end of year MOTIVATION💡sticking to my routine + productive healthy habits + 5am mornings

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[Applause] [Music] tell me you still up it's 5 a.m. and I'm drunk right now tell me we still fu in the right now me you feel right now just Dr and I know I know I know I know I know I know I know I [Music] li again I could be drunk baby I don't want to sound I got I just [Music] [Music] you search feel hey guys so it is currently November as we all know and I feel like towards this time of the year we all tend to slack off and lose motivation because we're like H we'll wait for January it's the holiday season but I feel like now's a time to stay consistent and push through even more and then you could kind of just like take the holiday season to reset like when Christmas is and stuff before January but I personally tend to let myself really slack off during this time of year and kind of like let go my routine not work out but we're doing the opposite of that this year because being in a routine makes me feel good it makes me feel healthy and I just feel like it's really hard to get motivation in November and in December because January is right around the corner so we're just kind of waiting for that to come but you can always delay things further like you can always say you're going to start working out tomorrow and then it's going to be oh next week and then it's just going to keep delaying and delaying whatever goals you have don't wait till January don't push it off just start it now why wouldn't you anyways I'm just going to Vlog take you guys along my week this week and show you guys that I'm sticking to my routine and we could do this together finish off the end of the year strong if you guys didn't watch my November monthly reset you should definitely watch that because I set some nice goals for this month and for the end of the year that I feel like are really important so it doesn't have to be January to set new goals you can do at any time of the year because January if you really think about it it's just another month energetically yes it's like a new beginning almost but at the same time it's like it is just another month so you can start anything whenever you want but yeah I'm just supposed to leave the house house to run some errands so I will talk to you guys in the car I'm just wearing this white box sweatsuit I just want it to be really comfy today and then I'm just going to put like a person Uggs on so that's the vibe for today I just got to the gym I'm thinking about signing up for membership or actually already decided that I'm going to sign up for membership I already work out three times a week I go to oxygen Yoga and Fitness and I love their classes so much they're infrared heated so I get a good sweat in and I get to detox cuz when you sweat you detox so much and it's really really really good to sweat so make sure you guys are sweating a couple times a week at least because the detoxification that sweating does for your body is just so good but anyway so I really just want to get a gym membership because I miss lifting weights and I just miss having the freedom of being able to go to a gym whenever I want I used to be a gym girly like I would go to the gym three at least three times a week and like lift weights so I used to do the gym consistently I never used to do workout classes so now I'm kind of doing the opposite it but I realized now I kind of want to blend the two and do workout classes and I want to do the gym so maybe what I'll do is I'll do two oxygen Yoga and Fitness classes a week and then go to the gym two or three times I'm just going to really just listen to my body and do what I want but I definitely want to incorporate like lifting weights again to just feel stronger so I'm going to go in now and I booked like a free 3-day pass so I can get a tour and then I just want to like test out the gym and get a tour first before committing to it because I want to make sure I like The Vibes in there and like I want to make sure I work out before you know committing to a membership I was going to wait till January to do this but I'm like why why am I waiting when I want to do this now like let's just like get on let's just get on it you know so that's what I'm doing right now I'm just going to go inquire about the past and everything and I'll let you guys know how I like it I started drizzling a bit which I'm kind of sad about cuz I don't want to get my hair wet cuz I just curled it yesterday but we'll run in okay let's [Music] go so I just went grocery shopping and now I'm just going to stop by Myan Meats because I just need to get some ground beef because I'm making a chili tonight I've just been in my soup era and chili just sounds so cozy since it's raining today so that's going to be dinner for today I'm so excited it just sounds so good and I bought like tortilla chips to go with it but anyways okay let's go do one last eron and then we'll be home I'll give you guys a little bit of a grocery haul oh by the way the gym was pretty good I got like a free trial so we're going to see I'm going to go tomorrow and I'll let you guys know how it is but yeah anyways [Music] [Music] okay I just got home but here's a mini grocery haul so I just got some chips for the chili tonight I got jalapeno lime because because that's my favorite flavor and these are the organic version then I just got some organic potatoes some green onion for the chili some salad for this week some avocados chicken broth I got two teas in everyday detox and a lemon balm and then some Zas and then I got some diced tomatoes for the chili tonight red kidney beans and then I also got pinto beans onion I got some chili powder Pepper for the soup tonight and then I got these salt and vinegar chips these are so good and and then I just got some yams and some eggs and then I just got some fish for this week and then some ground beef for the chili tonight but yeah that is a little [Music] home so I just got an Amazon package show you guys what I ordered because my hair has been shedding I'm not even getting you so much recently I can tell so many baby hairs are growing back I have so many layers underneath my head of like just like tiny baby hairs and all around and I think my hair is going through a shedding cycle my hair is falling out like crazy my hair is shedding everywhere it's every time I like touch my hair I have a million hairs in my hand but it's regrowing at the same time I've noticed this happens to me like year after year like at this time of the year and so I bought some things to help me along this shedding because it's actually ridiculous how much hair I'm losing and I know I'm not going bald or anything like it's growing back but like it's just crazy and I just hate having hair everywhere like I'd rather not lose that much hair so anyways I got like this hair tool thingy iming that I'll show you guys later when I do it in the bathroom but I just want to start taking better care of like my scalp and my hair in general and I know that that does start from the inside out but also there's some like topical things that you can do like give yourself head massages make sure the blood is flowing through there for hair growth and putting like hair oils on hair masks and stuff like that so I definitely want to start doing that more often but from Amazon I got this organica enhanced collagen this is grass-fed I will have this linked down below I was watching this video on like hair growth and stuff and hair Fallout and they said that you should be taking collagen to just like help fortify your hair and stuff like that so I'm going to start taking collagen and you can mix this in your smoothies your coffee I'm probably most likely going to just put it in my coffee every day and I will let you know if I see any results collagen is just good in general for your hair skin nails so I'm excited to start taking this and I'll have a link down below but anyways I think I was just doing some editing and I'm going to start making dinner now I'm going to start making the chili it's going to be so good and [Music] [Music] cozy [Applause] [Music] chili is officially done it looked so good I'm going to dress it up with like green onions and avocado and then some chips but so excited to eat this I will have the recipe link down below here she is all plated up if you guys do dairy I would totally put cheese and sour cream in it and we're going to eat those lime tortillas on the side so cozy hey guys so I'm just getting ready for bed now but I wanted to show you what I bought for my hair these little bottles I got them off Amazon I will have them linked down below and I suck at l things you guys know this so if I forget just give me a comment and I will link them but it came in a pack of three for only $10 and I don't know if you can tell but like you know how when hair serums they come in like a little bottle and they have like a little like a dropper thing and you have to individually go through your hair with that dropper and it's like it makes no sense cuz it's like how are you supposed to disperse the product correctly that's what these are basically made for so I actually made Rosemary water if you guys don't know Rosemary water water is a natural hair growth hair thickness remedy and it's supposed to um help prevent hair loss so all you do is you get like Rosemary from the grocery store at my local grocery stores they just come in little packs and then you just boil it on the stove for like 20 minutes and then let it sit let it cool and that is your Rosemary water you can search up a YouTube video how to do it in depth but anyway so it only lasts for 5 days in the fridge but I just got this out of the fridge so I'm going to be staying consistent with this and putting this Rosemary water in my hair every single day CU apparently it does wonders and it sucks that it's going to make my hair wet cuz I don't really want to get my hair wet but hopefully it's not too bad because like I'm not going to drench my whole head it's just going to be like on my scalp area so it shouldn't be too bad it's really nice how it like has so many bristles to disperse it and then all I do is I go like this like around my head and that's it I also have these two hair serums the ordinary multipeptide serum for hair density and then I have the wh scalp serum so I've been using both of these as well but as I said as you can tell these products only have The Dropper so it's like I don't that's not getting you very far with your scalp um like it's hard to disperse that it's like this is all that you have to do and I'm going to try to keep up with this every single day and I will let you guys know if I see a difference and I'm also going to do like nightly just like massages for a couple minutes that's the plan of action for my hair but I'm going to go to bed I will see you guys in the morning cuz it's already like 7:45 I go to bed so early but I like to have like my time in bed it's like no other being in bed reading a book and just chilling so comfy I like to go to bed at least like an hour before I actually go to sleep because I need to like wind myself down I can't just go to bed and sleep right away I just don't like to do that but anyways good night I will see you guys [Music] tomorrow [Music] good morning you guys I am just about to leave for the gym to try out the new gym for the first time which I'm excited about and I'm going to do like a leg day workout just to start like lifting weights again but I'm going to go really easy today just because I don't want to overwork myself since I haven't really lifted in a while but I have just this cozy fleece on today and I'm wearing my Ria butter jumpsuit and I just feel really comfy and I'm in The Vibes to go to the gym this morning I don't know what was wrong with my stomach I had to sit on the couch for like half an hour and just stare at the wall because my stomach was hurting so bad I don't even know what it was to be honest but it was just hurting so bad I couldn't do anything and like that delayed my morning a bit but it's currently almost like 9:30 now so it's not that bad I mean I wanted to leave earlier but it's fine like I couldn't do anything about my stomach it was just like aching so bad and I could barely go about my morning routine but then I just had to wait till it passed so I'm better now and I'm excited to work out today the sun is out which is so nice and beautiful the trees are just so orange I'm definitely going to go on a walk sometime today I just kind of want to start like tapping in more to what I want to do as exercise rather than forcing myself so since I like want to start going to the gym I'm going to do that and honestly I'm just going to take a day by day I'm not going to give myself like a super super strict schedule I still want to have movement every day I still want to work out a lot like not every single day but like Monday to Friday like work out whenever I want at least three times a week but if I feel called and inclined to do more than that then I'll go more than that and if I don't then I'll just go three times a week and if I want to book a workout class I'll book a workout class if I want to go to the gym I'll go to the gym like just kind of listening to my body and making working out fun rather than a chore cuz I feel like it's always been a chore to me and I feel like to a lot of people working out is just a chore and so try to make it something where you can make it a little bit more fun if that's possible to you whether that's like finding a new gym or finding just like a workout class that you like um and going there once a week or going on long walks or running like whatever that is to you just like try a bunch of different things and see what you really like doing because working out should definitely be something that's enjoy enjoyable yes you kind of have to push and force yourself sometimes like I'm not saying you're always going to have the motivation but like at least try to do something that like gets you a little bit excited and switch things around because for me doing the same thing repetitively over and over again I became like a robot and then I just don't enjoy it anymore so I personally in my workout routines and stuff I need like change so that's what I'm going to start like integrating more is like more changes and stuff like that but yeah that is my rant of the day but anyways okay let's go to the jck [Music] lay pillow I want you to say myose your eyes I got four Double Espresso shops cuz that's all that I really use my espresso for is like lattes so I got two double espressos and these are Dolce and then I got two double espresso Beyond o dopo these are supposed to be like a little bit sweeter for like lattes and stuff but I wanted to try both so and that is the little espresso haul I have another one in here I just wanted to show you guys my smoothie lineup here so I'm going to be putting frozen banana blueberries and then this protein powder which is really really clean and then also some of this yogurt which is also really clean it's plant-based and then also this coconut water just for hydration and then I'm also going to add a little bit of coconut milk as well I just eyeball everything honestly I don't really have measurements [Music] but I just got ready for the day a little bit and I'm just going to make a coffee now [Music] just brewed an espresso shot and I thought that I would show you guys my iced latte recipe cuz it's so easy and I feel like it's like a healthier alternative so what I do is I add about two little of these teaspoons of maple syrup into the espresso shot and I find that's like the perfect sweetness for me and I mix it in here just because it mix is the best since this is hot okay so now I'm just going to add some ice to my cup and this is the milk that I'm using it's my homemade cashew almond milk I will link the recipe down below for the video that I put it in and then just put the espresso shot over top of the milk and that is literally it it is so good and it's so much healthier especially since I use my homemade milk and maple syrup instead of like processed sugar but I'm telling you that best recipe ever cheers so now I just got my little work set up here with my coffee my laptop my phone and I'm going to get some work done for a couple of hours [Music] hopefully hey guys so I just finished my work for the day and editing and all that but I wanted to tell you guys that I am starting to do a language course again and I'm so excited because since I'm not in school I love the opportunity to learn and I'm doing it through lingoda and I would love to thank them for sponsoring today's video the reason why I love their classes specifically so much is because they do it live and online over Zoom with only three to five students you feel way more immersed in the course it allows you to have real time and like real life conversations with your classmates and they also have the most experienced teachers which give you such great feedback their classes take place 24/7 so if you're a busy gal their classes are so flexible and you can also do them from wherever since they're on zoom and they're only an hour long so here's me booking a class on Loda and I decided to go with learning Spanish just because I feel like it's a universal language and I've just always wanted to know how to speak it and so as you can see it was really easy to book and I ended up booking a 300 p.m. class just because I I feel like that's the perfect time for me when I'm kind of finishing my work up for the day and right before dinner and I'm super excited go has this thing called their Sprint challenge what this is is it's an intensive 30-day course designed to help students build an everyday language learning habit and also stay motivated the spring challenge also has rewards if you complete it you get 50% cash back or you can get 30 credits back and like this video is about pushing ourselves at the end of the year this is such a great challenge to do honestly their classes are just so much fun and the fact that this Sprint challenge gives back to you if you complete it is such a motivating factor if you guys want to sign up for LOD you can use my code Michaela Bento for $25 USD off in addition to the already 30% off that they have right now so yeah thank you so much to lingoda for sponsoring today's video I think me and Joel are going to go on a walk now cuz it's just so beautiful I think I'm going to have leftovers for dinner I got to check the fridge but that's the vibe for the rest of the [Music] day as you can see my room is kind of a mess so I just want to tidy it up a bit I'm going to do that right now it's not too bad but I also want to get some laundry in as well so let's do a quick clean up and some [Music] laundry [Music] hey guys so I just finished tidying up my room and it feels like a million times better but I got a little haul from garage that is so cute it's their new holiday collection and I just wanted to show you guys a few pieces if you have any holiday parties or to wear your Christmas dinner the first item that I got is this little cute coret with little tiny sleeves are you kidding me it's velvet and it's so cute I'm obsessed with it and you can pair this with like a skirt jeans whatever and then the next top that I got is this beautiful backless it has like just a tie at the back um halter top type thing but are you kidding this is such like a Timeless piece that I feel like has always been in style this would look so nice with a pair of jeans and it just kind of dresses an outfit up and this red is beautiful especially for Christmas and I'm obsessed with the open B and then I got this beautiful dress I don't know if you guys can tell the pattern but it's this long black pattern dress with a slit and I already know this is going to fit so nice and it has like somewhat of an open back I will have everything linked down below so you guys can see but but oh my gosh I just cannot wait to wear this I'm going to do a try- on haul in my Tik Tok so if you want to see all the pieces on go look at my Tik Tok and then I just got two pairs of slouchy jeans from them these are their yeah they're called the slouchy Jean and I love this wash and I've just been like needing and wanting more jeans lately and garage has such good jeans and then I just got these um slouchy caros they're basically almost the same wash but these are cargo version and yeah that's my little garage haul but like I said everything will be linked garage is just so underrated and they're pricing is so good and affordable but anyways I just wanted to share that with you guys and I'm happy my room is like so much cleaner now my laundry is in so I think I'm going to make some cookies peanut butter cookies right now and then just like wind down for the night cuz it's currently 5:50 and then yeah just like transfer my laundry and stuff but yeah I'm going to go I think make some cookies right now it's also kind of funny because I would consider myself like a clean messy person I will let things get a little bit untiy I would say like I'll leave some clothes on the floor but it doesn't last long like my messiness can be there for like a day or two and then I'll clean it up so I don't know if I'm considered like if you were to live with me I don't know if you'd say I'm messy or clean but I'm feel like I'm just kind of like in between where I really like things organized and folded but I do let things get messy but then I clean it like it's not like I let it sit in the mess for like weeks I clean it right away I think that's considered clean but I don't know for me I just can't go any longer than like a couple days when things are messy because it's just like such an energetic thing for me that like I just don't feel like myself and I don't feel good energy if things are a mess I just feel so stagnant and I just really can't handle it but let me know down below if you guys are a clean or messy person I don't even know how anybody could be messy because to me it clogs my brain mentally like I need to clean or it's always in the back of my head like my house is a mess my room is a mess like I can't function properly and it I think it is actually scientifically proven that like a clean house emits like more positive energy for you so yeah really random but if you guys are feeling stuck or stagnant try cleaning your space and organizing things I feel like it just really really helps especially for like a nice energy cleanse so you don't have to wait for the new year to do that you can do it now which I probably would be even better to set you up for Christmas and for the new year but yeah random but I was just thinking of that I was like am I clean or messy but I'm definitely clean with like a hint of messiness sometimes when I'm in a [Music] rush never had someone to show me [Music] love we [Music] new because of you I can't go on make [Music] it good morning you guys Happy what day is today Wednesday it's Wednesday yeah actually my mom's birthday today so I'm going to text her actually right now I'm just headed to oxygen Y and fitness as usual I'm doing their power core class today which I'm so excited for actually I think that's like their favorite class of mine usually when I wake up at this time I'm really tired but today I don't know where this came from but I have a Boost of energy I actually was watching a Tik Tok about this science about women versus men waking up super early and apparently it's a lot easier for men to wake up really early because of the testosterone that floods through their veins in the morning like they get a shot of testosterone and apparently women only get that same shot of testosterone when they're ovulating so only for like a week or 5 days or however long that is and so when you compare women to men for morning people men have more mental Clarity in the morning and all this stuff more energy and that's why a lot of men can just kind of get up and go about their day early in the morning and have that energy versus like you see a lot of women sleeping in and getting more sleep than men because scientifically women like need more sleep but I don't know I might be ovulating I guess because this morning I woke up completely fine like okay yeah it was really hard to get out of bed and I did snooze it an extra time this morning but once I was actually up like I am awake now and usually at this point I'm still like tired but I'm not even tired at all right now like it feels like it could be 2: p.m. so I don't know how that works but it must be ovulating because I do notice that there's certain times of the month where I could wake up way easier than other times so maybe that's why with like the same amount of sleep yeah I don't know I mean I always aim for at least 8 hours if I can get more that's amazing but I need minimum eight and even still with minimum eight there's some days where I wake up so exhausted and some days where I'm completely fine like today so I don't know but there's apparently science behind it so it's really interesting because everybody's body at the end of the day too works a lot differently so you just have to do what's best for you and what feels good and I've always been somebody who just like really loves my sleep like I could sleep for like 15 hours I swear if I had no alarm but also that is kind of unhealthy because you can also oversleep and that's not good so I kind of have to set those boundaries with myself or I was like okay if I get 8 hours I'm good to go like I I can get up like it's hard but I can do it but if don't get 8 hours I will not force myself to wake up so but yeah anyways let's get working out and do some power core happy hump [Music] [Music] day leave me out the comments leave me out of nonsense speaking out of context people need some content [ __ ] trying to keep up [ __ ] is not a cont weing best concept what my says proof is in the progress's not busy [ __ ] you know sorry if you guys hear leaf blowers in the background they're just doing around my house right now I'm going to put this organica the collagen that I bought inside the little Nespresso cup here and I'm going to melt my my espresso shot right on top of it I think that this is going to be a perfect way to have my collagen so that is the plan I just wanted to show you guys like how I'm going to drink [Music] it so today I added in my coffee ice cubes that I put in my little heart ice cube TR cray with coffee so that my coffee doesn't get too watered down with the normal Ice Cube It's a little hack that I like to do sometimes when I have the coffee ice cubes is just use my leftover Brew um when I make drip coffee and then add it to an ice cube tray and that is literally it and then it's perfect to put in ice coffee or a latte or [Music] something hey guys so I have been editing for like 5 hours straight and I just needed like a mental braak so I'm just chilling and I'm about to make a carrot salad as a snack but I have been purposely avoiding social media during the day because I got to a point where I was like scrolling on Tik Tok in the middle of everything like if my edit were to take like a minute to load I would go on Tik Tok for that minute and I'm like what am I doing and it's just been consuming my life I feel like social media has been and I've just been like on my phone way too often and it's just been clogging up my brain it feels like and for the past like week and a half now I have not been on my phone during the day obviously at night time like I let myself do whatever ever cuz I'm just relaxing but I am setting firm boundaries with my phone now because I'm either like extremist and I won't go on Tik Tok like at all or I let myself go on it whenever but I kind of want to make a balance between the two so I decided what I'm going to do is during the day I'm not going to let myself scroll on social media but then at night when I'm relaxing like after dinner and stuff I have the green light that way it's more of a balance instead of completely restricting myself and I don't know I just feel like there's so much information and there's so much garbage on the internet and it's just really hard to live your own life sometimes and you're just constantly consuming it so much ties into that like comparison to other people almost like living through other people while you scroll online it's pretty unhealthy because it's like go and live your own life you know what I mean I saw this quote and it was like if you were in a movie and you were the main character would it be exciting or would you just be on the couch or in bed scrolling on social media all day you know what I mean so when I saw that I was like that is so true what do I really want to do with my my life because if you keep these habits up every single day and just scroll on social media every single day for like the whole day before you know where you're going to be like 50 years old then your whole life was basically just scrolling on social media and I really realize that when I don't scroll and when I restrict myself it forces me to think outside of the box it forces me to be more creative with my time and to do things that I would normally procrastinate and put off because since my phone is off boundaries I have so much more time and you would be surprised how much more time you actually have and how much you do pick up your phone almost like an instinct because it's become such a habit and it's funny because I will pick up my phone and then go on Tik Tok and I'm like oh my gosh I literally can't allow myself to go on Tik Tok and then I put it down and I realize but it's like such a habit to do is just pick up my phone and go online something that I really want to work on especially going into this next year so this is a habit that I want to stick to it's not going on my phone during the day just because things can be so toxic and I want to live my life and not live through other people on social media and I feel feel like YouTube is just a different ball game for me like watching YouTube videos if I'm sitting down to eat and I want to watch a video or something like for breakfast or whatever um I will put on a YouTube video instead of scrolling on Instagram or Tik Tok just because I feel like YouTube I don't know it's my safe place and I also get a lot of motivation from YouTube and I'll just put on one video and that is it I won't go yearning for more Tik Tok we also never really give our brains any time to think every single time we're waiting in line at Starbucks we're at a restaurant waiting for our food and especially for aone our natural in in is to just pick up our phone and let the time go by that way while scrolling but it's like what if you didn't have your phone what if you didn't have social media and you just stood in silence waiting what kind of thoughts can come to your head what kind of creative ideas can you think of it's just funny to think because I feel like we're just consuming so much of our brains capacity with social media nowadays and other people's lives other people's opinions products and whatever but that makes it so much harder to form our own and we don't give ourselves time to even form our own because every spare second that we have we just pick up our phones and it's become such a habit for I feel like everybody so I'm trying to make a effort and I'm going to hide the apps on my phone screen so I can't just like instinctively click on them or you can also go in your settings and you can put boundaries for yourself a lot of people say that they quit Tik Tok but then they'll be on Instagram reals and I'm sorry but it's like the same thing yeah I just feel like social media can be so toxic and it is a tool as long as you use it correctly though and not consume your life with it so yeah I just feel like not doing that me with so much more time in the day and I'll look at the clock and I'll be like oh my gosh it's only 1: p.m. right now that's crazy and it's like mentally because I save so much time not going on my phone the time goes by so much slower and Tik Tok is called Tik Tok for a reason because the time goes by so fast when you're on it and it's just like such a dopamine rush but I just know it's bad and I really want to set healthy boundaries with it so that's what I'm doing I just thought that I would talk to you guys about that because I feel like it's just a problem that a lot of people have and staying away from it these past week and a half it's made a huge difference in My overall mood too and like my mental Clarity and I've just like been more creative this week in general and felt really really good so give it a try if you guys feel kind of stuck in a social media rut as well and I promise you you'll feel so much better and you'll actually feel like you're living your own life anyways I'm going to make a little carrot salad now and it's my mom's birthday today as I said earlier so I'm going to go for dinner at my house to see her since it's her actual birthday today but yeah that's the plan for the rest of the day let's make a little carrot salad so apparently carrots are really good for hormones and this little salad is actually really tasty so it's the perfect snack but all you got to do is peel a carrot into a bowl just in like little slices or whatever these are called peelings so after you peel your carrots just drizzle it with some olive oil and then put some vinegar in this is just white wine vinegar put some salt and pepper this is how how it should look and you just got to mix it up a little bit and I eat it with chopsticks it's amazing it's so good and carrots are supposed to be like I said really good for hormones so I'm trying to balance my hormones and I've been trying to have this at least like once a day just as a perfect little snack I'm just going to eat this now and do a little bit more editing I am currently just finishing up editing I've been seeing 111 so much recently the angels have been talking to me but anyways I'm home alone right now and it feels so weird because I'm never home alone like I feel like Joel's always home with me we always have like our separate rooms that we go in he works in his office all day I'm down here all day and technically I'm alone all day but like he's still in the house so it's still his presence but it feels so weird being completely home alone I don't know what it is I just feel like I'm never home alone and it's like a weird feeling being in my own completely just alone I've never lived completely alone before so maybe that's why every time I'm alone I'm just kind of I'm not scared but it's just like a weird feeling I guess I don't know but Joel should be home soon anyways but I'm just waiting for him to come back because he has the car we share a car by the way because we don't we both work from home so it doesn't make sense to have two cars yeah I'm just waiting for him to get home and then I'm going to leave to my family's house to have dinner yeah this video is just taking me so long to edit but it feels good that I'm you know catching up on editing for the week because I leave it to the last minute a lot and then I kind of get kicked in the [Music] butt [Music] [Music] good morning you guys I just got to the gym I'm going to Jesus my voice voice is like not there today I just got to the gym and I'm about to work out I'm here at 8:00 so I think it's going to be a little bit less busy today so we'll test the waters and see but yeah this is the last day of my free trial so I'm probably going to sign up for a pass after this but I really didn't want to come this morning to be honest it was just the laziness of me like I'm completely fine it was just like me not wanting to work out I know I need to go like this is going to make me feel so good I need to move my body and I didn't we persevered and we're here which I'm really proud of myself for yeah I'm going to go in now because I wanted to start working out at 8:00 and it's 8:02 so I'm a little bit late but I had to snooze my alarm this morning even though I went to bed at 10:30 no went to bed at 11:00 last night but I had my alarm set for 7:00 and I woke up and I was like you're kidding like it's not already the morning and then I snoozed it twice because I just had to so then I kind of was like shuffling to get ready but I didn't like do a full morning routine this morning I just kind of had my bone broth and made my bed and that was about it I didn't do gratitude or anything cuz not every morning is going to look perfect and I know I portray that on the weekend mornings I don't even have a morning routine I really just give my myself the weekends to relax and do absolutely nothing there's that side that I don't show plus like today I didn't do everything that I wanted to do my morning routine because I just wanted to honestly get to the gym and wake myself up and that's okay like not every day is going to look the same it's okay if you can't accomplish every single thing every day because we're not perfect we're human beings and it's fine like it's chill so I realized like in the morning if if I don't start moving my body right away I get so tired like I need to wake up and keep moving if I sit down on the couch I'm done like I am going to be falling into a nap that's why I can't meditate in the morning because I just fall asleep there's no keeping me up as soon as I sit down for meditation 5 minutes and I'm sleeping um but I realize that what I have to do in the morning in order to keep myself awake is just keep moving even when I do my gratitude like I just do it on the table and I don't go on the couch because then I'm like upright at least least but every after every task that I do I have to keep moving myself or I get really tired so that's why working up first thing is really beneficial for me cuz it wakes my body up right away and I feel so awake during my workouts so that's why I love doing it first thing in the morning I'm not a night workout person like I'm somebody who needs to work out in the morning and I won't go at night because it does wake me up so with that being said okay it's 8:04 let's go work out [Music] I when I'm with you [Music] hey can I get a venty um peppermint mocha with three espresso shots Y and then what do you want bab a grande gingerbread latte a grande gingerbread latte with coconut milk with coconut milk and no whip and no whip coconut milk and no whip yeah that's all thank you perfect see you at the window see you at the window Christmas drinks baby we're so excited this is our first time that we're getting the Christmas drinks this season I'm so excited cuz I haven't been to Starbucks in so long because you guys know I've been trying to cut out like processed sugar and stuff but once in a while ain't going to kill you so I like to have a little sweet treat once in a while okay but this is ridiculous I was looking at their menu and at their white chocolate mocha they peppermint white chocolate mocha oh my gosh I actually gasped 72 g of sugar in the Grande if you guys are going to order the white chocolate peppermint mocha just like beware because you don't want to get like a sugar attack so yeah the gingerbread latte has 30 which is still a lot like it is a lot but it's not as bad as 70 so just like beware because you can definitely get like really bad Jitters if you have too much sugar and not feel well so I feel like it's just important to look at the sugar intake before you order something just if you're sensitive to that thank you so much it is the season cheers you guys so I think you heard what I ordered already but I discovered coconut milk at Starbucks and it's so much better than their almond milk because I'm not having oat milk right now but it's a lot better than their almond milk cuz I feel like almond milk just makes it really watery in my opinion so coconut milk I know it's like ew that's going to be so coconuty but it's not it actually like the coffee and the sugar it disguises the taste of the coconut and then it ends up tasting like creamy so it's really good first Christmas drink of the season cheers okay let's taste it oh my God that's so good m m that that is pretty good it's good right it's very gingerbread mhm versus the sugar cookie which kind of just tastes like a vanilla L okay on popular opinion I don't like the sugar cookie latte I don't know what it is or why I don't like it I don't I just don't like it this doesn't taste like a sugar cookie yeah I'm really happy they have the gingerbread latte back cuz I didn't have it for the past 2 years and it's their first time having it back and this used to be my favorite so I had to get it for nostalgic reasons we're going to set up our Christmas decorations next week we were planning on maybe doing it this week but I wanted to do this video instead so next week we're going to do a Christmas decoration video so get excited because that is going to be a Christmas Vibes video and then from there it's basically just going to be a lot of Christmas content so please leave any video ideas you guys have if you want to see maybe Christmas downtown Vlog I don't know let me know what you want to see holiday recipes there's so much I can [Music] do hey guys so we're currently in Ikea because we are trying to set up curtains finally and I'm so excited so I'm going to bring you guys along the process and show you guys like what we got for the setup and everything but I'm so excited I've been wanting to put curtains in our house for so long now and Joel like did all his research so he knows what to buy and the measurements so he's helping me out he's going to be doing them for me but we're just shopping around right now and seeing like what curtains we like and and I'm so excited today is the day and yeah I just want curtains cuz it's going to make our house feel so much more homey and I don't know I'm just really excited it's always been like a weird dream of mine to have like cute curtains but I never could have them in my room at home and in our apartment there wasn't really anywhere to put curtains cuz like we had Florida ceiling windows so I'm just like so excited to live out my cute aesthetic home dreams so this is the before of the sliding door that we want to put the curtains on I just don't really like the look of the blind it just looks really plain and we don't really want to keep this window open for privacy reasons so we always keep the shades down so I just thought it would look really really nice with a with just curtains along to make it look more like appealing so yeah I just think it's going to really Elevate things since we don't even open this anyways for the curtains we got two packs of these Riva and that's the name of the ones that we're going to put up here and we got a different set for upstairs but this is all the tools for Joel and he's going to start setting them up right now how close do you want honestly no the closer the [Music] better yeah we're going I'm going to walk two panels okay don't mind the bed being undone but here's the before of the no curtains I just wanted to show you guys the bedroom I just feel like it's going to look so good and cozy with them I'm so excited Joel's doing it literally right [Music] now so here's how the curtains turned out excuse the mess this is going to be made more of a Vibe and I really want to also put a lamp in this corner here so stay tuned for that in next week's video because I'm also going to be decorating for Christmas so I'm excited for that but I'm also going to get rid of like the fall leaves I have in here so I'm just going to put like maybe candles or something I am obsessed with how the curtains turned out they look amazing and they really just change up the vibe in this room I can't wait until like it's all finished I just feel like it's going to be such a good vibe so make sure you watch my next video to see like the end result but I love these curtains I will try to have them linked down below and they just really made a difference in the space we put two packs of curtains on this Rod because it is a longer length and one pack was not enough but it made them super volumptuous as you could tell they're nice and pleated at the top which I really love it's giving luxury and I love it and here is how the curtains turned out in the bedroom I think that they look so amazing and it just gives such a different vibe I don't even know how to describe it Joel wasn't sure at first but I was like no trust me and it makes the biggest difference the room just feels so much more cozy now and it feels so much more like done what I want to do next is like put a picture frame in like on top of the bed and I feel like that'll just complete things a lot lot more for now we're making very good progress and I am obsessed with the way the curtains look these are a different pair than downstairs so I will link them down below and let you guys know what the name of of these and as you can see these kind of drape on the floor a bit but it gives such an elegant Vibe we were going to hem them but I decided not to because I love the way that it looks so yeah I am obsessed and I'm so glad that we decided to do [Music] curtains I'm going to like you that bit I do all I cry I'm not long you Jing now me I Ain got problem
Channel: Michaela Bento
Views: 324,100
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: C0WhyfNH8ZA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 42sec (2862 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 12 2023
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