Keith Moore Clear to Hear Pt 1 Honest Heart

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yep thanks be under God if you didn't bring a Bible this evening hold your hand up real high you'll be needing one and we're gonna look in the Bible because it's not just what you think or what I think that matters it's what he said you know sometimes people want to get huffy and go well I got a right to my beliefs actually you don't if Jesus is your Lord you're supposed to believe what he told you to believe right and not just make up stuff as you go along and preachers are not supposed to just make up stuff either they're supposed to preach any wild thing that crossed their mind right supposed to preach the bibl II that's the book for me right for you well we're gonna embark upon a new series this evening are you ready huh that was about five people up anybody else ready are we ready to embark on a a new area go with me to acts 24 please acts 24 we'll look down at the sixteenth verse the Lord's been dealing with me about this subject for some time now and the way he does me is he'll be bringing things to me and dealing with me are usually months before I start on it and I'll be looking at it and thinking about it and when he speaks something to my heart I'll write it down and and then you get to the place where you know and I believe that he knows what's going on and he knows what's coming up and he knows exactly what we need right all the Word of God is good and rich and it will feed our spirit but in order not to be spiritually deficient or anemic you know just like your body sometimes it needs some this it may not all the other stuff is good but it doesn't need that it's deficient in this and it needs this now at another time it'll need something different and that's the way the spiritual body is to this scripture says Paul said by the spirit I exercise myself to have always a conscience void of offence toward God and toward man the NA s the new American Standard says it like this in view of this I also do my best to maintain always a blameless conscience everybody say blameless conscience a blameless conscience both before God and before men and then finally in the NIV in the NIV he said I strive always to keep my conscience clear before God and you could say before men I strive always to keep my conscience clear as you'll see there's quite a bit in the New Testament about our conscience and so I want to begin this evening the new series will call a clear conscience and of course you know we may retitle it next week will so we get more light more understanding and you know how we do around here you'll believe with me right for revelation and for utterance and it's for us but it's not just for us it's for everybody that'll that'll watch this and hear this by internet tomorrow and next week or by TV or radio months from now or years from now whenever it'll be the word doesn't age and it doesn't become old it's it's always living and a lot and pertinent and this is as you'll see a key to our next steps our our progression are moving forward go with me if you would to the Book of Luke Luke chapter 8 before we go any further let's just come into agreement and asking the Lord for the utterance because I I can't produce it on my own and nor can you but us believe him together he'll never let us down he he's always faithful to give us more then we then we need to ask above what we asked our thought father God in the name of Jesus we just come together and agree together as touching this thing we ask you everybody say we ask you for utterance complete and clear for revelation things we've seen and things we haven't seen open it to us open our eyes our ears our heart that we may see and hear and understand and bring us into the fullness of it your will be done and thank you for causing our paths to grow brighter and brighter unto the full Sun in Jesus name Amen amen means so be it so be it in Luke the fourth chapter this is what is called the parable of the sower you could call it the parable of the seed but in Luke 8 Jesus described verse five the solar he said went out to sow and he describes the seed falling on four different types of ground there's the stony ground and there's the rocky ground and the thorny ground and in verse eight other fell on good ground and sprang up in bare fruit a hundredfold now if you've read this year familiar with it to know that of these four different types of ground only one of them produced any harvest the three other types of ground Purdue brought no fruit to perfection no no results from the seed sown and we know the seed was and is the word so no results from the word sown into their lives is it possible to have good word sown into your life and get no results it is it is depends on what kind of grounds you are hmm well let's let's read some of it and get down to the point we want to emphasize here he said some of it you know fell on the wayside ground some of it fell on the rock or rocky ground some of fell on the thorns some of the fellow and good ground skip on down to verse 11 now the parable is this the seed is the word of God those by the wayside are they that here and in comes the devil and takes away the word out of their hearts lest they should believe and be saved did you know the devil is trying to steal the word out of people's lives now don't be afraid that he can just come to take the word away from you because he can't if you read the passage in fury you know Matthew also records this and Mark and if you read all three you'll find that the wayside ground is said it was trodden down and then Matthew says they didn't understand it they didn't understand it so it never got in them and the reason they didn't understand it is because they didn't respect it how many know you don't trample on something that you respect it was trodden down and so therefore they didn't get it so there's a lot of folks that hear the word but it they don't respect it and so they never get it and so before they before they can get started with it it's stolen from them taken from it that's why Jesus said take heed what you hear take heed how you hear for the measure you meet to it will determine what you get out of it and this measure he's talking about includes the reverencing it and and valuing it honoring it is steaming it and of course you're doing some of that or you wouldn't even be here tonight right you could be doing something else but you find the word valuable enough that you have made effort and you have spent money and you've taken your time and you're here here with your eyes open and your ears open and your Bible open hmm why because you want some word if you love the word you value the word because the word is life to those that find it and health and medicine to all their flesh the word will save you the word will deliver you the word will enlighten you the word will heal you the word will prosper you do you believe it you total victory if you're so lying that time for all that stuff I'm busy well you won't be bothered with it because you don't you don't respect it and so you'll never get it you'll never you'll hear it it won't mean anything to you you won't understand it you think that's just a bunch of junk far as I'm concerned and don't realize the devil was right there grabbing it and taking it away for it could ever produce any results in your life but the the next one he goes on to say the veil on the rock are they which when they hear receive the word with joy so they did a statement and they did hear it and they did understand it and they got excited about it so we know they're in faith right and they received it the seed actually got in the ground got in their heart on the first one it never even got in it just was on the surface and the devil came and stole it away but this one they got started but they have no root you got no root you got no stability you got no staying power hmm how many of you got no roots if you got no foundation the least little wind can blow you over if you got no roots the least little rain will wash your way and they got no root which for a while believe and in time of temptation they fall away so they heard the word they got excited they received it they got started but when it didn't happen overnight and there were some challenges and some time passed they got disturbed discouraged and they quit they quit believing it they quit pursuing it did you know if you believe God like a house of fire for three months and then quit you get exactly the same results as if you hadn't leave God at all did you know that I don't care how much how excited you got how much you shouted how many don't you took and how many of your friends are called if you if you get discouraged and you quit you get the same results as if you hadn't even started he that endures to the end shall be saved you you've got to go all the way with this what does that mean we you just never quit you know I'm never gonna quit believing that God's a good god I'm never gonna quit believing that the Holy Spirit is real and his gifts are real I'm never gonna quit believing that he's a healing Jesus that he'll meet all your needs and I'm never going to quit that are you know if that's true means you got some roots said out loud I got roots roots or roots depending on how far north or south you which for a while believe in in time of temptation fall away verse 14 banquets fellow among thorns are they which when they have heard they go forth and are choked with cares and riches and pleasures of this life and bring no fruit to perfection so far we got the wonderful amazing life-giving changing Word of God in three different folks life and no results I know we don't like to hear that but it's the truth we need to know it it's possible to hear good word get excited about it take off on it and get no results that will answer some questions for us won't it the Lord the Lord told us the answer is long ago why did these folk not get results too much other stuff in their life besides the word and it choked out the word now this is an amazing thing can something choke the word out of your life obviously can I read letters how many gonna believe what Jesus said they that fell among the thorns are they which when they have heard that they're just like the ones on the the the stony ground they heard they received it it got in them they got excited there started if they just stay on that path they could have got good fruit but after they got started they begin to give attention to other things more than the word and they begin to pay attention to cares pursuit of riches and pleasures in this life they were preoccupied with playing and working and getting money and worrying and there was so much of that that it choked it used up all their resources you know this those of you that garden you get enough plants and weeds and stuff in your garden it'll suck up all the water it'll suck up all the nutrition it'll get bigger and block out the sunlight huh and in choked out your good plants that you plant it and so enough worry and enough work and play and and stuff in this life can choke out the word that you heard and take preeminence over it and so that you get no results but don't look sad but there's another aren't you glad there's another type of granny see so far we've had a lot of people here in a lot of word and no results no results not God's fault but verse 15 but that on the good ground somebody say good ground said again good ground who volunteers to be good ground I saw some hands go up for I got through saying the sentence come on limb ask again who volunteers to be good good ground these are the only kind of people that get results in their life are we to understand that there's a lot of people hearing the word and getting no results three of the three of the four got no results but they own the good ground or they which in an honest and good heart having heard the word what somebody say that loud after they heard the word they got excited they got started and didn't making a difference how many rocks are how many thorns they kept it they kept it they didn't let anything make them quit they didn't let anything choke him out somebody say they kept it they kept it they kept it and they and they alone among the four bring forth fruit with patience they had to stay with it patience means they persevered but they did fruit means they got results they got results something the word produced results in these people's lives in the good ground and the ground is referencing their heart they own the good ground are they which in an honest and good heart we know the seed is the word and the ground is the heart what kind of heart is good ground honest did you catch that of all the words the Lord could have used what's one of the most outstanding qualities of good ground heart honest honest that's what we're going to get into and as we do we will get answers as to why things hadn't been happening and why things have and all that so that we can get rid of all the non-productive stuff right and just get some results and keep getting results set out loud honest heart a good and honest heart it actually where he says the good ground and then he says honest are the same word translated good for ground is the very same Greek word translated honest good and honest are actually the same word and as I was you know studied a little bit more today the word honest in the Greek it literally means honorable and that shouldn't be a surprise to us look at the the root of the word honest on earth they're the same and there is no such thing as being honorable without being honest you can't be dishonest and be honorable impossible so good ground is honest ground can you say Amen said out loud good ground is honest ground thank you Lord go with me to Hebrews 13 please we want to be good ground so we got to be honest hearts and we got to be persevering souls if we're going to get different results from people who don't get good results we've got to be different right and we got to do differently if you act and do just like they do you're gonna get the same results in Hebrews and 13 I believe it's about verse 18 or so let's look in the amplified he said keep praying for us for we're convinced that we have a good clear conscience that we want to walk uprightly and live a noble life acting honorably and in complete honesty in all things do you see how honour and honesty is connected their same breath a good clear conscience honor and honesty we're going to have to take our time and lay some foundation can you handle that and I can't summarize some things we need to go to the scriptures and just lay it one by one because we should have been taught things about our conscience from a wee child but most folks have not been most folks haven't heard much about the conscience from the Bible but it's absolutely one of the most important things we could talk about because and I'm skipping ahead a little bit our conscience is the voice of our spirit and it's how God talks to us and to be ignorant of this is to be ignorant or dull to hearing from God now before we go further go to John John's second chapter laying some foundation tonight how many know you need a good foundation if you're gonna build something it may not be the most glamorous part of it but if you don't get it right there's gonna be problems later on right in John the second chapter the Bible said Jesus and His disciples were at the marriage feast in Cana and they ran out of wine you know and verse 3 Jesus mother said to him they have no wine verse 4 jesus said that my hours not yet come and verse 5 Jesus mother the Spirit of God through her gave us the key to miracles the key to miracles and it's so simple two year old could understand what is it Jesus mother said to the servants whatsoever he says to you do it let's go over again this real slow now is this the key to miracles I mean just a little bit later on he told him go fill the waterpots with water and what they do whatever he taught they did it they went and fill the waterpots with water and then he said all right take some out and take it to the governor and again they did whatever he told them to do and when the governor tasted it he was amazed he said you saved the best to last they thought huh because that new is h2o they put in there he said this is the best wine we had something miraculous happened in in a moment of time and if the water can change atomically on a molecular level to a different substance disease can change the health amazing that right the miraculous can happen a fog in the brain can change the clarity and brilliance do you believe in the God who created the heavens and the earth with whom nothing is too hard nothing is too difficult do you believe all things are possible with God and all things are possible to him that believes do you believe in miracles we believe God is the god of miracles but apparently we have a part to play in in seeing and experiencing miracles she told him do what he tells you whatever he tells you to do do it how many would agree that a great key to miracles is whatever he says to you do it if that's so simple if it's so obvious why don't we see more and hear more why is it so confusing and problematic for folks because of this hearing from him there are all kind of Christians church-going people good people otherwise but scoff at folks like me and others that they hear if you hear they hear a say the Lord spoke this to me or the Lord directed me to do this they scoff at it they go the very idea he thinks he's heard from God one for one to Phyllis and all these folks hearing from God hearing from God bothers me another guy's telling us all these folks that never hear from God bothers me and if you don't boldly act on what he tells you to do there's no there's not gonna be any manifestation of miraculous powers what if he had told them go fill the waterpots with water and they looked at each other and said did you understand that another one said I don't know did the one the Lord say well now I don't know if that was the Lord you think you see well it doesn't make sense why would the Lord tell us to leave the party and go go mess with the water and the pots that can't be the Lord you sure you heard from him well I don't know some people say you don't hear from the Lord like that nowadays that's all passed away if they couldn't have got settled that they had heard from the Lord and boldly acted on it would there have been a miracle that day they would not and can you see what the problem is today you got people all over the place that are saying well I I don't know was that me or was that the Lord or is that the devil or we just don't know and people are confused in themselves about hearing from him a lot of people don't even think you can hear from him but you can this book is full of people hearing from God isn't it all the way from Adam and Eve in the first book to john hearing from god in the last book right and everything in between Moses heard from God David heard from God they lied you heard from God come on are you let Paul heard from God Peter heard from God they all heard from the Lord did me well you reckon he can still speak can anybody hear from him today yes you can and you're supposed to be hearing from him and if you will boldly act on what he tells you to do you'll experience miraculous things amazing things will happen in your life say ah one of the one of the issues is understanding how he communicates with us and identifying him you have already heard from him he is communicating to you are endeavoring to communicate to you the problem is acknowledging and identifying him and acknowledging him and that comes back to the conscience are you holding a verse right now which one is hmm John to go with me to Roman's the eighth chapter Romans chapter 8 and verse 14 romans 8:14 you'll hear us use the word voice frequently throughout this teaching and first Corinthians says there are many voices in the world none of them without significance in other words all of them saying something got something to say but do you know that you should not listen to every voice right their voices you should listen to and their voices you should not listen to but when we say voice don't limit your understanding to an audible sound bouncing off your ear voice is a sound a communication but let's say it let's talk about it like this your body your physical body has a voice it's feeling feeling is the voice of the flesh have you ever heard it huh and it's not like my voice that's coming out of my mouth that you're hearing right now and yet it's a very distinct voice it'll talk to you huh it'll tell you I'm tired I don't want to get up huh have you ever heard it and then we're not talking about an audible voice bouncing off your ear and yet it's a voice it'll tell you I'm hungry get me something D I'm hungry and I want this particular thing I want that particular thing the voice of the flesh is feeling it's very real your mind has a voice hmm you ever heard reason and logic is the voice of your mind your your emotions have a voice hmm feelings emotions your spirit has a voice hmm when I talk about trying to hear something with your physical ear but your spirit has a voice and that's what we're talking about a way of identifying the voice of your spirit is to identify your conscience in the eighth chapter of Romans verse 14 as many as are led by the Spirit of God they are the sons of God can we expect to be led led guided directed by the Spirit of God are you a son of God verse 16 the spirit itself now most of you modern translations say himself and that's a little better because he's not in it the Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are the children of God now this is very significant don't let this get away from you what part of our being does the Spirit of God communicate with our spirit he bears witness with said out loud bears witness with now conscience literally means Co Co knowing Co knowing or knowing with not just the knowing but a Co knowing and you can see it in this verse there's somebody else inside you besides you another person hallelujah inside you and he bears witness not with your body not with your intellect not with your emotions but with your spirit and in this particular verse he's talking about he bears witness with your spirit that you are a child of God you're already familiar with this witness anybody born again in here anybody know that you you've met the Lord and you gave your heart to the Lord and you know something happened to you when you did well upon doing that you knew that after that moment and you knew the next day and you know now that you are a child of God you know it do you know it or not how do you know that because your spirit when you gave your heart to the Lord your spirit said yay I'm saved and the greater one inside you came up with your spirit and said you sure are [Applause] so you got a witnessing whiff now if you said brother Keith I'm gonna call you that doesn't mean I just hang by the refrigerator because you're not gonna call me through the refrigerator hey well I'll stay close to the air conditioning no hmm you're gonna call me through the phone right but what if I am phone ignorant I want anything to acknowledge that there is a phone and I won't have anything to do with them and I got time for phones but why haven't you called me I need to hear from you now know that sounds foolish but that's what happened that's what's happening to people of God people of God are begging God God talked to me why won't you talk to me God I need to hear from you I need to hear from you well he's going to speak to you through your spirit you keep trying to see something with your eyes you keep trying to feel something with your flesh and your emotions you keep trying to reason it out in your mind you want him to write something in the sky you can go on like that for years frustrated when all the time he's speaking to you if he can let you know you're born again if he can let you know you're a child of God he can let you know something else candy do you know how he let you know you're a child of God let's come back to square one hmmm how it is a witness inside it's a co witnessing a witnessing whiff and this this witness is your conscience it's the voice of your spirit and we should have been taught from the time we were old enough to understand anything this is more important than learning how to count this is more important than learning you alphabet come on are you listening to me this is more important not that's not important but this is more important and it hasn't been emphasized hasn't been talked oh how many lives could have been saved hey if little ones and teenagers had been taught heed your conscience heed it if you're conscious bothers you about something don't ignore it don't override it heat it immediately how many times people got into all kind of trouble and had all kind of terrible accidents and all kind of lost and afterwards they said I knew I shouldn't have gone I knew well if you knew why did you ignore that one reason is we have not been taught that this is not just some iffy spooky thing this is the way God speaks to us and we are to pay it close attention all day long and all night long come on are you listening to me we are to heed our conscience and what we get on the inside is to be first and foremost in our thinking he said in verse 16 the Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are the children of God then this should leave no doubt if you believe the word that God does this is New Testament scripture now he communicates with his people and if he can let you know you are a child to his why couldn't he let you know something else by the same method by the Holy Spirit bearing witness with your spirit look over in the book of Acts and see it's an example of this the fifth chapter of Acts I know I'm giving you quite a bit of Scripture but you ought to be used to it but now and again we're laying foundation you need to make sure this is not my opinion or theory or yours this is the word acts five acts five and one is the story of Ananias and Sapphira and verse one says a certain man named Ananias and his wife Sapphira his wife sold a possession verse to and kept back the price his wife also being privy to it that's the same root word of conscience also being privy to it and listen to the NI excuse me the Youngs literal translation Youngs literal says they did keep back the price of it his wife also knowing there's that Co knowing isn't it also knowing so wasn't just Ananias that knew it his wife Sapphira also near and inside you somebody else lives right and you got your knowing and then you got when he joins adds his knowing to yours and that's stronger I said that's stronger than just your thinking and your meditation that's how I make my all of my decisions every day every week hi why did you come here why did you go there why did you do this give this in the same way every day every area I will think about it I will look about it but if I don't have that additional witness it's not time to move no matter how good it looks how great an opportunity how pressing the need none of that is a leading I need the witness to move forward and if you don't have the witness you wait you wait on the witness why am i talking about this tonight instead of water baptism huh or prosperity or any one of a thousand of the things that are wonderful and good I had a witness about this and again and again I've seen when we follow that witness you realize you look back afterwards I realized it was the Lord he was leading you didn't the scriptures say trust in the Lord what turn and look at it proverbs 3 3 5 hidden it what it is 3 5 put it up on the screen for us was it saying trust in the Lord with all your feelings huh with all your head with all your emotions no no because God doesn't bear witness with that that's that's what sometimes makes people gullible and easily misled you see people get all worked up and and they had an emotional experience and assume that's God or or they had some kind of physical feeling and and the son that's God and and you see New Testament Christians praying God if that's you give me a sign have five red cars pass my car and it's past my house in sequence and I'll know that you are Lord do this and I know that you sometimes it what's wrong with that everything well who was it put out the fleece get in put out a fleece get in wasn't even born again you couldn't tell him be led he didn't have the option but you and I are not to be led by external things the enemy is out in this world he can do some stuff in this world if you're led by external things you're easily misled you're to be led in turn aliy you know people they miss their life up by following unscriptural teaching and bad ungodly advice and they get so mad and if the people that gave them the advice and they go well you know they taught me wrong and and they told me what to do wrong yeah and it's your fault you didn't have to listen to them you got a Bible you got the Holy Spirit you're not supposed to take anybody myself included anybody's words and just swallow them and do them you got a Bible and you got the author of the book lives on the inside of you and you you need the witness you hear people doing all kind of crazy stuff I heard of a guy a while back you know somebody prophesied to him and this young lady they're supposed to be married and be missionaries in another country well they hadn't even hardly noticed each other but so in souls the prophetess so they got married it lasted about three days and they were no success on the mission field somebody asked him later did you have it on your heart well no I never really thought about it but so once those the prophetess well they she ruined our life no you ruined your life you got a Bible you got the Holy Spirit I don't care who it is you don't just do something that somebody suggests or tells you to do if it's God in them you also got God in you and if it really is him you will have a witness when you hear it whether it's me preaching right now or it's any other thing when you hear it if it's right and it's for you then when you're hearing it the Spirit of God will rise up on the inside you and give you a witness and you'll know yeah this is right this is it this is right this is right for me you'll know it you'll have the witness that's the way you're supposed to live your entire life make every decision what the Bible say the proverbs 3:5 trust in the Lord with what all your heart now what kind of heart is a good heart honest heart that's the kind of heart that ground that brings forth fruit and and do what what could mess you up in this your own understanding so don't lean to that you didn't say don't use it just don't lean on it over what you're getting your heart because there will be times when it'll look good to your head and you'll have a check in your heart don't do it and you won't know why but listen to your heart and there'll be times when it looks like man that's what you want to do and the Lord will check you no don't do it and you'll have to override your feelings we're not to be emotion led we're not to be feeling led we're not to be reason led we're not to be led by other people we're to be as many as are led by the Spirit of God that's one of the greatest reasons why our covenant is so much greater than the Old Covenant and the Old Covenant a few people among the millions experienced the anointing of the Holy Spirit coming on them to be a deliverer or to be a prophet or to be a king a very few very very few but the scripture says the Prophet said in that day they'll not say every man toward each other know the Lord they will all know me from the least to the greatest hallelujah he said I'll pour out my spirit on my handmaidens and my son everybody everybody gets the holy spirit now every body everybody so you are not left vulnerable and dependent on somebody else to lead you in your life and parents with your children and believers with new believers you want to help people but don't try to be their conscience and as soon as you can wean them off of you onto the Holy Spirit because that's the only way they're going to truly be successful in life it's following him they said well you you pray for me and tell me what to do mm-hmm no you can help folk find what's in their heart and help show them what's in the word but especially as they begin to grow a little bit no no no matter if you think you see it clearly do not play conscience to them and do not try to play Holy Spirit because you're not they need to hear from him they need to get it from him are y'all with me friends go with me to the book of Romans please I know we have to build a little bit block upon block here and it's because sometimes folk haven't heard as much as they need to about this but that's why we're ministering on it to help make up for that and do what do do our part uh you're in Romans 8 go to Romans 9 and the first verse you believe in with me there's some rich rich rich rich things we can get to in this but how many know there's no need going to 4 and you haven't done one we got to get one or you can't get to full but I'm telling you I'll just I'll just jump ahead a little bit and kind of give you a preview and come back how would you like to be crystal clear in hearing from God every day it belongs to you it's possible and what we're talking about would give you this if you do it act on it if all of us will do it you can become crystal clear in hearing from him you think I'd change your life I became convinced as a teenage boy that if I could find out how to hear from God I'd have it made and now a few years later I'm more sure of it than ever it's the truth you hear from God gets the key to miracles you do what he tells you to do he's gonna be with you he's gonna help you he's prepare the way before you and bring up the rear everything in between you do what he tells you to do you got it made brother Oh there'll be some challenges and some tests here and there but you'll overcome you'll pass you'll overcome and pass you'll be victorious in Romans 9 1 he says I say the truth in Christ I lie not I lie not how many believed Paul was not a liar if he's not a liar what is he he's good ground he's honest I'm not lying my conscience also bearing me witness in the Holy Ghost here you see that Co witnessing he said I I'm telling you the truth I'm not lying I know it in my spirit and the holy holy spirit is Co witnessing with me the the Wiest translation says it like this my conscience bearing joint testimony with me in the Holy Spirit my spirit is testifying that I'm telling you the truth and the Holy Spirit is testifying jointly with me that I'm telling you the truth a witnessing with go to the second chapter of Romans romans 2 and verse 14 romans 2:14 he said the gentiles which have not the law do by nature the things contained in the law these having not the law are a law unto themselves how do they know intuitively thou shalt not kill thou shalt not steal don't commit adultery how do they he said they they're doing it by nature they're doing it intuitively how verse 15 they show the work of the law written in their hearts having never learned it they grew up worshiping Diana of the Ephesians and every other kind of thing they didn't grow up here in the world but they got born again they got filled with the spirit they got the author of the book inside them and even though they never read it he's leading them in line with what's in the book can you see this notice how he's doing it though how he's in them but how is that getting to their mind so that they know it and understand it enough for it to affect their life how is it getting from the author of the book to their mind their conscious their conscience also bearing witness and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another their conscience somebody save my conscience what's the important thing about your conscience would Paul say always striving to keep it clear keep it clear why would that be so important well do you want to hear from God do you want to know it's him do you want to be sure a clear conscience allows you to hear clearly an evil conscience as the scripture scripture talks about a contaminated conscience dulls you and confuses you there is so much dishonesty in this world all around us everywhere it's it's so prevalent and it permeates everything around us that we grew up around it and in it and haven't noticed it like we should people talk to each other and a lot of times half of what they're saying they don't mean they're not sincere people say things to flatter to try to ingratiate themselves with somebody to try to get something out of them there's there's little and large pieces of dishonesty all over the place and it's so prevalent and everywhere so much that like I said we've grown up with it we're used to it you know if you're if you grew up in filth you don't notice it being filthy you think it's normal until you go somewhere where it's clean and you know the difference you go whoa this is spotless well is it so spotless or is just your place so filthy they are so sincere they are so honest is it that they're so honest or that you've been so dishonest what kind of ground gets the results now that doesn't mean people so I know that I'm trying to put no you know if I don't like you I'm gonna tell you I don't like you this is no excuse for being mean and cruel one's got nothing to do with the other you're still supposed to walk in love right you can be nice without lying can't you it can be nice without being mean chicken just smile and go I don't think I'll say right now or just emphasize the good and you don't have to dwell on the other right now but no dishonesty because every time we're dishonest with what we know and don't acknowledge what we know we've damaged ourselves in hearing from him one of the most injurious things you can do is to yourself and the people around about you is to ignore and override your conscience go with me to the book of Romans please and the let's see Chapter four chapter 4 and verse 15 he said the law works wrath for where no law is there is no transgression where no law is there's no transgression the new American Standard says where there is no law there also is no violation if you didn't know the law how could you violate the law hmm and proverbs 6:23 you'd have to turn there but proverbs 6:23 says the commandment is a lamp and the law is light say that out loud the law is light the law when the Lord gave the law how many know it has always been and will always be right not to lie or to kill murder or to steal or to commit adultery that's lie light of course we may be been familiar with that all our life but that was given in a dark dark world where everybody did what they thought was right in their own eyes and mind and God gave it and it was light in the earth this is good and this is right this is not and so sin is violation of light hold you place there and and put up forest James please the fourth chapter I know I'm giving you a lot of scripture but I've already told you why can you take it or no James chapter 4 and verse 17 therefore to him that knows to do good and does it not to him it is sick why would it say to him isn't it just sin sin is sin apparently not to him it is sick why is it sin to him because he knew sin is violation of light people have written huge lists denominations have come up with lists about little sins this not that big of a deal and big sins that will send you straight to hell do not pass go do not collect $200 straight tail you do this sin and people they've got all these ideas about sin what is it a sin so it's insistence to sin well the council said it was a sin well the such-and-such group says it's a sin sin is violation of light if you don't know and you don't see it the Lord doesn't hold you accountable for light he knows you don't have hid any kind and good but when you do see and do know he knows what you know and you may be able to con somebody else and act like you don't know and you may have been able to convince them you don't know but if you try to us one of the worst mistakes you could make because in doing so you have to override ignore and override your conscience when your conscience bothers you what's going on hmm you see something you know something you're aware of something even if you're not fully aware in your head your spirits aware of something and it's bothering you what should happen you should not push that down and ignore it you should stop and focus on it and go what's bothering me about this what's bothering me and if you'll do that you'll stay tender-hearted and you'll stay sensitive that means very aware of the Holy Spirit and what he's saying and what he's doing you have to act on it though if you say something hard to somebody your conscience will bother you won't it but if you get used to ignoring it you'll find you can say even meaner things and it doesn't bother you quite as much it's still scratching you involving you but then if you ignore it another 89 times you can get really ugly and mean and it hardly even bothers you and you're in bad shape you are dull in hearing from the Lord and you'll go for weeks and months and so I'll never hear anything from lore don't know why he won't talk to me he's talking you're just not hearing he's never in to communicate but he communicates to us through our conscience through our spirit how we order I mean when you first born again you're a little baby in Christ and as such you are a tender heart can you anybody remember when you first got born again hmm let let your mind go back to it now when you first I remember when I was first born again I followed my and down the altar of a wonderful Baptist Church and bowed money in the front gave my heart I figured if he needed to go I needed to go so I followed him down and got born again as just a boy and I remember the next day that was a Sunday Monday I'm in school in junior high I guess it was and I was looking around at the people and some of the people I didn't think I liked much the week before I thought well you know they're probably good kids and my heart was soaked I remember just looking around at everybody and and the lover I didn't know how to describe it but the love of God was in me and I was a different person and I didn't want to hurt anybody and I didn't want to be a problem to anybody I wanted to help somebody hmm that's the nature the love nature of God that loves been shed abroad in your heart by the Holy Ghost and that love cause you should be tender-hearted everybody say tender-hearted said again tender-hearted and everybody's that way when you're first born again everybody no exceptions everybody but it won't be long it may not be a day or two until you got the same flesh you had the week before you got saved it's the same it hadn't changed and if you had a habit of doing some bad things you can you to it again and you can you can be mean you can talk about people behind their back you can lie you can steal you can do something with your body or with some kind of substance that you know you shouldn't do but having been born again if you do it tell me what happens come on tell me what happens it will bother you are y'all listening to me now it will will it bother you just a little bit no it will bother you big-time it'll bother you you might have done drugs till the cows come home before you got saved and now you got saved and I mean didn't bother you you looked forward to it but now you go do it after you got saved oh man your heart will smite you you do something with your body you do something you say something with your mouth you do something with your life that's hurtful and mean or what it'll bother you because you do so it'll it'll smite your own horror smite you that's not God condemning you that's your own heart that your conscience and if you do the right thing you wouldn't let it go the rest of the day you would go find that person and say I'm sorry I should not have said that to you I please forgive me I didn't mean that or if you didn't mean it say I don't mean it no I repent it's not right please forgive me hmm or if it was treating you in the Lord you go to the Lord and say Lord I I knew I knew better than that I shouldn't have done that that's sin that's wrong I confess it forgive me and humble yourself and if we would do that every time our conscience bothers us we would stay tender and clear somebody say clear clear you would know the voice of the Lord but most folks have not done that they their pride their embarrassment they didn't want to go back and make it right they wanted to be tough they wanted to be cool whatever and they just didn't and their conscience bothered them all day long and they just ignored it and just ignored it and just ignored it and when you ignore it it's friction friction in your spirit when you ignore it you're resisting the Holy Spirit and it will callus you you know what happened when friction free ever worked with a shovel or a hole or an axe or something with no gloves you do it you do it long enough and that friction friction what's gonna happen blisters and then what calluses and no I used to work out on the docks loading Freight and there were some of the guys have been out there you know years and years and years and and during lunch time sometime they pull out their penknife and you sit there and talk to you and cut in their hand they couldn't even feel it their calluses were so thick I said they couldn't even feel it I said they couldn't even feel it now that didn't happen because of friction for half a day that happened for friction for month after month and year after year until they were no longer tender and sensitive hands they were thick thick unfeeling I'm not making this up have you read the scripture talking about people having their conscience is seared what happens when something is seared then you got scar tissue that is thick and unfeeling this ignoring an overriding of the conscience causes you to get dollar and dollar to the voice of the Lord dollar and dollar how about some good news though I worked out there for years I had calluses on my hands but not anymore I got the tenders little hands you ever saw now it's picking up Bibles don't involve too much friction why is that good news come on why is that good news it's the same with your spirit no matter how calloused and dull a person may have become it's not too late you can quit ignoring your conscience you can stop that friction and your heart will start getting tender again and you'll be it won't just happen all overnight but more and more you'll get tender-hearted and clear in your conscience and clear in your hearing set out a lot clear conscience clear hearing tender heart sensitive spirit now that doesn't mean everything hurts your feelings that's another thing entirely people said well let's just me I'm you know I'm I got a tender heart and so I take things so too hard no no no no that's just being carnal being a baby no no not the same thing that's an excuse for yielded until your soul and feeling sorry for yourself and that's the exact opposite of being spiritual but it's as simple as this phrase when your conscience bothers you about something you are to know the answer what do you do do what you need to do so that it doesn't bother you right if it's bothering you as well see here's what the problem comes in well where would my conscious be bothering me about doing that mean they do it don't seem to bother them it might have bothered them greatly five years ago now they've got so dolet don't bother them so much anymore sides that you're not going to answer for the life they had sin is not violation of their light its violation of the lights you have hmm go to Roman's please the 14th chapter he said here to him that knows to do good and does it not what is it it says so when you know something and you don't walk in the light that you have it doesn't matter what anybody else preaches or what anyone else thinks about it to you it's in this takes away all the arguing and confusion and doctrinal disagreements and and debates that means nothing people say well it's it's a gray area ain't no such thing as a gray area don't exist if your heart bothers you when you do it it's sin to you period don't try to get in your head and reason it out don't try to justify make excuses all you do succeed and dulling yourself to God getting to where you can't hear something bothers you don't let it continue come to the Lord be quick to repent everybody said out loud quick to repent o friend stubbornness pride can ruin your life because you've just put stuff off put stuff off and in the meanwhile you're getting duller and duller and more darkened in your understanding and confused and more and more confused don't let the Sun go down on your wrath don't let any time pass on your heart bothering you either when should you take care of things when it bothers you get right on it immediately he immediately humble yourself that's the people that get grace and be absolutely honest honest well they said you know I did something wrong but I don't know some people don't think that's wrong and and so and so wrote a book and and they said it was okay and and you can tell by the way they're talking they're violating their conscience right else while they know it doesn't bother them romans 14 I know this is a little different tonight but we're going somewhere with this we get this laid in a strong enough it's the step we can step up on to go to the next thing can you imagine a church full of people that get up in the morning and hear from God and this one's going over here and doing this this is going over here and doing that let's go directed by the Holy Spirit and they're at the right place at the right time saying the right thing and doing the right thing sounds like the book of Acts mm-hm that's us that's we're part of the same church aren't we part of the same we've got the same holy spirit got to sign new birth experience too many have just thought well I'm a believer I'll try not to be too bad and I know I'm going to heaven one day hallelujah and they just settle for being dull and clueless about spiritual things well that's what we pay our preachers for and a few ones in the church that really pray and know God and we get in trouble we'll go ask them no no not to plan a god I said not to plan a god I'm trying to get ahead of myself again this thing growing inside now if you can tell that or not but I'm trying to get to the next part and it keeps going pump we're going to go to first John in just a minute but we'll read Romans and then go to first John Romans verse 22 14 22 he said do you have faith have it to yourself before God don't try to push it off on somebody else don't try to push your faith off on somebody else don't try to push your faith off on somebody else you say well I have faith to do this you don't need to go to the doctor I got faith that God can heal you there's a little problem with that though it's their body you don't need to do that just believe God that's like sitting at home on the sofa watching a ballgame talking to him hey you don't need to do that just do this hey what's the deal what's wrong with you just catch the ball put your hands out close them on it come on that's ignorance and easy for you to say on the sofa because if you'd have been out there you know when you jumped to turn to catch the ball those three crap cracked ribs you got last week really got your attention and the sweat and blood was in your eyes and the Sun and you could all even see that there was a ballgame going on I know it's different doing it so you know look at somebody and go on once you just believe God I got failed uh-huh a lot of these folks that talk so big if something happens to them they are the biggest whiny crybabies around no faith person is not supposed to be happening to me now faith people don't cry like that why not nearly as much faith as you think do you have faith what live it walk it don't try to push it off if they need to they need to walk in the light they have don't they not try to walk in your light they don't walk in their faith not in your faith hmm so when you're trying to help somebody don't come first start off trying to push your faith off on them find out where they are at find out where their faith is what what are they believe it where's their car and then hook up with them right he said do you have faith had it to yourself before God Happy's he that condemns not himself in that thing which he allows keep going he that doubts is damned or that we're damned is condemned he's condemned if he eats because he eats not of faith for whatsoever is not of faith is sin if your hearts bothering you about what you're doing you can't do it in faith and it's sin to you you keep on going and you don't feel right about it and your hearts bothering you about it it doesn't matter what other people think and what this wonder that one preached the Bible says to you it's sin and so you got to watch about people that aren't they have scruples or problems he mentions people that have problem eating certain things and not certain things it would apply if somebody's got a problem about dress or about their hair or about any any of these other things don't just try to push what you believe on them and convince them to violate their conscience you've hurt them if you do that there may come a point in their life where they see it differently and they got light but if their heart bothers doing that don't try to get somebody to override their conscience is that okay in first John I'm thinking about closing didn't think much about it but it's just like a real quick blip first John verse 19 chapter 3 thank you first John three and nineteen he said hereby we know that we are of the truth and shall assure our hearts before him everybody said no no did you know that Jesus never had a day as he walked the earth where he gathered the disciples together and said guys y'all pray I'm just not sure what the Lord is wanting us to do what the father is telling me about I thought about going over here to Capernaum but you know those folks over here need some things to and I'd like to just stay here and rest today too but I'm just I'm not clear that never happened to him brother Keith Oh was Jesus the Son of God does no no he's operating as a man the Bible tells us he laid aside his mighty weight and power and glory and became like other men is it possible to be clear every day he said I do always those things that please him did he he never sinned so that means if he knew to do it he did it come on can you see this so he never violated his conscience ever he never lied he was never dishonest with anybody about anything that's impossible he did it as a man proving it could be done and he's the standard were held up to we're going to be judged by the standard of him and when you said that people go whoo oh no just shoot me now put my misery that's because there's no way I have already failed so miserably yeah but you're forgetting the blood because of the blood you stand clean as though you never have but still when you stand up cleansed you're still supposed to set your face that I'm not going to yield to that anymore I'm not gonna override my conscience I'm gonna walk like him if you say that you abide in him the scripture says you're to walk like him right and he walked like this perfect clarity he'd just get up and say I've got to go over here we're doing this I've got to do this can you operate that way I've operated in varying degrees of this there's been days I was just as confused as anybody anywhere my own fault but there have been times in my life that I did this enough to where from the time I opened my eyes in the morning I just knew I just knew say this do this go here you just knew it so much the glory to God it's wonderful one of the most tormenting things in life is not knowing isn't it it's one of the most tormenting vexing things in life should I shouldn't I I don't know I wonder but God did not leave us helpless he did not forsake us he sent us the comforter the helper didn't he and buy him want you to notice in the scripture he said we can assure our hearts before him and verse 20 if our heart condemns us God's greater than a heart and he knows all things you're never gonna hide anything from him if your hearts bothering you about something it is utter ignorance and foolishness to run from him he already knows doesn't he he knew before your heart bothered you that your heart was about to bother you didn't he to run from him and try to hide it and act like you didn't know and act like it didn't bother you it's just insane and yet millions are doing it when your heart bothers you what do you do run to here immediately go Lord you already know it but my heart bothered me about that and I'm forgive me if you need to go to somebody else you bring it up you go sorry I should have said that I shouldn't have done that your heart bothered you your conscience bothered you if our heart condemns us God's better than the heart knows all things next verse if our heart what doesn't condemn us that's a clear conscience your hearts not bothering you about anything about your dealings with God about your dealings with other people and never what Paul said in our text I exercise myself all the time to keep a conscience that is clear between me and God and between me and men you think if he exercised himself all the time for this it is an important thing should we do it if your heart condemns you not then what you have confidence toward go read the next verse and whatever you ask you receive of him does this sound like how Jesus walked I mean he knew he had confidence he knew where to go he knew what to do he knew what to say how did he know this he would say well he's the son of God brother Keith he's omniscient no no no he is the son of God but he emptied himself so he's operating as a man he knew by the Holy Spirit and that's the only way because if he knew as God there's no way we can walk like that but if he did it by the spirit and he'd give us the same spirit well then yeah we can see it back up to the second chapter ii chapter verse 20 you have an unction that word it means anointing you have an anointing from the Holy One and what does that anointing cause in your life you know not just a few things now that didn't make you omniscient it just means all things you need to know you know this is not a matter of figuring it out working it out reasoning it out it's a matter you just know you just know geese just know which way to fly salmon just know which way to swim I mean this these these animals will traverse thousands of miles I was noticing they got a bird down there that you see around the church Jesus and he'll crane about that tall thinks they own the place and by law I think they do you better not mess with them they come up to the wind and look inside heck on the window they make this strange sounds and they got this little dance that they do they're very interesting bird being and so I saw when I thought I'd read up on them a little bit some of those guys fly back to the North Pole look far back to Russia they fly thousands of miles and some of the they wind up at exactly the right place right where their parents were born in their parents before them they got no GPS they will fly up to Tennessee and eat and hang out for a few days take off and fly on up to somewhere else you know Minnesota North Dakota and flowing up to Canada and you know they made zig zag a little bit and then take a few days or a few weeks but wind up and exactly the place how do they do that how do they do that there's no communication upfront you know Jay I think we're about three degrees off today we better just to the Northeast tomorrow no reasoning no math no logic nobody going I just don't feel right about this no emotions they just know they and they they're not hindered with all the reasoning they just yield to the knowing and wind up exactly the right place at the right time the psalmist talks about being rain trained any horse people in here what's rain trained it's kind of like power steering on a horse you know horse it's not very well trained put their bit in their mouth and you have to put some pressure on it to get them to move but a horse's rein trained they don't even have to have a bit they can just feel the weight of that rain and of course a big old horse that thick skin and all that muscle that little bitty piece of rain what must that feel like to him that little thing laying up against his neck and he'll just go he feels the rain you go that way how many think the Lord ought to have some rain training people hitting the church right and so God you got to ride it in the sky you're gonna have to knock me down or something that's being a fool he's intelligent God we're supposed to be intelligent right he's supposed to be able to communicate with us and no one are supposed to try to hear voices or or see things all the time we're supposed to be continuously aware that there's somebody else inside of us Cole Whitt nursing with our spirit can you say Amen and if we'll start paying attention to that no matter how dull we might have become we can get tender tender tender as tender that's when we were first born again come on are you listening to me saying it is a glorious possibility with every one of us and more so and you can get to the point where you wake up in the morning and he begins to speak to you and you know it you know it's him you're sure it's him and what's the key to miracles whatever he says to you do it and as you go here and you do this and you say what he told you to say in B where he told you to be when he told you to be there and in your steps are ordered of the Lord and your path is directed of him so many have prayed Lord order my steps direct my path but then they don't even try to be led they don't even know that they can be they just said well it's just all up to him no no no we have a part to play we have to respond to him have to yield to him I want you to say it out loud would stand up and say it out loud with me I have an anointing of the Holy One say it again I have an anointing of the Holy One and I know all
Channel: Free Word of God
Views: 38,358
Rating: 4.8642535 out of 5
Keywords: Keith, Moore, Clear, to, Hear, Pt, 1, Honest, Heart
Id: auJZAHGrgcc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 35sec (6035 seconds)
Published: Sun May 27 2012
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