Oscars 2021 Fashion Review

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[Music] you guys you guys it's been a while um hi so hello welcome back it's been a while last time we anyone was on my channel it was us reviewing the grammys was it the grammys yeah did the grammys happen yeah and we reviewed it anyway so we're back welcome back for another fashion review come on yeah so we are by the way as you know by the title we are reviewing the oscars we are reviewing oscar's award show yeah something that nobody watched this year so i actually watched them with me you watched the oscars yeah i went i was at my parents house oh that's why the rating was i think three total people watched yeah oscar's award show what oscars award show what is that instead of the oscars you watched oscar's award show like a guy named oscar hosts it every year [Music] i don't know why that concept is like really funny to me it's like do you want to have an oscars party and it's like that's actually how it started really yes it was like it was this is an oscar and a couple guys in his backyard mm-hmm just giving awards out to his boys you know the best best beer pong shot really yeah best chugger i think it was a guy named oscar and he watched all all the movies that ever came out for that year and he was like i'm the only one who's seen these i want to say which ones are the best okay yeah so that's how it actually started and it was just him and just him and his wife him and his wife and then eventually he got some people from the street in to come watch yeah yeah and then here we are here we are today oscar is a billionaire now yeah oscar or the academy awards oscars academy awards that's all because it's oscar's academy so we're going to start out strong with regina king in louis vuitton we are actually kind of matching her and i you are you just need wings she does have wings i think she deserves the wings she has an angelic face i love regina king um i don't know how i feel about this dress i don't love it it's kind of like las vegas cinderella do you have anything to say about this or no i don't i just don't really like it i don't really like it i don't like the wings i feel like angel is kind of like played out in terms of how like dresses isn't it like we see it every single time one of them has wings or really or yeah these are like these are like these are wings yeah other times it's like something that could maybe be a wing right but this is like we're putting wings on a dress red bull gives you wings true maybe she's actually sponsored by red bull this is the coveted louis vuitton red bull collab carrie mulligan carrie mulligan she looks stunning she's she's daisy buchanan just so we're all clear and she's married to um someone from the mumford and sons of mumford but not the not the sons just mom no she she makes mumford sons actually you know she's married to a mom nice nice do you know how mumford and son started it used to just be mumford in his backyard doing music by himself yeah then he married her mm-hmm i had some sons yeah don't come for us mumford stands okay we're clearly joking um i think this is so beautiful yeah i think it's beautiful i mean it's it's grand but it's like kind of breathtaking it looks a little bit like a moth okay yeah no totally it actually does looks like she she might just you know fly right into the camera flashlights carry carry over look over here look over here she's like just right into the camera yeah she's eating like the cotton on other people's glasses carry moth again jokes baby i like this i like it a lot i like i think it's beautiful yeah no for an insect she looks great what yeah that's a big you are the only person that thinks that i i usually really like neon colors i maybe i do like it maybe i do like it she looks beautiful it's bright it's fun like the hair i think it's i think it's beautiful it's a bright color but it's not like a crazy intense dress it's just kind of like sexy she's very safety vest that's what it is yeah safety dress this is the safety dress yeah and she did the safety dance all night what's that you can dance if you wanna you can leave your friends behind because everyone's don't dance on if they don't dance no friends of mine that's what this dress really says to me yeah no i think it says that to me as well wow zendaya emerald fennel in gucci it's kind of like bulky like fairy like taylor swift video no no it is that one video last album whatever that first video is just like wandering through the forest and it's like the cardigan video it looks a little bit more like tinkerbell it looks more like elves and fairies yeah yeah definitely looks like she should have some pointy little ears yeah maybe she does maybe she's actually secretly an elf [Music] they've infiltrated the academy oh i love you so sick oh my god that's so cool this is really really it's like a 70s pilot slash pimp let's crop it up for a little keith so cool that looks like it's straight out of some cool palm springs house totally in the 70s you know yeah like people at a pool party and he's just in a full-on jumpsuit i know i love that it's a jumpsuit like you really do not see that from guys very often and he's killing it i need a jumpsuit yeah you do if anyone's the plug on a good jumpsuit or if you got a jumpsuit guy let me know yeah i need a jumpsuit guy yeah we need a jumpsuit guy we need a jumpsuit guy her and peter dundas it's pretty stunning yeah i think it's cool it says it's iconic there and i do believe that it is iconic the color the detail yeah is is all pretty flawless the hair is sick the hair is sick the glasses i think everything about it is i love when it's not it when girls don't go the dress route drought and they do something as cool as this yeah i'm a fan i'm an fan andrew day in verowing okay um i like it i think i like it yeah i think it's cool she looks really good and she does look really good in it i like the natural hair i like it but i don't love it liquid gold they smelted is that how you form into gold you smelt it smelt it smelting dealt it nice it doesn't scream oscars to me what is it grammys another name doesn't scream oscars more screams jeremy or something maria bakalova she is going oscar's at five wedding at seven yeah yeah she's like might as well just knock them both down i'm just gonna get married at the oscars oh yeah she's marrying oscar that's the big finale to pump viewership didn't really work this year though why are you hating so much it's kind of fun it's kind of fun to like hate on award shows i love award shows yeah i mean i like doing this afterwards but like i hate them i hate them i hate award shows i hate them i don't like this dress i don't like the look i do really like her how good was she and borat oh that's her oh my god yeah she was great it does just feel kind of like a wedding like wedding vibes and that's not the time it's not the time we're the place simply for a wedding unless she's saying she's like married to the hustle maybe she's like i don't even it's like a statement i don't even need this award because i'm too married to my to the game right now absolutely that's if that's what it is and this is my favorite look of the night it's like trust me i'll be back next year for another couple nominations because guess what this is a lifetime now we're married we're married rizz ahmed that's pretty pretty plain is this like a very subtle blue or purple i think it's like a subtle blue but is it a collared shirt that he has on underneath can't really tell yeah it's not wowing me he looks good obviously great shoes i like the shoes a lot but it's guys you gotta you gotta really wow me it's tough i know that but take a page out of the keith's book yeah angela bassett and alberta for freddy that's a designer um the dress i think the water wings are too big yeah it's it's like first time swimmer she's got the biggest water wings possible i like the eye shadow yeah i like the contrast there not really a fan of the fan of the dress but if she but if she was going for best water wings yeah absolutely she would have won viola davis i like it i like it she looks kind of comfy in some way when i saw her at the oscars because i watched them i was like she's she's comfy she's not worried about being there and she gives me that vibe trying to think of what the top part of the dress looks like this kind of looks like the side of a cake or something mm-hmm reese witherspoon reese i don't know this is weird i don't get what's the belt yeah but i don't get the shoulders why is this one over her shoulder but this one is over her neck but it's like why wouldn't this one just be here it's throwing my like it's like triggering my ocd okay it seems a little ill-fitted and then like the kind i don't really love the color like the one color thing and then the leather belt is like really throwing me off here i know the droopy like the droopy dude belt yeah when dudes just leave their belt hanging down yeah but listen here reese you know what if you looked perfect every time it wouldn't be fair to everyone we love you yeah we just don't love the belt [Music] aaron burr sir okay so that's leslie odom jr plays aaron byrne hamilton who we love who's so talented but he actually looks like the tin man i don't i don't like the i'm sorry i don't like the suit yeah he looks like this is like what a street performer would wear like the street statues oh yeah that's exactly what they were yeah yeah it looks like he spray painted the suit himself yeah i don't like it i don't like it he looks like the statue that he was trying to win yeah but he also looks like the tin man which maybe is like maybe a hint maybe he's gonna do like wizard of oz on broadway vanessa kirby in gucci um the color i i don't like the color it's like where it is it's like just wearing a dress and just wear a white dress you know just like it just like it's all everything it's not it's just not a good color on her she doesn't look awful no obviously not like no one looks awful yeah when you're on the red carpet but it's just like it's just it's like washing her out completely i mean it's unfortunate the wall is the exact same color as the dress everything is the same color she's just kind of blending into the wall yeah and the only thing you see is her lips and her nails i don't know it's just a little bit much which happen to be the same color as this as the statues yeah kind of looks like a newborn baby yeah just fresh skin yeah coleman domingo i love it oh my god that color is kind of insane he's the other person doing the safety dance yeah him and zendaya would go great together yeah it's unbelievably bright i kind of love it though i said if you're a guy you're really gonna have to wow me and this like actually kind of took my breath away yeah yeah i would agree cosmo said uh with just enough sparkle on it without going overboard i'd say this is massively overboard but i'd say that's the point the point is to be like oh my god what the yeah but they're talking about this sparkle the whole thing isn't sparkled it's just like a lot a little salt bay of spa honestly i wouldn't be mad if there was more sparkle i really love this actually he wowed me and i appreciate that it almost looks like it's um photoshopped on him for some reason yeah i think because it's such a bright color yeah yeah it's kind of it's a little bit like um dr seussy kind of too like you know or like candy uh what's the what's the board game candy land candy like pretty candy oh yeah amanda seafreed um she looks good you know this looks like two knights they look like trojans trojans yes trojan condoms i was thinking like usc but sure yes usc trojans about to like joust like her boobs are about to joust oh my god wait okay like her boob is like the head and the thing is like the truth yeah yeah yeah and there it looks like two trojans gingerly kissing gingerly touching lips halle berry and dolce gabbana dolte dolce and gabbana only hoes that rock dolce and gabbana riffraff funny i'm [Music] okay halle berry the hair i really i cannot do it today yeah more like hairy bobby what does that mean did i say that halle berry hair in a bobby that's a weird laugh i've never heard that one before [Laughter] is this real i can't so i personally hate the bob i also don't like the front bow like it looks like skin or something i like it okay i don't i don't like the color i don't really like this to be honest i'm gonna respectfully disagree here i like the color i like the i actually like the dress yeah it looks like her dress was too long so she like picked it up and just tucked it in right here it looks like it was supposed to be the color of the carpet and then it got sick and now it's like pale i don't it looks like a sick pink and i don't like that margot robbie she looks beautiful yeah she looks like a nice china plate yeah she looks like a beautiful piece of aluminum foil yeah and i love it yeah laura dern [Applause] bernstein bear wake up dernsteins come on dernstein bears give us an applause for our favorite flamingo i don't know if this deserves an applause though okay laura um this sucks this is pretty ah what a disappointment i mean come on yeah oh oh in in white chicks when they're wearing look up white chicks um bird dresses yeah yep yep it also kind of looks like she's you know dressed up as the abominable snowman a little bit um sorry sorry to all the dernstein bears out there but we don't love this one yeah we love our queen yeah oh don't get us wrong no yeah she still looks great it's just not the dress is not doing it yes how heavy was that do we think i don't know it does look like a bath mat doesn't it it looks like she's hiding some big little eyes under that skirt allen kim i love him is this the kid in that movie we watched styling with the shorts yeah the shorts and the socks oh that's rushing it oh my god i cannot wait to see future looks that's from that little prince right there this is big drip big drip also pose goals yeah totally crushing it he's so chill this is his mom he walked up he just walked up and was like hey what's up yeah yeah oh yeah what's up what's up okay cool all right well on that note special thanks to oscar by the way yes thank you oscar for us um for allowing us to do this mm-hmm and for hiring us to do this for hiring us we appreciate it yeah oscar the guy who show this is yeah um he paid us actually to do this video to drive a little promotion because the lord knows they need us oh my god i've never heard such hate okay so thank you guys for watching hope you enjoyed some award shows we have more to say than others wait till the met happens again seriously we're gonna have fun with that one um yes but also we know we're not fashioned yeah standard disclaimer we don't know what the we're talking about but we just think this is fun and we love all of the celebrities it has nothing to do with them it's just the clothes that they put on their bodies love you guys thank you for watching see you next time bye
Channel: Kelsey Kreppel
Views: 989,916
Rating: 4.971837 out of 5
Keywords: kelsey kreppel, cody ko, comedy, commentary, roast, cody ko and kelsey, kelsey and cody, met gala, fashion review, girl talk, codyko, dinner with kelsey, kelsey kreppel cody, insane baking, makeup, Chrissy teigen, oscars 2021, academy awards, fashion, oscars fashion, oscars red carpet, fashion roast, zendaya
Id: mdhyHm0TFcE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 14sec (1034 seconds)
Published: Sun May 16 2021
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