Life and Peace (Pt.1-4) Pstr. Keith Moore

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in John 14 verse 16 Jesus said I will pray the father and he shall give you another comforter now another means one of the same kind he was who was the the first comforter he was to them he was helping them teaching them guiding them then they were very upset when he said he was going away and they affirmed no we're going with you and he told him you can't come back now and they said if we have to die we're going with you and you can understand the fittings but he told him he said no listen it's expedient for you that I go away it actually gonna be better for you why because I'm not gonna leave you helpless and orphans I'm gonna give you another comforter like myself but he's not just gonna be with you he's gonna be in you well somebody say hallelujah that he may abide with you forever keep keep reading even the Spirit of Truth whom the world cannot receive because it sees him not neither knows him but you know him for he dwells with you and shall be in you now that was before the new birth before the day of Pentecost we're on the other side of that he came the Holy Spirit came on the day of Pentecost he's been here ever since - anybody that will receive him and yield to him notice he him him him he not yet the Holy Spirit's not some force just not some power like electricity he is a person now one of the things that Street seems strange to us he's not confined to one form that's a we think in order to be a person you got to have two ears two arms two legs and you got to be in that form well he manifested as fire in the foreman shapers of Dove is that right numerously but he's a person he's just not confined to one form Jesus when he's raised from the dead is exhibiting some of the same characteristics with the glorified body don't you remember he appeared in one form to those men walking on the road of Emmaus is that what it was and then he his form changed and they recognized him and he came through walls and locked doors you can't do that with this body in this condition and yet the Bible says when we are resurrected or our bodies are changed our bodies going to be like his glorious body Wow what does that mean I don't know you might just be able to think have a thought and change your hairstyle or your appearance your appearance you might be able to just bust a move and go what and you look different just strike a pose and then go that's a good look on you now you're laughing but he appeared in a different form how did he do that all friends we have so much to look forward to we have no idea what it's going to be like other side of this but I think you know I think one of the reasons why the Lord hadn't told us too much about it it makes us want to leave right now and just get out of here I think it's mercy that he hadn't told us too much about it because really that we can deal with that when we get there right we have a job to do down here in this cursed devil field place we're on the front lines and we are to have a solider mentality endure hardness as a good soldier to get in do our job and get out hmm we're on a mission is that right we're on a mission we need to do our tour of earth duty and then get out of here and enjoy what the Lord has in store for us but in order to do that how many know in order to serve Him you need to be able to follow him to be led of how you going to serve him and you don't even know what he's leading you to do one of the most important things you could ever learn in this life it's how to be led by the spirit he said the Holy Spirit Jesus said the spirit that I'm going to sin in verse 26 he said the comforter which is the Holy Ghost ghost is an old English word for spirit whom the father will send in my name he will teach you all things and bring all things to your remembrance whatever I have said - you said out loud he will teach me all things he will bring all things to my remembrance whatever the master says to me is that true now we've already covered this some when you talk about hearing from God hearing from the Lord many many church-going people have a problem with that if you say the Lord said this or the Lord told me this your masses of church-going people are going to cut you off right there and they'll even talk about you they think God told them something and yet the Bible is full of men and women hearing from God is that right what is the Bible God said to Moses God said to Elijah God spoke to Elijah and on and on and David and on and on and on right if you don't believe men here from God here in the earth you don't believe this Bible it's full of men and women hearing from God well when did men and women quit hearing from God when did it change and you can't hear from him anymore well we'd win to some detail last time about what many have substituted hearing from God they believe God leads through circumstances they believe everything that happens is somehow God's showing you something and leading you and primarily they'll be talking about negative things something hard happens something bad happens you'll see people see people try to act wise and go I tell you what somebody up there is trying to tell you something why not just communicate intelligently why not just talk like we we do does God not want to talk to us are we incapable of hearing from him why does it have to be through the school of hard knocks hmm you run into this and you hit that this falls on you and you go WOW God's talking to me what what's he saying are you getting it no who people are confused they don't know what's going on and all kind of varied interpretations of what God's trying to say to me through this car wreck God's talking to me through the flu now you am I telling the truth do people believe you no God speaking to me you know through me losing my job and and through it's usually negative stuff but it's not true everything happening around you is not God trying to tell you something there's a thief there's all kind of stuff happening in this earth that's not God you are an intelligent being able to communicate specifically and directly don't let anybody tell you any differently how many believe God is at least as intelligent and able to communicate as you and much more why can't he just talked to you why Keeney well he does it's a matter of learning how to hear from him now last week we went into some detail about we we read what a dozen plus scriptures that said he that has ears to hear let him hear and what we begin to see it's not a matter of trying to get God to talk to you it's a matter of adjusting your ear to hear he is talking to you question is are you hearing and when you make heart adjustments then you begin to hear and get it it's the same thing as seeing you know wish that scripture I mean it's just numbers of times where it's quoted and recoated and mentioned and de mentioned again how that having eyes they don't see and ears they don't hear and heart and they don't understand and you hear people say there's no proof of God there's no proof that God exists that is being deaf dumb and blind spiritually the according to Romans God's existence the wisdom of God the very power of God the very Godhead all of this mystery is clearly seen in the things that are made if you had eyes to see it it's right in front of us it's all around us if you have eyes to see it and God is speaking if you have ears to hear it in Hebrews we looked at that let's look at it again Hebrews 3 and 15 we ended up in in this area where he said today if you will hear his voice harden not your hearts as in the provocation he said the same thing again in the next chapter chapter 4 and verse 7 4 and 7 says again he limited a certain day saying in David today after so long a time as it is said today if you will hear his voice harden not your hearts did you hear that phrase if you will hear his voice do you want to hear his voice then what it didn't say if you want to hear his voice beg him to talk to you fast and and plead and cry out for him to talk to you no no working on God trying to get him to talk to you is working on the wrong thing hmmm it's acting like the transmitting part is not working we got to get God to communicate to us and that's like so many other things it's confusion it's backwards God is talking to us hmm I said he is talking to us he's talking to everybody to listen hmm I shared how as a teenager I begin to seek the Lord and new something new the Lord wanted was trying to get something across to me but I wasn't getting it at all and come to find out he had a call on my life to be a minister preacher teacher I didn't know that wasn't my plan at all that was news to me but I needed to find that out oh thank God that he helped me to find that out I wasn't going that way I had other plans but I begin to get dissatisfied and kept feeling like there's something the Lord won't say to me well I would pray and I would beg and I I talked about how we grew up in the country out out in the woods sometimes at night saying God what is it what do you want would you and I'm trying to hear something with my outer ears I'm I'm looking in the sky maybe he'll give me some kind of sign in the sky I mean I'm looking out here trying to get him to talk to me with an audible voice working on the wrong thing trying to get him to talk to me and in my immaturity I'm not getting anything and finally I won't go through all the details again but over a period of months and and longer finally I was kneeling down in our little mobile home I remember distinctly in the middle of the night I got up so it wouldn't disturb Phyllis and and when we were by this time we were I guess would have been about 19 I'm in if I'm in the floor there if our little mobile home kneeling down on the red shag carpet and asking the Lord again God what what is it what what is it and I finally got quiet and quit trying to hear out here and checked in here Oh somebody say thank you lord I I finally you know sometimes you can just kind of wear out and just you just kind of run out of gas and so you quit you you you come to a place where your mind is actually quiet and you're not making a bunch of noise and there's not a bunch of noise around you and you focus inside and he spoke to my heart I don't mean to hurt a voice out here but inside me and this is what he said to me he said Keith son find out what I've already already said to you in the book the Bible and if I want to say something else to you I will hallelujah and through all of my crying and begging God to talk to me my Bible had been sitting over there on the table hmm and I didn't realize it but I'm not gonna know who's dealing with me till I get some more word in me I need to be trained to discern what's him and what's not him there are many voices in the world right we're not led by voices we're not led by feelings hmm and what he wanted me to do is to begin to get familiar with him through his word because even though there's many different human instruments that God spoke through and through it's the same voice in Genesis as it is in Psalms is that right as it is in the prophets as it is in Matthew Mark Luke and John how many believe it same boys same voice same one same one and how would you know if somebody called you from another country in the middle of the night and they said hello and you know who they are how would you know all they did is say hello and the connections not even that good and you know who they are how could that be because you have heard that voice when they're happy when they're sad and the daytime nighttime year after year you know so when you know them you recognize them immediately quickly that's what the Lord wanted me to do he wanted to train me so that when he did say something that I mean when he he wants to tell me come to Branson and start a church where is that ed in the Bible he and then that's what he said learn what I've already said to you and if I want to say something else to you I will but then if I'm familiar enough with his word I'm gonna recognize when he says something else to me because it's gonna sound exactly like this I was worth you combing your hair and coming to church right is that right there Rhetta hmm so do you want God to talk to you do you want to hear directly and clearly from God talking to you then read your chapter every day Monday through Friday is that right and anytime you want God to talk to you sit down say Lord speak to me open this book and start reading anywhere and it'll be him talking to you and if you get familiar enough with that anything else he wants to say to you about your personal life and the call you'll recognize it then and you know it's him and you'll not be misled he said my sheep know my voice hallelujah and the strangers voice they won't follow come on sit out loud I am his sheep and I know his voice come on say it again I am his sheep and I know his voice how many believe one of the greatest things you could ever learn is how to hear from God how to be led by the Spirit of God I became convinced as a 15 year old boy if I could ever learn how to hear from God I had it made and now several years later I know it's true I know it's true I know it's true you hear from him and do what he tells you to do miracles are going to happen every time thank you lord hallelujah somebody needs to say it out loud I know some we've prayed some prayers but not everybody was here when we prayed them set out let father God teach me more how to hear from you how to be led personally directly specifically by your Holy Spirit in all the affairs of life in Jesus name I ask you thank you lord thank you lord go with me where are you Hebrews go to Romans 8 Romans 8 now I feel I could just barely scratch the surface on that last week but D are you with me on the principle that just not everybody has ears to hear hmm what effects you having ears to hear what's what's the difference between somebody - people both of them's got ears on the side of their head but one of them's got ears to hearing one of them don't one of them can hear from God when I'm done did you did you see just a moment ago when we read Jesus said the Spirit of God the world can't receive him and doesn't see him what's the difference what makes ears hearing ears it is the right kind of heart
Channel: Beauty InsideOut
Views: 683
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: GdJFd6jpVRQ
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Length: 21min 39sec (1299 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 17 2018
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