Keith Moore -Abounding Ability - Pt.1 (More Than Enough)

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we agree as touching this coming together asking you for utterance right now I'm praying Lord speak through me so that it's not just me it's you and give us all eyes and ears that hear and see and understand a heart receptive and the answer to the questions and direction that we need right now you know you know exactly what we need right now and we're asking for it and we purpose not to be hearers only are forgetful hearers but to be doers to put it into practice in Jesus name and we thank you for a men thank your Lord go with me please to - opening second Corinthians the ninth chapter and John the tenth chapter y'all can be seated second Corinthians nine and John 10 you've been reading your chapters every day if you happen you don't know what that means we'll go out to the information area after the service there's a little bookmark that shows which chapter we're reading every day and join us join us please second Corinthians nine and eight nine and eight it says God is able to make all grace abound everybody say abound to make all grace abound toward you that you always having all sufficiency in all things may abound there's that word again and actually if you back up to the 8th chapter and read these two chapters together this word abound in some form is found several times and it's twice in this verse isn't it that you may abound to every good work read that out loud with me always having all sufficiency in all things may abound to every good work I don't know of any better definition for prosperity than that right there prospering is not a dollar amount it's not X number of things but it's always having all sufficiency in all things and abounding to every good work can you say Amen is this the will of God for you for me well how does this compare with coming short and not having enough hmm coming up short coming up shy of what you need what you looking for no God's will is abundance for everyone all the time said out loud God's will is abundance for everyone all the time now this is not believed by everybody but let's examine the Scriptures go to John the tenth chapter gospel account of John Jesus is speaking here in John 10 and he's talking about being the Good Shepherd we just quoted in the offering from Psalm 23 the Lord is my shepherd what's the next phrase hmm I shall not won't hmm how does that work if you're full of won't huh it's a bad reflection on your Shepherd the condition of the sheep is a direct reflection on the Shepherd isn't well is the Lord of Good Shepherd or a bad shepherd great Shepherd or a lousy shepherd huh you sure what if you grew up over in Middle East Africa somewhere other places where there places in Europe where sheep are still shepherded luck they were centuries ago and you grew up in a little small village and you you heard all your life about the this amazing Shepherd this super Shepherd how great they were and one day you you heard that they're coming through your village this Shepherd that you've heard so much about such a such an amazing great good shepherd and so you come out to the the trail there and you see the Shepherd coming and you see his flock behind him and as he gets closer you go well that must be him look at I mean he's got he's got this noble features and he's got this ornamented staff in this beautiful robe and and boy carries himself so so powerfully and nobly this has got to be the one I've heard about got to be him and and he looks great and and as he comes by you you're here enamored with him and and then you look at his sheep and they're pitiful there's scraggly and they're emaciated and their little ribs are sticking out and and some of them trailing along in the back the clock maybe their leg got broke and you can tell this look I could that been in weeks or months and they're dragging it along and and and his flock is in terrible condition what would you say what would you think what would you say you say I don't care what they say I don't care what he looks like he's not a good shepherd look at his flock well who's our Shepherd Jesus the master who's his flock that's us you know what kind of Shepherd he is look at us huh look at us our condition what kind of shape we're in whether our needs are met or know whether we're well fed well cared for healed restored protected all of this is a direct reflection on him isn't it quiet across the group well it can't be both ways can it is it true or not that the condition of the flock is a direct reflection on the Shepherd what kind of Shepherd do we have I want to go through this one more time real slow what kind what kind he is the Good Shepherd Oh somebody say thank you lord he's the Good Shepherd verse 14 of John 10 John 10:14 he said I am The Good Shepherd you believe it he is a Good Shepherd he's the Good Shepherd he's the best how could you tell look at the this no wonder why the enemy has fought healing like he's fought it it's no wonder the devil has fought teachings about abundance like he has it's no wonder why it's no wonder that the enemy is trying to and and I'll be not too successful influencing people that preached in churches telling people this sometimes it's the Good Shepherd's will for you to stay sick sometimes it's the Good Shepherd's will for you to not get your needs met sometimes it is this is believed all over the world are you listening Saints and then people would tell non-believers that God sent a tornado and tore up a town and and God took their babies and took their spouses with cancer and AIDS and every other kind of thing but then there say don't you want to come join the church come join the flock and their initial responses no thank you they've already got a Lord that destroys them oh but friend when others others children are sick half the winner and yours didn't even miss a day of school come on are you listening when others are losing everything they got and losing their businesses because of the problems in the world in the economy and not only where all your needs met but you open another branch come on are you listening and thing after thing happens eventually people will say what is the deal with you how do you do it how do you do it and you say hey I got a good shepherd I got a good he takes care of me right and it's a good reflection it proves and shows he's a good shepherd right and then when you get through telling all that you say and we're still taking applications for the flock people want a shepherd like that don't think somebody will take care of them and help them and feed them heal their babies guide them through life don't you don't you know everybody's looking for that certainly they are well back up to the the tenth verse of John 10 it says the thief comes not but for to steal and to kill and to destroy Jesus is talking who's he talking about is there a thief is he talking about the father he's talking about God certainly not he's not talking about himself he refers to himself in the next part of the verse there who is this thief is there a thief one thing that chafes me some is people blaming God for all the stealing and killing and destroying that's going on in the earth it's impugning my father's good name and it's just happening right and left it's happening in churches that people have it's obvious that it was killing and stealing and destroying but then they turn around and say that God did it in his sovereignty and in his mysterious ways God did it God God stole from him God killed him God destroyed him that's contrary to what Jesus says there's a thief I said there's a thief it's not Jesus it's not God the Father there's a thief it's the devil it's the destroyer right Revelation talks that his name is Abaddon in a poly on both of those mean destroyer he's the adversary you and I have an enemy the whole world has an enemy he's the destroyer he's the thief Jesus said I am come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly if you look up the definitions on these words I did I just put the definitions together and I'll read them to you if you look up each word this is what it turns out to be the stealer absolutely does not come except in order to steal and to slay and to completely ruin and destroy I'm just reading the definitions of these words the stealer that's what that word means well a thief is a stealer the stealer absolutely does not come this is the the devil never comes to bless you never comes to do anything good for you if he comes what's he coming to do he's coming to steal something from you he's coming to slice something to kill something right and he's coming to ruin something that that phrase means utterly ruined completely destroy that's what that's what he's trying to do that's what he wants to do so if something was stolen from you how many believe it's wrong to blame God he's not the thief huh if years were stolen from you if a family member was cut off young a child an opportunity money something was stolen from you how many think it's wrong for people to think God did it is he the thief he's not the thief who did it it's the devil the devil the destroyer the thief the killer but jesus said I am come why did you come Lord why did you come Good Shepherd he didn't I mean their scriptures springing to mama he said the son of man did not come to condemn he didn't come to kill us he didn't come to judges he didn't come to destroy us he didn't come to hurt us we already had all that right if he'd have wanted us destroyed all he had to do is nothing just not come just just leave us in the hands of our sin and destruction he came that we might have life zowie God life life as God has it and that they might have it more abundantly now this this is an interesting word here this word we read in 2nd Corinthians 9 abound abound it's from the same word there's about seven words in the New Testament Greek that are all from the same root parisa sews in different forms of that word and it back let me let me give you the definition do you want to know the definition huh because then it's all through the New Testament it's a theme and of course if Jesus said this is why I came that you might have life per Essos what does that mean parish soaks maybe it's a better way to more correct pronunciation it means literally surplus äj-- it's also translated superabundant because abundance not enough to describe the word abundance doesn't adequately describe these Greek words that's why even in some modern translations it'll say super abundant super abundant I am come that you might have life and have it in super abundance does this bless us as I'll do do we believe this what is super abundant life what does that mean let's go over this some more like I said there's seven different forms of this same word and now I'll basically mean the same thing it's just different form of the same word it means beyond it means super abundant in quantity superior in quality and by application excessive as doctor Strong's definition one other super abundant in quantity superior in quality excessive excessive excessive excessive glory to God it's not just enough it's enough and more it's surplus surplus age I'm quoting definitions who's in the business of you not having enough of you coming up short thus Taylor right thus Taylor if you go to get something are you looking for something and it's not there or now you've lost something that you had and now you don't have enough who did that to you who was that who was that jesus said on come that you might have life surplus egde life super abundant huh life so put up the amplifier to that I think the amplified does a good job of expressing those words the thief comes only in order to steal kill and destroy he has never blessed anybody he never comes to do you good never every time he comes he's trying to steal something from you he's trying to kill something he's trying to destroy something and ruin something well why don't we believe what Jesus said if it's got stolen from us who did it help me out help me out the thief the devil if he got destroyed who did it who who we're gonna be upset with somebody who should we be upset with the devil right and if we gave him place us but not our God not our good father not Jesus who came to give us super abundant life now I know a lot of theologians don't like it too simple I mean if you listen to them they'll explain to you how God and the devil work together you know that you know how God wants to do some bad things and takes it he uses the devil and they got some kind of a situation sometimes the devil will do you good you know and sometimes God will be it's very confusing I don't recommend you read any of it because there's no scripture for it it's not true it's not true the truth is very very simple a three-year-old could understand it perfectly the devil is a bad devil and he does bad things all the time God is a good God and he does good things all the time all the time why did Jesus come tell me tell me tell me so we could have life in super abundance the thief comes only in order to steal kill and destroy I came that they might have and enjoy life and have it in abundance to the fall till it over flows that's a good representation of the words there in abundance and so he didn't he didn't stop with abundance because it's not adequate to describe the word you have to put some kind of super in there I'm quoting dr. strong and dr. vines and failures and others that have studied the languages all their lives it's it's in abundance but then you got to say to the fall until it overflows you're not describing it until you understand its surplus surplus the life that Jesus came to give us is the life of surplus you believe it or not I know a lot of folks don't but that's part of my job to preach own until somebody does right so here we go [Laughter] go with me to John the 6th chapter John chapter 6 I want you to see how these words same word translated abound there in 2nd corinthians 9:8 same word translated abundance there in john 10:10 is found in this verse same word john 6 and 13 john 6 13 there was the multiplying of the loaves and fishes the little boys lunch and after they had eaten said they gathered them to together and filled twelve baskets with the fragments of the five barley loaves which remained over and above see that phrase over and above that's the same word abundant over and above unto them that had eaten somebody say over and above say it again over and above one more time that's surplus äj-- that's abundance plenty abundance is plenty but this is more than that this is more than plenty this is plenty plus isn't it everybody got all they wanted to eat right thousands of men and women and children a fish and bread to their bellies were full and then and then and then they had surpluses they had one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve baskets full over and above what it took to fill everybody up plenty plus miss a plenty plus settle aplenty plus enough and then some over and above this is the life that Jesus came to give us the over and above life the enough and then some that's the life he came to give us do you believe it says oh thank you lord thank you lord Luke 15 will see another usage of it here in the gospel account Luke 15 is the story of what we call the the prodigal son who's he's out there to pig trough tempted to get down and eat with the pigs and the Bible said he came to himself you know sad but a lot of folks have to get really low before they come to their senses but he did and this was what he thought as he was staring at those nasty corn cobs and whatever in the pig trough Luke 15:17 when he came to himself he said how many hired servants of my father's have bread enough and to spare same work and I perish with hunger what's he saying he submit all the hired hands and daddys they not only have plenty to eat they got plenty to eat and to spare surpluses they got plenty to eat and more what am i doing out here it's a big trough everybody that works for daddy they got plenty to eat and an extra it's much the extra extra more besides above and over over and above surplus each abundance and then some super abundance if you don't have enough something got stolen from you something got taken from you right if it was messed up you didn't have it if it was run if it was destroyed if it was killed if there was some kind of loss who did it who did it Saints who did the thief the stealer the devil the destroyer not you God not your father not your master what did he come to give you he came and he paid a great price to obtain for you and I a redemption that would forgive us and cleanse us and qualify us for a life of super abundance somebody say super abundance super abundance thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord go to second Corinthians the eighth chapter we're laying the foundation second corinthians the eighth chapter put this up in the Naas the new american standard 2nd corinthians 8 and verse 1 2nd Corinthians 8:1 he says brethren we wish to make known to you the grace of God which has been given in the churches of Macedonia keep going we're gonna read several verses here that in a great ordeal of affliction their abundance of joy and their deep poverty over flowed in the wealth of their liberality we need to stop on this phrase right here see folks think these these two things are complete incompatible that you can't have both of these and yet they did they had deep poverty and overflowing wealth of liberality at the same time there is some misconception in the so called word and faith circles there's been a lot of talk about prosperity and they're there needed to be cuz there's been such a lack of it there are a lot of places it's not taught on at all but then in some camps and some some places the emphasis is it's a whole lot just on getting more money and getting more stuff and getting more money and getting more stuff and the implication is if you don't have a lot then you're really coming short that you're you're lacking in faith and vision and and there's condemnation you know with me saying this is not right this concept is not right this idea is not right our main objective in life is not to see how much stuff we can get how much money we can amass how much stuff we can accumulate that is wrong there with me or not and yet at the same time we need provision and in the Lord has called us to do things go into all the world and preach the gospel we need provision for all this and God's a God of abundance his will is abundant provision so the word must be rightly divided in this area one thing you can see if there's confusion and condemnation something's wrong right it's not in confusion and he's not condemning us and he's not interested in fact he he teaches us in first Corinthians not to shame those who have not who don't have that's wrong and any of us you compare us to some other folks and we got nothing compared to them right and the Bible also tells you don't compare right here's a group of people Saints at the church at Corinth who Paul says the Spirit of God actually says through Paul that they abounded in a wealth of liberality and yet their financial condition at the time was deep poverty how can that be because it's not that they didn't have anything to give they just didn't have much and God doesn't look at what you don't have this same passage says it's accepted for man is accepted according to what you do have and God didn't even look at amounts he looks at the heart and he looks at the percentage percentage yeah absolutely remember the poor with a woman's offering gave the two mites was probably less than a penny or two and yet jesus said she out gave everybody there that day so she had poverty but she was super abounding in her giving and how many think if you're doing that something's gonna happen to your situation too right certainly but we we must not get caught up in emphasizing money and things to the point to where we think too much about that covetousness the who said is idolatry right Jesus warns us and cautions us in Luke what is it 17 or so he said take heed and beware of covetousness because a man's life does not consist in the abundance of things that he possesses so how are we to understand these things how many believe we need some mind renewal we need some some understanding and some growth you believe in with me we prayed a few minutes ago and I'm not just talking about right now but as long as the Lord would have us to be on this right to where we come to a good understanding and a full understanding and we get free free from condemnation free from embarrassment and shame of any kind free from confusion free free free free and begin to abound in the ways he's talking about see interesting looks across the crowd you stay with me believe with me keep reading let's read that verse again in verse 2 in a great ordeal of affliction their abundance of joy and their deep poverty can you have abundance of joy in deep poverty yeah you can't then you can't and can you overflow in liberality in deep poverty yes you can yes you can they say a lot of people give nothing I'm not just talking about offerings I'm talking about to each other being led as the Lord would use you to minister to your neighbor to your family to your friend your co-worker people you go to school with whatever the case might be there's a lot of folks who do absolutely nothing in these areas they don't have much and they think because I don't have much nobody would expect me to do anything the only reason for not giving anything is if you had nothing if you got something you can do something right and it's accepted according to what you have you know it would have been a perfect place if the if it's the God is and Jesus is the way a lot of people try to portray him to be when this poor would have came and gave every cent she had which amounted to a few cents with inflation a lot of theologians would have had Jesus doing this going no no dear no you do not need to give these rich people in here need to give you something he didn't say it he didn't do it he did say no no dear no no do not put your two pennies in here here let me give you something he didn't do it they received her offering her money stayed in there come on are you listening Saints and he used it as an example to everybody there didn't he and told the rich guys that this little lady out gave every one of them their today showed him up strong didn't he Jesus called their attention to it he talked about it no just because you don't have much doesn't mean you can't be liberal and generous if you got two popsicles and that's all you got and you give one of them to somebody you're generous right you're being generous all you gots five dollars and you give to to somebody else or you get three or you give them the whole five you're a liberal soul man right you're generous you can abound when yeah I don't have much is anybody listening you can abound in liberality you can be wealthy in liberality even when you don't have much at all read it in their abundance of joy and then we're crying because they didn't have much they were saying feel sorry for me of course if you're in faith and you got seed in the ground that would explain some of the joy what it overflowed in the wealth of their liberality keep reading keep reading I testify that according to their ability and beyond their ability they gave of their own accord begging us with much much urgency of the Saints the instead of Paul or the other preachers pleading with them to give they were pleading with Paul let us get in on this we actually experienced this one time Phyllis and I were up in a meeting in Canada and the word of knowledge came actually the Lord gave it to Phyllis about a lady there that was it lady am I telling it right a lady there that had a bill she didn't know who it was but had a bill for a certain amount that was past due and she was upset about it and needed the money I mean the exact amount of the bill we hadn't we had no idea who it was or how this was going and so we just said everybody close your eyes if that's you and she said the Lord showed her that she had to build with her there in her purse and the amount of it and so we said if that you raise your hand everybody's eyes were closed one lady raises her hand we said okay well don't put it back down okay open your eyes the Lord dealt with us - so what was it a hundred or two on it and somebody said I want to sew a hundred somebody said I want to saw 100 and I mean just like that the Bell was taking care of plus was a hundred or two so say well praise God that's great I said uh shoes will show you who it was and after the service you come up nobody nobody else will know and you come up and they'll they'll get this to you and I went back to try to preach and I just it was hard to go on I tried to preach and and finally I just stopped my said what and somebody to back said we wanted to get in on that too I said is that right other folks said yeah me too I said have a great give and so that lady wound up with I don't know a thousand dollars more then the bill was and they said that was her first time to ever be there they said she came back you know what if she hadn't go to church at night but but this fair thing we're talking about here they were pleading with me let us get in on that that's how it's supposed to be isn't it instead of pastors and preachers bagging folks please give please can you give more please please that's not supposed to be happening it's supposed to be the other way around that folks are going hey hey let me get in on that too no wait don't stop now Alfred you're not over is it no no keep it going I got to get in on this too that's Bible isn't it keep reading they they begged us with much urging for the favor of participating in the support of the Saints how many believe it is a privilege and an honor and a favor for God to allow you to be a part of these things and that you got something you can give even if it's not a big amount don't despise it be glad you got something right instead of nothing be glad you got something and this is how it gets bigger keep going this not not as we had expected but they first gave themselves to the Lord and to us by the will of God keep going so we are Titus that as he had previously made a beginning so he would also complete in you this gracious work as well keep going reading several scriptures here just as you what abound there's that word in everything in faith utterance knowledge in all earnestness and the love we inspired in you see that you abound in this gracious work just giving this offering as well abound in this he said I'm not speaking this as a command I'm not commanding you to do it but approving through the earnestness of others the sincerity sincerity of your love also keep going for you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ that though he was rich yet for your sake he became poor so that you through his poverty might become rich did Jesus abound toward us did he give us all we need and minsum do you believe it Saints absolutely keep going ah he said this is to your advantage who were the first to begin a year ago not only do it but the desire he said you've been talking about it for a year now go ahead and do it finish the doing of it that just as there was the readiness to desire so there may be a completion of it by your ability keep going for if the readiness is present it is acceptable according to what a person has not according to what he does not have now God looks at the heart is this true man looks on the outward appearance but God doesn't see as man sees he doesn't judge after the outward external appearance he sees in the heart and the thing that makes everything we do with him acceptable or unacceptable is our heart willing or unwilling if you read the rest of this it goes and talk about God loves what kind of giver a cheerful give that's not somebody that's being coerced that's being pushed right that's being pulled on or condemned or trying to make the feel guilty you got so much you ought to be shame a shame to have it so much when they don't have anything you owe it to them no no no that's not an acceptable gift you know with my friends guilt giving is not okay with God if you want him so I mean a man or a woman might receive it but if you want God to receive it it has to be with a willing willing glad prompt to do it wanna do it happy to do it heart heart can you see this Saints jesus says read that verse again if the readiness if you you're ready to do it women do it it's acceptable according to what a person has you don't have to have all the answers you don't have to know it all you don't have to have all the money you don't have to know all the connections or ability just are you willing and ready to do something that the Lord would direct you to do and are you ready to do something right now not according know what you might have one day in the sweet by and by ready to do something right now with the two dollars in your hand or the two thousand or two million whatever it is but you're ready to do something right now that's what he's telling it's acceptable according to what a person has not according to what he does not have keep going for this is not for the ease of others and for your affliction but by way of equality at this present time your what your what your what that's this Saint that's a form of the same word it is that it's actually super abundance surplus äj-- that your surplus egde being a supply for their need so that their abundance or surplus egde may be a supply for your need that there may be inequality now let me ask you a question what if you never have surplus each how are you going to be a part of this verse it is the will of God that there are times when others are believing him for things and you have surpluses and he taps you on the shoulder and he deals with you so that and he doesn't have to twist your arm he's not going to he's not going to make you if he deals with you to do it and you don't do it then eventually he'll deal with you as long as he can because it he wants you to get the reward and get the harvest but eventually if it gets to the point where there needs not going to be met because you're disobeying he will use somebody else and you'll miss so blessed and they'll get your blessing whether they know it or not this this happens too often but it has to be that you're ready and willing and then he says on another occasion you're believing for something you're needing something they got surplus they got surplus egde and he deals with them too so do you not you came and told him you had a need and could they do something about it he dealt with them he's dealing with us and he choreographs this all through the body of Christ it's amazing how he does it but what if you never have surplus you can't be used like this it starts with the willing heart anybody awaken here tonight said out loud it begins the life of super abundance the super abundant life Jesus came to give me begins with a willing heart that's where it starts will in what will in heart willing to do today what you can with what you've got this is not just about offering time at church don't get scared I'm not about to receive another offering but this is not just about church stuff this is the way you live at home on the job everywhere you just when he deals with you to do something you are willing to do it you're ready to do it and you will do it you'll do it it's a learning process it is you got to renew your mind and your faith has to grow I remember Phyllis and I were I was going to Rhema Bible Training Center Oklahoma and she was working a job at a doctors office and I had one little sport coat and two pair of dress pants and of course so you mix and match and and I had one pair of dress shoes and of course in a little while they got to looking bad and scuffed up and I did what I could with them but they got to the place so I'm learning about faith and so I I believe God for some shoes and I did what I need to do we we claimed money for a pair of new shoes and the weeks went by and shoes got worse but here came in the mail $50 if somebody said you know I just I didn't know what you needed this for but but whatever you need it for oh man I was elated and I went to school that morning and down a few miles from where the school was there was a mall there was a place where you could get shoes and so after we had classes nearly had prior school and we had healing school so after at the end of the day I was going to go get some new shoes that day so man I'm happy all day long and and and and during prayer time man I prayed good I had the victory brother I mean I I believe God for shoes and I got shoe money and I'm going to get my new shoes right after the service today and I'm in the floor praying I'm flat out on my face there it was a bunch of us in the prayer school and we actually prayed we for a while and so I'm praying and and it came up in my heart to my mind there was a young man who was speaking in just a few minutes the healings go he'd been speaking there that week and he came to me and and and these words I don't mean to hurt a voice but they came up inside me that he's the Lord said he's believing me for a pair of brown shoes brown shoes and I thought well glory to God I know you met my needs and you will meet his the same way Lord what you want me to you mean hook up with him in faith you owe me to encourage him out to the city or me to testify tell him how you got my shoes to me and encourage him what's he laughing about well I went on I'm praying somewhere he came up to me again came up to me again he's believing me this is young minister that's preaching there and healing he's believing me for a pair of brown shoes very specific brown I thought well praise God Lord I know you're able to get him his brown shoes just like you got me my shoe money today and I believe with him I'll join my faith with him I'm agreeing with him for his brown shoes few minutes later came up to me so him your shoe money and you'll not lack for good shoes so him my shoe money I'm young young in these things this is decades ago and you know you know my initial response I rebuke the devil i rebuke the devil I said the devil he's trying to rob steal my shoe money I mean I believe God and the Lord's got this money to me and now the devil's trying to confuse me and steal my shoe money get behind me I did it came up to me again he's believing me for a pair of brown shoes so him your shoe money believe me you'll not like want four good shoes let's see let's just stop right here I seen some things you know after the fact and years after that I didn't see then this one pair of shoes is not all I need are y'all with me imma I didn't know it but in just a few days they're gonna ask me to help at the healing school and I'm gonna be up in front of people and I'm gonna I'm gonna begin to travel and do some other things I needed several pair of good shoes and I needed several good suits and things like that I didn't know that then why would the Lord tell you something like this is he trying to take anything with he's not the thief is it why because this 50 bucks is not gonna get me where I need to be I didn't see it I didn't know it but he knows but he he's already got a plan he's already got for everything in line motion for me if I'll just obey Him he's already got it planned to get me everything I need and won't to do what he's calling me to do but first he's got to get me to be Willet you have to turn loose at 50 bucks now I know it may sound trivial to you but this is not trivial this is this is a big big deal if you want to buy obey Him with $50 you don't qualify for a 5 million he'd be foolish to put it in your hands for his work because whatever you do with 50 is what you'll do with 5 million people don't like to believe that they thought well no no no no if I had a lot no no according to Jesus you'd do exactly with the big thing what you do with the little here that is faithful in that which is least is faithful in much he that is unfaithful in that which is least is unfaithful in the greater amount though much jesus said it i believe it do you believe it so don't kid yourself don't let somebody else know you that if i had a lot of money I'd do differently no you'd do exactly what you're doing with your little amount right now that's what you do came up to me again the Lord's patient isn't he isn't he kind and long-suffering of course he knows where we are he knows I was so young and so green and he said I don't mean I'm not hearing a voice now but inside me it's coming up to my mind real strong so him your shoe money and believe me and I'll take care of you and you'll not lack for good shoes it I'll be honest with it I didn't get it in five minutes I wrestled with it and and then here comes the service and he got up and spoke and you know what I thought his shoes looked pretty good to me it's a lot better shoes than what I got everybody said out loud that has nothing to do with it now you want by sight you gonna miss it you you all can judge according to appearances you'll wind up giving to people I don't you maybe you find somebody that's got the worst looking stuff own that doesn't mean they're believing God did you hear me and it doesn't mean they're gonna do the right thing even if you gave it to him did you hear me Saints don't be mobile what you see you don't see any way to hold the whole message I couldn't help looking down once and once in a while ago and she was looked good to me and I know he had a different pair on the other day too but then I tell myself that's beside the point you either gonna do what the Lord told you to do or you're not so through the course of the message this is now 2 or 3 hours after that prayer time I got it settled in me not only did I get it settled in me but I thought you know I'm gonna be happy about it I'm gonna be willing this is the biggest deal sites this is the biggest hindrance from God being able to meet our needs in surplus is us having willing so Miss a willing willing hearts glad to do it happy - God laughs cheerful prompt to do it glad to do it wanna do and it's not according to what you might have some big thing in the future it's what you have right now right here where you are willing yes after the service I came up and I said could I speak to you for just a moment I didn't know him he didn't know me he said sure I said tell me if this is okay or not I said but are you believing God for some Brown Jews he said say what I thought oh you know he's gonna report me to the Dean they got another flaky one here I said I just want to know are you believing God for a pair of brown shoes he said wait wait just a minute he called his wife he called her he said come here come here she came there he said tell her what you told me I thought I just wanted to know are you believing God for a pair of Browns you she's throw her hands up in the air started praising God they said brother it wasn't two hours ago we joined hands back there in the speaker's room and asked God and believe God for a pair of brown dress shoes he needs a pair of brown dress shoes I said well glory to God I said here's some money tons of them I gave him a $50 they prayed over me and and I left and I was walking across the parking lot Shoeless moneyless but I felt like I was floating come on are you listening to me I felt like I was floating about that high off the ground what I had heard from God brown shoes brother I had heard from God and it was right and I was a part of the Lord using me as a vessel to meet somebody's needs that they're believing for and I didn't have shoes that week are the next and I guess it was a few weeks or a month or whatever but you know over the course of the next five and ten years this happened to me not once not twice I don't know how many times I had people just come up to me that I didn't know and give me their credit card and say oh well while you're in town go to such a such shop and get you a pair of new shoes now don't get the cheap ones get those exotic skins get the alligator get the ostrich or whatever it is and just put on this car I don't mean what's what half a dozen times next five years or so and I just get shy still to the space shoes just come in the mail now I've sewn other shoes since then but what the Lord say to me I'll take care of you didn't he say and you won't won't say he was endeavoring to set me up because I needed a lot more than this fifty dollars I didn't know it yet but but he did can you see this since what was the big obstacle to me having all the shoes I'd ever need what was the big obstacle my heart being willing to do what he would direct me to do can you see this thing let's finish reading this let's finish read who thank you Lord verse 15 he that gathered much did not have too much he that gathered little had no lack at different times in our lives I'm gonna have received a harvest and you're believing for something right then and then later on you got a big heart you got surplus and I'm believing and when you do this all across the body of Christ somebody's got surplus somewhere right and and if all of us are obeying God that's how it happened in the book of Acts where it got to the point where it said there was not any of them that lacked nobody in the Church of thousands lacked anything all their needs were met is this the will of God says it is but everybody has to obey God and believe God and be willing keep going but thanks be to God who put the same earnestness on your behalf in the heart of Titus keep going for he not only accepted our appeal but being very earnest he's gone to you of his own accord and he talks about distribution of this abundant bountiful gift and if you read these verses the chapter 8 and chapter 9 you'll see the emphasis is this abounding abounding which is surplus äj-- excess can you say Amen go with me please to the book of Romans 12th chapter can you take a little more we're going to talk about a number of things I believe as the Lord helps us in this series that we're believing to get free like we said from any confusion from any condemnation anything like that and so we'll need to deal with the several thing we've touched on them tonight but didn't have time to deal believe with me for the future but let's get grounded in this before we go any further God's will is surplus äj-- true or not God's will is enough and over and above right all you need and some more that's his will that's his plan do you believe it says said out loud God's will is abundance and in some surplus surplus can you get excited about surplus surplus it's not a dollar amount it's not a number of cars or number of houses its surplus it's everything you need all sufficiency in all things and abound some say a pound again that's having enough and then some for every good work where are you Romans 12 Romans 12 he says this verse 1 he said I urge you brethren by the mercies of God that you present yourself present your bodies a living sacrifice holy acceptable to God which is your reasonable service does this sound like willing hmm Here I am here's what I have my body my life my time my resources it is available to you Lord to use as is acceptable is also translated pleasingly and it and it's just my reasonable service what does that mean after everything you've done for me right it's just reasonable that everything I am and have be available to you anywhere anytime nobody's making me do it I'm offering it to you is that your heart says keep reading and be not conformed to this world what now among other things what what does that mean hold you place and look in Timothy let's see if I had this written down or not but we'll we'll find ya second Timothy I did have it written down they'll put it upon the screen for us second Timothy three and one hold you place in Romans second Timothy three and one he said know this also that in the last days perilous times shall come second Timothy 3:1 this is the world he's describing verse 2 for men shall be what lovers of their own selves covetous boasters proud blasphemers disobedient to parents unthankful unholy traitors heady highminded notice again lovers of what pleasures more than lovers of God now that's the world you don't want to be conformed to the ungodly world does not live by the love of God shed abroad in one's heart which makes you unselfish the world the ungodly world loves their self and what pleases them and makes them happy even at the expense of others right if it costs somebody else that's fine long as I get what I want don't be conformed to that don't be that way go back to Roman's now Romans 12:2 don't be conformed to that basically selfishness but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God no we we just got through reading he said there should be times where your surplus is available to minister to their won't and then other times when their surplus ministers to your knee what if you never have surplus what if you're always lacking you're always coming short you never have surplus is that the good and acceptable and perfect will of God it's not now notice three words are used here and let me read this to you let me see I have another version of it I think ya Young's literal translation Young's literal says it like this be not conformed to this age but be transformed by the renewing of your mind for your proving see the result of our minds being renewed is that we can discern and distinguish what he now says we know what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God why use these three words like this good acceptable perfect said out loud good acceptable perfect kind of sounds like good better best part more full because you wind up with what perfect which means complete the complete will of God are people living in something other than the complete will of God oh yeah people of God I'm talking about now are living at varying levels of the will of God some in some out well if it if it's the will of God it's good anything bad is not going to be the will of God so if you're in any degree of the will of God that's good right the word acceptable is also translated pleasing so if you get more in the will of God this is going please it right what would please in the most perfect full will of God you're with me Saints not having your needs met is not good right that's not good that's not the will of God having any of your needs met is good so to that degree is the will of God right having a lot of your needs met or all your needs met having all your needs met that's pleasing to God there's something else I said there's something else there's a perfect will of God that you not only have enough you have you have abundance you have surplus that can be used he can use you to do something for somebody else and it doesn't to be an extra million dollars it can be an extra dollar but it's surplus and it's not that you need a ton of money to operate in this what you need is a willing heart can you see this thing now go with myth to Philippians in closing I think oh thank you Lord can you see that can you see the Lord helping us to get to a higher place can you see him helping us to get more into his will I mean being in any of his will is good and having your needs met that's great that's that's pleasing to him but it's not the end it's not the top what's the top what's God's full perfect will for every one of us why did Jesus come I came that you might have life and have it super abundantly in surplus egde you got everything you need and you've got surplus that enables you now that our text that we read always having all sufficiency in all things but that's not where it ends and what a bounding to every good work that's out beyond yourself right that's above that's over and above your needs met and you don't have to wait till you got some huge sum or amount huh if it's five dollars over it's over right it's over and the truth is people have even people in deep have something they can sew if they were willing to write they could sew part of theirs to somebody that's in as bad a shape as they are or worse right and it would be the key to getting into the good and then coming on up to the well-pleasing oh you listen and then coming on up to the perfect will of God that you got everything that you need and desire to do what he's called you to do and have a full measure life and you got surplus you got surplus surplus and you're willing to let it flow wherever direction he tells you to whenever he tells you to can you say Amen in Philippians the fourth chapter anybody got any verses marked over there hmm I think we may emphasize a part you you may not have emphasized too much of a very familiar verse here tonight Philippians and for that verse 10 he said I rejoiced in the Lord greatly that now at the last your care of me has flourished again where you are also careful but you lacked opportunity he said I'm so happy to see that you remembered me they sent him an offering they sent him a gift by a brother I don't know if it was money and clothes and food and stuff I don't know but they sent him he calls it bountiful he said verse 11 not that I speak in respect of walked faith people are not going to tell you they're hurting and pull on you y'all listening they're not because if you're really in faith you're not looking to man you're looking to God I've had several people before and I'm not saying anything negative I maybe just they just didn't understand it or know it but they said well brother Keith the Bible says let your requests be made known and so we're letting you know that we need this that's not what he says didn't say let your requests be made known to brother Keith did let your requests be made known unto God right when you're in faith you're looking to him and you're not looking to people you're not your putting no pressure on people no you don't even need to tell them what you need in in most case somebody comes to you and they says the Lord dealt with me what's going on don't try to hide it necessarily just check your heart God could be answering your prayer there that's why they're asking you but you don't just go around telling everybody and ask him say you know check your heart and see if God is with you to do something for me he does not need your help in this disregard that gets in the way oh man there's people that have gone to the altar and knelt down beside other folks supposed to been praying and said Oh God talk to somebody somebody that listened to you Lord you know I need $2,000 by the end of the month you know I got to have it now bill with somebody that's not faith that's not right no no that's being a con man it's not right what do you say not that I speak in respect of won't for I have learned in whatsoever state I am therewith to be content my peace and my joy doesn't go up and down according to my bank account my joy and my peace does not is it's not tied to my money level it's unaffected by when the money's low or the money's high I have learned how to live with the same level of peace and joy regardless of what's in the bank whatever state verse 12 I know both how to be abased but I want you to notice next part what else does he know there's that word there's that word abound what does it mean to have all you need and more surplus over I know how to be a base the base means not not have it at the moment but that doesn't mean I lose my piece do mean I lose my joy I know who's taking care of me all this time I know that he will write so I'm unaffected by that and also I know how to about in reading that do we know how to about full folks have read that and just focus on their based part yeah I know how to be low do you know how to be high we're supposed to know how to abound we're yeah we're supposed to know how to stay in faith and keep our joy and keep our peace even if you don't see where it's coming from but we also need to be experienced this needs to be a part of our regular experience that we are abounding materially we have everything we need and in song we got surplus I know how to abound everywhere and in all things I'm instructed to be full to be hungry and he says it again - what - abound and to suffer need it's not supposed to be that somebody is just always suffering need day after day week after week all they ever do is well boy I know how to be abased I've been practicing being a base for now in 40 years well I'm I'm well-developed in being a but know who you're not supposed to just be a base and then scrape the bottom you're supposed to know how to abound but then you know if you live and walk by faithful listen I've seen this and experienced this person in the ministry there will be times when you got a lot of bunch you've got a bunch of excess in there counts and then there'll be other times the Lord is with you so all that well now that you know how much it there you did have this morning you did this afternoon you don't but when you live in my faith you've been here before you know how this works you're not concerned you got your joy you got your feet we got more seed in the ground we ever had what are we doing we're preparing to abound somebody say abound abound he said I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me don't just read that with half the verse no it's not just I can get through in lean times through Christ your strength I can abound through Christ who strengthens me I know how to do both somebody say I can do both through Christ to strengthen that's what this literally we've used that for a lot of things but specifically I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me he's talking about material and financial things I can do all things and he goes on to say verse 18 see if the word standing out to you now verse 18 I have all and so what is he what is he doing right now that he knows how to do he's abounding what does that mean there it is in the text I have all that's not the end of it and I'm abounding what do we know Paul's doing good right he's got everything he needs all the bills are paid everything and he's got overage he's got surplus he's a pounding because I received of Epiphone itis the things which receive from you it's an odor of a sweet smell it's a sacrifice what there's that word acceptable well pleasing to God we're seeing some will of God here are huh not an abject poverty and let we're seeing abundance I got everything I need and I'm abounding this is pleasing God this is acceptable and well pleasing him verse 19 and he said I want you to know something partners in the Church of Philip I I want you to know the same God that's got me abounding today he is going to supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus can you see our text that we read he said today Saints your surplus is causing me to abound but I want you to know that there's going to be some surplus right down the road here that's going to cause you to abound just like God used you he's gonna use other people but it's the same God it's not the people he's used as to God that's the most important thing and all your needs are gonna be met according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus you will have all and abound just like me glory to God can you say Amen stand on
Channel: Free Word of God
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Length: 88min 53sec (5333 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2013
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