Battlefleet Gothic Armada 2 All Cutscenes (Game Movie) Necrons

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[Music] in the deepest eons of history before mankind had even emerged from primordial ooze the nekron tear dominated the galaxy but unity receded even as the bounds of their domain expanded fearing the collapse of their civilization the leaders of the nekron tier assailed the old ones seeking to wrest from them the secret of eternal life the galaxy blazed with the fires of war too late the necron tier realized the impossibility of victory thus they embrace damnation the star gods the Kattan walked amongst them offering prized immortality and long sought victory so ended the Necron tear of old betrayed by the ambition of Zarek the silent king they were dragged in changed to the fires of bio transference transmuted from fragile and radiation Kurth bodies to forms more suited for the ravages of war stripped of flesh of mortality even of their soul the nekron tear past from history only the necrons remained now enslave to the will of the katana the necrons at last altered the course of the war cosmic battle lines buckled and at last broke beneath the tide of immortal fury as the last of the old ones fell Zarek led what remained of his people in revolt against their Kattan masters the star gods were overthrown shattered into shards and forced to serve those they had once moved but centuries of war had taken their toll on both the necrons and the galaxy to preserve what remained of their empire the necrons retreated to colossal stasis tombs to sleep-away millenia while their domain healed and their rivals passed into dust freed from the shackles of time the passing millennium then nothing attended sixty million years have passed and the ancient tombs are once more stirring the necrons forgotten by all but the eldery are returning to claim what was theirs they will abide no trespassers with the awakening of this area be unbroken the neferu dynasty arises once undying leading stir in the of a hundred words the reconquest of the galaxy that's the unleash the power of the devil [Music] our wolves are infested scour them through my the time has come for the bunch the devolution felt once again by our domain is infested with practice you are to scour them for my sight as you come on so shall it be great one there that just making a speech is growing close to the northern Pole and they're close to discovering our tunes their senses focused on the surface excellent engaged silent running let them remain blind until it is too late we are under attack postulate theory nekron ambush acknowledged assistance required confirmed reinforcements dispatched arrival imminent [Music] my expectations you have delivered the lessons in respect and caution this day and if those lessons are not taken to heart all who oppose my will Shall Perish roll mankind the formless horror will not be far behind the boundaries of this censorship at me is its proper that in evidence such as mine be thus embody then we are won by retaining the nativity games might come to know my greatness it shall be as you come on carefully questions identify and write one is really a supreme the wish 10,000 years have passed since the galaxy burned in the fires of the Horus everything 10 millennia since the greatest of the Emperor's pry marks fell into the grasp of eternal damnation and tore the galaxy asunder Horus new Pirkle may be dead his body ashes and his memory the stuff of a cursed legend but the wounds he wrought yet gave in the hide of an embattled Imperium for the battle against chaos knows no end many of Horus servants survived the civil wars and they have not forgotten their defeat when the war master fell they were treated to the eye of Terror and waged battle anew greatest of these was Abaddon the Despoiler Horus greatest living heir Abaddon took the title of war master for his own and embarked upon a long and bloody campaign to succeed where his fallen master had failed wels black Crusades he launched against the Imperium of man 12 world-shattering campaigns to forever alter the balance of power now as the millennium draws to a close a vaster martyr of traitors hits its moorings as Abaddon launches his 13th and perhaps final strike as the tide of chaos breaks against the kadian gate the Imperium holds its breath faith alone cannot hold back these belief waters only valor yes sir my assertion precedes the face you have done well I do but serve as your vessel great one yet I have some concern that reawakening the doorman gates will have drawn the gaze of the atari if the andari are alerted to our presence it is use your actions not my commands of course great one I did not mean to imply otherwise deathless abhorrence we know your intent we know your purpose we will find you and your curse shall be lifted from this region greetings esteemed fall rejoice for we shall meet you in battle as protocol demands then you shall be scattered across the Stars I would never have guessed without your bountiful insight the Eldar really are de teatros as you predicted but the fair on would hold me accountable for this unless you put an end to the incursions before he orders you to do so victory forgives all the transgressions indeed but it is carrots forgiveness that concerns me most it has come to my notice that you have repelled without instruction I thought it best 21 I did not wish to trouble you with such matters does not become this to excessively dry naturally not great one yes you have served me well thus I grant you the further decree or plenty use it well of course great one today [Music] [Applause] the region of space now known as the eye of terror was once home to the Eldar II Empire a prideful sensuous people the elder II realized too late the perils of excess the forth chaos God's longish was born from their debauchery it's coming heralded by a psychic scream that shook real space to its foundations and devastated the elder II the Crone worlds are all that remain of the elder E's fallen domain they are blighted planets consumed by the spreading unreality of the eye of terror and twisted to new and nightmarish realities though the chrome worlds are overrun by the servants of the Dark Gods the elder II have not entirely abandoned them they cannot for only here come the treasured spirit stones be harvested and thus the souls of the dying be saved from thirsting Slon such expeditions are fought with peril for there are few more dangerous places amongst the stars many who seek the Crone worlds do not return the elder II have never recovered from the horrors of the four they are a fractured dwindling population on the brink of extinction most dwell aboard start reading craft worlds owning their peerless Minds along the discipline paths in the hope of staving off the perils of decadence and thus preventing a second final catastrophe but not all eldery can bear the rigidity of craft world life some depart their homes seeking adventure amongst the Stars as for says such lives are fraught with danger but are also rich with excitement these outcasts can be found in every corner of the galaxy blazing a brief but exhilarating trail before madness claimed them the Jakari to live outside the structures of the old diary path corrupt and cruel they keep slash at bay not with discipline and spirit stone but by feasting on the torment of others Raiders and slavers all the Jakari are a blight upon the galaxy a selfish as they are sadistic as untrustworthy as they are cunning but in recent days the barriers between the eldery factions have begun to crumble with other more gathering beneath the banner of one named Eve rain these are nari keep their beliefs hidden as hidden as their intentions should they be encountered on the battlefield caution will serve you well [Music] I stand ready to obey your will I know he is a thief unworthy of on and foe we come in need not out of desire for bloodshed surrender yourself and your followers will be spared necrons here by the pyres of Khun Carter you'll have nothing from me incorrect a pity he is so selfish [Music] [Music] [Music] - thing so they come has been seized and transposed to attest labyrinth excellent alas it would appear that his warriors desire to fight on the unexpectedness pride is a spirit of foolishness I recommend you protect their captures they would be ashamed newest residence prize the Imperium of man a galaxy spanning Empire in decline once humanity stood on the brink of taming the Stars a golden age of light and glory beckoned but men have ever been prone to temptation and lured to stubborn pride [Music] now the Space Marines intended as the vanguard of mankind's ascension fight ceaselessly to prevent their father's work sliding into ruin [Music] the adaptors mechanicus custodians of wondrous technology taped to the stars in hope of unearthing lost secrets from the very darkest of ages and to impose the omnis sires will upon a scattered galaxy but nowhere is the imperials might more plainly seen than in the vessels of its star spanning Navy as war rages colossal warships slip anchor to smite the phone with the righteous fury of the faithful such vessels of both Imperium stalwart huge in gleaming sphere shining in the impenetrable dark of space it takes more than a man to command such a warship it takes a hero strong in will and unflinching of purpose without such arrows the Emperor's light and surely wave Admiral spires one such hero forged in the hallways of the vaunted stoner Pro genial tempered in the cursed days of Avedon's 12th Black Crusade long has he been lost but now freed from the immaterial splotches he returns to shed his blood in the Emperor's cause once more any who seek to sweep mankind from the Stars must first reckoned with spire many have sought his head or have failed but one hero alone may not be enough to change the imperials fortunes it will take thousands even millions for mankind to reclaim its footing in the eye of terrors gaping maw and millions more to hold it such a task will not be easy Cadia is demon hunted rubble and the Imperium itself this scarred torn in two by the cicatrix maledicte ro but it is the nature of heroes to triumph in adversity and a faith to flourish in the dark it's the specimen secure seal deep with a tesseract Leverett is in pristine condition perfect for trusses collection good carrot will be pleased perhaps dealing with trusting Isildur must move of course so carefree my thanks for the amusing trifle I know just the gallery in which to place I have upheld my end of the bargain it is now for you to uphold Wars where is my psionic charlatan you have betrayed the Divine Will of can't break the unbroken fahren love never I shall see you decision waiting for this don't be tedious Catherine I don't have it but I do know where it can be founded I never promised a place esteemed in your hand it is supporting human vessel designate fabulous I recently had the opportunity to have a look around yes I've not want there to be any misunderstandings you'll get well I couldn't hardly refuse not with all these guards I mean sounds so close to heaven I [Music] take transient if the elevator is not present unbalanced destroyed is destroy the human vessel one sweet happy little quiet of course great one this device what function does it serve it is to be the cornerstone of my glorious this is a suicide mission the Tharks is no defenseless cow we will find a way otherwise if the funds does not kill us Jarek surely will your fate hangs one our retrieval of the tonic activator I inserted the closest they're buried away to the medic chamber overlooked and unblocked deplorably the following skills are strong it will take an age to reach them even with us strongest weaponry I concur prepare the invasion cohorts we will take the fight to the Frances depths the thickest hide is no defense when the strike falls from with him [Music] they will hear the legs as never a start there are six routes fourths of this ploy some eruptions yeah naturally our vessels will suffer no harm from such events it is well this is so the facts will surely not emerge unscathed from a star's embrace it is a weakness we can exploit [Music] you have white scars blood on your hands neck robbed you owe the Imperium a debt I thank you for granting me the opportunity to collect on it I take no pleasure in my actions against your Imperium but you are insects crawling across a galaxy far beyond your comprehension if you must be crushed for our betterment then so be it fine words but any conqueror would say the same indeed they order but I find words a whole the solace I have to offer the will of Catholic will not be gainsaid yes No your moments one's off leash they calculate but there is a complication the humans have brought their evacuation right they seem agitated so close but I have in my possession the tesseract now it's quite human resistance where I let loose with in the paddocks your bodies could make their escape now the vessel would surely inconvenience it might even be destroyed you are my yes do you suppose I would allow you to cast aside my hospitality with our work undone I expect you to send me away before the families the next time our solar eruption strips the shields the only way to see as you promise it's that will have your head beside mine at the foot of Catherine's grown very well ha ha begin preparations we have turned in support casualties reported through our impossible now muster all forces repel the bonus the main armory is already overrun three bonuses have already fallen we may have to abandon ship this cannot be a fact all four millennia it cannot fail now not under my command we just lost another bulwark fortress we have journeyed sightings in the primary reactor chamber what are your orders captain [Music] [Music] [Music] the finally activate is excellent instructs the Caltech servitors to return our vessel to full function traitor deceiver charlatan great one Travon has escaped return him to me I will see you dragged through the colonies behind my inferior box for this so that's your four stop yield any clue as to where trucks in can be found the stains part unwittingly slowed by the Nationals of the formless horror but an asteroid belt a foreign system the one named Medusa of humans never saw Alec I trust it would be too much to hope this is mainly an escort from the nether root domain you have trespassed upon the trust of his glorious majesty Katherine become broken I am to bring you before him and yet you know nothing of this purpose do you he seeks only the Nephilim restored he is a selfish old fool he would use the dark throne as a fortress in which the camera he does not see its broader powers I have heard of the dark throne I thought it lost not lost hidden by Katherine we want peace to begin the process of a week the try auric activator you see already to prove yourself a better candidate for ruler the activators are more than set the dogs on fire it changes to the flow of the material it's architect decided to replace the caelian python with something more lasting it still can if you are willing to lead in Cather extend what you suggest is the deepest treachery only to those without imagination you should consider is worse off we both know that carriage service needs only the disintegration it's no concern of mine all I ask is that you let me depart go you see you can make a decision if cool to it he's done my boys where is Suzie I have humiliations to obey he is destroyed great one he would not be taken in tact you have failed me this day never fall I shall not forget it no great one returned to me we have much work ahead of us your time is running short man saw face disengagement successful I trust you have had times reflect upon your errors medicine I have a great one should we not use the dark throne for its original purpose to contain the four Nosara worse you questioned my flawless design you are reached never for surrender your self for judgment you'll no longer have any choice you must oppose cataract or face disintegration I have never sought to rule perhaps that is why you must acceptance by almighty capric demands you hand yourself over for judgment a maken Catholic leads us into Rick we must follow another path his will must be obeyed surrender or be destroyed I will not surrender I does my souls are right in this region I recommend you the boy understood it shall be done and more violence silence reassembling coherence [Music] a market you sit deeper into poverty with every party look your debts are lost an agonizing eternity I regret gathering that you can no longer be permitted to lead our dynasty into ruin by right and responsibility of my station I assume rule of the neferu deceiver but Fred I now see you will be working against me from the start not so I have so told me to see you destroy you what is your come on [Music] good news the majority of them is prepared to accept your ascension to the fare on strowman at least for now they will follow me until I fail perhaps but success will reinforce your standing what of keflex personal guard they care nothing politics he is another being they're yours come on I can think of no better way to properly establish your position than by fully awakening the dark throne you should inspect it for yourself a sound suggestion so this is the dark from the wonders of lost age restored or nearly so the process of awakening is long and arduous it must be protected from the elderly until capable of defending yourself how do the doubt dari know of its existence proof they do as yet but it is never wise to underestimate them their memories are long and that pride easily touch we shall not wait for them such was keflex manner of war we must locate their main when we get cease your approach soulless one we know of your intention and it will not be tolerated esteemed foe we seek no reprise on each war our Labor's will benefit for there is no truth in your kind and never has been you will not pass I regret that we shall I am burdened by purpose if you will not stand aside you will be annihilated then come face our cannons grateful there can be no assaults on we're winking our face is destroyed I am well aware of this are see me how I stretched out my hand to rush them aside you say they are volatile beasts as much until I said your glory [Music] energy to Rico in essence ready to solve an enemy vessel suffered critical damage [Music] the elderly fetus now you may commence destruction of the wet way gate as soon as you see why your consent is so very vital do I detect some small reserve only would be a shame not to take the opportunity of a study who knows very well you should have your chance but do not tell me should more elderly arrive I will have no hesitation in destroying both the gate and you naturally great so ends our immediate problems with the our diary and with your remaining dissenters within the Royal Court good we cannot afford the distraction it is my pleasure to inform you that our destruction of the web way gates as humid air both disappointment and the possibility of glorious achievement explain the wet way against destruction has not slowed eldery efforts as much as we might have wished however your tireless advisors are whom I am of the most eminent believe they can locate the craft world assuming the CL Diaries staging post order the tesseract vaults concealed for prey of this stature we require the power of a katana an intriguing prospect great one do you intend to set one loose of all astara no we will detonate its energies in the heart of the craft world the resulting dimensional rift should see Ostara destroyed a most excellent and elegant plan I shall make the preparations there can be no forgiveness for what you attend today so this one not even stood a hundred millennia [ __ ] away into the past esteemed foe I reflect that your forgiveness that is nothing to me my dynasty survival supersedes your own then you shall fall upon you without mercy now gathered wroth shall scholar you from the heavens you're off matters to me even less than your forgiveness za its lyrics fleets prepared so he repose the transcendent curtains shackles are being removed as we speak the explosion should be one does not undertake the destruction of other people without see energy for recolonize the vessels is closing the Infinity counts I recommend we offer protection country needs give the order those elements must be silenced reassembly coherence excellent my design attention we have destroyed our phones [Music] we are I'm sorry well we require time disable the remaining safety constraints you should have the time you are certain the curtain has sufficient power [Music] transform decays the power building exponentially with me moments if I wish Chinese laws one new segment of a betrayer finds absolution and up just appear to me most excellent you've achieved much today aleykum [Music] so ends craft world Ostara sunk by the arrogance from its creators no more distractions bring our vessels to readiness and focus all efforts on completing the dark rums reawakening as you command great one with the Eldar attained I can begin preparations to transfer hate the dark flow through the way it is not too vast to be transported us ordinarily in essence but with unfettered access to the keenya system I in deploy a device to enlarge the passageway for a brief voyage though this will not be without consequence catastrophe upon the wet waste an acceptable price for alacrity I can great [Music] orgs are amongst the deadliest of the xenos races multitudinous belligerent and possessed of brutal cunning they spread across the stars like a green tide even in the war Riven sectors around the eye of terror forever beset by chaos they rank amongst the greatest threats as battle raged between the Imperium and the dread forces of chaos the orcs gained a foothold upon ravage worlds using them as staging areas from which they could slingshot deeper into Imperial territory all technology is ramshackle but terrifyingly combining mismatched components scavenged gear and intuitive leaps to forge weapon systems whose inner workings battle the most experienced of the Imperium adapts but lack for nothing in sheer unbridled firepower in much the same way an oak warlord can take a multitude of squabbling clans and forged them into an unstoppable army subtle as the sheer unbridled might necessary to conquer the Stars leaving North but rather as its momentum grows so do its numbers grow swollen by green skins drawn to the promise of bloodlust teeth and loot box ever our pestilence they have too great a foothold already steps must be taken do you have a plan I do we will trace the roots back to their source and scour them from the Stars excellence examination of the orc vessels such a term fits these primitive monks suggests an origin point in a system known as MODOK spry are we able to bring sufficient might to bear so far from our Heartland what yes we are you think [Music] more tax crime such as is under control and the war boss persons I have contracted death marks to see him out I'm necessary he will return our presence in his former layer will prove an undeniable challenge you think scouts got some front coming here range all you wish route I am NOT I'm gonna crush you to scrap then pair what's left till it's no use to no one brother Graz by all means try we are ready for you oh sorry the sugar things girls who's the strongest boy don't spit up why are you ready in the fire let you snatch your glutes this was of the plan was my plan why watch your fire lousy drop I'm gonna get it the style of our why I said a value I'm gonna crush you what's it for this one let's let's purpose grow nice price remarkable they quarrel in the face of oblivion no matter we will destroy tomorrow once off we stand Oh eyes your glory though the grease inspector was masterfully dispersed oh if I may say sir such vigorous fellows but even bigger fades when faced with eternity a satisfactory outcome leaderless the orcs will be no threat for some time to come perhaps I should set loose the flame was just to be hypnotized and Admiral suggestions are see that it is done market of the never I'm not gonna what would the tamarind dynasty have of me our war is not so long in the past and I welcome you we require your since most I expected proceeded very cool we stand on the brink of destruction I am authorized to offer penalty in exchange for a generous this invader of which you speak the great devourer [Music] they shall be yours [Music] the tyrannous the great devourer in all the stars there has never been a xenos race more inimical to the survival of mankind indeed they are the bane of all other life their origins are the poorly understood the stuff of rumor and supposition and nightmare the adepts of Mars believe that a single unknowable consciousness guides the high fleet's about their voracious purpose this consciousness knows only unquenchable hunger hi chef service sign up snows spreading the influence of the terran at hive mind across the stars such is the hive mind suffocating will that the ear is distorted for light-years around confusion and terror spread before the high fleets advance has dreams darken and madness spreads as the high fleets advance the suffocating embrace quenches the Emperor's life and drowns doomed worlds in psychic shadow but the greatest threat comes from within foul creatures known as genes dealers infiltrate on vigilant world's a patriarch arises from the population subverted flesh and projects a psychic beacon to draw the high fleet ever closer as the G stealer cult grows in power they emerge from the shadows of their benighted world Civil War rages shaking a planet asunder then the skies darken with spores and the high fleets voracious tendrils the cultists result at the fulfillment of prophecy and their ascension into the light their delusions die with them there are many high flames each but a facet of the immeasurable pyramid threat Leviathan is the greatest and his war ruin on a scale never before witnessed though the great rift arising from cadiz ruin has severed many of leviathans tendrils many more remain even now one is surging towards the eye of terror baseless I have divined the location of the tyranny Naugle beast this inch and asked transfer the coordinates to my tune ship I will lead the assault in person your example brings eh a revolting process even by the standards of flesh but you should not waste this on before the Beast rises it shall be here as you say reassembling coherence this is great indeed when it snowed all beasts destroyed the endless hunger spire Falls were posed little threat at least until another text edgewise place send word to the bone kingdom our attack offer that rich sound Vogel license for displayed ones to humbly remain interiors with empowered to keep his auto necrons under control I have a two-minute number suppressed as you can I see great things ahead for you majesty Oh fear and respect are both yours as expected the death of the ancient one has greatly destructive internet consciousness already the beasts lose ground the remaining fleets shall be purged all trace shall be scoured for our domain our posts report increased contact with human vessels great one the tenacity of these humans is to be respected though their loss is still basic our destruction you have risen far since our last encounter what is it you want I am minded to repair debt and what do you offer the Imperial fleet as a time location to your advantage is that of interest with the humans eliminated perhaps you can succeed whether you fail that depends upon the price no rice as I said my love dance the humans have a tendency to trust too easily it shouldn't take much to send them into your waiting jaws I will contact you again what is he up to now do you not trust him enough now I am pleased to inform you that the Imperials Admiral spire is preparing the suit what how did he learn its location [Music] your advantage remember you taste all the color plans at risk if this goes bill you will require surgery from my retribution gratitude all the ways in such short supply did you have a battle to prepare for great one spires fleet have entered a heartlands you must take action that upstart faz him he jeopardizes everything why likely he stands to profit regardless of outcome that is his way yeah there is still opportunity here if your sees it very well deploy the fleet it great one I bring entertaining news I have defeated the encryption protocols currently favored by the impaired a facile task music all the same are they aware of this they are deaf blind and riven with stupidity witness Commodore cage needs more time to calculate ideal bombardment zones will by that time by assaulting the defense platforms with as many vessels as can be spared captain Solari i request your support in this matter agreed captain tanatos protect the starboard flank I'm no stranger to this Admiral I will command the reserve but there's an opening I will strike and I will end this we can hear at once and inform me the moment that Gemma kanima is ready to fire her [Music] ha critical just once sir I would be glad of good news provide target's wife the Godman zone calculations complete relaying this is Admiral spire to attack fleet prioritize destruction of the tremor cannon or this result will be an artist cause not a victory I see Lori [Music] [Music] I place my forces at your command Admiral spire and I am glad to receive them for which we should be grateful Laurie [Music] - [Music] neutralized our other weapons must serve us now drive them back yes [Music] energy beam : [Music] OSs [Music] pre-assembly coherence enemy vessel suffered critical damage never see that the imperial slash has been destroyed and their commander it is statins Campbell has paid off for us and for him cancel the death traps the master of summation shall I leave this day at once grateful [Music] [Music] another great victory for the neferu you are to be congratulated break1 I am NOT deceived we have done only as you wished not what we would have wished for ourselves no matter where I go I never knock the suspicious minds to accompany me I wonder why there could be you wound me cryptic but after I donated some generous lose your course it would appear spire was not our only threat Bernoulli returned my mark wrote a Kinnaman a seized command of the Imperials defenders this was not unexpected where are his forces gathering bail for greater amidst the ruins of the elder II Empire how fitting one great defeat begins another I have the patience calm eyes for your pleasure good let me hear nekron vessels inbound we are moving to support defend the station at all costs the Lord Primark has promised aid that there is no guarantee when he will arrive Primark saw their leader not to be underestimated race [Music] [Music] [Music] I never thought I'd sell this Harrell to an ultramarine but these are strange times busier sons of Ultima for any aircraft duel has done my doom-laden sister shall have to serve until the Lord Primark arise I said your glory [Music] all that sustaining heavy damage successful Hale warriors of the Imperium stand firm in adversity for a boot a Gilman stands with you this day steel yourselves for battle and we shall drive the invaders from this world the iron hands will never yield the flesh is weak this one has promised perhaps we should a popsicle so long as they perish [Music] [Music] damage [Music] recently coherence vessel critical damage [Music] [Music] destroy the war plan and the rest Imperial suite in retreat as it should be NASA and the humans such potential for many things don't they cannot be said to be truly ornamental I have gathered one on two gravities from amongst their ranks for posterity you understand you Gilman's defeat has crippled the imperials ability to make war in this region I estimate it will be many decades before they can re-establish a formidable presence excellent they will no longer interfere with our plans by the time the Imperium is ready to reclaim this region it will be fortified beyond their ability to retake it great one the dark throne rooms with power it will soon be ready but there is a complication what are your bad tidings sir there are troublesome influences at work in the wet way engines of the formless horror the thousand sons are working to end our control of his passageways then we must give these meddlers other challenges of greater concern indeed great one I suggest a direct assault on their homeworld sortie arias that is sure to be distracting [Music] the Eidolon sector lies at the heart of the eye of terror at the point where reality bleeds away into the formless tides of the immaterial stronghold of the Despoiler head water of every Black Crusade there is no mortal law here that is not imposed by cruelty and no physical law beyond the whim of the Dark Gods the plague planet home of Mort Aryan and his death guard traitor Legion this is a world of 10,000 contagions where skies weep with puffs and fees teem with disease so tiara's is the current homeworld of the thousand suns traitor Legion ringed by the screaming souls of the betrayed dead and blasted by the tides of the war it is a planet no sane man would tread without cause or at least without a numberless army at his back ah Lian says throne of decadence and bane of many a righteous soul the world is a living perversion a deathless monument to the pursuit of pleasure above all else though the world's origins are argued over by the adepts of terror it is known that at least one Space Marine chapter met its demise on the audience's surface reports suggest that those who fall to audiences embrace are reborn as blasphemous mirrors of their prior selves shackled to the will of Soares Drakkar 'they corns slaughter pit only the strongest survive the crucible of its arenas and then only until the favor of the gods turns against them once more Idol on itself was once an elder II world but now lice shackled by the madness of chaos with an empire dedicated to each of the chaos powers constantly vying with the others the dominoes it is said that there are more ways to die on ID alone than anywhere else this can be considered a little more than excellent news great so TRS lies within across its resources are ours for the taking we shall see if the thousand suns consider their home of Greater import and their holdings in the web way order lovely to stand in readiness as you command great strange the thousand summons have responded to our provocation yet they have not explained there were several vessels into position and yet nothing it is almost as if they were waiting for something them lightly they are we will destroy them all before their plans come to fruition such is my dream a hundred years of study disrupted by the impertinence of ghosts you shall pay dearly for this but I all means seek your toll but I fear you lack the resolve to do so foolish automaton your existence thus far has been mere annoyance now you have forced us to take notice your dynasty shall not long survive this day we shall see [Music] [Music] [Music] we shall rip them apart let there remain sad as a lesson to all who would defy and never nothing you any platform silence two strikes on business shanon's sure does not happen [Music] [Music] I know things now as your courage failed you as surely as your warriors fool this is not the Vanguard the test your do beckons reassembly coherence critical damage lack it's ours yours the other battles that cannot be permitted what have we the mighty yukari freeing like a chastened child i was overmatched and served no purpose by throwing my life away that did not serve Magnus with a wasteful death fortunate learn that your ship bears no scratch you would not return to the Cyclops without a scar to prove your bravery target you spoke to you colony of a total to be paid energy to recall in essence [Music] the accident maintained fire wall pasta I offered to clemency in exchange for fealty what is your answer the Lord thank you this ship has brought ruin to ten thousand worlds I shall not forward to your kind the expected answer very well we will bring this to its appointed conclusion reassembling coherence the enemy vessel suffered critical damage no this cannot be first strategy worked indeed the war master Abaddon is no longer a threat and his loss weakens the formless horrors grasp on the Canadian system da is the dark drone prepared almost but translocation are so large body through the web way is complex and requires delicate manipulation we must secure the Acadian system so that the way can be prepared even a single degree of error could prove calamitous and there will be no stone for a second attempt the method of translocation will utterly destroy a section of wet way we employ or fail unacceptable loss if we meet with success if not the price will pay I assure you I would rather avoid that time [Music] the kadian sector is amongst the most vital of the Imperials defenses guarding as it does the only known so long as the kadian gate holds the Imperium remains secure after 10,000 years of defiance Cadia finally fell during the opening stages of the 13th Black Crusade now it is little more than an honored memory and an example to those who strive in the service of mankind [Music] I am ready to proceed great though I predict further assault from the service of the former's father therefore know it's will avail them not by my decree or available resource is channeled to restoring our warships continue your work as you command however my concern is that the enemy will prevent me from translocation mode I cannot serve your purpose cannot achieve this from abour the sands of time alas no this vessels in various systems would only interfere we almost lost and it shall be so see that you do not fail Julia at last Tsar are you prepared all is in readiness great one wait well be rejoicing where I bring me greetings from grandfather logo fret not about I like a flesh where I have baked used to rust and brought old souls the slow death to the interloper his vessels bar our passage I must reach their target cool this stay back your path shall be cleared of this detritus [Music] [Music] [Music] very well go I shall protect you [Music] [Music] energy or recall in essence [Music] Oh the translocation would take some time will be your shield do not fail himself [Music] great one the preparations I mean please you only need to the word it is given let and you hear out for the never will begin by the silent king it is here translocation can heat teleported inside specimens speak [Music] so you are the one who related though the Despoiler I said thank you for a surrogate Maya a black stone fortress the origin of Asti it's four capabilities it is a batons gift to a valued ally and it possesses all the firepower I need to avenge his death I need you support and think of the ocean this system this quadrant of the galaxy is now mine I offer you one chance to depart you are not the first to underestimate it is a mistake no one long survived I know this weapon of old energy 3-card sss is the power to destroy even the dark throne yet left unchecked [Music] I know battle Blacky the doctrine counsel as many as I think Charlie down the doctor remains three assembly coherence she great fun the darkness destruction it is done that part speaks is no more his fortress is reduced as it should be these are the never Lucia rule or supreme supreme you prove yourself quite the ruler Erica you understand what a burden Catholic did not the madness of vainglory lose more crimes than they win okay give this lesson the Atari are harmed at least for now for a dying race they are rather mysterious if only they've done their thing 1,000 Falls another wiseness should be all that remains is to give the order and claim your destiny [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Game Movie
Views: 664,743
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: battlefleet gothic armada 2, battlefleet gothic armada, necrons, all cutscenes, warhammer, cinematic, 40k, campaign, story, imperium, chaos, warhammer 40k, All Cinematics, game movie
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 116min 6sec (6966 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 18 2019
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