VLOG | Dewey's 24Hour Readathon

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Dewey's 24 hour read-a-thon has begun this is not how I wanted to look at the start of this read-a-thon but it's midnight so it has started I'm gonna be sleeping for the next hopefully seven ish hours but I thought why don't we start reading at midnight see how much we can get through at least figure out like my TBR and then I'll see you when the read-a-thon is like a third of the way over so my TBR shelf is semi-organized right now I put a couple books here I'm not gonna be reading that I don't know why that's there um I had these freaks I was taking an Instagram picture oh let's add these we've got elevation machine and King the accident of being lost and moon of the crusted snow sorry I should start this off by telling you that I'm just gonna be trying to read all of the shortest books that I have on my TBR for this wreath on as many as I can in 24 hours okay we've also got C prayer what else dog signs preceding the end of the worms stripped to the bone we've got Heather the totality oh my gosh and I totally have a package - I need to be able to see it so it ordered a couple things from chapters one of them a long book right here inspection my pal ermine definitely not happening for this read-a-thon I just don't find reading one book throughout an entire read-a-thon vlog is particularly interesting for me to film that's why I'm trying to do a bunch of little ones and the other one is the test by Sylvan Neuville knew something like that yay this is my selection of books they're all under 150 pages I think and realistically I could probably get through let's set our goal at 5 I think I'm gonna read C prayer with Liam tomorrow and obviously I just picked up the test I really want to read this it has to do with the test I think it's like citizenship or something 25 questions in 100 pages I just want to know what it is then I've wanted to read elevation for so long everyone tells me how disappointed I'm gonna be with this but we'll see I just recently bought both of these I want to read them this is now looking kind of big this is my like 220 pages I might have to put that one off oh I guess I pick one to read right now it might as well read the one that just arrived because I have to know what's up with this all right that was just as weird as I thought it would be and I really liked it perfect way to kick off this read-a-thon I can't really give you any more details other than it's a citizenship test and it's weird and you'll either love it or hate it I loved it so I'm exhausted the next 7 hours are just gonna be me sleeping so all right it's morning time I'm sitting in front of my mirror I'm going to put my makeup on my face and I'm gonna see if any of the books that I chose yesterday have an audiobook because I am just sitting here and I will be in the car driving so you know how do you book would be a good choice to make sure I continue reading I every opportunity losing weight Scott Carey knocked on the door of the Amish condo unit and Bob Ellis everyone in Highland acres still called in dr. Bob okay it's about 9:00 now and I am a third of the way through elevation Stephen King narrates itself which is really cool it makes me want to keep listening to I rather than reading it but we're heading into town and I know I'll either just like read in the cart and make Robbie Drive or I'll pop in some headphones and ignore him I don't know cuddle me all right we're finally heading out Liam attention sure of us reading C prayer which I do plan to read later and then post that photo it took us a while to like decide what we were doing and where we were going today and getting our bottles ready so we're going to the bottle depot we're actually going in separate vehicles so I can keep listening to not so I can keep listening to my audio book but because we're driving separately because we're going to separate at some point in the day I can keep listening to my audio book which I'm like halfway through and really liking I thought it was gonna be kind of like thinner by Stephen King a man who just like keeps losing weight but it's kind of a different concept it's like he's losing weight but he still looks the same and it's just this scientific anomaly that's about him is about castle rock and this other couple and this marathon or some I don't know but I got to eat one is a value village Super Saver $5 off coupon and one is that when you spend $30 at indigo with chapters you get a $10 bonus card so we're gonna hit out both those places and I'm gonna do some book shopping because it wouldn't be a read-a-thon if I didn't also buy some new books and completely mess up my entire team year but he didn't think so she would want to win going away he felt the lightness in his feet the strength in his legs and resisted the urge to speed up just to keep the red shirt in your sights he told himself she knows what she's doing so let her guide you we have arrived I've been here and so long I should find something all right I didn't end up actually finding any books there was a couple I was thinking about but nothing I was like need and Robbie actually donated stuff when he came and he got a 20% off coupon so I needed up just buying Liam a bunch of swim shorts and some shoes for me not super exciting but now we'll go to chapters and I'll for sure leave with something there and the boys are heading to the pool they're gonna go swimming which is nice for them so I'm like halfway through I'm at chapters I'm heading in but a different story just started like the story ended and now there's another story in it I'm so confused alright I'm home I played myself a little bit because it wasn't spent 30 to get a $10 card that's their usual promo and I just wasn't paying attention they clearly said spend 30 get 10 times the points and I could have just bought these online and actually got them for even cheaper and I'm not even gonna read them super soon so I could have waited for them anyway whatever my bookstore had one copy left of Tess of the road and everyone has been telling me for years that I'm gonna absolutely love this I didn't realize how big it was but I'm looking forward to reading it I guess there's like Kingdom II fantasy themes in here but it also stars a queer character so that makes you want to read it anyway we'll see the other one I picked out this is the silent patient which I have gotten probably twenty different tweets or comments or messages in the last week telling me that I'm gonna love this that I have to read it asking me if I've read it yet I didn't even know what this was it wasn't on my radar but the fact that so many people are telling me to read it and won't tell me why what it's about makes me so very intrigued this cover does absolutely nothing for me I wouldn't have picked this up but the fact that everyone won't tell me makes me think that like it does something there would be a spoiler he told me why I'm gonna like it so much medium totally rock age a thin blurb bit so like do we really care about him the author's name is Alex my colitis and he looks like that so I'm gonna read his book apparently what a weird shopping trip oh except it was worth it regardless because a new pretzel place opened up in my mall there's been a pretzel place in my mom for like 20 years it was my favorite place as a kid everything went to the mall I convinced my dad to take me to the warm fresh pretzel place and we haven't had one since Starbucks eventually got soft pretzels and then just continued them all I want in my life is a soft pretzel it's my favorite food anyway what I'm up to now it's raining a little bit if it stops we might go for a walk but before my family comes home I'm gonna take some books around pictures I think before the Sun Goes Away completely maybe Oh probably finish elevation that's a good idea update 20 seconds later taking a picture this coffee shocker spilled it all over my white sheets and my book so we're gonna do a quick load of laundry which you know what washing my sheets is probably overdue anyway sorry book all right what I'm up to now is taking pictures of the bookmarks Annie and I want her bookmark shop there crystals and gems and wire and I'm just taking clothes to put on our Etsy shop while watching YouTube if you guys don't watch the Jubilee channel it's like my favorite thing so that's arm up to button I set out so for me so apparently the audio book was two different books it was elevation and then a story called lorry which I had no idea the story lorry is not in here so I guess I listen to 145 pages of this and then it just went into like 50 pages of lorry which wasn't a good story and I spent the entire story wondering how it was gonna tie into the elevation story which it didn't because it's not the in here it's not part of this so ignoring the entire last half hour that I listened to elevation by Stephen King I thought was great everyone hated on this book so much last year and I wonder if it has to do with the fact that it's categorized as horror when it's not her at all for if they also just genuinely didn't like the book I loved the book I thought it was perfect it was just like real life tense a little supernatural I thought it was perfect really so anyway that's two books down for the read-a-thon as soon as Liam gets home we'll write C prayer and I guess I'll get into my next one probably this one it's stories and songs because um Lee Anne Simpson is a singer she's a speaker I've watched a lot of her talks and her music so I don't know if it's gonna I don't know how much is lyrics how much is story but I bet I get through this pretty quickly what grounds people sorry I do too yeah he has the same colors here's me he's like a dark brown ring come look at mine might have a little brown around mind you know like his is like stronger yeah you do have it to have the brown so he's definitely your he's definitely my child yeah Wow we're sitting here talking about the color of our eyeballs yeah we will have green eyes but our kids still couldn't get like strong green eyes like his looks so blue compared to ours yeah it's weird we're talking about green is so recessive my mom's got green your mom's okay but he still couldn't get but he still got your dad's - my dad's blue was just took over it's crazy so I'm about three stories into here and it's cute because somebody's been like the person who read it for me has been like highlighting passages they really like and it's fun I'm not sure where this is going but so far the two or three three stories all have the same like characters so I don't know if that's a trend throughout this entire thing if it's like a true short story collection where they're not connected or if they're all connected or just a couple of them are connected and then in between each story there are some lyrics kind of related to the story we just read it's really good see they like underlined certain parts at 6 o'clock I haven't quite finished the accident of being lost but I'm gonna make dinner Robbie is stopping the grocery store really quick just to grab mushrooms for stir-fry and have my tripod set up because I figured I might as well do a live show and hang out with you during Dewey's so let's do it I'm making stir-fried Ravi ran to the grocery store to grab dinner we're in the what like 18th hour of Dewey's so it's pretty much flown by already I have a sharpie edged memory of your mother from that trip showing you a herd of cows grazing in a field blown through with wildflowers I am tired we read see prayer I knew this wasn't a children's book but I figured I'd still like appropriate and it was this isn't like the type of book that you just read for fun like this is the type of book that is a good jumping-off point to start a conversation with your children so we actually have some Syrian refugee families moving to our small town soon and it's just kind of like we're a small community so it's like a community you know getting together to make sure we're helping out in any way we can and getting stuff prepared and whatever so this is about refugees from Syria and it started a great conversation about why unfortunately people choose to leave countries and why we as a country ensure that we can provide a safe place for people okay we are to live in a country where we don't go through a lot of things some other places do so weight acquisition with that um there was I think like one page today I was like ooh didn't want to read that out loud about like death and blood and he maybe was a little too much I think you have a really sensitive child I would say I wouldn't read this with kids under like ten but yeah absolutely phenomenal book like highly recommend to everybody the illustrations are like incredible and impactful on their own and then there are some pages that just have no words at all and it's it was a read so that is three books I am gonna dive back into this one and finish this right now that might be my last book I have more hours in the day I'm so tired and I don't want to go to bed before midnight I like to stick it out and read until the very end of the one day readathon but uh pretty freaky tired so we'll just see how it goes I would like to read my book make it five but we'll see so I didn't realize that her album flight was a companion to this and all of the songs are written in here she's on Spotify if you want to listen it's kind of like spoken word if you like that sort of thing this was so good it might be be bumping like a hole my favorite bug so far this year like just incredible um I don't really want to compare it to something else but I do want to say like if you liked her body and other parties by Carmen Maria Machado just the difference between all of the stories and it goes so many different places and does so many different like weird things I feel like you like this so these are all just like a slice of life there are even stories are just experiences they're just opinions they're very you focused like you do this and you have this and I feel this way about you it's like written to somebody they're all nish nabe characters and the writing is just beautiful and I don't know how to explain what I mean by beautiful just like the sentences are so well formed so clearly I'm ready for bed I have scrubbed my face raw I have on my nose strip which by the way there's nothing more telling than a no strip to prove how disproportioned my face is I know this is so short and my eyes are so big that I have to fold down the edges in the notes trip or I'll touch my actual eyeball they feel like the girls in no strip commercials it just looks like a tiny I'm gonna like cute thing for me it like looks like I broke my nose because it takes over my entire nope anyway scrub my face no strip brush my teeth pry my pajamas I'm clearly ready to sleep but I made my bed put my clean pillowcases on so I'm trying to decide what the best course of action is because I'd like to keep reading it's a read-a-thon but it might be a little overly ambitious for me to attempt an entire another 150 page book so I was thinking like what if I just started a whole long novel that I was planning on reading later in the month and I just read as much as I could tonight like would that interest you my window is I started have there the totality by Matthew Weiner and I hate the writing so much I kinda wanna die I'm literally just eight pieces in and not only do I hate the writing but now it's made me angry here's the thing I don't mind an unlikable character I don't mind unlikable opinions I don't have to agree with anything in a book in order to like that book books can say horrifying things however usually those books with those opinions and those controversial things are written in first person so it's easy for me to see that as a character trait and for the books intent to be that I don't like that character this is written just in third person an outside observing party I guess saying things like marks older smarter sister had wrapped the family in the drama of an eating disorder in her early teens her battle to delay adulthood finally one when she had a heart attack after returning from treatment at 17 and died I'm just like obviously like that's a poor take right but it's not coming from any character the penny so it's kind of like I don't know makes me feel like the author feels that way and like is that intentional I don't know all right Jewish is over I didn't update you before I fell asleep so I'll do that now but also I know like 99% of you have no idea and therefore I'm just calling myself out I'm necessarily but the 1% of you who know how do E's works are probably thinking like wait a minute you don't live in a time zone that starts the read-a-thon at midnight and you're right my friend I forgot that Dewey's 24 hour read-a-thon is the one read-a-thon that doesn't start in your time zone at your specific time and everybody starts like at the stroke of midnight in their own time Dewey's 24 hour read-a-thon starts at one specific time for everyone around the globe for me that time was 4 a.m. but I forgot and so I started at midnight for hours before anyone else started to redesign what regardless I read for 24 hours it's fine here's what I read see prayer fantastic the test fantastic elevation fantastic the accident of being lost fantastic hether the totality dnf'd at 38 pages hated its guts oh boy I haven't hated a book like that in a while and it wasn't just the opinions the book was putting forth it was the writing it was very run-on sentence stream-of-consciousness which was super weird in third person and not something that I appreciate it as I didn't like the story in general and I don't think I'm gonna be finishing it so there's that in total I read four books and I loved all four of them and altogether math is hard that was 440 pages so not as good as I would have liked it to be I could have read like a full length novel but inside I read four books and four and kind of books so I'm very happy let me know how your duties went if you participate here if you liked my walk or tell me if you didn't like my blog it's fine I'll see you later thanks for watching
Channel: BooksandLala
Views: 45,699
Rating: 4.9682198 out of 5
Keywords: books, booktube, bookish, booksandlala, obbsandlala
Id: DSBCUl9shDc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 11sec (1451 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2019
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