Aliens: Colonial Marines - Game Movie (Remastered TemplarGFX)

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When this game was teased my pops and I were so excited but when it dropped... man I don’t think my ass has ever been more chapped

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/Akuji_The_Heartless 📅︎︎ Apr 24 2020 🗫︎ replies

Fuck Randy Dickfort.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/FishtanksG 📅︎︎ Apr 24 2020 🗫︎ replies

No overhaul/remaster can save that late term abortion shit show.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Leon_Q83 📅︎︎ Apr 24 2020 🗫︎ replies
So where the hell are they, private? Don't know. Couldn't take it stays to sit through this much data. And i just tells us that you made it back to the cryotubes. Better off doing it the old-fashioned way like we found this synthetic on the ship. You found the synthetic? We found half this synthetic, sir. Jesus Mary we had two civvies on this boat. Yes, sir. One Ellen Ripley and Carter J. Burke Ripley has the last two entries both entering and exiting a cryotube. Did i mentioned the half we found was his legs? Well somebody blew the atmosphere processor in Hadley's Hope, private? Sir, do respect me again anything else out of this computer. Private, are you suggesting what i think you're suggesting? Yeah, we go in. Corporal Dwayne Hicks, TQ4.0.48215E9 Distress. My unit has suffered immense causalities on LV-426 and request immediate assistance aboard the USS Sulaco. Of the survivors: myself, two human females, one of witch is a child, and a damaged synthetic. Consider all Colonial Marines dispatched to LV-426 to be KIA. Repeat, all Marines dispatched to LV-426 were KIA. Rise and shine, Marines. This isn't a drill and you aren't in Kansas anymore. On your feet, Marines. For any new recruits, I'm Capitan Cruz and you are me crew on the USS Sephora We responded to a distress call sent out seventeen weeks ago from the USS Sulaco. Rhino 2-3 went in first and encountered heavy resistance. You are the last of the battalion to get popped out of cryo. So i don't want to hear any bitchin' because we let you lugheads sleep in late. Get combat ready and I'll see you in the hangar in twenty mikes. Name and rank? Corporal Christopher Winter, 118th Battalion aboard USS Sephora. Corporal Winter. I'm sending in Rhino 2-1 to reinforce 2-3. How are you feeling, kid? I'm feeling good, Captain. But I'm worried about 2-3. That's good because I'm sending you in to catch up with Rhino 2-1. They're trying to get the Sulaco flight recorder so we can see who caused this. Sir, what happened in there? We shit the bed. Attentions chicks and dicks of the USS Sephora. As of right this second, Rhino 2-1 and Rhino 2-3 are fighting to get a hold of the situation we're in. We don't leave Marines behind! Over the next two hours, we're going to send a series of Drop-ships over to aid with cas-evac on the USS Sulaco. Sir, the Sulaco war reported las seen over Fury-161. How is it back over this planet? Lieutenant Reid, thanks for the interruption. We don't know how that boat got back here. Right now we're worried about what's killin' our Marines in there. This is a liquid situation. Information to follow as it comes on-line. Ready up. Good huntin', Marines! Oorah to ashes! Oorah! Listen up. What I need right now is information. No heroics. No bullshit. I need you to be my eyes in there. Report back anything you see so i know what I'm up against. Roger that. Tell Rhino 2-1 I am en route to their location. Winter, what the hell just happened in there? Raider 6-5, are you in the air yet? Explosive decompression in the Sulaco. This is Raider 6-5, the umbilical is venting atmo into the black. Looks dicey, sir. Dicey? Rider, I need grown-up words. You have twenty minutes before a total collapse. Shut in down. Winter - you heard the lady. Get to the other side and we're shutting it down. Continuing onto the Sulaco, Winter out. Sephora Actual, this is O'Neal. We've got causalities and several injured over here. I need a corpsman right away for the downed Marines from the Rhino 2-1. Negative 2-1, that explosion jacked the airlock on our end. We cannot use the umbilical without risking more lives. Sit tight and stabilize our Marines. 2-1, what is the status of 2-3? Winter. Looks like he sent you over into this mess as well... Pull up your motion tracker and tell me what you see. Got you two here. And I'm reading 2-3 to the South, beyond the hangar, engineering perhaps. They moving? No. Wait. I got an unidentified signal - something's moving. Dammit. Sephora Actual, it sounds like 2-3 are holding position. Or they're down... We're reading unidentified movement in their area, they could be under attack. Alright, Winter and I are going to... dammit. Sephora Actual, i am heading in to rendezvous with 2-3. Remember what i said about heroics, kid. Actual, out. Sir, there's half an unidentified synthetic splattered across the deck in here... Which half? Well, he ain't sayin' much... Then find me a half that does. Actual, out. Looks like ejected cryotubes - hell of a way to wake up. Holy shit! Are you seeing this, Capitan? Garnett... Jesus, no... A camera... What's wrong with my mouth... Where am i? Winter... Winter... Grab your torch and cut me the hell out of here! Shoot that thing! Shoot that thing! Come cut me down... Come on! Come on! Sephora Actual, this is Winter. I've located Keyes from Rhino 2-3. There's some bodies down here, but some are missing... There one or two Marines missing from Rhino 2-3. They're all dead? Garnett? He's gone. Sit tight. I got ya, buddy. Winter, regroup what's left, and get them back to the Hangar and the rest of 2-1. Do not engage. This is Keyes from 2-3, sir. Our mission was to recover the flight data from the Sulaco... Son, I gave you that mission and it's over. Now regroup and come... We have to know what cause this. The flight recorder can get us that! With all due respect, sir, my squad... Due respect means you shut your goddamn mouth and follow your orders! Actual, out! Hell with the orders. The flight-rec isn't too far from here. We grab it, link up with Rhino 2-1. O'Neal, you still there? Damn. Are you guys on the way back? No. You gotta buy us ten minutes to grab the flight-rec. Our Marines aren't gonna die for nothing. You got five to get that recorder and get back here. Keep an eye out for Bella, Keyes. Oorah to ashes, Marine. We'll keep an eye out. Thanks, O'Neal. Thanks for doin' this, Winter. And if you think you see movement - don't think. Just shoot. Something's down here with us! I won't let them take me again. Contact! Contact! Here we go! They're sliping in from the right. They're climbing up from below. You've got enjoyed that. Winter, don't miss! The room with the flight recorder is at the top of the stairs! I see it! Enemies behind us. Sealing the room - grab the flight rec! The central console - We're out in one mike, copacetic? Copacetic! O'Neal, flight data is en route. Two mikes to you. Affirmative, Winter. Just save the high fives for the bedroom - get your ass back here. There's no way the flight-rec didn't tape the assholes that did this to the Sulaco. If we make it back with this thing, who knows what we'll found on it. Secure the left flange... Winter, you got eyes on the target? O'Neal, we're I.M.I to you location in one mike. You're late! On the dropship! Watch this! Grenade out! Keyes! Wait! Are you out of your damned mind! Get to the umbilical! Attention. Attention. Attention. Hull breach in sectors 12, 17. The umbilical is unstable but we can't wait for a bird for evacuate. We're gonna go through it anyway. Explosion locked the door. It won't open without authorization. You move your skinny ass and run a bypass on the god damn door, Keyes! Weapons hot! I'm on it! I'm on it! Running a bypass! I need thirty seconds! Couple more seconds... Got it! Bug out! We're Oscar Mike! 2-1, pack it up and let's move! Flight Rec in en route to the Sephora. We did it, guys. Rhino team! Move, move, move! Winter! Move! Come on, reach! We lost the flight-rec. Keyes... Keyes had the recorder on him. That was all for nothin'. Well. We're not dead. So, y'know, there's that. This is Sephora Actual, 2-1 can you read me? What just happened in the umbilical? Actual, i got solid copy. We lost Keyes. Pretty sure something exploded from his chest. Is Winter with you? Yes, sir. Any thoughts on the exploding-chest issue? All of our Cheyenne-class birds en route to provide cas-evac and ground support. That's almost eighty Marines en route and we gotta get 'em somewhere to land. The Hangar is out of commissions but we got room in the Cargo Bays. Understood. We are heading to the Cargo Bay. 2-1 out. Something's not right. Follow me. Sephora Actual, we're sending back a live feed. There is no way this is Colonial Marines tech. It's got Wey-Yu marking, sir. Holy shit. What? Everything is time-stamped after we received the distress signal from, uh... Uh... that was his name? Corporal Hicks. Actual, this is 2-1. What do you make of this? Sir, is there someone else on this ship? I have Bishop sending a signal to Wey-Yu. We ain't got time to sit around and play Sherlock. Get back to the cargo bay. Both of you. Out. God, we are so screwed. Sephora Actual, this is Bella from Rhino 2-3. Do you read? Loud and clear 2-3, what's your status? Woke up, gagging on a creature, like a spider, it wrapped around my face. It's dead, sir. I got separated from my squad. Any news on the rest of my guys? Rest of 2-3 is presumed dead. I'm sorry, kid. Remnants of Rhino 2-1 are on their way to the Cargo Bay. Can you get to the Cargo Bay, 2-3? Garnett? Keyes? I can't even think right now, Actual. I'm not sure how to get there, sir. You're the last of Rhino 2-3. Do you best. Get back here alive. Actual, out. O'Neal, what's wrong? Sounded like Bella... she's... we had a thing, okay? What kinda thing? A sex thing. Back it up, boy scout. Christ. Sulaco Actual, we have arrived in the first cargo bay. We make it to the control room, we can pop the doors and blow this shit out into the black. You gotta run this stuff by me before you speak in crazy! There in the ceiling. Watch your head! Ceiling! Look up, look up! Hold 'em off while i get this open. I got this, cover my back! That's our exit. Cover me while i get it open. Winter! Move! This is Raider 6-5, i have Sephora Actual in tow. Coming in for a landing, Winter. Copy. Understood, Raider. The cargo doors are triggered to close automatically, so hurry up. Well, shit in my breakfast... Everybody hang onto something! Be advised, Actual, that Winter made me scratch my favorite ship, sir. It's your only ship, Reid! We secured the boat - in minutes this ship will be flooded with Marines. So let's go find Bella. Somebody better tell me what the hell just happened out there! Who the hell else is on this ship with us? We do not have control over the Sulaco's weapon system, sir. We have hostiles firing on us. This is Raider 6-5, returning fire. Remember your rules of engagement. Those are humans down there! They're fuckin' shooting at us, sir! Capitan! We are under attack by human forces in the control room! What the hell is happening out there?! Don't know, son. Do not fire unless fired upon! Think you can get to Sulaco bridge and destroy the weapon system? Sir, how in the hell... O'Neal if you don't get moving, every Marine on both ships will die. Ignore that that sounded like a question and move your ass, grunt! Understood. A second volley of missiles just struck to Sephora. We need to consider a full evacuation, sir. I have no control over the weapon system. Bella! Bella, this is O'Neal, do you copy? We just got hit with a massive counter attack by human... I'm here, I'm here. I am laying low in a storage room off a cargo bay three, O'Neal? Alright. Stand fast kid. We're comin' to getcha. The troops are Weyland-Yutani PMCs. Those are guns for fire. Which means what? It means forget the rules of engagement. They're trying to hide something and we sure as hell ain't supposed to be up in here. So exterminate with extreme prejudice. Roger that, Bell. Oorah and ashes. Get it done. Shit, it's blocked! Thats really blocked. Let's not go that way. Uh, thats a bad sign. What do you want to do? I dunno, you know how to use a Powerloader? I loaded ordinance a bit during basic. Jesus Christ, could we catch a brake? Actual, can you see this on our cams? Who are these people? Bella! Bella! Now come on, it's me! Oh my god, Bella... Is that the thing that was on your face when you woke up? Are you sure you're okay? It was already dead, O'Neal. I'm fine. Alright, i pulled it off when I woke up, so nothing's gonna happened to me. It's just good to see some familiar faces. Likewise. The Sephora is under attack and we're on our way down to shut down the weapon system. Are you sure you're okay? O'Neal. I'm fine. Quit being such a little bitch. Let's get movin'. Sephora Actual, this is Winter. We've recovered Bella from Rhino 2-3, but are being fired upon be Weyland-Yutani forces! Heading to the bridge, please advise on the fastest route. Winter, move through engineering and head for the service rail, over. Solid copy, Bishop. Heading to engineering. Will update on status us it happens. Torch the door, Winter. This is Raider 6-5, just got visual on three Cheyennes evacuating shrap-heads onto the Sulaco. Oorah. Friendlies, watch our fire and send those Wey-Yu bastards straight to hell. About time we got some damn backup. Why we evacuating the Sephora? The Sulaco is firing heavy ordinance at it. We don't get to the bridge in time, we'll lose a lot of Marines today. 2-1, have you made it to the service rail yet? Almost there, Bishop. This is Sephora Actual. Scramble anything you have to get our men out of there. Sephora, abandon ship, repeat abandon ship all personnel on the USS Sephora. Capitan's radio call is now Sulaco Actual, over. Sulaco Actual, it's Winter. We're on the service rail in route to the Bridge. What's your situation in Cargo one? Winter, we are still sustaining sporadic fire but stable. Bishop says the Sephora can't take much more of this before the Reactor fractures and goes critical. Our boys are counting on you. The Sephora is firing at us now! Probably trying to disable the weapons! Christ, what is happening? The guns aren't that accurate! We're killin' our own Marines out there! Yes, we are... Both ships are firing at each other. Who took control of the Sulaco weapon system? I have a feeling we're about to find out. They're going to be guarding the bridge in force. Then shoot every last one of 'em. God dammit! They got auto-turrets. Shooting those won't do any good. Get around behind them and shut 'em down! Keep moving! Take another one down! Move to the flank! Actual, we have reached the bridge, sir. We made it. You're to late, son. Sir, what the hell are you talking about? We're here! Sulaco Actual, mayday, mayday! The reactor is critical... there's nothing... I'm sorry sir but we couldn't... No! All hands, all hands, this is Sulaco Actual. All hands brace for impact. It's been a honor a serving with you. God speed. Oh my God. Guys. We failed. Status? Ouch... Yeah... Copy that. Winter? I'm here. Getting a SITREP. Sulaco Actual, this is Winter. Come in, over. Sulaco Actual, do you read me, god dammit. Winter. This is Sulaco Actual. Glad to hear ya upright. Sir, we're a the bridge... just got here too late... Son, don't bother dwellin' on it. It's over. We're now evacuating the Sulaco as well. Raider 6-5 will wait for you, but god dammit son, don't make us wait for ya. Actual out. How far from the dropship are we? You want that in meters or the number of things trying to kill us? Same number? 'Bout for hundred. How is this ship still in one piece? Uh... let's go a different way. Oh, you think? 2-1, this is Raider 6-5. It's getting hairy as shit down here! You close? Over. Define close, 6-5. 2-1, defined close as kicking your ass in person. The PMC's are trying to take our dropship to escape! Get back here! I.M.I to you in 20 mikes. Be advised, shit's all exploding and shit. We'll be there as fast as we can. We used to live there. How in the hell did we not know they were on the ship? 'Cause they didn't want us to know, Kid. We stumbled on somethin' we shouldn't have. That's the last of it. Grab the data and let's go. Squad six, get up here or we're leaving you behind! Holy shit what was that? Watch the entry! We got Wey-Yu here! The elevator? Bishop, this is Winter. Do you have a read on the structural integrity of the elevators? Affirmative, Winter. They have power, but the damage is unknown. Would not advise, over. Trust me. Hail Mary, full of grace, please don't crush this elevator. See? No... Oh, shit! And we're here. After you. God. can't see shit in here. Do you hear that? We can't react to this right now. If we don't get back to the cargo bay, we're stuck here. I just can't believe it. Look at our ship. Bell, that's ain't our ship anymore. Blowin' the charges! Engines are hot. We're in the pipe, five by... fuck! Jesus Christ! Get us out of here! Will everyone shut the hell up! This is Raider 6-5, lost engine two and I'm in a wash! Sounding a mayday. Raider 6-5 going down. Repeat, Raider 6-5 going down. Yo, why you looking at me like that? Ah... Tell her. Tell me what? What the hell is going on? When you woke with the Xenomorph on your face... I told you, it was dead, there's nothing wrong with me. Did it's exterior resemble bones white in colors? Almost like a spider with a tall? Yeah, my throat hurt a little, but I'm fine. Bella, you're gonna die. How do we know that? It happened to Keyes. How long? Hours, maybe a day. I'm gonna throw up. Let's move. There's a colony called Hadley's Hope not too far from here, well, what's left of it. Our shortwaves don't work for shit down here. Look, we need to find a way to regroup anyone that made it off the Sulaco. What happened to it, sir? Best we can tell, the atmospheric processor blew like a 40-megaton bomb. That doesn't sound too hopeful All we got, Kid. Keep movin'. Sir, you planning on talking about that just happened with Wey-Yu? I think it's safe to say that the United States Colonial Marines are at war with Weyland-Yutani. Change of subject. Sir, what do you know about the Marines that were sent here seventeen weeks ago? Same as you. Two full squads dispatched with a Weyland-Yutani escort and a civi. The civi, a warrant officer named Ripley, a shrap-head named Hicks and a small girl were all that survived and made it off planet in the Sulaco. They were in cryo through landing on Fury-161 Are we to believe Weyland boarded the ship and brought it back here? Why would they do that? That doesn't make any sense. No, it most certainly doesn't. Eyes up, Reid. You guys heard that, right? Don't want to stick around and find out what it was... She might not look like much, but Hadley's Hope might be the only thing that can keep us alive. We have an operations center to get up. Alright, let's get to operations and secure. We got over a hundred shrap-heads to round up. Mom, it's Anne. I know I said I wouldn't ask for more money, but I need... ... we have to go home, but the company won't pay for a shuttle off world. It's Russ. We found this thing... I thought it'd killed him, but it died, it just died, and he says he's fine but something just feels wrong... Mom, are you OK? Dad's waiting in the cafeteria. OK, Newt, just a second honey. I'll call you back mom. Picking something up on my tracker. Yo, you picked up somebody's lost blanket on your tracker. Jesus. Sort out your false positives, damn. Winter, get a welder through that damn door. We need to get this up and running. Bishop, see what you can do. Of course, sir. Put the smartgun case on the table over there. Winner, see if you can cycle the terminal to power the table on. Alright, get your asses back over there. Bishop and myself will shore up here and start diagnostics on any system that'll boot up. Bella and Reid will head out to the Comm Relay Tower and secure an uplink to all our boys out there. Call 'em up, get 'em back. Sir, I'd like to go with them if possible. I can protect them. Curb it, Nugget. You and Winter are gonna sweep the perimeter of the compound and plant motion sensors that we can monitor from here. Understood. We're on it. sir. Did Capitan just call me "Nugget" back there? Affirmative, Nugget. Look, let's get these sensors up ASAP. I want to get back. I know you do, man. This protect us all, not just Bella. Bishop, this is Winter. The first motion sensor is in place, over. Roger that, Winter. Alright, just got the second sensor up and running. Affirmative, Winter. All clear to continue. Looks like somebody put up a hell of a last stand here. The guns are dry. Every bullet. Is this one of those things that was on Bella? Winter, what's going on in here? Bishop, you should have a clear link to sensor three, over. Clear copy, Winter. Sensor three has solid link. Actual, come in. You should be getting a perimeter. Report if nominal, over. Roger, Winter. The perimeter looks gos from here. Bishop, what the hell is going on? Power Surge. Winter and O'Neal, The sensor in the morgue just went offline. Figure out what happened to it and get back to Operations. Actual, out. Winter, O'Neal, your location has been compromised. Get your asses back to Operations ASAP. We're clear! Take another one down. Gather up. We overloaded the generator when we cycled the power to the mess hall. Reid and Bella have gone dark. It's imperative we get relay tower back up now to contact our Marines. We won't last long if it's just us in here. There is an access tunnel that should take you straight there. O'Neal, Winter, take the smartgun with you. Get our girls back. Head through the sewer line. That should get you to the relay tower. Copacetic? Copacetic, sir. Winter, let's roll. My tracker is getting lit up here! You better get ready for this shit. Enemy down! This is 2-1, the sewer is compromised. Do you read? Has anyone heard from Bella and Reid? Over. God dammit, this is 2-1, does anyone read me? O'Neal, what the hell did we just walk into? Something really bad lives in here. Weapons hot. but don't fire if you don't have to. Winter, O'Neal, do you read? Bishop boosted the shortwave signal. Do you copy? Affirmative, we hear you, Actual. Signal is still weak, but s'good to hear you sir. Understood, 2-1. We're tracking your movements and you're about thirty meters from the elevator. Roger that, sir. Something's not right. Follow me. I'll get it open. What? Where? Come on, come on! Come on, come on! Now i know how Keyes felt... Does anyone read? This is Winter. I'm in trouble and i don't know where I am. Come on you stupid radio. Winter! Holy shit, man, i thought you were dead. How are you alive? I used the last of my ammo just now on a couple a bugs. I... I came down into the tunnels looking for you. So what do we do, man? I drop ma tracker beacon at the elevator. Use it to meet me there. Come on, get movin'. Gotta find a way out, man. Just had to drop your rifle, you idiot. Winter, get out of there! The hell? That's a Marine... Must have been from the Sulaco. O'Neal... There's all these husks in the sewer. What kind of bugs are these? Dammit, you ran into those? There are some still alive down there. So move slowly, Winter. Near as I can tell, they're attracted to sound. And if one get close, stand perfectly still until it goes away. God damn, man! You don't tell me those guys exploded! They exploded?! Yeah, it's not good. They were like, "Uh, oh, what's that noise?" And then they fuckin' exploded! Comin' to you. Hey you. Hey yourself. Good talk. Likewise. We're closing in on the signal. Let's keep movin'. We're almost out of here, bro. Winter! It's back! It's right on me! That huge bug is... Hey, I made it to the elevator. I don't know where it went... It's close... It's on me! It's on me! Seal the door behind you! Seal every door! I'm in the elevator room. Let's go, man! Grab your gear. Sulaco Actual, come in. Come in, God dammit. Bella! They took Reid! We're down to a few mags; we're about to start throwing rocks... It's okay, It's okay, Bell. Let's regroup and go after her. We don't leave anyone behind. We got split up. She was by the fuel cells when i run into the shed. On me. They'll try to cocoon her first. We got time. How do you know that? Keyes... Let's move. Thanks... the hell... We got company, guys. Got one! Thanks... I don't know what... thanks for that... No Marine get left behind. You know that. Let's get to the comm tower. I was almost done... I almost died. The direct line is paste. God, my hands are shaking. I need time to run a bypass with the secondary systems cable bundle. No one needs the Mess Hall ovens, right? Contact, contact! Weapons hot! There we go! We're back up on direct line. Pack it up and we're Oscar Mike! What the hell is that? Focus fire on the big guy! What the hell are you doing? Get back to operations! Go, Bella! Move your ass! Bella, run! Get moving, O'Neal! We'll head it off at OPS! Keep moving, Winter, or I swear to god I will leave your ass. Still no sign of Bella and Reid. Let's keep moving, Nugget. Don't call me that. Who is a bad ass? I run a illegal comm tower bypass with my bare hands! You ok? Yeah. If that happens again, put a bullet in my skull. That's an order. I expect the same from you. Time comes, you shoot me. No one is shooting anyone else! Bella, theres a ton of Weyland's medical shit down there. There's gotta be a way to cut that thing out of you. I can... I can feel it moving... The hell? Stay alert, check your trackers. Lurker near by! Hear that O'Neal? Sounds like those lurking bastards that hunted us in the sewers. Contact! Everyone put fire on that thing! SITREP! Everyone okay? Roger that, all clear. Affirmative, I'm here. Wait, where's O'Neal? What the hell happened to O'Neal? Oh, God. His tracker's moving with that thing! Are we all good on ammo? We're going after it. Wait! Wait! Belay that. If we go after O'Neal, we could all die. You can't be serious. Think about what you're saying, Bell. It's too risky. As the ranking officer, i have to make the call. Make the call? He's the one that made us go after you! Reid, you come with or not, but we are going after him. No Marine left behind. Court martial us if you have to. Let's move, guys. If we die, it's on you. Then we go. Oorah to ashes. Let's move. Ready up! Weapons hot! Son of a bitch. We should have stayed in the Hangar. No one's stopping you from going back. Eyes up, people. Watch your rounds, no friendly fire. Focus! Let's keep on it. Holy shit! Roger that! Everyone out of the chute! O'Neal, you copy? Dammit, we're cut off. Dammit! Okay, we need to make a run for the gate. Seriously? We don't even know if he's alive. Listen, you follow my lead, got it? Here it comes, people! Move it! Bullets only piss thing off, run! Get out of the open, hurry! We got company, guys! Bullets don't seem to make a difference, but maybe a thousand pounds of crushing force might. Winter, he's right. Get in the loader, it might be our only chance. Good to see you all in one piece, O'Neal. Good to see you? You wanted to leave him out here to die! Bell, what are you talking about? We... disagreed. She tried to pull rank and leave you for dead. Look, everyone calm down. I was scared. I'm just a pilot, but as Lieutenant, I have to make call. We don't leave Marines behind. That supersedes rank. Hey! Can we not do this out here? Bella, we cannot risk the lives of multiple Marines to save one. We understand what you're going through, but it's hard to trust someone who won't be alive in a few hours... Fuck did you just say to me? You know, I gonna save this last bullet for myself... It's fine, It's fine! We're fine! Just put it down, Bella! Bella, put it down. You just pointed a gun at a superior officer. Last I checked, you orders were to put one in your skull should the time come. Stop it! Just... Let get back to Operations, alright? God dammit, you two! Sulaco Actual, this is Winter. We've recovered a few Marines after getting the comm tower up. On our way back to you, over. We're fallin' apart... I understand that our circumstances are exceptional. I lost 300 of my people in the last day, so take me at my world when I tell you I'm feeling this too. Reid. Bella. Bury this shit and move on... Permission to... Shut up. You made the right call and you know it. And we're done talking about it. You two, front and center. So, these two lunkheads come to me to authorize what amounts to a suicide mission into the heart of the Wey-Yu facility and try to extract that thing from your chest. We're spread thin as it is, with too many Marines unaccounted for. Sir, if you just listen what... But, I'm authorizing it. On one condition. Sir? There's a manifest of all personnel in the facility. Send that back first, then go get that thing out of Bella. Yes, sir. Thank you, sir. There's a stable of Hadley's surface crawlers. Take one and make sure you come back alive. All of you. Permission to accompany them on the mission, sir. Denied. I want to go. And I want my pilot to stay alive and get a hundred Marines back off this planet. This is not the conversation we're having. Look, you don't owe us nothin'. Just get everyone else outta here so we can take down Wey-Yu. Just stay outta the way. Why'd you stop? I can't drive any further on this terrain. The dust alone has gunked up the cylinders so bad we're barely movin'. We walk. Sulaco Actual, this is Winter. We're looking for a way into the facility on foot. Understood, Winter. And don't forget about this manifest, over. Those are military Cheyennes, but it's sure as shit ain't ours. Looks like those Wey-Yu bastards are out looking for Marines that haven't made it back to Hadley's yet. Everyone, get your asses down! If we get spotted, we'll never even get close to that facility. Oh my God. Actual, we located an EEV from the Sulaco but there were... Sir, there were no survivors. Xenos got 'em. Over. Understood, Winter. Stay on mission and we'll worry about our boys. Out. Is that part of the Sephora? How is this shit still falling? It's a section of Engineering. What's that glowing on the walls? Oh shit, it's moving. You see that? What the hell is that? Jesus Christ, they're spitting acid! Fucking acid! Look out! Spitter on the ceiling! They got range! Above you! Look out! Spitter on the ceiling! They got range! Got one! Okay that is definitely not part of the ship. It's got Wey-Yu markings on it. What the hell happened to all of it? It's probably connected to the research facility at large. Then we go through it. I guess it was the maid's day off. I guess we will watch our trackers for any rogue maids... That's smart thinkin', Bell. Is it too late to un-volunteer for this mission? O'Neal, we gotta get that door open. Bella, what's the tracker showing? Uh, sporadic? Nothing is staying in range. We're good for now. This door ain't movin', probably jammed from the structural damage. Gonna kick it in. Jesus Christ, Nugget! Go ahead and make all the noise! You head to tell her about the nugget thing? Just slipped out. I got point from here so w don't alert every Xeno or Wey-Yu bastard within a mile a'here. Are we on a gigantic sinkhole? Guys, my tracker is picking up a lot of activity within our perimeter. Stay frosty. O'Neal, does that thing work? Your guess is as good as mine. Maybe they were having a garage sale. Uh, still works, though. Check for the manifest, O'Neal. Huh, well I'll be a kangaroo's asshole! There is a manifest on here. That is much easier then I thought it was gonna be. Wait... What? There's a USCM call tag on here. They have a Marine? Who? Get it to Cruz and let him figure it out. Actual, we have the manifest. Going to pipe it out on a relay frequency and head into the facility. Roger that, Winter. Good luck with Bella. Do you hear that? That's a dropship... Powering this place up must've drawn some attention. No way he can see us in here, but we should move... now. Actual, pretty sure we found a way into the facility. Any luck with the manifest? Affirmative, WInter. Have additional info on the manifest. Get clear and radio back. Clear, Actual. Go ahead with the manifest. Bishop cross-referenced the call tag with our own records. They have a Marine from the ship supplying them with information. Whether under duress or otherwise is unknown. From our ship? They kidnapped a Marine off the Sephora, sir? Wrong ship. He's from the Sulaco. I don't understand, Actual. All Marines on the Sulaco were K.I.A. Negative, Winter. One is alive and they're moving him soon. We don't leave Marines behind. Mission to follow. Actual, out. So, he just found a crazy-ass second suicide mission for us? What, the first wasn't suicide enough? We volunteered. You know we don't leave Marines behind. Yeah, but I didn't sign up to die for somebody else. No, dick-face, you signed up to die for other Marines. Whatever happens to me, promise you'll try and evac the captured Marine. Bella... Promise. I promise. If this used to be a Weyland access tunnel from the Geo-Survey station. It should bring us right under the fence. Take it slow anyway, guys. That's not a tower gun. Sounds more like the RE700s of an APC. There's no way we're going to take down two APCs between the three of us. We won't have to. Looks like they are guarding that breach in the wall. Safeties on, fellas. I'm going in first. Keep movin'. Hey... how you feeling, Bell. Not good. We're going to get that thing out of you... Stop saying that. What? Why? Because you don't know that feels like. Shut up and keep your eyes up. There's one in the chamber and that's it. Do you remember our agreement? I do. Alright... now we got another Marine to rescue in you ain't need me holding your back. You make a fuckin' sound and your brains are what thy find in the garbage tomorrow! Nod if you understand, asshole. Bell, lie down on the table. She had one of those facehuggers... Left a baby one in her chest. How do you get it out? You... you can't. Wrong answer! Please! Please, please, please, please, please, please. Trust me. We've tried to extract the gestated life form. O'Neal, just let 'em speak. It's okay. The embryo will extract fluid and nutrients from the host to construct a placenta, but it's not like humans. The placenta is like a weed, rooting itself into every organ in the chest cavity. Look, even if you could surgically remove the embryo, the placenta is... it's like a cancer. Your organs will begin shutting down one by one, and then... you just... you just die. Winter, knock him out. O'Neal, i can't... Is it hot in here? Hey... hey, Bell... Hey, Nugget... That's okay. Just close your eyes. You get that Marine? You promised. Get everyone off planet. Oorah to ashes, Bell. Oorah to... That was our agreement. Sulaco Actual, this is 2-1 with an update, do you read? O'Neal, Jesus, where you guys been? What happened with Bella? That's a negative, Actual. We did not meet our mission parameters. The subject... the subject didn't make it. Requesting hostage extraction parameters, over. Are you sure... Just give us the damn orders, sir. Understood, 2-1. The captured Marine is being moved to a Wey-Yu APC in the interior of the compound. You'll need temporarily disable the power module to create a destruction. Don't get killed doing this. No promises, 2-1 out. My promise was to Bella. Oh, no! Dammit! Activate containment protocols! Emergency containment protocols activated. CN-20 will be released in ten seconds. Nine... Emergency contained protocol aborted. Alright, we're in. These are scientists, not solders. If they pull on us put 'em down. Take em down quick and quiet, we don't want any of them reaching the alarm. Actual, are you picking up any of this? This isn't crossing the line this is reinventing it. APC! Get to cover! I'm tracking hostiles! There is no way around, we gotta push it back somehow. Winter! See that crane? If we can drive that back under that payload, we can drop it on that sucker and crush it. Good idea! We need to end this thing. Shoot the fuel tanks around the APC! Great job! Get to those controls and let's finish this! We can't do a simple shutdown because the backup module will cycle back almost immediately. That won't work for us. Backup's a no-go, got it. I'm pretty sure if we crack the regulator caps of all the cells and powered it down the backup module will cycle and attempt to juice these cells. Which will blow the whole system. No power to any of the security measures. Right. It will fry everything. You take the bottom ones. I got the ones up here. The Xeno's will overrun that outer fence in minutes. You sure you want to do that to all the people out there? They won't have a chance. Guess they should have thought of that before their actions lead to the death of three hundred Marines. Do it. Sulaco Actual, this is Winter en route to hostage extraction. What the hell are we looking for, sir? Roger that. The manifest describes a security module where he is being held by Wey-Yu on the other side of this structure. Go get him back. Weapons hot! Start moving! What the hell happened in here? Oh, i guess that happened in here. Why is it all concentrated in this module? The Xenos all knew to come here... Oh my God. Actual, are you seeing this? Affirmative, Winter. Image is shaking. What the hell is that? It's the Queen. Say again, O'Neal. Did you just say a "Queen"? What the hell else would you call it? It's laying eggs. She's getting loose, hit the gas! Hit the gas! O'Neal? Let's move, man. Help me! You can't just leave me in here, please! Send the alarm! Actual, Weyland-Yutani is harvesting the eggs for extraction! If these things get off planet... Understood, Winter. You two stay alive and get that Marine out. We'll deal with Wey-Yu after. Quick status update on the derelict ship codenamed Origin. Interior is stable - cross-referencing the ship's current state with reports supplied by y'all it looks like the Origin has been relatively untouched since the, what was it.. USCSS Nostromo encountered it fifty-odd years ago. Hell, even most of the eggs are still intact. If I cared, I'd tell you suits that you're a bunch of exploitative dumbasses who are going to get yourself's, and a lot of innocent people killed. But since my shuttle leaves tomorrow and this little project has got me enough money to buy a small country, I'll just say: Good luck with all of that. My God! That isn't you God. We know they're moving a prisoner to an APC. Can you two intercept? Bishop, how? I'd start with bullets. There he is! This son of a bitch better be worth it! All clear, guys. Actual, are you seeing this? Come in, Actual. There's an FTL on the ground! That's our way off-planet. Hello? Actual? Where the hell did he go? He already knew... What? O'Neal, man, we gotta go now! Cruz! He knew about this traitor-ass piece of shit before he authorized the mission. It was never about Bella! O'Neal, get in the god damn APC. Actual, this is 2-1 en route with prisoner. You have a lot of explaining to do, sir. Something's wrong. They look pissed as shit at you. Do they have a reason to be. Yup. Who is he? Son, be careful about what you do next... Did you know about the manifest? You were going to go either way... Did you know that Bella was going to die no matter what? Uh... yes. And you knew it too. Son, there wasn't a force in hell that was gonna stop you guys from going in and tryin' anyway. Put it down. Lower it. We just risked our lives to get this guy out of the Wey-Yu facility. Let's ignore all the lyin' for a second. Why the hell was this Marine so important to you? What happened on the Sulaco? Don't lie to me. Don't you dare lie to me. Get that bag off that solder now. So, who the fuck is that? Oh great. We're back here. I'm corporal Hicks fro the USS Sulaco. I've been held under duress for months by Weyland-Yutani They wanted information. Bishop? Are you alive? Different Bishop. How the hell are you alive, Hicks? You file was closed K.I.A. fourteen weeks ago. We're here because we responded to your distress call. Wish you hadn't. What information did you give them, corporal? Stuff they were going to figure out anyway. Enough to keep me alive without sayin' much. Capitan! Who did we bring back? We found out about Hicks when it was already god damn late! I didn't think there was a snowball's chance in fuck any of you were coming back alive. I'm sorry about Bella. You have no idea. They had a prisoner in that facility for weeks. Wey-Yu has an FTL ship on the planet. I got a duty to the other hundred marines to get 'em off this rock. Then you'd better hurry, sir. Last FTL leaves soon. It ain't comin' back. You know the FTL schedules? I know a lot more than that. Sir, we have two squads of Marines inbound, coming in hot. What? There's more than a hundred Xeno's heading right for Hadley's Hope. In about thirty seconds that horizon is gonna turn black as the most dangerous killing machines in the universe rise up over it. I can tell you ain't the type a' lad that fancies being important and valuable. But you don't get to decide that. You and my pilot are the most important Marines we have. And right now, get your ass out of here. Go. What the hell is that? Oh. Put fire on that thing now. Get that bird in the Air! Sulaco Actual, need just a minute to prep for flight here. I need someone to disconnect the fuel line! Winter. You heard the lady. I got ya, Raider! Looks like you'll fit right in you insubordinate son of a bitch. You didn't specify which direction to drive the APC, sir. So how are you alive, if you don't mind to much in my asking. What happened on Fury-161? Guess we're skippin' the softball questions. We left LV-426 and sent out a distress call. A call you all responded to. Near fury, the ship went into alert and a was pulled out of cryo as the ranking, and only, Marine. The ship was on alert because Michael Weyland's PMC's illegally boarded the ship. The four cryo-pods ejected safely, but obviously wasn't in my. So whose body was in your cryo-tube? That's a longer story. I care about one thing: taking these guys down. It's all i got left, guys. Let's get to it. Floor is yours, sir. We're all Colonial Marines here. I wake up in the morning thanking baby Jesus for every day I'm in the Corps. So, I'm gonna be good-god-damned if I let Weyland-Yutani take that away from me. Now, we don't have an FTL ship to get all of us back-off planet. But they do. How long we got before the last boat comes in? Comes in tonight. They're packing up for good. We take this ship or we don't leave. This is the only chance we're gonna get. I have sixty-three active United States Colonial Marines and we're going to take that facility. And then we're gonna take that ship. And we're gonna get everything we can to take this company and Michael Weyland down. For all the shit they've put us through and taken from us. Oorah to ashes, O'Neal. Oorah, Capitan. For the Marines we lost, guys. This is Raider 6-5, ones in the facility I will supply geographical intel to all ground forces. Eyes up and identify all ground or air targets. Roger that, Raider. We move in quick and put targets down as fast as you can pull. Understood, Winter. Good hunting and save some for me. 6-5, out. This is Sulaco Actual. All ground units prepare for deployment. Here we go. Raider 6-5, there's another boat in the air. Looks like it's carrying the Queen. Over. Understood, Winter. Moving to intercept. They have anti-air cannons all over. Be advised, Marines. That bitch is the only thing keeping them on the planet right now. Put 'er down if you can. We need that ship on the ground! Mayday, mayday. We are taking a shitload of fire from those AA-guns. We cannot move on the Queen, repeat, we cannot move on the Queen. Somebody take out those guns! We need ground support, now! This is Raider 6-8, Aft engine is junked, but I think I'm okay to stay in the air. Ruiz, break off if you're hit. No heroics. Understood, 6-5. I think we're good to stay in the fight a little longer. We need those AA guns down now or we're all dead! Actual, we got visual on the Queen! Capitan, we'll take care of the guns. Let's move! We're gonna need something major to take out those guns! Somebody, find an RPG! Winter, we need to take down that AA gun now! Raider 6-5, we have clear the sky over our location. Gun's down. Roger that, Winter. Nice work. We are moving on the Queen. Raider, we are not in range of the last gun yet. We're moving in closer. How you doin' up there? Just peachy. Get that gun down. This is Raider 6-8, moving to engage. This is Raider 6-5, going down. Repeat. Raider 6-5 going down. Ruiz! I can see more heavy ordinance over the burning cargo container. Let's move! Winter, we'll cover you. Go get that gun down. Hell yeah! 6-5, the final gun is down! Skies are yours again. That's my boy! Great job, kid! We have a clear line on the Queen module. Keep moving to the FTL and we'll see you there. This is 6-5. Missiles armed. Two away! Impact confirmed. Damn right it is, Raider. We've got eyes on our other bird down there. Looks like there could be survivors. No Marines left behind. Go check it out. Understood, Actual. Do you have a visual on the Queen. Yeah, I'd say we have a visual. Queen is alive, repeat Raider, Queen is still alive! We need air support now! Daggs! No! I'll put that bitch down. Stay alive, dammit! No promises. This is 6-5. We are coming around now. IMI to you in less than a mike. I have visual on the target. Missiles armed. Get clear, Marines. Two away! Negative impact, Raider! That was a negative impact. She's runnin'! Actual, the Queen is running away. Should we pursue? Please advise. Negative. Do not re-engage. Get to the FTL ship now. This is Actual. All remaining Colonial Marines converge on the Wey-Yu FTL. We gettin' off this rock. She's headed to a ship! Then we follow the quarterback through. Double time! We're almost there. Eyes up until we're on the ship! Move, move, move! The FTL is spooling up! That was our only way off this planet. Actual, this is Winter. The ship... We're too damn late. The FTL is in the air! Repeat. The FTL is in the air! Advise, over. Everyone on the dropship. Now! How the hell do you plan on getting into that ship? I haven't figured that out yet! Right now would probably be a pretty fucking good time. I know! Bishop, What if I blow the doors? Likely it will close up inside to prevent a hull breach. What?! That's the plan?! We got no other options! We need to be inside before we breach atmo! Reid! Do it! Weapons hot! Two away! Brace for impact! Get outta here, kid. Ones we breach atmo, everyone in the hold dead. That's an order. Get outta here. Winter! Wait, where's Cruz? How do we get out of here, Bishop? Winter! He's pinned, Reid! Find a way out of here with Bishop. Leave no man behind, right? I'll try to get him out while you guys find a way to open the airlock door. I'll take O'Neal, Reid and Hicks through the maintenance hatch. That will get us inside. I'd say we have roughly eight minutes until atmo-breach. Wait! Don't argue, go! Understood. Keep moving. How ya doin' in there, Capitan? Could use a magazine. We got eight minutes, sir. I'm gonna find a way to get you outta there. Are you out of you mind? Cruz! No! I'll take it from here, Marines. You all find Michael Weyland and make him talk Take this corporation down for good. For all the souls we lost. And then turn this ship around and get our Marines off the surface of that god-forsaken rock. Roger that, sir. Good hunting. Clamps disabled. Engine spooling. Godspeed, Capitan. Let's see if this bitch can fly. Actual out. Did any of that really just happened? Show off. On the other side of this door is Michael Weyland. The reason we're all here. We lost the Sulaco flight recorder. Wey-Yu destroyed everything at the facility. We need him alive and we need everything he knows. Agreed? O'Neal. I need you on this one, man. We can get this guys. Now, wait, wait, wait! Before you shoot me, wait, just wait! Do you even know? Do you even know what you take away? Please. Please, please, don't do this. I just the face that runs a company. O'Neal think about what you're doing! I'm done thinkin'. We got 'em, man. Just put the gun down. I can't do that. Someone has to pay for this. For Cruz. For Keyes. For all the one's we lost. For her... Don't make me say her name. If anyone says her name I swear to God i will blow his head the fuck off. Please don't shoot me. Do not speak to me you sack of shit! Can I speak with you then? Bishop, get the hell out of the way, man. No. I'm not playing around, Bishop. If you don't move, I will shoot right through you. No you won't because Bella wouldn't want you to. I said don't say her name! Bella. O'Neal. Shoot 'im Hicks what... what the hell, man? O'Neal, you're supposed to shoot him. This is how it's supposed to happen. Stand down, Corporal! Don't do it, O'Neal. Thank you for not killing me. Oh my God. I just shot your god. We needed him! Look again. That wasn't the real Weyland? Negative, Corporal. But... how did you know that wasn't the real Weyland? You said we need a find out what he knows. Thirteen weeks and four days they had me. Spent hours a day in the room, torture after torture. Some days i could barely take it. But when there's only two of you in the room, you notice when the other guy ain't breathin'. Why not keep him alive? Because he would kill every one of you the first chance he got. That's its function. Bishop? I can download any data he has. This is a special model. We might get lucky. What do you need, Bishop? Clear a space and find a scalpel. Is this dangerous? There are tubes in my brain. Dumb question, incredibly sorry. You ready, Bishop? It's already downloading, please give me a moment, Winter. Is this gonna work? It'll work. How do you know? You lost a girl too, right? Yeah. Me too. It has to work. Bishop, are you okay? Please tell me we got something, anything. We really need a win here, man. We got everything.
Channel: DeeALup
Views: 914,930
Rating: 4.6664214 out of 5
Keywords: James Cameron, Michael Biehn, Lance Henriksen, Weyland-Yutani, Ripley, Colonial Marines Remaster, Colonial Marines All Cutscenes, Colonial Marines сюжет, Colonial Marines, Colonial Marines Прохождение, TemplarGFX Overhaul Mod, Colonial Marines Walkthrough, Colonial Marines Let's Play, Прохождение Colonial Marines, Colonial Marines Overhaul, Colonial Marines Геймплей, Alien Прохождение, Alien (franchise), Colonial Marines Game Movie, Чужие, james cameron movies
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 156min 34sec (9394 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 04 2018
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