VSDC free video editing software - tutorial for beginners (2018)

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hello everyone I hope you enjoyed our last couple videos from Europe and I'm going to continue with these but today it's gonna be a little bit different some of you guys are asking how do i edit my videos teach me how to edit videos as you might know I edit videos in Adobe Premiere Pro and this is really quite expensive software so you're also asking please teach me something what is completely free this video is gonna be all about video editing for the beginners if you're not into video editing please do turn back on the next video so I was reached by a company who creates a software called V as DC and I actually tested the free version of their software and it turned out very good so I decided to teach you guys how to edit videos in PSD see first of all you go to the website video soft DEFCON where you can download free version of this vs DC software then you have to install the software on your on your PC or laptop I'm going to start with the blank project you can click here or you can click new project right here the project title is my first video and pay attention to this part this is for resolution and framerate if you want the result in 1080 put full HD here it's actually as you can see it supports also 4k and then I'm going to choose 30 frames per second I click finish so when you first open the program it will look like this I will close a couple of these windows to make the space a little bit bigger if you want later put these windows back then you click on the tops right here at the top on view and there is properties window which was on the right side originally and objects Explorer which was on the left side but I don't want these right now so first of all I would like to import my video files you go up here and switch to edit or top and at objet and you can see here a bunch of things you can add video files but also audio image some subtitles so I'm going to choose video to this file and you can choose where in the timeline you want to put it at the beginning of the whole timeline or to the trillion or I would choose from cursor point the selected video clip appeared here in the timeline okay I usually don't at one clip after another I just throw everything to the sidelines and then I choose directly from the timeline which clips I want to leave and which scenes I I'm gonna delete now let's see how to import multiple Clips I'm gonna delete this one I'm gonna select and press delete here's a little shortcut how to import video files a little bit faster if you click here on add object you have here these little icons and you can see that these same icons are here so instead of adding object like this I would just go here click on add video and then I'm gonna select all these files hit open and here appears a little bit different dialog if you decide that you want you wanna delete some clips you can you can click on this cross you can also add some transitions in between the clips I click apply settings and it creates something they called surprise right is like all Clips put together but we actually want to work with the single video clips so I double click on sprite one and drag this little bit so in more space then I can move in the timeline as you can see it imported all the clips to the timeline and each clip is in a different liar also frequently use this zooming in and zooming out on the timeline if you if you hit miles and plus signs on a keyboard it it's gonna work as well now I am going to choose which video clips will stay which I'm gonna delete always keep your story in mind this is the main thing and you should choose always the video clips which fits into your story so I'm going to go through the clips real quick dragging this this Cruiser and that's how I choose which clips are going to stay if I actually want to see the video clip in normal speed I must hit preview okay so this is a nice clip this will stay for example I decided I don't want to use this clip so I'm gonna delete this one so I click on it press delete then when you delete the clip it creates a little like space so you would need to move all other Clips a little bit closer like this okay actually work with the with the single Clips really easily just you can just click on it and move it anywhere in the timeline as you wish and the other thing is that the clips which are at the bottom has higher priority and you can see that I put this clip over the clip at the bottom typically in Premiere Pro for example you would see this clip which is at the top but in in this case in vs DC you will see the higher priority clip is at the bottom so now if you want to change the priority and move this clip I just click on the clip go to edit move down it actually moves out but down it's meant probably that you put it under the other clip under this one you know so I have just chosen the the clips which fits to my story and the next thing I usually do is cutting out the bad parts and leaving the best here I have really long video clip and I want to use just small part of it just a few seconds I need to select the part which I want to delete so this way I'm trying to find the position where it should be the cut where my husband started to ski really aggressively I'm dragging and dragging and let's say it's here so this part which is right now selected I want to delete this part out you need to go to this top at the the top editor and here you have these scissors if you click on them you can see that the part was deleted I'm gonna show you actually the faster way let's do undo you if you press ctrl + delete it's gonna do the same thing the next thing you might want to do is splitting the clips I'm gonna find the position where I want to split the clips I'm going to editor here is split into parts so I click on that as you can see the clip was divided in two layers the next step I like to do is see if there are some nice shows for example my kids face expression or some some kind of activity where I want to do slow motion so here I have my daughter's really nicely smiling and I want to do this slow motion so I click on both clip then I need to go to view it's up here and click on properties window here are several different properties of this video clip there's speak and see that there is 100% so I'll try 15 and you can already see that the clip is longer let's see usual than you do slow motion you can notice that the sound is really beard then I want to lower the audio level I again click on the clip and here is audio volume so I drag this down a little bit sometimes I do voice over some Bureau footage as I'm talking to you on the camera and suddenly I put there some kind of video and you still hear my voice so what do you need to do is to somehow separate audio part and video part so let's click on that clip and then here is split video and audio you can see that here is a new wire with the voice so I can cut out the part of the video selecting the the part which I want to cut out press ctrl Delete and I will put there some part where she is skiing I'm going to put there this part I just edit and then down right here so let's let's see how it looks yeah also you might want to add some music to the video so let's see how to do this click this icon I'm going to choose the music file hit open I want to place it from the beginning of the whole timeline and you can see the song right here so I want to end the music right here where my all my video clips and select the part I want to delete then press ctrl delete but what happens here that the song will end up suddenly let's check some fade out effect right click on the song audio effects amplitude fade out and I'm going to place it at the end of the timeline and set the duration to 5 seconds I click OK and here creates a little object and I need to go back to the timeline cutting this sprite and then seeing how it works [Music] another thing I like to do usually is adding some title or subtitles I'm going to click here title text and I'm going to play the title right at the beginning on a shorter duration let's say 5 seconds ok you can see this little cross so if you drag it you will create a space for the text hit editor here at the top skiing Colorado let's make it a little bit bigger let's change the font and here we go what's up the videos where there is some activity and I do not place the camera on the tripod these shows are then really shaky so it needs to be stabilized I'm going to click on the quick press tools and here's video civilization it says that to make use of stabilization upgrade your editor to pro you can fully use the program but there are some functions which are actually in the paid version and one of the things civilization so I have just activated my my pro version and let's see how it works to quick video stabilization it seems that I cannot directly stabilize the clip in a timeline so I would need to choose a file it was this one and now I will export and it's gonna take some while it's a little bit less straightforward I wish that they they have this directly you know that you can you can sub lies directly equip in a timeline ok so the conversion was finished now I need to add the video clip here and it's this one and I want to place it to the we're Cruiser is it's right here I want to move it move it a little bit up to the right position so I go to edit top and press actually down I can switch off the video here and let's see so this was the stubble I start and if we see the original poor shaking I also discovered a nice feature of this pro version so let's go to this music layer and click here and click show waveform and here you can actually see all the beats in the music and all the changes what I often do is other thing my videos to fit the music when there is a beat i I do the cut at this exact place I will move the clip right here you know to fit the beat then the next beat might be right here so I will fit here one last thing I want to mention and what I do with my videos is color grading and color Corrections for example as you can see this GoPro footage I shoot with a flat color profile and it would need a little more contrast or color so what I'm gonna do and this is part of the free version you don't have to have a version to do this I right-click on the video file video effects and here you have a bunch of different things like contrast several different filters and transformations and you can also use these quick styles so let's try these powder levels one last thing we need to do is export the project and see several different formats you can use the web there are some presets if you use it for YouTube or Instagram for Facebook I don't know actually where I'm gonna use it so I would do this PC and probably stick with other and then I'm going to hit export project so this is it this is how I edit the videos and I hope you learn how to how to add videos in PSD see if you're still here I have a little gift for you the company who which creates PSD C is willing to provide the pro version to one of you guys so all you have to do is leave a comment under this video with the hashtag giveaway and please let me know what kind of videos do you love to make ok guys thank you so much for watching I will appreciate it and I hope to see you next time we will continue with our series from Europe from Czech Republic [Music]
Channel: Filming Family
Views: 22,232
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vsdc, free video editing software, VSDC free video editing software, VSDC editing software, vsdc how to edit video, vsdc video editor, best free video editing software, video editing software, how to edit videos free, vsdc beginner tutorial, vsdc beginner editing guide, vsdc beginners, free editing software, free movie maker software, free video editor, video editor free download, video editing software for windows, vsdc 2018, vsdc editing tutorial 2018
Id: YqF3Ln11jT4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 14sec (914 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 16 2018
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