DaVinci Resolve 15 Tutorial - Designed for Beginners

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hi there i'm jamie kita and welcome to teachers tech hope you're having a great day today today i want to show you how to use DaVinci Resolve 15 so this is going to be a beginners tour tutorial of DaVinci Resolve 15 so I want to be able to show you how to get started and creating some great-looking videos I'm using the free version of this today so if I click on the download you can see that DaVinci Resolve 15 beta these are free I'm working on Windows 10 today but you can see the other operating systems available for you I'm going to timestamp everything down below so if you need to jump jump around to different parts of this video just click on it and it will jump to it if you're looking for some other DaVinci Resolve 15 videos make sure you hit that subscribe button I'll break things down more in more detailed and hit that little Bell notification next to it and then you'll get notified when those videos come out let's get started with DaVinci Resolve 15 today when you open up a DaVinci Resolve 15 what you're gonna see is some of the other projects that you've have any that you've worked on so you can see here's an example if I hover over it with my mouse it will give me an idea what's about what it's about and on the other side you can see the local database where your projects are going to be saved gives a path in the location of this I can right click on this and open file location' to to find it this way too so I'm gonna go ahead and create a project right away so I can jump right into it and start creating I can do this in a couple a couple different ways I can just double click on the untitled project and it's going to open up or I can hit new project right here so I'm gonna choose that and I'm gonna just type example video today and hit go ahead and hit create when it opens up we have different workspaces so the workspace that a default is in the editing here so we have different ones that this video is going to be focused on on the different workspaces so I'll be focusing on the editing where I'll show you basic editing this is the media where you're gonna import your media to and we have our fusion which were I'm not going to focus on here today because this is more of the special effects and animation that you can add watch all to get into a little bit more detail with a different video the same thing with color and which is color enhancement we have fair light which is audio enhancement that you can do but I will talk about the delivery method watches when you're done everything how you export it so maybe you want to export it to YouTube or save it to your computer over here on the right-hand side of any time if you want to go back to where we started if we hit home you can see it will get you to your different projects and you can create new projects from there - we have settings over in the far right hand corner so when I open this up I can choose the settings so that I want my project to be I'm just gonna leave it what it is today but you can see how you can go through on the left hand side and choose the settings that might might fit your specific needs so I'm going to just cancel this and I'm gonna start in bringing in some media here right away so I could bring media in right into this part here so if I go over to here you can see it says no clips in the media how I like to do this I'm gonna bring my window over to the side a little bit I have this folder with some media in it in it and I can just simply drag it in so it's gonna say in this case that my settings didn't fit match my file do you want it to match up I'm gonna say yes change them on this case and so that they all match up so that's one way you can bring it in right there so but the thing I like to do is to make it even a little faster is I go right into my editing I can bring things right into this so now I'm in my edit track I can bring drag it right into here or I can bring things right into my timeline and when I bring things into my timeline it automatically gets put in here a few different ways you can do this also is I can right click and I can import media and then I can go find that certain folder that I know I have right here and I can select all the different things that I have I have some images in there I have some sounds so lots of different types of media to give you an example here today I'm just gonna move this over here and just maximize it on my window again now when we when we have this all ready to go just a few different things if you want to view any of these at any time I can just hover over top of this and this if I double click on it it will stay in this source window right here so I can go ahead and watch it and hit play and you can hear the audio and everything that goes with it I can go to different ones as I click on them you can see you have to double click on it to make it go into the source window so same thing with an image if i double click on it now nothing's gonna change in this but it does get in there for a set time amount when a defaults same thing with audio double click and I can play so I can test all these things out up top I can change if I want to the thumbnails and different sizes you can adjust it right through here if you wanted more of a list you can change that I tend to use this and maybe make it a little smaller like this just so I can see a few more so that's how I import my media into da Vinci result and you can see I could insert it right into the timeline so when we're bringing things into the timeline I can drag it things right over so if I take this is just an image if I bring it over into here you can see things are slightly different colors so in this case right here this is kind of a darker blue and this is a lighter view this is a video track right here and this is just a picture so I can the green are your audio so I can move these around notice when I bring them up it creates a new track so same thing if I bring in this audio track if I bring it down here if I do that one more time if I drag it right down here you can see how it's created a new audio track so the V are the video tracks where the video and the images will go in the audio will show up on the aa2 and then more tracks will get the get created I can take a little different view of different things here too so if I ever want to see more of the timeline I can adjust so if I drag it over to the left this isn't changing the size of anything it's just changing what I see of it I can change the look through here if I wanted a few different options of how the different tracks look you can see how it adjusts to show more if you wanted to see the thumbnails or maybe the audio with the audio clips to see the waves you can just play around and adjust these different things to play it so we have before I showed you this was the source window on the left hand side if I drag my playhead if I drag it over top what you see here this is the preview window of the timeline down here so this is all the different editing that I'm going to do is gonna when I hit play it's going to be showing in this window and I can grab this and bring it around or I can hit the play up here and watch it up here so these are just a few different options we're gonna start editing right away and when we work we're gonna be seeing it in this window over here so let's get started with that editing so let's start by draining in some video and talking about the snap tool so I'm gonna drag in this video into my timeline and I'll just keep it on video 1 you can see the audio it goes on to audio 2 on the audio track here - and which is represented in green I'm gonna grab another video and I can grab and the first thing I want to tell you when you drag it in so we can line things up on the same track or agree could move things into different track but the one thing to note is whatever is on top is what's going to be seen so if you notice here even though the video is through here playing if I hit play up here it's the top video that gets shown so that's important thing to know if you if you're having issues with not seeing certain videos see what video is on top so for this I'm just lighting this up to show the snap tool the snap tools turned on and what it's doing notice as I go right up it snaps right to the edge now if I turn it off if I'm moving this around if I bring it up it just smoothly goes over top of the other video but what that is doing it's actually trimming this video over here so if I move it back you can see that it's trimmed this video so whether you want that on or off maybe you're using it to trim but I like having it when I'm lining things up to have the snap tool on just so I can quickly line things up if you make a mistake and if you don't or don't like something remember hit the ctrl Z and it will keep every time you hit it it goes back another another time where you've made a change to it you'll also see it up top under the edit undo take a look at all the shortcuts through here down the right-hand side so if you're using something a lot try to memorize the shortcut and we'll see give you save you some time also take a look under file you can see save project again you can use the shortcut with ctrl s on it so that's just some basics with just the snap tool moving it around it everything again I usually keep the snap tool on just so I can snap things like this so I already showed you that one way with the snap tool off to drag it to trim to your different videos and even with it on you can trim you just have to force it over top and then it will do the trim that way too but there's other ways you can trim videos around it and that's using this tool right here so this is the trim tool our traumatic mode so if I click on this this allows me to grab the edges and drag them in and in this case I'm cutting the ends of the video so I'm just making it shorter by cutting the ends off by dragging it dragging them in I'm making it shorter that way and I could just simply drag over like so now the thing is if you have an image so this is an image right here and I'll just drag it in here you can stretch out an image too as long or as short as you want and it won't make a difference you're not really cutting anything off because it's just an image and it's the same picture so you can stretch it out to play for a certain you know so many seconds or minutes or however you want but when you trim one of these clips you're actually cutting something off so the other way that you can trim and I'm just gonna use my selection tool so when you use your selection tool you can select multiple things and I'm gonna hit delete I'm gonna talk about this with a puppy on the sand here and I'm just gonna reset some marks that I have and I'm just gonna drag them back on this one you can see what that was the playhead that I was dragging so I'm gonna strike it around I can move this around so I'm gonna hit play and you can see it's playing so maybe I want this part right here I'm gonna hit play again and I'm just gonna stop it right away and hit an out mark so that was my end mark in my out mark you can see all I have selected is this part right through here I'm gonna go ahead and click insert clip and it put the clip actually right where my great where my playhead was so that's something to remember where you're putting it and but you can still drag it around if I have my selection tool I can drag it out of there and now in this case right here if I hit play it's just the clip that I selected right between here didn't change the source file over here it just took that segment out of it so those are a few different ways you can trim inside DaVinci Resolve I'm just gonna delete these so I selected everything and I'm just hitting delete I'm gonna bring back in this one right here now another way you can do it what you can do and I'm just gonna zoom up a little bit on here so I can see more and move this bar over so I can see a different part of it this is a razor tool so with a razor tool I can use it as a trim also so if I clicked and clicked on the end and then did a selection I could click on it like that but the other thing it allows me to do if I use my razor tool I can click it cut in between a couple marks like this so now I could take this selection if there was something in the middle I didn't want I could select it and hit delete and then it fills it in together like so so that's using the razor tool what I also like to do with the playhead I like to usually bring it to a certain spot watch it in the preview window when I get to where I want to clip it and then I bring the razor tool right up to it and then it Clips it right on that spot so I get it exactly where I want to I don't have to high it quite the same if I was going through this way too so that's just a couple a couple little hints on this one and like I said you can take your selection tool and hit delete and then the gap is gone so those are some ways you can trim or you can use the razor tool to cut things out in the middle or trim to get things shorter but let's say you want to change the actual speed of a clip so what I'm gonna do here is again I'm just going to delete a few things here and I'm gonna move this over to the beginning I'm gonna put in my intro here so this intro I'll just start hit play you can see how short it is here or sorry how well slow it place and I don't want it that slow I want to speed this up so I can't just drag the ends because if I drag the ends it's actually going to cut things off I don't wanna cut anything off I want to speed up how fast it plays so if I right-click on it and I go to change clip speed on it notice right now it's at 100% so at 100% if I need to go faster I need to bring it over 100% I want to bring it to about three seconds so what I'm gonna do is just drag this up and drag inside of it and when I get to let's say around three something right there I'm just gonna hit change and it shortened it up so now if I play it you can see it plays much quicker so then you might be shortening things up orbs let me you're going fast motion slow motion you bring things in line and then you start putting your video together and remember you do not have to be in the same track all these things too so if I go ahead and bring an audio track into it I can use these exact same tools as I showed you before so if I was using the trim I can go from the edges of these to trim it or I can use the razor to do the cuts and then select the parts I want out and it will be gone - so you can use these on audio also so the next thing I just wanted to show you here before I switch the next section is just about unlinking audio with your videos so if I bring in let's say this video and you can hear that there is audio here in the background and you can see on the green if I drag these things they're connected this tool right here if I click so you can see control shift L is the shortcut but if I just click this notice now these two are not connected anymore so if you wanted to disconnect any of these you can just use that but now things are going to be linked up together again so notice back and forth like that if I right click also I do have link Clips here and I'm going to click off and now I have these selected differently at that so it's just a couple of different ways to unlink clips and why might you want to do this well let's say you didn't want the audio in here you could delete the audio and then you could put in maybe just another audio you could also mute the audio but if it's quick to delete it and then you could go ahead and put in another audio right with it - so those are just some tea to get you started with some of that basic editing but there's a lot more I still want to show you here tonight all right let's show you how to do a few more things here now this is part of some tips that what I like to do when I'm working on multiple tracks and that is to make adjustments over here so what I mean by this is you can see if I just hover over bring my playhead back and forth you can see since this is on the top layer that's being shown now what I can do though is I can hide that layer or anything on that layer and then I can go ahead and bring it over and it won't be seen I haven't deleted anything I'm just hiding it so the same thing is if I wanted mute soundtrack so like here if I go ahead and hit mute and I hit play all I'm hearing is the one audio from the waves so no longer am i hearing the song that's playing at the same time but I can quickly just go back and that make it seen or heard the other thing I like to use is if I'm if I get a track in a certain place I want to make sure it's not I don't want it to be moving the videos that I have inside it just hit lock on that track and then you won't be able to move anything on it so those are just some tips with managing especially with multiple layers so let's go take a look at the audio real quick and open up the mixer with some things that you can do the mixer is just the top here so if I go ahead and hit play there's two things playing here so I'm gonna rewind a little bit we have kind of the waves that are in this video and then the song playing so I'm gonna hit play again but maybe I don't want the way so then I bring the waves all the way down and maybe I want to adjust the volume on this song so it's not quite so loud so you can make some adjustments with mixer through doing those things too now going on to a few more things adding some more effects or working with some things like picture and picture it with DaVinci Resolve it works out pretty easily so with this rate up here so we have the earth zoom that's on top of this one of this other video right here and as I said you can only see the top one right now but if you did a picture-in-picture you can make some adjustments to this top layer so if I go let's say I'm gonna use transform I have these nodes here if I make this smaller now and I can move this around I can have and I'll just go back a little bit now when I hit play I have like this picture in the picture happening like this so then I can move it all around in different places have it anywhere I want I can rotate it if I wanted it at a certain place and a certain angle and then I can adjust it and you can have multiple layers so if I added more layers I could do this to more of them so I just would have to add more videos on top of it so you could have multiple picture in pictures if I open up the inspector up here on this one I have some more options too so I'm gonna just bring back my play head a bit I have all these different ways that I could add so even if I wanted to add some color let's go to the color burn you can see how it changes I'll make this a bit bigger at any time you make any changes these are reset buttons right here so if I go ahead and click it it brings it back to normal I have my cropping so I could crop this down however I wanted to and I could reset these back so it's just how I started to it so you go through you can even make more adjustments through the inspector here another thing you can do and I'm just gonna Center this a bit more is work with key frames so key frames once I added the effect to it this little symbol is the key frame you can see how it's on the audio also and it will work similar with the audio so with the idea with a key frame what you need to do is put at least two different points in between and then you're gonna tell it to do something in between those two points you can have more than two points but for instance let me show you so if I take this here and I'm just going to drag my playhead back a bit and I'm gonna work with cropping so I'm gonna hit this is at keyframe so I hit a keyframe it added a little bread circle down here on my line and I'm gonna bring my playhead over to here and add another one right here so I could pick something else for this example I'm just picking the same one here now I can make adjustments to this so if I drag this around I can drag it around in time and everything and I can actually add more keyframes if I go back and hit another one maybe I want to bring this down so you can see if I bring back my play head and play this example you'll be able to see how it goes through it's making the adjustments on it through the keyframe so keyframes are very handy thing to kind of create more effects and have a lot more control to your video creation and remember at any time you can restart reset these things too to get it back to normal so let's go on here and talk about a few more things with transitions and having text to your video alright so now I want to show you some video transitions and adding text to your video so we're gonna go up top to the effects library and you can see there's more than just those here but those are the two for this beginners tutorial that I want to show you and with when we use our transitions you can see I have video transitions selected I can drag and I'll just drag this arrow iris over and drop it on my video so now if I go over it and just hit play you'll see how that arrow iris comes into it if I double click on it on this part you can see now it opened it up in the inspector up top here and I can even actually even change from here if I wanted something else and then I go back and if I hit play again now it's the it's the other one I've chose the hexagon I can make more adjustments I can change the duration of it but I can also change the duration right down here by stretching this out you can see how it's changed or I can go through and add color I could add border and these are all the different things that you can adjust you could see that how I showed you before there are keyframe adjustments that you can make to this also and remember we have our reset buttons here too now you can add different things to the ends different transitions to the ends of these so if I drag another one you can see I can do just like this and I can have another one when it fades out to the other side but when we're doing transitions between two different videos what I like to do is add the transition to the top one so what mean by that is what I'm gonna do is actually delete these so I'm selecting and hitting delete and I'm gonna overlap these like this so right now what would happen if you're just playing your video I'll just bring it back I'll hit play it just would jump great from this one to this one but we want more of a smooth transition so now if I go we'll just use the cross iris if I drag it up to the top one and I get put it here and then I can drag a little bit more so now what happens is if I play it you can see the cross iris goes in between the two different ones so put your transition on the top one on it so just another note here if I click on this little diamond that's on it if I click it opens up I'm gonna stretch this out because you won't be able to see it if I don't see the keyframe so this keyframe allows me make adjustments in between those two points so the one point is right there for how long the transition is and there's the other point but you can make adjustments to these through here just like I showed you before and make some adjustments by adding some just to get a different feel for that transition between the two different things so when you get it the way you want you can just go ahead and close that up and then you play it and then it will just adapt from there so you can see how it kind of slowed it down probably not the best one but just for an example so the next thing I wanted to show you was to how to add text so to add text or titles you can see it right over here we could do lower thirds and I'm not going to go over each each of these you can play but with these but all you have to do is drag it over so if I put my playhead where it is you can see here it is there's the title in the lower thirds now if I was just going to use and you can try each of these describe them in to see what they look like I'll show you how to make adjustments to it for customization by just using text here I'm gonna delete my lower thirds that I'm going to just put a text one in right here so now with this text one if I go to it and click on it you can see that the inspector is open now and look at the different adjustments I can make to it so if I wanted a different different type of font on this one I'm gonna make this larger and you can see color change let's just pick a purple here and I hit okay and as I go through you can have all these different type of customizations that you want from where you want it position the alignment even we can add some drop shadow to it so if I offset this you can see how I can add the drop shadow depending on how I move it around and I can blur that hour to a little bit and notice again all the keyframe options and the reset buttons there right before it and just when you see the keyframe option opening it up and then you can play around with it to get more effects that way we could add a stroke to this I could pick a color let's say it will just go here and actually I'll just leave it there so if I change the size of it you can see once I change the size the stroke is around it to background and so on you can make all these adjustments now once you get what you want in the title you can bring this anywhere you want so as soon if I bring it over here you can see the title is going to be over here I can stretch it out for as long as I want because it won't change it's not a video or anything playing so those are some ways to make transitions and titles on it just to make your video that much more interesting when you're done in your video and you want to render it what you need to do is go to deliver at the bottom now at this point you can pick what type of video you want to go to you can see all the different customizations at the top I could click customization and go through and I could choose from the different video type - audio - file so I could give it a name right through here I'm going to call this example here better spell it right and then you can see from video what do I want it to be so if I was I wanted to have a specific one you just go through and pick and you can scroll all the way down and make all the changes for this one I'm gonna do YouTube 1080p right here and then it picks all the correct different different top file types so you can see with the codec the h.264 is the one what is recommended for YouTube with the 1920 by 1080 P now if you did want something like Auto audio only you can kind of look to scroll over and you can see that there's an audio only one there too so once you get everything set up the way you want you can add the render to the queue and we can hit final destination sure hit OK and then over here we have this job nothing started yet because we haven't told it what we wanted to render so what I mean by that do we want to do the entire timeline or an in/out range so if we did an in/out range what it allows me to do is bring these in and I can select a certain part of the video that I want maybe specifically let rendered it's only going to pick that spot but in this case I want the entire timeline so I can go to it and when it's ready I can go start render you can see I have a few different options here that you can check through and if you want to do any edit or cancelling it you can see where it's going to be saved and I'm gonna go ahead and hit start rendered so it goes through and you'll have this video file ready for it ready to be uploaded to YouTube to where you save to it so you're just gonna have to go to there when you're logging to your youtube and then just upload it from there so I hope you like this tutorial today to get you started with DaVinci Resolve if you have make sure you shared it with a few people let me know what else you want to learn I do have a lot more videos on DaVinci Resolve 15 coming out especially with some of these special effects and things with the color and the video and the animation here that we they have on it now too so I hope you have a great night tonight I'll see you next week with some more videos
Channel: Teacher's Tech
Views: 450,950
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DaVinci Resolve 15, how to use davinci resolve 15, davinci resolve, davinci resolve tutorial, davinci resolve 15 tutorial, resolve 15 tutorial, how to use davinci resolve, blackmagic fusion, davinci resolve 15 tutorial for beginners, davinci resolve tutorial for beginners, davinci resolve tutorials, davinci resolve 14 tutorial, free video editor, teachers tech, free videoing editing software 2018, free videoing editing software
Id: 6C2WUsvWGdc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 1sec (1741 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 04 2018
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