How to MASTER YOUR MORNING ROUTINE | *life-changing* easy steps you need to start doing 🌅

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are you a morning person I feel like we get that question a lot and we usually assume it to mean do you get up super early do you like early mornings I think we are very quick to follow other people's routines to copy other people's routines we follow what other people are saying what other people are doing because we believe that's probably what's best for us right but you might have three kids work two jobs and have absolutely no time for a 2hour aesthetic morning routine but that doesn't necessarily mean that there isn't room or SP space for you to take just a few simple steps in the morning that ensure you're checking in with yourself cheting in with yourself first thing right now let's get rid of the idea that the only morning routine is when it looks like you're getting up at 5:00 a.m. you then spend an hour in the gym you then go for a cal plunge do a 10-minute Journal etc etc the kind of Miracle morning routines but also remember you smashing the snooze button five times scrolling for 20 minutes quickly showering leaving your house in a rush getting to work having that super stressful morning if you were starting every day like that that is still a morning routine I wanted to make this video so that anybody and everybody could take something away from it because I don't think having a morning routine has to be the Super bougie thing I have filmed a lot of bloody morning routines here on this channel for this video we're doing it differently I want to get into the Nitty Gritty truth behind how to master your morning routine okay we are starting with the basics how to actually get yourself out of bed when you do know what want to the simplest stage of our morning routine yet is probably the hardest I know a lot of people like to put their alarm clock their phone in another room on the other side of their room forces you to actually get out of bed and therefore you're less likely to hit snooze or crawl back into bed if you're brave enough just remove the snooze option alog together something that works pretty well for me that I love is using a suiz alarm clock mine's actually broken I got one like a year ago and it broke nonetheless I do need to replace it because it was a godsent especially in the winter if you have looked at all into optimizing your morning routine then I know you would have heard the tip about how important it is to ensure you are getting light in the morning direct sunlight is best if it's the winter turn on all your lights I personally always sleep with my blinds open the difference this makes allowing me to just wake up a lot more gently as opposed to in a really dark room with a really harsh alarm sound your body's internal clock your Cadian rhythm is hugely influenced by light and Darkness I know for me having that like harsh iPhone alarm sound going off instantly it puts me in a bad mood so I found I wi for actually waking up to music on Alexa I'll ask her to wake me up at a certain time to music what I found is I'm way less likely to just like rush to turn off I'll let it play for a moment and then that allows my brain to actually make conscious decision of like oh no this is your alarm you got to get up most mornings we don't know what to do with ourselves if you create yourself a really easy three-step routine so so that your brain doesn't even have to think about it if you do that enough times it will become routine your body will know that's how to Kickstart your day whereas yes if you go on your phone every day that becomes an ingred habit 5 minutes of silence 5 minutes of your time brush teeth make your bed 2-minute Journal one of my easy 2-minute habits first thing when I get up is to drink my ag1 I am working with ag1 on this next part of the video so a huge thank you to them for sponsoring I've spoken about ag1 a lot on this channel because I started taking it over a year ago so I was in a place where I wanted to start taking like a multivitamin a supplement something as soon as I started researching into it looking at some Brands it all just got quite confusing I really didn't know what to take what was best for me and something that was super important for me was going with a reputable brand that I could trust and I had heard amazing things about ag1 ag1 is a comprehensive nutrition supplement it has 70 high quality ingredients in one scoop vitamins minerals nutrients antioxidants all to support your all round Health it has been designed to replace you taking multiple supplements in the morning with instead just one scoop of ag1 250 Ms of water give it a good Shake you're done it takes 2 minutes it's that easy I have said it before it's such a great way to bridge your nutrient gap of course we want to be getting all the nutrients we can from our diet that ag1 does help to support your body even more I see this massively when it comes to my energy and focus levels throughout the day just generally feeling feeling a lot more balance and a big one is immunity levels helping me feel stronger helping me feel healthier even random one but hair and nails I used to have acrylics all the time but right now I just have gel on my nails are feeling super healthy they're feeling super strong they are absolutely backed by science a product you can trust so take control of your health routine today and get a one-year supply of vitamin D plus five individual travel packs all that for free with your first purchase I'll have the link on the screen right now but you can also find it in the descript destion bar so try them out a huge thank you to ag1 for sponsoring like I said brush the teeth make the bed ag1 all of that takes me about 5 minutes but it's good to have a reason to get up you don't need to be in the mindset of like when you were a kid and you were excited for Christmas morning it doesn't need to be like that let's face it most days you're not all that excited to get up but challenge yourself to three easy steps similar kind of thing if you're somebody who wants to get up a little bit earlier I think we're fed the message all the time that to have this productive routine you need to be getting up like 2 hours earlier 4:00 a.m. 5:00 a.m. like that is just not it it's it's honestly if you're not getting your 8 hour sleep it is not worth it it's not healthy I think Focus your energy more on not getting up at the absolute last minute you have to so that you're now in a rush for the whole morning even if it's half an hour and you can do that in stages set your alarm 10 minutes earlier one day the next day 15 do it gradually oh another little tip that helps me play music in the morning if you want to blast music if you're maybe a bit more like me and you want to R romanticize your morning play some jazz have your morning coffee okay another thing that helps me get out of bed is ice rolling my face first thing I am never going to be that person who does a cold Plunge in the morning I don't think so anyway or even cold showers it is it's not for me this is my equivalent and it might sound bougie a bit of ice rolling obviously has like skincare benefits you're closing your pores all of that lymphatic drainage like all those nice things but genuinely that's not enough to get me a bed ice rolling or even splashing her face with water is a really effective way to wake your senses up I want to talk about habit stacking habit stacking is something that can massively help you especially when first starting out it's essentially a productivity and habit formation technique where you build new habits by stacking them with existing ones brushing teeth for example I hope that's something we all remember to do in the morning you know find that thing that you know you're never going to forget and then if you're trying to incorporate a new healthy habit maybe it's a five minute yoga is taking your supplements have it attached to that habit so that you remember to always do it I know like leaving your yoga mat out is annoying it might not look nice in your living room but if you do that for like the first couple of weeks until it feels more ingrained in your routine that's a good little trick the power of accountability is a really interesting one we talk about that a lot with like Fitness if you're trying to go to the gym you might cling on to a workout buddy I think it can also help with if you're trying to get up a bit earlier or change the habits of your morning routine you could do it with your partner weirdly enough it's been filming and I'm not necessarily recommending this to everyone cuz that's not realistic at all just saying from my experience this has been it I live in a flat that like faces the sunrise and so getting up to film that has always been a big motivator maybe it's like you want to post the sunrise on your Instagram story I don't know or signing up to be part of like a morning running club another big one is literally just signing yourself up for a workout class I want to talk about mindfulness and the effects of practicing gratitude in the morning power behind even just 5 minutes of mindfulness and I think this hugely applies to people who live really busy lives and usually don't have time for themselves we live in a world where it's almost really hard to connect with ourselves regular practice of gratitude isn't just about reducing anxiety levels stress levels when I fit that into my morning my head feels a lot clearer throughout the day which kind of helps me perform better at work or it helps with decision- making a kind of trap or not trap but something I would do before that just didn't really work for me was we see the journal prompt a lot that's like just list three five things you're grateful for and I'd always end up just like closing the book I wasn't in the mood I then switched my mindset so I would tell myself it can just be one thing one thing I am so profoundly grateful for and it doesn't matter if it's the same thing every day I don't have to force myself to come up with something new every day it's genuinely just what comes to me in the the moment something that feels natural it feels instinctive I also guarantee you though when you get in the habit of that it won't be the same thing that comes up every day because you're training your mind to think that way essentially training your mind to live a little bit more intentionally practicing little moments of solitude in the morning are so great for that it's no wonder that we are so overwhelmed all the time we are just fed so much information left right and Center all day on our phones on the news you can't escape it I'm not saying not to engage with the news but sometimes you're in control if for that first hour of your day you don't want to be engaged with Instagram Twitter news headlines that's okay because we spend the rest of our day giving so much to other people movement okay I have been a way happier person since I have Incorporated movement into my morning now I used to tell myself that going to the gym would make me tired later on and therefore if I had like a really demanding day had a really busy day coming up it was so easy to excuse no I don't have time for that in the morning I'll do that on a quieter day thanks it wasn't until I actually got into the habit of it that I was like oh no this actually really energizes me and not just that like I would then sleep better at night and just have a way better sleep cycle this applies to me I know a lot of people go to the gym in the morning and then they feel groggy all day and that's fair enough also do not set it up so that you expect yourself to show up at the gym every single morning but a way more realistic expectation to set for yourself is making time for some sort of movement before you sit down at your desk it could be walking to work if that's possible going out walking your dog that's a big one for me if you have a little yoga mat or you don't even need one switch on a YouTube video and do a yoga stretch look at what you are consuming in the morning like I said kind of tuning into social media and negative news headlines early on it really can take a toll on your mental health so something I've been trying try to do instead because let's face it like it would be nice to have your whole morning in silence but I know I like to be stimulated when I'm doing the dishes when I'm making my breakfast I would love to be able to do that in silence but I just can't so instead of choosing to just have be scrolling through Tik Tok or whatever I will put on a podcast by someone who I know really inspires me someone I really look up to or about a topic that I want to learn more about when it comes to breakfast I know some people don't make time for it some people like to fast whatever works for you I think it's TR and error I know I just function better with a high protein breakfast I think I function better when I have a Savory one key is not to be too ambitious here like I do not want it to take more than 5 minutes maybe 10 minutes like on a weekend or I mean if I'm filming it and I'm trying to make something nice but yeah Studies have really shown that eating breakfast in the morning is associated with improved cognitive function basically I know that for like that first chunk of the day I'm not thinking about how I'm hungry and I can't wait for lunch my recommendation is have like three go-to recipes that you know are yummy you're excited to make and they do not take long at all you guys know I love a little bit of morning planning so you've done your morning routine you're sitting down for work you've got to the office and you're planning your day your work day tell me if this is you you get to the end of the day and you have never you never never managed to complete your to-do list girl we got to change that create a system that means you actually get to the end of your to-do list and so you can call that day a win the biggest tip I have for this is make sure every day you have two to three things that are your priorities the most important things that you have to do in order to call today a win I was in such a WRA of just writing out these really long to-do lists I would never see the end of them I would also miss things because I would just move on to the next one so you end your day then thinking about everything you didn't achieve completely dismissing what you did actually manage to do and we are so hardwired to think negatively it makes it way harder to relax in the evening to enjoy your evening to actually wind down for the day also when you're looking at a to-do list that's just like really long has zero structure to it I find it way harder to actually get started or if I do get started I'll pick the really easy tasks that don't take that long but I will spend time on them this is a form of procrastination don't just make your top priorities work related you you would be surprised what good it does you actually putting stuff in there that you're excited to do or stuff that you know is good for you so it might be like a little evening walk reading 10 pages of my book whatever when structuring your day use a planner you like whether it's paper whether it's digital and just spend 5 minutes 5 minutes that's all I'll write down every single thing like a brain dump basically that I know I need to do don't just think about the personal chores the errands and all the work things you have to do actually put in the fun things so if you know you're going to to the cinema tonight like include that I swear this does something to your brain where you then look at the list and you don't just resent it like straight away I will then section them into whatever makes sense for that day so if it's priorities quick ticks sometimes I'll do like my personal list if it's a really jam-packed day I will time block it yeah all these strategies can really help you without a night routine you can forget your morning routine but how you unwind for the evening and set yourself up for the next day is just as important as everything thing we've just spoken about look at your environment in the evening romanticize it like put on the nice sleep sounds turn on your cozy lighting turn off all those overhead Lights I've heard exposure to red light in the evening really helps to put you in that sleepy mood create a screenless place I mean like if you want to watch Netflix in the evening like please that is what I'm getting up to every single evening but get rid of the laptop if you can stay off your phone no one really needs you at 1000 p.m. huge one is and I can't believe I haven't mentioned it yet your sleep schedule I know how life is like one night you're you're you might be meeting a friend you get home at midnight bam your schedule is off do not beat yourself up about it but when you can do get your body into that rhythm of going to bed at the same time and then waking up at the same time there are also little things you can do to ensure you get a good night's sleep so like cutting off your caffeine intake after 3:00 p.m. whatever I mean I find for me 5:00 p.m. is probably the latest I can have it stop setting yourself up to fail by setting five alarms that's you telling yourself already like oh I don't trust myself to get up with the first alarm do little things to help yourself out if you want to go to the gym tomorrow morning put your gym clothes out okay so if you want to make changes try it try some of these habits just for 7 Days promise to yourself you'll give it a go if some of them don't stick and you don't want to do them after it's not for you and that's fair but you tried I think the knowledge of it is interesting like we know these things are healthy for us but we still don't do them that's when discipline gets involved obviously I think it might be a fun little video to film like a week of attempting my most perfect morning routine every single day I've been here rambling at you about all these things you should do with your morning but please don't look at me and think that I do these every single day do not expect things to change overnight either you don't want to overwhelm yourself with making a bunch of changes again it's about tunning in with yourself and just feeling more in control I hope this video was useful and just felt manageable I know I love filming a 3-hour aesthetic morning routine but for different reasons and that's why I really wanted to film this where we just realistically talk about how to make small changes that will massively impact your morning routine and therefore the rest of your day but yeah I had a lot of fun brainstorming this one and thank you for tuning in I will see you guys in the next video sending all my love [Music]
Channel: Becca Watson
Views: 33,956
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: zxFgxBxbtGA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 50sec (1010 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2024
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