VMA 2020 Fashion Review

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wow we're back we're back can you guys even believe it i definitely did not think we were gonna be sitting here for the rest of this year i mean we started out strong you know i've gotten so many tweets saying like what something didn't age well one of the first fashion review videos of this year i'm like 2020 is gonna be a year to remember like something like that happy new year this is my first video of 2020 so strap in because it's gonna be a wild year wild year i mean it is it is but not in the way that we were thinking i was like so ready to do these for every award show and then every event got cancelled but until now and so did every celebrity actually yeah that's true that's true yes so every event got cancelled and the vma said uh-uh no sir we are absolutely still making this happen and so they did and so what how is it how did it work was it online or i really have no idea i think it was like in person but no one was like in the same room also didn't mention this is a fashion review i feel like you guys knew that especially because of the title but we're reviewing the fashion from the vmas this year we're back we are back baby your favorite two fashionistas [Music] all right let's go should we start with lady gaga um this is just like oh this looks like i mean i like that i guess i like the mask psa yeah same i like the fact that she took the mask thing seriously like we all should be doing i personally like the one with the horns just because like it's kind of a weapon yeah and a shield at the same time yeah nice and i think that's pretty good it attacks yeah it's very like post-apocalyptic weird like these also could double as burning man costumes 100 people who because burning man got canceled this year people who were like supposed to go saw this and they were like oh my god we [ __ ] kind of made this happen yeah exactly all we had to do was wear these masks yeah yeah imagine just the playa filled with these nothing like the playas i honestly i don't even know that's time best times of my life i've been on that papaya he's never been never been heard it's great though heard it's so good okay jayden smith i [ __ ] love it i i love it it's my favorite type of [ __ ] whoa we got a passionate passionate uh look at the colors no i love it too i think he looks like an easter egg and i don't mind that i love easter and i love easter eggs it's like a it looks like it was supposed to be on a doll and he put it on himself because it's a little short like i feel like it's a little too small i like it i guess that is the fashion of it all yeah most likely this the cut said most likely to pinch your cheeks bake you cookies and offer you really old hard candies i don't think that's funny because that's not to that's not grandma to me yeah stop laughing it's not funny stop insulting my favorite cardigan ever i mean i get what they're saying i think it's very [ __ ] grandma would ever wear this i think most grandmas sorry i just want to hard there you really did my ears ringing um i think most grandmas would wear it but it you think that they wouldn't because it looks super in style right there but like you could see that you could a grandma would be wearing that to easter mass yeah you know just in a different it would just be in a different setting so it it looks like you feel you you know what i'm saying yeah no i feel you but i still love it slesius kendall machine gun kelly that's their joke not mine um i think it's i like it i like it i think i think it's weird but it's cool he looks like one of the girls on selling sunset like that's what they wear to their like showings i like the necklace though i like the pearl necklace yeah it's he's kind of like he definitely took a page out of harry styles handbook with the pearls yeah is that a hairy thing yeah classic people stealing from harry well that's okay i mean it's trailblazer that's because he's a trailblazer yep okay moving on um okay nicole richie i like this one it's kind of like just got out of the pool or out of the ocean you have your one-piece bathing suit on and then you just wrap a towel around and you're like kind of cold and you're like walking into the grill to get your hot dog that your mom made you yeah yeah your towels like hanging off and your bathing suits there yeah you would say it's like it's lake house chic yes i realized that when we make these videos everything that we we say is just something chic but that's what fashion is it is like house chic like people are a little we wanted to say we want to take okay nikki nikki richie that's what i call her nicki richie totally she loves that they say we want to we want to what do we take a cup of matcha tea and we make you that matcha chic matcha chic but honestly i love matcha tea i love lake houses yeah i love getting out of the pool and putting a towel on i think she looks great yeah i love toxic waste that's another thing that's the same color true um i love i love leprechauns i love cookies nope what kind of cookies just normal ones green oh i thought we moved on just talk saying things that we love okay anyway i like it most layers while somehow still being quite naked bella hadid that's kind of funny that's kind of funny it is like seven layers i love it i just think she's like the hottest she likes it too yeah well he we said bella [ __ ] yeah um i think she's a babe she's like tomb raider like the tomb raider girl yeah right this looks like laura croft you know at night time when she's trying to do something well i'm saying i said sexy tomb raider like you want to dress up as a tomb raider for halloween but you want to be hot yeah yeah that's best yeah best suits bts yes we love the suits we love this this looks really good we love it we love the suits let's see at the same [Music] time [Music] [Laughter] okay i kind of killed that that was great i'm really impressed that you did that most cursed crotch will i am i'm blushing i mean my face is red what's happening why is it lit up i don't know it's really weird blinded by the dick i wake up like a dick in the middle of williams crotch nice thanks okay so i'm waiting that this really was a light up crotch they actually had like a light in the pants that's so strange what song did they say william once tried to coin the term fashionology meaning a mashup of fashion and technology which that's hilarious because that could do so much yeah you could do so much with that concept like oh i don't know keys built into your yeah [ __ ] jacket you never have to open your doors or whatever but he's like let's just put a flashlight on my dick i just don't understand were they singing like where is the love and had their crotches lighting up like that doesn't really go with the theme no they're saying it where is it it's right here you want to know where my love is not the kind of love they're talking about okay so that's we all just gotta [ __ ] each other more maybe the baby forgot to get dressed this is worst i what do you mean he looks like he's going to the coolest sleepover of all time yeah he is not wearing a shirt underneath the jacket but you know what that's fine who gives a [ __ ] he's got this no normal anymore for these award shows who there's every expectation every standard is out the window i know no i preach preach you know it is the fact that they're even having an award show is a is a marvel in itself i agree so don't show up with a [ __ ] shirt on who cares who cares you got louis vuitton pajama pants on yeah whatever and the jabbawockeez who are the original math squarers of the world wow i didn't even think of that also a small commentary holy holy the baby is we think oh he's showing up without a shirt on he's saying who the [ __ ] needs a shirt when i'm here making a statement yeah wear a goddamn mask like the jabberwockies have been saying since 2007. cnco what is cnco what who is this if you're a cnco fan or likely a cnco super fan i've never heard of them in my entire ip okay we got to figure out who cnco is now a latin american boy band formed on the first season of la banda the group is composed of joel pimentel rich that's joel pimentel it's joelle pimentel oh yeah what does it stand for it's stan oh it's just cinco oh it's like a shortened version of cinco anyway i was just saying the style is like so early 2000s like they really do look like a band i would be obsessed with when i was younger right yeah okay sophia carson was radiant in red i love it it's like a little fancy but like okay which looks good you know mm-hmm okay uh miley cyrus she looks like a disco ball um she she came in she came in like a disco ball nice ah i don't know she's just i don't know looks like she looks like it's like a jessica rabbit type outfit isn't it isn't that what the inspiration was i don't know i don't know if that was the inspo behind it it kind of looks like fancy vegas pool like she has the bathing suit the cover-up but the gloves yeah it does it does i don't hate it like i don't really hate it i just it's interesting joey king joey king's floral dress simply wilted that looked like my lunch that looks like a [ __ ] salad i don't hate it i'm getting hungry looking at that i think she looks like lana del rey's like younger sister you mean the what like the appearance wise or the dress all of it the whole get up the dress looks like burger toppings it looks like lettuce and tomato and i'm about to chomp down on a delicious american berg well i really don't hate it i mean yeah i like the hair i like the necklaces i'm hungry okay lady gaga i was out of this world and it's kind of sick it's kind of like flint or not flintstones uh jetsons yeah i i like it it looks like you just got done running a marathon and wait we've said that before right maybe that's really funny though um i love that like she looks good though you know like i can't really complain oh yeah i know um kiki palmer looks good cheeky palmer she was the host i like you she looks like a little gift love the bow i think she looks great yeah what is the the green screen background is that how they filmed it maybe never a good idea posting a picture like this though because because you could change that to anything oh true oh god oh okay travis barker was there um i like it i like it if if someone said what do you think travis barker would wear i would say this outfit really yeah it's like punk rock yeah i think it's cool i i like everything travis does yeah maluma maluma looks looks good he yeah like he kind of looks like he's going like a ballroom dancing show yeah but with a t-shirt on underneath is that what that is i don't know yeah it's just the shoes that remind me of a ballroom dancer he looks like a bodyguard he looks like a bouncer at a club that's right doesn't he yeah minus the heels taylor swift looks so this is like this must be like a commentary on zoom zoom culture computer on her face that's beautiful um no she looks stunning as usual ariana grande also tried to do the thing it's funny they didn't even look like they tried like taylor's wearing like i like it ariana's dog is probably slobbering all over the camera she's like so means the world to me you guys you included me in the vmas this year she's tatted damn she got hand tattoos what why oh she was there and i guess ariana grande performed as well and she looks like a power ranger no she looks like a kid she looks like a powerpuff girl she kind of looks like like a cartoon sorry i know what she looks like i just got the i got the wrong wrong two shows she looks like she's from sailor moon that's what she looks like sailor moon but like sailor moon meets like a witch kind of because it's a little like darker yeah well yeah she looks like she's sailor uranus oh my god that was awful say sailor uranus and there we have it good way to end it i mean i looked up i looked up a complete list all the looks from the 2020 vmas there's 30 pictures there's usually 200 um but that's okay you know no at least it's something we and yeah we need to we're this is [ __ ] out stop we're back you know what no it doesn't matter if this is a small list or not i think we did our jobs yeah and i think and i think i'm happy i'm just happy we're back i'm happy we're back too this was very fun um all the outfits were pretty solid yeah no i like it um i like jacob i know we know i'm just saying if anyone knows where i can get that [ __ ] sweater yeah let us know i'm gonna wear it for the next one of these okay that's a good idea and i will wear bella hadid's outfit okay that's it so that's the end of this video it feels so good to be back in the fashion um love you guys thank you for watching and uh see you next time bye bye
Channel: Kelsey Kreppel
Views: 1,375,615
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kelsey kreppel, cody ko, comedy, commentary, roast, cody ko and kelsey, kelsey and cody, met gala, fashion review, girl talk, codyko, dinner with kelsey, kelsey kreppel cody, insane baking, makeup, Chrissy teigen, VMA, VMA 2020, video music awards, quarantine, mask fashion, masks, celebrities, red carpet, fashion guru, best dressed, worst dressed, vma fashion, vma 2020 fashion, ariana grande, jaden smith, lady gaga
Id: lZkskeziIf8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 28sec (928 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 04 2020
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