VSDC Free Video Editor - Basic Editing Tutorial Using Drone Footage

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how's it going everybody add Ricker here and I have VSD see free video editor pulled up on my computer right now the last video I posted on my channel before this one was the one with a bunch of fpv freestyle drone footage and flight footage and I edited the entire video with VSD see free video editor now there's also a pro version I didn't use the pro version but I'm gonna give away 10 copies of the pro version in this video all you got to do is down below comment hash tag vs DC and tell me what you like to edit what kind of videos you like to make I'm gonna pick one winner per week so this is an ongoing two and a half month giveaway it's gonna be awesome now the people at vs DC reached out to me and asked if I wanted to make a video and this video is sponsored so in that case what I'm gonna be doing is a tutorial on how to use vs DC if you want to follow along download the free software in the link below in the video description and I'm just gonna do a basic edit with some cutting some transitions some text and whatever else tickles my fancy as I go on right now vs DC is only available for PC users not Mac users by the way if you purchase or you win one of those pro license codes you would input that here in the activation tab and go to activate and then input your license code back to projects we're gonna hit new project to start a new project and product title we're just gonna say vs CC video tutorial whoops and then you can add some of this metadata stuff I'm not going to resolution we're going to select the resolution that we want to work with today I'm using 1080 1920 by 1080 Full HD clips 16 by 9 aspect ratio if you're shooting or you're you adding 4k footage obviously you'd pick one of these frame rates I'm gonna be using 60 frames per second clips but really they're 59.94 0 frames per second so if you do have an actual 60fps clip you can use 60 with 30 most clips are actually 29.97 zero frames per second anyway 59.94 zero make sure this all jibes with what you did frequency stereo all that stuff all right brick blank project is what we're gonna do and we're going to be importing some content we're going to be doing that once we get into the project finish all right here is our workspace and here's our timeline if you've used other video editors you know this looks familiar that this is a from left to right is beginning to end a timeline so at the beginning here is 0 seconds into the video and then about right here is 1 second into the video and then way over here it's 5 seconds into the video so from left to right is from beginning to end of the video as we move along and if we were to move this playhead which is this red vertical line here we move the playhead all the way to the beginning and we hit the play button or spacebar it will play over time and it'll reach the end of the project and stop so back to the beginning again if you want to play you can either hit the play pause button here the red one or you can use spacebar and start and stop that way now before we do much else I'm gonna teach you guys a trip that a trick I teach you guys a trip a trick that's gonna save you a lot of heartache and headache up here in the upper right says options click options and we're gonna go to saving options and make sure that you automatically save the project every 10 minutes 5 minutes whatever makes sense for you default it's on Never which means if you forget to save this thing and your computer crashes or the software crashes you're losing all of your work so every 10 minutes is what I usually use you know if I lose 10 minutes of work because my computer you know shut down unexpectedly that's ok with me ok the next thing we're going to do is on the upper left there's this little icon here this blue floppy disk icon says save project so I'm gonna save the project as well what I named it I never actually picked a place for it when I first gave it a title though so this is us officially saving the project for us to retrieve later on I'm gonna go into my scratch disk where I save a lot of my vlog project files I'm gonna save it right here same name the SDC video tutorial so saved now it says there are no items to show that's not surprising because we don't have any footage in here yet we got to import some footage to do anything so upper left add object click it drops down and go ahead and add video now I'm already pointed toward some clips that I've pre-selected here so if you had a bunch of clips and you wanted only a couple you know you can click one you can hold the shift key on your keyboard and select multiple or like what I'm gonna do cuz I want all of these I'm just gonna click once and drag across everything so that's holding with the mouse button and just dragging across at all and then hit open it's gonna take a second to add files to the project now here's where you can add some transitions right off the bat you can add like a fade or diffuse a page turn you can see what that might look like within this little previewed window and you can drag them into these spots in between each clip so from left to right we have garden glass building skyline sunset and tall building these are the five clips that I just imported I'm not gonna do any of that right now I'd rather control that in the timeline rather than dropping them into these you know this is this template wizard thing so I'm just gonna hit apply settings but I'm not gonna do anything and now it says initializing sprite what a sprite is and vsd see is sort of like its own little nested layer if you have worked with premiere or some of these other video editors that work with nesting clips but regardless you don't need to know that right now all we know is in this timeline it says sprite sprite one so if we double-click on sprite one up comes five of our clips and so for from beginning to end it's showing our garden showing our glass building it's showing our skyline it's showing our sunset and our tall building clips these are all taken with the oo tell Eve oh by the way originally they were shot in 4k 60 frames a second however I did convert them to regular 1920 by 1080 HD just to make it run a little easier on my computer while I'm screen recording now since the timeline runs from left to right beginning to enter the video that means that garden one here if I were to move that playhead over it is taking place first in the video and then we're having the glass building sunset taking place as the second clip in this video now these clips are very long this clip is about what a minute and a half long the entire thing I know I don't want to use a minute and a half of me flying around this this building now the reason that these clips are all staggered kinda like a stair-step is because unlike premiere and final cut you cannot have more than one clip on one video layer so you see how you have layers here this is video video video video video well I cannot move the glass building clip up to the same layer as the garden clip also if I were to drag this down so I want to have garden on the bottom and glass building up here it didn't really change anything it's gonna play back the same way however if I scoot glass building over here all of a sudden we're overlapping part of the garden clip and if you move the playhead over to it you can see part of the glass building clip is actually going to be playing and it's being shown over the end of the garden clip because of this overlap that's that's a way to edit things if you want to is just overlap some clips with other clips it's kind of a clunky way of doing it and we'll be doing some cutting and splicing in a few seconds or a few minutes here but that is one of those things where if you have a clip over another clip that top clip is going to be override again it's gonna be showing over it now I could reduce the opacity of this clip if we were to click on composition mode up here in the properties window and then click on opacity and drag opacity down we can start to see the garden layer appear all right a pasty back up to 100% with the glass building sunset clip now I have a pretty big computer screen but if you're having trouble seeing all of your video layers here you can shrink the preview window a little bit and get a lot more of your timeline I don't need to do that I'm gonna put it about right here so on a move glass building back here and my garden appears again and I'm gonna find that part of the garden clip that I really like so I wanna I like the green house here and I want to use that if I were to play right there I'm hovering over the green house okay I'm backing up and then I think I do a flyover pretty sure right there yeah I do a slow it is really windy that day you can tell I'd do a flyover and then I slightly pan up and right about there I don't want a well rapid bird the bird is pretty cool I don't want to see when I turn see how I turn and the cut right before that so I'm going to move my playhead back right about there before the drone starts moving so there are a couple ways to lop off the end of this clip I could drag the right side of the clip by clicking on the very edge and you can see my cursor moves from a pointer to this little double arrow line and I can click and drag the end of that clip that's that that's something that I can do if I wanted to or and here we go I'm going to do the undo button go ahead and go to edit up here in the upper left and hit undo we've just undid what we did and we can find another way to cut this thing so all I got to do is highlight the clip and I can either click on the clip or drag across it whatever dragging across allows you to select a bunch of Clips at once but we're only selecting this one I'm gonna go back up to editor here on the top or the top of the upper left and cutting and splicing we have split into parts or cut out fragment right here if we split into parts of this clip right at the playhead it's going to create two clips boom and as you see they're on their own video layers so the clip I don't want is actually right here the clip that I do want is right here so I could click on this one and just like delete right click and delete I can also hit and delete on my keyboard I'm gonna do that right now so delete on my keyboard boom goes away so this clip ends right there pretty cool now I'm gonna stop with the the spacebar move back to where I want this clip to begin so I don't want to have all this stuff there's there's a couple movements and that's a cool movement but that's not really what I want so let's find where I do want to start I back up and sooners right there so as soon as I start moving forward I hit the spacebar to stop playing and that's where I want to start the clip now in Premiere and Final Cut and certain other video editors you could click on this left side just like we clicked on the right side to drag it to shorten it however in this video editor that's not going to work if we do that it actually shifts the time of the clip so I'm I'm moving the clip through space that's not what we want to do it's not accomplishing what we want to do which is to shorten the clips so I'm going to make sure the clip is highlighted go go to editor up there will stay an editor I all go to edit - to undo but back an editor tab and I'm gonna hit split the parts highlight that beginning part of the clip that we don't want and delete now all that we have is the part of the clip that we do want and it's only like 10-15 seconds long very cool now since we want this clip to play at the beginning of the video I'm going to drag it it's at the beginning of the timeline if I didn't do that we would have a bunch of dead black space right here before the clip starts in our video and we don't want that so back at the beginning and then we go on to our second clip glass building I'm not entirely sure what part of the video I want to use here it's such a cool building let's see I'm just gonna play and see oh yeah my friend was flying his fpv quad and i caught it in the I'll tell Evo video okay this looks pretty cool I remember trying to get a nice shot with the sunset again it was kind of windy this day so I'm bobbing around a little bit oh and did you see the the autosave just happened right there it blipped on the screen that means that I'm I'm not gonna lose my work if this thing crashes alright that's a pretty cool shot so before I spin the drone you know pretty abruptly to the left I think I want to use that flyby right beforehand so I'm gonna scoot backward right here right as I start moving the drone closer to the building let's see let's see at what point I actually want that the video to begin right about there okay so I'm going to highlight the clip again and now I'm going to teach you another way to shorten this clip you see right here right above the timeline but below the playhead marker there are these two little brackets that you can kind of move across you're creating segments here so if I create a segment right here and then let's see where I wanted right right about there when I start moving the drone yeah so I have created a segment in the timeline with a clip selected which means that if I were to go up here and hit the scissor tool cutout fragment boom you just cut out that entire fragment of the clip and it starts right there where I wanted it to begin now I'm going to scrub through and find where I wanted to stop right about there right before I start turning okay so I'm going to click that I'm going to move my my segment selectors so much or what you call them create a segment right about there and I'm gonna cut out that segment too so that's another way to you know cut out clips and organize things now just for organization's sake I'm going to drag that clip right above and right next to the garden clip and if we were to play the tail end of the garden clip and then watch the transition to the glass building clip there is a there's a small black blip there's like half a second of black screen between the first clip and the second clip that means we have a little bit of dead space right here in between both clips where we haven't actually butted the one up against the other so I'm going to click on the first clip and I'm going to click on this little button move cursor to block ending so moving the cursor to block ending means that we've moved the playhead to the very end of this clip it didn't look like it moved very much but it did now that the timeline is there the playhead is there we're going to take this clip and move it right up next to it you can actually see that as you move it it kind of latches on it snaps against it it's a snappy sort of movement it stops right there so now we know that we have a perfect seam right there between this clip space bar and this clip all right now he's got to do that for these other Clips so let's see I'm going to do this real quick I like the skyline video I'm just gonna get a couple seconds of this that's that that's awesome that looks awesome okay so I'm only any ears probably from here to maybe 10 seconds after this I'm gonna do a cut real quick and then right before I ascend right there so I'm just gonna cut so I do that pretty quick without explaining but is the same as what we did before I'm gonna delete the first part of that clip the last part of that clip and just save the good stuff again I'm gonna click on the last clip that I just bought it up against the first clip boom I'm going to hit the move cursor to block ending time line or playhead moves to the very edge of this clip take this clip and butt up right against that one and move it down for organization so we'd have this stair-stepping thing now nothing's keeping us from having a clip you know way down here or this clip you know right here you know and it just doesn't really matter what is where as long as you're aware of what is overlapping what so if you have a clip that's overlapping another one from top to bottom obviously you know that you're gonna have one clip that's going to be playing over another one so anyway let's see sunset so this is descending sunset shot I'm going to raise the drone here there we go yeah I remember doing this it's it's nice when you're editing footage you've also shot because you remember what you intended to do wow that's a that's a beautiful sunset I'm glad I stick around for that one okay and I stop right there so I think I wanna I can I think I want to cut the clip before I stop ascending so I'm gonna drag back the play in just a little bit there we go I'm gonna shorten up the beginning and I'm gonna start the clip right before right about there right before the the trees reveal B sunset so I'm gonna split that clip cut drag move cursor to beginning or to block ending of last clip drag this right there there we go that's the skyline into the sunset now I'm not entirely convinced I want the sunset to be second from last I almost feel like I want this sunset to be the last clip let's see this tall building video oh yeah I remember doing this I do slow orbit around yeah okay this is where I wanted to start so I'm gonna cut out the beginning part of the clip and just use a few seconds of this again it was windy that day so I keep I remember having some trouble keeping it centered that's just my excuse I guess it was way that day oops if you notice there I actually had both clips selected so I was shortening both of them at the same time yeah delete all right sunset Clips gonna be last glass building the first glass building is going to be second-to-last so I'm going to make sure this clip is butted up right against that one and then make sure this clip is butted up right against that one just to keep it organized I'm going to also make it a complete stair step cool now to make things a little bit easier here right here above the timeline and to the left you can set timeline scale I'm going to bring that up about half way and you can see that we can see a little more of the clips and we can work a little bit more accurately I could even bring it up more let's see more something like that yeah that makes a little more sense now we can start affecting the clips for instance sunset I feel like we could get that sunset to pop a little more so I'm gonna double click on sunset and would go into the video timeline like the actual clip timeline so this is from beginning to end the 23 second sunset ascension shot that's all this timeline is it doesn't include anything else and this clip timeline is nested within the sprite that we just worked with so video sunset clip here timeline here and go to video effects adjustments I'm gonna go to hue saturation and lightness I'm going to select whole parent duration so this is going to be the entire duration of this clip I'm going to hit OK up comes this yellow bar so this is the entire clip this yellow bar is the effect layer if you will on the right you can see that we have our hue levels saturation and lightness levels if I were to drag about halfway through this clip so we can see the sunset and a mouse over to saturation and bring up saturation let's go let's go to 125 percent so we got a lot more color coming out of this sunset looks a lot more radiant we could actually go up to like 140 let's try that yeah that red really comes out that's that's cool-looking boy oh and then the Sun as it peeks over video effects adjustment brightness contrast and gamma let's try that whole parent duration click okay and mouse over to halfway through the video and brightness let's let's take the brightness up a little bit here yes that's that's brightening the ground a little bit and then maybe contrast down you don't want to lose that awesome sky but just trying to bring up the ground in just a little bit you know now let's go back to our sprite so we're mousing over it says sprite sprite - and let's see if when you do anything else - any other things this one that's pretty well exposed I'm gonna leave that the way it is this video I think it's a little overexposed I could have brought this down a little bit in the drone settings but video effects adjustments and let's go brightness contrast gala whole parenting so let's bring down brightness just a little bit let's go down - 18 and contrast - that looks pretty good yeah this is all much better exposed that was always gonna be a little bright in the greenhouse it's just that's just how it's gonna be but yeah this looks a lot better okay back to the sprite now we got to get some music in here man like it can't just have you know silent your own shots so I'm going to add object audio and I have this song picked out already I found it on epidemic sound comm check the link in the video description for a free 30-day trial - epidemic sound calm let's see from scene beginning is where I want to place it so from scene beginning that audio is going to be plopped in right there I'm going to move the audio track down below just because that's how I'm used to seeing it is having the audio play underneath the video now let's see what this sounds like [Music] okay so the song is really chill you know it's calm it's relaxing I am seeing however that these clips are a little bit too long I like to edit with clips moving by a little bit faster than that and especially adding to the beat or editing to the beat of the music so when we start at the beginning here it's showing the garden before the the music kicks in to the first beat with the snapping of the fingers I kind of want to move on to the next clip I'm going to take this clip right here with the tall building that clip is already kind of short I could probably start with that clip and move these over and let's see [Music] right about there is where I want to cut that clip so I'm going to and you can you can hear how I slammed on the space bar of my keyboard to find where I wanted to stop kind of on the beat of the song now I'm going to take the right side of that clip and just drag it so this is what we have so far [Music] now let's add that garden footage in gonna click on the last clip we're gonna click on move cursor to block ending drag garden up to the very edge of it and play [Music] and paced baseball right there on the beat kind of like at the very end of that measure of the song and then we will play will see the glass building yeah okay so I'm seeing that I want to cut out a little more the glass building clip off because when I'm just hovering here just starting my movement right there right there so gonna split that clip delete the first part of it click garden Moo cursor drag clip [Music] let's face right so a lot of what I do is is is dependent of the beat of the song you know and then it'll get that skyline in there so moving the skyline [Music] oh we hear the beat if this video is a lot longer if we had like a lot more footage I could add this entire song but here's her sunset as the beat kicks in [Music] boom right there I'm gonna lengthen it just a hair and then I'm gonna drag the edge of the audio the the instrumental song way back here to the very end of the video so this video is only a minute long so very manageable now what we got to do is do a fade in and fade out I really want to get some fade and fade fade outs for the song as well as for the video so I'm gonna take my first clip here tall building I'm gonna double click on it and now we're in the clip you know manipulation tie line whatever you want to call it move the the playhead all the way to the beginning and an editor here in the editor tab I'm going to video effects and transparency and fade in and fade out so fade well for here the for this clip is just fade in so we're fading from black to the clip so fade in from scene beginning so at the beginning of the clip or the scene it has this yellow fade bar and so from the beginning it's black and from the end if we just drag a little bit you can see it's brightening up as we go toward the end of it and by here we see all the video now we go back to our sprite we click on our last clip which is the sunset double click we also have these little modifiers here which is the the brightness contrast in gamma and the hue saturation and lightness layers here well we're going to go to add video effects transparency and fade out so this is the last clip of the video which means we want to fade out to black from it so fade out to black to scene end boom so we have this little fade out and we can adjust that too and I know I just know I'm gonna want to have a lazier fade out so here's a pretty quick fade out too quick for my taste I want drag this fade-out like let's go eight seconds worth if it's nine almost seconds worth of fade-out I love slow fade-outs in comparison to the standard fade-out length that you know these programs default to so now we have a fade-out we're gonna we're gonna also fade out the music I'm gonna double click on body of water instrumental boom I'm gonna audio effects and fade in and fade out so it's one track for the entire video one audio track so I can fade in and fade out on the same track fade in from scene beginning okay and then we're gonna do the end amplitude audio effects amplitude fade out to scene end boom we're also gonna want to give that fade out a little bit more of a length to it like we did with the video let's see how that sounds fading out [Music] and the video is fading out nice I think I want to add some titles now I honestly I probably wouldn't add a title if this was just me putting out this video but I want to show you how to make a title I'm gonna go back to editor up on the on the upper left and I'm gonna go add object text and text so we're gonna find a place to put it from cursor position sure why not so it's gonna be placed right here at the playhead I don't know its type I'll put this in the lower left corner here we're gonna drag a little text box and I'm gonna put it about right there so we're gonna click inside of the text box and we're going to type so type type type now we're going to highlight that text and we can find a bunch of stuff to do so let's do black color so that's black type we're gonna go to my favorite font that I use for most of my videos franklin gothic heavy there we go now I can click out of that text box and then select the text and now I can move the text so I can move that wherever I want to I can Center up the text in that box make a little easier to Center up in the video if I wanted to and that's how you can add some stuff now if I want a fade in that text or faded out obviously we would do that again so video effects transparency fade in from seeing beginning [Music] knocking shorten that texts cuz it's way too long shorten it about there we'll double click again and we're into a fade-out right here so transparency fade-out to see mend there we go so now so now it fades out and honestly that is about all I did the the cutting the slight color correction the addition of music and the addition of text that's pretty much all I do in most videos there are a ton of other things you can do with this program and I'm not going to get into all of them but obviously it's very powerful and especially with the free version I don't really know how they can supply the free version that does so much when it's it's just a really powerful program now it's not the most stable in some situations or have been a few times where this thing has crashed and that's why I say make sure you have that autosave function to at least 10 minutes if not quicker if not if not less time between saves so the video is let's just say it's completed I think it is now I'm going to expand this timeline to see what I'm doing a little bit and drag our little segment markers from beginning to the end of the video right about there so now we have an entire segment on our sprite from beginning to end so now we're gonna go to export export project here we can select a couple different things I usually do h.264 for most of my video uploads it's just what I've always done h.264 is great for YouTube and that type of thing highest quality you have some options but highest you know why not let's do as high as we can go by the way h.264 is one of a couple ones MPEG I have not always had good luck with with this program h.264 I've always had good luck so let's do h.264 highest quality output file we're going to actually change the name we're gonna find a place to put this thing so I'm gonna go to my vlog exports and it's gonna say VSD see video tutorial save and I'm going to then export so you go ahead and hit export once you're ready up here in the the top in the middle of the screen just make sure all this is good by the way you know 1920 by 1080 roughly 60 frames per second that's just how it's all gonna look and we're gonna spit it out so export project it's gonna take a couple minutes I mean let it let it run make sure that you have this preview window on so you see what it's doing and you can tell if it's still working or if it got hung up or something and then once this is done you can open it up on your hard drive and you can play it back thank you for watching everybody if you have any questions comment below I'm not a master at VSD see free video editor but maybe I can help you maybe someone else can as well so chime in if you know the answer and you're in the comments thank you to VSD c for sponsoring this video again comment hash tag VSD C down below and tell me what kind of videos you like to edit or you intend to edit maybe you've never edited before and this is your first video editing software that'd be pretty cool so what kind of videos do you hope to make regardless comment below and you're gonna be entered to win one Pro license per week looking forward to it thank you so much for watching until next time happy editing
Channel: Ed Ricker
Views: 288,314
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ed ricker vlogs, video gear, autel evo, vsdc, vsdc free video editor, giveaway, free video editing program, free editing software, pro license giveaway, editing tutorial, how to edit videos for free, video editing tutorial, editing demo, 4k, 60fps, editing videos for youtube, editing drone footage, how to edit drone footage
Id: ljyWv0A8kmU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 26sec (2366 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 29 2019
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