waking up at 5 am everyday for a week... *life-changing* | tips for waking up earlier ☁️

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foreign I woke up at 5am every day for a week we live in this world that's obsessed with productivity we idolize those billionaires that wake up at 4am they work out for two hours read a book and start their work day at 7am is this healthy is it sustainable is it even realistic I wanted to put it to the test this week does waking up at 5am make you a more productive person and here's how it went I look tired already it is Sunday night I'm gonna be very honest I try to film this video like a couple weeks ago and I only got up at five on Monday 100 why it failed last time was because I went to bed at like half 11 and then got up at five and then I was just sleep deprived tired Tuesday I was like I'm not doing this so we're doing it properly this time the time is 8 28 p.m that's why I've not like gone to bed at this time since I was a kid it's not like I've never gotten up at 5am before but it's always like for something I've never done it more than two days in a row I've booked myself a little like cycle class at 6 15 tomorrow so I know for sure that will be my main like driver and motivator for me to actually wake up so I got myself to bed rev for about half an hour and then called it a night I wanted to see this week if I could still live a somewhat normal life even with this ridiculously early bedtime another thing I wanted to follow was I created three healthy habits I wanted to stick to each morning first one no phone time for the first hour secondly I wanted to work out every single morning and thirdly no coffee first thing nor on an empty stomach good morning I look so bad but to be fair I actually don't feel too bad at all and I think it's 100 because I got my butt to bed at 9 00 p.m like I started falling asleep at 9pm and I also don't know how but I actually fell asleep like you know when you put yourself to bed way earlier than normal and you're like tossing and turning and then when the alarm went off I was like okay this is feels early but it does feel like I got enough sleep so it's currently 19 past five I'm gonna leave in like 10 minutes to go to my cycle class I'm gonna drive there I don't know if any of you remember I think I mentioned in a video like a few months ago that I have barely driven since we moved to London I'm a little bit scared I'm gonna do a really quick five minute Journal [Music] so one of the healthy habits I'm gonna try and keep up this week is no coffee first thing however I do crave a drink other than water when I first wake up so I've been starting my day with the ag1 by athletic greens nutritional drink they're very kindly sponsoring this next part of the video which is such a dream let me tell you a little bit more about why I love them how it's now a key part of my daily routine it's packed with 75 vitamins minerals probiotics and Whole Food sourced ingredients so to put it simply this is a very convenient way to get your daily nutrition this helps me stay more energized and focused throughout the day which I'm sure I'm gonna need this week and even though it's this green color it does actually taste really good it has a sort of vanilla flavor but this is so much more than your typical green drink it helps support immunity gut health I've learned recently that Health actually starts in your gut and so this impacts everything from sleep to Digestive Health to the health of your hair nails and skin one scoop 250 ml of water once a day every day it feels so good to invest in my health and if you guys want to try them too thank click the link in my description bar I'll leave it on the screen as well to get one year supply of immune supporting vitamin D3 K2 and 5 travel packs for free with your first purchase that's an amazing offer so make sure to check them out the link in my description bar okay I am scared I made it I drove I don't know why like I've built up such a fear in my head and it's so so annoying like well she's the one who drives everywhere we use our car a lot but he always always drives I'm proud of myself I did it was like don't get me wrong the easiest shortest drive but you know step by step we're here it's fine it's obviously like 6 a.m now so it's really quiet I'm just gonna walk over to my studio and do the workout class [Music] foreign [Music] I'm so tired that class was so hard it's only 7 40. I am honestly feeling so good like really energized I think that workout like really helped really energize me or sometimes I'll come away from a morning workout and just be like I want to go back into bed I'm just making a little um like fruit smoothie with protein powder because we don't really have much in the fridge right now I have a food shop coming today so I gotta put something together also this morning light just puts me in a good mood I'm like so grateful to be facing sunrise [Music] [Applause] foreign to create larger pieces of texture I'm ready for the day I've got a hair mask in hence the terrible hair day um and honestly today is just like a computer editing don't need to go anywhere kind of day it is somehow already half past seven today has been so boring so I haven't filmed much I was like unpacking doing admin very very boring and then I've given myself a little hair wash day but yeah it's half seven I'm about to make myself dinner and I'm like if I wanted a proper eight hours sleep I would want to be in bed by like Cafe drifting off for nine kind of like what I did last night that's just not gonna happen but I'm aiming for a 10. also will has gone up to Scotland today because he has work there for like the next few days hence why I am filming this challenge this week because I knew he would be away and I didn't want to force him to kind of partially do this challenge with me something I love doing in the evening I was a new cat is having kombucha instead of alcohol because it still gives you that like satisfaction of something fizzy and cold foreign [Music] I am finally ready for bed I think when it hit like eight o'clock I could feel myself starting to really crash so I am tired which is a good sign I just have a feeling that 5am tomorrow morning won't be as easy as it was this morning like the adrenaline will have worn off I'll see you guys tomorrow morning foreign today feels a lot harder The Temptations of Smash this news button was strong I'm gonna pop in the shower because don't take time so I put a rinse it off and then I think I'm gonna head to the gym which to be honest I really I'm not in the mid but I know it'll wake me up should we just fall back asleep [Music] I am gonna do a really quick three minute Journal I'm not gonna lie I just scored my phone for like 10 minutes sorry I broke the rules and it didn't feel good tomorrow I had oh no today today I have a sunset no some oh my gosh my brain this is why when I do my like six a.m morning routines they are voiceovers because if I try to explain what's going on in my brain this is what happens yeah I have a sunrise alarm clock arriving today and I'm so excited because I've heard so many people say like it helps you feel so much better when you wake up because you've woken up naturally I'm gonna do a little experiment where I'm gonna put my phone out of the room and just see what that does for me because I know a lot of people do that I think I am proving to myself if my phone is there I'm gonna reach for it [Music] arriving again today [Music] [Music] do you wanna do you wanna do you wanna go with it okay it's like eight o'clock I've showered um today I'm actually doing something quite different for me I'm going to I've hired like a two-hour slot at a studio here in London so that's at 11. I'm gonna get everything ready um cheers I'm having a little ginger shot if you want something that's gonna like instantly make you feel more awake these are my favorite ones the moju ginger shot it's already half eight and even though I got up at five like it doesn't feel like I've had way way more time it's a bit weird like the morning can go by really fast if I still have my office job where I have to be there at 9am I would have had to have left half an hour ago and I'm like but I got up at five it wasn't I don't know you know what I mean maybe I would have just been a bit quicker a bit more efficient okay I'm already I have packed up my Wii outfits for the content shoot and honestly I'm late so I gotta go I'll talk to you guys after it's 10 o'clock I'm feeling good to be honest it does feel more like midday by now but that's a good thing I just made it and look at how beautiful this room is it is so gorgeous I'm like 10 15 minutes late so I got a crack on because I only have two hours here so it's not like half past two quite sleepy and since I went to the gym in the morning I'm like this is more physical activity than I normally do I'm having lunch this is just leftovers from yesterday looks disgusting but it's actually really good where's the time is ten to eight but I haven't napped which I find really surprising I thought I would be napping every day I'm just curious if like I can actually feel the sense of a routine starting from doing this for only five days I mean like realistically probably not but I just want to know if it's gonna get easier as the week goes on it is 20 to 10 I'm calling 10 my bedtime like I've said guess what arrived today my little Lumi Sunrise alarm clock I've set it up it's in the bedroom and so I'm going to do something I don't think I have ever done which sounds ridiculous like ever since I've had a phone leave my phone in another room to where I'm sleeping it is just so easy to scroll in the morning so I really want to take the like one hour no phone time rule seriously okay I am leaving it here I'm being a bit dramatic I know but like I'm someone who is glued to their phone Good Times this little boy is not happy with me because I keep waking him up at 5am oh yeah I've set it up to wake me up at five it was pretty bright yeah I guess bright that's nice though so she did that tomorrow morning I don't know if it's like over a course of an hour or half an hour that just gets brighter um but I'm excited to let you know how it feels foreign [Music] [Applause] good morning happy Wednesday day three I think this makes a huge difference okay so we are on day three of this Challenge and I 100 felt really good this morning because of the Lumi alarm clock I'm a really light sleeper so I was kind of worried like as soon as it started to illuminate that would be me awake but I think I woke up about 10 minutes before the alarm went off and it felt like a really natural not too harsh way of waking up as opposed to having like your phone go off super loudly all of a sudden whilst you're in the middle of a really deep sleep so I really recommend if you're someone who struggles to get up early in the morning it also kept me off my phone for the first hour which meant I could just be a bit more intentional with my time have a more mindful morning routine I don't really know what workout to do today I feel a little bit lost without willing the gym but I have the shreddy app I'm gonna see what that's saying maybe some like upper body anyway let's go I'm procrastinating [Music] foreign I am so hungry after the gym I'm making breakfast now the sun is rising and honestly I'm in such a good mood like I feel ahead like a good start to my day I'm just gonna do bacon and eggs I think [Music] all right it's 7 P.M welcome to the evening portion of this day today has been the hardest so far in terms of like feeling less energized oh today I totally wanted to take a nap but I actually had so much work to do that I've only finished now and it's just hit seven o'clock and I'm like well I can't take a nap now I am really hungry so I'm gonna make dinner but I want to make something quick so that I have time to chill out I have booked pilates class for tomorrow morning I swear if I didn't have that my my body I can tell is telling me to sleep in it is only ten to nine but because I've been feeling so sleepy all day I think I'm gonna call it a day well I'm gonna push some Netflix not reading I don't know my brain just not in the mood so see you again tomorrow morning two more mornings oh morning this morning felt rough I can't lie my body was definitely confused by this new routine it was expecting to lie in but I can 100 say each morning something that's helped me is replacing those habits that my brain is so used to doing in the morning so instead of hitting the snooze button I would go for a drink of water instead instead of scrolling through my phone I would do a five minute Journal instead of coffee I would have my ag1 drink etc etc and definitely hands down having a class booked in the morning that I know I need to go to otherwise I'll lose my money makes a massive difference I am so cold this morning is the hardest I think I've said that every single morning like each morning has been harder than the last and I kind of thought it would get easier as the week went on so [Music] our pilates class we're driving there oh it's fine I'm excited for Pilates I love Pilates [Music] I feel good honestly I think this is why I have managed to avoid nappings because after working out I definitely feel more energized and that's been the thing like every single week every single week every single day oh and the time is this was a bit of a later class so it's 7 40. [Music] foreign foreign [Music] you guys this morning was good I was feeling Bob Pilates was great like I said I love Plies it always puts me in a good mood I feel the burn I am so tired though I think it's like half 11 I've just been working on my laptop there's such a difference today though that like I had a spike of energy in the morning and then because my body's definitely not used to this routine for sure never in my life have I woken up 5am 4 days in a row and this is the fourth day and I have such bad brain fog today my brain can't concentrate on one thing today so I have a bunch of little tasks to do and I just can't actually complete any of them and I hate when I'm like that and then before I know it's lunch time and I actually haven't completed one thing and it makes me feel really crappy so I'm gonna take a nap [Music] good evening guys I made myself a favorite dinner to celebrate the last night of having to do this I want to go to bed so badly it's almost 10 o'clock but I need to go and pick up will because like I said he's been in Scotland all this week and he's flown back this evening so I need to go pick him up I don't know pray for me that I'm in bed before 11. I know I don't recommend this but I'm not gonna not pick him up just because I'm doing this challenge it'll just make tomorrow even harder but it is the final day my brain has been so flippy all day I definitely have not felt productive or like the value of waking up at 5am today I'll talk to you guys tomorrow about my like big conclusion for the week foreign [Music] we technically did it happy Friday okay so interesting thing is and this is gonna sound like such a lie I promise you handle heart not lie the same with the Lumi is I think you have to set the alarm every single day otherwise it won't go off and I must have forgot yesterday so my alarm didn't go off but my natural body clock woke up at high five and that's obviously when I realized like my alarm didn't go off and I guess because I realized that like give me a piece of like oh get up I would have thought if there had been no alarm I would have just like slept until seven without even feeling it but here we are [Music] I can say even though I felt exhausted by this point 5am no longer felt like 5 a.m if that even makes sense it felt a bit more like 7am still an early start but not the middle of the night kind of feeling like at the start of the week I was getting into the routine of journaling reading a bit of a self-improvement book just trying to stay off my phone and then working out however because my body was so tired I just did some light yoga at home today which felt really good and then it was very weird to be jumping into work so early and I did end up taking a nap not long after this [Music] you guys we did it I am so tired but we did it I feel like I honestly have such mixed feelings about this challenge whilst it may be completely like life-changing to some people and on some days it felt that way when it worked it really worked felt amazing to have kind of like accomplished so much by 10 am M I think the main thing for me that I really liked was I always felt like I had time to prioritize working out in the morning getting ahead of the day before anyone else's before the city's awake whilst it's still dark that is also one thing that kind of made it harder filming this during winter when it is still really dark in the mornings I feel like maybe this would have been easier if I had filmed in summer but touching on that this Lumi light if you are someone who needs to get up super early and you struggle and you haven't tried out something like this I would recommend it because I feel like you do wake up in a better mood the mornings where I actually managed to stay off my phone I felt way better and it's frustrating because I know that so why is it so hard to stick to that rule felt so good to be like super productive on the first few days of the week and just really like intentional with my time intentional with my morning routine however the days where it didn't work and I'm talking about like the end of the week waking up that early I actually worked against me I had I had like the worst brain fog on those days days which may be less productive I could not get work done but it was a challenge and we did it and I wanted to see how it was doing it consecutively five days in a row I can say it started to feel like routine faster than I thought another huge point I'm going to make is this has only worked for me this week because will was not here if Will had been here and I had like normal evening plans this also was like a really quiet week for me it was just a work week I didn't have plans with friends in the evenings or anything this has been a really fun experiment for me I feel like my Optimum time is still like 6 a.m 7 A.M but 5 a.m on those days where I have like tons to get done doing it occasionally I feel like will work for me to some people 5am is like your everyday morning routine and you're probably looking at me like I am a complete baby for complaining about this and some of you are like I could never wake up at that time it's all about finding that routine that works for you I love you guys your support means everything and this yeah it was so fun to film so I'll see you guys this in the next one I love you all [Music]
Channel: Becca Watson
Views: 1,556,889
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Hc79q1f9EYA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 39sec (1479 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 05 2023
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