Warhammer 40000 Dawn of War 2 Retribution Game Movie (1080)

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I am Gabriel Angeles captain of the blood Ravens my chapter is in ruins the sector is at chaos Oh ten years ago we blood Ravens destroyed the demon al-khair ending his schemes to rock sub-sector aralia into a festering hell scheme we thought our victory would mark the end of the war for the sector we were wrong new demonic incursions relentlessly plagued her planets aralia - called Eris and Meridian in response the Imperial Guard the hammer of the emperor was deployed on mass to the scepter to secure her to defend her yet the incursions only grew in number and soon were worsened by insurrection and madness among the gods ranks now the sector sits helpless wracked by constant endless unremitting war we are Space Marines we are the blood ravens we would act yet we too are locked in warfare with one another Azariah Kairos our chapter master and chief librarian has declared the heroes of aralia to be renegade now we are hunted by our own brothers brothers unaware of the chapter masters secret allegiance to all care a corrupt Space Marine chapter master a militia crippled by disorder and turmoil demons renegades a sector that knows only war the Imperium has had enough one solution remains for the sector a solution with which I am all too familiar the Ordo malleus approaches the holy Imperial Inquisition their colossal ships bare the munitions to perform exterminators cleansing every planet of the sector of life Zeno's and human corrupt and innocent declared renegade I cannot act against Kairos without shedding the blood of my brothers yet open doors a handful of heroes still remain in service to the chapter uncorrupted by Kairos heresy led by captain Diomedes these heroes hunt the remnants of the vile Black Legion across the sector however Diomedes hubris blinds him to Kairos true nature if the sector and chapter is to survive he must first overcome his own pride you you for ten years Elif ass and his coven of cowards have run and for ten years we have given chase now a quarry has gone to ground we shall see that typhoon becomes not the sanctuary but that tomb captain our reverse forces are reporting contact with chaos Space Marines they have engaged the enemy then let us advance brothers with blood and fire we shall cleanse this black stain from our chapters honor and the fastest close now these traitors will meet the Emperor's sword before long I have infiltrated the enemy Marcel captain the round will claim to a felled of brother LUN rhythm then let us dispatch these heretics and make haste it may not be too late to aid our fallen brother by the Emperor's grace our brother still lives revive him his experience will be needed if we are to crush these Kaos scum you're reckless desire to atone will get you killed sergeant what have you to say for yourself you know very well he will say nothing he keeps his silence in penance for deeds committed regardless his armor may have been compromised initiating proper rites can prevent this from happening again and ambush I suppose the dregs of chaos do possess some measure of cunning at them Space Marines show them the folly of their actions trade abroad has only begun to run forward brothers Ella farce awaits us engage the enemy from cover our armor is formidable but not infallible the rabble has deployed heavy weapons as the codex demands flanked the position and avoid their lanes of fire greenskins are obsessed with Salvage perhaps there are resources here that can be of use they're not already desecrated with heirloom make sure my pool Devastator slaw would be ideal here they're heavy boulders can lay down suppressing fire that slows in debilitates the enemy the Black Legion would never allow us to keep such a foothold expect a counter-attack the way is open while they are licking their wounds forward once more there shall be no mercy no respite orders ah the puppets captain joins us brothers see how he merrily he dances flying to the dock gods who pulled at his strings welcome brother no your decade-long hunt is all for naught I will snail here and your souls shall be devoured save your words ker our emperor will see us victorious this day assuming in her at all corners the cunning the trouble the blood Ravens this battle will be your last I shall not be stopped again and again I shall rise always no this Povich even with my death here the dark God still owed you blood Ravens in their grip soon the gods shall have your chatez loyalty and you punish still too blind to see Lori's nice well done Don it was wise to send our chapters greatest champion to scour the legion from the sub-sector you Diomedes my lord chapter master Kairos I was not expecting communication with you so swiftly has both chapter master and Chief Librarian my reach is long captain I watched your victory unfold see to it that - is secured while you await further orders and again Apollo congratulations I thank you my lord you honor me are you satisfied I am NOT I am however disappointed with just a few honeyed words of favor you discard all that we revealed to you of Aurelia in an instance enough the Black Legion is routed as for you I will see that your fates are decided shortly you captain we have incoming vas from the Inquisition sir this is Inquisitor atrocity of the or Doha rheticus captain Diomedes it seems you have been busy as of late you have no doubt heard the reports Elif ass the inheritor and his forces are defeated the Black Legion has been routed from here I trust this puts the question of the Bloodraven loyalty to rest this news change is very little in fact I am contacting you to inform you the situation has escalated one of your own captains has made some disturbing accusations regarding your chapter master Azariah Kairos Angelo's his followers who are traitor and renegade by all rights I should turn Gabriel's men over to Kairos so you have often said fortunately he did not mirror this sentiment when he sent them to you to command it is by captain Angelo C's recommendation you were being given the chance to clear the blood ravens of guilt the audio heretic ass of the Inquisition will soon deal with these problems in a quite permanent fashion exterminate us the complete and utter destruction of every inhabited world in this sector no one will be spared traitor Zeno's or loyal all will die exterminate Asst but captain if Kairos is truly the source of the sector's troubles you must expose it and stop him if you can then perhaps I will be able to call off the exterminators and if you cannot your chapter will be declared heretics and you will burn with the rest of the sub-sector I suggest you act quickly captain diameters Adrastea out such an investigation will need to be performed without chapter commands notice we will need to move quickly and subtly on Typhon there are the remains of an ancient ill-afford network all the teleports areas if we can find and activate it we could use it to properly the subcenter on notice enemy forces lie between us send a teleport areum we must engage them if we wish to proceed to all officers and regiments that may be receiving we're through with Imperial command if we have to fight what can I do it for ourselves from now on you want to call that defection fine we were dead men anyway at least a totes promise something in return this region is cause now we see anyone anyone within a mile of here we'll bury them in ordnance don't don't we can either the regiment's holy armor isn't that particular about the holiness of them what drives it scouts have discovered a vital point of terrain very well truth us or hell we've been fired all right ear beans I don't care who you are feel the might of the bean bleed I shall arrive free treat now none of our weaponry isn't enough to penetrate the main blades armor we need to fall back now protect those targeting cutter taters the turrets could go haywire if a cogitate er is destroyed a structure waiting free position before and yeah the more I shall cannon open fire the height is here this one is not special next target very well this is imperial territory now arrive soon taking kids scouts under it what do you mean we can't pursue any father we can't let them get away they can't escape [Applause] target confirmed they are still sorry now it's a new trainer - waiting cooking movie to cover like I can withstand this destroying it there are still targets to engage the aerial targets anyway there they are this is it you maggots will bury you here the I believe this is it captain I will need a day to examine the relic and determine its usage the sooner we can pursue this farce the better farce captain do not doubt this at the inquisitions behest we are engaged in a mutiny most foul against the chapters leadership the inquisition has placed the Blood Ravens at the brink of oblivion and it is for that reason alone we do this we will search for evidence that will damned kairos or perhaps redeem him redeem him you still believe there's innocence to be found I doubt we will find much of anything knowledge is power to us blood ravens and we got it very well the teleport area is now active captain we may leave tyfa at any time such desecration of our recruiting world by our own battle brothers cannot be allowed to stand we must intervene I advise capturing a stronghold with it we can employ our heavy infantry and holy armor this is Captain Apollo day our bodies of the honor guard I am issuing a stand-down order to all blood ravens in August settlement cease this pointless slaughter at once we no longer accept orders from the likes of you Apollo Diomedes we are Tsutsui higher authority I see then I will have to do what even Angelo's will not - all Blood Ravens under my command brother Marines are engaged in the destruction of Argos settlement they must be stopped at all costs should they refuse to stand down use of lethal force is authorized you would not dare by the Emperor I dare I will do what I must know how you lost your way but I will not see this desecration of our recruiting world carried out stop one-way sergeant like Sandra's come in we have come under fire our mission has been compromised stay calm young brothers I will deploy heavy support it will arrive in moments and crush these worms Centaurus you're too late captain our forces and battle options have grown recently though I am loath to remain behind you might consider deploying without Syrus the ancient for myself doing such will allow you to deploy with more forces I detected cenotes activity when not related to our objective investigating may be beneficial crushed ice bring good luck if there's an ambush we had this applied their power will don't let the enemy waits disappoint that bow and protector trucks or don't care man here your kids get smashed I'm setting suppose ahead to make sure there's no ambush saint can't and Jensen boys Oh boys drive slower your brightly says you know forget it draw of a nice shiny pretty for good luck listen up gates warp or smart spice says there will be fine hierarchy such as pretty sure again enough trucks pass the supply station for the wall we should not strike the or convoy just yet if we continue for the supply station we may find a better ambush site waiting for orders down next target do not waste storm boys I hear you war there wasn't supposed to be any fun while we were saluting the trucks are almost here ready them so the sauce boss my spices we Zinaida Kate destroyed clear forum boss their destroyer Charlotte bridges here like what how'd you spread every line too big boy and you spent be judged before I'll get there cuz I don't large screen larger know i oughtta be wife Michelle when I stop fighting you okay your fuzzy slashed there we go boys this is where they say they're fightin was don't you say Sartain can you feel it boys order all space movies now we know that fight we lost all our gear no it's gonna take Oh Jai to find our gear again ordered I shall arrive soon [Applause] once again freaky coast of reality the power around it I realize time is short but whatever deeds these heretics our community cannot be ignored we should investigate interlopers come to witness the glory of a dark portal draw near then watch as the entropy of the warp claims and cripples flesh and steel we shall savor your despair so many no way across that thing magnificent is it not we have succeeded where even the great own care could not come close I've approached the portal gaze directly into the mouth of war if you are fortunate your lives may be snuffed by its entropy rather than how blades all the scouts ready [Music] Oh demons of court come for a priestess skulls and blood awaits you no I swear I just brought us of time to Harlan demonstrate traitor victory as old chaos must be beaten Cyrus Martellus you were right Angelo's was right there is something rotting at the heart of the chapter corrupting our battle brothers Kairos no doubt he's been busy in our decade-long absence no I do not believe Kairos is to blame the traitors named him as ascendant but that may be only to mislead us Kairos is our master he is the heart of the chapter if you were pure his corruption would not have flourish diam ADIZ you have been in service to Kairos for centuries and know him better than any other let me ask you this do you maintain Kairos innocence because you know him to be a virtuous servant of the Emperor or because the shame of admitting to a life spent in service to a heretic is too much to endure I do not enough I will consider your words later we have other matters to attend what are the teleport areum the new arrays found on this planet have been reactivated they have given us the means to reach meridian furthermore i intercepted a disturbing transmission from renegade Guardsmen on that world it has been prepared for you review captain whenever you wish I realized time is not on our side commander and striking these heretics is not our immediate objective I leave it to you whether we act Fox again walling over port that's the fourth time this week we keep giving them dead air and it won't be long before they decide to stop by they got to be wondering it was accepting their munition docks they can box every minute until Tuesday if they please we will not respond you have heard the whispers you know oh okay the will the voice we are his now he is here what they have forsaken us if they if anybody wants these munitions what's this meat they must take it from us of course Corsa for all care perimeter breach intruders at checkpoint tercius all forces to arms gun them down bring their blaster to keep okay shall feast this Eve Fievel sorts of the first god rest not there are still targets to engage my way on the attack range and buildings in the way I hear you go ahead technical shift patron to repair a salt cannon I shall rot how is it you've allowed the invaders to remain breathing they walk in the open begging to be slaughtered vengeance injustice crush her bonito rockets yes commander [Music] we require more reason I shall fear my god departing now moving to capture come on come on do you read thank the Emperor you're here every man stationed at this base has been hearing voices having nightmares this place is still cursed with the stink of chaos they've been here years now ever since captain Angelo's in his space marines left most went mad but not all of us we took action when you arrived secured the munitions dump gun down the traitors here and treasonous filth so we gonna join these pretenders then your bloodied boats will lead us into okays MA driven them off the in the lights can hold this location for now come on des if you take the keep you'll break the back of the Renegades good luck sir the Imperium overcomes five tactical shift yes yes come on believers okay welcomes all on my way enjoy the mercy lunatic [Music] we shall hold the spire and await your transmission barring further instructions jewelry to the ascendant this is the opening we need if we journey to Meridian we can intercept this ascendance Vox communications and expose his identity assailants push them back do not let them gain a foothold on the spy pull back that Lehman Rus and regroup fourth and 17th I want an assault line of pain walks pressing this position I hear you go fames they've broken our lines 50 open a box with air support and stand by if they encroach the HQ I want the sky to fall under sir [Applause] are you [Music] you you I've intercepted an incoming Fox with luck it will be the one who respecting relaying now priority Vox channels second s this is the ascendant Azariah Kairos marvelously done sergeant your slaughter of your own Brothers in Arms shall bring much favor from corn without its center of administration Meridian is as helpless as a bathe set upon by wolves remain stationed there and repel any invaders your award for your faith shall be forthcoming the scholars to corn so I trust you have your answer Diomedes all these centuries the years of Lies Kairos Kairos is signal originated from Typhon before we act we should contact Inquisitor at Razia and combine our forces no she will want more proof before she acts we go to Ty Fionn alone I will confront Kairos myself commander this Vox suggests stolen Imperial architects recovering it would benefit our cause we found a power stations boss should give us the juice we need it back dad we already need stem notes long enough to finish building sizing daddy's words oh boy we're boss looks like a fire came to a softer oh whoa well keep them off to power nose does she ain't ready yet death to his enemies all your teacher going captured [Applause] beginning my boy who do you think you is daily what we done rightfully stout boys get a dare and take that now park orders swap well-suited now for peace and ready another [Music] you lose a god that no back yet boy clear off we just used to choose from the others to finish up boss they got another power now dude oh well that's just greedy daddies or absenting into big darker that I get back you still ain't got to power now back boys they get back to Daisy sharpish kick these deep in Magpies off the last No ah you want suffered stopped around here we're gonna stop it yourself Krauser wonder the death roll your needle is pointing to right that ain't good cause it's good you squeal and runt red goes Treecko corrosive under the death row we have traced Kyra's transmission back to Taif and however something is not right aspects scans suggest there is no enemy activity it is completely tranquil contrary to the state we left it in if these scans are true Kairos is here alone I suspect otherwise be on your guard I shall arrive soon what is this nothing was supposed to find us here worst Pole vast they must not disrupt us here Council savages do you have any grass for the fall out of your rations you must leave this world at once I understand the follow perfectly xenos the very least of which will be scores of dead Elda ha destroy the elder brothers I will not leave them to interfere when we face Kairos still the invaders persist my king we shall strike them before vanishing prepare yourselves as long as the web way gate remains concealed we may call in help [Music] just past these ruins they cannot the boy ready enjoy [Music] [Music] [Music] on my way prepare for mass walk jump the council to safety hold back the tide brothers did not let these invaders fight their council again here the enemy blind murderous rules I see Kairos was never here I fear we were manipulated drawn to type-in to slay these Eldar but to what purpose Bravo Bravo Diomedes as always my greatest champion clearest where are you show yourself I am well removed from tyfa and so needed a puppet there to stop the Eldar and their wretched ritual it has kept the auto malleus fleet from emerging from the warp with the sea no slain the exterminators can commence you you destroy the exterminators My dear apollo long have i orchestrated the slaughter of the sub-sector all in--'cause aim it is too late for tyfa but it isn't too late for you Apollo I have beguile due to this juncture but I have spoken one truth you are the greatest warrior the blood Ravens has ever seen join me in cause service kill these creatures evangelist that you have surrounded yourself with become the slaughterer I know you to be master Kairos thank you you have shown me the truth that I was unable to see centuries of service alive I do not know what I am anymore but I know this I am no traitor I would rather die pity no matter the deaths you desire is but a moment away we have arrived and it is now that we perform our charge in fealty of the God Emperor our undying Lord and by the grace of the golden throne I declare its terminus on the Imperial world of Typhon Prime Maris I hereby sign the death warrant of an entire world and inside a million souls to oblivion may Imperial Justice account in all balance the Emperor protects we have no choice must withdraw it must be magnificent to see a planet arrive and scream to feel it convulse beneath your own feet witness it dying with living eyes in time perhaps I may share this gift with every last living soul in the galaxy until we do not have enough all right here what is this you lowly vermin truly think you a stripe ungrateful scum squandering Lord irises gift our glorious death they are venison brush done for the blood god skulls for a stellar throne [Music] it is human nature to seek culpability in a time of tragedy it is a sign of strength to cry out against fate rather than to bow one's head and succumb inevitably many shall fault the hands upon the sword which felt eyghon the order malleus but the Inquisition merely performs the duty of its office to further fear them is redundant to hate them the reticle those more sensible will place responsibility with those who forced the hands of the Inquisition with some Fortran they may foster this hatred into purpose and further rule their own fate by coming to the Emperor's service yet ultimately it was I who set these events into motion with a single blow from my hammer god splitter you you you the teleport area mistiness to the Space Hulk and judgments of carrion not the safest place in the sub sector but we have our lives what is our next move we hold position Diomedes what did you say you heard me we hold position I am tired of this hopeless charade in the end we are nothing but heretics nay less than that pawns of heretics puppets every century served every battle in the Emperor's name all of it ordered by a heretic all our glories lies there is nothing left to say no there is much left to say and I will break my silence to say it sergeant talk Asst there was another like you Diomedes and we served together on Cronus during the tyranny invasion we became fast friends but Kairos called for him and he went it corrupted him and he despaired betraying us to the Black Legion I slew him captain Diomedes I look to you now and see the same signs I will not risk that I will slay Kairos myself and if I must you as well our past glories may be lies but Kairos has not taken our one true duty from us no one but the Emperor can relieve us of that Tarkus let us go we must escape this place past records and expeditions to this vessel teleport Aryan relay presents if we reach it we can escape steady nobody dies in air on ISS Space Hulk who are they sighs how now pays off Oh Lord - sorry sir Josh - nah say I am on the let nothing stand in our way [Music] well target attaching a salt cannon our star you're welcome how inspecting can't play this ruse contraption is drawing power from the teleport alien we cannot leave the Space Hulk until we destroy it [Applause] heading out on my way here charges on Spears targeting college [Music] right now [Music] Walker silence darken Priory Oh pity you've come to steer me teleporter will nothing knowing it took me better than a decade to squeeze a juicer dad thing back there should only be another decade or so before I get a shot be honest bug in faster there is an incoming transmission from Inquisitor atrocity captain Diomedes finally an answer it seems I still have some allies left in your absence I asked repatha Gabriel Angelo's once more and his response was most disturbing I will play it back and let you hear for yourself Inquisitor though it was the demon al khair who first rotted the heart and mind of Kairos it is with another demon the chapter master currently treats this is the demon of Tartarus of the malla dictum unwittingly it was set free with a blow from my own hammer it seeks to offer up the skulls of the slain to calm so it may open a warp rift that swallows the sector in order to achieve this genocide Kairos has orchestrated the arrival of the Inquisition and the exterminators we learned as much from Kairos himself it seems every last one of us has played a part in allowing this tragedy regardless this confession does far more to dam the blood ravens than redeem it I cannot halt the exterminators while Kairos still breathes captain Diomedes you and Angelo's must act soon before the Ordo malleus plays completely into the demons hands atrocity out Diomedes on the Space Hulk I asked you what our next move was and you faltered like a fool I ask again what is our next move it is true that even if we should defeat the traitor we face condemnation and death but it is not for pride or favour that we serve but for the Emperor himself and the purpose he has granted us if we shall die fulfilling that purpose so be it none will find us wanting to death then if Kairos is plan is to succeed he will need a place to wait out the exterminators there is only one place in the sub-sector that the Ordo malleus will not bring their guns a world that died long ago cyrene the teleport area was already configured to take us there we can leave immediately I've extracted another Fox recording from the judgment it appears there's a are you beginning all shall yield or fall before attaching us have captain Diomedes in [Applause] we'll die [Music] the human to the world deep enough to cleave the very world wellokay to the infinity circuit the flames reach deep every soul it is rare to have the element of surprise against the Eldar and we may obtain something of value from them you dare violate this tomb you pathetic soul resurges very well if you are so eager to hear our cries I shall shred your mind with a wail of the banshee butcher them do not navigate Saudi assembly is your new weapon loadouts protector gates they'll end up power to hasten on escape losing one will slow the Assembly's departure into the web way [Music] heading out orders what's but unless an island are to plague us soon [Applause] no mercy for the enemy what word yes commander heading out very well scavenge at our bodies mindless Fermin the Inquisition's ships come for all this sector even that is not whether you die [Applause] [Music] a war machine a sacred land Raider in the hands of traitors by the ownness saya Kairos cannot be allowed to hold such a sacred one agreed not only shall he be denied it we shall have it for ourselves the ruin that such a war machine will so among these traitors will be terrible Foreman [Music] war-gear distribution canceled Tarkus taking fire destroy moving this is destroyed in a minute [Music] turning Bible repositioning yes to finish the fire you had I shall arrive soon ready to serve the pop yes I shall do all the crystal trace come on you do not fail him blah blah result disengage move the college to their doom you know as well as I thought this is folly we are in desperate need of reinforcements we have no choice but to press on Jonah I shall not abandon this place again what few allies we have already know of our task we can wait for them no longer I would never suggest retreat but I can feel his power the war screams all around us worse his forces beset our battle brothers on all fronts it is all they can do to hold their position then it falls to you and I librarian we descend into the crater yet more pathetic rebels seek to bar our paths then on our path they shall die to the attack just captain if these foes closed upon me with their blades it will be all I can do to defend myself in Malay while so engaged I will be unable to strike any foe at range worry not librarian if it is melee combat they seek I and my hammer shall grant their wish [Music] even seek my blood the cowards attack us from that Vantage no gap may protect them from my powers I shall smash their minds and bodies from afar traitor there seems no shortage of heretics to slow our advance a delay we cannot afford be there dozens or hundreds the abilities of a Space Marine shall scatter them all renegade he is their captain Angelo's we part ways here Jonah Oh liar lend support to our brothers hold back the tide of chaos these many decades have been an honor commend my service to the Emperor keep your library I go now to redeem our chapter Oh [Music] you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] freedom [Applause] this [Applause] [Music] we will die [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you I am no stranger to the deaths of planets Cyrene was my own yet when the need was made hesitate to contact the opposition by my hand silent burn Cyrene secrets now live solely with me and so shall they die with me whether I'm victorious or slain my sins will no retribution such as the final testimony of Gabriel Angelo's captain of the blood Ravens third company Saviour of Tartarus bane of the Black Legion servant destination Copernicus to engage attacking the fate of the heretic these many decades have been an honor debris commend my service to the Emperor Emperor keep you librarian I go now to redeem our chapter such other ways of demons to lie and mislead us destroying it is the only way to avoid its influences target the enemy Oh captain Angelo's jounetsu and for preserve them they need more than our prayers they need vengeance [Music] target eliminated target acquired Gabriel we're always the best of us and we'll see you next in Kairos now the man shall reflects the monster affirmed am I shall arrive no more talk Kairos you have much to answer for but what you have done to the Blood Ravens much shall be avenged this day for Gabriel for the Emperor for the chapter for those who have fallen for those who cannot be redeemed is showing you lady captain they receive invitations from captain and Joseph Randle March the Linea fury tell them to execute orbital bombardment on Kairos quickly before he regains his strength you Adrastea this is diorama DS I month Irene Kairos is dead you must hold the exterminators at what of Angelo's we have rebuilt and once more are great we have forged a chapter not warped an enigma but one the Emperor can look upon with pride this has been dark work Diomedes Kairos left much corrupted and cleansing had to be both thorough and merciless yet now we are pure and Noble it has been a necessary act Oh our chapter lives free of darkness and corruption at long last I know I cannot serve the chapter in the same manner as before but you Gabriel chapter master is fitting none shall find you wanting [Music] you
Channel: Rostam 40k Archives
Views: 134,857
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dawn of war 2 cutscenes, dawn of war 2 all cutscenes, dawn of war 2 movie, Retribution, dawn of war 2 retribution, Warhammer 40000, All Cutscenes, wh40k, chaos space marines, blood ravens, history, Gabriel Angelos, dawn of war 2, Tarkus, Davian Thule, video game, campaign, dow2, sub sector aurelia, cutscenes, gameplay, playthrough, warhammer 40k, walkthrough, The Movie, Movie, warhammer 40k movie, dow2 retribution, dawn of war 2 retribution movie, space marine, rostam casts, indrid, wh
Id: UiihvLur9GE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 162min 5sec (9725 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 30 2018
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