Warhammer 40000 Dawn of War 2 Chaos Rising Game Movie (1080)

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only a year ago the Iranian sector was all but doomed the hive ships of the tyranids hung over each world seeding them with obscene creatures the tyranids were ready to feast but these worlds are also the recruiting ground for the Bloodraven a chapter of the Emperor's own Space Marines and they refused to the veteran Targus whether to pitiless alien attacks allowing Cyrus and his Scouts to find weaknesses in our ravenous rows while abacus leveled his righteous fury upon vecinos fattiest descended upon them on wheels of fire and Davian fool the first to fall against the tyrannous returned from death in the form of a mighty dreadnought you led them all commander together you fought across the deserts of calderas through the jungles of tyfa and beneath the great spire cities of meridian you faced an implacable enemy and you triumphed but there is a truth more implacable than any tyranny a new threat will always emerge once planet aralia was the sector's crown jewel home to billions of souls then came the warp storms they pushed aralia into a new orbit encased the planet in ice and swallowed it for a thousand years the war held aralia in its terrible grip depositing untold horrors across its surface now planet aralia has returned it should be a barren ball of ice but a signal is coming from its surface a Bloodraven signal a call for help you commander this is Gabriel Angelo's we have detected a blood Ravens distress signal coming from somewhere nearby if there are chapter brothers in need provide support but be wary of a trap Angelo's out our drop pods of scattered commander something is interfering with the navigation systems we should locate our other forces and regroup Guardsman what are they doing here hold your position Space Marines I set hold lower your weapon Guardsman we do not answer to you Gundam down I can clear those bunkers with explosives attacking them with standard weapons takes much more time acknowledged acknowledged your play something sinister is going on here no loyal Guardsmen would ever fire on a Space Marine I doubt these traitors were alone be vigilant commander the immediate area is secure but this unpopulated glacier is an armed camp did this world not just emerge from the warp if so someone else got here first traitor guards just when I was starting to respect them hate them if you will but do not underestimate them here they come get ready to fire traitors quickly while Tarkus has their attention we should engage them at extreme range and focus our fire without hesitation my thanks commander our drop pod took had a air fire on final approach only I made it out and just barely and still you made yourself a target to break that ambush what would the codex say about that the tactical squad shall draw the enemy's fire thus allowing the Devastator squad to attack from a position of strength huh head it does this whole situation looks like a trap but there is still a distress signal transmitting from somewhere nearby we had best located source quickly standard Imperial locator relay transmitting a generic distress signal using blood Ravens codes hmm just enough to lure us in coordinates nine point six by eleven twelve launch sparrows artillery clear the area a spotter called in that attack from hiding cowards we should extract and bomb this ice pile from orbit no we need to secure an approach before we can launch an extraction only logic engines can track and target drop pods those systems depend on a broadcast array then let us act like Space Marines find the array and destroy it this way I can advance on that turret in tactical formation without being suppressed once in range I can disable it with a frag grenade target destroyed beginning commander there is an orbital relay ahead securing it will give us a defensible fallback position should we need it it will also allow us to reinforce our squads target gain ordinance more enemy spotters forward observers kill them quickly chapters recruited on the attack tactical we're heading already sputters open fire target acknowledged this way in Space Marines we have engaged as we find your enemies charges set ready to detonate commander ready to detonate commander another Thunderhawk is on route then we should proceed to our extraction point and destroy any other traitors we find we are exposed here watch for an ambush into that position we should expect a counter-attack shortly agreed still this is a defensible position we hold here it's ready for combat run along Stalin album amount hold position my Devastator squad should take position in that structure this whole area will become our killing field the traitors are laying down a barrage to soften us up prepare for an assault going vigilance reset up firing positions from those windows say it now deal with siress here under fire another barrage be vigilant inside inside Hostel movement up ahead brothers we need only a word under fire [Applause] right outside now this way here comes Talan alpha look they are breaking off the attack what do you expect from traitors courage and honor the reward for treachery retribution you well done commander those Guardsmen have paved the price for betraying the Emperor we must discover who these traitors were and how they came to use a blood Ravens coat but we will have to investigate that later the second strike team I assigned to investigate aralia has sent a distress signal sergeant Thaddeus and his assault Marines are already prepared to deploy along with the dreadnought Davian fool this signal could be another trap captain Angeles this call is a full message sergeant review the signal on your planetary display and provide whatever support you can commander I recognize the markings on the troopers who ambushed you they used imperial guard equipment but those were housed vanda's forces van dhis the deposed governor that coward fled the sector when the tyranids attacked the noble houses on Meridian have their own militias it looks like Venice's troops are resisting the new regime I am sure governor DeRosa will be delighted strike Cruiser retribution this is librarian jonah orion we are under attack the elder are messing around us they have a wraith lord which has already claimed sergeant Endymion we must drive these xenos back our honored brother is correct commander we must recover Endymion and Jonah and exterminate the Eldar we found them excavating the area to what end I do not know the Eldar have deployed a powerful force to ensure we do not find out I fear we will not survive long without reinforcements you Eldar warriors attack quickly secure that beacon press the assault brothers at college elder witches get back no more a lot Ravens fall this day a welcome sight indeed commander I am Jonah Orion he fell saving me from an elder war machine we had just discovered a large xeno structure to the east when they attacked a web way assembly no doubt it will allow them to invade at their leisure we must destroy it of course I am at your disposal we're engaged daddy is Ariel what did the Empress name are those something akin to a wraith lord engaged engaged by Eldar it is done move on psychic power is building up quickly destroy their access to the web way you are too late the ancient souls have found the new homes rise raise god destroy the humans it is done for wood brothers those Algarve is slowly slowly this is God no sorcery psst move on my power award take out that Eldar go and engage it is done good the remaining Eldar are cut off they cannot retreat what were those things the warlock summoned he called them wreaths God they somehow drew psychic power from him captain fool hold fast we must support him commander more Wraith guard they are sluggish they must require a warlock support Christ more of them and with a warlock this time pill him to weaken the wraith god where engage jump axe enemy troops destroyed and aerial assaults go the Emily whoa I am moving the Eldar return to the sector could not have come at a worse time commander as you're suspected the house bandhas militiamen who ambushed you at argent glacier were not an isolated band of malcontents maul bandhas rebels have risen up against imperial authority on meridian the retribution will take you there to provide support governor DeRosa will have further details for you when you arrive what of planet Aurelia captain Angelo's Jonah I'm reassigning you to the commander's strike force you will all return to aralia once the crisis on meridian has stabilized Angelo's out I still do not see how these rebels could have imitated a blood Ravens distress signal the codes and rights for using our relays are among our most closely guarded secrets our chapter hides far more than its communication rights perhaps but someone knew just how to draw us into that trap thank you for your intervention commander the Emperor's favor is clearly with you and your battle brothers it is an honor to serve alongside the heroes of Typhon as you suspected the House bandhas militiamen who ambushed you at argent glacier were not an isolated band of malcontents maul bandhas rebels have risen up against imperial authority on Meridian the retribution will take you there to provide support governor DeRosa will have further details for you when you arrive commander governor DeRosa here insurgents loyal to house vanda's have launched a sabotage campaign here on Meridian our infrastructure is still crippled from the elder internet attacks and the van de Strebel ZnO just where to strike to cause the most damage what's more raids from orc looters have become endemic we could use any aid you can provide commander commander this insurgency has stretched our loyal forces to the limit org looters have infested the ha blocks outside angel gate and I can spare no troops to stop them only you can eliminate these xenos before they reach Angel Forge my assault Marines are ideally suited for this mission commander the invasion left that area maze of walls and obstacles our jump packs will allow us to get across any blockades House van des wants Angel Forge for itself they are driving the orcs ahead of them in order to weaken the forges defenses if the insurgents take Angel Forge they will have access to massive weapons stores most Imperial Guard forces have been diverted to deal with vanda's insurgents those Guardsmen still at the fore char dangerously short-handed the defensive gate has been restored but it remains in a weakened state if angel Gate Falls nothing stands between the rebels and the forge there's no Java I will be glad to be done with this place Shirley Angel Forge is worth defending avarice worry about moralizing later librarian there are orcs to kill raids greenskins in the hab locks use explosives [Music] he's not my power is ours aerial assaults go or Space Marines this is my lucky day understand Russian please tune armored vehicles heavy weapons Joba 3 skip it's done real applaud drive the green skins back here we have it did that green skin say more Space Marines robbers advance commander governor DeRosa here we are receiving a distress call from inside the defensive ring I we are under heavy fire from insurgent forces inside the perimeter heavy casualties make yourselves ready the Blood Ravens will be here shortly there is a command console inside the perimeter which you can use to lower the gate commander jump packs should allow you to reach it commander that position is exposed then we break the gate down take the fiends by surprise with angel Gate shattered on the defenders dead who will hold the forge the next time area secure here are our brothers precisely on schedule this way my brothers powdered chaos Space Marines understood the Imperial Guard will hold them as long as they can is losing forces to enemy fire brothers fire venerate the immortal Emperor I saw squad ready to deploy so good to see you all again blood Ravens I remember well our sparring on promise tell captain Sol that his old friend Ellie Haas is anxious to see in the game - enemy fire bell - bombs away how do you here we go tactical destroy memory the insurgents are in full retreat you have more than an insurgency on your hands governor - Rosa this is a full-fledged heresy this is very grave news we cannot allow the forces of chaos to overrun our recruiting worlds the traitor legions must be based on planet aralia commander return there immediately and hunt them down commander I fear the traitors foul warp energies may have affected us affected us how librarian the corrupting influence of chaos is a powerful thing even the briefest encounter can stain a soul we are no traitors perhaps not Cyrus but corruption can be subtle each step along the path may seem insignificant but together they lead into darkness when facing the minions of the warp no decision is without consequence commander thank you I can barely believe the rebels would align themselves with the forces of chaos believe it yes sergeant a Vitesse is right denial only aids the enemy we have recovered records from the rebels that portray the location of their main base it is on planet aralia house vanda's has been operating there since the earliest days of the Terran 8th invasion I am dispatching troops to aralia immediately time to eradicate the enemies safe haven and end this heresy now you are speaking sense governor commander I have taken stock of the items recovered from the battlefield I fear some of them resonate with very troubling psychic echoes I advise caution with these items commander commander now is the time to strike back the Black Legion is operating from a well fortified industrial facility on planet aralia you must break into that complex and defeat the traitors within it is a geothermal power station house bandhas established it soon after planet aralia re-emerged from the warp it appears to be the center of their dealings with the Black Legion expect to face heavily entrenched Black Legion troops Imperial Guard forces have already deployed to establish a beachhead they report that the enemy has raised a void shield to protect key areas of the station bring that shield down and purge the facility commander commander if that truly was the LFS we faced on Cronus then we must expect a trap LFS earned a reputation for deception on Cronus many times over [Music] those guardsmen are up to their necks again treaters with heavy weapons have been pinned we need to eliminate those chaos positions bah we coddle them at every opportunity blood Ravens good to have you a commander report Guardsmen yes sir of course the enemy is heavily entrenched in holding the entirety of the facility from what we can tell we're facing large numbers of chaos space marines as well as vendors heretics the enemy's raised some sort of powerful energy shield around the central portion of the facility aspects can show a power station to the north commander the shield must be drawing energy from there we will take that station then we've managed to establish a field command here but we've yet to push any further tactical squadron positioning point me the way bullshit coming my snowsuit find me that damn water battery commander coordinates are being relayed through a communications array north of here the traitors are using that array to guide the artillery if we take it from them we can silence those guns blow last lonely miss you do come under and hold that position required all back to us at your position that's relocating it's not he's done move on forces all right fear on my way and pull-up reservist enemy it is done the Black Legion has summoned demons to their side Tarkas here brothers it is done move on where that building shall never triumph there is the communications array the retribution confirms that it's being used to call in artillery on the Imperial Guard tacticals well the array is ours commander we should be able to feed those rebel Gunners some of our own target data now we can give the Black Legion something to fear I see a Lovaas was correct you blood Ravens persistent where is that coming from over the Vox on our private Channel who are you we be back to tyranids you will fare no better defaulter will not save you struggling commander this is a distraction I can feel a dark ritual is underway our temple they have established a temple to the powers of chaos we must destroy it aerial assault go where go the Black Legion has summoned demons to their side redeploy engaged jump axe sorry Oh assault squad Internet move on to the next time for the station is just ahead time to bring that Boyd field down a soft Swan trial cutting power to the Boyd field the target is now exposed commander that related more than just transmit target coordinates there's a recording use them to ambush my battle brothers with a distress signal and our agreement is over what was that someone betrayed us heretics enacting some dark ritual they summoned demons destroy them there is the foul temple oh so a straight razors recipe return fire so orders destroyed that Oh move on the temple burns and falls well done wait ah whoop what is it Jonah speak the walls between reality and the war of sinning breaking commander we must get to the retribution immediately Cyrus to tell an alpha emergency extraction you allow them to escape nor dare guests because it serves me a horse if we kill them now we waste about view of the traitor in their legs your victory the Ice Works has stirred the enemy to further action blood Ravens Black Legion forces are attacking our scouts on calderas and pillaging our assets on typhoon I am relying details to your planetary display you must put an end to these raids maintain absolute secrecy about this mission commander Angelo's out let us hear their transmission again from the array yes definitely we have recovered some additional audio but the speaker's identity is still hidden this transmission includes the access box no there is a traitor in the chapter we now know how these heretics lured us to irelia with a false distress signal and how that comunist dog could taunt us over our box channel I will kill this turncoat with my bare hands assuming we can uncover who he is commander governor DeRosa here van de San Black Legion forces have taken spiral Aegis they have erected artillery batteries and emplacements that make a large-scale assault impossible we could use any aid you can provide commander we have an urgent message from planet Typhoon it comes from tech marine Martellus we thought him lost in the tearin' it war but he survived he needs your help commander commander the Black Legion is attacking a detachment of Bloodraven Scouts sergeant Priam led a group of initiates to investigate an intermittent positioning signal emanating from the depths of the calderas desert they expected to recover the remains of brothers lost during the tyranids war they found the Black Legion laying in wait we cannot allow the chaos legions to destroy them commander the vanda's heresy continues to spread Van Dusen Black Legion forces have taken spiral Aegis they have erected artillery batteries and emplacements that make a large-scale assault impossible if you can disable these defences however the Imperial Guard can retake the spire if not the population of legions will remain at the mercy of these heretics and demons the vanda's heretics are using field generators to power their batteries destroy these generators and a black temples defending them and the batteries will fall silent foul sorcerers have also established warp portals which allow the Black Legion to bring in reinforcements sealing these portals should stem the tide of enemies long enough for you to destroy the generators you are sending me to spiral Aegis commander is that an order sergeant Thaddeus no no forgive me commander I request to be part of the strike force long ago spiral Aegis was my home I will not see its people sacrificed to chaos you you a rift in the warp as long as it remains open the enemy can summon reinforcements key targets are on your map display commander if you destroy the enemy's generators and strongholds the Imperial Guard can retake Spiral Aegis our terminal they have established a temple to the powers of chaos destroy this foul den there is no time to waste move on hostiles this is evidence it is done sorry Oh God right away Mirage incoming move we're gone psycho serving ammunition I read that's what we cut your orders aerial assault of its affirmative brothers the schools are the enemy's Gardens your order it is God reposition make it ours formation brother it's done that recipe engaged jump apps there that should silence the heretics guns the Roses fragile Guardsmen can advance without trembling now Thank You commander the 85th vendor 'land has begun its assault on a spire the heretics are resisting but without the defensive guns they will crumble it is good to see them suffering the wages of their sins DeRosa out we have an urgent message from planet typhoon it comes from tech marine Martellus we thought him lost in the tearin' it wall but he survived he needs your help commander marine Martell's - any blood ravens capable of receiving I am transmitting from the astronomic array station in the typhoon islands or looters have been a recurring threat as my arrival however at dawn this day I detected a graver threat chaos space marines i figure thing about the array for themselves i risk damaging the array by sending this message but i require support mars and Terra power levels are drop you Martellus are you receiving Sarge Farkas Savio Messiah and defending the arepa the traitor lesions are here retribution prepared to provide clothes support back into the water Martellus we must revive him quick direct all that my thanks commander and I'm glad to see you again we had thought you lost when your Thunder Hawk went down Martellus how did you survive a story for another time circus the heretics will surely try for the array again end moment we cannot stay here defending this relic for all eternity tick Marine agreed but we cannot believe the valuable TAS come cheer for the enemy to take strike Cruiser this is tech Marie Martellus deploy power generators of the following coordinates fury brothers littering go ahead now that the arrays power i can initiate a cogitation transfer right to secure the records just keep the enemy from destroying those generators Oh Joe mace just twice Ramon's to the hole great kid lures a fight on two fronts then you enrich or commander the orcs are using a gate to access the complex we should seal it the green skins will just go around Cyrus exactly directly into the traders space much Darley card which Tocqueville here we die close behind 10 color rounding our wire gates and tell every yummy you say on my way I've gathered several valuable relics from the wreckage of my Thunderhawk they are in a storage area a short distance away it is possible we should recover these items before they are looted by the orcs century guns Lena came smells right he does ah not even the deepest tyranny drive was as foul as that scum indeed as commander got to your recovery is complete we can safely leave this place now you can tell us the story of your survival Martellus thank you for your timely intervention commander I will initiate the repair rights for the items you have recovered in particular I shall restore our Terminator armor just how did you survive Martellus yes a good question as you may recall I was aboard a Thunder Hawk during the climactic battle with the tyrannous I also recall it being blown from the sky a thunder Hawk is a resilient craft instead of destroying us outright the Tyrian attack sent us into a desperate dive into the jungle my brother pilot used all this experience to guide us into the islands where the infestation was less severe he did not survive the crash landing I was left alone no transmitters survived and my own cybernetic enhancements were severely damaged it took me months to successfully enact the repair rights to regain my mobility I spent the rest of the past year battling my way through to the astronomic array your perseverance does the chapter proud Martellus perhaps but I am glad to be in a confines about my strike cruiser once more elephants has yet to show himself again he must be planning something that heretic is too dangerous by half I thought he died during the Cronus campaign [Music] how does he had live souls are both playthings and currency in the wharf elephants may have died in the flesh only to have his soul bartered among demons it seems they restored his body when it suited them more likely his death was a deception a mask for his escape from Cronus in either case it speaks of LFS is power Tarkus is correct to worry the Eldar have reappeared commander they have congregated at the site of our climactic battle against the tyrannies the Black Legion must take priority but ignoring the Eldar is unwise add your discretion pursue and eliminate these xenos very little the tyranids destruction of the land exposed ancient elder ruins however this may be what has drawn them here in such numbers you can expect to face xenos skimmer tanks and walkers as well as powerful infantry even with the trader legions of sailing us we must oppose the Eldar remember that they manipulated the orcs on calderas and attempted to destroy all of meridian i owe their species a debt of blood and fury commander I never thought we would return here smells worse than a Meridian slum rotting tearin' it smells like glory to me focus on the task at hand xeno still pollute this place the hostiles purged places Asian don't to contain something powerful focus on the present something approaches oppose me shall fall fury brothers on my way eliminate that target my word with me brothers and our spare there is the tomb of brother a Burroughs exercise caution unless we destroy it in battle Squad eliminated commander we are not alone here Walker destroyed conserving ammunition how can we repositioning mrs. rubber hostile squad eliminated you should have slipped away when you had that Chad salled are the remains of a Croft wounds to lay among these four knighted worlds we will not leave for the souls of the Lost life scattered on the wind and until they drew no specialness fulfill at last your witch's vision died with her a meridian spare me your primitive Austin entire humans the avatar the bloody hand of Cain shall tear you asunder it summons war fire holy terror prepare it this way brother samo target out it emits the heat of a Sun attack from a distance this is haven't advance the heat is rising put her away from it now strike before it can recover fire by quarters how can we serve the heat is rising cleaner away from it yes dice Zeno's fill bottles like this are good for the soul what little is left of it Abbot Asst do not mistake blood lust for righteous fury that way lies damnation out reposition Jolanda the Black Legion is attacking a detachment of Bloodraven Scouts sergeant Priam led a group of initiates to investigate an intermittent positioning signal emanating from the depths of the calderas desert they expected to recover the remains of brothers lost during the tearin' it war they found the Black Legion laying in wait we cannot allow the chaos legions to destroy them another falsified chapter signal this is Elif asses handiwork I am certain of it and that of the turncoat who gave the signal rights to him I trained Priam and several of those initiates myself I will not abandon them now I am going on this mission wasn't the Emperor's name are they doing abducting my initiative chaos minions are attacking in force commander initiates need support your order aerial assault traitors another group of traders took prisoners and headed west Emperor only knows what fate the heretics have in store for them peace prior the blood Ravens will not abandon their own we will find these initiates crush them AG stuff Space Marines ah thanks brothers jump to them cannot right praise the emperor we will vanquish these heretics yet there is the sorcerer who leads these traitors it dies engage jump for a thousand years I have cultivated the power of the Dark Gods yes here they are drawing those Scouts into the warp kill that chaos filth kill them all this way brothers brothers fire prepare for combat the rift is closing our brothers are safe for now Oh destroyed the standard movement orders position can escape the yawning out this attack enemy troops destroyed sergeant prior report captain Diomedes what is the honor guard doing on calderas we go the shakhter wills now report of course captain the Black Legion used a chapter locator signal to ambush us how they obtained denied facts sergeant do not speculate here are the facts captain the Black Legion killed many scouts but abducted more this is the second trap that is be quiet enough sergeants commander take your strap team and return to your Spreckels are always further orders sergeant Ryan gather your initiation prepare for transport to firebase August's the events of this day are to remain strictly secret knowledge is power blood Ravens got it well commander I recommend that you depart calderas as soon as possible captain Diomedes is initiating a stand down order for all blood ravens on the planet you must continue your pursuit of the Black Legion why would diameters prevent us from doing that Davian is correct commander chapter Master Kairos has pulled blood Ravens back from battles with the Black Legion before he might abandon this whole sector instead of facing that band of traitors that would leave our recruiting worlds to the enemy precisely you must stop these raids before that happens Angelo's out commander I had been reviewing the deal we recovered from the astronomic array I believe the ancients facehole designated judgment of carrion is about to appear in the center it may allow us to identify our traitor should you require more information I am at your disposal Diomedes is a hero of the chapter why keep us from the fight Diomedes has always been a political animal if the chapter master wants the Blood Ravens off Calaveras diameters will not question him captain Diomedes does his duty as should we if such an order comes enough the enemy is kidnapping our initiates and laying traps for us across the sector and we should do nothing it is not my duty to follow the edicts of fools the judgment of carrion as a conglomeration of ancient vessels which had become adrift in space and time it travels at random spending decades or even centuries in the world if I may its travels are not entirely random only the Emperor can know what horrific planes the judgement of carrion has visited but it's recorded appearances have all been in this sector or in one of its neighbors yes because of that the astronomic array had a detailed record of past appearances a distinctive pattern of warm anomalies preceded each appearance and that pattern is occurring again precisely how does any of this bladder help identify the traitor the Machine spirit or the retribution is not sufficient to remove the masking on a message you recovered but there are references to a far more ancient and wiser logic engine aboard the judgment of carrion with it I can identify the heretic your corsage ship is hiding tick Marine hold your tongue avid us the judgment of carrion commander I have uncovered another transmission from the traitor we should review it before launching another mission like Martellus I have been trying to identify the traitor using our shipboard cogitate errs have you made any progress of a sort this message was in our own transmission tomes Angelus is charging round a sector on the retribution they Noelani or at least I exist only the lost cloak in vagator has masked my identity thus far the traitor is here aboard the retribution he is one of us we need to reactivate the ancient logic engine or the judgment of carrion to recover the proper activation rites you must locate Deus lays hidden in surrounding decks because you will be operating deep within the Space Hulk the retribution give them the offer very limited support jump ax will be useless in the confined space all the teleport systems will function the logic engine is secured in a sealed vault only the engines activation rights will open the vault and grant us access Zeno's and demons infest the judgment of carry on commander but the lingering warp energies in the ship pose a far graver danger with prolonged exposure such energies could drive even the bravest Space Marine to madness the boarding party should return to the retribution as soon as it can commander you must locate ancient Deus lates to access the vault they should be India racks of some sort we have no time to waste the foul resonance of the wolf is already palpable ambush from the ducks a fallen brother Bonaparte of the fifth company look an apothecary's reductive vial still intact it contains Bonaparte's progeny glands the chapters holy gene seed if an apothecary collected it why leave it here a fair question but we cannot overlook the opportunity to recover blood Ravens gene stock be vigilant for other vials or signs of an apothecary commander the rules indicate motive are still serves in this chapter honor guard how can that be at least tyranids farrell only without a leader creature nearby remember when connected to their synapse web altair and it's become deadlier [Music] we had best exercise caution tyranids aboard these derelicts can evolve to suit the environment yes I sense powerful psychical codes demon against the warp energies purge that monstrosity kill them all let there be blood the wharf is making itself felt commander we must hurry another four brother veteran Luke anis also of the fifth company and another reductive aisle Martellus what do the rules say about brother Lucas killed in the car of our campaign I was at car Abba I recall no Luke Ennis commander both Bonaparte and Kenneth served in an expedition aboard the judgement of carrion I shall try to encode about this expedition she listened the cat trees get ready explosives fuck one of our own has died the enemy must you have enough data slates commander I shall begin the activation rites you'll come on [Applause] none other will do it must be mine then we can fight back it will be mine another fallen brother and another gene seed sergeants Sarpedon fifth company another member of the same institution the records list apothecary Galen as the leader which explains the reductive aisles but not why they were left behind blocks all the way there's a deadest laid on the door Zeno's detected eliminate them the logic engine must not be damaged avoid it's played target this boy thing is death let us get to the logic engine ready yourselves but tyranids are here this is Galen I no longer know how long I've been on this forsaken direct so many brothers dead and the voice of old care cackles from every shadow it is hungry it wants the holey jeans seed in each of us and hide the reductive vibes even the demon cannot know the entire space honker commander that was some sort of Fox recording from centuries ago I will analyze it as best I can your prize had best be worth sending us into that foul place Tech marine I will begin analysis of the logic engine right away commander we have also received several distress signals from across the sector commander the vanda's heretics are gaining ground hourly captain Angelo's has sent no blood ravens to aid Meridian we need I need your help please come to Meridian as soon as you can DeRosa out the following transmission is repeating on secure channels the scum is challenging us like an under city pit fighter if he wants a battle I will give him one this must be a trap does it matter we have located the store of reductive aisles left or the judgment of carrion recovering additional blood Ravens genetic material will be of great service to the chapter demons and Zino's of all sorts in Festus vessel however and it still resonates with warp energies returning to the judgment of carrion is entirely at your discretion commander you will automatically teleport back to the retribution after a fixed amount of time this should prevent you from becoming trapped and let his exposure to the maddening effects of the war with respect to captain Sewell this Space Hulk looks like a death trap surely all the blood Ravens who died there also thought they could secure the chapters future commander I have a request every librarian swears to protect the relics and histories of the chapter leaving this vessel unexplored feels like a violation of that oath I would ask to join you on this mission every second spent aboard this accursed Darryl it puts us at risk we must recover the gene seeds quickly there is better kill a good chill initiative but you have not yet earned your place Oh next target another charity golf sacks with holy fury brothers the enemy Falls standing we have the gene seed samples commander this deed will make our chapter stronger commander we've received a priority signal from the champion regard you must get the audience to put a leash on Angelus he still has as she's done and that is very me at great risk I anomaly discovered if upon said do you understand me dealer knowledge is power as you are also fond of saying this is captain toad on the keys all ravens are to cease from savory movement and other operations within you already in scent all return to your muster points and prepare for mobilization to the ferris with crusade knowledge is power God well he abandons the sector so easily how can we follow such a man we are receiving another priority signal from Captain Angelus commander we must not abandon this sector to the traitor legions I am headed to called eros to discuss the matter with Diomedes continue to oppose the Black Legion Angelo's [Music] commander price Terry you have come the vanda's heretics and the Black Legion or over running capital spire itself we still hold the Imperial Palace but they have taken the rest of the spire I will die before surrendering the palace to these treasonous curse without your aid blood ravens I will make good on that pledge before long you have brought us key victories commander but we have been fighting a hundred other battles the 85th vendor 'land and my other loyal troops have all suffered massive casualties the Black Legion however never seems to run out of madmen and demons to throw against us loyal forces are converging on Capitol spire but they will not be here in time to make a difference attention this is governor Elena DeRosa the blood Ravens are here the Emperor's Angels of Death fight with us drive the traitors from the palace gates the palace is safe thanks to your blood ravens commander the Black Legion will not give up so easily governor prepare for a counter-attack commander I have several sorento deterrents ready to deploy it's done he still holds the communications array an imperial shrine below the plaza however a quick strike could retake them commander another enemy of man falls to us we destroy the forces of chaos my initiate sand I will keep this area secure your firepower is needed elsewhere additional turrets are ready to be poured commander he's done I saw squash better turn fear my devastators can maintain the defense of this location commander assist governor Barroso edition turrets are ready to deploy commander the enemy has masked for a counter-attack on the palace stand with the Emperor and drive them back commander the palace will not hold without your aid do we have a new target thank you blood ravens once again you have saved meridian commander I am forever in your debt I cannot understand why captain Angelo's and captain Diomedes refused to aid us but in our darkest times against our most terrible foes you stood with us Meridian will never forget this I will never forget I agree commander we cannot allow him to call us and the Emperor cowards when we strike at this madman there can be no falling back or tactical withdrawals enough I can no longer sit here in orbit while that treasonous filth lives I swear I will deliver the death blow myself you you you finally show your faces how do you mastered your fear at last we know no fear you blood Ravens are truly fearless in your hurry to leave the sector the courage with which you show us your hindquarters does your emperor proud turncoat scum I will kill you here and now very impressive you have more steel than the rest of your mewling chapter rejoice brothers your slavery to the full emperor ends today the only thing ending today is your worthless life yes and to the void with orders and niceties but not quite yet little blood Ravens first obsessed make your way to my chosen battleground yes engaged junk packs eliminated for what brothers it is done turn fire more than us it is done move off long race north corn smiles on us blood Ravens until you have the world to pass his final tests yes Lord coward you will not escape commander look a way forward we can finish this yet under attack how do you see Henry Ellis ah oh hostiles there is a shrine ahead it is sure to be well defended but securing it would aid us greatly Ajax yes fight on for the blonde college notes on that target prepare for combat [Music] into that position your order we have a new target joy is it's done with me brothers advance where we need it Oh served on drag race call thanks you for your offer ease press the assault where are we ass it is done he's done you're running is over traitor now you die now show me to redeploy forward brothers there is the power you are denied food sacrifices for you blood ravings no one beats kill the heretics to weaken him early fall yes my lord open a portal no I think not a change in leadership is in order [Laughter] preparedness is where we needed no escape this time a fitting death for a leader of traitors true but what game is elephants playing ah he is greedy and honorless scum he saw his chance to gain power and he took it and the prospect of elephants with more power somehow reassures you commander another transmission from captain Diomedes of the honor guard he has declared Gabriel Angela so renegade and orders are returned to calderas I've also uncovered additional information about apothecary Galen and his expedition of worth a judgment of carrion lung Ravens take heed for the grievous sins of refusing chapter orders spreading heresy raising arms against his one-time brothers and steaming brother's arms and artifacts from the tractor Gabriel Angelo's is hereby declared an enemy of the chapter and sentenced to death the renegade Angelo's has fled absconding with the battle bars litany of fury aye captain aplomb Diomedes issued this declaration with full authority from Azariah Kairos chapter master of the blood regions and keeper of the librarian knowledge is power [Music] [Music] the log entry which Flavin you activated the logic engine of or the judgment of carrion was only one of many in the engines cogitation archives listen to these additional entries the emperor has granted us a miracle guarding the corpses of the brothers most of all this derelict we have found a survivor librarian Kairos is restored to the chapter and the surgery so time later monopod fell today killed by mother demon of the Dark Gods alliances have seemed and are beacons have failed we are trapped Kairos is psychic powers have saved us several times already but how can you defend against the voices I hear in the darkness how can any of us the rest of the love is protected by ancient encoding rights and these are strikingly reminiscent to the Wrights messy art readers identity and this is the same Kairos who is now chapter master and chief librarian of the blood Ravens Emperor preserve us what happened to Galen himself he serves with a shudder honor guard commander the judgment of Carrion's logic asian confirms our suspicions the encoding Rights used by our trader hand in Galen's logs both bear a market resemblance to those of the chapter honor guard with a copy of their codes I could finally identify the traitor commander to finally identify our traitor we must obtain the transmission codes of the chapter honor guard did you so you must finish right to the heart of the blood regions fire base and destroy the stronghold of Captain Diomedes this will trigger an automatic signal from his battle barge from which I can gain the codes we need between us and those codes stand both the honor guard and our own brothers from the third and fourth companies the entire area is patrolled by our chapter brothers they will fire on us without hesitation only stealth and non-lethal attacks can prevent bloodshed Diomedes has established a perimeter or satellite bases field generators and automated tarantula sentry guns are standard issue for such temporary positions captain Diomedes adheres to the chapters tactical doctrines the Codex calls for a tactical feint when a satellite position is destroyed nearby forces fall back to a strong firing line either drawing their attackers into the teeth of bolter fire or calling in artillery if we destroy the field generators we can use this to push through the perimeter without killing blood ravens we must find a way to reach that stronghold without killing blood ravens some blood ravens have fallen to chaos then we fight and kill those but to murder those simply doing their duty to chapter an emperor could we ever recover from such an act [Music] [Music] you remember proceed cautiously and target the field generators we are here to recover data not kill blood Ravens the Emperor provides to defensive positions now move forward while the way is clear maintain camouflage Scouts get out incoming artillery strike clear the target area there he is hello Bros so glad you've come to see me I assume you uncovered our mutual friend new message from the retribution a foolish misstep but that is something of a captain with blood Ramon's I suppose shall I kill you now I will carry it out maintain camouflage Scouts incoming artillery strike clear the target area we shall return you fight well but do not fall or something to thinking I the only one who's seen the path of chaos let me introduce you to look alive brother Thank You medieval man as locked within me for too long he must warn die ominous the brothers of his friend knew my face of chaos as well and Diomedes himself as he fallen know about his pride blinds him engaging every under fire you are traitors to the chapter on this stone open your eyes captain we fight to preserve the chapter you abandon our worlds to the Black Legion you surround yourself with heretics like Galen do not naturally sergeant I follow the orders of our chapter Master Kairos you are the only heretics I see here if Kairos and Galen told you of their time on the judgment of carrion captain have they shared stories of the deaths of their brothers or the demonic voice of full care that plagued them oh where did you hear that Gaylen capital go from here commander I have recovered the codes we needed so who is the traitor the decoding rights needed to identify him or not yet complete the codes did allow me to uncover additional data from the judgment of carrion however I believe I know with a black legions true base of operations is hidden on planet aralia the honor guards codes unlocked a great deal from the judgment of Karen's logic engine this record from apothecary Galen seems especially relevant librarian Kairos grows more morose by the hour he is a mighty asset against the things lurking in this ancient space Hulk but he does little to keep our faith strong at morning prayers he recounted a great battle on a lost world named Aurelia a terrible demon be sent this planet and summon the mighty warped storms blood Ravens faced the demon in a terrible battle one chapter keep this sure of inspired a song but Congress made at a tale of woe he described his brother's dying one by one to by this demon but called their sacrifice pointless the fiendish creature he said was yet free and somehow even before Kairos mentioned it I knew this creatures name Oh a demon bound in the keep on planet Aurelia surely Ellie fast seeks its release I share your thoughts librarian I can locate the keeps remains if we return to Aurelia yeah a thousand years ago in this place Mariah mightiest of the Blood Ravens battled the great old care with his dying breath - Mariah stab at the heart of the great one what non-evil slay he wounded and so noble Mariah died with only his students gyrus left to mourn him weakened the great one could not resist iris the hated student bound and shuttle don't care now that bondage ends [Applause] there's Roman mile how delicious as promised great once oh nice little elephants commander the ancient logic engine has done its work handsome - and with free Apple brothers like you did with the distress signal in our agreement is over Angelo staz's charging on the cetera retribution you must yet die omni's - policeman knows i am not the only one who will be discovered if it comes to that do you understand me Galen knowledge is power as you are also fond of saying abacus abacus traitors commander abacus is no longer aboard he has taken a drop pod and headed for the planet below he seeks to escape us he will not succeed commander there's a recorded message waiting from aptus I can almost hear your how could he betray us why abacus why look at this planet look at it that is why the entire galaxy is the same broken shattered rotten to the core honor Brotherhood duty they are no more than delusions and lies we use them to justify the death and destruction left in our wake I cannot tolerate it any longer I have seen the rot that runs through our chapters honor and justifies nothing my memories are full of the screams of those I have killed where other sea life I see only death we all know how this will end we have always it ends in blood the traitor has gone to ground commander a Vitus has retreated to a fortified Black Legion base on argent glacier the area's dense with enemies but we cannot allow that to stop us we cannot let a Vitesse escape retribution the Black Legion is present in large numbers beyond their main stronghold they have at least two satellite camps patrols stopped the area between these strong points ready to pounce there may well be other defenses which we cannot detect from orbit a direct assault is possible but that strategy gives up our only two advantages surprise and discipline the traitor legions lack discipline their patrols are more interested in finding something to kill than actual reconnaissance I doubt they have any established reporting rights or patrol rotation if we engage and destroy the patrols quickly their absence will go unnoticed the same is true of the satellite camps we can move from target to target weakening the enemy until we can strike at the main base and exact retribution Cyrus's strategy is sound commander his analysis of the trader legions aligns with the codex Cyrus was not on Cronus however Elif Assad himself time and again to be supremely cunning he knows well the weaknesses of his slaves I cannot help but feel he will have taken steps to address them you hello brothers I know you are out there coming for me that dog Ella Fox has the area crawling with Black Legion scum deal with them I will await you here a litter still has access to the Vox channels commander I am working his location on your map display along with two other Black Legion outposts eliminate those who weaken the main stronghold keep a sharp eye out for patrols eliminate the traitors Nagas wanna steal antique they ignore solids with your failures chaos dog your soy evisceration cyrix squats no longer respond you had best hurry brothers the squads you have killed are going to be missed reporting to chapter master Kairos is one thing a virtus but betraying us to the Black Legion is another I thought that as well until after the tyranids when Kairos contacted me again and told me to provide information and aid to an ally of his elephants and journalist are you relieved this incompetent mobilize your forces they know you are here blood reads they have sounded an alarm they said the Black Legion to be ready for you Turkish do you remember when chapter master Kairos came across after the final victory I have no interest in your nostalgia habitus you should blind fool Kairos wanted to make me his man his personal agent in the fourth I was with him as he and his honor guard cleaned up all the dark deeds from the Cronus campaign he walked him through the ruins of Victory Bay celebrating the slaughter I had carried out there if you had been there in Vail of Lies our chapter husband Brothers [Music] he is tact this way brothers target killed just move on commander all specials the struggle gate to be heavily guarded there may be another approach Oh how do you commander tectonic activity is increasing to the next target brothers your orders commander you are nearing the Western elbows to avoid an alarm you must destroy the base cruelly the enemy is here it's raise the elbows to the ground and quickly it is done move on well commander no alerce move on engage dumb packs Tarkas reporting here we are at last the end is in sight fill yourself do not worry Cestius have you ever known me to run and hide I needed only to ready our chapter masters final gift to me Terminator armour the holiest of chapter relics in the hands of a loathsome betrayer there is the honor of the Blood Ravens Jack the tactical squad repositioning jump to that position this is all that remains blood and fury faith is a lie truth is a lie good luck crusty ass or others press the assault brother you are so fond of hand-to-hand combat that these dogs have lied to you your death will wear my soul lavitus as will your folly I want none of your beauty targets but remember this day because you are looking at your own future someday you will see through all the lies and then the dead will come for you as well no man died in his service that died in vain spare us your empty platitudes it matters not who lives and dies Broadus shit as it has always been there is nothing else in this forsaken existence let that be the last of treachery and corruption in the chapter unlikely abacus clearly accused chapter master Kairos I fear a heretic is in command of our entire chapter commander another ship in orbit it is the litany of fury captain Angelus is battle barge commander we face a terrible situation chapter Master Kairos has gone mad and Diomedes has branded my brothers and I as renegades sergeant Abbot us secretly served the powers of chaos he has paid the price for his betrayal but we believe that chapter master serves chaos as well I feared as much there will come a reckoning for Kairos I swear it dire though the situation in the chapter may be the threat to the sector is worse Kairos found a mighty demon inside planet aralia a thousand years ago any fast is intent on releasing it and destroying the planet in the process without the blood Ravens to defend the sector all our recruiting worlds will fall the chapter master may have branded us renegades but we still stand with our worlds we must mount an assault and eliminate the foul monstrosity here and now I'm transferring details to your planetary display Angelo salt Angeles is launching the salt on the ruins of king salmon on the Black Legion is well prepared for an attack to Planet X will clear the way for the main run Ravens force you can drop into the key once the printers have cleared an approach from the high commander the demon all care is manifesting in the ruins of keep sellin on this was once the grandest of our chapter keeps now the Black Legion invests its ruins ala fascist forces are well entrenched and prepared to repel any surgical strike nevertheless we must we will prevail predator tanks from the litany of fury will drive into the enemy's defensive line their mission is to destroy key Black Legion installations once the Predators eliminate their targets my forces will launch an all-out assault on the chapter keep with the Black Legion repelling our assault you can drop into the keep itself and strike at the demon we can supervise their attack in order to better prepare for our own strike one predator will deploy in the annihilator pattern perfect for dealing with enemy armor the other will use the destructor pattern better suited for dealing with heavy infantry the predator Annihilator and predator destructor are deployed and ready to begin their attack key targets are indicated on the tactical map the Emperor guides you to victory blood Ravens this is predator annihilator jails overhead ready to engage reddit's or destructor chaos Havoc's are set up ahead of you there last cannons and missile launchers pose a serious threat use your autocannon to eliminate them before they can cause serious damage victreebel righteous [Music] one less enemy [Music] excellent destroy all enemy fortifications destroyed well done strike force fury launched attack forward today we regain the honor of our chapter commander we should divert to support captain Angelo's by eliminating the Black Legion defenders we can stem the tide of Bloodraven deaths run agreements no leave us was right the loyalists are trying to outflank us what is this there's Walmart the demon is here already no the demon is manifest not yet free he cannot yet leave the key regionals lives deploy your strike to even destroy that demon thing depends on it I commend you on your persistence Ladd Ravens even faced with the beat strain of your brother hammers us you strive on such determination could accomplish a great deal if backed by the powers of the Dark Gods as it is your stubborn nature and only ensures your destruction the brothers you draw closer to your doom not Ravens surrender to the inevitable share in our glory didn't make like it was left to me to manipulate captain Angeles into launching this attack error gasps never understood the true grandeur of this land but you Oh me how much Stroup's to be a disappointment his refusal to accept that there's enough events to track father still he served his purpose point position a few more deaths then I shall be free to consume the whole sector your deaths will do nicely destination confirmed receiving fire destroy them Oh I do not delude yourselves that Joffrey will laugh little humans this forever crackles rotten fruit you and your pathetic chapter you you blood Ravens victory is ours you have driven the Black Legion from the sector and banished the vile demon who sought to consume us but a more terrible battle remains ahead our chapters in the hands of a madman and a heretic Kairos he who should be the greatest of us all the way is sold to the powers of chaos and we are brand games and traitors my brothers this cannot this will not stand commander you and your brothers shall be our agents of purification within the chapter your actions have already sent a shining example of honor and valor and when none others could you opened the eyes of Captain darmody's to the corruption around him take the retribution back to calderas Diana DS awaits you there you will assume command of the fourth company rightly taking the captaincy left vacant by Davian fool when the time is ripe to strike at Kairos and the rush in the chapter we shall contact you when that day comes we must all be ready let none find us wanting by chatter and Emperor
Channel: Rostam 40k Archives
Views: 197,705
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dawn of war 2 chaos rising cutscenes, dawn of war 2 chaos rising, Chaos Rising, dawn of war 2 movie, dawn of war 2 full movie, dawn of war 2 all cutscenes, dawn of war 2, warhammer 40k dawn of war 2 movie, dow2, Warhammer 40000, warhammer 40k, 40k, warhammer 40k movie, wh40k, chaos space marines, blood ravens, All Cutscenes, cutscenes, wh40k fan made movie, warhammer 40k lore, Davian Thule, video game, history, walkthrough, gameplay, The Movie, Gabriel Angelos, Tarkus
Id: f9-HDMWcHvg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 187min 5sec (11225 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 29 2018
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