VLOG | Dewey's 24 Hour Readathon

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hey guys it is Dewey 24-hour reason I really didn't want to start out my blog on my home and the car but that's just how the day has kind of started first thing I need made some coffee here clean my car I was planning on doing like 24 clips in 24 hours making a 24 minute vlog but we're already three hours into the read-a-thon so I'll show you how our one look our cue our three I'm actually looking at by Nana was like a bee stung me sleeping and now we're in our four and Liam has soccer okay well if I'm not something you have to something to put your soccer and taken this off on easy even yeah you just asked me for help because you couldn't do it what's wrong I can't get it on it's a hard trick the trick with these with soccer socks you roll up everything but the foot and then you keep the foot your fingers like tight yeah kind of like tights but oh you are oh thank you yeah I see you'll well be I see you soccer socks with the prime example of needing to cut it was a hater I don't know this is really weird here you can do the rest now now fold it uh-huh pull up a little more must be at my knee where the ads supposed to fold [Music] [Music] all right I'm at the friends of the library book sale I didn't bring lamb because I guess they have I only discovered this book sale in last October where it's like a big book sale and then in spring they have like a smaller one where they don't have kids book so it's just why a and adult it's not happening today I don't know how well it's going to go I'm excited to check it out um the things I learned last time they only take cash which like duh didn't realize when I went I had to go find a bank and it was like so far away and to bring a bag so naturally this time I came and I forgot a bag and I only brought fifty dollar bills at this that's not excessive because I'm probably I'm not unless I find like fifty bucks like this I'm just ridiculous oh yeah I was in actually ten minutes and I found like eight bucks really quickly I also met four subscribers which I didn't think what happened at all it's weird because just like at the last one I went to there was this whole wall of boxes and there was people like constantly going through them putting out new books so I didn't all stay like just do that throughout the day as more books get bought but there was like this huge stack of like why a fiction boxes in the corner and I was like so I have to come back like in six hours I was 45 minutes away so I can't help but feel like I missed out on some stuff that's in there but wasn't on the table so anyway that was really fun but I found a good couple books I'm not going to show you all of them if you have to wait until like a proper hall but the two I'm most excited about I found unbecoming which I had previously bars in library and didn't get around to and Loula Carl's 12 step romance which I wanted to read last year and yeah you okay just kidding I'll show you everything this business is not going to go through it all doing these looks yes I already own but they were two dollars and I didn't have a hardcover of star girl and my old one didn't have a desk jacket so look fangirl I got fangirl and I had a coffee but it was the paperback and now all of my rainbow Rowell look how well it all fits together I guess we are now in our seventh on the redesign and I'm just going to start getting reading now okay first things first I'm the realest drop that into the whole word feel it I've been demoted businesses and then I'm giving lessons strawman see here are my smallest books they're tiny I have the wife boy nice boy and then there were nine wolf in my event and the complete fables this one is the longest but it's actually when I'm most interested in so we'll see if that gets read but this Carrie what are you doing okay so how away from the computer it's not like um I decided on oh you can see the wife I'm anguillan sir I read the first couple pages of a couple books and that's the one I chose to start with I'm thirty pages in now but I totally forgot to post bookmarked up until 1:00 a.m. last night filming and editing and making a blog post for my bookmark and I forgot posted what a real friend is to Lumpkin little Coulson now I'm putting this on YouTube because you look like some weird fluorisis like I am just a highlighter highlighter you Spiker man I really seemed it on your face bro where you headed to work eight hours with no great a be playing a work and so I'm home alone well I have an infant Oh so I'm going to be reading all night I'm still going to be up at 5 a.m. when he comes home from work because I'm gonna be reading reading reading read and read and read and read and read and read should I get bangs again No okay the next hour has passed and I haven't read much more I drove my husband down not to work but he's carpooling but they didn't come all the way to our house they'd like to come up with like the Tim Hortons down the street a lot of the three of course have another coffee I don't know what happened I start I like turn 27 and I need caffeine to run my day my bones are baking like I just I was actually like really old now but for the next 45 minutes until I start dinner I'm going to get through a large chunk of it the next time you see me I should be like only fifty pages from the end of this book alright I'm now making dinner I am almost done the book but I'm hungry and so we're making um taco right Mexican pepper really I ended up making this in like every single readathon bug must be written in ur reading the hands who actually care about my dinner okay what don't care look at my beautiful rainbow glorious miss excuse me sir I think it's your bedtime no it's definitely a read time and you're a little sick so you should definitely go to sleep I am just about to why I do that I slept like a lot I'm just a couple pages from the end of my book I loved the wife I really didn't expect to love it um a lot of people have said that meg Wallace airs writing is hard to get used to I see that consistently through my friends reviews of all of her books and so I was expecting something different I love this the writing is impeccable like regardless of if you like this story or like the pacing or like how things are like handled I don't think you can deny that this is written really extraordinarily don't know why this only has it s 3.5 on Goodreads I don't I don't get it I think maybe people are expecting something different this is a like I guess you call it slow it's a quiet book it's about this woman and she is like 65 and she is has decided to leave her husband and her husband is a writer a really famous writer and they go on this trip for him to win this really big prize and during this trip she is telling us a story of how they got together and all of the trials of their marriage and it was just like really good and it wasn't not like a thriller it's not action-packed it's not romantic it's not funny it's just a story I thought it was great there was nothing in here I would change it was just a simple sweet story well there was some like language that bothered me but this was also set in like the 40s and 50s and 60s and so I guess it felt authentic to the time period and I loved how like different writing things alluded to others like it just it all tied together in such cool ways that like aren't spelled out for you and aren't really explained and I think you have to like think about how certain things mirror each other like her husband is an author and she's really into writing and literature that's how they met and like they was like critique writing and they would talk about things in literature and then those things would be reflected in the book and it was just really interesting to like meg Walter was talking about plot devices in books and that she would use that plot device in her book it was just really interesting but I loved it I'm so down with my Walter I want to read everything from her now I am really excited now to read The interestings I have that in my closet bell jar I have in my closet what's the other one from her Z uncoupling I tried to decide what to read next so I read the first chapter of wolf in white van the first chapter of and then there were none and the first chapter of boy meets boy I was least compelled by this one and I thought I'd want to read this so maybe another time but I think I don't know if I can get through a hundred and fifty pages and 220 pages tonight like I want to go through this because it will be fast but I know I'm going to finish it and so then I want to start this and not finish it with the reader back or should I read this entire book and then see if I have room for the stomach more sense okay lean just took a picture for my cell mail and I was definitely holding this one because I was currently reading it and now it's not even going to be what I choose to read in this video so my son nails misleading can you read you're wearing your soccer clothes to sleep okay bye good night Lee okay love you see we're in for a rainy night you're so windy the rain is like on my window I never happen it's only like nine I'm new to caffeine is just like a caffeine crash am I supposed to have another coffee I could have another coffee I probably shouldn't have another coffee [Music] [Applause] so how excited to read Agatha Christie's and then there were none I am just at the very very beginning of this remember the tips that I gave is my how to do a read-along video I think one of them was to change up where you're reading this is where I've been reading in the corner of my couch I've created a dent so I think I need to switch it up I've been here for like two hours and now I think this coziness is calling to me what if I fall asleep though I don't know why I'm so tired one night that I like want to stay up till 5:00 is the one night it feels difficult to stay up on 5:00 use me for being totally ignorant but I don't completely know like what this is about I think it's about 10 people who are lured to an island and they all like die I think that's like the general premise but I don't really know anything else but I don't know if it's one of those like if you pay close enough attention you figure out who is responsible or if it's like going to be a shock but I'm naturally a note taker I write notes while the characters I can remember there especially when so I'm going to get introduced in such a short period so I guess there's ten characters I can't balloon attend characters are because there seems to be an eleventh character who is getting just as much like he got a description like everyone else but he doesn't seem to be one of the people in the house and they all got lured to this island and this guy who doesn't seem to be one of the ten the person that lured him to the island is the same person as someone who lured someone else to the island so I feel like he's an important character but he's not one of the ten characters so I feel like it's obvious that he is responsible but I don't know if one person murdered all these people or it's like each one of the murders someone else are like what exactly is happening but anyway I'm probably completely wrong and off base and I'm going to keep breathing because I'm really intrigued Paige almost 100 yes I have been getting distracted and doodling off the character in the book because that's just what I do [Music] just kidding the back are you comfy I'm going to read out here I open the window though in the bedroom so really cold because it didn't pour I thought we were going to have a little storm but it's just really cool to open the window I'm freezing out that room I'm gonna read out here and I want to go in there it'll be like a chill it'll wake me up and I want to continue reading my hommies whole thing maybe is friggin probably better we're out there it was windy the windows were all wet I'm tired me too we can't go to sleep till five o'clock so join me with that what do you mean of course we're in this together alright I'm ready okay so I made it to the end I feel like I I get it there's an epilogue and I guess the epilogue is necessary to understand so I'll just read it in front of you this is not an ending I predict it at all okay I have read a fourth star book and a 5 star book I still have to film my closet on Hall and my wrap up tomorrow and I'm going to be really tired already but this vlog is kind of boring it didn't it wasn't as exciting as I hoped it would be a bit of boring person am i a boring person me anybody kind of boy all right executive decision I'm going to bed thanks for watching my read-a-thon vlog I'm sorry I'm not the most interesting person you've ever met I've had the most interesting day you've ever seen by see by the internet it's not necessary
Channel: BooksandLala
Views: 39,974
Rating: 4.9683585 out of 5
Keywords: books, booktube, bookish, booksandlala, obbsandlala, deweys, readathon, short, 24 hour, april, 2017, vlog, daily vlog, readathon vlog, wrap up, what I read, review
Id: tJ-mu59HGIo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 31sec (1051 seconds)
Published: Mon May 01 2017
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