WAKING UP at 5AM everyday FOR A WEEK *life changing* | how to be a morning person

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I think a lot of us ask the question of how to wake up earlier and does waking up at 5am really make you a more productive person well I woke up at 5am for a week and here's how it went hello my beautiful people welcome back to another video I am excited but also a little nervous for today's video so it is currently Sunday and this whole week I'm going to be trying to wake up at 5am so many people talk about the 5 a.m club and how just waking up so much earlier makes you really productive and just gets more done in your day and so I'm gonna be putting that to the test this week I find that normally I am a morning person especially in the summer I have just been on a later routine I've been more waking up around 7 30 closer to 8 and I want to try and get back on my early mornings and I really have never been a consistent 5am wake up person if I'm waking up that early it's normally like to go to the airport or like there's something going on that morning and consistently I could be a 6 37 a.m girl 5am is not normally my thing so we're going to be trying that this week it is currently 8 47 gonna get to sleep super early it's still pretty light out like it's probably going to be light out for at least another almost hour so we'll see how this goes of going to bed super early but because it's the summer the sun still stays up and I'm excited to see how this week goes so I hope you guys enjoy this is my usual schedule so we're gonna change it to 5 a.m and I'm gonna do 10 p.m as my aim to be latest I know that's only seven hours but we are gonna go for it and try and get in bed by nine but I have a feeling most nights it's going to be closer to 9 30 10 so we will see how this goes [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] good morning you guys it is day one I already know I look awful but I actually don't feel as awful as I look I feel like the ice roll has really been helping wake me up I got up not too terribly this morning like when my alarm went off at five I actually was already kind of awake which was really weird but I think it's because I went to sleep so early that my body clock was already like you've had enough sleep it's time to get up but I do have a feeling that it's going to be a long day ahead but it also is looking pretty foggy out today so I have a feeling that the sun's not actually going to rise and it's just going to be kind of a foggy morning but I did want to go on a run this morning I've recently been getting back into running currently almost past 5 30 and I do want to get my morning started so let's go on a run and I'm going to be wearing my vessi sneakers a big thank you to Bessie for partnering with me on today's video but all of Bessie's shoes are 100 waterproof which is perfect for this morning because of the fog and all the rain last night I don't know how many puddles are going to be out there today but I am all good to go and covered and welcome into the dry socks club with vessi Vesti has tons of different styles of shoes whether you're looking for something a little more athletic like a running shoe or an everyday pull-on sneaker they are super comfortable and easy to slip on and also so versatile I also love that Bessie not only Embraces water but protects it as well they have a partnership fun programs that help shape the next generation of water protection as well as support programs across the world that help create fresh water where it's needed living in Toronto there is quite a bit of rain so I'm excited to be able to run on mornings where it's either raining or it rained overnight and there's puddles literally everywhere and not worry about soaking my feet at all thank you to vesi they have also given me a code for you guys it's just Vanessa to you for 15 off I will leave the link down the description box below for you guys to go check out fussy but again a big thank you to vesi for sponsoring today's video [Music] foreign we are back from my little walk run I did like a half an hour walk run and it smells like campfire or smoke outside again today if you live in Eastern Canada or even like the States you will know what I mean but I just went outside and it smells slightly like not as bad as it was a few weeks ago but just slightly like campfire and smoke and there is an air quality statement issued but I'm just taking my little seed probiotic and I'm going to make some oats this morning but I need to kind of hurry up because it's almost seven o'clock and there's someone coming to fix my AC at 8 because my AC decided it wanted to get clogged on the hottest week so far this year so someone is coming to fix that soon so we're gonna make some breakfast [Music] this is going to sound kind of crazy but I recently have been putting an egg in my oats and it is really good it just helps me get like a little extra protein in um [Music] all the possibilities there could be a place for you and me [Music] breakfast ready and I also made a little drip coffee but I'm also gonna do a little bit of weekly planning while I eat my breakfast coffee was definitely called for this morning though for the rest of the week I'm gonna try and drink a little bit less caffeine I have a decaf espresso or maybe like a matcha or something have about half an hour before the AC person is coming to fix my unit the rest of the day is kind of looking like a good admin Monday so nothing too crazy which is good to kind of ease me into this week of 5ams it has been literally the most mundiest Monday ever I have just been kind of sitting at my computer all day editing answering emails I just had a ton of like just computer work to do but it is now almost 5 40 and I am starting to get hungry so I'm going to make dinner which I typically more so eat around 6 30 7 I think because I got up earlier I ate like my meals earlier today which is good because I want to try and get in bed around 9 30 to be asleep by 10 10. so that is kind of my goal this evening and I feel like that's reasonable that's still like seven and a half seven hours of sleep I recently bought this little chickpea pasta from Bulk Barn and I'm kind of craving pasta I feel like I always end up making some sort of pasta dish on the Vlogs but I haven't actually had pasta in a while but it just always ends up happening that I make pasta on the Vlogs and I don't know why but I'm thinking of doing like a little Bolognese type of sauce because I have some ground turkey for my protein tonight [Music] this way [Music] ability [Music] I feel 100 degrees all right you guys it is 9 15 and I am all ready for bed that feels so weird to say because it is like just finally starting to get pretty dark out right now honestly I feel pretty tired I started to crash around 7 30 8 o'clock I already I creamed the crap out of my under eyes because they were so dark today we have a lip mask going but I'm gonna curl up in bed and probably read for a little bit before I call it a wrap on this day one and set my alarm to do it all again tomorrow morning thank you [Music] [Music] I really want to go back to sleep but we are up so let's get this day started foreign [Music] so I don't think there's gonna be a sunrise because it's already like light out hopefully by the time that the sun is past like the building that it rises up over around 7 30 that the sun will actually come into my apartment this morning but we shall see because I can't really tell it's definitely way less hazy than yesterday morning which thank you that the smoke from the fires is slowly passing [Music] I am still honestly not really awake but we are gonna go gym this morning [Music] foreign [Music] I am currently just finishing up stretching but it is so nice that the gym is so quiet at this time of day so so far there's one benefit to getting up early and coming to the gym way earlier [Music] I just need to see what they're supposed to mean [Music] I [Music] [Music] have some meetings in a little bit this morning so before I have to go and get ready and fully leave the house I'm actually gonna go sit outside and I also have to water my plants but I want to sit outside in the sun and drink my smoothie before I have to get ready fully for the day [Music] I definitely have been a headband girl recently but I'm all ready to go I just did a little bit of Light summer glowy makeup let's go head out for my day of meetings [Music] thank you [Music] you guys I am just sitting down to eat dinner right now and it is 7 25 but I'm just having leftovers from yesterday which was amazing I love when I have leftovers that I don't have to think about making dinner but I had a pretty busy day today I had meetings all morning I ended up getting a little grocery shop done which we love because that needed doing but then I ended up going back out and working out at a coffee shop this afternoon with Alan and then we ended up getting into a conversation just started talking about wedding planning and stuff and that went way longer than we anticipated so I didn't get home until like half an hour ago at seven and outside in the summer is so deceiving because this to me could feel like 4 30 5 p.m but it is literally almost 7 30 and it's still super bright outside anyways I'm honestly not too tired today which is really good I feel like I have a minor headache but that also could be like temperature and weather and pressure changes you know we will see how day three goes tomorrow but I'm definitely gonna relax now for the rest today I feel like I'm gonna crash as soon as I go to bed tonight because I've been running around so much today foreign [Music] I'm not gonna lie I absolutely have been watching tick tocks for the last half an hour um I got down a little wedding Tick Tock a rabbit hole as I'm starting to slowly kind of plan stuff and as Alan and I had like a conversation this afternoon I was like I just want to watch wedding tick tocks it's currently 9 50. I'm gonna call it a night and go to bed and I will see you guys at 5am tomorrow morning [Music] [Music] thank you we are showered and dressed and ready for the day I'm actually not feeling too bad today which is good because I need a decent amount of energy I have another full day Alan and I are taking his niece to the zoo today and then after that I actually have a photo shoot this evening from five to seven so I'm not going to be back home until like 7 30 8 o'clock definitely is a coffee morning I'm just trying to decide if I want a hot coffee or a cold coffee but I'm gonna start making breakfast I'm thinking of just doing a yogurt Bowl [Music] baby [Music] I am actually obsessed with this granola if you are in Toronto you need to go to nut bar and get it it is so good [Music] [Music] I don't know [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] I made myself a giant spicy salmon Bowl but it is so beautiful out tonight Al and I are going to go for a little walk down to the lake just because it's summer and like trying to make the most of Summer evenings and it hasn't been the nicest in the evenings lately I feel like I'm slowly starting to hit a little bit of a wall now but I feel like if I just go out get some sun and like Tire myself out a little bit before bed I will be like good to go and fall asleep at around 9 30 10 but other than that I feel like today has actually been a little bit harder than the other days maybe because I've just been more out and about and doing stuff and just like more active and that could also be why but overall energy levels are definitely a bit lower today [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign you guys it is almost 10 30. it's a lot lighter than I wanted it to be and I have a feeling that tomorrow morning is going to be pretty difficult now but my alarm is set we are going to push through and I'm going to sleep now so I'll see you guys in the morning [Music] thank you [Music] it's almost nine o'clock and this morning has been a struggle I didn't work out today because I'm taking today as an off day I might go for a walk or something later but I don't know if it's just because combined with like the workout being outside and at the zoo all day yesterday plus the evening walk that I my body is just like physically exhausted but it is definitely hitting me hard today I'm gonna make an iced matcha now because I haven't had any caffeine so far yet today so that might make a difference but other than that I definitely feeling like pretty exhausted today foreign [Music] okay it's the last night last evening update currently 9 23 and I've honestly already been reading in bed for like half an hour I have been crashing super early tonight and I want to be able to complete this Challenge and wake up tomorrow at five honestly exhausted today was really hard definitely the hardest day but tomorrow is the last morning and I think I can do this [Music] thank you good morning you guys we did it it is currently 6 a.m and it was a beautiful sunrise this morning I think that in some way something new that I needed the extra boost this morning because that honestly got me out of bed and was like yep I see the sun coming up it's pink that and the ice roll is getting me through this morning it is also really really hot out so I'm gonna change into a T-shirt and get my butt to the gym right now just because I want to end off the week strong and I want to do another morning workout today but honestly today was a lot easier I don't know if it's a combination of the sunrise but then also probably the adrenaline at the fact that it's the last day and I was like ready to go wanted to get my last 5 a.m morning over with I'm excited to sleep in tomorrow I will say that but I will do a final analysis a little later on so let's head to the gym [Music] no no no no no [Music] no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no it's back for my workout made a little protein shake I'm feeling alive and awake after that workout the AC wasn't really working in the gym today so I am pink and hot and red I'm gonna hop in and have a cold shower before I get ready for the day and make breakfast now that the week is over let's review the week a little bit overall I do think that waking up at 5am this week was a little bit life-changing it definitely changed my days in the sense that like getting up earlier I actually felt like I was able to have my full morning did my full workout and get into a good workflow by around 8 A.M which is honestly a bit crazy because for the last little bit I'd been waking up more like seven seven thirty not really doing a morning routine hopping right into work and then doing my workout more around like 10 30 11 which on some days I don't mind but I feel like in the summer this routine really is working for me because I'm able to like then go out and have my evenings or just have more of a productive day mind you I did start to get an earlier crash I feel like I definitely got used to not having caffeine first thing in the morning but then I would start to crash at around like 10 11 A.M and have a cup of coffee or some sort of caffeine like a matcha around then which would kind of fuel me for the rest of the day I feel like most days I can go without a cup of coffee and I kind of just have one because I enjoy it but this week was definitely a much needed caffeine week and maybe that was just because of throwing myself into a 5 a.m routine and not getting quite as much sleep as I usually do I feel like normally I get around eight and a half hours whereas this week it was more like six and a half to seven and a half Max so definitely running on a lot less sleep the nice thing about Ulta doing a 5 a.m routine in the summer is that here the sun does rise early so what I was waking up at 5am I was already starting to get light out like the sun wasn't up yet but it wasn't pitch black which I really like I think in the winter a 5 a.m routine would definitely be a lot harder but overall I might stick to this for a little bit or just some days where I feel like I need to be a bit more productive or I want that full work day uninterrupted definitely did boost my productivity in that way which I really liked but for me I don't think a 5 a.m routine is super sustainable because I I don't love going to bed at like 9 30. I feel like if I'm in bed by 10 that's okay on most nights but even then like 9 9 30 is a little bit early for me I feel like I could find a good happy medium at around like waking up at six and going to bed at around like 10 30 I feel like would be my ideal situation but overall I loved the challenge I loved trying to challenge myself to get into a bit of a different routine and out of my Norm just to see what it would be like but I would love to see what time you guys normally get up at I know everybody is so different some people love waking up super early like 4 a.m and some people don't like waking up until like 9am so it's really interesting to me to see so let me know but this is the end of the video I really hope you guys enjoyed I will see you all in the next one and I love you so much bye thank you
Channel: Vanessa Tiiu
Views: 864,389
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vanessa tiiu, fernanda ramierez, maggie macdonald, healthy lifestyle, that girl, workout with me, nyc, productive vlog, becca watson, healthy girl, kaylie stewart, toronto vlog, solo diary, healthy vlog, healthy habits, romanticizing my life, it girl, summer morning routine, 5am day in the life, 5am morning routine, waking up at 5am for a week, waking up at 5am, 5am routine, 5am wake up for a week, how to be productive, how to be a morning person, get my life together
Id: 0raBQCZX2Aw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 8sec (1568 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 11 2023
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