Warning: Deception Inside The Church

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[Music] I've come to be in your presence how do we thank you for your word we just ask you Lord that we'd preach in balance we wouldn't add to we wouldn't take anything away we just pray Lord for the clarity of your word and your spirit we promise to give you alone all the praise and all the glory and we thank you for waking people up father all over people are waking up and seeing what you have been saying in in the Bible - warning us of these end times but we thank you that even those end times are dark we have a light you've given us your word that told us these things are coming prepare for it so we thank you for that equipment today than everyone said I just want to do a quick review from last week about warning signs and wonders warning seeking experiences even though we have experiences with the Lord we've all had experiences we can get into deception if we start making that our focus and we see that this is what's happening in this next generation they're thinking this is God and this should be our focus is seeking these things so I want to explain to some a couple of things I've shared before but they fit right in and even though the last time I've shared some of this you're gonna see the progression of it and I want all of this on one YouTube so people have gotten bits and pieces we'll get this one because this is really important it says in Matthew 24 and again read through the whole Matthew 24 his disciples wanted to know what was going to be the sign of his return in is coming and basically he says let no man deceive you in other words the end time deception is going to be religious deception we are right in the midst of it and so we're gonna explain a little bit about that but in Matthew 24 verse 23 he said there shall arise know that word arise kind of hit me when I was studying this to arise means to move upward go from a sitting position to standing up there shall arise or spring or emerge to prominence what false Christ's and false prophets and shall show great signs and wonders and so much if it were possible they shall deceive what is that we're deceived mean mislead we want to be on the right path that doesn't mean we haven't been to see before we but we're seeking God for truth amen so I said if possible they shall deceive the very elect so now we as a review from last week I want to give you a few things the warning was advice to beware of danger if we ignore the warnings we're gonna get in trouble if we ignore the warnings that God says beware there's going to these things are going to rise in the end times before I return and know we can't change the Bible they're gonna happen so we can sit back grab your popcorn and watch these things are happening in our mitts they're not going to happen sometimes out there but some of these things are going to happen in the church it's Antichrist against or in place of Christ so they're going to happen against what Christians it's going to come in the name of Christ of Christianity and God does not want us to be deceived aren't you glad for that so he said we're in disobedience if we aren't listening to his warnings and then we will jump into religious deception if we don't heed his warnings because everything right now is coming in the name of Christian it's Christian and what I want to share at the end is Christian new thing that's happening now it's called Christian witches and they're going to have their very first convention on Easter and these rutted are in tongue talking Pentecostal believers saying now they're going into the mysticism the magic in the occult and they're inviting all the Christians to partake and people when they hear the word Christian I think well that's fine then because they have no discernment and to walk with the Lord in his word that's the only way we keep from being deceived and to seek just experiences even though experiences are supposed to follow us we're not supposed to follow them there's quite a difference the Bible says these signs shall follow you we are not seeking signs and someone said well Jesus did this and we are not Jesus okay some people think we're we're just like him and we're gonna get into some of that today explain that but we're not to strive after follow signs and what experiences prophetic words seeing angels now the thing is an angel came and an angel told me this or we are not to be seeking necromancy do you know what necromancy in Deuteronomy 18 there is a warning against witchcraft there's a warning against familiar spirits there is a warning against all these things and people are now seeking they're talking to the dead Dead's come people come through their walls angels come through their walls this is another spirit and if we aren't trained properly if we aren't doing our homework in the Bible we're gonna think this is what this is the next new thing so we're supposed to be doing it so Matthew 1238 says an evil and adulterous generation seeks after a sign now remember when Jesus was walking the earth he was doing signs but they still didn't believe him they kept saying well then these signs are from belzebub of the devil and he kept saying no matter what he did they wouldn't they wouldn't know or they wouldn't believe who he was so he was coming after the heart of the matter no matter what you see you're still not gonna believe who I am so that's why he says it's an evil and adulterous generation that seeks after a sign but he said no sign shall be given to it but the sign of the prophet Jonah so remember the Pharisees pressed in persisted in the rejection of him they demanded signs but accused him of satanic power so even if they're not believers are gonna still accuse Jesus so he what he was basically saying is we walk by faith we are not to walk by sight so we walk by faith and if God wants to do what he wants to do he can do it but we are not trying to get into that sense realm because that is an open door to the occult okay and we want to get into that a little bit now I'm gonna go through this really fast because it is a review but this is something you can't hear enough the true biblical Jesus was born as God Almighty in the flesh okay loves us enough to speak the truth God will convict us if we ever get beyond conviction we have a hard heart so God always is gonna speak the truth he points us to eternal treasures he warns us of sin judgment and he'll this new Jesus they believe everyone's going to heaven they don't believe in a hill and they definitely don't believe in any kind of judgment the real Jesus the biblical Jesus commands repentance of sins okay this false Jesus that they're preaching of grace it's just you don't have to repent I mean God understands and you know you just and all the others it's a loose image the spirit not going to go through all these but he's hated and despised by the world now this new Jesus is being accepted by the world and this is what we're seeing within our churches now we want to get everything that the world loves everything that the world approves of so we can get more people right it's all about the people but jesus said they're gonna be if you preach the truth it's gonna thin out the crowds because the people are going to be convicted of sins and the new Jesus that they're preaching tolerates it's it's we love you all and it's everything's accepted and and don't get me wrong I've been a minister for over forty some years no matter what sin it is God wants to help us out of that sin he's not trying to label this person is not acceptable but this new Jesus won't convict people they can't get free so they're their sins are just embraced and this is just the way God made there's no change and how sad to be bound and never get a spirit of freedom in our life isn't that sad so they give you no way out just accept the way you are you know you're an addict Joe is gonna be an addict God loves you anyway yes God does love us but he said those he loves he chastens he's gonna deal with you if you're never getting dealt with by God for something you're not his child he is gonna continually harass us until he gets us to where he wants us to be because he wants us to be more like him so that's his his job it's not ours we get in trouble when we play the Holy Ghost we try to change someone we try to control someone or we try to make an outcome be the what we want you got to preach the truth leave they all come to God everything we do we got to leave the out come to God that's God's problem he said expect persecution and his name first true Christianity is being persecuted more now than any time in history in different nations and nothing's being talked about it true Christians are dying for their faith in other places the true Jesus brings division when it's necessary he tells you to come out he doesn't say unite he says come out from amongst these other paths that all say they lead to God come out then he says we walk by the father's will this new human Jesus they try to pretend you're God and then you basically can dream your dreams you know do all these things and it's all humanistic and it's there's really you don't need God there Jesus you don't need God because you are God basically so the real Jesus commands us to deny ourselves he demands that emotion experience and opinion conformed to sound teaching now here's where we get off into seeking signs and wonders it's not fault it's false teaching but we want the experience and once we've experienced something we we think it's real now this is where the old cult comes in and is merging the mysticism and all this Alice Bailey stuff I'm going to remind you of again is coming after our youth because once you hook somebody in and a spiritual experience they think it's God but you have to know when you open up the doors to the occult the devil will oblige you and just like James and Jan breeze they were magicians in Egypt and what do they do they counterfeited the miracles that Moses did so there is a satanic power that definitely has power some people all the devil has no power yes he does he counterfeits he is a counterfeiter of everything that's real so we have to test these experiences and there's only one way we can test it is through the Bible and then the other thing the real Jesus warns of false signs and wonders manifesting as God they don't come a lot of them as you know this is the devil of course not they're going to come in the church as a sign and a wonder and it's coming in as we've talked before many times mysticism not Estes ISM and now the occult now we're moving into the next few years we are going to see occult manifestations in churches like we've never seen there is coming such a corruption within the church and this is good because it's gonna wake people up some people will not get woken up like some of the people that have been calling me they're like I can't tolerate this anymore what's happening in the name of God we know this isn't right at first we kind of got this isn't right this isn't right but now we know this isn't right so this this other Jesus the one that they're pushing on everybody is a good teacher and a good man and it's humanism but they also say because Jesus was good and he was a good man you can do what Jesus did everything that Jesus did you can do too you just have to be enlightened okay then they watered down the words to avoid offending anybody they promise earthly treasures all the false prophets are after money and basically that's how you can tell is they're not really helping people they're building their own kingdoms now this should be so clear after what we've seen being shaken in the last few years but so many gullible Christians are still deceived and they're stuck there they don't believe in hell we're not going to go into it but the main thing they exalt signs and wonders and they say well we don't seek them but we don't ignore them now that sounds good doesn't it well we don't ignore them either but then they're there having feathers and they're chasing after this and that now these young people all think I got to chase after feathers too because this was a sign from God so they're seeking things to say and say I'm okay I'm okay with God I'm alright I'm these things are happening to me too they think this is normal when it's stepping them out into open doors for a lot of deception down the road warning seeking experiences God is not a magician nor an entertainer God wants us to walk by faith you have to love the truth we have to love the truth because where I came up from it's like Oh once that guy's through preaching then we're gonna really see him God move but it was a subtle thing of putting the Bible down it wasn't really giving the word for place they said it oh this is the word the word but what happens inside of you is you really are leaning towards something supernatural to happen so see how subtle it is so we now have revivals they're dead revivals their fleshly revivals they're man-made revivals that people are coveting a visit from God so whatever happens they think it's God and they get him into and this is why I'm watching this people worshiping their worship they get him into such a state that anything can happen and they think it's God speaking to them and that's why they don't know their Bibles so they don't know if the voices are is a true voice or just your head your head can say anything and we have we done that well God told me this guy well the next week God changed his mind Oh God I guess that wasn't God we've all done that one but you start coveting a fix like a religious junkie the science seekers are being swept away by the apostasy now the Bible does not say there's going to be an endtime revival which I used to believe a lot of us did he said there's actually going to be a great falling away right why because they're obsessed with the supernatural we're coming into movements now that people are going to be obsessed with seeing something we must examine ourselves we are are we satisfied with our bridegroom alone or we like an unfaithful wife who seeks her husband only for his money sleeps with strange men for excitement and pleasure we have a lot of Christians now that just want the excitement they just want the pleasure rather than those hard verses that tell us to repent you know go and make it right with your brother leave your gift on the LD so I don't want to talk about that I wanna another feather I want I want this or that and I'm not saying signs and wonders don't happen but if you're not grounded in the word you're going to be swept away by what's coming and God doesn't want us swept away does he so he said follow me he does not say follow miracles follow me an evil and adulterous generation seek after a sign okay that was the review from last week now the warning of religious deception continues in Matthew 24 Satan himself is what he's transformed into err what an angel of light if you know I think about the occult they're always talking about light everything's light light light light be illuminated therefore it is no great thing if his ministers do you know Satan has his own ministers his ministers those are the ones that are going to say Lord Lord haven't I done this in your name heaven I prophesied in your name haven't I done this in this and What did he say depart from me ye that work iniquity he's not saying they're his ministers so we have two kinds of ministers in the church we have God's ministers and we have Satan's ministers that transform himself as an angel of light and they hide behind the light just like when the devil was tempting Jesus he'd used the word he'd used parts of the word this is why these end times deception you have to be skilled you have to know because some I was listening to somebody last night they were telling me that this person said they were married they're really not married and they're they're deceiving all these masses of people and wow us listening to him preach and I was like they really preach a lot of truth but the problem is they're living with their partner they're not married so I was like okay this is a minister that's acting like they're preaching and they even preached on all this stuff but they themselves weren't living what they were preaching and this is what they do they hide behind the words so it's not just the words people say it's behavior now we have to know what the Antichrist is because the Antichrist stole Jesus identity you know what if anybody ever tried to steal your identity use your charge card charge things it's the counterfeit Christ it's deception deliberate use of somebody else's identity he's not gonna come as the devil he's coming as Christ he's coming as the Anti Christ so it's the counterfeit Christ so we have to know the real Jesus this is important you have to know the real spirit the real Jesus and the true Bible and when you know that guess what you're not going to be deceived when you're anchored and you know because you've taken the time to study to show yourself approved when these other things show up you're gonna say that's not God how do you know cuz you've taken the time so anti means against or in place of a substitute for this is what I like what Dave Hunt said and I do recommend his books I'm gonna give you a couple books to get on your own he will oppose Christ while pretending to be Christ so he can't use his real name or his real agenda and this is the thing about deception the enemy's coming in like an angel of light he's not telling you we're here to corrupt the church we're here to take the Bible away we're here to entertain you we're here to get you away from Christ we want you to have a happy experience so he's gonna come in subtly subtly subtly and then more and more churches are adapting this type of behavior and we're gonna find out this has all been pre-planned by Ellis Bailey back in the day go after the youth okay so I'm gonna share some of those again so you can see this is progressing and unfortunately this will continually progress because this is the world and that's why God says if you love the world you're an enemy of mine we know that this world is evil and is passing away we've been called out from it doesn't mean you don't love the people in it but you can't be deceived and swept away by what's coming in these churches so Satan is posing as God the Evil One will pervert the church from within he will pervert I want to say this again he will and is perverting the church from within a big-name pastor which I will not talk about his name right now but if you have been studying at all you know this huge pastor just got fired he had mega churches all over satellites and the reason why they caught him on tape he didn't know he's being taped he said he was gonna put pornography child pornography and plant it on people he didn't like computers who does that who does that who puts this kind of who even thinks about stuff that so this stuff is happening and this they're finding out all sorts of financial fraud and all sorts of stuff have been happening and now the spotlights on this this certain pastor and should be we're seeing a shaking going on but it's happening within and there's many people the devil loves to get this because if he can get that chief he's got all the Indians in other words if we're focused on just a man or a ministry and that ministry Falls and shakes you got to make sure you're not connected to you you better get yourself back together and say that man did not save me Jesus saved me and men are gonna fail because if you keep walking and I've seen this happen and people have fallen away they're so upset with this pastor that has done them wrong or taught them whatever now they're an unforgiveness and now they're back slidden that person was deceived and he deceived you now you're deceived so you have to know this is the plot of the end times it's gonna happen within don't be shaken when it happens amen now something that Alice Bailey no Alice Bailey was the occult prophetess oh yeah the occult has their own prophetess she's the first one that came out with the word new-age and why I'm saying this about new-age because the corruption within is new-age within the church okay now we've seen a level of it it's increasing and the goal of the New Age movement has consistently been to bring the New Age of Aquarius when all will recognize the God within themselves no this is subtle but they're saying basically you are a God still the same lie that Adam and Eve the serpent came and said you shall be as gods they're still believing that same basic 101 lie guess what you're not God and neither am i you never will be I don't care how high you elevate a major step towards this new world age is the regeneration of the churches the corruption is going to be within the churches I'm not going to read all of it which will illuminate illumination may be accomplished in a word she declared when the Christian churches would embrace the New Age concepts of illumination and self-realization it will not happen until biblical Christianity is outlawed or destroyed are we seeing that are we seeing basically the word the Bibles are changing we're seeing that all that's you know now you got to be tolerant to this and in oh yeah my changes is progressed I'm emerging all these pastors are changing their opinion of because we have to fit with the culture now the strategies and I'm not going to go through a lot of this but the strategies I brought to you before to attack Christianity from within we are going to see that signs and wonders is a big part of this we have to not be deceived and not be gullible to just think well that's God that's God why did every real move of God get destroyed because no one had discernment they didn't say stop that's the wrong spirit that's a witch that's control or I don't know we've all I'm too old to be controlled by anybody you guys that way I'm like nobody's gonna control me anymore I used to do that when I was younger but as you get older you're like you learned some things right so here are the 10 strategies by Alice Bailey she said when you're changing a nation don't bother with the old people they're too stuck in their old traditions they will not change but go for the children and that's what she did okay today our governments and Parliament's are implementing these and what are they quickly take God and prayer out of the education system reduce parental authority over the children now children can actually go and get birth control without their parents knowing what a sad day we live in promote excessive children rights destroy this the Christian family structure if you notice now on commercials the men and women have changed now the man is the one there's nothing wrong if you have to do that but they're trying to change everything that God created in the family they're trying to reverse it it's and this is by design destroy the family structure it's oppressive and that the family is the core of the nation if you break the family what you break the nation promote sexual promiscuity use advertising Media TV film industry to promote sexual enjoyment as the highest pleasure in humanity number four if sex is free then make abortion legal and make it easy are we seeing that make divorce easy and legal free people from the concept of marriage basically go into having a prenuptial agreement already planning to divide the stuff if it doesn't work they're not going in in faith they're already going in scared and protected make it free and make it easy make homosexuality and alternative lifestyle but alongside of homosexuality now get ready for this what they also plan is incest bestiality and everything is okay as long as the two of the people agree boy I'm telling you we are we are moving in I got a phone call this morning we are moving into a lot of these things debase art make it run mad promote new forms of art which will corrupt and defile the imagination of people number eight this is all the stuff that's been planned use media to promote and change the mindset of people create an interfaith movement and this is what we're in the middle of right now Alice Bailey wrote promote other face to be at par with Christianity remember this is by design to destroy the churches from within so if you think you can go to church now and you're safe you're deceived you'd better check out what you're doing who you're listening to who that pastor is connected to because there's an interfaith movement now and if you come against it they say you're the problem and they break this thing about Christianity as being the only way to heaven see why the persecution is coming then you get the governments to make all these laws and you get the church to enjoy endorse these changes so what happens is you think you have a spiritual safe church with all these big churches and what happens to the laws change and they endorse the change so the church is wording working right along with the government I hope your faith isn't in men because our faith our kingdoms not of this world right so what is the New Age movement a lot of people don't understand well what's so bad about the New Age it's it's the age of a quick remember that this is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius let me give you just a couple highlights Jesus was not and is not the only Christ nor is he God this is what they believe they believe he was an ascended master he's just another ascended master this is why they don't put their faith in in the Bible is because they believe that there's many Christ's okay Jesus was a man who evolved spiritually to the state of Christ being so the New Ager Jesus the Christ is one of many ascended masters whose function is to awaken humanity and illumine or lighten up and they love that word light because it's absolutely deception but to eliminate the path listen to this now the most prominent theme held in the New Age movement is their experiences okay God does not want us to walk over into experiences this is the danger even though you might have had experiences you let God bring those to you because there is another spirit at work here that wants to take you out into other realms and we're not to be afraid of it but we're also not to be gullible of it so on experiences which unifies us all together now there is a truth about unity God wants us to unite as as there is an anointing uniting and the devil loves to divide but with this false gospel it's a different type of unity it's accepting everything and it's actually rejecting Christianity but they don't tell you that now and this is why the persecution is coming later for those that don't fall for this because the New Age wants to take in a lot of different people but there is a purging process so here salvation in the New Age is for man to become enlightened through what not a member I talked about the Gnosticism through experimental knowledge so they're always seeking an experience that's why yoga now they had call it Christian yoga but what they're doing it's it's a real it starts off and all of your stretching and healthy but that's not to focus the folk you have to go to the higher levels it's a it's a religion it's Hinduism man should seek and accept his spiritual instructions and direction from what spirit guides so you even have names for these spirit guides see how this whole spirit realm is opened or now to the occult and it's it's encouraging these young people and this makes me so angry they're hungry for something they're hungry for God and they're being told that this is the right way to go that's why a lot of us got deceived we followed men that told us we thought that they were telling us the right truth and then as you grow up and you study to show yourself approved you're like that's Christian science there's a lot of Christian Science mind mat over matter in some of these movements these techniques may include an altered state of consciousness trans jet dental meditation yoga crystals channeling spirit guides psychics on and on basically they say all religion and religious teaching lead to the same goal they do not the New Age says we're all on different paths talk to Oprah we're all on different press who are you to say your path is the only way well now that sounds good if you don't know what the Bible says well yeah whoo oh yeah well gods died and left us his word so there's no confusion when we stand before him he's gonna say this is what my word said why didn't you follow my word well I had this experience I had this dream I don't think that's gonna cut it the ancient wind wisdom of babylon in egypt boy they love their pyramids they love their pyramids and greece not the bible is the basis of all truth to them the bible is not truth they say the New Age says no one religion has all truth and remember Alice Bailey was a New Ager she's the first one that came out with this so we're seeing this now the emergent churches we're seeing this you know all these you know we want a positive message I want to leave and feel good if it's negative I'm rejecting it well Jesus was pretty negative he said your riches you're following riches you know better give that up or don't follow me well they ended up the guy loved his riches and he didn't follow Jesus I don't think he was had a happy day oh happy day lastly the new illnesses why it's so dangerous they say sin and evil do not exist so I've heard a president say I don't need to repent I don't need to repent because I don't think they've sinned that's dangerous we all sinned and fall short of the glory of God who are you you know no we are fallen they just say love and peace now this is how you know a church is going in the wrong direction and all you hear is love and peace love love this one guy called me said I just love going to church I'll hear about his love I'm like red flag because the same God that saves you is also gonna be your judge so we have to know there is that side of God we have to know that God is not just who we think he is he is who he says he is okay so the New Ager is still listening to that same lie the devil spoke to Eve and said you're gonna be like God now the next part of this I wanted to share because I know a lot of you people don't read Dave Hunt has some great books global peace and the rise of the Antichrist and the other book is of the occult invasion you know he is dead now but he's got free youtubes online he saw this coming and boy did he get persecuted alive I remember a pastors meeting I went to and they were all talking against him well now I read the book this guy's name was in that book he was actually exposing this very pastor that I was I was sitting under but I had that book before they told me not to buy it already had that's kept me because I was seeing this I was like that he's got truth this man has truth he sees that Christianity is being seduced he saw it he saw it happening cuz he was in the Bible and he was very smart man this is just a couple of things he said that I think is very important about we're not seeking signs and wonders because we don't want to get messed up in the occult we don't want to get off on a wrong spirit we want to stay true to our one to our one Lord right but he says deception if the Antichrist pretends to be Christ then his followers must be Christians see where the warning is inside the church the devil is very religious the apostate Church in the last days must become so corrupted that it actually opposes what Christ taught think about it it's corrupting now they're coming against scriptures they're coming they're putting new Bibles out to take out sin they take out hell they take out the blood of Jesus and it's so subtle a lot of people haven't even seen it but they have to they have to do this insisting that they're still being faithful to him because there is an Antichrist coming and this has to happen before he comes so we in the church have to not be shocked not be freaked out know this is God's warning he loves you so much he wants to warn you so you don't fall into it don't be afraid of warning something I don't want to hear that I don't want to hear that you better hear what God's saying and you better know the warnings because he said this is gonna be the sign of his coming this is gonna be what's got to happen there's gonna be a great falling away not a great revival Satan's lie must be honored as God's truth so that the metaphor metaphor ffice metamorphosis I can't see it can occur are we seeing the metamorphosis happening in churches now I'm getting it so cute this guy that called me so we're hungry what truth what you said makes these dots are connecting for people when they there's like that's that's what I felt nobody's ever said that but that that's what the Holy Spirit's been showing me but so it's it's to make this this church now evolved so it's not holy anymore it doesn't matter how you live it's going to just be a part of the Spirit it has to be corrupted before Jesus comes think of this as sad as it is we want to get out of here but guess what he says there's going to be a huge falling away and the sign seekers are going to be a big part of this they're seeking after this sign they want that sign they want to talk to the dead they want Abraham to come walking through their wall guess what gods against necromancy well what happened with Jesus on the transfer he was Jesus he was gone it's not you and we are not supposed to pray to dead people you're not supposed to pray to Mary or any they're dead Jesus resurrected he's alive but these other Saints are dead let them die quit thinking if you rub a bead you're they're gonna hear you I love you second Thessalonians 2:3 the following away has to happen then the Antichrist unfortunately we're seeing a lot of this now and I'm just gonna tell you Abreu self it's going to get worse it has to be corrupted the Lord told us this has to happen because then it's going to prepare and this this dead false revival is worldwide you think you're gonna run away no it's it's happening so luke 18:8 Jesus asked what would there be any faith on the earth when he returns why because everybody's going after signs no we got to still walk by faith he doesn't say walk by sight he said walk by faith what's that mean faith in what he said faith in what he said will there be any faith on the earth when he returns if you know this I'm quoting here from Dave Hunt if Christianity is to be the official world religion which it must be if the Antichrist claims to be Christ then it must become broad enough we always a red flag when you hear the word broad broad enough to accommodate all of the world's face and global peace beware when you start seeing all faiths unite and I don't care who your favorite preacher is the ding-a-ling that's promoting this because they are ding-a-lings they're going in the wrong they're ringing the bell for the devil says there is no peace to the wicked continuing on just give me a few more minutes Dave hunt in the occult invasion he said in second Timothy 3:8 now as James and Jan breeze withstood Moses so do these also resist the truth men of corrupt Minds reprobate concerning the faith now I talked about this earlier there were magicians in pharaoh's court what were they they were all cultists okay now there was a day that when people were in the occult er their witches they hid they didn't say you know and actually the word occult does mean hidden they were hidden but now they're coming out in plain sight they're not embarrassed anymore the culture has changed and it's happening very very rapidly but he said the false revival will be worldwide I'm quoting Dave here now the false revival will be worldwide but will be full of tolerance for what two things this is what I want you to watch false prophets and a neglect of sound doctrine when people get up and they just want to show but there's no word preaching this is where you fall this is where it's like oh they are they the God's with him because he's known as James and jamberry see in other words he's letting us know this is only other time he talks about this in the Bible the occult is going to spring back up before the return of Jesus the occult there's going to be a movement there's going to be a wave of occultism such gullibility and rejection of Biblical guidance opens the door to what the occult false prophetic count on the gullibility of their followers false prophets I was just listening to this in his book and the occult invasion he was talking about this prophet this prophet said we're gonna see the men's hair grow back and we're gonna see eyeballs pop out and we're gonna see limbs I think there was a 19 cent he goes why doesn't anybody call this guy a false prophet and get his book occult invasion he names the names he taught he just this is what they said don't be mad at me this is what they said it didn't come to pass what is he he's a false prophet it sounds good go clear the hospitals well have we seen that it's false prophet these people prophesied these great things to get applause but then it never happens and no one holds them accountable they go on year to year year to year o 2019 is going to be the greatest year it's gonna be the best year most people are struggling in this last two years than they've ever struggled because times are changing the economy is changing everything is happening everybody's going through a struggle tell your neighbor you're not the only one everybody's going through stuff things are changing the world is now we have floods the poor Midwest people that are have floods in the farmers they say they aren't even gonna ever be able to have plenty of crops and some of them don't even have a place to to live the whole economy the whole food the food now it's gonna go up things are gonna go up why because we're living in a dangerous day but he said false prophets count on the gullibility of their followers stop being gullible start searching things out still quoting him the desire to receive extra biblical revelations opens the door to the occult we thought it opened up the door to the right spirit see you the difference this is why I love his books he died he's been gone now but he's left us books and some of his books are pretty thick but they tried to skim him alive when he was alive because they didn't like what he was saying but as we as time went on more and more I'm like that's come to pass that's a true word Galatians 1:8 says though an angel from heaven because now the big sign is did you get an angel did an angel come and visit you an angel came and told me this and and we're looking to these false prophets for the next angelic visit that they have gullible gullible gullible I don't believe any of them I used to take notes and sit down go yeah we all were dumb didn't you anybody else amen I keep repenting I want to keep on open heart to repent all the time I'm like Lord I really thought I was following you there this is what they told me false prophets I went to heaven and this is all the stuff I saw really because when John they went they said they couldn't even talk about it they couldn't they couldn't even have words they couldn't even it was just so they couldn't he if he couldn't talk about it some of these let it go we played in the puddle and me and Jesus had fun and we went fish and I'm like yeah right take up another offering dodo okay I'm gonna close this I'm gonna close this last part this was on the Christian Post and this is sad but this is the beginning this is the beginning I'm telling you this is the beginning of something that we've never seen within our churches that's happening now okay the first annual Christian witches convention Christian witches it's going to be in Salem Massachusetts Easter time this April this April the Jesus they said was a sorcerer and the Bible is really a book of magic practicing Christian which as an ordained minister of spiritual consciousness recently launched the Covenant of Christian witches mystery schools if you guys know anything about mystery schools this is not new this is part of the Egyptians and I'm part of all this occult in this New Age stuff and it's just coming around with a different name to help Christians tap into magic she insists there's nothing wrong with the idea of Christians practicing magic despite biblical warnings against it hello let's just rip that warning out huh because now I'm the new Christian witch Deuteronomy 18 he says it's an abomination what to seek familiar spirits to talk to the dead to be a witch yeah what do they do with that verse nothing I guess she says and he says it's it's these people joining now all these preachers and which is combining the Bible is a huge book of sorcery you can't get around Jesus being a magician there's just no way he said no the said you guys see this but there's people are gonna fall for this every particular miracle Jesus does defines human law defies the laws of universe in the world so can't you really talk about Jesus being a follower without doing what he did which is magic subtle isn't it well yeah kind of makes sense the problem is we don't walk by sense walk by faith what he said don't seek this this preacher who describes himself and listen to this he describes himself as a believer in Christ who still speaks with tongues from his background in the Pentecostal church said the Scriptures has haunted me that I'm not up to Jesus level yet guess what you're not ever going to be haunted he argued I'm almost done with this he argued that for people to fully appreciate the power of you know John 14:12 that greater signs shall follow is understanding mysticism red flag watch out for the Mystics watch out for contemplative prayer all these things the message there it's don't have to another message and what that is is simply absorption with the divine the universe that's another one the universe says give me a break I have Christians on my facebook that quote the universe then they said this all Christians are mystics and I just saw a big preacher in North South Carolina is talking about their next mystic convention I was like interesting within the church mystic conventions especially charismatic this is where Derek Prince always said the Antichrist is gonna come amongst the charismatic because they have no discernment they're gonna let everything happen because everything's God you said there's this is gonna happen to charismatic so there's no difference between me and the father there's no difference between me and Jesus some of these guys are brave enough to say I am Jesus it's we would laugh if it wasn't so pathetic and then he says of course to you doubters I can tell you're doubting Rick you'll never rise to a level that you don't believe you'll achieve so just believe that you'll achieve Jesus level and you'll get there but if you doubt you won't get there so it's all on you you know I think I'm done there isn't that sad though that a lot of and this is in the Christian post there's a lot of so-called Christian magazines that are not Christian they've been infiltrated for years there's a lot of preachers that we thought were okay because they preached an OK gospel but their ecumenical they're all leading towards all of these paths come together now and you better be able to lay any preacher on the altar that God shows you is going the wrong way because why he said follow me he did not say follow men and he didn't say follow miracles Amen father we thank you for your word in this this day and hour we just thank you Lord for showing us truth we want truth as hard as it is sometimes to swallow we want to know what's coming you told us to prepare for your coming prepare for persecution stand having done all the stand and come apart come away come away from a lot of these things that are going in these directions come apart and father I just pray for the YouTube audience that they find friends if they're awakening that they'll find other people that are seeing truth that they don't have to walk alone in this endtime this is not a day you want to walk alone but it is not a day you want to walk with deceivers either so father we thank you you are Shepherd and we shall not want and everyone said amen [Music] [Music]
Channel: Roberta Morrison
Views: 4,147
Rating: 4.808219 out of 5
Keywords: Roberta Morrison Gilbert, Roberta Morrison, Living In His Presence Church, Bible Teachings
Id: DuSMts9ruFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 56sec (2936 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2019
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