*extreme* DEEP CLEAN MOTIVATION 🧼 ultimate SPRING RESET routine + organize ENTIRE apartment 2024

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[Music] what's up you guys welcome back to my channel my name is Kesha if you guys are new here so in today's video as you can see from the title we're going to be doing a spring deep clean I'm so overdue for this you guys I'm going to probably start it tomorrow but I actually want to go to the store and grab all the cleaning supplies that I need that way I'll be prepared tomorrow when we start I'm literally going to clean everything I'll be cleaning the bedding my bedroom the kitchen bathrooms literally need to be deep cleaned those are the rooms that I really have to take care of as the bathroom I definitely need to give it a good deep clean I just got this toilet bowl cleaner like the actual stuff that goes in it but then I did see that there's like a better way to have it and not use the brush that's in your bathroom constantly and like have it sitting there there's this like Clorox toilet brush I think anyways I'm going to try to find it and I can show you guys what I get I also need to get laundry detergent I've been using true Earth e strips for so long I want to add some new scents to the place maybe like some sprays as well for around the house so if it's time for you guys to clean your place clean it with me let's go shopping for some cleaning supplies and we'll get prepped for our weekend deep clean this is the current situation of the living room I'm going to do like a whole deep clean on my couch use the green machine the second bedroom I'll show you guys all the rooms once we do them but I think I'm going to go in [Music] [Music] order how you did that you some skons in your closet why you did that how youell [Music] just finished the gym made some breakfast and we're going to get started with their cleaning but I'm going to eat first so I just made myself um an egg sandwich with some chicken bacon and then a yogurt bowl with some granola blueberries and chia seed mix but I am going to start with my room I do need to get the sheets cleaned like ASAP so I'm going to start by removing the sheets but the reason I'm like kind of like rushing is cuz my niece my mom and my aunt are coming over I haven't seen my niece in a bit so my mom called right now and she's like should we come over and like say hi and I was like oh my God yeah even though I'm cleaning today so I'm just going to like hang out with them for a bit yeah I'm probably going to get back to you guys like in a little bit y M [Music] yeah oh my gosh worst decision to wear this fit I didn't even realize this collection actually gets linty do you guys see before I actually put the laundry in I'm going to show you guys what I got from the store yesterday when I went for like cleaning supplies I'm going to be trying out the the gain moon light Breeze I heard someone talk about it on Tik Tok and how it smells so good and then I like to use bleach with my white clothes as well I got some white oxy clean and then I got some oxy clean Max Force this is the stainer remover I got two bottles cuz this runs out so quickly I honestly should have got one more um and then I got some dryer sheets that's all for my laundry I have most of my cleaning stuff but I did want to try out this disinfecting bleach foamer this is for the bathroom I have this fabric spray so I'm going to use this for the couch I did get these room fresheners I actually have never really used any plug-in fresheners before but my mom uses them so I just figured the bathrooms for sure and then the kitchen since it's like attached to the living room like it'll be a nice little like area for the scent to go through so I think I'm going to do that I did get refillable hand soap I did get this glass top cleaner Wyman for the stove so I'm going to try this one out honestly I have like lots of stains on this um stove here these vinyl bumpers um that stick like for gripping I just got them for like certain things I actually don't even know if I'm I'm going to like use them throughout this video I found this toilet brush starter kit this is from Scrubbing Bubbles I didn't find the Clorox one so I'm going to still be on the lookout for that one but I did want to try this one out it's essentially the same thing so it's like a reusable toilet bowl cleaner that is all the stuff that I got so let's go ahead and do this laundry [Music] I like to put all my laundry in sections the blacks the whites on their own and then I do like to even go and put like the Reds and pinks together because I always find that those always end up like going on my other clothes so I do end up like putting them in their own and that'll be like a super light load but I'd rather that than put them with like the other colors even sometimes my blue clothing I do like to put that like even on its own I'll usually do beige Gray and stuff like that together so it's like quite a bit of like loads but I do like to do that because I do like to keep my clothes as new as possible and I do find that that makes everything always look good and clean the color doesn't go onto other clothing so that's how I do my clothes I'm going to go ahead and separate all these clothes and just like put them in their [Music] piles okay I'm doing my room now so I'm going to start with wiping counters and everything and then I'll probably do the floors right after so I'm going to use this Clorox disinfecting wipes [Music] already [Music] [Music] guess the water's just boiling right now for my mop I'm going to mop the but I do want to just organize my closet real quick we'll finish off with wiping the floors and then the room should be done we'll just have to wait for the [Music] [Applause] [Music] bedding yes I'm this is my dinner I made yesterday it's chicken surfy with some rice and then I'm also going to have my lime lacroy honestly cleaning literally takes so long I have only started like an hour ago cuz my family just left but I don't want it to be dark when I do the kitchen and living room so I'm going to hurry up and do that and then maybe we'll do the second bedroom like later cuz the sunset like goes all that way so they'll still be light in that room I'm defin leaving the bathrooms for tomorrow because that's going to take way too long so we're just going to focus on all these other rooms and then we'll do the bathroom tomorrow and maybe like the front entrance tomorrow as [Music] well that I was kicking to you on I give it to you now we're going to do the kitchen I have a lot of these dishes to do and then I just have to put things away and like clean the counters and [Music] stuff got know know [Music] number [Music] [Music] I'm going to be using this magic eraser on the white counter because I do have some Marks here and this is really good at getting it all out so I'll show you guys what I mean I don't know if you guys can see [Music] I know [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] just using this reusable true Earth cloth and then I'm going to use this method disinfectant to wipe all the [Music] cabinets why would you tell me those lies why would you make it so all to my [Music] I'm going to be cleaning this wall and I'm going to put a um room scent or what do you call it room freshener this is the F breze I'm going to put the middle [Music] are you on your way are you I'll be taking these seat covers off as well to clean [Music] them so before I put them in the wash I am going to put the stain remover on the stains that I see I'm going to spray it let it sit and then we'll put it in the washer look in my eyes can you find a li do you feel Al look in my eyes do you mind do you feel alive F in my eyes we both know it's wrong but you're still coming over even when you're just grow strong still leave it alone but your still get we both know it's wrong can't keep this are you on your way are you coming soon to me I'm getting look at what you do me sa myor M that's why we got to keep so I'm all done at the kitchen now I just got like a bunch of wet clothes and I have them outside cuz I actually like to hang a lot of my black clothes and my gym clothes so let me know what you guys prefer when you guys watch cleaning videos you guys want me to talk more do you guys want me to just like do like a speed clean with some music um because I keep popping in here just to like say a couple things I don't want to keep you guys bored or anything but [Music] I put some I put the chairs up I don't know if you guys can see cuz we'll be doing sweeping there's like so much dust in that corner for real I'm like so overdue for this as you can kind of see it there [Music] I just got a lot of but let me you a l i want to start [Music] [Music] I just set up the green machine and I'm going to go ahead and deep clean my couch should I show you guys the before Oh my gosh there's so many crumbs um but I have some stains on here so stains there's like a water stain there and then like that little dot that dot yeah just like random little marks on this couch so I'm going to give it a good deep clean and I'm going to use the green machine [Music] [Music] so I'm done deep cleaning the couch I'll be opening the patio just to like let some air in so that this can dry I'm going to sweep everywhere and then mop and then we should be done the living [Music] room this Anthony right here he said [Music] listen she been I made you angry girl just know that it get better time that's kept secret they say she can't see her on me she so [Music] tell and she don't want to go to sleep she angry she [Music] been okay don't mind don't mind the vacuum I was just charging it this is the second bedroom honestly I'm not really going to change anything up I'm literally just going to like reorganize the clothes and heels and then I don't really have a place for my suitcase so it's just there that's a box of shoes that I have to unbox yeah I'm going to sweep and stuff put like all the stuff away over there and then I'm going to fold my clothes put those away and then I'm going to wipe all this down I'm just set I still don't know what I'm doing I haven't like decided what I want to do with this room like a part of me wants to have the Pack system from Ikea like the Wardrobe now that the sun is shining this way I I feel like I don't want the clothing to be here so I don't know should I do it over here it would interfere with the closet on this side and then the desk I'm going to declutter this and put them away I'm just going to go ahead and start because the Sun is setting I'm not joking when I say I literally want to stop recording and just like get this done but I need to like do this for you guys so so you guys know that I did [Music] it without me [Music] I pretty face pretty but pretty taught me ugly lessons pretty me giv more than I was getting so pretty don't come something than I shame to tell my friends how much I do for you cuz they know that you would never do the same for me I wasn't looking for your secrets they just came to me and they contradicted everything you CLA to be I took you to the club and you hug on somebody that I know and I know them type of hug sh I do women when I [Music] days you should lay it down about it when you she don't want to go to sleep change [Music] places she got my heart [Music] and I don't want to go you my open [Music] they you me you let me let [Music] me that you did not forget go to sleep and she don't want to go to sleep she angry [Music] [Music] I'm so exhausted honestly I kind of like half-assed this room like I could have done better but all good um this room is nice and clean now I put my suitcases in the corner there I don't know what I'm doing here I'm going to reorganize it get some new Decor actually don't know if I want to keep this but probably eat another bowl of stir fry and then I'm going to head to bed I actually have to make my bed I totally forgot I haven't made my bed yet so we have to put the clean sheets on but I'm going to do that once I shower and everything yeah I don't want to get like all gross also I put my nose ring in I don't know if you guys can see I just found this one when I was cleaning up so I was like okay let me just quickly let me put it in so I'm going to check in with you guys tomorrow cuz we're going to do the bathrooms and I'm not looking forward to it honestly I'm like dreading it now um I'm so exhausted I kind of want this like deep clean to be over with I still have so much laundry to do but I'm just probably going to do that like on my own I have load of clothing to fold right now so I'm just going to chill [Music] outp got it I ever ask you take me a aing overseas and just me in guo all I ever asked was you b c your phone when you alone all I ever asked was you show me some love kisses and hugs no I never hi as you go to the with your baby you sto show [Music] me we're going to finish off the laundry I'm just waiting for the rest of my whites and we're going to do the bathrooms today also like the front entrance and like sweep there because of all like the laundry that I have there there's like so much dust and stuff that piled up now and I got to like organize my coat closet and Shoe Closet and stuff like that I kept my face pretty plain today I put skincare concealer and blush I don't know let me know if you guys like the like more natural I don't really like do like a no makeup makeup look but if I do this is like as far as I go because then it starts to look like a full coverage and then I just keep going um but yeah I was just playing with my hair crimping it I should probably close my balcony I had it open just to like air the living room out a little bit I'm also drinking this energy drink Joy burst um I know I have a problem I'm almost out of them um this is the peach mango it's okay I actually really like the grape one I need you yeah I really do tell me what to do okay tell me what to do okay tell me what to do all I know is hit them see what damage I could do beat down I think about you all day Mommy I know I'm a pit but do mommy I just want to take your on a holiday Mommy say what's on your mind I'mma call away mommy come and resue me take me out the club take me out the Trap take me off the mark take me off the M I'm trying to hit the group chat and tell them it's a com man resue take me out the take me out the TR take me off the take me off I'm trying to I know how to confess my love like want to test my love for you don't know how to express my love that's why American [Applause] expr my love [Music] you I need yeah I have like literally all this dust formed here because of well because I haven't sweeped it in a while and also the laundry and stuff that just like made a huge mess here I have these bags of like tripods and lights that I used to use like when I lived with my family and I would use it for like my little Studio area where I would do like try- on hauls and stuff but I honestly don't need them I need to put them on like Marketplace or something so I can sell them this area is like super messy this is my last load of laundry actually that's my last little of laundry that's like a bunch of Rags from yesterday that I need to clean so I just need to pop it in the dryer and then I'm done all my laundry here I have all my cleaning supplies and stuff so I'm going to like reorganize it I've been kind of putting my shoes like away so I have like my shoes all there right now um I don't think I'm going to like reorganize it or anything I think my shoes are fine and then my long boots I don't really have like any more space for shoes I also have this cabinet here which I already have stuff there and then here along the door that is my TV box I don't think I want to throw it away because in case I move and then this is like Recycling and garbage that I need to take down I think I'm going to put them in the corner where you saw the boots I'm going to put them in that corner I'm going [Music] to a minute since we last K by the way just got in town and I won't let hum This Cloud fall in the sky Ru my usually I don't do this often but since recruting isn't option on you raining Thunder baby I wonder baby I wonder put put youat on put your sweat on me yeah [Music] okay we're going to do the bathroom now I have all my cleaning stuff here and a new pair of gloves for the bathroom and then I did want to try this one this is the toilet brush that I got it's from Scrubbing Bubbles I think I'm going to try this out and then we'll see if it works otherwise I'll use my other one but um I'm just going to get started we'll do the mirror the counters the tub the toilet and then we'll do the floors and everything I'm going to grab these mats this mat and the mat in my bedroom bathroom so I can get them clean before we're done in the bathroom so let me do [Music] that just say you will come through ch ch just say you well well well I'm doing chill chill I all there's a stain right here I'm going to use the Magic Eraser hopefully it comes off yep literally got rid of it okay I'm going to start the tiles now I actually really like this Clorox foer disinfectant bleach I'm going to go ahead and bleach the walls here so that we can really disinfect [Music] everything I'm actually going to go in again I'm going to use this bathroom foam by Lysol and I'm going to spray it now and then do the same thing I actually like to do two different things just to like really make sure that I'm cleaning it I don't know what's right and what's wrong but I just like to do it this way now this stuff can be super toxic so you don't want to breathe it [Music] in for my shower I don't really know know the best way to do this cuz the shower head is like attached to the wall so I like to go in with a like a big cup or something and then just pour water on the walls to rinse [Music] it I'm going to go in with Scrub Daddy and Clorox and we're going to do the tub and scrub it [Music] all like you will well well I'm doing chill chill chill just [Music] you so we're down the shower I'm going to take everything away from the toilet area like the plunger the toilet brush so this is the toilet brush okay I put this thing on and this goes on there so I guess it has like the solution on there so I'm going to go in with a couple Clorox wipes to really just like wipe it down before I really get in there and clean it of course you guys can do whatever floats your [Music] boat you well well [Music] [Music] up show Pi up Pi up pick up [Music] okay so I'm going to go in with this room freshener or like um what do you call it f Breeze this one is Hawaiian I'm going to go ahead and put it in here I never actually use these I'm going to start too cuz my mom told me it helps with like the scents and stuff all right you guys we're all done at the first bathroom now I'm going to do my bathroom and then we should be done [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] you all right guys I am going to start the shower this is going to be the real deep clean and then the toilet and we should be done I'm exhausted [Music] I just want to know you my friend I just to know we're going to do the foam and then I think I'm going to go in maybe to scrub a little some certain spots guys [Music] day in my mind to take your step out I'm in now let your Ed Out close some ice you be heavy in my mind you get the heck out I now got me you so [Music] youy I I wasted [Music] will want to try believe me [Music] I'm finally done the second bathroom it looks so good smells so nice in here I just put a towel there I actually switched out my shampoo and conditioner the other ones were pretty much done but yeah smells so good in here and I'm like really happy that I have this now I'm going to get more of these but anyways I'm going to check in with you guys tomorrow so I can show you guys like the full place but [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Kisha Alejandra
Views: 75,188
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SPRING DEEP CLEAN, massive DEEP CLEAN, deep clean motivation, cleaning motivation, satisfying video, cleaning routine, deep clean bathroom, satisfying cleaning, motivational cleaning, extreme cleaning motivation, speed clean, extreme clean with me, ultimate clean with me, speed cleaning motivation, Deep clean with me, Weekend cleaning routine, Sunday reset, Cleaning day, Deep clean, sunday reset, reset, MOTIVATION, SATISFYING, RESET ROUTINE, speed clean with me, spring reset
Id: i3lyMPijxDk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 4sec (2044 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2024
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