Voice of the Holy Spirit (Pt.5-5) Pstr. Keith Moore

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what you want me to do there really is such a thing it's being led by the Spirit of God and I know that's not really enough some people think or you just do anything you want to do and say the Lord told me to well if I do I'm gonna get in trouble so you have to be patient and you have to persevere and you have to believe oh but if you're wait you'll get it and he'll show you hallelujah and he's not gonna tell you the whole thing but he'll give you enough to get you started did you take some steps and if you'll follow him he'll show you some more and he'll tell you some more and he will lead you all the way into the perfect plan of God and you'll see miracles how many would agree we've seen some miracles around this place haven't we we've seen miracles around here I didn't do it you didn't do it he did it all we did was following me is that right I'm not saying we did it perfectly but you and I have followed him son let's follow him some more let's follow him all the way somebody say all the way all the way skip down to verse 14 verse 14 Jesus said I am The Good Shepherd and I know my sheep and am known of mine are you his then he said you know we don't let this bug you I think next time we're gonna just get into some detail about how you know him but for now can you just accept the word word of God that says I know him he knows me and I know him anything else is a lie I don't care how what I feel I don't care hi seems he knows me and I know him that's John 10:14 red letters it's what Jesus said it's got to be right come on somebody say he knows me I am his sheep and I know him he said I know him so I know him verse 16 other sheep I have which are not of this fold that's us them also I must bring and what they shall hear my voice and there shall be one fold and one Shepherd hallelujah he said it again this is what like the fourth or fifth time in verse 27 verse 27 my sheep want me to keep saying this huh if he said it once it's true he said it twice it's true and you ought to be paying attention right if he said it three or four times what's going on here Spirit of God near how the enemy would attempt to distract us and confuse us and get us to believe we can't hear from him but he's a liar and if you listen to it before you're done listening to it now and you're gonna agree with the master you're going to agree with the Word of God I am his sheep come on said out loud I am his sheep I hear his voice he knows me and I follow him hallelujah stand on your feet everybody
Channel: Beauty InsideOut
Views: 1,276
Rating: 4.7419353 out of 5
Keywords: youtube, holy spirit, keith moore, google
Id: 8tz2kSJ3QQo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 36sec (216 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 12 2018
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