Creepy Minor Xenos in Warhammer 40K Deep Dive

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in the 40K Universe the Milky Way galaxy is filled with six major superpowers but there are hundreds of other minor intelligent races that have established small empires of their own these have the potential to one day pull themselves up to become major players in the never- ending War of the Grim dark future some of these races have a playable element on the tabletop While others are vaguely mentioned in the black library and dark heresy books while some of these minor races are capable of defending their territory and people from the countless threats in the Galaxy many of them have found success not through head-to-head battles but rather diplomacy with major superpowers let's start off with a minor race that got some attention during the game's Workshop introduction of the Warhammer Adventures books the Jero this alien species has been around for longer than Humanity they were actually created by the old ones as one of the warrior races that battle the necrons in the war in heaven although the chero presumably fought alongside the alari and the cro and managed to to survive the enslaver plague the species didn't reach the same level of success as their comrades this could be due to the jerrol's cultural mindset which seems to be centered around engineering and not Conquest they do all they can to survive and protect themselves but ultimately they're not a naturally aggressive race the juro's potential for greatness amongst the stars is hidden in their innate ability to create deadly and advanced Weaponry these weapons have such high Renown that the Imperium refers to the Jero As Weapons mins much like the orc Ray the Jero were created with a biological blueprint that allows them to build highly Advanced technological systems without having to learn it first just like humans are born with an instinctual knowledge to breathe that jakaro know how to instinctually design a weapon unlike the Orcs that Jak Caro's technology can be used by any and all Races which is why the Imperium most commonly radical inquisitors have allied with this species in order to benefit from their expert engineering skills when given the appropriate resources a chero is capable of building anything from alas Cannon to spacecraft the species has even been known to construct food synthesizers for long periods of famine or even space travel with these Technologies a future jakaro Empire wouldn't have to drown out planets in Industrial Waste or even require hundreds of mining worlds like the Imperium of man the efficiency of their advanced technology could sustain the entire Empire much like the Eldar craft worlds are able to sustain their populations however the Crown Jewel of the Jak Caro's Advanced engineering is definitely in the theater of war specifically specifically the creation of digital weapons sometimes referred to as Digi weapons these devices are as small as a ring and are either worn or implanted into the wielder once activated the digital weapon can fire almost any type of projectile from lasers to bullets although the device doesn't possess the same volume of fire as a regular siiz weapon the damage it can deal is just as devastating the size of the device also means that multiple weapons can be carried by one single Warrior A Jero Army could possess a far wider range of weapons compared to a regiment of the astrom militarum when it comes to space travel the J Carol's understanding of astrophysics is also unusually deep as they seem capable of tapping into unseen power currents that run throughout the Galaxy and are unknown to all other intelligent space fairing races except maybe the necrons the Jak Caro's unique Starships take full advantage of this knowledge as they are open structured lattices that resemble a unique polyhedron and are unlike any other space fairing vessel encountered by mankind this unusual open structure is vital to the design as it draws upon the same unknown Interstellar currents of energy that the jakaro are aware of some Imperial savants compare it to force weapons as the psychic energy travels through the vessel's unique spiral shape thus chiro vessels are able to move maneuver and even enter into the warp by simply making ongoing physical alterations to the Starship shape thus drawing in on this unseen energy this means that unlike the Imperium that has struggled to find webway portals that your Carol have a significant advantage making a future Jero Empire much faster than most major races in the Galaxy when it comes to Unity the jakaro have been spotted traveling in large family groups these sightings are obviously most common when a colony arrives in an imperial held world but the cooperation between the jaero speaks to their highly intelligent social skills at first the Imperium was baffled by these nomadic Jero tribes in appearance the race resembles the ancient Teran orange fer duranga tanks this very primitive appearance was justos with the spe highly advanced technology adding to the confusion the species doesn't seem to communicate with spoken language very few accounts exist of Jero demonstrating the ability to speak and yet there are numerous accounts of multiple traveling Clans Banning together to attack specific Targets in order to acquire the object they desire related families often travel and work together and these groups are led by either a matriarch or a patriarch their natural and extraordinary technical talents demonstrate how capable they are at outwitting any starfaring rays jako are quite capable of using complex and well-coordinated attacks against their targets these targets have been lone power stations farmsteads or distant mining vessels they seem to raid these places for a particular type of technological loot the jakaro will always seek to escape with their loot before their action attracts the response from their foes if the Jero ever evolved a desire for Conquest the species could easily develop an Empire capable of Waging War against the major powers of the Milky Way galaxy they would use their digital weapons and other Advanced Technologies to compete for dominance over resourcer worlds and their highly mobile space fleets would easily outmaneuver the more archaic designs of the Imperium of man while their tactics would resemble those of the Eldar craft world or the jukari meaning that they would favor Lightning Fast assaults followed by quick withdrawals to safety the jakaro Empire would easily outsmart and outmaneuver the slower and more attrition based armies of the Milky Way galaxy let's move on to another minor Zeno race that used to be a a huge problem during the Great Crusade era the lacal some lucky aliens managed to escape the xenocide enacted by the vengeful Wrath of the Imperium they now lurk in the shadows in the deepest corners of the Galaxy bitter and broken these xenos want revenge against humanity but can never truly accomplish it although there are a few Imperial savants that are still aware of their existence the alien survivors are so insignificant that Humanity refuses to acknowledge their threat they suppress any reported sightings or redact any ancient records of the Zeno but what this does is it creates an opportunity for these forgotten zenos to thrive they bite off chunks off the fat from the bureaucratic and slow-moving Imperium F Zeno epitomized this parasitic and vengeful notion more than the lacol their greatest achievement wasn't the terror that they caused humans during the age of strife but rather convincing man that they no longer exist very few records exist of the Xeno species known as the lacrimal much of the data on these creatures has been lost since the great Crusade it wasn't until recently that Inquisitor grandal discovered their existence on the world of beta Carin when he discovered this horrific alien species grundal called an assembly of the inquisition's Ordo xenos and had the lacal declared a xenos horrificus an Imperial designation requiring that every member of this alien species be exterminated upon Discovery the descriptions that do exist of this xenos paint a horrific picture of a large mass of Flesh and limbs that are in constant motion with only two black eyes remaining unchanged this is the creature's True Form but the form that it actually usually takes is that of an average human that is because the lacol is a shape shifter they are capable of changing their appearance at will and use this to infiltrate their enemy's layer but because they have ever only gotten caught aboard Imperial vessels it is unknown how wide their shape-shifting abilities truly are the humanoid form they take is usually that of their former victims on top of being a shape shifter the lacalle is vampiric it is the blood they drink that allows them the ability to shape shift into that individual the true danger is how quickly they can take on the shape of their victims as soon as the blood is ingested the lacrone Begins deconstructing the DNA sequence and uses it as a blueprint for its new form there are rumors that this process is not always perfect and so the lacr will not be 100% accurate to the original victim if the difference can be identified in time the lacal impersonation can be questioned but once the Zeno feels like it has been detected it will fight like a cornered wild animal records aren't clear if the lacal can mimic voices either the covert nature of the zenos has made it incredibly difficult to track down all of these biological adaptations that naturally interact with DNA could have been used in the gene Labs on Luna check out our 40 facts on the gene Labs of Luna or the moon I'll put a link up above the most notable encounter with the lacrimal has been recorded as the Cardinal Spectre incident or the lacrimal incident this occurred during the the early days of the aculus Crusade before the death of the warm aculus and before the true extent of the imperium's foes had been uncovered as the Crusade fortified the region Around The Well of night countless Scouts ranged out in all directions assessing new worlds for conquest and spying on heretical populations and blasphemous alien Empires they sent information streaming back to the warm among these reports was the appearance of an ancient spacehawk the Cardinal Spectre the Cardinal Spectre was an item of interest to the in position as it had been cited centuries before and Records spoke of it containing the remnants of a relic ship of the great Crusade a ship which might have once belonged to the young Inquisition a mission was organized and led by Inquisitor malice dice of the oral zenos and supported by a death watch kill team it set off to find the space Hawk's location after months of false leads Dice and his team finally tracked the Cardinal Spectre following its erratic wake in the warp to the edge of the cursed Crescent system just beyond the boundaries of of the iron collar there they boarded The Vessel and began to search for The Relic ship what they encountered instead was a nest of zenos which had apparently been living in the spacehawk and using it as a base for centuries at first the kill team thought they might be facing a jean stealer infestation as claw shapes moved in the shadows and hissing sounds were heard echoing down the corridors it was not until almost too late that they realized that the aliens were shape shifters laying deadly traps for the kill team the aliens had some of their numbers appear as vile alien Beast or clawed [ __ ] like Jean Steelers and they drew the battle brothers The Inquisitor and his acolytes into a hunt only then would they pick off the lone members of the group from behind and assume their forms then get close enough to strike with surprise after only a few hours of entering the spacehulk only Dice and a few battle brothers remained and the battle brothers were deeply suspicious that dice was an alien impostor to save himself and return his report The Inquisitor Slipped Away From The Kill team during the firefight and made good his escape on the the Cardinal Spectre leaving all of his companions behind upon his return dice was convinced that the aliens encountered on the Spectre were the fabled lacal claiming that they were one and the same with those creatures slain by Inquisitor grondoval and put to rest long ago with no proof however and the loss of a kill team he was shunned by his peers and it ended his career he was a broken and babbling old man Whispering of aliens in the dark there is another less known encounter with the Zeno species that occurred during the Horus heresy lacal was used at least once as an assassin by the forces of the warm Horus this particular lacal was able to assume the form of a warrior of the Lego custodes and infiltrated the planet Bastion where it was to assassinate the Senators and Nobles of that world's ruling class an act that would have led the planet to revolt against the Imperium and side with Horus the fact that this creature was able to drink the blood of an adeptus custodes makes it a heavily guarded secret few within the Imperium other than the custodes themselves know of this encounter another race the Imperium is incredibly ignorant about but has the potential to grow in strength is the mysterious fra very little is known about the species including a solid description of what they actually look like but they have plagued the Imperium and other Xeno superpowers in the segmentum obscurus since before the days of the great Crusade aside from their high-tech Weaponry which we'll talk about in a few minutes the race can manipulate its psychic potential at a much higher level than Humanity the species can create psychic tools called night shards that allow them to use divinatory warp Powers the full extent of this power of foresight is unknown but it could be the reason why the armies of the fra have managed to defeat the Imperium with so many perfectly timed strikes the fra have sent back many Imperial forces from their territory and have been the cause of dozens of Great Space Marine Heroes beinged into dreadnots the race has shown an Unapologetic thirst for savagery in combat their primary melee weapon is a dagger they call a glass knife the weapon is sharp enough to split ceramite but has microscopic fractur that cause small chunks of the blade to Splinter into a wound causing incredibly agonizing pain if the enemy doesn't die in the course of the battle the glass knife shards dug into the wound will cause life-threatening infections when it comes to space travel their technology is Advanced enough to create incredibly powerful battle Cruisers although these spaceships aren't as numerous as The Fleets of the Imperium the frout battle Cruisers are incredibly dangerous due to the species signature weapon technology known as ether a pulse of superpower energy beams out at a Target and splashes on impact The Ether field corrodes away whatever it comes into contact with causing tremendous damage void Shields have been reduced to nothing by the Firepower of The rac's Ether cannons although these deadly ships have been encountered as part of raiding parties the fra battle Cruisers have been sighted standing vigil over planets that are presumably part of the fra Empire the Imperium doesn't truly know how unified the species is obvious examples in the past have led many Imperial Navy captains to believe that the fra are actually protecting the Border of some undiscovered Empire in the gothic sector but other accounts have pointed to the species being nomadic the imperium's lack of knowledge showcases how little attention they have given to this threat and also it's an insult that they haven't destroyed it yet Rogue traders that are familiar with the xenos have verified the existence of the fra conclaves which are ruled over by the leaders called satraps although it is unknown how coordinated these conclaves are they all have similar criticisms of the Imperium they scoff at the way they treat their own species specific speically when Traders sell human slaves whereas the fra would never betray their own blood preferring to trade in technology the Inquisition fears that the fra could easily be masterminding an agenda for control of the gothic sector somewhere deep in their hidden Empire the fra are most likely combining their Superior psychic powers with their highly advanced technology and building an Arsenal that can conquer the sector the species might even already have the gothic sector surrounded and every sat trap in the region is simply waiting for the tides of the immaterial to reveal the perfect moment to strike armies of s constructs that can rival the S Titans of the Imperium and even the Elder Titans coupled with an army of millions of monstrous psycher Savages could be lurking in the unexplored regions of space now let's move on to another minor Zeno race that sporadically pops up during the history of the Imperium the megarachnids early in the 31st Millennium the Imperium of man encountered the death world of uras sarak it was the 20th World encountered by the 40th expeditionary Fleet a contingent of the blood angels Legion it was commanded by Captain kitus FR unable to translate the warnings from the orbiting satellite beacons placed in orbit of the World by the advanced human civilization known as the interax that warned approaching Starships to stay away from the planet as a dangerous Xeno species had been quarantined there Captain FR ordered his fleet's entire contingent to three companies of Space Marines to begin Landing operations to investigate and bring the planet into imperial compliance due to the extreme atmospheric turbulence present on the world all of the blood angels assault craft attempting to land on the planet became scattered and were thrown off course leaving the Imperial Landing parties isolated from one another the turbulent atmosphere also affected Vox Communications and made it difficult for Imperial forces to coordinate their movements ground teams soon started sending garble Transmissions To The fleet's Vessel in orbit reporting that the planet was inhabited by an extremely hostile intelligent arachnoid species later dubbed mear nits the megarachnids were an old enemy of the inter civilization the interx was an ancient human civilization that merged with robots to learn more about the interx click on the link up at the top of this video they had exiled the surviving members of the megarachnids to the world they called osarc as an act of Mercy rather than committing xenocide as was standard policy for the Imperium the inter stripped the megarachnids of their Interstellar travel capabilities and to keep the aliens isolated on their new home world the interx constructed weather control devices that created powerful atmospheric disturbances and interfered with radio communications in the shape of large trees across the planet in order to deter vessels from landing on the death world as reports of horrific combat from the surface continued the xenos were described as too numerous and formidable to defeat without reinforcements these creatures had eight legs with four legs used for Locomotion and the other four ending in sword-like claw their entire bodies were covered in an organically produced metallic substance that made their claw so hard that they were able to easily cut through ceramite of a space Marine's armor their hides proved so resistant even to Bol rounds when this metal exoskeleton was breached the megarachnids bled gray blood and had pink flesh contained within their armored hides the creatures had no visible eyes but Were Somehow able to find prey and organisms they attacked all communication was done through clicks made from their mouth which was described as razor sharp metallic pincers able to tear through ceramite just as easily as their blade tipped claws despite these commonalities the megarachnids came in a variety of sizes and shapes the blood angels encountered some that had wings the ability to spin silk and spit cement and enormous megarachnids also the sights of Titans who likely played the same role in their forces it also appeared that the race followed those Mega rachets that were larger in size the larger the mear ragnet the more control he had not long afterwards the blood angels made urgent distress calls requesting immediate reinforcement and extraction the last Transmissions received by the fleet of the 140th Expedition came from Captain kitus from himself he noted through clench teeth this world is murder this name stuck becoming the imperium's informal appalation for urar a company of aaries from the third Legion The Emperor's Children arrived in response to the blood Angel's distress call they made the same mistake during the initial assault as the blood angels as their Landing parties were scattered by the planet's powerful atmospheric disturbances The company took heavy casualties but just as The Emperor's Children were about to be overwhelmed a relief force of newly arrived Luna wolf aaries from warmaster horus's own 63rd expeditionary Fleet began to land through the breach in the atmosphere the mega rachetes assaulting The Emperor's Children were scattered and a full-scale Space Marine assault on the Hostile xenos of murder began quickly 10 companies of Luna was the remnants of The Emperor's children's company tens of thousands of Imperial soldiers drawn from the Imperial armies byzantin janisar and several legal mortise Titans proceeded to level entire swats of the grass stocked forest and Destroy every one of the atmospheric altering trees they encountered which steadily eroded murder's atmospheric barrier the warm Horus who commanded the Imperial assault from his Flagship vengeful Spirit was very pleased with the progress that was being made some consideration had been paid to initiating a withdrawal from murder now that the proper Landing Zone was available to allow an easy extraction of the troops when an unexpected visitor suddenly arrived the Primark sanguinius had come to murder to inspect the dead of his original blood angels Landing forces that had been wiped out early in the campaign with tears in his eyes sanguinius asked his brother Horus if he would join him in a campaign of Vengeance against this F xenos the warm replied yes let us murder murder adding five companies of blood angels to the Imperial Invasion Force sanguinius fought alongside Horus against these aliens thousands of megarachnids poured out of the forest and canyons of murder in an endless wave despite never retreating from Imperial assault the mear ragnet only continued to lose ground by the sixth month of the campaign it seemed that the mega ragnet would soon face Extinction when a fleet deployed by the Ina arrived in system to determine who had assaulted the mear raknet reservation world finding contact with the highly Advanced humans of the interx to be a more pressing issue that needed to be dealt with Horus ended the campaign against the xenos of murder thus the mega ragnet had been saved from Extinction for a second time by their old enemy Imperial records don't indicate the final fate of the Savage species as the horse heresy quickly began now not all minor Zeno species have a huge history that predates Humanity others are kind of recent and appeared during the 41st Millennium such as the smelt rats mutation has plagued Humanity even before the creation of the Imperium itself and while man does everything in its power to eradicate the malevolent mutants that rise up amongst every planetary population very little attention is placed on the non-human organisms that live alongside them this lack of concern towards animal mutations has given ER rodent species native to the high world of desum in the Escalon sector the opportunity to grow and prosper from its mutations no known by the few locals that have encountered the semi-intelligent rodents the smelt rats are a strange and mysterious species sometimes referred to as smelters or scav rats these Abominations were thought to have been created by an individual or Organization for some malevolent purpose but seeing as these rats flourish on their own it is difficult to assume that a force other than mutation has created these creatures most likely this species was once a typical Hive rat that slowly mut ated and evolved into a much larger and dangerous Menace smth rats can be as large as an ancient Teran dog with razor sharp teeth long tails and sharp claws but what sets these creatures apart from the more dangerous underhive beasts is their cybernetic components smelt rats are intelligent and able to augment themselves to become deadlier in combat bionic eyes reinforced tails and metallic claws are some of the few common augmentations worn by these robotic rodents while the augmentations are poorly designed there are some smelters that are completely covered in steel what's very peculiar about the smelt rats is that they actively avoid humans and inhabit the Deep abandoned parts of the underhive only coming out of their layers when in need of bionic Parts these stolen cybernetics are then used to augment more of their population when scav rats hunt they target individuals that possess the most cybernetics like members of the adeptus mechanicus never attack attacking alone these rats form swarms that erupt into a frenzy attacking and overwhelming waves of gnawing teeth wiring servos and chain bladed claws once the smelt rat is brought down an individual they rip every machine part from its body and leave the fleshy bits behind mangled carcasses of cators have been found on numerous occasions with signs that even the wires have been ND off to the Bone there is no signs of chaotic taint connected to smelt rats placing some individuals at ease over their existence believing that they are simply a nuisance that should be exterminated but not a great risk to the Imperium Exterminating these creatures has proved difficult as they are extremely resilient to poisons unfortunately some reports of these creatures have been rumored on other planets in the ascalon sector quite possibly stowing away on ships and spreading through the sector no motive other than Looting of cybernetics has been detected as of yet but they might just be building up their forces and waiting for the right opportunity to make their presence known encounters have been reported where the smelt rats are led by a leader of Swords so-called smelt Rat Kings these are made up of numerous rats fused together in hideous and unnatural ways such Tales speak of dozens or even hundreds of individual creatures conjoined by artificial components with Tails wires and cables Tangled together and cemented with rust and filth each rat in this conglomeration gives up a part of their individual Free Will and creates some kind of gal intelligence capable of moving with a single-minded purpose the next minor Xeno faction I want to talk about is actually kind of creepy the bone drinkers these fungoid predatory and parasitic life forms acquired their sentients from operating as physically inter woman gestal blooms their existence was fueled by the slow and agon inly painful siphoning of nutrition from living animals primarily human bone marrow given no technological creativity of their own the bone drinkers operated at the edge of the western segmentum solar they inhabited the scavenged void ships of other starfaring species and raided isolated colonies and feral worlds unable to resist their plague initially encountered in the early years of the Great Crusade the bone drinkers had been subjected to extermination protocols carried out by both the Luna Wolves and the night Lords which had been thought to have been successful however this cowardly species had been forced to flee if not cornered in battle and over time it became apparent that some marrow Blooms of the F zenos had hidden themselves and survived by the late 30th Millennium reports of attacks against isolated outposts and shippings in the regions of the Stellar wastes near omac indicated that the bone drinkers were again dangerously growing in strength in Number the alpha Legion only a hand full of years previously United with their Primark were assigned the order of the xenosite of the species before it could spread any further how fairus and his legion's solution to the problem was both calculated in its planning and ruthless in its execution firstly they divided much of their Fleet into hunter killer squadrons to hunt down the bone drinkers infested void ships across the Wast using their predatory instincts for Ambush and evasion to identify places that the zenos would be hiding in weight or fleeing to escape Pursuit secondly they analyze previous patterns of investation and attack and quickly reason that in their Terror some had given themselves over to the alien species Dominion providing them with the tribute of living sacrifices while in others in return for being spared or perhaps for gain the zenos had human AIDS in blotting their attack such covert corruption having protected them from the imperium's eye for several decades this large communion the alpha Legion used to their own Advantage infiltrating the conspiracy with their own agents Gathering intelligence and luring the largest concentration of this parasitic marrow Bloom to their death in pre-arranged traps slaying the rest in close border action of their infested ships or by the mass cyclonic bombardment of their concentrated breeding nests the punishment for those worlds that had aided the alien or similarly brutal as the rulers were put to the sword for their crimes the colonies themselves punished by the poisoning of their water supplies or the destabilization of their climate or seismic patterns inside of three solar years the bone drinkers had been once again hunted down to the brink of Extinction but analysis indicated that some would have fled into hiding and inevitably the threat had to be ended in order to fully eradicate the bone drinkers the alpha Legion worked with cooperation with the magles biologist of the mechanicum to create a deadly Fage to help annihilate this alien menace once and for all the alpha Legion insidiously deployed their virus upon the worlds of which the bone drinkers had braid the humans that populated these worlds and the voidborn who ped the Stars between those planets were infected with the virus in the human population the malignancy rate of this virus was as little as 7% but to the Bone drinkers that might feed on them with the generations born of them in the centuries to come it was outright lethal how fair had won the ultimate Victory against the zenos by poisoning their food supply Mankind and lastly I want to talk about a xenos species that has been connected to the TAA Empire but I just love the aesthetic of it the vespids the vespids are a sentient insect-like xenos species who developed a powerful and efficient crystal-based technology not seen anywhere else in the Galaxy as well as training a highly mobile and dangerous military force these two unique attributes drew the attention of the TOA and after some mysterious negotiations all vespids became members of the TOA Empire the vespid biology is extremely unique and while insect in appearance It Is by no means primitive unlike insects the vespids walk in a bipedal manner when not utilizing their membrane covered Wings which like the rest of their bodies is protected by a tough exoskeleton when next to an average Imperial Guardsman the male vesit is much taller but even larger and more frightening are the females of their species and while the exoskeleton may vary in color on average the vespids have a greenish blue hue each of their two arms end in Diamond hard claws which evolved over ancient times when they were used to excavate tunnels in the rocks of their drifting islands on their home World these claws are so powerful they can easily tear through most infantry armor the vespids frightening appearance is also attributed to their three pairs of beady little eyes known as osel the uppermost pair is believed to see in the ultraviolet Spectrum the middle in the spectrum of visible light and the lower in the infared because of this a vespid has a field of vision much more advanced than any xenos species each adult vespid has two large antenna that control minor of factory nerves like a Tean insect a vespid smells with his antenna but unlike an insect these antenna are not mobile simply shifting Direction like a panel it is also of note that vespids have no visible auditory receptors but their wings emit a continuous ultrasonic tone and it is believed by Imperial xenobiologist that this tone modulates and controls the workings of their crystal-based technology vespids were first encountered by the taao Empire on their home world of vesit the planet is three Lighty years to the galactic south of the TOs Theon sept the to were extremely surprised when they found sentient life on the planet as it was a tumultuous and deadly gas giant plagued by numerous massive storms what allowed the planet to sustain life were the thousands of floating islands of rock that were able to levitate due to the lighter than air gas trapped inside like giant stalactites hovering in the upper atmospheres these flat top Boulders were so large that air pressure could vary between the different levels eventually these environmental conditions allowed for two crucial things to happen the first came in the lower levels where after thousands of of years a whole host of exotic crystals were formed in the lower levels of the floating island the second was that at some point the top levels became a breeding ground for Life eventually giving birth to the ancient vespids who made their home by Escavating their giant structures remarkably the natural design of the island worked perfectly for the vespids digging nature the floating land masses were covered in trillions of gas filled Pockets much like a loaf of bread which meant that if a vesit cracked open one of these gas filled Chambers the island didn't run the risk of losing buoyancy and come crashing down once the species dug deep enough they discovered the unique crystals that grew in many of these distinctive gas Chambers which only the large female vits had the Constitution to reach and harvest these crystals became the basis of the species technology as the species grew they spread throughout the entire planet thanks in part to their one-of-a-kind flying abilities like their floating homes the vespids have thousands of small pockets of gas that fill their bodies and Grant them flight or more accurately give them the ability to hover through the air like the ancient Tan Bees this biology is designed in a way that allows them to fly in almost any environment in the end every floating island on vesit was colonized and each island became an independent nation with its own leadership and traits and that's just a few minor Zeno species more video like this to come I'll probably do another deep dive and talk about the rud and all these other ones if you have any suggestions comment down below if you guys enjoyed this video hit the thumbs up button and actually comment whatever you want to comment it really helps out the channel and it tells YouTube you want to see more Warhammer 40K content especially these deep Dives I'll talk to you guys tomorrow this is gers one with one mind Syndicate signing [Music] out [Music] always used to put my first in any situation I knew I never had that much to lose how
Channel: OneMindSyndicate
Views: 158,447
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Keywords: warhammer 40k, wh40k, tyranids, tyranid, tyrannic, Warhammer 40000, deep dive, nurgle, tzeentch, slaanesh, space marines, spacemarines, space marine, chaos spacemarines, warhammer 40k 10th edition rules, warhammer 40k leviathan, 10th edition core rules, warhammer community, eldar, boltgun, kill team starters, chaos space marine
Id: gJx5s8ltJRk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 14sec (2054 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 15 2023
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