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yo what is up guys Fred here today we're gonna be Tia doing this long vs DC video and of course and we're gonna start with our first lesson there will be multiple lessons throughout this course and everything is in one video and it's free and the air is free the knowledge is free just grab your laptop download the vs DC editor link in description below 64-bit and 32-bit let's go okay hello guys today we're gonna start with starting a project so when you enter VSD seal there go to new project and play with some settings I'm gonna call this project course and you can fill out your name and author and publisher and stuff like that set device the free configuration Moorehead to other stuff later in its tutorial and set it to 1920 by 1080 pixels because that's some good that's a really full HD footage as you see here and frames per second level ii to 30 it also is depends on your footage and click on blank project then go to finish and as you see here we just opened the editor okay guys we're back in this tutorial number two starting off with the interface when as always before you doc play with the program you have to know how to control it how to play with him so let's go in first of all of course you can just hit play or press space on your keyboard this volume button controls the audio of the video but not in video just in your software so it's like controlling a voice on a laptop then we have these buttons right here this as you can see skip seconds skip seconds behind forward or previous and here goes back to the bib the previous keyframe and here we go to the next keyframe also we have two frame and frame okay so with frame by frame editing you want to be using these but we'll get to that in other parts now how can you add the videos and effects and stuff like that so first of all you have these three here the back the big three can count them like Thor Captain America Iron Man which is totally related that's not what we're here for we're here for heading so this is a button unless you add images this button lets you ask the sounds this button lets you add videos so I'm gonna go quick and choose a video that I can choose I'm gonna choose this sound effect and inserted here as you can see it gives me this pop-up screen so what is this pop-up screen okay from cursor position you just wear your cursor to this blue thing is placed this is where your video gonna be applied but if you have it in somewhere in your middle of the video you want it from the scene begin you just press C and begin or from the scene end but now what if I'm gonna see me again so I'm just impressed okay and here we have I have this video always set it on 1080p if you want the highest quality or videos and that's it how you import the videos okay guys we're back in this course number three and today we're gonna be doing the split cut trim and crop features in this in this software yes so basically no film or no video on YouTube ever have didn't have a cut splits or cropping and stuff like that these aren't like the major elements you want to start with when editing a video so that's we're gonna do it imagine like this video is too long but I want it all but it's too long so I have to distract trim it like 15 seconds point 4 so what I do is grab the cursor to here and just drag this till I reach the point I want which is 15 point 4 and this is how I just trimmed it now another way to trim it you can just like you'll move your cursor to like one point two and you can always see your position like down here so this is one point one if I just few frames a bit I get your one point two and I press the splitting and cutting the tool here and just split it into parts and then I can do I can press on this one make sure to deselect first press on this one hit control X but I'm gonna undo that because I want to show you if I want to cut something from the middle I have to go like maybe six and press it on and just split it out so here you see we have this middle one we can delete it and if you control this it will directly like a stick to it if you just just moved your video it will directly just stick to the other one like that so you're not gonna be able to see the cut here cuz this is like a one photo but I guess you get the idea now let's go to cropping so press this one go to crop and you can just resize it manually like right here now another thing you can do you can just like imagine if footage was like that or you can just say like this and you wanted to add a crop you can just go here and auto crop and you will have it crop like it to your full video lens and just you know you can just move these around and you'll have it ready so auto crop is not a really good tool it works more for images you see here it didn't give result on the video it's more of an image stuff to do so that's it for this part of the course see you the next time where I teach you how to add text and customize it okay guys here we are in this course and we're gonna create titles and customize them so this is a keyboard typing sound effect I'm not gonna line this is it so imagine I want to type keyboard like right here so if you want to hear the sound okay random typing on oops I wasn't supposed to say that anyways we continue to add a text you can go here and click on text and of course you can either from same beginning I'm gonna go for scene beginning because I wanted to be on my whole video so add some scene begin and you see you have this click and drag you click and drag the desired length of your text and here we go imagine how one of my key a keyboard so it's in white you can't actually see it has a deselect you we selected and you can choose from the text color you can choose black now you have a big variety of colors and played with colors like Civic teams consisting of currency themed deluxe themes and stuff like that just the big like bit confident that you know what you want in this search if you're not careful of what if you want you can search here it's not a big deal okay so now we see it's not the like the right size of my word that will be changed in a second I'm gonna change this change the size to like 120 and you see it doesn't fit so what we're gonna do is we're gonna just give this a bit of an out and here we are and if you want to like better control for the text just size it down like this we have a better control for the text now how you can change your font you can just go to this here and choose the font you want you can also download fonts I'll leave the link to download fonts in the description below and you can choose like something like impact which is built-in and you can actually just close it so yeah that's it I'm just gonna place it here and you see I have my keyboard keyboard so yeah that's pretty much it what you want to do to customize your text and more things are called quick contour color is basically what you can call a stroke so imagine I have this black stroke around it and my text color I lowered the opacity to zero you see I have this outline of my keyboard and that's a stroke it's you can start with a stroke but to let you understand it I'm gonna call it a stroke so yeah that's it that's it for this tutorial in my next tutorial I'm gonna show you how to add shapes and customize them and the SDC okay guys we're back here and the vs DC editor and first of all I'm gonna show you how to add your shapes so we have some good shades what you might know but not know what's everyone unless you have to click it you can go directly to add object and you will better so I want a rectangle by example and from the cursor position so I can click and drag my desired rectangle and you can choose this one for your filling so you're gonna go like pen color like at the black maybe brush color black yep that's works okay and you can customize it and you see here this is this have a stroke on it so maybe if the stroke can be changed by not this one and you can manually like changing or stuff like that so you can choose the rectangle style from you you have this round rectangles as well that you can use now this this is a free shape free shape I won't cause so you can actually just control these ones so how can you control the free shape you just double click on that shape you have these stage points the stage points you can like are like when you mask something like to edit it or something you can like move this like around and you can create a custom shape like I can create something like a something like a triangle right here and I created that using my shape points I can just move this here and create this rectangle rectangle destroy angle and stuff like that now you can also add custom points on this shape so go down to this free shape and you can like these like these and go to like insert point and the insert point like right here we see it like directly came through it and when you deselect this you can go to your shape and just manipulate with it around so that's a really good way to create the shapes and customize them also great for them a mask so if you see I can I can manipulate the shape here a bit and I can get some fascinating results okay I don't have something to shape it around and yeah that's it for this part of the tutorial another spoiler coming and and it's gonna be how to create transitions okay ladies and gentlemen we're back here at the dev we're gonna create some good and ugly transitions okay not Hockley but okay and imagine that I want to my shape to fade in okay so where's my shape you can see it around like here I can control this today and I want it like faded so I double click on it and I go to editor video effects transparency and I'll fade in effect and always want this from your scene beginning so you added this one in you can customize the shape you want I mean the lens and news go here and if you want to check it out we have nothing at our first frame but if you press play you'll see it will start to appear and it appears at final so imagine that I have the shape like about this length and I wanted just to fade out I go to video effects transparency and fade out so well of course I wanted to CNN and I can customize the fade out so I have this one and if you see now it will start to fade out so that's it of how you can create fade-ins and fade-outs ish ins I'll see you in my next tutorial then how to create a text mask ok ladies in general we're back in this tutorial today we got quick text masks all we're gonna do is open a new project and I have already my default settings and the one we did in the first tutorial so to do actually a text mask you really just gonna have to need a text like I'm not gonna lie you need a text so let's control this box and alright text okay so this text will help you put your video aside it so and of course you need something that is like really bold II so you can have a place to insert your and as a CEO this is a good well sized text and I'm gonna just adjust to get better control so now what you're gonna do is have to double click on that and when you're inside the text you go to add video I'm gonna replace the writing on keyboard sound effect and add it from scene beginning and pressing ok so now we see the text is linked to the video and it's really easy just gonna go to blend and add it the source in and that's how the text is in the video is in the text let's see if I move it up it will disappear but it's inside the text it takes the shape of the text so if you like this effect you can just continue watching this tutorial I'll learn more about vs DC editor I'll see you in the next tutorial which is how to create a cinematic title ok guys so in the previous course I created this text mask so but now I want to create a cinematic title so I'm just gonna go back to the scene and just delete this text and then I'm gonna create a new text and call it wait I was just gonna good this and call it this is in magic ok so this is our cinematic title guys and what we're gonna do is we're gonna but I'm gonna put a font that I've downloaded of course I'm gonna leave the link in the description of this font and where you can get free fonts so this is a synonym like a minute cinematic so this smile probably doesn't fit so I'm just gonna have to get it a bit depth ok so now what we're gonna do we're gonna add a Gaussian blur to this one so I got some blur it's just a blur so I'm gonna go inside the text by double-clicking on it and go to fillers and go to a Gaussian blur so of course we're gonna have it right here you can just adjust the duration do you like one second which is here and you're gonna have to manipulate these you cannot control the blur I'm gonna set it about this much about 15 and yes so after one second this will will disappear so what we're gonna do is now add a fade in so we don't have this it's like blurry thing all over the screen have to like just to fade in so I already explained how to fade and go to transparency go to fade in and go from seeing beginning and you just have to match it with the Gaussian blur so how's that till now is you see that it's fading and getting rid of the it's blur at the same time so that's a good sign so less thing I want to add is I want to add the zoom effect so I'm gonna go to video effects and go transforms and then go to zoom and of course I want it from the beginning now I'm gonna add the zoom I'm gonna control the levels from 100 does zero so by the time my zoom ends I'm gonna have it zoom from 100 to zero like that but that you can could you even you can tell is too much so 100 100 is like large-sized so I'm gonna increase that amount 120 to 100 and this must be a better better cinematic title I'm going to connect just this position and if you see it does this now if you want it to pop out like to the front we can also manipulate the settings by switching them up I'm gonna go 100 to 120 and press ok and here we see it's just popping out so and if you might gonna try and witness this right here you can just like create more zooming in it so you'll have just this effect so I hope you guys enjoyed this effect you learned about zoom and Gaussian blur and this effect I will see you in my next tutorial and it's how to add audio and adjust it ok guys so when the previous rule I created this cinematic the final effect but now I'm just gonna have to delete it and I'm gonna boost in put an audio and my music and just add this audio I used to use okay that sounded wrong okay so if you hear this I'm 0 okay so first of all if you want to lower the sound of the music or just going out to audio volume and decrease this about like the value you want I'm saying let me try it 22 okay that's a bit low so I'm just gonna increase it okay that's like much better so how he can adjust your audio it's really easy you have this whole tab of audio effects so let's I'm gonna just watch some amplitude okay so normalized audio is where you normalize your waves okay and amplify is where you amplify your race so if you have a low voice in it you can just like set it to higher but if you have like different types of waves like higher and lower you know and you want your sound to be just matching with the levels you have to press normalize audio so fade in and fade out like let me add a fade in here and you'll see that the audio will frame by frame will be can't even press this okay will be like increasing its sound if you if you hear this so it's like starting up with low volume but just at the end it just go higher and higher so that was a way to add audio steer to your receipt now another way you can always go to add object and create audio and let's cover up a bit of audio visualization so when you go to audio visualization you to go to spectrum what's the spectrum or is zone it's those waves you see going up and down and in real real videos music videos and stuff like that so if I play this now you won't see anything because I didn't add a source to my spectrums so I will cover it in another scene maybe this next tutorial and I'll see you on the next tutorial which is how to create spectrums ok guys I'm here to teach you how to create your own spectrums and vs DC editor first we want to add an object and then add an audio so I'm gonna press this audio I used in previous tutorial and just leave it so the great spectrum go to this icon right here and create on spectrum so and when you wanna pick your target pick the same one and press open and press ok so you like now you have to like click and drag your spectrums so you have it matching and if you play a preview you see that spectrums matches your sound ok you saw that the spectrums goes with the beat of it so now let's change some colors the start color I'm gonna change it to right about let's see maybe maybe some silver like that and mid color is gonna be also a bit like silver and let me see that okay that's like a thing that you can manipulate so you you have the types of the the spectrum you can add Peaks and you can add the gradient Peaks different the difference is that pix has only one color gradient Peaks have three color and customizable Peaks you have these cubes and also you have the gradient lines which is good for like a green overlays and stuff like that you see it just a thin line and the last one is gradient lines blur so it's more blurry now one more thing to do I'm just gonna set this back in the peaks and I'm gonna go to number of brands number of bends is how many spectrums you want so if I increase this look at the increase 'men of the spectrums and if I decrease it they will decrease from low to high level of sound so that's pretty much all that you can do till now and you can also create the scale type like log of magnitude power so when it powers up the sound it will have the other spectrum show up like this see so the best one is for you is the log of power oh I am NOT luck now the log of magnitude so it has many spectrums in it like this also another way to choose the spectrum is like create this an audio subtraction and from this one you're gonna create audio subtraction from same position and you have this so why are you subtraction better than spectrums it's of the types you can of the presets of it if you can check this out like a bit better field and if you check it out button just press this it loads first and I'm gonna press plane okay and it doesn't match sound because I have to just drag this one here and now see it just gives you better shape so let me destroy another preset like duty and then just choose another one like like you need I don't know you just have to manipulate these stuff by yourself if you see we have some weird going on right here okay sorry for the offensive words but that's everything into might know about subtractions abstraction sorry and there's a spectrum so you can manipulate this as much as you want and yeah so I'm gonna see you in my next tutorial that will be how to deal with hue and saturation in your photos and videos okay guys we're back to the hue and saturation so this is really fun color grading is really fun so I'm gonna teach you two types of a hue and saturation you have few and saturations of color and a year saturation of curves so I'm gonna start with the curves first so as you see here I have this great-looking red in my bedroom and I just want to pop it out so what I want to do is I'm gonna grab this point here and just grab the red color it gives me three points if I just lower these down I can remove any color I want except the red and if I increase the spread value I'm gonna have a brighter red and you can just adjust settings by tweaking these around so if you see I can just tweak these around and I have like a better color correction to everything in in the photo so let me just see how it is without color correction remove all points yes see you like Larry and stuff like that but if I redo my color correction and just increase the red decreases a bit right about here and decrease this one about here you'll see that I have better color correction in my photo now the other type I'm just gonna remove all my points here and now the other type is when you go to video effects adjustments and when you hear get the hue and saturation value they're gonna go to okay and here you are now your hue levels you can you joke you don't want to manipulate a lot in this one it's like the hue levels because look what happens when you manipulate them a lot like you get like this bright color you don't want that you definitely don't want that so I'm just gonna lower it down to write about no no I'm like fine so no in this parameter I'm gonna just like try and increase the values acceleration and as you see I have this bit of light I'm just gonna decrease them and as you see I have battle lightning and the value levels I'm just gonna increase them so I can get what if that's what's too much is but that showed you the effect of it so you just get okay this features be okay who cares about repeating okay so after it color correcting this you can merge these two effects so as you see they are in the same tab you can just now grab this one and claim your reds and now you can just take the color out of all all of them increase the red and now just increase the other colors and that's how you have perfectly color graded this picture as you see the colors are more bright like right now and secularized in general for staying this long to me with me and now we're gonna learn how to make greens and how to add green screen videos and how to keep them out okay guys we're back in this video and today I'm gonna show you how to create green screen effects and vs DC so first of all get your green spirit but it's put them up above your your footage you want to add the green keying to and as you see I have this Doctor Strange portal effect which we're gonna edit so when choosing this we'll go to video effects transparency and background remover there's the better feature of it a chroma keying and the pro version but who needs pro version so we're gonna go and just put this in the beginning of our scene and grab this get color from seeing I'm gonna get this color now if you see we have a lot of green left and that's why I just have to manipulate these settings so let's start with this one let's see if you decrease it we're gonna have some more green if you increase it let's see what's gonna happen okay so it doesn't do much so we're gonna go to minimum commissary and let's see if we increase it what will happen also I don't think that's from our benefit to increase it so let's try and decrease it so if we dig sorry so if we decrease it nothing also will happen but if we increase this one and we start to manipulate as you see we can key it out as not perfectly but if you just control and do everything by itself and just you know just and lower down this minimum brightness and if you like when you manipulate your settings you're definitely gonna get oh okay definitely gonna get some good results in your project so the reason this is not really working is because look at this the sparkles and everything it really makes it really hard to key on so if you can now go to this time and just start keying out what's left of the green and as you see here we're gonna have a good portal effect of Doctor Strange so thank you for tuning in to another video and in the next video I'm gonna show you how you can add gradient texts
Views: 9,784
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vsdc, tutorial, course, vsdc course, vsdc tutorial, color grading, crop, split, youtube, youtube video, edit videos, effects, free, learn vsdc
Id: G7qWwnsUe8s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 35sec (1835 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 18 2020
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