no wonder I think she's up let's go winter are you sure she's up here yes I'm positive hello winter Finch Daphne come on let's go Finch what if it's a trap we've got to see if it's Daphne winter I see Daphne wait just watch first don't let her see us now forever floor is the only threat to my system but this is only if all four are together as soon as I kill you there will be only three of the forever four get ready to die a little Daffy hey that's my friend what MZ if you want her you're gonna have to go through me you can die too Kenzi dodged to the left you can die too huh Hey what's going on well I can predict the future and looks like we're gonna end you darkness only the forever for can end me time for you guys to meet my new friend Oh sneaky kill gasps me no you're not getting to Daphne your feed us first [Music] know what now what you make me know how could this be is it they be the forever for get out of here Daphne Daphne are you okay Kenzi how did you do that uh I don't know come on let's get back to ferry she's gonna be so mad that I left her oh thank goodness you've all made it out what happened Kenzi defeated the darkness well I couldn't have done it without you guys well done you four do you know what this means you were the forever for all along I told you guys I had superpowers but you didn't believe me sorry about that Kenzi oh it's okay I'm just glad we're all safe you four will stick together no matter what you can beat anything congratulations shall we head home oh definitely all right I'll take us back everyone grab on Daphne wait yeah Finch uh I'm just uh I'm really glad you're okay oh thanks all right everyone hold on tight [Music]
Channel: mluvzlps
Views: 3,219,400
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Littlest pet shop, lps, littlest, pet, shop, lps series, lps video, mluvzlps, lps videos, lps movie, lps film, lps short film, lps show, lps vlog, lps episode
Id: KKql2KTCKy8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 55sec (5335 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2019
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