I Built A Rainbow With A POT OF GOLD In Minecraft - Part 23

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top of morning top of morning everybody taboo morning Ireland welcome back to Minecraft Sam last episode that's screwed up because we had somebody possessing our entire video I didn't realize that all the footage got corrupted and everything I'm sorry I had a whole section where I went off and went into like an ocean monument and got everything out of that well everything it was it was kind of a bust so I didn't do a whole lot but I'm kind of sad that you guys didn't get to see any of that okay al you just cam down now I know you're part of the family and everything and you think that you're a big man is a small pond but you're not so I didn't get to show you that we still have our fake polar bear over here but at least Park has a friend yeah okay don't whatever you guys want to do when I'm not looking is up to you but when I come over here I don't want to see any of that hanky-panky where's Chuck oh hi Chuck Chuck's a full-grown chicken now hello how are you oh my god are you are you loyal to me nope okay bye Chuck what are you doing he's trying to hide okay okay we were playing hide-and-seek all right Chuck I'll count to 10 and you go hide somewhere okay one two three four five six seven eight ready or not here I come trick you're terrible at this here have a potato everybody in Ireland needs a potato okay you guys are dead I'm sorry you you guys don't need potatoes you don't need potatoes in the afterlife here you go break no I said what there you go there's a potato between you fight to the death Horrocks a big lovable teddy bear he's not gonna fight anybody okay here you go Sam everybody gets potato ha ha there we go I know ho there you go you guys don't get potatoes cuz you're beneath me your silly little you're a leather and a wool factory that's all I see I don't even see faces all I see are profits how's everyone doing in here oh great James jr. jr. sleeping um blue I'm sorry we don't have a carpet for you you can maybe send this one it's purple but it's it's close enough no you're just lucky that I brought you back okay it's cuz the people wanted it well I did too because I felt bad I didn't realize as well if you go back to watch the last episode what I'm still looking for him he's flying towards me and I didn't even see him no I'm sorry I'm a terrible dad what do we need alright for this episode I me to build something that I didn't know you could actually do we need some guardians for Ireland Ireland is a harsh place and harsh things keep happening do I not have any pumpkins oh wait maybe I oh maybe I put them in this chest over here hoho okay Sam you didn't eat your potato what's wrong are you sad cuz you don't have a girlfriend anymore okay we should get Sam a girlfriend in this episode what do you think buddy oh he's really likes it he wants walkies okay um you can warned you can wander around in here now because we have walls and fences and borders there we go there's my pumpkaboo knees cool now we need a shear Scott everything's all over the place so I need to make iron blocks oh my god do I not even have enough to make that many iron blocks really Oh guys I'm almost out of iron that's terrible oh I do i oh no okay I have a bunch of iron now but oh man okay they turn my iron blocks back into iron oh I'm an idiot Oh guys I'm out of iron I don't have any left that's really bad okay we're gonna have to go gonna have to go digging oh no I'm actually gonna have to mine in Minecraft so what it's about it's about making city things oh god Sam I forgot oh no Sam where did you go Sam no Sam Sam Sam Sam please please do what are you Sam oh god cut the block for the love of God cut that black Sam please Sam please oh my god oh my god okay okay how do I get you out of here I need a leash I don't have any leashes with me oh no oh no come with me this way oh come on come on come on attaboy good boy come on Sam stay there please don't move I oh that was that was minutes away from disaster what are you looking at him taking out my aggressions on you did i disturb something over here you guys making out Oh haha Hubert he is aggressive okay lots are near nice we didn't it picked us up before was a beam was like busy dying in lava probably it's all I do in this series no I'm a loud laugh at that you're not allowed laugh of that it's it's painful how do we okay I'm gonna need you guys's help on this cuz for the last few episodes I feel bad that I'm not making like like actual progress in the story well story but like I'm not I need to go back to the nether fortress or find a new one to get some blaze rods and stuff because then I can start making eyes of ender and then I can try and find the stronghold and then I need more of them to actually get to the end portal so that's part of my journey that I need to do now but I also need a better way of farming things I've seen stuff about mob firms but I know how to make them I've seen them be like like you have a spawner above a tower and they all fall down and you're able to smack them without dying but how do you get the spawner back should I just build one underneath this corner that I have here cuz I have a bunch of spawner than this mine shaft maybe I should do that but I again I don't know is there a way of picking up a spawner and bringing it back because I know silk touch doesn't do that I just realized something I haven't done top of mourning diggi dingdiggi ding tompa morning that's that's why I died last time that's why I fell in the pit of lava because I jinxed myself Irish people are very superstitious we didn't create Halloween out of the goodness of her health no we're terrified I need to do something with this room leave that in the comments below your top top suggestions for what I should do with this room and maybe maybe something else up here I kind of like this the way it is it's simple and it's plain but maybe you can add something to make it look a pic and cool or even if there's a way of making the bell look even cooler we need to bring up the bell so what should I do with this floor I don't know if this made it into the video last time I don't think it did I think I got cut out I made this this is my disposal pit because I wanted an area did this make it in I was in an area where I could just dispose of things that I just really don't need because I end up filling up my inventory just because I have a lot of stuff and I'm like well I don't need a billion rotten flesh so I just have this know that I can burn the things that I really don't need and it's great I call this the incineration chamber I need a little work but I like it a lot and I wasn't really using this whole area this this whole section down here was kind of pointless because I had this area and then I had upstairs and I never actually ended up using this entrance even though I built it so I needed I needed another reason to be down here I need to do all the walls so to make it look similar a nice okay I think I'm ready I think I'm ready to do what I need to do people were telling me to do this from a very early point onwards and I just didn't do it and I can't really remember how to do it is it home is that it [Music] okay and then maybe it's alive its alive yes what's up Gollum yes okay these guys are going to be the defenders of the realm we need some defenders of Ireland and these are going to be the boys to do it you ain't gonna mess with Ireland after you come in and you see these boys it's so awesome thank you yeah look at look at the fear in his eyes I'm not fear the fear he's gonna strike in people's eyes look at those red glowy boys heck yeah just don't destroy anything all right I'll pay you in potatoes here you go nom nom nom nom potato everybody in Ireland gets potatoes unlimited supply there you go you guys are awesome even though they really sound like somebody just blew up two balloons and smacked them together for your footsteps let's hear you walk duel it walk for us a super dope Thanks can you do a walk for us you didn't eat your potatoes that why are you sad hello knock-knock listening oh you're walking okay mmm sounds like is that epic I don't know Chuck you got some friends now you don't need to be scared bud you can come out with mingle with the people come on well well be your best self no don't go to the graveyard Chuck is just looking for a way to die as fast as possible don't be scared Chuck you're in helping hands now can you get away from that area you kind of make me nervous so if we get attacked by anything now these guys are going to be the defenders of the realm it cost a lot to make you it's 9 iron per block and there's four blocks in each of you so you should be you should do your work so I'm saying so I have a lot of gold and a lot of rails and I'm not doing anything with them I feel like I should be making how do I make the the rails the powered rail okay I need some sticks as well okay got it daddy can do amigo how many of these can I make that's a lot of powered rails that's very excelente I'm very happy about that wait I didn't need the normal rails at all well gosh ding dang guys let's go back in there then go bang go cuz I need this area to be cool I need a I need a powered rail system all the way down to my spar Sam be good ok the spooks are coming Sam all right you've been a good boy though you've sat in your place there you go eat Sam good boy um I need the powered rails going back up going down is fine though gravity takes care of that but I need the powered rails coming back up but I don't know where I should be spacing these out maybe we should have one here I think I tried this here before already how do we should I just turn them into redstone blocks the hell these are scaring me stop that way Ireland does does not need you if I need a disgusting menacing presence I let you know I put out a put out a Help Wanted okay I'm gonna sleep sleep yeah I got a new achievement hired help they get paid in potatoes though you know how some artists get paid an exposure I paying potatoes wait you're gonna be putting blocks down or should I just be putting like torches is this like extreme overkill for this probably right I want to know the max distance I need to make it efficient like if I hit this how far does it get me to like here cuz I might need to okay okay I just ruined everything great awesome no you try to get in the way of my rails system you can't stop progress progress will always win okay got it so let's get this way let's put down our thing I want to test it out first what you hear we and then oh heck yeah nice nice and efficient up we go now yeah hi Sam Sam do you wanna go in it can you actually go on it Sam come on get in Sam Lee so I'm getting the minecart come on hop on it what please no no no Samson Samson said no no no no no no no no no oh my god Sam no please tell me you're okay please tell me you're fine please tell me you're okay Sam Sam no no no no no no no me eat eat for the love of God are you eating did you eat all them I will destroy this planet to save this dog okay sit there this place is a nightmare okay okay okay come on Sam do I'm legitimately shaking oh my god oh no no no no no no no no it's it's not no Sam Sam no come on Sam please Sam can you just teleport Sam okay how do i how do we get you out of there stop it stop it you good good good little boy where'd you go come here Sam come here does this work can you claim that doesn't work Sam no get out of there get out of there please no okay let me just do this sit no I'm panicking dude um what oh you broke thank the Lord Sam come this way right now stay stay I am not messing with that again why either they think that was a good idea I've water elevators everywhere there was a terrible man who gave me a brain no one so why do I act like I have one okay okay okay back to the scene of the crime okay let's hop into this wait how fast we go now yeah okay I kinda just need it to only go as far as my spawner which is down here okay can I not stop the tracks okay whatever oh god oh god oh god hi I made a lot of these I don't even need like a oh hi oh God let scared me okay well that sucks I really like that pickaxe damn I wasn't paying attention okay so old I only want is a thing that just gets me down to my monster spawner like pretty pretty lickety-split let's get down to business getting this anyway here we go I can t go faster if the entire thing was gold and power tracks but I don't need it okay maybe put one down here just cuz it looks even yes meat well apart from the fact that you break your ankles getting out of it but you know what a little pain never hurt anyone except Sam and then me because my heart almost exploded out of my chest how many of you were like holding your breath I know I was ooh wait I have an idea what if that wait is this at the very edge have you do this or was that wasn't right underneath the barrel no really oh come on why do I have to make things awkward it was God dang it I want to point like a trapdoor here everybody else defeat the Ender Dragon Jack I want to I want the trapdoors here just so I can like drop stuff into the lab let's put our barrel back down there then looks silly though like maybe above wait wait a minute could i dude that's really cool oh man I could have used you instead of actual chests all this time and just built them all into the walls oh that would have been epic I can actually still build you guys into the walls what are we talking about I could have a really cool-looking place but I have decided that I don't like nice things I just decided that one day as myself so now I can do this oh that is very scary to fall into though then can I like hop perfect that's a nightmare waiting to happen though that's an absolute disaster waiting to happen there's got to be some time I I won't have it gonna be some time I won't have that closed and I'll come down I'd be like huh what do I want and then fall straight in and I'll die that's exactly what's going to happen to me knowing me or I'll do this and then be like I'll just throw something in and then I'll walk over the edge or something there has to be a safety precaution like you do for this oh man okay that's bothering me get in here I mean I could just come down and do that either but I want things to be cool but not safe you know I mean dude Minecraft could do with conveyer belts make it whoa everything just lagged put a conveyor belt and just have like a conveyor belts like in the wall and I could just throw something into it and then it just goes down and into a pit I think I have another one that goes down into a chest I'd be so awesome so the next thing that I wanted to do is something that I thought about a while ago code I don't even have any room let's take you'll see grass I might need the white tulips actually I'm orange tulips and stuff okay you know I just want to test this out again oh look at me go I don't want this come on flawless system there's not a single thing wrong with it I want to build our rainbow because this is Ireland because I earned it is known for having pots of golds at the end of rainbows I want to build a rainbow over here we have a huge mass of land over here that isn't really doing anything right now so what if I could get choked you laid an egg good job you owe me to hatch it for you I can answer for you I've done it before too bad chalk all right it's just you I don't need any of your brothers and sisters to come in here all right look at me when I'm talking to you chuck you hear me yeah don't you walk away from a young person so we need oh this might not work I need red I'm gonna get it as best as possible need red orange yellow green blue and purple technically we need purple two different shades of purples for like violet and stuff but I am NOT gonna do that I didn't think about making it from the top of my castle down behind the Guinness but I kind of like the way that is over there I don't want to disturb that I don't to make it too busy so maybe over here and then at the bottom we can put a pot of gold to make it you know just fun who are you to judge maybe it would be kind of cool to put it behind the pint see the idea is that I want the pot of gold to be somewhere wouldn't it be cool if it went for like there down to there and the pot of gold was actually in Sean's bar and that's your way of being like that's the sign for it that's the advertisement even though this is pretty much an advertisement on its own not sure this is a very big decision for me so if I start it let's say I need to I'm gonna need some disposable blocks okay I figured out a better way of doing this if you just put this stuff on top yep just like that okay we need to take a trip to the flower biome I need more flowers for my II for my thing bring some villagers back at some point huh I think I can bring them back and put them in my village and they sell me stuff it might be handy to actually have cuz then I need people who are able to like sell me ender pearls or something I need a fast way of getting it I can't just keep wandering around and hoping that I run into Enderman and killing them unless there's a fight if there's a specific place I can go beside the very end of the game well that does make any sense like where do you fire Enderman at the end like yep but I need the ender pearls to get there that's the point of farming them by the time I get there I don't need to firm them good so there's a lot of stuff that I still need to figure out I need to actually take the time and do it but again because I'm prepping to go away it's kind of hard to do that right now so that's why a lot of this stuff is just kind of building up my my base so stick with me for a little bit I'm still just having for like exploring and seeing what minecraft has to offer before I delve deep and my map is just really hard to do anything in I have some villages around but they don't really sell anything good one village I got pillaged and destroyed but I am the hero of that village they erected a mass grave in my honor but there's just so much water around that it's hard to actually find stuff and get places and the jungle was so far away to be able to get my birds not that that's just fun these have a flower biome over here that's lucky wait can I find bees here I don't know if you guys know this is just B's in Minecraft now I want to be able to find some I don't actually need these lilac lavender looking ones I mean surely if there's any where bees are gonna be it's on the flower biome right hope so I would like some be friends breaking news local man decimates flower population makes nicest looking place in Minecraft look like desert that's a terrible headline why would anybody read that article you're a fool for believing there lies mainstream media video games cause violence jacksepticeye I'm just picking flowers in Minecraft this is delightful guys there's no bees no bees around or than all the bees go is it just like real life and the bees are dying that's horrifying minecraft why would you do this seriously where would you find bees in this game if not here I'm confucian minecraft explain how pretty that is so much color so many colors going on and I'm just gonna strip it all down no more colors for you minecraft you stick to earthy tones what's your best dad I'm stealing all the rest of your stuff videos remember when it took me 400 episodes to find a desert and it was just in my backyard all along good times very good times oh god oh god whoa this is it I can feel it this is where I get my Trident an epic patch oh god oh yeah good stop stop stop or not I wanna Triton - Dermott I did get a treasure map though should we go explore it I think so is it this way yeah yeah it is yeah bleep we're gonna get all that treasure and then I'm gonna come back with buckets upon buckets of gold well gold actually sucks so I would prefer like diamonds so Sam's gonna be really impressed with me oh it's here I thought it got it immediately damn oh I found it what do we got I told you that we would be coming home with gold that's not gold that's butter Sam can smell out real gold this is it oh I could just get it from here cool I heard it - see okay I don't need the map anymore yeah nice nice nice okay head no I'm there buckaroos wait do you see a boat over here as well sir is there a treasure boat over here I see treasure boat trying to blend in with the sand but I have Eagle Irish eyes I can spot her boat her mightily I can sniff out reasure Irish people to be man like that you know I've been here oh I've been here oh this is a stinky one oh that's a smelly one for sure oh yeah cuz this is the coral I found before it's underwater coral dude I have 66 emeralds I haven't used Emeril's to do anything in this game no you can use it to buy stuff but I've never gone to villages and guys have had anything cool enough to want to buy I really should do something with it shouldn't I yes should go shopping yeah Queen shopping would be awesome oh god even more have you got in here no you're not supposed to be in here come on come this way come on now fit through the gap squeeze everybody squeeze are you kidding me you don't walk through but you can squeeze through don't make no sense give me that wool I need that whoa No or engagement oh okay [Music] there's the red done oh wait it's not gonna oh no it's just gonna be a straight line that's not what a rainbow looks like I'd use the purple to build it needs to it it needs to curve Wow that's no that's not how it look this is proving to be a serious undertaking for her it's a new dawn it's a new day it is complete everybody are you ready to see it oh wait I still have a I have a wall in me I ended up having enough wall took a really long time because I had to go back and get some more flowers in the end but it is complete it's not a perfect rainbow because I didn't have some of the was like violet and whatever magenta or whatever who cares but it is done check it out oh my god it's so beautiful Ireland is so colorful who knew CDs it's like a like blue pink and purple so you get the gist the colors are there it's all the one you would not believe how long it took me to realize how to do an arch I was like building up and then I would attach a red there and go across and I was like no that looks weird it looks misshapen it doesn't look like an air she looks like a fart um and then area is I had to look up a picture of a rainbow and minecraft to figure but it's done it's complete oh I haven't tried this actually can we use it to get on to the pint because that was something I've been struggling with for awhile is figuring out how to go down my elevator I keep going up my elevator I need to go up higher I II don't need to be here I need to be inside can you guys stop it's like having real kids it's like having actual kids in my life just be like dad dad dad dad dad can I get jump jump little minecrafter yes perfect that works at rate finally because I didn't want to have to build a ladder on the site of my pint because I wouldn't have made any sense see you get down here and you couldn't Crouch to not take any damage but you know what to get to Sean's bar you need to take some damage you need to cleanse your feet of the dirt of the real world cuz down here there are no rules potatoes thank you thank you very much okay somewhere down here should I hide it maybe I could make like a hidden wall where the pot of gold is cuz that's the thing you need to entice people down into the barn to get the pot of gold you need to be able to see the rainbow you need to be close enough to earn them to go yes pot of gold then you go down you go all the way down underneath then you come down to Sean's Bear but you need the pasture to be able to get in or accost it's gonna scratch your eyes out and all right coach yeah exactly and if you don't have that password you can't get in and even then the pot of gold is going to be hidden now the question is how do I make a pot of gold I need to make like a cauldron I know I can make those yeah baby I know he said that it was going to be too busy looking on the outside of the castle but also I don't care how do I make a cauldron is it even is it called a cauldron okay okay it's just iron got it oh do I have enough for that I do okay boo cauldron now can I fill the cauldron with something I can't actually fill it with gold if I could melt down my gold and put it in that would be great if there is there any sort of yellow liquid in the game besides lava maybe I'll try some lava I don't know actually how this works no no no no why am I going down that way why am I going down through my pint that way when I have a beautiful new system to get down it hurts a little but the freedom and glory of Irish noises is even better see you hurt yourself just a little bit all right see you suckers later I'm going down [Music] Saito's okay we made it at God I have a lot of stuff down here um should I make Koch I need some inspiration I need to get more lava take some of that I don't know how this works oh god oh god oh god that's not how it works okay okay maybe I should have a pit of bath son of a deadly fire holy crap okay maybe I should just put gold in it it's gonna disappear though hmm all right well I have a thing of lava anyway and I'm not afraid to use it actually I'm terrified of music can I can I mix it what are you putting the cauldron otherwise don't tell me I can't put anything golden there's no point in having a pot of gold potatoes if you can't actually put anything gold in it well damn it wait cauldrons only hold water that blows I wanted to hold so much more it says that you can dye the water though in the bedrock edition that sucks what about Java man Jeb is the superior version we all know this to be true did i just mess that up no I made a weird freaky little mound let's let's see about this can I really oh man I want to dye the water that's not a pot of gold that's a pot of disappointment damnit man okay you know what you know what let's put it down here this is perfect let's put it there and it's just there now it's a pot of gold freak nice okay let it go sweet coach you protect that pot of gold okay unit okay you're listening to me got it okay I don't mean to be Stern but I mean it this is very important to me if we hey how did you get the password coach who are you letting in here who did you get the password to god it's all going downhill close the store okay good let's go to coach take care of that pot of gold it's worth more than your whole existence alright everyone that's going to do it for today remember the pot of gold is down in Sean's bar they're gonna have to come down to get it that zombie wanted that pot of gold it's already working it's enticing people down into the bar and if they think they're gonna get a pot of gold down there they are going to want to get drinks it's not done yet though I need to hide it in like a secret place maybe I can get like a secret door that I can I press a button in and then the the cauldron full of gold is in there but we'll figure that out right now Ireland looks phenomenal very colorful very proud I like Ireland you better like Ireland as well or I'll throw potatoes at you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 3,530,263
Rating: 4.9501104 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, minecraft, jacksepticeye minecraft series, funny, moments, first time, minecraft gameplay, minecraft series, game, lets play, minecraft 2019, pc, pc game, minecraft funny, minecraft jack, minecraft new, dog, sam, nether, nether portal, diamonds, diamond pickaxe, village, villagers, potatoes, castle, castle build, building a castle, sam castle, lava, enchanted pickaxe, enchanted diamond pickaxe, minecraft part 23
Id: Z1aHy7jf1MQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 49sec (2269 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 02 2019
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