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hello tiny plant explorers today I am joined by a shy guy except this guy ain't shy this guy is jacksepticeye nice I didn't I didn't know what I was going to be but I'm very impressed and I feel right now I am shy gods your formal introduction row it down a bit I can be less cool that was me trying really hard if it's cool with you I'm gonna be a lot less cool for the rest of this video okay welcome to my nook of the Internet thank you welcome to Brighton you've recently moved a bit I did is the sea treating you nicely yeah you have water in Ireland no actually it's a massive drought Ireland um as people know what is the arid desert I like to do voices a lot just in my spare time when I'm alone I talk to myself a lot you ever talk to yourself John yeah way too much it's mostly in here uh-huh but that's alright to the neighbors can hear tell us what we're doing today peaches I was thinking if something you said to me back in December you said that you want to get more into doing voice acting and vocal coaching diver go ahead to Jim no okay cool I mean I don't really take an online course together yeah that I should have is pretty fun I do I really like a couple therapy cuz I heard your voice in pinstripe yeah that was cool and surprising everybody else is like British accents in the game yeah and then he came to me he was just like do your normal voice and then it just stuck out like a sore thumb in the middle of everything's like hi I thought it worked I brought you over here because I know you like doing voices you've got very distinct voice in fact and I thought it'd be fun if we just do some impressions try to make each other laugh just have a good time yeah all right let's start with overwatch you like overwatch right I do actually god it's like the one time I'm not wearing overwatch yeah I was kind of expecting you probably would wear yeah I was like going wrong with my hat for like the last week I have like a father dead t-shirt on I mean that's also very in keeping with the brand Acree Matt Mercer's voice is like water it is very buttery let's just slather it all over my body his voice that is not butter oh I thought that was one of the line like Keith McCready I came in the update yeah I knew is I knew in my head it sounds good because it doesn't resonating in my head I mean I was pretty good I liked that but then you hear back is like it's high noon oh I'm your huckleberry I'm your huckleberry I'm not good not bad but I sure as hell ain't no you seem familiar and I killed you before hey there whoa there Oh die die die die die and I was better I have the benefit of yelling yeah 27 years my like you were yelling from baby yes that was the first thing you came out with my hand yeah soldier 70 said oh my boy I'm not a young man anymore I didn't start this war but I'm damn well gonna finish it I've got you in my sight that's good you're really gonna the gruff I think I'm less good at the grunting I'm better at the more wacky ones yeah we'll get on to that be boo boo come on are you doing like fashion or or cheating to a bit about magic er that was more like damnit oh sorry sea dragon I I do what time are you gonna take you hello yeah Japanese with Jack I cannot do an Australian accent I can do a cannon kinda crazy kooky accent well you're closer to it - British accent assorted Australian than the Irish ooh if at first you don't succeed beginning boom happy birthday today that's a longer time I thought it was copper oh no cause I like cops and harassed me I'm just a joke ring okay but Harve your d'Arby are and ready to work so he's kind of like a pirate really you're making a chicken out of a feather are they last time I'm Spanish my turret is a gruff and low one so cool Oh sugar well that last man when you hear that coming around the corner in your yeah so fokin one more time go I do got water for dead Winston has it hanging oh pretty good I mean I spend a lot of time at the left ball so I can I would stick I would say Oh Sanada I love any other experience tranquility gaze into the iris I dreamt I was a butterfly how disappointing okay I want to often you're British yeah you gonna have to do tracer now Cheers loves the Cavalry's here yeah terrible awful I'm sorry well could always use more heroes yeah that's pretty that's not bad well I have a very feminine voice oh yeah I was going to say I didn't want a strong like the mountain oh is that um my drums area yeah is that muscles muscles again boys McGee's ago - I was think about my head and well yeah I feel like when I was off-camera early doing a few like warming up I thought I was better but maybe we'll get to something better reckon Morty I know you're a big Ricky mom hell yeah okay let's cut through his catchphrase what I love about that rikki-tikki-tavi bitch and that's the way the new goes it's the fact jack Oh somersault jump it's nice because it's a that's why I always say jump jump slippery dot R as taste bad that's a barrel yeah oh that would be the best way to kind of just do the Rick that was for Mountain Morty what about our oh geez Rick so kid I had a little bit an Irish twang to it together did you go straight to the spot cheese rip yeah everything is all geez Rick come on Morty I'm Jason tiny is quite a talent we have to go back and forth between Rick and Morty in quick succession yeah so I love Justin roiland oh yeah that's the thing I realize what Rick and Morty is not even what they're saying anymore yeah I did a promotional for alien covenant I saw that yeah it's like what they're saying isn't even that funny it's just because it's that back and forth yeah characters just sound point must be so taxing on your voice yeah I mean I'm already feeling and I'm already done very much mr. meeseeks i'm mr. meeseeks look at me you really have to strain the voice I'm very fortunate I have a very similar vocal range to Justin roiland yes it's just that like high-pitched nasally annoying kind of way it's either you love it or he did just like nails on chalkboard to people okay I'm sure the comments will let us know yeah which one of his babies are supposed to let this long come here come here um me into it I miss amazing look at me when I'm on here cuz he wrote me into it like what I think my favorite episode is so I hope they come back for the next season why we got spongebob are you familiar with spongebob I used to watch it when I was younger but god I haven't seen in ages no I feel bad cuz it's such a good show yeah it always struck me as like the one that was really going against the grain because it's just so weird yeah you watch some of those old episodes back now it is just kind of like wow they did this like in the time that I came out yeah I suppose it was easier to get away with it but yes so spongebob so I can I think I can do that yeah that helps as well doing the joke you like that's how he does it isn't it Oh Tommy oh yeah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha a t-shirt are you feeling it now mr. Crabb are you feeling it now mr. Krabs I think Patrick's probably easier to duties you're such a poser hello is this the Krusty Krab no this is perfect my name's not Oh No he's hot ha ha ha ha ha yeah that's good at a very iconic laugh didn't a mr. Krabs are they're stealing the krabby patty formula how about a dinner music I told me money too now's good mr. Krabs could be an iwatch yeah back to work spongebob I'm counting my money if his providers burns down the city here is for uranium bomb in his fur no survivors my god Krabby Patties krabby patty I want the secret formula sponge but to talk like Peter Griffin out the side of my mouth yeah very bad so about I have some Pokemon they don't say a whole lot but these three here is just the stuff yeah those are those are my jam yeah Eleazar do Eagle Raptors one yeah a square del square del square Y ah we're right out we can beat this cleansing school we could I'm never gonna Pikachu well it's like a Japanese female voice they goes Pikachu yeah I couldn't be further from home I can do chairs are ah there are some that I just like noises likes Tommy and star you there's like butt up ha ha and you do a Mario for me Mario yeah that's pretty much it Sammy oh yeah what about Lulu I just realized I have no idea whether we do sounds like he's kind of more like a pathetic sounding married who's like oh yeah hey Mario and oh your hair's not quite green today but we would have been married in or we'd you are you gonna read I or I'm asking on behalf of everybody watching right wow you're gonna win well I mean I know you can do this one bah bah bah bah shy guy Ron he just makes that noise wrong huh yeah it's pretty good how about it's a natural shy guy here perfect link huh yeah that's like Wind Waker link oh yeah oh my baby oh yeah but you still looked at me like what yeah it was a kid I was sorry I was expecting like again yeah and then the rest of it is just fine yeah you can play starfox why that was no but I know they're means from it oh okay do a barrel roll hopeful for there we go Elko is essentially like a dick to the rest of the team so if you recently shoot him he says hey Einstein I'm on your side get you get a bit sassy and then you save him he says Julie I've been saved by Fox house well if I do I'd let you die then yeah he's years sound like a douche but it acquired two plight be careful inter Travers is teen called star wall and when they appear they have their little kind of one-off line where there are ships coming out of the base bomb has been planning at the base jeez can anyone take care of it card lets you do that Star Fox okay these are like Prince Charming from Shrek I'd let you do that Shrek hundred orders to take you down happy long time no see and Ross's enemy is my just what I needed to see star ooh let's take care of these guys first okay bad know they can't chip in because I don't know star phone it's okay that's your homework go home and play some black it's a pig that's my favorite daddy scream good before he died but and more than likely to marry Moby Vegeta what does the scouter say about his power level its over 9000 what 9000 Vegeta had a couple of different voice actors because they did yeah so there was one of those a bit more recipe that was heaps over 9000 this castle is in unacceptable to condition unacceptable yeah if I do a lemon grabbing version I always start with that yeah it started him like wrapping up unacceptable condition that's also my papyrus don't be upset e from so hey I do a character that I love doing called Wiggles the clown he's insane depressing clown alright so I think to me Wiggles is my Rick and Morty and I can go from TJ and Wiggles like really quickly so woman on my hand PJs like yeah I'm little the clown how's it going I'm the worst clowns who ever exist and boy can I tell you I wish I didn't exist I know that you really like doing press I'm peel you pass back youtuber 2060 ah yes you know very last thing I want to do I want us to do each other that didn't come out right whatever what you mean and I'm down below thank you I wish top of the morning to you laddies have a morning to you laddies I'm Chuck septic re nice to meet you top of the morning to you laddies it's pretty good playing jacksepticeye dude give me your intro I get hello tiny planet explorers I'm kicker Pedro hello tiny planet explorers I'm kick the PJ that's awful well yes no is a difficult one to do I feel like there's not stereotypically anything it's just yeah and your voice is deeper than mine this is the thing I always talk about how much impressions they do and I love doing voices and then it comes to animate no I to do the yeah and I feel exactly the same feathers how that makes me look bad yeah now I feel like we were probably maybe a 10% throughout this video but it's also the first thing we recorded together so yeah we're getting over that awkward phase yes that one good honeymoon say well the honeymoon phase is supposed to be all correct don't worry we'll be balls-deep soon enough oh oh okay well I think we should bro around that off there thank you so much for joining me today Jack I had a great time Domo Domo Domo arigatou thank you very much for watching everybody give this video a thumbs up if you enjoyed it and check out jacksepticeye that you already will subscribe to many juices bye [Laughter] [Music] [Music]
Channel: KickThePj
Views: 7,775,267
Rating: 4.9620528 out of 5
Keywords: kickthepj, pjthekick, jacksepticeye, jack, voices, impressions, overwatch, spongebob, rick and morty, rick sanchez, impersonation, mario, luigi, star fox, morty, mr meeseeks, mccree, winston, reaper, soldier 76, bastion, pokemon
Id: dZA6mH7V_YI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 40sec (820 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 10 2017
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