VSDC Video Editor – How to Edit Videos with VSDC [1/3]

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hey this is Meredith from vid pro mom calm and in today's video I'm going to show you how to get started with a great free video editor called vs DC they came to me and asked if there was any way that we could partner together to get the word out about their video editing platform knowing that video editing is a pretty hot topic among my audience of video hobbyists and GoPro enthusiasts so this is the very first in a series of video tutorials here on my channel and this is definitely going to be geared toward video editing beginners so if you are a PC user and you're looking for a great platform for editing your videos and you don't want to spend a whole bunch of money then hit that link in the description below this video and you can check out vs DC right along with me here in these tutorial videos so vs DC is like I said a free video editor it's a full featured video editor and you can even edit your 4k footage with it it is only available for PC users and I'm gonna show you around the platform in just a minute now there is a pro version of vs DC it runs about 20 dollars not bad right and although you can do pretty much anything and everything with the free version there are a few features of that pro version that I think will come in very handy and I'll get to those in just a minute but right now I want to dive into the free version and help you get started editing your videos with vs DC so let's hop onto the PC now before I dive right into vs DC I want to let you know that you can download my 1 page cheat sheet this is perfect for anybody that's brand new to editing videos it kind of just gives you a step-by-step of what to do and how to start your new project and things like that a couple of helpful friendly reminders again it's totally geared towards beginners and I'll put a link in the description below this video of where you can download that cheat sheet or you can just head over to vid pro mom comm /v SDC cheat sheet so let's dive in here when you first download the SDC and you install it on your PC you will probably get this pop window asking you to upgrade to pro you don't have to worry about that right now we'll get into pro a little bit later but for now I just kind of want to show you the free version and the free version like I mentioned is a fully functioning full-featured video editor so you have a bunch of options to choose from when you first open it up here um we're gonna go with a blank project so I actually I'm gonna hit this button up here I'm gonna hit new project so at this point you should have some clips on your harddrive maybe they're GoPro clips or maybe they're from your phone or something we need to give our project a title so I'm gonna call this a DK ass because I have some footage from the adirondacks so I don't need to do anything with the author or the copyright or anything like that but down here under resolution I do need to select I'm doing full HD 1920 by 1080 so that's what I shoot in that's what I edit in and that is what I export in so this is gonna be your own personal preference I always recommend especially for beginners that you just stick with 1080 it's so much easier so I'm gonna hit my 1080 there and I always also use 30 frames per second I know that 60 is sometimes a popular choice so if you want to choose 60 that's fine if you shot your footage in 60 I always go with 30 so I'm just gonna select 30 and then you have a couple of other options here but I'm just gonna hit open a blank project and hit finish so now I have a blank project here you can see that I have this isn't gonna be my playback window this is gonna be the timeline down here we have some properties over here we have this projects Explorer over here which I don't use a whole lot because I don't setup multiple scenes within my project I'm so I'm actually gonna close that down so I have a little more space here and then up at the top by default we have this editor sort of menu up here we also have there's a view menu this is where you can kind of open up that project Explorer there you have this edit menu story you're gonna find your kind of basic you know software functions like cut copy paste delete and things like that so I'm gonna come back over here to editor so what we need to do first off here is import some of our footage so I have a couple of Clips here what we're gonna do is we're gonna hit add object and when we do that we get a little bit of a menu and way down at the bottom we have video so you see a bunch of different options here we're gonna talk about adding text and some of these other things later or like adding a still image and background music but for now we're just going to add in some video so this opens up my Dropbox folder I have four Clips here I'm going to hold down my ctrl button on my keyboard so that I can select three of these at one time and I'm gonna hit open so when you add multiple Clips at once it gives you this kind of this wizard window where you can either do nothing and just hit apply settings or if you want to you can rearrange these if you want if you need to put them in a different order or anything like that and then you also have these transitions if you want to add some transitions between your Clips you just select one and drag it down to that little arrow that's between two clips so that's where you would put your transitions if you want to remove that I have to just make sure it's selected and then just hit remove you can also remove any of these clips if you want just by hitting the X that highlights in red here so I have my three Clips I'm not gonna add any transitions right now cuz I kind of like to keep things pretty simple and then I'm gonna hit apply settings and it's going to add my clips to the timeline in the side of something called a sprite which is kind of like I'm a bundle if you will of video clips so if you've used Premiere Pro before it's kind of like when you nest your clips if you're familiar with that if not don't worry about it but if I double click on this then it opens up a timeline that's a little bit more familiar looking so on this timeline each clip is on its own layer and this is a little bit confusing at first because it's actually kind of the opposite of what you would expect your bottom layer here the one that's down here at the bottom is actually the top layer of what you see so let me just explain real quick so you can see on your screen right now there's a lake and there's a sky and stuff right well my cursor my time indicator my scrubber bar whatever you want to call it that's it's showing you this clip right here okay this clip over here is let's see let's find a good spot is my daughter right so we can see it's it's right there if I take this clip and I move it in a typical video editor if I move this clip overtop of that one it would hide the one that is below it with VSD see it's the opposite it's the one that is down here on the very bottom that you see on top if I select this one down here on the bottom and I make it a little bit smaller you can see what I'm talking about here right so you have your two layers the one on the bottom is the one that you actually visually see on top now you can move all these layers around I'm going to move this back so let's just say this one here on the bottom if I wanted to move it if I go like that then it kind of moves it to the bottom of the of the visual stack so to speak so I'm gonna actually hit undo here and go back there so there's some basic editing functions here within the program like trimming your Clips and splitting your clip doing fast-forward and stuff like that we're gonna talk about that in the very next video so this one was just how to get started with vs DC and and how to import your footage and get going so if you're a total beginner at video editing and you want to follow along with this tutorial and the others then go ahead and download the SDC right from their website you can import your footage you can kind of rearrange things a little bit get it in you know the right order I would recommend starting with maybe four or five clips to start with and then add some more clips as you go in fact let me show you how to add additional clips so I had these four I only imported the three to begin with so when you import just one clip gonna select it hit open and it's going to instead of bringing you to that wizard window it's gonna ask you where you want it to be inserted so you can see here on my timeline my cursor my scrubber bar is right here so if I have this selected from cursor position then that's where it's going to insert it so it's gonna put it on its own track so you don't have to worry about overwriting anything and then you can move it around however however you need to I want to make this a little bit smaller so I can move this down here and you can kind of you know basically just keep adding things to your timeline rearranging them and we'll get into all the basic editing functions so just make sure that before you close out of your program or shut your computer down that you save this project just hit save and then decide where you want it to save to you if you need to you can write down the location so you can find it again so like I mentioned the pro version has a few more features and there's a couple of those features that I think are pretty important one of them is video stabilization and the other one is wave form I find it so much easier to edit my videos when I can actually see those visual waveforms when I'm editing I can get a lot more precise with my jump cuts and it's just easier so to be able to see the waveforms alone I think it's worth the $20 up so in the next video I'm gonna show you how all of those basic video editing functions work within the SDC and we'll also talk about some more advanced functions like how to add slow-motion and fast-forward to your clip and we'll see what other fun stuff the SCC can do when we're editing our videos so if you haven't subscribed yet be sure to hit that subscribe button now so you don't miss the next video in this series and hit me up in the comments if you have any questions about the SDC I'd be happy to try and answer them in the comments section or I might even answer your question in the next video so stay tuned for that and I'll see you next time [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Meredith Marsh
Views: 267,695
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best video editor for youtube videos, vsdc, vsdc video editor basics, vsdc free video editor, basic video editing guide, vsdc tutorials, vsdc video editor, vsdc editing tutorials, gopro, how to edit videos, vsdc video editor tutorial, how to use vsdc video editor, gopro video editing, vsdc beginner editing guide, how to use vdsc video editor, best free video editor, easy to use editor, video, best free youtube video editing software, vsdc video editor beginners guide, editing
Id: y9PqmPSgT9Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 30 2017
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