VSDC Video Editor Tutorial 2018 - FREE Video Editor

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hi there Jamie Keith here today had teachers Tek hope you're having a great day today today I have another video on a free video editor this one's called vs DC this is a great full featured pupil featured video editor for your PC no watermarks or anything on this so you can start creating videos for YouTube or personal use it works very well if your computer has limited resources too so it's a good one to try again this is only for pcs if your Mac user this won't work for you so I'm gonna go through the different parts of this this is kind of a beginners tutorial on this but I'll go through the main parts I'm gonna my time stamp everything down below in description so you can jump around to different parts of the video if you're looking for something else in this vs DC editor let me know in the comments down below and I can create more videos if you're looking for other videos just check out the playlist that I put down below and you can see other free video editors available to you let's get started on this tutorial today for vs DC so I've just opened up the VSD see here and what you're gonna get right away gives you the option to upgrade you can just hit the X here and exit out of this they give you some instructions here some steps you can click on each of these and it brings you to some web addresses to help you out but I'm gonna exit out and I'm gonna go ahead and create a new project right away now to create a new project if I just go over here you can see there's blank project here I could click on it or I can go to new project right here it does the exact same way the exact same thing so in this tutorial I'm just focused on the video editing aspect of it but I do want to do a different video looking at the video capture and screen recording options that it does have here too so I'm gonna go ahead and give this a name I'm just gonna call this example this is where I pick my you know if I wanted to put my name copyright this is important pick your resolution I'm going to stay at the 1080p here and you can go through and pick your you know different colors background and so on I'm gonna hit finish and right away I'm brought to where this is where I'm gonna preview I have my timeline here just a couple things that some things when you're in here just a note we have our view up here so if you ever I just want to show you where some of the windows are if for instance we have a property view over here so I'm just gonna click and open this and I'm actually gonna close it down if you ever can't find a certain window just look under view and then you can go ahead and click on it and it opens up now you can click this little pin over here and it just pins it to the side so you can quickly access it so it doesn't kind of lose that real estate for you too so take a look at all that the different views if you can't find something just go up to it and you can open it from here also so we're gonna go to the editor here and this is where I'm going to import some of my media right away now the SDC is a little different than some of the other editors that I've worked with once you get the idea of what's happening it works fine but there's just a few different things happening it that you might have to just practice with a bit so first thing I though what I want to do I'm just gonna kind of drag up this just so I have more room you show you and you'll see this is where I'm gonna drag my media now to put my media in I'm gonna go to add object and under add object you can see down at the bottom here we have video audio and image and that's what I'm just gonna be focusing and bringing those on but what I want to show you first though is so I'm gonna bring in just one video here and I'll just bring in this first one and I'm gonna hit open now it says where do you want it to start from Maya it's default default it to from the cursor position which is at the beginning and I'm good with that you can look through if you wanted to change that at all and we have our video brought into our one video track I can preview it another window is going to open up and it opens like that so I can close it down now I'm gonna bring in a couple more videos to show you something now when you go up to it and not video effects fit had objects if you go up to video and I'm gonna bring in two more videos so you can select multiple videos at a time and I'm gonna hit open now this wizard opens up so this is a sprite wizard and what it kind of does is it's putting your videos together where you can apply effects to them so in this case I could add transitions right here so there is no transitions between the two but I could just simply drag a transition down you can see now how it's green and it shows the transition between the two videos there but I haven't added into anything in there so I'm I'm if you had everything already you can just simply kind of do a slide show this way so if you had images you could go through and add all everything select all them and add your add your different transitions and when you click on a clip you can actually go through and you can see we can crop and do some editing right in here if you want to get rid of a transition if you click on it you can hit the remove right here so I'm gonna go ahead and hit plot apply settings even though I didn't really add anything to it so I'm gonna hit apply and notice what happened there so I have this green line here even though I put video in and just like this first one over here that's because this sprite and in kind of a sprite is where the videos are nestled in out of it if you want to see just double click on it and then you get the videos inside and you can do your editing in here but it's a little different way to be just maybe what than what you're used to of how you're working with it if I go back up to here I can hit the X and it closes and you can see that I have the video that I brought in to this scene and if I look over here on the left hand side you can see I have seen 0 here and that's the one video but then I have this bright here that too has will contain the two other videos right here now I can move this around so I can slide these around on the track like so so I could be working maybe inside there and I bring it up to the other video so you could have a collection of videos and sprites all together and when you're editing you might just go into that particular sprite and edit the video sequences that you have in there and then when you're done it's it's all put together so just so you're aware of how that's working now let's bring in a couple other objects too so we have objects I'll bring in some audio and I have some audio right here you can see when I open it up and I'll just leave it at the cursor position notice my it's right here hit OK and it puts it right to where my cursor position was now I can still move this and drag it along I'll just preview it and we have a little bit of music in it now I can so I can drag this along and each time you bring in and this is something to note too every thing is on its own track so I can't take this sprite and move it next to the video up top same thing if I go into the sprite each one is on its own track notice I can't drag it if you're used to maybe playing it on the same track one after another it doesn't work that way you're gonna have your individual tracks for it I'll just go back one step and close this right here now one more thing I'm going to bring in is an image so I'll bring bring this in I'll hit that same thing it's gonna be at the cursor and I have an image in here too so the other thing I wanted to point out notice that the image is showing up first and even though it's on the bottom layer you know if your use of other video editors this usually works the other way around the bottom layer is the one that you wouldn't be able to see it wouldn't be on the top it's just as you stack your videos you're going to see the top layered one you can see the edges so if I go ahead and hit play preview you can see the video is playing in the back now to change the order of these tracks around you can use the arrows here and I can adapt or they can put things right to the top and it changes now that image is hidden because because it's you're not gonna see it because it's all lined up together now I could drag it to a different point and play it where maybe there was a gap but do just a kind of a note if you're use of other video editor it's the the bottom one that you'll see as the top layer just a little reverse thinking once you get used to it it's fine so now that we know how to import our media in let's look at doing some editing on that and adjusting things a little bit more so I did delete at the last videos I had I'm just gonna bring them back in and I'm gonna put them all in one sprite so I'm gonna quit add objects go to video and I'm just gonna select these four right here get it open and I'm not gonna apply any dia settings that I'd mentioned before so any of these new ones here I'll just apply to keep those blank and you can see that I have a sprite I double click on it and I have my four videos inside my sprite maybe I didn't want the order the same this earth one I wanted to go first and then an intro so you can see quickly you can change the order since I don't want any of them overlapping I'll just keep them in a sequence like this and I have a little video in a sound in a track I can still add other things inside this sprite too so if I go up to objects if I wanted some audio click on audio just bring in this one hit OK and I'll I have my audio so if I go ahead and just close this breakdown here's my sprite open it up again everything's inside of this if I was doing a little preview here whenever you're previewing it just click inside in this gray area and your playhead will go to where where where you wanted to start from the preview so if I just have to start a little music I have the earth spinning maybe I don't want that whole earth spinning I wanted to kind of chop off different things and so this the first trimming I'll show you this is the easiest way on any clip you can just grab the ends so if I grab the ends like this I'm actually cutting off to a certain point and I can do it from the start or the end of every clip so now if I was previewing this again this is a much shorter clip because I cut off a few seconds from both ends of it whenever you do something if you don't like what you did remember you can undo here's the undo right up top here so I can go back just every time I click on a certain click it again and it remembers each step that I did like so and I have it back to normal on it so the next thing is another way I like to trim and I'm gonna use let's use I'm gonna just move this over here and let's say I was trimming this video right here so I'm gonna click on my playhead bring it right over top so I can see what's happening in it now if I am over top of it and I can see I have it selected those little white squares are on it and I go up to this right here so this is split into parts I'm just gonna click on it and where my curtain my playhead is it splits it and I have that that clip selected notice it made a new track video because every one I said is gonna be on a different on a different track and so maybe I wanted to take out a certain part I could go over here I could just I'm gonna click off and just click on this one and I could go over here and now I have another one split so I could take out this middle part now just by I'm gonna click off again because I had both selected and click here and I'm just gonna hit delete on my computer and I could bring it like so now again remember you can go back quick enough to if you didn't like what you have the other way you can cut out a section see this right here and some you got a these double blue lines right here like I'm gonna stretch this out a bit right here it highlights a certain area of the clip and I can move this around to different spots like so so maybe on this earth section if I have a certain selection like this I can go up to here and cut out fragments so that's the fragment that I just created so it's gonna be cut out fragment you can see I can trim start and trim in from here what you just click on and that'll do but the cut out fragment when I click it it will take out that piece of it so if I go back to it make sure I have this one selected on it I'll go back and I'll cut out the fragment of it and then there we go it didn't do it the first time because I actually didn't have it selected of it so make sure you have the clip selected when you cut do your cuts or trims on it when you're selecting these so this is how you can shorten your clips and cut out the things that you don't want on it and then once you do that you order things around in whatever spot that you want so that's one way you can trim and yet you don't get the length that you want but another way you can do it is you can speed up things too so I'm going to use this intro for example right here so if I just I'm just gonna move some things around so in this intro I'm gonna move my cursor back my plate you can see it's it's kind of slow and everything and let's say I want to speed this up now this is where the properties windows comes in handy we can go up to I have it pinned right here so open this up and I just want you to notice right here so see where it says speed at a hundred percent we need to increase that I could either slow that down turn it to slo-mo by decreasing it below 100% but let's say if I wanted it to go at let's say about 300% so that will speed it up quite a bit notice it got shorter it didn't cut anything off it just sped everything up so now if I hit pretty preview on it it's a lot faster so that's how you can adjust your you just your playback on your speeds of it so if you go above a hundred percent it's gonna go faster if you go below a hundred percent it's gonna go slower and just a couple of different things notice that you can play things backwards right through here too so just to take a look at the properties and different things that you can do inside here that's the first part of the basic editing so you know how to bring in you know how to bring in your video of it the other thing I just want to note is that when you click on audio notice that the tools are there for you too so if you wanted to trim something out of an audio you can grab the edges you got those same ones and you can do the same actions right up top here how I can slice different once if an image insight if an image you bring in an image there is still there they're still right so there you're not really trimming the the you can stretch them as long as you want for short as you want just by grabbing the edges and it since nothing's gonna get changed you can pick you can put a series of pictures in and then you can have it playing however long you want so play around with those features of it if you understand once you get kind of the Eddie's putting your sequences together you're gonna get everything in the right place and then you can add these next effects that I'm going to show you maybe you want to focus in on a certain part of the video so you can crop it I'm gonna go ahead and click on this video and move my playhead over to it now make sure again make sure you always have it selected I'm gonna go up to the crop tool select it it's gonna open up this window what you can do now so you get these handles around I'm gonna go grab this corner one and I'm actually going to hold down shift as I do this I'm gonna grab the corner like so and drag it in because when I hold down shift it keeps it in the same aspect ratio so just it makes it easier for me to keep everything in the same ratio that will fit well into the frame that I've already selected now I can move this around so even maybe make it a little bit smaller grab it shrink it in just focus on the dog and I'm gonna say actually I'm gonna look and you can see if I wanted maybe it's centered so you could say vertically and Center and go like that and you can take a look at the different options that you have on it and I just lost it I'll go back again put it over top and all I'm gonna do Klee I'll hit okay so now what has happened if I go ahead and play just this part if I preview this now it's just focused up on the dog a lot more in zoo Dabra neffe's cropped it out before I get up to applying any effects I just want to show you a couple other things with taking a snapshot out of a picture so out of a video so let's say if I just went to here where the earth was take a look under the little wrench here if I drop down make sure you again any of these things you have to be selected on your video or else it won't show up click down and see there's create a snapshot so if I hit create snapshot and then it puts it over here what I can do with this now is I'm gonna export it and it's gonna export it I'll hit save and it's gonna export it to where my other file was now I've been showing you from add object take a look at all the shortcuts here too so if I hit just the add image here well there's the image that I just took so I could actually it's very easy to take this snapshot so this is a PNG file here and I can move it around and shorten it to anywhere I want it's very easy to just take a still out of your images by doing it just like that so now the next thing I want to talk about is just some of the other effects so again I'm gonna click up I'll click on this picture here you can see you can quickly rotate pictures here if you have it selected I will make sure I move my cursor you always have to move your cursor on top of the video that you want to be shown so if I click you can see how I can rotate any of these images around the other thing if you want to quickly change the transparency and I'm gonna overlap a couple of videos to show you so in this case I'm gonna change the transparency of the bottom one since it's remember how he said this is the one that's going to show up if I move my since you see the bottom one now if I just click this see the transparency right here I could bring this down and now at 45% you can see the one and I can see through so if I was going to play it it adds kind of a neat effect that way too so just by playing with the transparency and you overlap them as much as you want so with more effects I'm just gonna bring this back here the other facts that you can quickly add are some color correction so again click on the video you want to color correct make sure you bring your playhead over top of it so you can see what's happening did all these different ones so if I just clicked and open I could quickly change the color situation on these videos here and I can just add them like so if you ever want to go back you can see remove all is right here a nice way to do it if you're just making some Corrections sometimes just the auto levels will do some things but I'm gonna remove all because that doesn't look very good all right so now we've added some just some simple effects onto this one dad other effects what you can do is again make sure you have it selected but take a look at video effects here and I'm just gonna pick under special effects and you can play with all these different ones they work similar but I'm gonna say let's do the TV and Ageing TV and I'm gonna add it to this one and it actually opens up I'll show you what I mean it's opening up this video hit OK it adding added this aging effect right here so now if I go and play it you can see how it's like the old TV with the lines and it's great it's kind of grainy and everything on it too so very easy to add these effects if I close out of it you can see I'll just close out of it it's right inside here so I close it here and that was in this one right here so if I double-click on it you can see this right here is the effect and it went there because my cursor was and you can make those adjustments to where you want it to be so that's how simple it is to add these effects let's talk a little bit about transitions actually before I do transitions with those effects you can do the same thing to your audio if I go select my audio here we have our audio effects that we can add different things to so even if it was maybe if it was let's go to a tempo change so if I click on it and I'll hit actually uh I'm gonna hit ll just leave it there but what you can do is you can make some adjustments to it if I go to the property let's go to the property where knows that's resources so I wanted the property ones where did it go here make sure I click on that I'm going to close that one and I want my properties 1 there okay so now if I wanted to change notice right now I think I was playing around before it's I've said at 300% but I could adjust normally it'd be not a thousand percent it'd be at 100 percent here so if I wanted to change the tempo up a lot on it I could change it let's say so that you can notice it I'll hit play or preview and it's extremely extremely fast actually doesn't sound good and it's already done because I put it up to four hundred percent so which is four times the speed so you can quickly add these audio audio effects and video effects just by making sure you click on the image or the video or the audio and then going up into the editor and adding the effects like I showed you there remember the shortcuts to all these things do I could have a habit of going up to the top but all these shortcuts right here you can quickly once you get used to them and just click and add different things so transitions though happen be Pete between two different ones when we first imported into the sprite we could have brought in our in put in transitions rate at that moment but once you if you want to add them later it's a little different what you need to do is overlap your two videos so if you want to transition between the both of them and with the bottom one you need to open up the bottom one and I'm actually going to get rid of this is the one that I had before that was just some transparency I'm gonna add enough video effect and this time we're going to go transition and I'll just put we'll just do a chess like so and it's gonna put it in the right place for me right between the two places so if I preview this now I'll just preview you can see the checkered transition on it so if I close and with this again think about the property windows I could stretch this longer if you wanted to view the property windows rate up top here you can open it up you can see the different if you have that selected it's going to show how you want to make any adjustments you can just type in the different effects here or you can stretch it further if I wanted a little bit longer I could stretch it like that lastly what I wanted to show you was that text effects on this too so I'm just gonna close out of this where I'm working if I wanted to add a text really simple to do in this program I'm just gonna move my cursor to someplace you'll be able to see the text logo right here and again I'm gonna use the shortcut I could go back into my editor and add object you can see the text right here and but I can just click on things right here I'm gonna add my text and I'm just gonna go from my cursor position I can move around after and once I get that I can draw a text box over this and I'm just gonna say hello world and I have text I could go through now and make adjustments you can see all through this I can change the type of font that I want the text color this is something you can kind of go through and play with I'm going to change the actual size make this a lot larger and you can see how quickly it is to make anytime I click on the text again it opens back up and I can start making more adjustments to it so you get it the way you want and you stretch it out for as long as you want notice right here I have it plus right here if I only wanted it for a little bit I could stretch this down if it was only at the beginning and if I hit play on this you can see here's the text in it so that's how you add some effects to your work add some transitions and your text now if you get your video all done we need to know how to export this so you can upload it to YouTube or share it with some friends while you're working on your project make sure you just keep hitting save you can see the Save button right up top here so every time you make some changes go ahead and hit that so your project let's say it's all done you're ready to export it whether it be to YouTube or to maybe just for home use for sharing we all we have to do is go over to export over here and then you can pick kind of what you want to what type of devices the select a media device let me just go and leave this at PC you can see the range of them right here and you can pick the type from ABI all the way across you can see though the different ones you can just easily select it to pick the ones you want I'm just gonna leave it on first one here if you wanted to edit the profile of that check down here if I click at a profile you can see where I can kind of pick the profiles through here of the different ones on its own you can get where you want it hit apply profile you can change the name if you wanted to too so you can go ahead and just hit well I'm just going to call this I'll call this example two I'll hit save and you can just change the name like that when everything's already set up the way you want oh one more thing you notice about here it says 33 seconds you can see if I go over to my editor it's only about 30 seconds well this marker is where it's making that three second so if I bring this marker back kind of to the end of that and then if I go back to export you can see how it changes the time on that one so when you get it all ready all you do is hit export if you're using the free version this might come up but you can still go ahead and hit continue on this one so I'm gonna hit continue and it's going to go ahead and export it and then it's going to be this video file will be in the place where you told it to save to and then you're all ready to upload it to YouTube or share it with other people so I hope you like this tutorial on vsd see here today it's as I said for PC only it works a little different to get a hold of but once you kind of get the hang of it it does work very well and it has a great price of being free I'll do a few more videos explaining a few more of the features on this one so let me know what you might want and remember I do weekly tech tips and if you liked what you saw this week please subscribe to my channel thanks for watching and I'll see you next time
Channel: Teacher's Tech
Views: 607,168
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vsdc video editor tutorial, vsdc video editor, vsdc free video editor, free video editor, vsdc tutorials, video editor, basic video editing guide, best free video editor, vsdc video editor basics, vsdc beginner editing guide, how to use vdsc video editor, best free youtube video editing software, vsdc editing tutorials, how to use vsdc video editor, teachers tech, best video editor for youtube videos, vsdc video editor beginners guide, 2018
Id: J0GK5o8j6LY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 7sec (1627 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 26 2018
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