Beware: Another Gospel, Another Jesus

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[Music] refine me father refine me cleanse me within and make me holy again we want the spirit of truth don't we this might be one of the harder messages i've had to preach because it hits it hits a lot of nerves in me it hurts some of the ways that when i first got saved the things that i was taught but i also knew at that time there was something that was not right have you ever had messages you've just heard you say you know what something's not right if you haven't if you're new in the lord this might not you might not totally understand it but a lot of us i've been in the ministry now 40 years and this last two years i've probably never studied as much as i have research as much as i have i'm so thankful for the internet and all the books that we have nowadays because some of these things have never been taught to me and i've i just told the lord years ago i got on my knees and i just said lord i will say what you want me to say regardless i mean this is what we're called to do we're not just called to preach you're tickling sermons that makes everybody feel good especially and maybe someone else is called to do that i kind of wish i was but i'm not called to do that so let's look over here in second corinthians we're going to start here in 11 verse 3 and i encourage you read the whole thing and i'm not just trying to lift scriptures out of context this is where we get in trouble with doctrines because we take certain scriptures we like and then we magnify them and then we make them become our lifestyle becomes our foundation and we are seeing exposure by the lord i believe everything that can be shaken in the government that's not of him we're starting to see things he's taking back the veil of things that we thought were honest and true and just and we're seeing corruption and he's also exposing things in the church and that is if you want to be a part of seeing and wanting to be a part of of the remnant of part that really wants to to know the bible because there's an end time falling away where people are going to fall away from the true gospel they're going to follow another gospel because they're following men now we i'm not going to i'm kind of going on the other side today know there's a balance to all of this but i don't have time to do the balance because we've already heard most of the other so i'm going to switch you way over and go to the other side okay how many know there's two sides to a coin and if you only preach the heads you never see the tail well sometimes nobody's even taught on the tale on some of these things and because of nobody talking about the tale we have a lot of air a lot of confusion a lot of people die early people die before their time people get stuck in deception and that that's not the heart of god is to see us be deceived you know that and that's my heart is not to expose anyone because how many have been deceived before let me just see i raised both hands i have been deceived before and you then you you start defending your deception and i don't want to do that do you and the more you come out of it and you see things you're like lord i don't want to be deceived again and help me help other people that have been deceived in this area so that's my heart anyway and here in ii corinthians and i've got a lot of scripture for you guys are you ready we are not going to kindergarten today we're going to college [Applause] strap your seat belt in so here we go because i don't have much time second corinthians 11 3 and again i want you to read all of this but he's saying he's saying i suppose to you one husband that i might present you a chaste virgin to christ verse three but i fear lest by any means as the serpent beguiled eve through his subtlety so your mind should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in christ everyone say god is simple for if he that cometh preaches another jesus now this used to confuse me and go what do you mean another jesus how can there be another jesus [Music] with whom we have not preached or if you receive another spirit which you have not received or another gospel which you have not accepted you might well bear with him as he says in verse 13 for such are false apostles deceitful workers transforming themselves into the apostles of christ now what we're talking about today is not from without now we know there's a lot of stuff coming from without but what we're dealing with today is from within the trojan horses within if the devil's going to work in our lives he knew that he has to join us you can't fight him they'll just join them let's just join that church have you found out how he works yet false apostles deceitful workers transforming themselves into the apostles of christ and no marvel for satan himself is transformed into an angel of light therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers everyone say preachers here we're talking about ministers and preachers transform themselves as the ministers of righteousness whose end shall be according to their works okay let's turn over here to ii timothy now ii timothy chapter 3 and verse 16 and again we're going to just go through a couple verses before it says that we're living in perilous times for men shall be lovers of their own selves now they're not only taking selfie pictures but they're taking selfie videos selfie everything everything's about itself self self self self well it's not just that it's also in the church we're teaching the self gospel you don't have your seatbelt fastened tight enough i can tell some of you are going to flop out right now covetous boasters proud blasphemous disobedient to parents without natural affection let me just go down the list but there's a whole bunch of them despisers of those that are good lovers of pleasure form of godliness from such turn away now as jennies and jamborees withstood moses now what were they they were in the occult i want to tell you right off can i just give you a quick pill the occult has been among us and we know it not now the other thing i want to say is does the bible name names do you see that what does it say jans and jambries withstood moses hmm wow let's keep going i used to think it was not scriptural to name names if somebody has publicly defiled people and they're teaching on radio and television false doctrine we have been taught do not touch the anointed but you know we're not i can't even go into that do not touch the anointed there but the bible does not say we are not to to search and study out scripture he does not say that we are not to know what doctrine we believe and we also need to know what our leaders roots are where do some of our leaders get their money from where do they get their knowledge from who are their mentors [Music] just something to start off here i know verse 13 and if you know me i'm not a confronter i really this is not my kind of personality but i have a shepherd i don't want to see evil i don't want to see people destroyed i've seen people that are good honest loving the lord people get deceived by weird doctrines die young and shouldn't have died at all on and on and on went into huge debt confessing stuff that god didn't tell them at all they went off into covetousness and weirdness and now they no longer can be found or seen because they're mad at god so-called because that gospel didn't work does anybody have anybody they know that this refers to okay natural verse 13 but evil men and seducers you can put imposters black moles shall wax worse and worse deceiving and being deceived but continue thou and the things which thou has learned and has been assured of knowing of whom now has learned them right and that from a child thou has known the holy scriptures were able to make the wise unto salvation through faith which is in christ jesus all scripture everyone say all scripture is given by inspiration of god and is profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction everyone put correction now if reproof and correction are missing in our christianity today what kind of christianity can we have no i don't like being corrected do you i have a four-year-old granddaughter she was over she's over all the time i live close to them and she's she's being top manners and she was at my counter and i have these kind of like bucket lean back chairs and i was just you know my i've been on my feet all day so i'm going to lean and put my feet on the counter here she goes please take your feet off the table didn't even glance up just kept on eating just and i was like this is my house you're four years old and then like a day after she came over and she says grandma i love your eyes and i s and i didn't say anything i thought i was just thinking well that's so cute you know she goes you could say thank you so her mom is teaching her these things it's just it's just in our flesh just that little bit of correction right but how many no correction is good correction is really good but our flesh doesn't like correction tell your neighbor i know you don't like correction we need it we need it paul in second timothy if you just go back a chapter in verse 17 through 18 he names names he says uh hymeneous and philetus because they publicly taught false doctrine and over the through the faith of some he rebukes him he rebukes him so there are there's a time that we need to judge there's a time we need to confront there's a time we need to correct correct and if you're a true minister of the gospel this is a command god says if you see something if you see a wolf coming in your midst and you don't try to say anything or protect what kind of a shepherd are you right so don't judge and don't attack the messenger when they're trying to correct even though our flesh doesn't like it because there's a reaction for correction we go ah who do you think you are it's just but then what do you do you put that down the bible says that a wise man loves reproof reproof and correction is a way of life you have to get used to being corrected it's just a part of life and reproofs of correction are a way of life so if you want to be in life you're going to have to learn that god loves those he chastens those who he loves he chastens us because he's a good father he he corrects us so we don't go off and in the same thing we do as parents we correct our children because we don't want them to make the same mistakes we did although none of you made mistakes so we have new doctrines now about just great first is just faith hyper faith hyper grace now hyper love everything's love and the new world religion is of course everything's going to unite we all certainly save god it doesn't matter which path because all paths lead to god this is what they're they're they're telling they're pushing and the new world order they say love the bible says that love speaks the truth in ephesians 4 15 which may well be very negative now there's a positive movement if you haven't noticed we're going to go into a little bit of this that everything has to be positive i want you to know god isn't so positive he says to eve in the garden he says you know remember if you partake of this fruit you're going to die now that's negative karen there's a whole lot of things that jesus taught in red letter kind of negative whom the lord loves again he chastens proverbs 9 8 he welcomes a correction we welcome correction and rebuke as a kindness thank you lord for correcting me it hurts my flesh ouch hallelujah it's announced hallelujah [Music] so when we get corrected it's not an attack now when we're insecure we think everything we get corrected we take it as an attack you know what we're really being full because we're saying well you know who you think you are doesn't matter who they are is what they're saying truth so it takes a humble man and a humble man in the lord a humble woman in the lord just say lord i receive your correction so turn you say she's just setting you up to be corrected right now i speak for myself first of all jesus called the religious leaders hypocrites blind leaders father of the devil not too positive i don't know where they get this positive jesus luke 12 51 jesus declared he came to bring division now the new world religion is going to be all about unity now where you're in christ he unites us we we can be from different places but because we're boring it's like wow you're my sister you're my brother but that's not man-made and i don't have to lower my standards i don't have to rewrite the gospel i don't have to forget who jesus is i don't have to do all this stuff to to have unity right it's by the spirit so there's a counterfeit religion the devil isn't against religion he made most of it we just don't want to be in his religion with the false prophets and the false teachers and we we aren't here to judge sometimes the the of where some of this you know if people are sincere or not the thing is is it poison or not because poison will kill us rat poisoning is 95 healthy good corn whatever just a 0.5 or 5 poison it's that 5 that'll kill you right so we have to know our bibles in this end times tell your neighbor know your bible so jesus came to bring division what kind of division truth from error when he confronts and he rebukes and he corrects it's to bring purity it's to bring clarity it's not to condemn us and put us down and make us feel bad it's to to show us the way the truth is to separate the sheep from the goats it's to separate light from darkness the true from the false so there's got to be boundaries right you guys with me [Music] now there's a lot of people that'll quote this one scripture and this is the thing if you just take a scripture and you take it out of his context and you quote it misquote it you can really get in trouble this is one they use mark those that cause divisions and avoid them that's not what the bible says mark those that cause divisions and offenses contrary to the doctrine everyone say contrary to the doctrine what's he's saying the doctrine that i have taught you some other people are coming in and they're mixing other messages in with the doctrine the jesus that i brought to you there's other jesus that kind of freaked me out you mean occult people come in our midst using jesus but it's not the jesus of the bible hang on contrary to the doctrine now in malachi 4 verse 5 it says i'm going to send this the prophet elijah before the great and dreadful day of the lord in other words there's going to be an anointing and elijah had an anointing what did he do he confronted the false prophets you can't just say you had a vision and the lord said and the lord really said i mean you can say it all you want but that doesn't mean it's god right there's a lot of people in the in the old testament a true prophet was known by what they said was from the lord and the words did not fall to the ground in other words they came to pass most of these so-called prophets today you look a year from now all the pro oh we're going into hospitals and every eye blind have you heard all these they're all gonna we're gonna have this and that you look back none of that happened well where'd that come from then sometimes their own imagination from sometimes from a deceiving spirit different things we have to know as christian and i used to be the most i raised up fingers and toes to toast the most deceived of all if someone told me there was a christian i believed him i'm the most gullible i want to trust you yay because i you know i'm i'm honored to be honest so i'm trusting you are too you get deceived when you think people i wasn't from the streets people go you you weren't you don't have no street you know i was from the streets i'm like what's that mean it means you don't trust nobody nobody everybody just you know i was like wow that's from brainerd you know what i mean [Applause] so what did what did elijah do he rebuked the false prophets he had to stand for truth we have to have a different spirit today to stand for truth the separation that we're going to see is going to be within christians i used to think it was always going to be the attack from without but you know the mixture that's here that's coming that's going to increase you're going to stand for truth and other people because they're not in their bible and they don't really know what's going on let me tell you you're going to lose some things you're going to lose some things for what for the gospel sake not for being weird but i'm talking on the real truth here of you got to stand for your convictions you know you had to lose a lot of those boyfriends that didn't honor you and respect you right you had to stand for truth we have to stand for what we believe in in this in this hour because the emergent church and i've i've been teaching on what is the emergent church well then i found out what's it emerged from i was like my movement's part of the emergent church i had no idea i can't go into that that's another whole teaching but you you have no idea how infiltrated we are and we know it not so anyway here's elijah and he's confronting he said when he goes to ahab to confront him and i'm just going to condense his story a little bit he said ahab said to him now remember ahab was married to jezebel jezebel was bad he compromised and married her he was a bad king of israel and so when he meets the prophet of god you know what he says this hit me yesterday are you the one who troubles israel brother he's not your problem but that's what they see when someone comes to correct someone comes to bring truth they see you as the problem are you the one that's come to trouble us and many times when you have come to to bring and to bring correction or air to someone especially if it's an unteachable person they attack you have you ever been a part of that movement yeah so are you the one no he says you're the problem you ahab have forsaken god in his commandments and you follow idols balaam so elijah confronts all these prophets in jeremiah 23 30 the lord said i'm against the prophets saith the lord that steal my words everyone from his neighbor the false prophets changed the bible this whole emergent move and i wanted to teach on that but we just really can't get into that but they're rev they're basically casting doubt on the bible they're rewriting the bible they're they're saying there's no hell they're um oh yeah this is what's being taught to our young people some of these guys in the back and say yeah we're we're seeing it and it's most cool and hippest churches they look like everything's going on but what are they teach what are they teaching the mix the mix is here the mix everyone say the mix is here so this so troubled me but i thought where did this we're seeing it now but this has been a seed growing how come all of a sudden we're having manifestation where did this come from now i'm only going to take you to one root one leading that i saw this morning but there's many other things the first thing is cult of personality god wants us to honor our leaders but there's a difference between worship and honor i left a movement back in the i think it was in the early 80s and 90s because the lord said to me i felt it was the lord impressing me everybody's worshiping this man everybody's worshiping him everything he says everything he does it's like it's god and i'm i knew this person and i thought this guy's i met him up close and personal he made me cry he was mean i saw him in hawaii and he grouped at me and i was just like right then the lord just said to me in my heart do i ever put a man on a pedestal i went to my hotel room and i cried and i cried and i cried i was just young in the lord but you know what i learned a lesson don't ever put a man way up in that place don't put him on that pedestal they are not god honor them and but don't worship any man no man is called it shouldn't be worshipped but now we have someone has labeled it the cult of personality there's not a doctrine but i'll just give you a couple things it's when a person becomes the center of attention rather than christ the demand for special treatment special honor special recognition there's a bubble that prevents constructive criticism you can never touch this leader i mean they're so anointed if you touch them they could be unanointed god isn't getting the glory i mean trust me i came from a big church and and uh i had bodyguards all that i didn't know why but i'll tell you the truth someone tried to kill me in the middle of a service on a wednesday night they came down because i was counseling their mistress and i won't get into the whole detail but some of you here know it's true they didn't tell me for a long time i didn't know what the deal was one day i just showed up and all these bodyguards were talk i couldn't go the bathroom without them there and i was like you're keeping me from people so i mean there was a season that might have been necessary but you know what i mean it's like let's prove how important we are see how many people i'm just not into that sorry but god you can't get to these people they're so annoying too god isn't getting the glory all the individual is the name of the leader and the name of the church is inseparable image is paramount clothes cameras manipulation of media the leader is present handle them performs as a carefully handled celebrity have you guys seen any of this maybe it's only me that's that's seen some of this stuff there is no sense of team leadership no one has to question the leader's vision i could tell you stories it's seen as god-given uh anything that the leader says and does in the pulpit the vision is never to be questioned now there's a difference but i'm talking on the other side of the coin okay there's people need to be honorable i think we've a little bit went to extremes okay um the the speaking the teaching offer revolves around themselves anybody else tired of how many cars people have and houses and jets and are you tired and the people around them can hardly pay rent are we in the same movement have we seen any of this then we have pastors like rabbi who gives all their money away to help people pay rent and then he has a hard time paying rent so we have you know what i'm saying so it's not all people that are doing this but we've seen and we've all been touched and scarred by people that have abused the gospel and then we they're no longer servants but they're rock stars but even more pressing is that all glory and attention should be on making god famous and not us and this is a scripture i want to share with you before i get into some of this here yeah this is just the introduction the bereans were of more noble character than the thessalonians for they received the message with great eagerness and examine the scriptures every day to see if what paul said was true i want to challenge every single one of you turn to your neighbor and say this means you to study everything that a preacher teaches you i don't care who it is that's your responsibility because when you see jesus face to face you're gonna say well my pastor my rabbi or my you know priest or my whatever they told me this and he's going to say you know what you had your own bible did you read it study to show yourself approved okay so this is what happens and i think what we got into the situation we got into is because um we've we've seen a lot of these leaders get really huge and big and and so we don't question what they say now some people are very sincere and i think some people start off very sincere but we can all miss it along the road and then we all have to be careful that we don't change our doctrines that we we stay with the bible it's hard sometimes because we want to hear from other people hear what they say so we have to know what we believe in and why we believe in it now there's a lot of the things that i i knew in the movement i was coming up with i said this doesn't feel right it doesn't sound right it doesn't look but i have no proof i don't know what i don't know why i just feel i feel like a lot of this is christian science which is what it's a mind over matter let me talk to you first of all we're talking about we follow men god uses men the devil can use men and there can be a mixture we all pray we aren't a mixture as we grow god will start showing us you know that's not right have you ever grown and something you used to believe you're like i can't believe that anymore that wow lord have you ever repented lord i'm sorry i thought that was you and i thought you told me to do that i mean when i was young in the lord people my friends were giving cars away and they walked everywhere they went they thought god told them to but it wasn't god at all so you grow you learn you know you stand in the mirror and say i believe i don't ever have to wear glasses again and you believe all this stuff and it's like nothing happened hello so we have to be careful that we know what we believe because as god starts unveiling some of these things if you are rooted in man if you're rooted in a person and a personality you're gonna be shaken to the core but regardless of who falls or who rises your faith should be in christ you have to develop a relationship with the lord no matter who comes or goes you're still going to serve the lord because it doesn't matter who comes or goes they didn't save you jesus saved you and this is his word to you okay so we honor men and we trust them but when they start going off don't follow the off don't go with them don't follow him off the cliff now the first person i want to talk to and i'm going to name a couple names there's a whole bunch of names i could name but i'm only going to be safe today okay i'm just starting to teach on this so first time i've ever taught this i know i could share it with you norman vincent peale may be familiar to many in the church and he's called by some and some people have even thank god god can use anybody do you know that i want you guys to take notes and i want you to find out research this stuff that i'm going to share with you right now is quotes it's not what i think it's not because i don't like people i'm talking about things they have said in the books they have written okay so this is not my personality fighting their personality but it's like what does the bible say and what are their books saying because we are responsible for what we eat spiritually so most of us don't take the time to do the research this being true what kind of spirituality does he have he was a pastor of a reformed church in new york city from 1932 to 1984. he had a lot of members peels weekly radio prague program the art of living was broadcasted for 54 years his sermons were mailed to 750 000 people a month his guidepost magazine have you ever heard of the guidepost magazine constitutes his popularity today having a circulation of more than 4.5 million the largest for any religious publication norman vincent peale was a 33 degree mason he was a member of the woodbridge lodge in brook now anything i'm sharing with you is documented it's not okay and i've studied this out enough to tell you that i have enough confidence to stand before god to say uh church we're in trouble because we have hook line and sinker believed in a lot of things we thought was the bible but it's been you know one of the scriptures that puts fear in me is don't add to the bible and don't take away from it who are we to change god's word let that be a good fear of the lord in all of us because false doctrine messes up people it destroys people's lives because once the enemy gets a hold of our mind it controls us and this doctrine has been infiltrating christianity this is just the just the beginning okay so he's a 33 degree mason and it talks about all of his lodges i'm not going to go into all of the proof but he wrote in the messianic magazine men of different religions meet in fellowship and brotherhood under the fatherhood of god now religion and these kind of people they make things so flowery i can't figure out what they're saying do you know what i mean a lot of these words are so flowery and ecumenical and ecu men the met with the word men is in there ecumenical emergent emerging so he starts writing all this stuff if anyone does not know what mason really teaches it's antichrist to the max when one reaches the highest degree and i've got all these mason books you know that i've been studying from christians that are god's starting to expose stuff because we have been so simply gullible of saying they're christians they're christians but let me tell you jesus bled and died for this book and he's watching over it do you know what and there's a people crying out we want truth lord we don't want to be deceived his biggest thing in matthew 24 says let no man deceive you and then he keeps saying at the end times what's the biggest thing that's going to happen he said many are going to be deceived so he's warning us of religious deception tell your neighbor he's warning us of religious deception now i can't do a lot about political deception but i know my part is to to preach the truth of what i know it and if and if i'm wrong god will correct us all of us right when one reaches the highest degree they find that the god of the bible is the devil and lucifer the light bearer is the real god thinking not strange now we're seeing lucifer movies and everything's becoming he's the good one he's handsome he's wonderful they also believe that good works will give them entrance to god's kingdom they call the heavenly lodge now the second name i'm gonna name okay and i even know people that got saved under this guy robert schuller attributes peel to having the greatest influence of his life as he was a disciple and mentor of his schuler calls peele the man who was impacted influenced my thinking my theology my life more than any other person it was peel's positive thinking that gave birth to schuler's ever popular secular possibility thinking you guys okay peel spirituality is not christian but it's new thought now i had to look up new thought i didn't i never heard of a new thought new thought doesn't sound good does it just think of it a new thought a new bible a new jesus after all you know everything's post-modern now and anti this and anti that we you know people are tired of church as usual we have to change things up sound familiar it's as old as the hills new thoughts are embracing among evangelicals they're merging in the and evangelicals who have not discerned its origin you know we need to know what the origin of something is we need to know what the root of something is because if something's planted it might be at ground level but a tree is going to develop so what's the root of this tree peel's message was the power of the mind your unconscious mind has a power that turns wishes into realities when the wishes are strong enough it's from his book page 77 in his power of positive thinking we immediately find written believe in yourself have faith in your abilities you know it used to always bother me when people have faith in your faith i was like have faith in your faith i don't want faith in my faith because if i have faith in my faith guess what i don't need god they're basically teaching you to have a religion where it's about you it's all about you you really don't need god because after all god has to follow forces and laws from you because after all you are little gods that's mason teaching ye are gods genesis chapter 3 satan says the same lies today you are you want to be as gods just partake of this and you'll be as enlightenment illuminated and then you can go to different levels and the more levels you go through different religions christian science masonism the more levels the more illuminated you get so it takes to that highest level of illumination that you realize the real god is lucifer can you believe that that's why it takes so many levels to get there first level you jump and go this is wrong it takes a while to be seduced are you with me am i with the right crowd today peels says acknowledge now you want to know where he gets his teaching from when we need to know where these teachers teachers come from peel has acknowledged that his theology of positive thinking came from ernest holmes founder of the new age occultic church of religious science on and on the facts are i can't give all this to positive thinking came originally from charles fillmore but it was peel who made it a cultural icon he believed there's a powerful this is all from his book powerful mysterious force in human nature a kind of mental engineering the concept is a form of mental activity called imaging it consists of vividly picturing in your conscious mind a desired goal or objective and holding that image until it sinks into your unconscious mind where it releases great untapped energies when the imaging concept is applied steadily and systematically it solves problems strengthens personalities improves your health and greatly enhances the chances for success in any kind of endeavor the ideas of imaging have been around for so long a long time that it's been impli implicated or implicit in all my speaking and writing that i've ever done in the past quote norman vincent peale pill spirituality was a blend of christian science mind science teaching with a dash of christian terminology everyone say another jesus another gospel paul warns us don't be deceived by the simplicity the bible is simple why do we wow you just put a name on it and we just say that's got to be god yay they're with us they're one of us so it's a blend everyone say mixture the deception's in the mixture in his book power of positive thinking the teaching and theme is believe in yourself have faith in your abilities the bible states to have faith in god the bible says have faith in god i don't have faith in myself my faith is simply what is faith people have spent decades saying what faith is this is the it's trust it's simply trust in god it's trusting the why make it so hard i got to confess it to 25 000 times i gotta make it happen i gotta imagine it happen i gotta make it i i you know how much work that is it's a lot of work to rub beets it is it's hard we laugh but we do the same thing works everyone say works in the power of positive thinking the teaching and theme is believe in yourself have faith in your abilities the bible states to have faith in god abide in christ because apart from him we can do nothing peel's teaching the opposite that we can do all things through our mind not christ you don't need christ this is anti-christ this is what the human potential movement part of the new age counterfeit teaches it also has ties with the positive confession confession movement in the church humanism gospel of self the occult and new age anybody know now i said put on your seatbelt he actually taught positive thinking is just another term for faith you just put that word faith there and we all think well it's got to be the same kind of faith i have are you following me how many are with me okay peel whose belief had more heresies and occult practices than the truth he had a little truth in there had not only a great influence on the world and the church has been praised by our highest evangelical leaders and i'm not even going to mention them right now because i'm just letting you digest this in 1984 norman vincent peale was interviewed on the phil donahue program it's not necessary to be born again you have your way to god i have mine now what does that sound like new world religion that's here it didn't just start now it's been its roots the grassroots have been many many many years implanting i have found eternal peace in a shinto shrine i have been to shin i don't know if i'm saying it right shrines and god is everywhere shocked by this phil donahue said but you're a christian minister you're supposed to tell me that christ is the way the truth and the life aren't you peel replied christ is one of the ways god is everywhere mark my words we're going to be hearing this more and more as all the religions are uniting peel was a universalist now this is another one we haven't really studied but have you ever heard of the moonies we kind of laugh about that don't we oh the moonies reverend young moon invented the universal church it's making a come around again they don't believe in hell now this is i want to see who the bereans are here i want you to do a research on the universalism today who are the universalists in our midst to tell you everyone's gonna eventually get saved now not everyone believes the same thing in use of ursula so there's many threads and even the emergent uh church they say it's harder to to put jello on a wall than to really locate these people because none of them want to be termed you don't put that label on part of their confusion and their conversation and their talks is they don't want to be labeled keep it secretive and keep it confusing remember we serve a simple god praise god he was a universalist believing that everyone is going to heaven as long as they believe in god any god so all roads lead to god then they also talk about how many of their messages come through spirit guides an inner spirit guide and one of their inner spirit gods guides guess what their inner spirit guide through the occult name was jesus in the magic power of your mind peel is cited four times in agreement with the book's stated purpose it shows how you can harness esp hypnotism telepathy clairvoyance and auto suggestion to achieve health wealth and happiness beyond your dreams these are all occult influences i'd say the doctrines of demons bible says in the end times they're going to have doctrines that demons teach wow that's why you need to get a hold of some of derek if you don't believe in demons you're really in trouble because these demons are preaching now they're messages peel's legacy is still with us and for what it's worth it's embraced more than exposed this teaching is inside the church today he died in 1993. now the second one is robert schuler his mentor was norman vincent peale he's a christian number one christian number one tv preacher watched on hundreds of stations in more than 180 countries for more than five decades he had the biggest tv audience of any televangelist his mission was to change his church to a place where non-christians would feel uncomfort would feel comfortable enough to come in and then eventually accept jesus this would be accomplished by preaching only positive messages anything on sinfulness repentance forgiveness man in his fallen condition was eliminated he was often known for preaching at the unitarian churches [Applause] shula's message can be attributed to how wonderful life can be if we all come together as one and be positive his preaching is gospel of positiveness and success i believe in positive thinking it is almost as important as the resurrection of jesus christ quote unquote interesting statement considering the fact that positive or possibility thinking was not even mentioned at all by christ or taught by his apostles from his pulpit he has had speakers from all different religions hollywood psychologists new agers occultists uh ranging from mentions all these people's names the book a course in miracles has been taught by robert schuller's crystal cathedral this is a book from a disembodied voice declaring its context who claimed to be jesus christ its purpose was to correct the errors in the bible a course in miracles is what it's called the course teaches that forgiveness is simply recognized that sin does not exist and therefore there is nothing to forgive to accept the course's teaching is to reject all biblical doctrine yet those who embrace it are able to call themselves christians do you see the mixture because they call themselves christians we think they're christians this book's promotion to ignore our sinful nature is right in line with schuler's philosophy they basically believe the same thing in self-esteem and i shamely had to tell you i had that book in my library at one point in time i've been going through a lot of my books lately schuler's son attributes norman vincent peale is responsible for his dad's posit possibility thinking mason occultist shula was also a 33 degree mason so norman vincent peale and robert schuler are both 33 degree masons now i heard this years and years ago but i didn't believe it do your own research i just encourage you to do your own research he attributed peel as starting the positive thinking movement your unconscious mind positive thinking he said norman vincent peale positive thinking is just another term for faith so it's from positive thinking to possibility thinking to power thinking he says and each is a level a level of illumination here we go back to the teachings of the masons if you're watching now the documentary on christian science they're exposing the teachings of christian science on television you have to buy all these books and go to a certain level spend all this money and then if you're going too fast they drop you down a few levels they want more money watch out when everybody wants your money and quit making excuses from these some of these preachers faith plus focus plus follow-through equals achievement and many people fail because they just don't have the faith in themselves and others have the faith in themselves but they don't focus so what he teach quote unquote the biblical attitude of faith or trust in god is not what they're teaching we simply need to trust in god and trust what he says but we also need to pray lord is this your will too we've heard so everything's god's will every single thing in there is god's will you know how much condemnation this has put on people the message of christ is without dealing with sin is having a broad appeal we don't have to feel bad about yourself his new reformation he calls it is not repentance or a renewed sense of dependence on god in his word no humbling ourself before god um on and on it's talking about divine self-esteem in fact he states i don't think anything has been done in the name of christ this is robert schuller now this is important because this is what we're going to hear again in the emergent move this is all been here but it's starting to come more and more in our midst than ever before i don't think anything has been done in the name of christ that and under the banner of christianity that has proven more destructive to human personality and hence counterproductive to the evangelism enterprise than the often crude uncouth unchristian strategy of attempting to make people aware of their lost and sinful condition how many know that is against christ we are thank god we found out we were lost so we could get saved but if they're starting to teach now and it's going to happen more and more in the circles that you're that you aren't lost you just have to feel better about yourself improve self improve well my bible says pick up your cross and deny yourself deny that self you'd love yourself oh i don't love myself yes you do you or you wouldn't care about yourself i mean we already do that's why it says love your neighbor as you love yourself right so we've been kind of deceived and think oh i really don't love yeah you do because if you went to jail and you were trying to propose not going there you'd really say i want to go to jail i hate myself i deserve to go to jail yeah yeah no you love yourself so it's not that self we need to be in christ i can do all things through christ it's not i can do it they used to bother me saying i can i can i can no you can't we can't do anything without him in him we live in him we move in him we have our being these false doctrines want to make say a self totally independent of god we don't need god because after all what they believe is you are god you have so much power no matter what you say comes to pass do you see how subtle this is is anybody with me don't stone me yet i'm almost done what is this this is humatism human humanism this is the self gospel this is not the gospel the whole bible you are this just makes me so mad let me just get out of this what does it mean to be born again shuler to be born again means that we must be changed from a negative to a positive self-image from inferiority to self-esteem from fear to love from doubt to trust so now you know why they don't believe in hell how can they afford to believe in a hell that they can't control because after all they have control over everything and so they're going to change the bible to say what they wanted to say right what is hell this is what he said a person is hell is when he has lost his self-esteem when you really take time to look at it you can see it can't you but if you only plug on a program sounds good sounds kind of exciting well yeah i kind of needed that today we don't need motivational speaking preachers we need gospel preachers motivational speakers are for the world they're for the business world we need to preach the bible we need to repent we need to get right we need to make it right with others we need to be humble before god we need to seek the lord well why seek the lord all prayer left when you don't have to pray anymore you just say it you have what you say we don't need to seek the lord so we walk around independent of god making fools of ourselves saying stuff that never happens because it's not what god's even telling us to do where did we get it from we're getting it from roots of christian science are you freaked out yet hell according to schuler hell is not punishment for those who reject jesus christ we can be in it now if we believe we are sinners quote unquote and now you're going to hear this from the emergent churches that don't want to call themselves emergent uh get my tapes on there i i mentioned some i don't feel bold enough to name all those names right now but there's a lot of people that are teaching this and it's unfortunately in our christian schools didn't you think you were safe to send your kid to christian school do you know now that a lot of them have been bought out and mixed that now they're teaching these kind of doctrines in our christian schools colleges that we're at one time christians are now emergent they're now unified you know all religions i got something in the mail yesterday i was like wow for my insurance company from my christian insurance company all the unification all the churches are as one what is this this has to happen because the bible says there shall be many antichrist before the real antichrist but now if we keep following in these weird doctrines we end up so messed up we we really don't have a personal relationship with god anymore because we're so mad that things we prayed for didn't happen because what we taught has been failed and the only people we see succeeding are the ones on the pyramid the top the pastors two pastors lay their lifetime for the sheep they help people the personality cults of nowadays they don't want to be around people they don't like people i don't want to be bothered with your problem but just give me your tithe oh i can't believe i said that okay [Applause] do you know what you that support them are gonna have to stand before god for enabling them so i had to leave it i was like i can't be a part of this this is wrong this is not right these pastors aren't even praying and seeking god what happened you have a prayer group and nobody wants to show up and it's bad if the pastor won't come if you want to have a praying church the pastor prays with the people then the people start praying almost done with this here but these are so important things i might not ever get to see you again schuler is currently promoting camp it's called christians and muslim for peace now he died in uh 2000 and what is it yeah he just died wasn't it 20 2015 yes christians and the muslim for peace which is an organization of christians and muslims finding common ground shuler is unconcerned that islam denies that christ jesus is god and that he died for our sins during the pope's visit to los angeles in 1987 schuler said it's time for protestants to go to the shepherd the pope and say what do we have to do to come home when schuler was planning for the building of his crystal cathedral he made a special trip to rome to ask the pope's blessing on the building plans this is the new world order do you understand and this is what i wanted you guys to check out because i'm not going to tell you this but i do know the answer there's someone by the name of sir john mark's templeton have you heard of the templeton award go look up and see the christians you know that got this this is a million dollar reward that was given to people that helped this unification movement under the name of christianity the prize was for progress and religion and templeton is an evolutionist a pantheist i don't know what that is yet i haven't studied that one out universalist and occultist rejects the god of the bible christ is the only savior and the only way to god he claims that heaven and hell are states of the mind we create here on earth the truth is relative and that christianity is no longer relevant templeton and his new age views were first introduced to the church by none other than robert schuler in 1986. templeton has become famous for offering a million dollars for his religious research center that is developing progress in religion and many evangelicals are part of this move many that are on tv that's all say backed by the moonies i laughed when i first saw that i was like no way i put that on the shelf i couldn't even deal with that then i went back i'm like you know what every book i'm reading they're saying the same thing is this really true how can they name the name of jesus and how can they be deceiving people like this and let me just close with a couple of these other things that he said and i'm saying that not just because he said or to pick on them but because this is in our midst this is popping up all over the place your kids you think they're going to an okay church and you find out it's an emergent church these doctrines of there is no hell everybody's okay just all these doctrines are have been around and we're fanning them we're just fanning them i believe the responsibility he said in this age says schuler to positize religion not now this probably doesn't have much bearing to you people he's talking to the unitarians here you're positive but i talk a great deal to groups that are not positive to what we would call fundamentalists who deal constantly with words like sin salvation repentance guilt that sort of thing so when i'm dealing with these people what we have to do is positize the words that have classically only had a negative interpretation how many know like again i started with this god is negative [Laughter] you eat of this tree you're going to die jesus christ is the one and only way you don't believe in him there is eternity you can accept who you want to follow right now but all roads do not lead to heaven the end schuler consistently promotes new age concepts including the visualization of visualization of spirit guides an occult technique learned from demons posing as masters of the temple of wisdom on the astral plane and another guy you might want to not read napoleon hill whose teachings think and grow rich who's teaching schuler promotes he's from the new thought 20 million copies i actually saw and had a copy of this i it wasn't given to me it was given to somebody else new thoughts is a mind healing movement mind cure also a part of the new thought was norman vincent peale it's in many of our churches bookstores today the church today has adopted this model of positive thinking or possibility thinking as well as the word of faith promoters who think faith is a force that we can muster up in ourselves i can is the motto of his motivation not i can do things through christ a declaration of dependence just i can it was the apostle paul who said at the end of his life he was a chief of sinners what a negative confession for i determine not to know anything among you save jesus christ and him crucified and my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom but in demonstration of the spirit and power that your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men but in the power of and lastly let's look at june 3rd june june 3rd jude i was up at 5 o'clock and i did write that june no jude hey jude isn't that sad okay like lord how do i close this out jude chapter 3 jude 3 i mean yeah oh exhort that you should earnestly contend for the faith everyone say that faith the faith what is the faith the faith in the lord jesus christ not in yourself not in how you are your own humanism humanism for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints for there are certain men crept in unaware everyone say unaware if we knew who they were we wouldn't let them in they're coming in unaware they're coming in like christians they're coming in like pastors they're coming in like leaders unawares ungodly men turning the grace of our lord into lasciviousness making money off of you and denying the only lord god and our lord jesus christ i will therefore put you in remembrance that you'll though you once knew this how that the lord having saved the people out of the land of egypt afterwards destroyed them a little negative isn't it destroyed them that believe not and the angels which kept not their first estate but left their own habitation he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day little negative isn't it obviously these writers didn't believe in the positive gospel even as sodom and gomorrah and the cities under them unlike man are giving themselves over to fornication and going after strange flesh are set forth an example suffering the vengeance of eternal fire a little negative isn't it that's why we need preachers so you say you don't go there not preachers say just believe in yourself have a good day verse 11 woe unto them for they have gone in the way of cain and ran what greedily everyone say it's greed it's covetousness it's the love of money amen after error for the balaam for reward these are spots in your feast of charity they're in the midst and it's up to us to discern them for you your children your grandchildren's sake when they feast with you feeding themselves without fear clouds they are without water carried about winds trees with fruit withering without fruit twice dead not even born again men religious men twice dead never been born again aren't operating on a recreated born-again person they're why they're walking in the mind of the religious science and doctrines that demons teach verse 16 these are murmurs complainers walking after their what own lusts and their mouths speaking great swelling words so swelling you can't figure out what in the heck they're saying having men's persons hold no man's person in admiration in this hour i just warned you if i had an alarm i could flash because you can remember visuals better than words warning warning warning warning warning hold no man's person in admiration because of advantage if the person starts going off you're not to unify usually separate this call on this hour now is all come together the old people come together right now the bible says come out come out come out separate separate separate don't be a part of it come out well the problem is we don't know where to go yeah that's a problem i've been finding how in the heck do you come out of when everybody's a part of it god has his people great swelling words having men's persons and admiration because of advantage but beloved remember the words which were spoken before the apostles of our lord jesus christ how that they told you there should be mockers in the last time mocking on forgiveness mocking on hell mocking that you don't need to be born again mockers they're taking and adding things to the word of god this is a say a serious thing we need correction in the body of christ to not have these books i'm going through all my books i'm like lord any books i've had to throw books away i was like wow i didn't know they were under them i didn't know they were a mason in the illuminati and the occult and the jesuits their highest goal many of them is to be a preacher and they put him in spots black moles for years and years and years and years they have ghost riders they infiltrate you know who warned us god told us how do you know the bible's true prophecy everything that god says in it is true he's telling us this so we won't be deceived we don't like correction we don't like to hear these i don't like to hear anything bad i'm mercy to a fault you know i feel sorry i don't i don't wanna the very thing that god can use it can become your worst if you start merciful when god's saying you know have no mercy you know cut it off you got to cut that off cut off that's because what are these people now we have to minister to the felt needs of people this is a big emergency felt needs no the loaves and the fishes that's all they want jesus said nope my words are spirit made they are truth we've got to look for a people that desperately want god amen they're not just passionate about themselves and what they're called to do all this flesh and stuff has merged into a church it's like we got to take a while to figure out what what's truth and what is it and what if we what's not i knew a lot of this stuff wasn't right i'd watch people and i'd watch i'd watch people die in their 30s they didn't have to die but they wouldn't go to a doctor they thought they were an unbelief marlene davis who built this church died of cancer and she was one of my closest friends and while she was going through that whole process she said people would come over and they would attack me and said where's your faith get up she goes they would make fun of her because she had cancer and she said they had colds they were coming and blowing their nose and then they were condemning me i mean i've watched people on their desks with this doctrine hobart freeman died himself wouldn't go i mean i'm not saying i totally believe in doctors in this hour there's a lot of stuff that you don't believe in but we're not anti-christian science do you know what i'm saying and if god sends us help do everything you can do to get help but our trust is in god and if you go to a doctor you got to put your trust in god in that doctor and you pray god don't let him say anything if god tells you not to follow that advice you don't but to just rule out this and that and condemn people and say you don't have any faith is garbage i fought against this my most my whole ministry i've just like i've never believed it and then this guy gets on the tv just lately and he says and someone was sitting there said this guy is really a good preacher i thought okay good i want to hear one and not you know i've always just that's they're getting fewer and fewer god is raising up people that i thought oh god it's going to be what's this guy saying that can have what they say and i said you know what this is old cycle stuff this is not new it's just a new face and a new saying the same old thing there are other verses besides mark 11 24 in the bible amen how about the whole gospel how about preaching all of it the fear of god you know there's a lot of other things but anyway are you guys okay oh i think i had twins today usually i say i delivered my baby but today i feel like i had twins so i didn't want to preach this because this is my movement this is the part i i started to church with a lot of these but i've seen personal friends that have went after fame and money they don't have time to pray anymore all they're doing is building their new whatevers god didn't call us into materialism thank god if you have it bless people but it's not about what you i mean these these whole values are wrong this whole movement is off thank god for the good that came of it but it's time to grow up god's exposing stuff and if he's showing me i know how many else is he showing you some of these things see looking around stand up let me stand up show people these are things god said he is revealing things to his bride aren't you thankful you're part of his bride when it's all been said and it's all done the words of the lord will stand doesn't matter what kind of house you had thank god if you have a nice one we'll all come over enjoy it but that doesn't mean you have more faith in me my faith is in god the greater one lives in me we'd all be on the road to hell right now so let's get back to loving jesus let's get back to just loving the bible amen worshiping him not putting men and all this stuff and we've all been caught up in it it's what's shoved before us says this is it now no jesus is he said beware watch out matthew 24 let no man deceive you this doesn't make us mad at anybody doesn't make us angry at anyone it's just you know what you better know your bible in this end times because in 2017 a lot of christians think they're going to have a safe ride i predict there's more deception in this christian movement than you could have ever imagined the deception goes a lot deeper than we think the true christians are going to be persecuted but the false churches are going to help the new world order the false churches are going to promote these gospels the two churches are going to be the ones that are fought against you're going to be hated despised rejected there was a season that it was really cool to be a christian wow to be a christian is really cool that's part of the deception that was the infiltration this world's never going to love jesus satan is the god of this world but we have the lamb that we follow wherever he goes and we loved our lives not unto the death this is what needs to be preached in this hour we love our lives not even to the death will you pay the price god's asking you to pay oh i'm entitled that's the problem you have been taught entitlement you have been taught i have been taught a false gospel of entitlement this has owed me because i am the righteous of god in christ some of these things are true but they're taken way out we have to humble ourself remember there's only one god and we are not it we are not little gods we are sons he is a son we are just beloved he is the almighty amen i need to be quiet hallelujah thank you lord [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Roberta Morrison
Views: 7,436
Rating: 4.7671957 out of 5
Keywords: Roberta Morrison-Gilbert, Roberta Morrison
Id: A8h7Ci9Aw28
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 26sec (4526 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 14 2017
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