Warhammer 40k new model REVEALS

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good to see you all um pleasure pleasure having you here uh I I apologize for my my random um uh intrusion I'm also too big I need to be smaller and I'm also too too big here there's a lot going on right now um Demi and Garrett will be joining me shortly as all of us uh begin to discuss the the general reveals for uh for the stuff going on today the next codexes that are coming out are pretty neat it's uh what is it it's admech kon's dangles and custodes I think so so there's a lot there's a lot going on it is uh it is relatively exciting uh and so I would like to uh for the most part you know have a have a bit of a have a bit of a fun time checking it out dude okay so fun story is I have a little secret on my uh my fate Weaver from the lore when I was painting his book right I was like Oh you mean kyos say like stand yeah his his staff uh okay so his book I added a little secret in there that I thought like no one's going to guess it except for me now you listen to me m I work for living and I mean real so it ties into Magnus right so in the corner the focus is not wanting to [ __ ] no no no no no it's not you um I just started hearing Hank Hill I think Matt's I think I think Matt's old uh awesome alerts are still going out hold on let me let me make uh let me make your your Discord thing be put it over on in front of your face normally cameras like to steal your yeah there you go there you go I know it's really poorly yo dude the star effects on his wings are [ __ ] baller yeah I'm so glad it came out I always remember really liking learning about kyo's lore because it was just like Z just like God I thrown like seven Lords of trange down the well of Eternity and they they just won't come out it's like cyos get [ __ ] and then throws him in there it's like oh my God he came out and he's got two heads he's speaking gibberish dude yeah no he's like an old man with like dementia because he's just like I can see the future and I can see the past and I have no idea what's going on and also one head lies and one head tell the truth and it's like uh dude he's just like yeah I I he's like me in the morning I'm like uh for the viewers who don't know about this um uh I since you know me being terrible at painting everything and anything I have uh commissioned paid mind you um both Garrett and decki to help me pay my voton for the tournament this weekend so so um so here's what happened wait wait hold on real fast um yeah so okay I got to I got to zoom you ass your ass in hard but I I'm not going to [ __ ] with it right now um and I still I haven't shaded it yet but oh you dude don't don't shade it just I just need a battle ready the worst part about your bikes is just like all the random [ __ ] all over them like there's a pistol holster there's there's [ __ ] a pickaxe there's like crates there's a Leather Pouch there's like all this [ __ ] all around the bike I I did I did say just put three colors on it and throw a base on it I did did not did not need you to go hard no I was going hard because I want you to play them on Stream So Okay chat here's how the story goes down right so we do our podcast on Friday right and then it kind of ends and Brick's like hey guys you know you're like my best friends ever period and we're like yeah we know dude like we love you and he's like can you do us a big can you do me a big favor and I'm like what he's like can you help me paint an army and me and decki good guys fantastic we're like yeah dude we could to totally help you out man he's like it's only a few that he says only a few he said only a few either between a few or not that many that's what you said that is a [ __ ] so chat no no don't listen to him chat okay so me and teki come in to play the game the next day and we're like hell yeah dude we can help out a friend we get to be super nice and then boom we look in the box there's like a whole Army you know me the the one thing I hate about the hobby is building I [ __ ] hate build not asking you to build when I saw the two boxes I'm about [ __ ] lost it no that was no [ __ ] way that was just me collaborating the whole Army into one spot that I was I built those myself those are my own thing I did they're they're [ __ ] [ __ ] charlatan Liars right now I did not say just a few that is a lie do you smell do you smell gas like gas lighting I swear God I swear to God Demi uh what are you running to the Maui GT uh death guard same list as last time you dropped Morty uh no I kept Morty cuz like I would have to paint he he hold on hold all right all right I would much rather my friend play his stupid ass dwarves I and then me have to Morty and do more painting don't you don't you Pawn this off on me I told you whatever you could handle is it the same death c l is last time or did you change it up I I missed that part if you said that so I did change it uh there are five nurglings in there I wonder why four sorry what I'm doing right now get some nurglings done those nurglings are going to get you like 10 more points every game like minimums are so insane they're so good I have five in my list no wait roll back real quick five squads yes five uh squads so my list hold hold five five like full squads or five singles five three man squads okay cuz I'm taking four singles you I don't think you can take singles you have to take three no well yeah you can take one but is three ah if I would redo my list I would drop a nurgling and changeling for this person so yeah everybody runs her like she runs insane dude she just has nine wounds or has nine wounds dies on a two up comes back with nine whims and she's like T6 I think T6 or seven she's just insane oh my God she also she also gives well she also gives Dev wounds on five so the demonet she's with it's nasty but as like just a straight character in general she like slaps she slaps pretty hard for like Elite down and then she's just like dies and comes back I can see them being played on their own you know you deep strike them that's why you would yeah to it's basically it's like a it's like a more flamer harder hitting holy [ __ ] she hits harder than Celeste and has like the same abilities yep she and she's only guess how many points she is look how much points she yeah 120 it's like better than C like every way what [ __ ] feel bad sister players yeah this feels terrible dude she's like's like 180 here's some war tech too go it's like the mask the mass mases yes the masus lanes too go to that one yeah I got her she's insane too as just like a character killer or just a straight up like uh just to be annoying as like a lone a player what a friendly slanesh makes a melee attack that targets an enemy unit add one to the wound roll or uh no it's no or it's just both Oh no you're right sorry select one enemy unit and get both my bad that's both wow oh God so it makes them hit them really hard and then they can't hit back yeah so you just drop it she uh she has fights first and low knob I'm setting the bar really low so I'm going to set with it's all about new [ __ ] that is coming out with the codexes that are coming out in like spring so there are four codexes coming out soon we got kon's admech dangles and stoies let's go I would be I would be if I get one necron reveal and if I get one stoan I'm chilling I apologize if it's quiet chat I got yo let me it'sit let me text A tes right now cuz he's there right now and tell him to yell something for dice there please don't do that oh my God I'm doing that don't do that you know what else T would do just like streak across he would he would absolutely you know what text him to streak text him to streak [ __ ] what I said oh my god dude chat that's the kind of guy he is he's just always in for everything I love it look I'm going to I'm going to say this I know that they're going to preview the [Music] new Terminators for the the Deathwing Terminators I'm not buying them I'm not you are so buying them you are so buying them I have over probably 60 or 70 [ __ ] Deathwing Terminators right now I'm not buying anymore will not get any more of my money you know I bet the old kit is going to get cheaper and I will buy all the old kits 100% dude so lying to yourself I don't believe you for a second [ __ ] you oh [ __ ] oh [Applause] okay oh oh yeah oh let's [ __ ] oh that's hype dude let's go oh finally it's been so long so it's funny that they're going if you look at uh storm storm Lord that they have like a similar like face structure and it looks like they're going towards that model with it dude I I'm I'm so mad they didn't also reveal a new traon to go along with this you oh finally let's [ __ ] go we got an Orin mini oh dude after like what 25 years of fine cast I hey they might show tras later but you know what new storm Lord new Orin I'm I'm pretty happy about that yeah oh oh sick oh that was a sister yeah this is um this is the the thing you know indominous no no this is this is TV yeah oh [ __ ] more more let's go uh I think it's just the book pry next this is the warmer plus thing oh yo we about to run a crusade are we about to run a crusade boys bro I have the Crusade book okay so they're selling the Crusade books again okay got youen speaking things like Nar I thought it' be a box set if anything the one thing I I I do wish that GW did was make more like set boxes like that for that kind of stuff oh it is set box oh [ __ ] you're right oh it's ad no that's just a preview I don't know if that's a set oh you might be right I was like yeah you're right cuz that's three monoliths and the silent King yeah I was about to say that's a lot y's a the back holy [ __ ] I want to get that's sick dude I I want that middle that uh like Tower in the middle for terrain that think is that a gigantic nekron pylon slamming into the wall to the right no no no in in the cover of the book look above the sertic [ __ ] you know what else I wish they do I wish they would do stuff like magic where um I definitely don't like current magic no no no just so they create special products or uh is that asmo oh asmo please it he's got he's got the staff oh it so is oh yes dude that looks like a hell brick sword asmo so dude that looks like hell sword that is oh that looks oh that looks so baller dude I am that that gu all right all right certainly comes very well yeah did your did your dick hit the top bottom of your desk the P job sold it so well with the ice in my opinion and it still looks pretty like old school dangles too it's not like primaried or anything War oh yeah it's flowing off of his pack [ __ ] so cool oh you can do like yeah I like the unhooded that look dope oh he's got his wacky torture tool in his back in his back too dude I I lowy want to like take that and make us like a black Templar chaplain with that guy it' be so cool that's great that dude that dude is is smoking ganja out of his backpack he's hot boxing it in there I'm bringing asmo dank you think they're going to like uh totally uh screw over admech and say you just get you get chicken boys and that's it you get the One S stilt guy yeah they might only give them the stilt guy so [ __ ] ridiculous looking they're like the reason he's on stilts is to walk across the disappointment ad guys oh [ __ ] yeah they are those look so much better like come on sty don't lie to yourself I get those because the Deathwing Knights only come with the [ __ ] maces these are definely look at the Watcher on the right look at him look at him he's chilling GW has done a really good job at keeping the um the general like Faith feel I think like the religious elry part of Marines because because you know they did like primar for a while and they were kind of little uh you know a little little too sci-fi for some people but this is great people convert these to gry Knights 100% I would totally convert these are great these look better than Palin do by far holy cow you're right yeah yeah just just paint them silver and change like you can even like well the only problem is it's going to be the chapter symbols on the well you just you just you can you could that you could get your own ones if you know what I mean wink wink wink I'm not out mold it in on there bro oh look at those maces look at those hell oh oh man oh the hooded dude with the gas mat dude they even got smoke coming out of the Watcher are they just going to go hard into plastic smoke effects I'm so down with it though like incense is coming out of his little uh his little handy dandy like Morty with like his cape that kind of turns into smoke now the real question is are they Perma transhuman wait I don't even think transum exists in 40 in 10th edition no I don't think it does that's there's the road map look you call me a liar there it is chaos Space Marines yeah you know you know what you're right you're right I called you a liar that's it totally forgot about oh [ __ ] Orcs is here fuckus godamn wow that's different 40K at least one more reveal yeah I mean it always comeso where's that yeah where's adme you get the stilt boy and you get [ __ ] nothing else don't even you get a new book and a still boy that's it those those nekron dudes they get two reimagined character three reimagined [Music] characters actually you know they could reveal some Demon [ __ ] on Sigmar and it could go 40K right now is they're part these are the uh like flesh teritory they're they're no they're like a sub chapter of the vampires they're like uh like the more monst like kind of vampire like things they're super cool I'm kid bashing the [ __ ] out of that flying dude yo look at that thing what the [ __ ] that thing is sick holy [ __ ] that's so cool that kind of looks like a what's his face from Elden ring oh yeah does looks like godri yeah it kind of looks like him a little bit okay so so even though I don't care about sigar we all agree that Sigmar models are like [ __ ] great I legit like kind of want to take that model and like use him in a d andd game I fantastic no that that one do with the giant bat wings is going on night Lord conversion instantly y look at this dude that's got two like [ __ ] limbs that he's beating his drum with what that dude in the mid middle eating a hand like look at the guy that's a head as a hat details there on top of a hat I think you're right he has a hat on a head on top of that's so funny those things look super cool honest to God like they could probably use this in The Lord of the Rings tabl toop too for the Orcs they got a lot of fleshy bits for you Bicky look at all that you know I'm thinking that I'm thinking exactly that I'm like a lot of these things could just be bolted on of various uh uh night Lords godamn the face and the [ __ ] like mouth the ears holy [ __ ] oh I love that that I love that uh bone thing holy crap Garr this is my soul black grave Lord uh this like the coven Throne it's like the three vampire uh chicks on it and stuff like that holy [ __ ] and all and then I have a a vampire lord on a zombie dragon and the royal Decap godamn I might you know what when I when I eventually start actually painting maybe I and and when my pil of Shame has done in 17 years maybe I'll buy a n Sigmar model I won't lie that's a pretty baller uh box art a get dude look at those wings man look at those wi it's going on a demon Prince I was about to say I would just build that man and use him as a demon Prince honestly I might do that too some armor onto him or something you know I like 40K more but like these I like these these models I think look better than the Terminators cuz these models are insane yeah but like it's kind of like sigar models are just so good dude it's hard to compare heads yeah like I mean come on that I don't know if I would want to paint I I'm gonna get that and I'm going to paint it and I'm going to run a d campaign just to use him as like an so cool King R oh [ __ ] Sigmar once again stays winning oh underworlds underworlds yeah I wonder if they're going to show any like uh Jun King and stuff like that for Fantasy how many remakes how many takes do e to get they had to do that to get it good to get the dice roll yeah give me be such a cool model I would love that I won't lie the dude blowing the pipe that with the plastic showing his puffed out Cheeks is like actually pretty [ __ ] impressive having that level of mold skill for the plastic those Orcs remind me do you guys remember the orc from The Hobbit the White Orc like the the main bad guy with like the didn't watch they kind of look like that I didn't watch any of The Hobbit movies you're probably better off I don't know I don't know which take is hotter man yours you saying that or me never watching them I don't know which part's worse I like the I love rings but they're all right I could put Spider-Man in like a porno and you'd be like like the cinematography was great yeah dude [ __ ] you his penis shot web and it was so cool it was so cool guys what was the Star Wars burles show you mentioned oh dude oh the Empire strips back it was so good oh man it was so good that's so you should watch Emperor Emperor Palpatine uh swings on a wrecking ball to Miley Cyrus's Wrecking Ball and then gets butt ass naked all right everyone let's all open up our admech on Reddit and let's oh my God I don't even let's just let's just raid the Discord and see what everyone is like talking about right now bet it's Heth let's ra the Discord with like pictures of orin's new Mini and be like stay mad stay mad Imperials oh [ __ ] hold on hold on oh this is horsey oh I'm still okay that we can we can kit bash savagery oh these are just like assult intercessors with jetpacks I do I do kind of want to buy some horror heresy models uh to have as Raven guard or lion guard okay I'm not interested anymore let's go back to that part where we uh make Discord everyone watching this all uh 1,700 people on YouTube watching this um and 300 and something 40 something on Twitch all of you guys you want look at the Dark Angels Discord you should go to our Dark Angels remember our Dark Angels go there and talk about the new models they're great hm Ricky you sent me to a porn Reddit we don't know what you're talking about I don't know I don't know what do you guys smell gas they are they are not the fall what somebody like I've see some light what's going on can you let me know riy what's going on here the jump packs look a little small don't they the models look really small and like not like looks almost as big as the [ __ ] torso of the model no the the jump pack is is like it's as wide but it's super thin it's like super narrow someone someone go to our Dark Angels to complain about no adme you can have a lot of D we should take over that subreddit Arch Angels or adme yeah let's go we still have um kill teams so fantasy fantasy fantasy promising kill team could be promising necrom has cool oh speaking of [ __ ] y That's [Music] NEC oh that was kind of cool yo that's actually great this this is not the worst thing I ever know dude okay so we got to get models like that all three of us and then we got to have like a RAC track and put cameras on it and like act like we're playing Mario Kart with them but Warhammer Edition yeah this is this is totally a GSC kit bash right here I could slap their heads with a with a purple ass looking head and you're good I like how I like how us 40K players are like damn look at all these stuff for these other games that can be kitbashed into 40K oh oh oh oh [ __ ] oh what do you mean he can only get so wrecked chat he can only get so wrecked oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh [ __ ] oh oh that's such a now you don't have to buy any other kit you just buy that's so cool oh my God hey bricky I'm making n arm me [ __ ] you go cool I don't give a [ __ ] make whatever you want I'm so [ __ ] hard right now you have no idea Dude that [ __ ] so cool too is so sick oh he's got the chain glaive too he looks like he's wearing like a butcher apron almost oh the [ __ ] dude with the the the hanging dude on the spikes and the double the double Ripper [ __ ] um uh the things with the you know these boys let's go to our chain glaves oh my God I'm so I'm [ __ ] eighth Legion stay winning that's so cool with the dripping blade all the [ __ ] sick ass icon bear dude the icon bear do the stitched hood on the middle guy with that mask stuck damn they did a really good job with the lightning too it's like just like slightly over the the knees and like not too not too present it's not too like busy I need I need I need to tweet out that I'm coming just violently Ste one so did your dick hit the the bottom of your table oh sorry one moment oh that Cape bro what is that sword with like the the coil is that person's like rib cage like made Metal is it was a skeleton face on top of it and like the skulls all through the sword oh man nobody can say the night Lords are racist that is a multiethnic skin Cape my the guy on the right you see it he's like got multiple he does tones of Flesh on him oh man I feel so bad about adme but old content so the reason why that he has the SK is to like be able to walk through the tears of AD players with walk oh two pigs let's go hell yeah oh no this is just a little oh that's cool it's all is that a crocodile it's a crocodile Dragon it's a crocodile Pharaoh dragon oh what the [ __ ] that's that's actually really cool that's so sick boys I'm playing tomb Kings yo just throw that dude off the top and put the sil King up new silent King okay that is so so sick dude I'm so T like I want to play like ponia as well because I love their Cavalry but dude two gings are so sick that's a really cool model oh man this is great this is a amazing model love this is going to be the worst thing to transport I've ever seen yeah God damn that's such a good looking oh man oh D you can make it multi oh D look at the bird oh it's so cool the bird is really cool is Old Worlds a new thing ironically no it's it's a restart of fantasy yeah before AG of Sigmar what original warmer was with the square bases and stuff wait someone said our night Lords is talking about bricky loing his [ __ ] what yeah dude I want yatti like the yti uh great bows and like their Warriors those things I hope they get those those models are so cool that is a that is creaming his Jorts right now oh my God I don't even hate the stilts adme model I think it's kind of fun it's like the the horribly dumb goofy admech vibe that I like but I'm sad that's the only thing they're getting we don't we don't know it for sure I guess we can assume cuz if necrons are coming at the same time as admech you would assume they're revealing more necrons they would have also revealed more adme but we'll see night Lord stilt man when night Lord guy made his own stilts out of people you know someone's gonna kit bash a [ __ ] Space Marine onto one of those stils no I want like an imperial knight the top half in Creed JS clad oh goodness gracious oh we're done we're done there's no there's no ending bit you you promised me an hour and I got 50 minutes okay so or orin's first and Orin and then the Pariah Nexus Crusade which is is like fine um Art's cool Orin looks great I'm happy about that um then we got as look at look at that look at that [ __ ] guy look at that as asthma die the knights look really really good uh what else we got so then after that was the uh was the soul blight or the flash eater quartz sorry flusher courtz yeah they look they look [ __ ] great they do look great that the main guy oh my God and then we had the the horse boys which is kind of whatever yeah they really just don't look that they're just regular guys with jump packs you know they look they very everything's very smooth yeah everything is very new uh new necrom vehicle would be a great GSC conversion oh oh oh look look at that [ __ ] it's so over the top and stupid I love it I love the [ __ ] edgy emo haircut with the death mask and all the all the little bits and bobles on the side you get the the bat wings and the skin and the the night Lord symbols and the icon Bearer and the dude I didn't know Jared Leto was part of the night Lords you son of a [ __ ] technically Jared Leto would be a nightl Lord because he did play Mor it's morbin time it's morbin time baby oh [ __ ] hold up the nightl Lords are one with the Shadows Etc their Faction ability in Midnight Cloud obscures them when enemy fire from while lurking around terrain only oh wait I think that's for kill team that's for kill team no I was excited for like a I I I think though is we should look into that because there's probably going to be something in the Codex uh coming out with that I'm pretty because could there's definitely going to be because this is coming out and then chaos Space Marines coming out pretty soon so there might be something in that that might be happening in the codc so Marines right they have the uh they have the the the minus one a hid and cover one the Vanguard spearhead um but specifically there's that one upgrade in uh the first company task force that terrible one that gives you reroll wounds back to Oaths um it's fear made manifest which is every time someone fails a battle shock within six Ines a single model in that unit is destroyed and like that's a lot more night lordy you know yeah so wonder if it's going to be something like that but um outside of that I mean you know it was it was a light day normally lvo a little bit a little bit thicker it was actually a really big stuff because it's not maybe for our stuff but for everything else like Old World got a massive AOS got their massive Flagship like kind of things so I think all around it was pretty big but maybe not in 40 well 40K still felt pretty big there was some pretty big stuff lvo they're probably going to reveal the a a Sigmar update like the next Edition to be honest with you I don't think they'll do anything major with lvo because it's not their event and they would never do their event and plus they have something coming pretty close to that time I think so they'll probably be there the kill team boxes are normally brand new models yeah they're just models they're they're not they're like not multi-purp model I box yeah I have the C box and something else wait this is better for me because I already have a bunch of Legionnaire I'm going start snipping [ __ ] oh sick cool all right I'm okay with that still you know it it's not I mean adme stay losing but um besides that I don't I didn't hate it it was it was light but it was good so out of 10 what do you guys give this oh that depends on a 40K out of 10 or everything a as a whole like a seven yeah I would say like a 6.5 yeah I'd give it eight dude got some tomb Kings yeah you you were there for your tomb Kings yeah you got your tomb Kings oh dude the flesh heater courts I'm stoked for the Sigmar players like yeah cool [ __ ] guys but the ruined King but like I'm really ha I mean you know me like I'm I'm kon's kon's and night Lords is pretty good all they had to do was throw a few sisters models in there n so good I like this like the sleekness that they kind of gave him like they look he looks really good I think I I I think so too he has he still has like the cryp deck hunch yeah I like what they did with the face like it's different but like the more you look at it the more you're like I kind of really like it actually like I really like it it's like narrower and yeah that's what it feels like well I think it's actually really neat because they they play cryp decks as like old men so they have like the long goatee but it's made out of the the piece but more importantly um if you notice his eyes look like they're sagging like they look like they're like they're tired yeah yeah the single eye which this is really impressive as a concept is redacted a new faction or is redacted we haven't determined what we're releasing in summer yet I would say redacted is we haven't determined I think so too I wonder if it's too like they have a couple models and if they can produce something it might be a big release but it's like something where they're like can we actually get there if not we can substitute it with something like a smaller like one or two model faction yeah I I I think Reda is just we aren't telling you what the next one is yet MH um I don't think it's a new faction it might be but I think it's yeah I don't know I'm I'm really curious about uh what voton because voton are obviously going to get one of the larger updates probably because of their low model range you get the admic treatment I get I get one I get one I get the tall dwarf the dwarf on stilts and then like I just pictured like the the art of it is like the ad player with the stilts like hitting you on the ground with like the big chicken leg no what's the picture of what's the picture of Tyler one looking at the really tall gal oh that yeah it's like she's like the scari and like the Von is down there I think voton need like a middle ground they need like a dreadn type thing like a big minor robot um but yeah that'd be kind of cool or like a yeah like a like a tow type machine or something like that would be kind of cool they get like Tech from the to or oh they gave Tech to the to right yeah they trade they they gave the to I think rail gun tech like ion Tech that that they gave that to the to in exchanged for probably like a planet worth of adamantium of ore yeah I feel like if you guys got like a walker type thing where it's like T10 t11 with like a rail gun or something like that maybe can go in groups of three or something like that with like a little bit of Mobility I I could see like like T10 nine wounds two up five up like 7 in move or less with like two laser cutters and just big fists you know a classic like minor bot everyone thank you so much for joining us on this we'll make this into a video very soon uh so you can watch and uh wish us LU on our tournament tomorrow oh yeah yeah boy let's go all right peace out everyone see you later
Channel: DiceCheck
Views: 48,105
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, warhammer 40k, warhammer 40000, wh40k, warhammer new reveals, warhammer new minis, warhammer admech, warhammer asmodai, 40k, 40k reveals, 40k mini reveals
Id: qvKJ1ede8Qg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 21sec (2181 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 21 2023
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