READING VLOG πŸ“š summer has started!!

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hello everyone welcome back to my channel thanks so much for being here today today's video is going to be a reading vlog over this memorial day weekend it is a three-day weekend and the only thing i have planned is reading and working out a little bit um oh and i also like want to watch um the friends reunion tonight or the new cruella movie but like i don't have any school obligations i don't have any work for the next three days i just have reading and i'm really excited about it because the last time i had a weekend like this was the beginning of january before the spring semester started so i'm also excited because i had quite the may tbr that i was so excited for but because of finals it kind of took up my whole month of may um and so i wanted to read as much as i could before the end of the month and it's a long weekend so i hope it ends up being a successful reading weekend so let's talk about the books that i'm hoping to read in this reading vlog or finish in this reading blog the first one is the dating plan i'm over halfway done with this book and i'm really liking it it's really really fun i really like the romance um i am just enamored with the like you know one of the love interests pining after the other love interest their whole life and it's kind of both ways but there's a lot of drama a lot of family drama a lot of just past drama um and it's been really fun to um i just feel like it's a layered romance but it's also really sweet and cheesy and i think it's like exactly what i needed after the semester so almost done with this one loving it so far excited to see how it all wraps up the next book i would like to start and finish is the refugees this is a short story collection which i'm really excited to get to i've heard some really great things about it and it's a fairly short book so i think it's totally possible to read during this long weekend um oh yes let me get you i'd also love these are like the the three staples of this weekend these are the three that i'm going to really try to get through so we have the refugees we have the dating plan and i'd also really like to read the maidens because this is an arc and it comes out in june so i wanted to finish this by the end of may in order to like give you all my opinion so that you can decide if you want to pick it up on the release date in june um but i'm really excited for it i read like two chapters yesterday and was really into it i think it's a strong start um yeah i mean i don't really know much about it it seems like there's been a murderer and um all set on a college campus or like academic life i believe but i thought that the um cover was super cool and i really liked the silent patient by the same author so really excited for this one ah there's just like there's like a mental shift right after you turn in your last final where you're like oh my god i can really read anything right now and it's so exciting and it's so fun um other things i'm trying to do in this vlog are um i have i don't know if you can see this but i have a couple bags of books it looks really messy back there but on the floor i have these like donation bags of books my intention was to always bring them to my local library which is a couple blocks away but they're still not accepting donations so instead i'm gonna try to find as many little libraries in the area to donate some books to i looked at a map earlier today and it looks like there are a bunch in like four miles of me so i'm gonna just like pack up my car and start dropping them off i also talked about in my summer tbr that i wanted to find a bunch of used copies of the books that i have to read for school this summer so i'd love to go to my favorite used bookstore in south bay and try to find some of them but i could also just go to green apple in san francisco it's tempting because what else am i doing this weekend very tempting i guess we'll see um i am going to now begin this reading vlog by putting in the audiobook for the dating plan which by the way the narrator is awesome really really nice voice for this narration um i'm going to put in the audiobook and i'm going to start organizing some of these books maybe i'll make a couple bags of like five books 10 books and just see how much room is in the little libraries i'm able to find um maybe kind of try to do like a book from each genre and then like put like three books in one little library and five books in another little library um yeah so i'm gonna go do the little library stuff i'm gonna listen to some of this and that's it here we go all right everyone just dropped off my first stack right there in that one i'm actually at a fire station and i know of another fire station that has another little library so i'm gonna find some more that are close by but i just dropped off a good stack so i hope someone likes the books i dropped off i did books from every genre so feeling good fun okay i just donated the rest of my books i went to three little libraries and this last one that i came to is really really like it's like really tall and really wide so i was able to donate quite a few books which was great but feels good to have donated all those books now it's time to go buy some more used books um yeah hi everyone it's me again and i went to both recycle books and barnes noble so i'm here to show you what i got um i looked for as many used books as i could and then i always pass by barnes noble on the way home from the used bookstore so it's like why not stop by and just see what they have okay so for barnes and noble i just picked up something to talk about which you'll see on my june tbr although i'm tempted to start it this weekend um and then also the passenger and from like the little card you know like sometimes people recommend books like people that work there will recommend books anyway um someone recommended this and it said like someone falls in love with a ghost and it's set in world war ii germany i believe so someone falls in love with a ghost and then tries to find them but he's a ghost i'm thinking that's what that's what this is about i uh this again was on the card and i'm pretty sure it was about this book so there you go next up so those were from barnes noble i picked up two from barney and then here's some of the used book i got richard wright's native sun this is on my academic summer tbr another one off the summer tbr invisible man by raph raf ralph ellison there we go i got theodore dreiser's sister carrie pretty cool used copy not gonna lie very cool ernest hemingway's the sun also rises they did not have a used copy of this unfortunately but there you have it um i got william faulkner's the sound and the fury i was gonna get as i lay dying but they didn't have it and this was another option for faulkner you could either read this one or as i lay dying and then you have the other one so i picked this one up instead in the lgbtqia plus section i picked up this one upright woman wanted really short sounds like a cowboy adventure sounds like this woman leaves her family in like her hometown because they're trying to force her into an arranged marriage but she's in love with her best friend who is a woman and so she leaves town for school again we've got the woman warrior very excited for this one it's like a memoir mixed with chinese folklore sounds amazing and then lastly i found kurt vonnegut's slaughterhouse five which an incredible used copy to be honest really really like it and it was three bucks so those are the books that i picked up again most of those are for school but summer for the june tbr and now i'm gonna go home i'm almost done with the dating plan i've been listening to it while driving around but it's been a productive um a productive saturday so far it's 1 30 time to go home lay in the hammock and read someone was watching me film that whole clip and they thought i didn't know but i knew it doesn't matter if your windows are tinted you were watching me okay see ya hi everyone me again i just finished the dating plan and it was very sweet um i will say content warning for domestic physical abuse um not between the two main characters but another set of characters there is a bit of abuse that's discussed but aside from that i thought that it was a really strong romance it was very layered um like it wasn't just like a cheesy romance i felt like there were genuine reasons why the romance had friction and there was pain and all the things so i really really enjoyed it again i love the cover next i'm going to start the refugees again i've only heard great things about this one so very excited and i'm also going to try to organize my bookshelf situation [Music] good morning everyone almost afternoon it is sunday morning at 11 30 and i didn't really check in with you last night i um what do we do i finished the refugees which was super good here's something that i'm discovering about my love of short story collections again i'm very new to short story collections i've really only read two in the last several years but i'm learning that i love them and i think that's because it almost gives gives you that aspect of like people watching you know like when you're out like on the bus or on the train or you're out like just at the beach or in public somewhere and you just like you have those moments where you're looking at other people and you're like they have their own lives like i'm worried about my stuff but they have their own sets of worries their own sense of love their own sense of joy and excitement and guilt and fear and sadness and you're always kind of wondering like what someone else's story is well that's what i think short story collections have been doing for me because you get it's almost like people watching you get those little moments of check-ins but you don't get the whole story the whole novel you just get a section of them um so i really liked the refugees i thought it was super good i really liked the first story the last story and then there was one right in the middle that i liked i'm forgetting the name of it once i talk about it in the wrap-up i'll talk about those um like the stories that i particularly liked but really liked it and then last night my boyfriend and i went to a restaurant and ate there which was amazing um we haven't done that in over a year so that was super fun and then we came home and we watched the friends reunion what are our thoughts on it um my brother and his wife georgia loved it i think my mom and stepdad liked it my boyfriend and i liked it but it was also like i don't know i feel like i just wanted it to be the six friends like i didn't really want like there to be a host and i didn't really want any of like the other filler moments i just wanted the six of them to like talk you know i don't know maybe i'm being too picky but i also like never really wanted there to be a friend's reunion like i thought that it was cool that it was happening when it was announced but i also just kind of like it was perfect as it was like the ending tied up everything so well that i don't i don't need to check in with these characters so maybe i'm just being extra picky but um i i don't know i'll rate it like a six out of ten 5 out of 10 or no 7 out of 10 i don't know maybe rating it is not smart but what did we think i also feel like we barely heard from matthew perry or courtney cox and david schwimmer although love him he talked a lot and i kind of wanted to hear from everyone not just david schwimmer so anyway that's my thoughts on that and then we got ice cream and then we went to bed so that was last night and then this morning i woke up early went and worked out worked out for like an hour and a half which was great um was feeling excellent about that and then i also read more of it's not out here i have like really dug into the maidens which is super good um i think there might be a little bit of the case of over explanation on things right like sometimes when you're reading a thriller or a mystery you're like i just kind of want to know the meat of the crime and solving it i don't really need to know about every character's backstory but i'm hoping that these backstories will add in the overall impact of the thrilling aspects but right now it's reading more like a novel like like just a literary novel and less of a thrilling mystery i don't know we'll see how it goes we'll see if this like explanation of character and history ends up adding to the overall story um but yeah i'm really enjoying it it is again like 11 30 on monday or sorry sunday and um i think now i'm gonna get back into reading the maidens and at one i'm going to a virtual birthday party for my boyfriend's nephew and then what else um i think that's really the plan i need to film a video today i think which i'm not really excited for not that i'm not excited to like film and edit a video but i was kind of just like i just wanna like lay around i don't really wanna like set up the camera i just wanna like lay so we'll see if i end up filming today i should i filmed two videos this week so maybe i'll film one today and one tomorrow i guess we'll see anyway that's the update for this morning i'm gonna go back to reading the maidens talk later hello everyone it is 3 p.m on sunday and i went to the virtual birthday party for my boyfriend's nephew and had a meal prep also had a ghirardelli square on being transparent and honest and a few bites of ice cream so really about the healthy balance gotta get the sugars but also gotta get the vegetables um anyway i have started to read more of the maidens i'm on page 95 and i'm really enjoying it really enjoying it the um author has weaved in some greek mythology into this mystery and i'm really enjoying it i think that it's like an authentic way to kind of braid in some myth to a seemingly not normal thriller but you know like it just like it doesn't really make sense for like greek mythology to be in a regular like murder mystery and i think he does a really good job at it so um again it's like 3 p.m i'm gonna read i think for another hour and just see how far i can get and then i'm gonna set up to do to film a video i have to film my may wrap up at some point in my june tbr at some point either today or tomorrow but tomorrow is memorial day and usually my mom has like a little barbecue a little something and so i feel like i should just knock out both videos today but i'm just like you know just like today i kind of just want to read but i have to film them so kind of just have to get over and do it so anyway that's the little update there let me know what you've all been reading this weekend what have you been reading i mean maybe your favorite book this month but um it actually feels like summer has started after the semester ended so i'm feeling very revived although turns out i think i will be taking a summer class [Laughter] i was telling myself i need to take a break and just focus on my mental health and then i thought well won't you be saving some of your mental health later when you're not taking three classes next semester and only two and i couldn't argue with myself that sounded right so i think i'm taking a class it's gonna be tough but the professor is super super kind and i reached out to him and i was like hey like these classes happen for four hours a day in the middle of the weekdays and i you know i can't do that with my job is there any way that i can you know follow all the course material and do all the assignments just not on the actual class he was like yeah absolutely let's figure it out so that was awesome he's made it easier schedule wise which is really cool and he's like one of the nicest professors so anyway i'm gonna get back to reading things are really starting to heat up but also slow burn so it's an interesting conundrum i feel like every chapter i just want to start the next one want to start the next one so it's going by really fast but also nothing has there's like a hint to who did it but you're like there must be more to this you know there must be more so anyway time to read hi everyone me again it's an hour later and i just have to wonder why people in thrillers don't trust their guts why don't you trust your gut something is wrong there is a character who is not to be trusted why would you go hang out with them alone i don't care if it's a public place i don't care i don't care and actually no spoilers but nothing even happened in this public place really but why would you go to begin with you don't trust this person why would you go it's [ __ ] like this that frustrates me it's like i love a good thriller i love a good mystery but i just feel like if someone has given you a reason not to trust them a violent reason not to trust them why would you go see them alone alone not just like one-on-one but alone like no one else is around why would you do that i don't trust your instincts i don't understand it but hey it's not me it's not my mystery right i'm not the one in the book so maybe i can't be too judgmental all right everyone wow i look sweaty if i look sweaty it's because i am um i just finished filming my june tbr in the hottest room of the house i need to learn to just stop filming in there on hot days because then i start being like really aware that i'm turning red and it's getting really hot and then that's what i'm thinking about instead of filming um anyway i don't know if this vlog is coming out before or after the june tbr is going to be out but i hope that when you see it you end up liking it i feel like i picked out some really good books this month and i'm actually like really excited to read this summer there was this question that i had to go over with my psychiatrist that one of the questions was like do you still feel joy with doing the things that bring you joy and i feel like lately i haven't been feeling the joy of a lot of things i haven't been feeling the joy with like watching movies or shows um with like doing puzzles which i know is silly but like i haven't been excited to do a puzzle in a long time and so i just haven't um and then reading even reading for a while became something where i was like well of course i'm gonna read and i love to read but i'm not excited right now right and maybe that was school stress maybe it's mental health stress but um it just feels good to have like answered that i haven't been finding joy in things but then am now feeling the joy of starting those things i hope that made sense anyway i think part of the reason why i'm so excited to read is because of how much i am loving this book i'm not gonna lie i'm really loving it so far um i have a hunch for something that's going on right now um and it was based off of like two sentences like you know like 50 pages ago and i don't know where the pages but when the two sentences happened they were really quick and they just slipped right into a paragraph but i was like something's not quite right here i think the author just gave us a hint but it's really easy to miss so i don't know i don't know if i'm right i might be half right but um it's i'm very very excited off of this book i think it's really fun i'm really loving it but now actually i am going to take my mom out to dinner i just feel like romancing her not actually i'm gonna whine and dine her although she doesn't drink wine so you know i'm just gonna dine her i guess parker um but i'm gonna take her to one of our favorite restaurants on santana row if you live in the bay area you might know that name um it's like a cute little fun street and um it has some really nice restaurants and i'm gonna take her to one of our favorite places it's just gonna be the two of us a little mom and daughter date um and i'm gonna like leave my phone in the car maybe not in the car i'm just gonna like turn it on airplane mode have it in my bag and just like be there with my mom i love her so much and i'm excited for it so um i think it's gonna be really fun her and i also don't really go anywhere so i got us outdoor seating um so that you know everything is cool but yeah that's the plan very excited maybe i'll bring you with me when i'm with my mom i'm not so embarrassed about filming in public so and yeah that's my little saturday update once i get back from that i'm going to continue reading and i would love to finish this tonight not only so that i can film on it but because i genuinely want to find out what happens and i also want to find out if i'm right all right time to get ready for dinner and check in later well i don't know i'm looking at the cheese fondue or i'm looking at the french onion soup and so far that's it because i haven't had a lot of time so thanks a lot putting me on the spot cheers it's sparkling rose that's dangerous amazing good morning everyone it is like nine o'clock on sunday morning and i just finished the maidens uh i guessed half right but it was like a double twist and i'm like disgusted in like a good way i mean it was a good type of thriller and it was a good twist but um i don't really want to say anything about what i figured out because if you pick up the book i don't want you to have any impression or like any idea of what's going on but it was like a double twist you like see one of the twists which i guessed correctly and then there's a twist that comes like two paragraphs later that i literally said what out loud because i was like there's no way that is what's going on here so anyway that was the maidens um i don't okay i don't even know if i want to really rate books anymore on a scale because i just feel i don't know i i understand the purpose of rating books on a scale like on a number scale but i also feel terrible if i give a book a one out of five or my like five out of fives are inconsistent because sometimes i rate a romance a five out of five but i rate another book of four out of five even if the writing is better for the four out of five but because i connected to the romance more gets a five out of five so i just don't know if i really want to rate books like that anymore i kind of want to just say i recommend this book if you like thrillers or i thought this romance was really strong it's become one of my favorites instead of giving it a number scale i don't know maybe i'm overthinking it but it's just something i've been thinking about so yeah it's nine o'clock now on monday and did i say it was sunday earlier i meant to say monday um and i have a couple things i can do i can edit my june tbr i can film my may wrap up or i can start another book um because i have a day you know what i mean like i have a full day left i could easily get a short book in today and then this reading vlog would be like reading three full books and finishing the dating plan i don't know i'm tempted but then i'm also like well you know that editing is gonna take some time so why not just knock that out but i think because i just finished such a good book i want to just keep reading but what should i read another book that i was really excited for is ariadne um by jennifer saint it's another myth book and because i just finished this i kind of want to just jump into another mythology book it's this one the one with the orange that's the one that i've been i've been tempted by and i'm not gonna lie but i don't know how it's 308 pages so i think i could read it today but i also have other responsibilities oh but it has a four star on goodreads i have the book i could start it today let's see if i can find an audiobook to pair with it shall we probably not because it's brand new but how do you spell this [ __ ] word oh there's an eye place hold uh and i'll get it in 10 weeks so maybe that that might not work um let's try why bro fm how do you spell this again a-r-i there you are i'm out of credits son of a [ __ ] it doesn't replenish until tomorrow damn it oh maybe i should just pick another book then all right here's the plan my friends i am gonna go work out i was trying to find a way out of it i was like i'll just skip it who cares but i have the time today and i should just do it because like what else am i doing if i have the time i should do it and i know that it's going to make me feel better so i'm going to work out and maybe i'll find another book that i want to read um especially if i'm able to find an audiobook with it i'll let you know how it goes it's time to get ready for a workout hi everyone it's me and i'm here to film a little outro clip because um i didn't for this video and it was kind of all over the place um but basically i finished the dating plan in this video i finished the refugees i finished the maidens and then i also started one last stop this last weekend um but i didn't really talk about it in the clips uh by the same author that wrote red white and royal blue and i'm really really enjoying it it's really fun and light-hearted and it's just like an adventure and also a romance and like kind of a mystery to unsolve and or to unsolve or to solve to solve so anyway yeah that's what um this vlog was i will just say that um i you know just to kind of loop back around on some mental health stuff um it's so weird now for most of this vlog everything was good and then it's just like for no reason things just go bad in your brain and um so just be sweet to yourselves this week and tell yourselves that you're awesome and that you're smart because i'm telling myself the exact opposite these days um anyway that's the vlog hope you all loved it i'm gonna go into work now um to do a video shoot and i will see you all in my next video love you bye [Music] you
Channel: Noelle Gallagher
Views: 52,102
Rating: 4.9850049 out of 5
Id: qO3DUBZcs4k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 1sec (1921 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 05 2021
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