Trying To Smell Like Rihanna

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hello you guys hi [Music] here we are our first weekly vlog of 2021. i know i didn't start right at the beginning of 2021 i was in like a little bit of a funk it was hard getting back into the swing of making videos pandemic is still hitting hard here in la so not much has been going on cody and i have just been kind of sitting in the house so i didn't really have anything to film and i still don't in that sense but i just have the drive again so hello the vlog family is back i don't know what the vlog family means but you know i feel like we bonded over vlogmas and now we're back so hello welcome to this week's vlog you're probably wondering kelsey why are you wearing a winter coat inside it's freezing in the house and it's super cold out i just dropped chili off he's going to get groomed he got a haircut at the beginning of january and it's so perfect but he doesn't need another haircut yet he just needs to be like brushed and bathed another exciting thing that i did while i was dropping off chili was i went to starbucks definitely not gonna be going to starbucks every day in these vlogs because that is not something i normally do i was just doing it for vlogmas um normally i don't usually go to starbucks that often during the week but i figured since i was out since this is the first day of our weekly vlogs i would do it today i have for you you know those tick tocks i love those so i love getting like dirty chives dirty chives i like getting chai lattes with two shots of espresso in them and today i got the vanilla sweet cream cold foam on top so i'm gonna mix it up i'm sitting on my day bed remember when i got the day bed that was during vlogmas right okay i'm gonna try it i saved it to try with you guys [Music] oh my god yes this is so good a few more office updates if you guys care my office is nowhere near being done but it's come a long way since last time you saw it i got a monitor there's like i do circle time right here i have my monitor my laptop that's a soup i'm gonna make this week for dinner and yeah and then i have these books that were my grandpas and now i have them in my office which is really really special and exciting i'm getting some more like accessories for this the shelving so this will all kind of look different but this is where we're at at the moment there he is lin i kind of wish that wasn't the cover photo because it's kind of disturbing like it's kind of creepy that's that so i've been able to do my circle times in here and it's been so nice having my own space so let's let's jump right into the week i just took a shower and i am going to do something exciting for the vlog i got these drops i bought them from sephora i've heard great things they are like self tan drops and you just mix them in with the body lotion that you normally use and the face moisturizer that you normally use and they gradually make you tanner brand is tan luxe i've heard great things i've actually bought these before and then was too scared to use them and then they expired got new ones and i'm actually gonna do it i just showered and shaved and like exfoliated and then i was reading and i was like maybe i should do a 24-hour test patch so that's what i'm gonna do and i'll exfoliate again tomorrow and do the full body tomorrow and then throughout the week we can see if i get tanner or orange or streaky i'm kind of nervous but i'm gonna do it this is the lotion i use none of this is like sponsored or none of this was even like gifted or anything i just this is what i use i'm gonna try the body one i'm gonna try it on my arm where are you supposed to do a test patch i'm so nervous okay so my lotion is here okay and i'm just gonna go oh oh my god i'm shaking so much three drops rub that in it's way more than a test patch it's just my whole arm okay whatever you know what [ __ ] it we're doing my whole arm like look how white i am i need to be a little tanner whatever i guess we're doing the whole arm that one was way more but i'm doing it for the whole arm this is a disaster i'm freaking out here are my arms should i do my legs too since i just [ __ ] went for it should i okay let's just leave my arms and then we'll do my legs tomorrow okay so i feel like for the face i definitely should do a test strip like maybe on my neck i just i'm out i'm just like so bad at girly things like this like i don't even know where to begin so i'm gonna take this is my moisturizer that i use i'm still using this one still love it i'm getting flustered and nervous right there on my neck we'll check back in tomorrow on the tan front stay tuned for the tan update throughout this video okay so i got dress we are about to film a dessert with kelsey that you guys should have seen so if you haven't seen that go watch it after you're done watching this vlog oh chili reveal we are making some cookies and i am bright red for some reason very nervous about the stuff on my skin why am i red vlog say hi to cody good morning happy tuesday how are we doing today um it is about 11 30. no surprise i'm out of breath i finished teaching this is what i'm wearing right now and now it's time to start the rest of my day i ordered some groceries yesterday and they just got here so i'm gonna go get those and then um we'll see where the day takes us there's nothing to do you guys realize that right like we can't do anything or we shouldn't be doing anything i don't know i got this silk pillowcase um for my skin and my hair i'm gonna wash that today um i also got this pillow spray this is not sponsored or anything i just ordered this off amazon um it's supposed to help me sleep and fall asleep easier and i need that because i haven't been sleeping well lately and it's just i'm not a good sleeper and i used to think it didn't matter and maybe who the [ __ ] knows but maybe i should try and make it matter motivation for you for your tuesday so let's see the groceries well i'm not gonna like do a grocery haul at all but let's just go downstairs oh and you're probably wondering kelsey why why do you have turmeric on my testing patch is darker than i thought it was gonna be i can't tell if my arms are tan or not they're not they didn't break out though so that's like all that really matters they might be like a little bit more tan than usual not streaky though i think they're a little bit more tan than usual my neck though hello i don't think it's orange cody said it was a good color i think i'm gonna just go for it i'm kind of scared though at the way that this like came out just like overnight also the patch is just so scary so i'm kind of scared to put it on the rest of my face but i think i'm just gonna do it so there's your tan update hey handsome man here are all the groceries ready oh got some more down there yeah i kind of went hard i got this baguette because i'm gonna make garlic bread tonight let's unpack these ready one two three wow amazing there we go we are unpacked okay so these are all the groceries i got a few highlights these poppies these drinks so delicious good for your gut that says for a healthy gut these pickles grillos pickles griot's pickles not sure all i know is that they are the best pickles i've ever eaten in my life i got these unbelievably tiny spaghetti squashes the size of my hand my hand looks [ __ ] fat and massive my hand looked like three hands there for a second um i got some honeycomb if you didn't see on instagram chrissy teigen made like these these like boats like these like healthy like um bolognese sauce in spaghetti squash boats with this like ricotta pesto thing and she put the recipe on instagram so i'm making it i got some bee pollen to top my smoothies with it's so much easier to shop online or like to grocery shop online and just get a bunch of random [ __ ] because you're not even like realizing like how full your card is or how much you're spending you're just putting it all in and then you just get it all now we are going to put these away ready one two three and there we have it everything's away doesn't it look beautiful we got this little home accessory in the mail cute little knot we're like starting to get all the accessories um for our place remember how i was saying that i was gonna make a smoothie and put the bee pollen on top of it um well now is that time my friends so we are making this super breakfast mango it's actually called a super breakfast mango lassie lassie i don't know exactly how to say it but so let's do it okay so this is everything that's going in it vanilla chia seeds honey oats mango greek yogurt banana little lemon juice and some grated ginger [Music] seems like a lot of honey [Music] i'm a little worried about this a lot going on in here [Music] should we put the bee pollen on and i'm kind of scared let's just do a little sprinkle on the top little drizzle of honey voila it's not as easy as i hoped but nothing is because i stress out every time i cook also cook these are literally smoothies it's a honey on top these look beautiful i like it the ginger mm-hmm i really like it that's amazing it's gourmet thanks for coming along that's so good yeah it is really good i've never had a smoothie like that before ginger is amazing little tuesday afternoon beet saber session this song can't be played oh yeah i'll just sing over it yes i love bgs it's my favorite band so i changed out of my um turtleneck and pajamas because we're gonna take chili for a walk right now but i got a really exciting little thing in the mail so i read somewhere online was like talking about what rihanna smells like and someone said that she wears this perfume that is like the best smelling perfume ever so i ordered like a travel size from sephora i should have done this alone so cody doesn't like pretend that he's too cool for all of this but it wasn't the fact that it smelled like rihanna it was the fact that someone was like trust me i've worn this perfume and i've never gotten so many compliments i've been looking for like a signature scent because one day when i'm a huge celeb people are going to want to be like what does cozy smell like let's go so i want to smell it i'm out of breath again i keep talking about how every time i start to vlog i ran to get a new camera battery but here we go oh oh wow really smells good sweeter than i thought it's love and killian killian don't be shy you like it yeah it just smells like vanilla it's like spicy vanilla yeah like spicy vanilla that's the initial those are the initial notes but let's see what it's like when it dries it feels like something that could be a signature scent though i have a few other contenders maybe like during the vlogs we'll try them out and i'll try to pat my sticks yeah what do you guys think how's it smelling how does it smell to you guys this is my arm i know it's super tan but ready one two three sniff all right okay we're gonna go take chili for a walk now bye then i'm gonna make dinner sorry cody had one more thing to add should say we're gonna take some merch photos too because i have new merchants i love this song headed [Music] it's actually like this is really good stuff you guys you would love this it is good stuff no it actually is like the quality of these is so good look at this hang on stitching right here if i if i made some type of merch would you guys wear mine the answer is yes you have to make merch back from the walk great walk right julie was it fun okay so i got this package from vital proteins and i didn't know they were sending me a package i'm very very excited i like vital proteins collagen and they're matcha collagen so this is the collagen that i use i like to put it in smoothies and stuff where you can put it in coffee it's really good it doesn't have any taste but more creamer waters they're collagen waters collagen like strengthens your bones and your nails and your hair that's still i love pieces of clothing with hashtags on them cody be nice i'm being nuts what oh we didn't buy this i don't like pets out pr packages are like here's some free stuff which oh she just gagged think about if that was all like raw meat sorry i actually thought i was almost about to throw into this vital proteins box i can't stop hearing that sound can you get don't i gotta copy a girl with no jobs book thank you guys for coming to man oh we also got these leather boxes these are some more accessories like i was talking about for the house so we are making like i told you the chrissy vegan recipe now this is ricotta pesto it's sex is what it is it's parmesan pure oh okay let me take a little bit of that and then you move it over here and it it right there here's the final product shout out chrissy teigs this [ __ ] garlic bread look at this i'm saying that the cheese right there oh yeah we're gonna eat and watch friends love you guys see you tomorrow happy wednesday what's up how's everybody doing how is your day going you're watching this the same day that you watched every single other one so i hope you're having a good day when it was christmas time and i was staying at my parents house i ordered chili's food that we get him so chili has a very sensitive stomach my king is a sensitive guy he has to have like specific food he eats the farmer's dog and if you guys are thinking about getting your dog a new food or your dog has a sensitive stomach i highly recommend he loves it but so i ordered it to my parents house around christmas time because we were going to be there when we needed more food blah blah whatever i forgot to change the delivery address back to our house so it got delivered to my parents house and chili needs food so i am currently um going to meet my dad halfway between my house and their house and he's gonna give me the food now hopefully it's like because it all comes frozen and hopefully it's not just completely thawed time is of the essence right now people oh my goodness people we made it we made it home i am sitting on the kitchen floor the food it was still frozen i got to see my dad for a second with masks on i got a couple things in the mail so we're gonna open them so this is a home accessory and i'm not sure what it is i really want it to be the mirror we're getting a mirror where that picture of chili is there's gonna be a mirror there and it keeps getting back ordered so to be completely honest with you guys i don't think this is it i think this is for the coffee table like a tray wow that is beautiful and very good quality isn't that right chili okay well that's exciting hi happy thursday how's everyone doing you might be thinking kelsey where the hell are you i'm in cody's office actually which has never been featured in the vlogs my beautiful clean office there here it is uh organized you guys might recognize that couch that's our old you probably don't recognize that couch but that's our old couch this is where the magic happens right here and i am gonna eat this acai bowl now for breakfast i don't like when my acai bowls have fruit on top so i know that's like kind of the point but i don't i like when the fruit is blended in i don't like chunks sometimes chili stares at me and i feel like he's judging me i'm not really sure what i'm going to do for the rest of the day kind of feel like going to starbucks again oh this is my outfit that i wore to teach in today so we have cody's sweater on the tops first thing i could find and these pajama pants hi oh my gosh it's like it's vlogmas again we have a cody hello so we are guess what going to starbucks yep that's all we're doing oh we have to get a sweet onion oh [ __ ] literally we're right here it's the airplane we're having this conversation about errands we were originally just supposed to go to the atm and then i said can we go to starbucks and you said but that was before we left like that was we knew when we left we were going to the atm into starbucks that's why i didn't i didn't stack it on look how mizz he is i'm not miss at all you are missed no i'm actually chilling i'm relaxing i almost got hit by a car when i was walking into starbucks maybe you guys will care i almost got hit by a car while walking into starbucks it was really hard he still isn't listening what happened sorry i almost got hit by a car when walking in the railway yes the person was like wait what'd you say i wasn't okay are you guys liking this vlog so far i know i know it's not anything special but hopefully you're liking it a little vlog police hopefully the vlog police aren't too mad about this one remember how in trouble i got by the vlog police that one time i didn't film enough oh yeah right hello i'm gonna cook dinner i'm gonna get dinner started um i'm really really bad at like timing things out like too bad at it but i'm gonna start cooking i'm not gonna like show you the whole process i'll show you like what i'm putting in the soap soap soup it's from the half-baked harvest cookbook just like everything else that i've made this week and it's the creamy curried cauliflower and goat cheese soup and i'm very excited it is windy and rainy and cold tonight it's actually not raining yet but it's supposed to rain and it's like just cold and gloomy outside so i thought soup would be good julie has to pee and i don't want to take him outside because i'm scared of the dark i'm not scared of the dark if i'm inside i'm scared of the outside dark i'm scared of night time are you hungry do you want to eat your food here we have chili's turkey recipe see if a head chunk he jumps up past the counter when he's so excited for his food so i'm not as stressed out as usual which is a really good thing i think the prepping helped um i roasted the cauliflower and garlic i'm not sure that i used enough cauliflower and then in here we have some coconut milk some vegetable broth some cinnamon some curry paste and some paprika now soon we're going to transfer it to the blender and then i'll show you uh what we do next pretty exciting stuff happening over here people we are making soup and i'm excited about it okay so we toasted some pistachios pumpkin seeds and sesame seeds and some chili powder and some salt and some olive oil and now we're melting some goat cheese into the soup and we're gonna top it with some of these pomegranate seeds some cilantro it's gonna be so good maybe or it's gonna be bad and we'll order pizza look at these they don't taste good it doesn't even matter look how beautiful they are makes it look good look at this i have my own personal hairy styles hey love hi larry love my name is harry styles i host the james corden show okay okay and now we're gonna eat soup and watch friends because it's cozy night time yeah yeah yeah hey guys it's friday i just finished my circle times i put on this purple sweater and my pajama pants i just had some toast like toast with peanut butter on it i am starving still i got this liquid multivitamin because i need some more vities some vities in my life so let's try it something very exciting happened this morning we got a peloton so cody's trying it out for the first time right now it sounds intense i'm really excited to use it and also really scared we're having someone come deliver um some plants like plants for our house like real plants we've never had real plants before just hope we don't kill them all i'm really nervous about this i don't know why i got this oh it's a disgusting color here we go yeah oh my god i can't throw up [Music] sorry i also got these elderberry tablets elderberry is really good for you bye i have no energy i think i'm gonna get some coffee or make some coffee or do something maybe order matcha i am about to ride the peloton for the first time little nervous but plant lady came and i want to show you what we got so we got this beauty she's gonna send me the proper names for all these i kind of forgot them but look at this awesome awesome tree okay and then we're getting a couple more that you didn't have today but we'll get them in a little bit we got this awesome one and look at these pretty flowers so cool right we got this minimal beautiful one it's got some moss in it that you can't see but it looks great come up to my office and the guest room i'll show you the other plants we got now cody and i have never had real plants before we've never really had to take care of plants to be honest but we've kept truly alive this long so hopefully we can keep the plants alive we got this beauty for the guest room i think we're gonna put a little like have a little stand for it also this little guy love it we got that mini palm tree chili's eating my underwear that's his favorite thing to do and now it's peloton time this is me before my first peloton ride and this is me after i don't look any different i thought i was gonna be like sweating well i am really actually sweaty don't look so i kind of wanted to die during that because it was hard obviously but then i was like jamming i feel good i'm happy yes okay come with me on my peloton journey so this is the end of the vlog i just have to get back into the swing of things i hope you guys liked it i don't really think it was that exciting but next week we'll start off i'll do full face of the fake tan full body that'll be fun now i'm trying to think what is something that we can do at the end of each vlog you know how we did the the thing yeah should we eat a pickle i just saw them in there i don't get what you see in those okay well this pickle tastes like a pickle okay you guys thank you for watching hope you enjoyed and we will see you next week best of luck to you guys best of luck we love you so much give me a kiss best of luck best of luck bye love you
Channel: Kelsey Kreppel
Views: 424,627
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kelsey kreppel, cody ko, comedy, commentary, roast, cody ko and kelsey, kelsey and cody, met gala, fashion review, girl talk, codyko, dinner with kelsey, kelsey kreppel cody, insane baking, makeup, Chrissy teigen, vlogs, vlog, weekly vlog, week in my life, couple, relationship, quarantine, Rihanna, perfume, self tanner
Id: MsvRxNewKIs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 26sec (1466 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 06 2021
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