COMPLETE Krita Animation Demo/Tutorial in 30 MINS!

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hey i'm tahni today i'm gonna teach you how to use credo for animation first you're gonna want to install crater from crater org it is free software so I do recommend it for anyone out there that's trying to get into animation or cannot afford fancy software such as TB paint once you have created installed you're gonna want to put it into the animation workspace we're gonna do that by going to window workspace animation this is going to change the layout a bit which makes it a little more convenient for working with animation so to start I'm gonna make a new file typically film formats are done at 1920 by 1080 square pixels and that's what we're looking at here so that is going to be the size that I make my document at now we have a timeline down here we have our layers over here we have tools up here we've got advanced color selection over here and animation controls down here in the event that these are not showing up on the side you're gonna go to settings Dockers and then show animation I'm gonna go over the UI elements just a little bit for starters we have layers on the left side and this is gonna work like any other drawing software like Photoshop we can add and remove layers turn them on and off adjust transparencies etc for color selection we can use this ring to adjust hue and then we can use saturation in light and darkness by navigating within this triangle up here is where they have their brushes they have a lot of really amazing selections so I do recommend that you try them all out get a feel for what you like for starters I'm gonna go for a really basic painting tool that's just good for quick line work that's got pressure and transparency if you want to get into finer control with a brush that you have selected you could do so up in this panel back in the layers panel we will see that the amount of layers that we have and their names are mimicked down here this is our timeline this is how we're gonna animate you can scrub left and right a long time over here and you can select which layer you want to draw on I'm on layer 1 if I turn layer went off which I could do from up here or down here you can see what's there I can also add other layers and I'll draw on this and a different color you can turn that off turn that off so works just like any other painting program now we're gonna talk about the timeline down here we've got layer 1 is selected and there's this little orange thing that shows us where we are in the timeline that's the scrubbing tool so I'm gonna right click on here I'm gonna go create blank frame now if we scrub away we'll see that there's little orange outline that means that this has got a keyframe so we can do a scribble we could call it frame number 1 and now we're gonna see that there's this line a spending along the whole time line this line means that this frame is being held through the very end so if I go to frame 3 you'll see that there's still this same drawing so if I right click on frame 3 and if I go create blank frame I could go drawing 2 now we can go between them and this is how you're gonna be able to animate in here we can either keep going crate like keyframe or we can use the shortcut 8 to quickly add new key frames and the left and right button on your keyboard will allow you to scroll throughout the entire timeline so if we want to make a whole bunch of different key frames we can either right-click on a keyframe go to key frames insert multiple key frames and we can tell it we want however many we want frame timing 1 this means that they're going to be on ones meaning every single frame is going to have a keyframe if we have it on 2 we're gonna have it on every other frame it's a here I'll show a demonstration of that here is 12 frames on ones I'm gonna undo that right click keyframes insert multiple keyframes - I'm gonna put these on twos so now it's every single other one has a keyframe personally I prefer to have it so that I have all new keyframes so on ones so now we see a peculiar thing where we have this blank keyframe there's nothing there it doesn't have a hold so I'm gonna go ahead and I know that this is drawing one two three I'm gonna type in four here and suddenly we have a hold so we can see that that keyframe is being held frame five six seven we can now scrub through these and we can see some sort of animation or sequential art is happening here I don't know that this is quite art but hey that's what we're starting with so let's say that you wanted to make this hold a little longer you can ship it or you can select you can either shift select or drag to select all of these frames and then holding alt on the keyboard you grab the very first frame that you want it to start with and you can drag these anywhere on the timeline so now you've got four holds significantly longer than before we can slip these and then with that first one selected drag and drop it back change that timing so another thing we can do is we can right-click we could go hold frames insert a hold frame and I will show you that I have set up a hotkey for that hold frame insert hold frame so now 5 & 6 are on what are considered twos in animation so let's say that we really liked oh we have a duplicate here somehow I changed that to a six that looks like maybe it's glitching a little is free where it is wonderful but sometimes it's got its faults let's say I actually wanted to do an adjustment to this frame so I've got the keyframe for 4 is here and then I have a hold frame here if you draw on a held frame it's gonna turn it into another keyframe like 4.1.2 I know those numbers don't make sense but whatever so you get the point you can keep adding to something by just drawing into the held frames so that say I wanted to duplicate these I would then select them I would hold down control on the keyboard I grab the last frame and drag that out and I could make that duplicate as many times as I want so if you have like trace backs or something that's a way of achieving that effect now let's say that I wanted to get rid of this one that has 4.1 on it I could either hit delete and it will clear that keyframe and it'll turn it into a blank keyframe but I can undo that I can right-click on it I can go remove keyframe and now 4 is being held or I can right-click it and I could say remove frame and pull and it's actually gonna remove that entire frame completely from the timeline so we're gonna go straight for the 4.1.2 why is it being glitchy now that we have an idea on how the timeline works I'm gonna show you some hotkeys that I'm really fond of so if we go settings configure Krita up here we've got general keyboard shortcuts so I'm gonna go to that and then under Corita we have animation create blank keyframe I think this is all already a default but if that's not already there I do recommend having it as whatever you prefer but I like using the number keys insert hold frame that's the one where it adds the line and it holds the frame that's seven next keyframe zero previous keyframe nine play stop space I have it set up to do keyframes instead of just frames because frames are left and right but if we are using keyframes it'll actually go straight to the keyframes let's get the holds so say I'm on one and I want to add in some holds that's how we do that and then I can skip to drawing number two now let's say I want to insert a blank keyframe right in here maybe I'm doing in betweens and hit eight and then we've got a new blank keyframe and if you are a welcome user you can also set these up for your Express keys you can do them for your touch string I also really prefer to have the pen have an erase option on the upper side or any of the buttons okay let's talk a little bit about what's going on down here in the animation Department so we've got animation 0 that means we're on frame number 0 so I'm actually going to go in here add a bunch of key frames so we can see what frame we're on and then let's say this is start so that means that we're gonna start on frame 0 and then we're gonna end on frame 100 so if we hit play right now it's gonna just keep playing until it gets to frame 100 and so if we're doing a shorter animation and we know that we've got things that go to about frame eight ish seven eight eight drawings we can tell it to stop maybe at frame ten instead of a hundred and then if we tell it to play it'll only play within that sequence we want to play back at 24 frames a second the this is typical for animated film at least to America some other countries have got like 25 frames a second play speed you want to do that one because then you're seeing like the actual speed at which it's playing back at now let's talk a bit about onion skins so this is all icon right here will bring up the onion skins and this is a super powerful tool in fact I'm gonna dock it right down here by dragging and dropping it and so we see it's got this weird little Mountain and this is representing all of the different frames so the blue ones are the ones that are currently active we can turn these on and off by tapping on them and we can also adjust how bright they are so okay we launched this palette why don't we see any onion skins you have to turn it on down here so if you select the light bulb will now start seeing all of our onion skins so say we're over here well like the third drawing we can turn on and off these other drawings and you can also adjust how bright or how dim they are so it's a really really cool tool so now I'm gonna walk us through a sample of a ball bounce animation so I've got my player one selected I'm gonna go here to frame 0 I'm gonna just make a whole ton of keyframes keyframe let's see let's do 12 on one sure that sounds good have all of our blank blank frames breaking on the air one go here I prefer to start with kind of a blue color so first I'm gonna turn on my onion skins I have an idea of what I'm working on and I'm gonna do just a really simple ball bounce maybe I want it to oops I ran out of frames since that happened I can just hit the right button make some more blank key frames using eight go back alright so maybe I want it to smooth at splut this is really rough this is just for the sake of teaching you guys how to use the program again I ran out of frame so I'm going to just go ahead and make a free a few more I can easily delete them later if I so choose moaning animate I usually like to do them part by part by part instead of thinking about the whole thing all at once all right cool so these are just reps they're not supposed to be good let me get the idea there already so you if we hit the spacebar to play well first off I know that I'm gonna end this at around 21 drawings so I'm gonna go here change the end to 21 start zero looks good hit the play button all right so that feels pretty decent but maybe I want to push the timing a little bit more I'm a big fan of adding in adjusting the timing after the fact so I'm gonna just go through here maybe I want to have the first frames hold a little bit always beat into it bling hold hold hold let's let's just see how that looks or how it feels rather maybe I want to hold a bit at the end here too and since I changed the timing and I added more I'm actually gonna end the sequence at 30 frames decided I that's too many it's gonna remove keyframe and pull it was gonna be just a very slow process here move keyframe in full the fact this last one it's tripping me up because I keep seeing that last one hold so I'm gonna insert a new blank keyframe here and that's just gonna be the goo cool okay so this is a decent-enough little ball bounce for demonstration this is gonna be my ruffs layer so I know now that I've got the timing and I have all of the drawings that I'm ever gonna need for this animation what I want to do is I want to do a clean up layer so the plan for this is to take this duplicate the time the timing but remove all of the drawings from it but still use it as a guide so I'm gonna take this layer which is currently layer one and I'm gonna duplicate it dude okay I'm gonna take copy of layer one I'm gonna name it ruffs I'm gonna take layer one I'm gonna make and I'm gonna name it clean cleaning color whatever you want and I'm going to lock the ruffs layer because we don't need to do anything with it anymore and we also don't need to see it on the with it's a onion skin so I'm gonna turn off the light bulb there it's now all we're seeing is the clean layer its presents a bit of a problem we're still looking at the animation so what I'm gonna just do is hit delete next keyframe delete next keyframe do this go through the whole sequence there might be a quicker way of doing this but I haven't discovered it yet all right so we still see it but if we turn off the ruffs layer we have completely blank keyframes on the clean layer actually one more thing I want to do on the Rustler is bringing down its opacity so it's like just straight-up reference now so I'm gonna go in the clean layer which is not locked we've got the onion skin on which we probably don't even need it this this right but we'll leave it on for a reference see if we want to turn it on or off later and I'm gonna just pick a brush here I'm gonna pick this one see do I like that sure that's fine advanced color selection let's go ahead and make this purple that can be cool to use all right so first Fame I'm gonna just go through and very quickly very roughly color these guys in because this is just a demo also check out how cool these brushes are they're blending with the environment they're actually really really great as a really nice painting tool it's a little limited in its brushes but oh my gosh for something that's free I can't really be it let's see here the size on this is a little big I'm going to swoop it down a bit get some of those details in there OOP then I'm gonna go one by one on here with these details OOP sometimes I see things in the rough like you can see I'm painting a little off of it sometimes I decide to change stuff and I go in and do the final because the roughs are just rough reference Pete I'm looking for the green ones to see how many warframes are left cuz I think yeah this is gonna be our last frame here so you could see how far off I got on the buff there I mean this isn't too great either and go in and we find that oops there's gonna be some wiggle-waggle bubble and boil but I mean again this is just a demonstration so let's play that ah unless I left the roughs layer on I'm gonna turn that off and now we can see how the clean layer looks alright that is decent so let's say I want to add some color to this I'm not too much of a line art person I've actually hurts my wrists a lot if I do line art so I've really come into just painting everything doing really really rough lighting in shadow layers so now I really don't need the onion skin on so I'm gonna turn that off I am going to change the size of this brush back up those around 80 ish and let's say I would have like a nice kind of orange a yellow highlight so I can just make it right though take that that looks cool and I want to lock the transparency on this layer because right now if I go in a 5 paint it's gonna go all outside so I want to make that a lot easier and myself lock the transparency it's now I can paint wherever I want it's only gonna fill in the shape that's good there let's go do this really fast and also this is 24 frames a second like these drawings are gonna be flying by so fast you don't have to be Precious about them I advise that you don't unless if you're going for some like really beautiful screen shot of a film or something that you're making then really put effort into those frames from that shot but I'm really like you're going for gesture you're going for essence for feeling as long as people feel it that's all that matters is that the individual frames like this is animation it's not about individual drawings which of course individual drawings will do much to contribute to great animation but animation itself is an art just like the focus of motion so so I'm gonna play that back it's gonna think for a moment that's cool I'm gonna add in shadows too so let's say I want to do kind of like an indigo how's that look all right so that's pretty cool for just popping that out super super fast if I wanted to add in a shadow layer I could do that as well like an actual shadow layer so I'm gonna just take this layer go back to layers I'm gonna duplicate it like a copy of clean I'm gonna rename it to ball shadow all right I'm gonna lock the clean layer because I don't need that anymore I'm gonna um transparency lock this one because I want to go through and delete everything on it I've actually changed the UI a little bit here and I scooch this there we go there it is so using the next and previous keyframes I'm gonna just go with ball shadow selected delete delete delete delete delete delete delete okay now I'm gonna find where it actually hits such as this layer or this this frame I'm gonna go well I've got on who steals liked it now I did that one no one was looking all right so I'm gonna paint in a basic shadow here and then using that as reference move about the other frames as I see fit I could I guess use this to make sure things are gonna line up you see that goes up a little that's not the best but whatever this is the demo okay so let's take a look at our animation now cool I'm pretty happy with this so I'm gonna save it by little save as create a demo or one so let's say I wanted to there's a couple of ways of exporting I'll show you both of them if you're gonna be using software like After Effects and you want to take this and then pull it into another scene or do some cool parallax effects or do like anything with fancy filmmaking or effects you can export this as a PNG sequence so in order to do that you go render file render animation and then you can go image sequence first frame last frame so it's already knows like what frame we've got selected as the last file format PNG image we have all kinds of fun things to choose from I'm gonna stick with P and G's in fact because P and G's are cool you can turn off the background layer have the transparency so this way if we go and we do PNG sequence it's actually gonna be able to give us transparency so we can go in here check out all of the details store alpha channel transparency that's what we want I'm gonna just go create a demo frames starting at that image location this is where you're gonna save it so I'm going to just make frames from demo I'm gonna select this folder there you go okay it's gonna think for a minute and now if I check out this folder frames from demo here are all of my frames so you can take these and you can import them and sequence them in software like After Effects and if you're interested in seeing a demo on that I'm more than happy to do that just let me know in the comments hahaha comments like subscribe whatever and okay so let's say you want to export this as an mp4 I'm gonna turn the background back on otherwise it's gonna export as a black background so this is just a plain white background feel free to paint something fancy if you like one thing that you're gonna need for this is ffmpeg at least I'm working on a PC I don't know how it works on Mac there might be something different on there and if you do know let me know so I can write that in the comments or the detail alright so if I oh we render animation at this time we're gonna go the video so first frame 0 1920 1080 24 frames a second last firon 30 that looks good to me ffmpeg so this is probably looking blanks let me first pull it in that's fine what you're gonna do is download ffmpeg from ffmpeg towards windows I selected the windows 1 and so I got a little zip file and I just took everything from the zip file and I threw it into I made a new folder in Program Files for ffmpeg I dropped everything in there if you go inside the bin you're gonna find ffmpeg Exe so I'm gonna just take this copy this path go into credo pretend that I'm doing this for the first time paste the path oh wait actually I'm gonna go up here paste the path there you go there's the software ok render as mp4 video and then video location so create a demo I'm gonna go create a demo oh one cult that already picked that off of the file name go save go okay snap if we go check out our file here is the mp4 and there you have it there is your little video you can take this you can upload it on Instagram YouTube wherever I mean this is very very short you can also just take this import into editing software or string together like make an actual film li you can make a whole film you think Rita and then like appropriate software I guess if you're looking for a free video editing software I hear really good things about DaVinci I haven't explored it myself yet but I hear good things about it and yeah so one last thing let's say we want to export this as a gift I'm gonna go file render animation again you need to have FM @ ffmpeg installed for this gif image and let's see I also want to change the width of it because gifts you don't have HD gifs that's just absurd it's gonna it gets take up a lot more space than video files and so I'm gonna do these automatically changed so 500 or 600 somewhere between 400 and 500 400 and 600 is probably a really good pixel size for your width and I'm gonna export that to the same place okay it's gonna think about that for a minute doo-doo-doo oops oh my goodness look at all these frames okay the frames went away as soon as it finished compiling the gift so we check it out there's our gift so that's really cool now we know how to export PNG sequences mp4 is gifts all from the comfort of Korea which now we know how to use so thank you very much for watching and I hope this was informative I hope you learn things and I hope it was simple to understand let me know in the comments and let me know if you want to have more tutorials like this I do a lot of work in Africa effects so if you're interested in seeing some stuff to do with that let me know thanks for watching ie
Channel: Tahnee Gehm
Views: 133,168
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Krita, animation, software, animate, tutorial, freeware, lesson, demo, masterclass, master class, tahnee gehm, tahnmeep
Id: Pp0DvgZ2k6k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 37sec (1777 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 07 2020
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