Starcraft : Infinity War - Full Movie 2018 HD

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More character analogies:

  • Reyner is a small colony of rebels that live on Nibiru or an asteroid nearby earth. The planet is inhabited by humans and they supposedly have low gravity so get tired on Earth quickly. But they have technology.They strongly want revolution and to set the world free.
  • Reyner could also be Canaan and the Phoenicians
  • New Folsa: NWO will take over another planet. This is probably Elysium. A lost continent or a continent on Mars. Possibly Venus?
  • Queen of Blades is Queen Maya
  • NWO will try to kill all dragons
  • Tosh is the new age AfroAmerican [AfroGenesis 1]
  • Wurfield is the slavemind AfroAmerican they wish to represent
  • Arturos is Shem, or Adonis
  • Artemis is Canaan and white america [militants]
  • Amon - NWO
  • Zeratul might be Ham/Atlantis
  • Karax [AfroGenesis 2] NewAge Afrofuturism AfroAmerican thought

This movie was released a day before the Avengers version. I believe it is a part of a magic spell so it is chronologically correct except for the prophecy part.It is a good method to find what the truth is about history.

Just remember,,, the future is falsely represented here.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/westsan 📅︎︎ Mar 07 2021 🗫︎ replies
they say a man never really knows himself until his freedom's been taken away I wonder how well do you know yourself [Music] prisoners step forward onto the platform [Music] [Music] Megan six to six [Music] I read traitor you go free [Music] as you soon even freedom has over ice [Music] [Music] combat suit shield unlock you carry your prison with you that armor will be on you cells make no mistake war is coming with all its glory and all its horror mr. Findley your freedom awaits hello it's about term [Music] [Music] never arcturus mengsk ILDA press-conference commemorating the end of the support group or some 4 years ago our own Kate Locke well was on the sea news organization is still very real but instead of expanding our fleets you've squandered trillions on hunting doubt has been rebels like Jim Raynor Jim Murray who represents a clear and present threat to this Dominion he is an unscrupulous long as revolutionary bent on spreading fear and dissension across the sector his ragtag bathroom this was an instigator of the rebellion [Music] [Music] this to justice Varys it ain't over till it's over you son of a [ __ ] subject my troops ready hit your forces are prepared and awaiting your orders commander uploading tactical data No good about time we kicked this revolution into overdrive [Music] [Music] you know to the most wanted man in the center you wait that hard to find to see it for myself [Music] little Jimmy Rayner the people's hero [Music] Tyga's Finley nice suit [Music] pays to be prepared I heard they put you on ice live sentence what to give you time off for good behavior that's right old buddy I'm a model citizen male so to what do I owe the pleasure just a friendly business proposition do you even know what the Dominion are doing out here I'm guessing you're about to tell me digging up alien artifacts old buddy you poor Minsk is gone crazy a forum but I gotta come take that I'll pay top dollar for every artifact we liberate from the Dominion I guess I can hardly pass that up now can attack us partnership 60/40 70/30 mommy [Music] feels like old times already old times [Music] damn Jimmy you've been holding out on me cutting it pretty close there Matt never left you hanging before sir they're not just get us the hell out of here all batteries concentrate forward firepower pinup drives two and six All Hands brace for warp jump on my mark [Music] what the hell happened we ain't seen the circuit in years why attack Marsh saara now it's not just Marv Sarah you need to see this devastation spread throughout all the outer rim classic scene from heavy bottom casualties in the billions minutes ago desert past at a military research facility mother oops if video footage confirms the Queen of Blades is in fact leading the swarm [Music] we always knew she'd be back what's she after she's come to finish the job [Music] that's funny convict I don't recall giving you access to our database just keeping up on current events captain seems this Queen of Blades got everybody running scared she don't look so tough you have no idea how she is doing attackers don't know my I don't know weed [Music] well it matters to Jim they were close once we the morning you're telling me they was shacked up apparently she was something else before the zurich took her turned her into that and jimmy feels responsible honestly if we've to face her again I don't know what I'll do like that [Music] [Music] [Music] J I bring tidings of doom zeratul I have pierced the veil of the future and beheld only Olivia yet one spark of hope remains you will hold her life in your hands and though justice demands that she die for a crimes only she can say by the second you're talking about Kerrigan it's been four years you show up out of nowhere time is short that you must understand the answers you seek lie with his study the feat of creation hangs in the balance nice to see you too [Music] [Music] this is Kerrigan we've neutralized the Protoss but there's a wave of zerg advancing on this position we need immediate evac belay that order we're moving out what you're not just gonna leave us all ships prepare to move away from Tarsonis on my mark [Music] [Music] boys how about that evac damn you Arcturus don't do this it's done helmsman signal the fleet and take us out of orbit now commander Jim what the hell's going on up there [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] I've been cleaning up after you a lot lately leave it alone Matt same dream said leave it alone what happened to Kerrigan wasn't your fault which part she got left behind was she murdered eight billion people same old [ __ ] you ain't gonna listen do you even see what you're becoming we are who you choose to be mad when you figure it out let us know we're waiting on you [Applause] [Music] the Zerg Swarm came as was foretold and the Protoss firstborn of the Gods rose to fight them [Music] now this M Naga that forged us all our returning [Music] but do they come to save or to destroy [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I knew you'd find your way here eventually and your very presence defiles this place Kerrigan do you hear the Naruto whispering from the Stars the galaxies would burn they're coming but you won't live to see it our petty conflicts me fitting that we should face oblivion [Music] [Music] [Music] fate cannot be changed the error comes when it finds me [Music] we shall embrace it and last [Music] the prophecy is uncertain there is always hope [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] fifty years and no one's ever escaped in Folsom but we broke it open in an afternoon I can hardly believe we pulled it off you guessed it good now me and my spectres are finished a job we've killed makes and bird he's don't Indian too overthrowing banks is just the start this is about building a better tomorrow don't you see we just released every scientist philosopher and free thinker that ever challenged makes rule that was our real victory today you've read that naive tomorrow there'll be a new mix and another one after that your greets and agree but a future is just an illusion [Music] so if it's also bleak why are you here - what do you get out of all this save Figgis you brother I don't quit till makes is dead [Music] vengeance doesn't factor into this our revolutions about freedom you'll see that better future mad but it ain't for the likes of us [Music] [Music] these shocking revelations veritable firestorm of anti-tank SETI Emperor held a news conference earlier today I assure you these slanderous attacks against the throne of baseless and irresponsible sir do you still stand by the sentiment that selfless devotion to the people is the basis of your or will of course I was called upon to serve the greater interest of humanity personal power was never my goal then how would you characterize this statement returning you to question me this interview is over you know I love seeing him squirm but the Dominions just gonna spin this like they do everything else not this time may excuse the media as a weapon for years and now we've turned it against him one broadcast you want us a bigger victory than a hundred battles I guess you're right well it's what we started this revolution for in the first place you've got a long way to go maybe we started something here hearts and minds man just like you always said you know Matt someday you're gonna wind up leading this bunch of misfits oh no that's what I keep you around for sir transmission coming in Tosh didn't take long for him to gloat patch him through [Music] is that supposed to be me gonna be great cross it me you're a scumbag - I've spent my whole life fighting men like you we're just the same we both do anything to get the job done oh you don't get it at all and now you never will what you go to school but I've six light-years away not me cold and efficient reminds me of someone I used to know glad you're not after me I'll see you out Jeff don't you ever meet any normal girls [Music] sir we've reached the rendezvous coordinates no contacts looks like the möbius ship hasn't arrived yet that's strange it ain't like them to be late sir Dominion ships warping in makes flagship is leading them sweet mother of mercy [Music] sir the shields are still down I don't like this Matt pull us alongside and prep docking tubes commander this is not a smart move my you got it [Music] [Music] turn around our tourists I want you to see this coming you won't find my father here commander I am valerian Minsk and I own The Mobius Foundation through them I own you as well tell me why I should kill you right now because I can offer you what you've always wanted a chance to rescue Karen [Music] you boys gotta wake up Rainer sold us out I joined this out there to fight the Dominion not work for him everybody simmer down we trusted the commander before we should trust him now you can't trust that drug damn reigneth nothing the spotless cow you but nothing but poison since you got on this crate [Music] only person you can trust is you yes the sooner you beyond this figure than about enough of this you got em all fooled don't you to me but the first sign of trouble you'll just deck and run this was he doing it me them that pretty little girlfriend of yours [Music] don't do something you're gonna regret Tigers [Music] [Music] [Music] you think he's right I'm just gonna run out on you you got us working for the Dominion now commander taking us back to char it's like you're gone already this ain't about the Dominion our Wars always been about saving lives it deserved wipe everyone out it's all been for nothing so I'm going back to char you're with me it's your choice just like it's always been [Music] now that's the commander Applewhite now satisfied let's get back to work boys [Music] I don't want to have to have this conversation again and fix my damn shoe box [Music] little help here anybody [Music] if he'll ever existed this is it oceans of fire tectonic storms and an atmosphere that will burn a man alive we've planned for all of that you can't plan for the Serb general Dean gonna fit into your nice clean timetable I've led five separate invasions against a swarm a helva lied while you and your terrorist friends hid under a we're all aware of your victories general I've invited commander Raynor here to assist us with any unforeseen contingencies well it sounds like you got it all figured out jr. I have far too much invested in this undertaking to see it fail speaking of which you might particularly enjoy this next step [Music] I've just received a report you take an apple fleet care to explain yourself water I am about to accomplish that which you never could today I will defeat the Queen of Blades and secure peace throughout the Dominion by this act the people will finally know that I am a worthy successor to you I love your gumption son when you're in way over your head what makes you think you have the experience gained alone Arcturus I don't know what gutter my son fished you out of but even you got to realize that treacherous [ __ ] cannot be saved and I look in you we'll see about that when this is over you and me got a score to settle everything I could have hoped for you're playing a dangerous game here kid Princeville Aaron we have Zerg attack waves income Oh ray three the bridge I got a battle to win [Music] I'll seek you boys on the ground [Music] [Music] [Music] urge you boys needed some help we came as fast as we could ain't no time to be lying down on the job to haul [Music] magnificent son of a [ __ ] and you're the last man I expected to see boys are hate in a rug but the natives are getting restless pay for the rescue but I hope it ain't just the two of you general you know I've always got a car to play you might be a damn pirate really whatever happened to save my boys today and I'll forget that days worth gentle [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good to see on your feature [Music] we'll see how long that lasts I brought you boys a present [Music] the Xel'Naga lot of thanks to the simple I hope to god it does what you think damn straight but now asses on some alien piece of crap don't sit right with me I hear you Takas but if I was banking everything on that I'd be quit already cuz here we are in the mouth of hell and we made it this far I've leaned in on each other well there is Blind Luck god damn fool Kurt in all my years I've never seen anything like what you two jokers have pulled off that thing maybe the key to stopping the Queen of Blades but it's our sweat and blood that'll make it happen after everything they need famously asked all the fire appealing the one thing I know is that we did calculate each other to get the job done or die trying that's what it takes [Music] because some things are just worth fighting for [Music] [Music] [Music] sir [Music] you read all this you have your orders mr. Findley carrying them out [Music] Titus whatever you done [Music] I made a deal with the devil Jimmy she dies I go free we all got our choices to make [Music] they say [Music] yeah it's okay I got you [Music] [Applause] and the sworn armies scattered world returned now at last on this world vengeance shall be mine or I in the Queen [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] open the door son Valerians orders sir no visit open the door [Music] good morning commander junior gentlemen the test protocol will begin in two minutes [Music] make the most of this test it's your last one now give us a minute very well we're getting out of here tonight Darla oh good then we can go after minx forget next forget all of it this is about you and me until minx is dead there can't be a you and me I moved heaven and earth to bring you back Sara I can't watch you throw that away just for revenge initiating test phase two I never gave up on you Sara don't you give up on us test phase two commencing [Music] [Music] Dominion forces in Sector three four and six must evacuate this is Nova begin your sweep find Kerrigan Bravo technology the killing will never stop until a minx is dead I'm going to make him pay that's enough of that get it together darling we got a girl [Music] in a long time back hrodna back [Music] yeah like riding a bike [Music] Jim Jim where's Jim we couldn't get him out valerian stand down let him go Carrigan valerian is helping us there is no us [Music] I have f- multiple hostiles inside the perimeter crab attack response squad Street for 9 full breach 3 first opened over Delta 4 prep all stations for jump no one is going anywhere until I see Jim 30 Dominion fleet this is Hyperion cease fire crown prince valerian is aboard my father will sacrifice any piece on the chessboard to take the cream I have to jump now will lead them away and circle back for Jim dick and Bruce era for C we need to work together do it you would I'm going to fine-tune [Music] Jim are you on this frequency Jim are you out there I'm at the rendezvous it's all clear here I've been thinking about what you said there's something dark in me Jim I need you I need you to hear me right now [Music] we interrupt your regularly scheduled programming to bring you this news notorious rebel Jim Raynor was captured in a daring raid yesterday he was briefly interrogated and summarily executed Everlast had this to say proud Dominion citizens at long last our nightmare is over the novice terrorist James Raina is dead with his death comes a new era of peace the Protoss have retreated from Howard the men do and deserve the threat has been removed their swarm is shattered and leaderless soon we will eradicate every last cirebon charm in short we have won our peace and security is assured good night my faithful subjects [Music] Thanks the navigation online destination workspace confirm confirmed zeratul do you want believe Carrigan I have been to the beginning behold Sarris birthplace of the sir here the sir evolved and here the taqwa altered that those FBI they fight they chill they evolve just as you must if you survived lieutenant get the wounded to those shuttles fine lieutenant just see to those wounded I'll get out another way [Music] Carrigan you listen to me I have three shuttles packed with men too injured to ever be a threat to you husbands fathers you let those shuttles go you hear me [Music] you [ __ ] you're not even human anymore you betrayed us all for what petty revenge how many innocents have you killed how many more have to die what a trainer can see you right now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] face me the room it's over this is only beginning they long whispered of this from the stars he told you of his return he told you a balloon extinction the end of all famous your God is dead and he's never coming back is that what you think Sara usually you you're not Jim I'm everything lost [Music] I am everything you never had [Music] you've already lost [Music] [Music] [Applause] Sara I had to get you out what have you done / they had to tell that to Phoenix tell it to the millions you butchered you swore you'd kill the Queen of Blades you were the only one who ever believed in me do you still believe in me [Music] [Applause] I love you Jim you never forget it we're done [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello Carrigan I've been waiting for you I'm surprised you haven't tried to escape escape my dear up afraid you've got it all wrong really did you think I'd keep an animal like you close to me without some kind of insurance policy clearly you are my greatest failure now at long last you will die change of plans you can universe suffer enough girl the lies you've ruined the doctors make you into a monster carrot gun he made us all into monsters [Music] [Music] thank you Jim for everything my pleasure darn [Music] always was [Music] [Applause] [Music] I now see my true enemy he waits for me in the void wielding powers I cannot imagine I go to face him having renounced everything my humanity my identity the man I love but I will not face this enemy alone I am the swarm as it was foretold a m-- on the dark god lives again if any old remains for our galaxy it lies in the hands of the cell Naga only one piece of the prophecy remains unfulfilled that on the world where Iman was reborn the last light will be [Music] there is one meal creature known as Samir Duran war to the terrors as Leroux in the system divides a long-forgotten mobius facility i must hope these secrets still rest within its walls zeratul uses a great honor I am prey tort Alice and I humbly request your aid an unknown force has been abducting Templar from our colony worlds my forces and I have managed to track them to a Tarrant facility and we are under attack when a swarm swarm I'm on my way Tallis they are doing hide you run to my alive [Music] [Music] the prophecy has been fully realized and through a great sacrifice we have been different a vision from the cell naka that maintained us in a virtue desolation now I must return they will not understand my actions but I will face their judgments make them understand for only our Tannis young hierarch of the Protoss can unite how scattered actions as one before a Mons wrath engulfs the galaxy thus war brought Rubin world our crowd people became refugees and yet they could not shatter our unity [Music] or we are bound by the color the sacred union of our every thought and emotion [Music] [Music] today Oracle's and with it legacy [Music] [Applause] [Music] at long last we stand at the threshold of destiny for today we will restore a glory of our legacy today we will retake what we have lost and reclaim all homeworld and may the colors light guide us the invasion fleet stands ready we await only your command higher [Music] we will hear him out the end war has come aim on the dark one has written it fast this invasion is a distraction from the true battle ahead Damon's fury will engulf the entire galaxy do not forgive that it was his interference that brought ruin to our and that burden weighs heavily Martinus I have found a way to stand against the coming darkness you must believe me we have been through much together zeratul but far too many have sacrificed in the hopes that this moment would come to pass [Music] [Music] it seems the end war you warned of has begun tell me old friend what is it you have learned I have witnessed the end of all things war rific legions a hybrid raising world upon world in the darkness lording over them a shadowy form a mob yet you spoke of a way to stand against him this vision was a benevolent one as if an ancient force called out from beyond the Keystone shall usher you on to Keystone I saw a burst of light revealing the self the artifact on the Terran world of coral it is the keystone of decision the prophecies speech of Zell maka standing against a bar in the end times I believe this Keystone will guide us to them I have always trusted you zeratul but the burdens of leadership demanded much of me there are times I am uncertain whether I was truly ready for such weight your doubt is unfounded young heart Alice you must embrace what you have become if you are to be the leader we now need [Music] you we go to James rain or encore hall and receive this Keystone I will marshal our forces for the war ahead when you return the Templar will be ready and taro tacit our old friend and taro or Tanis [Music] unending each we have corrupted the caller [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a stone will guard you [Music] to [Music] zeratul [Music] give me [Applause] [Music] you [Music] [Music] they Smith Care Act's I have been looking for you are Tanis priests there are fluids they must be removed that was done by the Dark Templar I'm free of the collars corruption are there others I [Music] have saved all that I could come we must escape this world before time runs out escape power the spear of adun still rests beneath the ruins of course at all its generators are ancient but a face myth of your ability will know how to bring them online the spear of adun i i am honored to have the opportunity this is fortune we cannot ignore indeed come we must go at once [Music] the spear of ADUN a marvel of kalai engineering at last of the three great art ships it's created to ensure the continuation or culture in a dark time within its chambers rest contingents of zealots Templar who bravely sacrificed entering suspension so that they may serve as this vessels army though it pains me greatly I have begun severing their nerve cords the ships of lower decks contain a star forge capable of constructing weapons of war there is much to learn about this vessel its technology is ancient yet highly advanced [Music] we are aboard a relic from a glorious time when our culture shined as a constellation the celestial array has been updated hierarch from here you may select our next point of travel with this vessel we will avenge what has transpired Care Act's and we will free the Templar [Music] [Music] [Music] alone alone it is said that those of our kind suffer separated from the glory but none of us are ever truly alone [Music] they're our over your tradition the brain moves generation after generation who choose the mantle door [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] did you know this warrior now but I know his story I know all their stories none of them ever think it'll end like this reports been coming in from all over the many-worlds overrun outpost destroyed lot more dead boys out there Warriors [Music] death is the fate of all warriors fate we too may soon embrace 18 written our tennis may I see it zeratul believed you could make a difference in all this and this Speights just begun [Music] it is your custom to shake the hand of a friend is it not you mail our Dennis [Music] [Music] [Music] zeratul Kuras blades [Music] again our tennis wait I'm not your enemy I have come seeking this [Music] [Music] that seems fate has drawn us together you shall not tempt it further [Music] [Applause] something's not right here this is so gaga [Music] their dinner dance [Music] Hey [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] minefield it's not so easily broken the firstborn shall fear you know your taxes Neal strives to maintain this long existence stop me a Mon I have destroyed your Terran army eradicated your hybrid facility and turned your servants to my side all that is left is your destruction you are insignificant in the face of the South Asian I dreamed wire he he is gone he is so arrogant just as he could look into me so I have looked into him his form is almost complete and now he waits for us to return he plans to bring the great fleet down upon us there is a way around this we have to eliminate the sacred sign matrix the powers fire where we are all doomed if he intends to use the golden armada to stop us from destroying his body when you are right destroying the Sai matrix is essential it seems this connection of yours has proved worthwhile but it is time to free yourself from Amon sever yourself from the kala I would relinquish all that I know it is the only way unshackle yourself from the past rohana and step into this new age [Music] [Music] [Music] for retribution we will set a course for iron my brethren hear me for there is little time left all that remains of our race our civilization are those that stand beside you now and those corrupted on the surface below our kind once stood as stewards of a galaxy full of promise in our pride and division we failed that sacred charge and felt [Music] the car designs to bring unity ultimately only aid in those divisions its hope was a lie today that lie must come to its end and with it our prejudice and arrogance must become a thing of the past we now fight in the that our kind has not seen its end that we Protoss can stand bound by a belief in unity and that we Protoss will forge a great and mighty new civilization trust each other in the fight ahead strike as one will let our last and varna memories so bright that we will be known throughout eternity [Music] cilenti's Templars bring yourselves of a mom without the comment what will we become free [Music] believe [Music] in taro the dark one has been banished back into the void for now we are free all of this because of you I will bring our great stream of a unified Protoss to bear we will gather the survivors rebuild our cities we will reject our old divisions and forge a new society [Music] together we will shape our destiny amongst the stars [Music] we have waited long enough within this Ackerson realm if the Queen of Blades truly is to speak she would be here now she ain't gonna stand us up so Linda's if she says it's important you better believe it is trusting this deceiver is not an act I am accustomed to command her such little faith for a Templar our tennis gym so what's going on Sarah what's so urgent you got us all here for a mom lives his hatred Fester's in the void and he already plans to return even now I hear a voice calling me the great enemies trickery this voice is not his there's something else in there something tormented and desperate but it's been evident a once strength grows by the moment he may not return during our lives but he will return and what is it you suggest we do Kerrigan there is a gateway to the void within all our I intend to go through it and destroy the Fallen one once and for all I need your help [Music] Sara's right we can't kick this can down the road this burden is ours like it or not zeratul foresaw that this day would come you have our blades Kerrigan [Music] [Music] [Music] it is Tassadar my mentor how can this be honored one to see you bring such joy to my Tessa's are a form I chose to inspire action is the one called desert tool in the prophecies preservable followed the results of my psionic extension into the minds of primitive beings you are the one who called me who are you [Music] why have you summoned us here the cycle must not be broken the merging of purity of essence and purity of form must continue Kerrigan converge with my essence [Music] fulfill your destiny ascend as cell Naga continue the infinite cycling cell Naga you want to change her into one of you damn it Sarah no woman hazel vodka and defeat the fallen one Sarah you don't got to do this you don't have to let yourself be mutilated again together with all I've done the lives ruined no that's destroyed there's the love of my hands I need to cleanse it this is my destiny [Music] with the last of our asses [Music] [Music] she is naga [Music] these moments together they will always be with me darlin we have to go around you [Music] a mistake girl [Music] [Music] valerian max no mental celebration in the capital wing and all the sprat heralding in a new age of peace and prosperity within the Terran Dominion Allison octets Admiral Matthew Warner reaffirmed the military supporter of the new Dominion government [Music] Arthur Minds math just like you always said you know Matt someday you're gonna wind up leading this bunch of misfits I made a deal with the devil Jimmy you will hold her life [Music] [Music] you about ready to get out of here cowboy [Music] now [Music] if Duggan wants me to pose nude he's gonna have to pay me double
Channel: Call Me Dougan
Views: 5,762,735
Rating: 4.7115226 out of 5
Keywords: starcraft, starcraft II, starcraft 2, sc2, blizzard, starcraft development, terran, starcraft weapons, gaming, videogame, rts, starcraft gameplay, starcraft2 cinematic, starcraft 2 cinematic, starcraft2, starcraft movie, starcraft 2 movie, starcraft 2 all cinematics, Starcraft 2 Legacy of the Void, StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void, StarCraft II : Legacy of the Void, StarCraft II, StarCraft II Cinematic, StarCraft II Movie, protoss, zerg, tvt, zvz, pvp, Starcraft ii, Starcraft II, sc 2, sc
Id: cDk0uHuK6Rk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 117min 56sec (7076 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 25 2018
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