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hey YouTube is Zoe or read by Zoe and I'm here to participate in a read-a-thon buys that way around - if you don't know what I'm talking about if you don't know what round one was at the beginning of May I decided to challenge myself to read as much as I could in 24 hours and I blog the entire experience a lot of people a surprisingly large amount of people watch that vlog and really enjoyed it and wanted me to do it again so that they could join in it so that's what I'm doing today technically tomorrow Saturday July 15th is when the 24 hours is taking place which is in nine minutes it's 11:50 1 p.m. this time though I'm challenging myself even further because I am planning on staying up for the next 24 hours and I'm planning on reading the entire time last time I slept for about 7 hours I went to bed at 4 a.m. after I finished a book and then I woke up at 11 a.m. and I wasted those seven hours think of all the reading I could have done in that time of color I could read an entire book but I decided to sleep like a weakling no sir that is not happening this time I am going to stay awake this sounds like a bad idea when I'm saying it out loud especially because I'm already kind of tired I wanted to nap before I started this read-a-thon but I was so excited about the read-a-thon that I couldn't sleep I think I slept for about half an hour so I'm going to be running on half an hour of sleep for the next 24 hours haha I don't know exactly what books I want to read during the read-a-thon I'm more of a mood reader I like to pick up what I'm feeling in that moment because that inspires me to actually finish the book I don't like sticking to solid TBR's but I will tell you that I really want to finish let me get it the gentleman's guide here's the cover so gentleman's guide to vice and virtue by Mackenzie Lee I just started this book and I'm really liking it so far the audiobook is narrated by these first Tom Riddle from the Chamber of Secrets the move we can Boise is like butter is so amazing it is now 11:55 five minutes until the read-a-thon starts I'm getting kind of antsy I'm getting really excited well Chimay coffee I I'm really hyper right now so I probably shouldn't make coffee but I know this is just pure adrenaline and it's going to run out soon so maybe I should make some as a preventative measure makes me Qi we'll be safe we'll make sweetie I was trying to take artsy footage of my tea brewing for the blog but it just hit 12 o'clock I need to go to start reading I need to read okay um spike wait McKee no we're good let's start reading I think I'm going to start with the contemporary I was going to go straight to the gentleman's guide but I want to save the audiobook because I'm planning on doing some fun things later I'm planning on going to the beach in the early morning with my dad then I'll be awake in the early morning I'm usually a late riser so it's going to be quite weird so I'm going to write a contemporary these are my TBR shelf so this is what I have to pick from we have always in for Lara Jean which is kind of sad that I still have yet to read this because in the last video the last treat is on video I made a big deal about it not coming in the mail because it was supposed to come in the mail that day because i pre-ordered it after 10:00 and always in forever Lara Jean still didn't show up but I still haven't read it so maybe I should read it it's kind of short so I think I can really need to be kind of quiet everyone else will sleep in my house but it's kind of short it's contemporary I can fight through it this is going to be the first read of read-a-thon by zoe around - oh my tea is brewed let's get the teeth and start writing it's already 12:05 and i have yet to read a single word my goodness Who am I I'm failing already I have my tea I have some water and I have some cheese's mmm cheese's I promptly spilled this tea all over the floor though because I was running to my room to start reading I clean that up obviously I'm going to go into the bath I promised myself that this time I wouldn't take as many baths as I did during the last read-a-thon vlog but let's be honest it's me during a read-a-thon I'm going to take a lot of baths because that's where I do the best reading I will talk to you all after the bath obviously because I'm not going to bed mad so today I started running my back and I had all of my snacks and my drinks set up but I forgot my book it is 237 in the morning I am just over halfway through always in forever at Laura Jean I got myself some chocolate pie and I made myself a coffee because I'm starting to fade a little bit it's very appropriate eating pie while reading this book Laura chicken would be proud I really want these books to be adapted into movies because I think that would works so well especially this one hey everyone futures are we speaking here actually a few days after filming this it was announced that to all the boys I've loved before is being adapted into a movie right as we speak they are filming I'm so excited surprise surprise I'm crying again over a book it is 4:30 a.m. and I just finished always and forever Lara Jean and it was so good it's my favorite of the Laura Gena books and it's just so much emotion in this and I was so invested in this story I don't know why I was just like I need to know what happens now I don't know what you are next I just go into that story I want more that's the end of the trilogy back to the TBR shelves this is not a book these are tarot cards for the Raven cycle by Maggie Seaver eyes are really cool I don't know why I have it on my TBR shelf what do I read there are too many options I think that's the problem I know I sound terrible like I have too many books to choose from but that's how I'm feeling right now I kind of want to read a fantasy or paranormal book since I just read always and forever large in which is a contemporary who we have the archived by Victoria Schwab this is a young adult fantasy paranormal noble I'm not sure but it's pretty short I haven't read any Victoria or ve Schwab before even though as you can see over here I own quite a few of her books but I haven't read any yet this is perfect also I need to wipe off this mascara because I look dead I feel kind of dead but now the outside matches connect to my dining room table with awful lighting is 446 a.m. and I'm starting book 2 I decided that desperate times call for desperate measures I'm not one for energy drinks but I want to target earlier and I stocked up on a few energy drinks beside a garbage truck with health and outside I don't know why our people wake at this hour I don't know 4 a.m. is like this turn to not exist going to take the plunge also PS I know these are terrible for you I don't normally drink these it is 616 in the morning I'm on page 67 of the archived the first 20 pages were kind of info dumpy which makes sense because you're learning all about this new system and histories and the archives and all of that but I was kind of confused at the beginning because of all the new terminology but now we're through the info dump I don't know if you can hear but the birds just started chirping and the Sun is rising I am never up this early this is so weird this isn't morning people wake up at this time naturally what anyway my dad is going to wake up soon because he is a morning person he's one of those weirdos who wake up naturally like 5 or 6 a.m. and we are going to go to the beach I love the beach I would go every single day if I could I'm going to try to get to page 100 before we leave also I think the energy drink worked because I just got my second wind like bombs exploding hey hello hello haha it is 700 7 a.m. my dad obviously woke up and exhaustive search I put on sunscreen because I don't want to burn even though I probably still will burn with the sunscreen I don't want to have way more freckles at the end of the day that I started with because that's what I think that is we're listening to the audiobook or the gentleman's guide to vice and virtue and he did listen to the first part so I'm pretty sure it gets a little bit confused but I really like this audiobook that is up to one point Q 5 speed so it says that I will be done with it eating eight hours oh I did catch a page 180 archives I'm on page 81 so I mean I got a little bit further in that ah I didn't know the Sun was this great in the morning I thought this morning was a time of darkness and creatures of the surf raccoon what look at our sweet setup yes perfect we're at the beach but we are not in the Sun so I won't get too burnt Hey we just got to the beach point two seconds ago and I'm already sweating because I'm disgusting my dad is going on a walk it was nice knowing you you are now one with the sea I'm going to read more of the archives but first I'm going to dip my feet in the water because you can't go to the beach and not at least put your feet in the water it's probably a bad idea to have the camera in the if that idea I moved my chair down to the shore so I could have my feet in the water as I read and it's really nice how you doing all right work I am taking a little break in the shade because I've been out right there on that chair for like two hours and I'm getting a little birth almost halfway into the archive I'm on page 155 I'm liking it it's getting a little slow so I want some action to start happening also my dad has finished Lord Of Shadows before me you read it so quickly yeah I heard I'm not even halfway yet you were still in Anaheim yeah I was at VidCon when he finished it you just zoomed ahead of me I need to tell you a little that those white cheddar cheese is right there tastes like jalapenos tell me if they actually taste like white cheddar maybe my taste buds are all messed up I don't know I actually flipped last night done like someone I had at like midnight a proper sound eat cheese it do I paint don't they taste like they taste like jalapenos why I think they're miss marks it is a few hours later it is 2:30 p.m. we are back from the beach I have been listening to the audiobook pool where the gentleman is good and I am more than halfway through I'm really liking it so far it's so funny and I love how its historical fiction is slash as a venture it's a really interesting genre and I kind of want more of these books I kind of want this author to write from different historical periods I still have not finished the archive I kind of thought that I finished it but I'm only the tough with reproof we got some lunch I got a Mediterranean wrap which is vegetarian and kind of like a Greek salad in a spinach wrap also after lunch I want to reorganize my bookshelves my dad actually built me new bookshelves I'm going to have to take all the books off my current bookshelves move the bookshelves down to my dad's office and then bring the new bookshelves into my room and then put all of my books back on my bookshelf so it's going to be quite an endeavor especially because I am so tired right now but I have my audio book and I am I'm fueling up time to take all of the books off of these bookshelves they have served me well I've had them for five years they are the Billy bookcases from Ikea on special gesture [Music] you [Music] battle scars from when I try to hang up pictures from the book shop for some reason with tape because I was an idiot and then I try to cover it up with a whiteout as you can see that are not ed well oh the memories could bind them s no one will ever replace you just kidding hello gorgeous these are my new shells look at this I love this so much we went to Home Depot and we actually picked out all the wood and the varnish that I wanted and all that and I I'd like to say that I helped I helped a little bit but my dad did like 95% of the work I love these so much so my background is going to be a little bit darker because I have wood shells now and not white shell I'm not going to spend a lot of time reorganizing my bookshelves right now because we are in a read-a-thon right now I need to be focusing on reading so I'm just going to throw all of these books onto the shelf and call it a day [Music] [Music] I'm going to be honest with you I've been having really bad cramps for the past like two hours so I'm going to make myself some nice tea and run myself a bath because this is painful look at this we set up yeah living my best life I'm feeling a lot better after that bath that was exactly what I needed it is 5:45 p.m. and I just finished the archive by Victoria Schwab so that is two books read during the read-a-thon so far I am like three quarters of the way through the audiobook for the gentleman's guide but I want to read another book physically before the day is over and I just saw the trailer for a wrinkle in time which stars Reese Witherspoon Oprah Mindy Kaling and a whole bunch of other people it looks really good and I realized that I have never read that book which I thought I had so this was shocking news to myself have you ever had that happen to you where you just assume that you've read the book and then you realize you haven't read the book that's happened to me a few times especially with children's classics I just assume that I've read the book so I think I'm going to head on over to Barnes & Noble to pick up the book it's only like two hundreds of something pages it's a children's classic so I'm sure I can finish it tonight and I have to read it because I want to see the movie and you can't see the movie without reading the book I mean you can and I have in some instances but still also the background I'm going to have to take some time to adjust because it looks so weird where are we going Planet 10 when are we getting there real soon I was trying to go for Dora come on vamanos everybody come on let's get to it I know that we can Bishop where are we going Barnes and Noble just locked in it's 20% off and it's right here that was a very efficient troop ha ha just like last time I am at the graphic novel section but will I get anything probably not actually I really want to try out miss marvel ooh where's saga I think I'm actually kind of I thought at this time never mind I'm going to buy some books did you find any books I did not why not I want to finish the books that I already have aah you're being wise about it and I'm liking me and I'm waiting for it there is a new release of our Rick Riordan a foot of need to catch up on the series first yeah my dad is caught up well almost he's had way more pride in books than I have I've only read Percy Jackson I'm like the first book of Heroes of Olympus finished all the hairs of Olympus and now I need to get through the Apollo series I think is next and we you need it was read by Zoe's I cut and that's not true Oh give me all the credit please I was gonna say read by Zoe's that that got me addicted to this but I was reading long before this and this is how though we got addicted now you're just taking all the credit for yourself how dare you give your daughter there could be a supportive dad I'm kidding I'm kidding so I found two books I found a wrinkle in time and saga volume 1 I was going to get the first volume of Miss Marvel but that was 18 books I'm not about spending that much for a graphic novel no you read them in like an hour so I bought those two books I bought saga volume 1 and every one time but at the last moment I decided to run to the children's section by the first Captain Underpants story I was obsessed with these stories my sister and I were both obsessed with these stories growing up I even trying to make my own comments at one boy and it was it was a failure let's not talk about that I have not seen the movie yet do a soul eater No dang it when I went into a store and I didn't want to go with so I stayed in the car and now I'm going to start this bad boy oh I shouldn't have I shouldn't have tricked she knew throw that covers always I'm really interested to see if I like it as much as I liked it when I was a kid there's so many poop jokes and toilet humor jokes in this series and I would say we're hilarious growing up but I think my my Schumer has changed a little bit since I was in like second grade hopefully I did so will I like it as much I don't know I just finished Captain Underpants and it was a lot of fun it brought back so many memories from childhood I got so many more of the jokes now there are so many jokes that just go over your head when you're a child I forgot there were these Flippo Rama things I don't know if you've ever read a cabinet Underpants book before but basically there are these two pages that you flip between them and it looks like it's animated and I completely forgot that was a thing I used to love those growing up I got I want our braid all of them now and you know what I will because I'm an adult I make my own decisions this is technically my third book for read-a-thon by Zoe now I'm going to move on to a wrinkle in time by Madeleine Madeleine L'Engle rankle l'anglais I didn't take French is it a French name I don't know this is also a short children's book hahahaha look who is winning the readathon by reading very easy books this girl it is 8 p.m. there four hours left in the read-a-thon and I'm fading fast my eyes are closing by themselves that I have to remain vigilant constant vigilance I have to finish a wrinkle in time I also have to finish the audiobook I just remember that I have not yet finished the audiobook I have like two hours left so hopefully I'll be able to get to that after I finish this I'm only like 14 pages into it but I already very much relate to the main character Meg because she seems very paranoid I have also a very paranoid person but she heard about this guy who was stealing sheets from this random lady and she hears noises around the house and she thinks that this criminal has come into her house with a knife and is going to kill her I don't even know but I have the same thoughts every time there is like a shadow outside or if I hear creak in the house I'm like oh this is it I'm gonna die it also may be because I've been watching a lot of Criminal Minds lately and that's all about serial killers so I am like 99% sure that's the way I'm gonna go I shouldn't say those things that's not I take that back I'm going to live a long and happy life and I'm not going to be murdered today no sir I don't know what I'm talking about anymore I'm going to go read see you later it is 9:45 and I just finished a wrinkle in time I really think it's going to be an amazing movie I mean the trailer already looks fantastic but the source material can be adapted so well it's a quintet so five books are in the series I didn't even know it was a series if you've read the rest of the series let me know how you like it should I continue on with the series should I not waste my time is the first book the best let me know down below I'm going to go finally finish the audiobook for the gentleman's guide and I think I'm going to paint my nails at the same time because I usually have nail polish on so it feels really weird not having it on my nails I just realized I haven't included my dogs in the video at all so here you go here's rascal and here is Trixie oh my gosh stop looking so cute stop it is the only the spotlight away from me Trixie it is 1156 p.m. and I just finished listening to the audiobook that so well-planned I'm pretty proud of myself I honestly did read for 24 hours I didn't sleep at all even though I probably should have so much fun I read so much before starting this I was actually in a pretty bad reading slump and I I was looking forward to the read-a-thon but I didn't think that I would read that much because I didn't feel like reading but this completely took me on my reading slump I just want to read everything right now well probably not right now because I'm so tired but when I wake up refreshed in the morning it is now officially midnight so read-a-thon by Zoey my 24 hour read-a-thon around you finally comes to a close that was an action-packed day I'm going to update you all in the morning to just talk about this past 24 hours because I'm so tired I can't talk about it now because it wouldn't make any sense sleep tight don't let the bedbugs bite okay okay bye hi everybody it's more than a week later because I did not realize that I hadn't film this update until now the morning after the read-a-thon or the afternoon after the read-a-thon when I finally woke up I was so disoriented so here we are finally filming the update I read quite a lot and let's calculate how many pages I read the first book I read was always in forever Lara Jean by Jenny Han the third and final book indeed to all the boys I've loved before trilogy or the Lara Jean trilogy I don't actually know the name of this trilogy is but it was 325 pages then I read the archive by Victoria Schwab my first Victoria or ve Schwab book and it was three hundred and twenty-one pages long then I read it Captain Underpants by dad Cote and it was 138 pages and what a book that was next I read a wrinkle in time by Madeleine L'Engle I just don't know how to pronounce her name but I was 232 pages long and last but definitely not least I read the gentleman's guide to vice and virtue by Mackenzie Lee and it is 501 pages long but I started on page 28 with the audiobook during the 24 hour period so I read 173 pages so down here somewhere is the number of pages I read during 24 hours which is just a crazy amount I don't think I've ever read that much in a day ever no I haven't because I haven't forced myself to read that much in a day this much in 24 hours I absolutely love hosting the 24 hour read-a-thon because they inspire me to read so much and I love having people join me so if you ever want to do one of these in the future just let me know down below because this might turn into a semi-regular thing maybe every couple of months this definitely got me out of my reading slump and for that I am so thankful I am also so thankful to all of you who joined me in this a lot of people joined me a lot of my booktube friends joined me so thank you book two friends several of them also blocked their experience so I will leave their vlogs down below in the description thank you all so much for following me around for 24 hours I love you all so much and I'll talk to you soon in my next video bye [Music]
Channel: readbyzoe
Views: 418,154
Rating: 4.9775252 out of 5
Keywords: Readathon, BookTube, BookTuber, Book Review, Bookshelf Tour, Bookshelf Reorganization, Book Haul, A Wrinkle in Time, Jenny Han, To All the Boys I've Loved Before, Always and Forever Lara Jean, The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue, Captain Underpants, V.E. Schwab, Victoria Schwab, The Archived, Madeleine L'Engle
Id: 94F9bFY_cY0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 59sec (1679 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 25 2017
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