VLOG | 7 in 7 Readathon

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so this is my TBR for seven in seven these two for sure listen to your heart and the poet X and then I also have a look I don't have screaming scream again I have an e Ark of that and then I have four stacks that you guys have voted for you've chosen an ark I'm gonna read you've chosen one of my five star predictions I'm gonna read you've chosen an ye contemporary and you've chosen five of these ten short books and I'm gonna do a try a chapter tag and read five of them decide which one of the five I want to read so I'm checking the results of my video at around a thousand and a hundred comments and finding out what everyone has voted is pretty easy I just needed to make sure nobody voted for more than one thing for each category because what I'm gonna do is I'm basically just gonna open up all the comments and then search for a certain word so like for my first three I have all your perfect so I'm gonna search the title all your perfect so in see how many results there are same with watch the girls it's gonna be super easy and I've done a test and even if you have to click read more on a comment to see it all when you do the search feature everything shows up even if it's in the read more section I know everyone said like why don't you just do a poll on Goodreads or Twitter and make it easy but like then I wouldn't have a video with 1,100 comments anyway so all your perfect we have 379 comments that include all your perfect so even if there's people who didn't include all four like you could have broken the rules and you're still gonna count but whatever I don't think it'll really matter that much so all your verbs got 379 which if I'm doing math is already more than a third watch the girls 339 that one was really close and gives me your hand I've got 195 so I will be reading all your perfect next we will do the Y a contemporary I want to read all of these they are all anticipated most of them are from 2018 and a couple of these I actually have arcs of so I should read them and write my review love hate and other filters at 2:27 I was born for this 247 so that's 20 more written in the stars 125 129 136 so I'm reading a corpus which is actually the longest book here I think next we will do my five star predictions I'm really excited to finally wrap up this video and tell you all the 10 5 star predictions and if they were 5 stars and all that stuff 109 166 184 and the kiss of deception 496 okay and then the last one is all of the shortest books that I own okay so I don't know which one I'm reading for sure but the 5 that got the most votes are right here the dead house harbour media signs preceding the end of the world boy meets boy and wolf and white van so now that we've done all that we have my official TBR we have these holy 5 bucks oh my god how am I reading 7 books in 7 days I really thought that I could do this and now I'm rethinking my whole life so these five physical books which are starting to look really daunting but I'm doing this as an audiobook and this one should go by really fast so these three are just a little intimidating and I'm gonna read one of these which is super short and then I'm doing an anthology so what I'm thinking is I'm going to listen to the audiobook of the poet X and I'm working four days in the office this week so I can listen to this on my commute so I'm doing a little bit of this everyday and then I'm doing a little bit of the anthology everyday so then I have seven days to read five books the other two are like spread out for the week so I really only have to read like three books in three days and then the other two books I have two days to read each book math hello I look a little garbagey I just got off work I'm headed right now to buy a new vlogging camera which I'm so excited it's just the first thing I need to do in this read-a-thon is buy something that's is useful I just need something in between like a point-and-shoot and a DSLR so I think the g7x exactly what I'm looking for it is an investment it's more than like a new DSLR would be which hurts me a little at least the DSLR that I want I want another one of those too but I think this will satisfy at least the vlogging needs I have until I can get the camera I want and then the lens I want it's twice the price of the body anyway come with me to Best Buy okay I didn't get any footage in the store but we're in the car now there was a guy who just like grabbed my camera and helped me check out without you can get to vlogging in the store it was intense there's my camera else go to a tripod are you so excited I'm excited for you wait this isn't gonna change your life no whoa the pixels is so wide angle and the colors it picks up is really nice too I would hope so for $1,000 okay hello it's pretty late um it's already like 7:00 it's super bright out the Sun is just about to set I think you know that like super bright moment right before the Sun like completely disappears so I did start the point X I don't know how many pages in I am because I'm listening to the audiobook but I'm really getting into it um I feel like it took me quite a while like just at the end of whatever section I was reading I just already given to everyone I had to shut it off and I got home from work but now I'm really starting to get into it so excited to continue this and my goal was to read this entire book on like the first day so we're gonna try our best all your perfect by coming over I feel like her books usually go by quickly for me and it is only 300 pages okay it felt like a little bit more but I think this already came out or it comes out tomorrow so I really want to get to it I don't know if I'm gonna hate it or love it but I will update you as I read update first chapter in and I kind of love it already like my expectations of this were low but I never want to go into book thinking I'm not gonna like it so like well I thought I might not like it obviously didn't want to dislike it so I'm happy Wolfie so barely knew what this book was about um it's about a woman with infertility who's been trying to have baby for seven years hi me so it's really good but it's um it's a little too real for me and I definitely lying here about to start bawling so there's my update time to later okay I'm almost halfway through and I really love it so far this book is just it's great the romance it's just like a classic kind of romance but it's about two people falling out of love at the same time oh and I'm definitely gonna finish it tonight because there's like this mysterious box and like we're not gonna find out what's in the box really ever and it's just like what's in the box what's in the box yeah my hair's a mess my first woman but I finished the book made me feel a lot of things it's just so weird to me how like I can either give her books one star or five stars like the last Colleen Hoover I read was one sir the one before that was five stars now we're back to five stars but yeah um ending that Rita's on day one or seven and seven on day one that's her book it's pretty good and I read an entire book on the first day so now I need to read an entire book tomorrow and then we're set okay I gotta go to bed it's super late my husband's asleep which is why I'm walking good morning it is super early like the sun's not even out you can't really tell it's like 5:00 I'm usually not up until closer to 6:00 but I have to get up early all this week and who knows in the future because my husband thought I'm well not a new job like he works for the same company but he got like a new whatever contracts for the next build and his commute is now like an hour so I have to drop Liam off at daycare which isn't on my way it used to be on Robbie's way it's fine okay Liam and I are off we're both wearing bright orange today forge so the reading I'm getting done in on my drive is the pod X I have it from audible and I listened to a little bit yesterday I'm listening to a little bit today I really like listening to it cuz it's like slam poetry maybe Liam will like listening to it - hey not so much too bad and yeah I'll just be at work all day and then afterwards we have some stuff to do I might go swimming a big thing we'll come home and do stuff and then head back and go swimming I just stopped it chapters and you go juice I got this delicious sandwich and it's the movie but more importantly I got scream and scream again so I can I do guys just middle grade so I am so excited I can vlog on this camera now because they're going swimming I'm wearing my swimsuit and I don't have to lug around my DSLR or try to film on my phone I should read a book what should I bring oh look these people are swimming oh I'm making Krabby Drive so I can start listen to your heart I wish I have floaties maybe we don't need floaties what so we're gonna go get dinner and do a little bit of shopping Robbie has to go get a new phone I never made swimming I'm super excited this time and then I'm relying my dream blanket reads on my book good plan good plan good plan tell me when we're there were there and I really need to remember to bring my tripod because you had a weird angle but we just went to superstore and I found like everything I went in for which is always nice but I also bought a skirt I really need to start wearing skirts and I just know how to wear skirts with my body type but I think I found one I think is really cute and I'm gonna style it with a white t-shirt I got an entire container of peanut butter pretzels but we don't need to talk about that I'm running out of clothes and I don't have anything like work-appropriate really for summer I read um I think 30 pages I've listened to your heart so I need to keep going and it fits for the challenge to read something set outside because it's like almost exclusively set outside at a lake and a girl works at a marina and it's really cute we're having our picnic you have a happy birthday to sandwich and it's gonna die today how's it feel how does it feel oh good I'm excited so bright you sank him five six seven hello it's nine o'clock I'm eating my pretzels and reading my book and I'm like a hundred pages in and I'm gonna try to get through as much as I can before I fall asleep that's what that so it's five o'clock in morning this is how I look so I didn't um wash my hair after swimming I'm a wreck and I need to get ready for work I feel like when I was before and after things or hopefully I look ready for work in an hour very back and it's not even a good after because I hate the way my hair is she kind of to me like cute wispy full bangs and he doesn't want to do it and they feel too long now and he just thought really cloudy out but anyway here's my outfit that I was excited about but now I'm second-guessing myself maybe it's not cute after all I don't know I didn't go to work I'm actually I'm gonna be late okay first up yes I might already be late but I have to get my Starbucks so try latte first thing in the morning Oh milk extra hot so it stays hot for my half hour drive to work i finished listen to your heart last night and i gave it five stars so i'll tell you more about it later it is two o'clock I'm headed home I need to film a couple of videos I think I'm going to go home and film my three thriller video and film oh the try a chapter tag I'm doing that today I totally forgot I had no plans of what I was gonna read today totally forgot but I'm gonna listen to the poet X on my drive home I'm really liking so far I don't think I've really talked about it sorry I've been a little frazzled anyway I'll see you when I get home hi I'm going to film a clip for like a real video for the first time on this camera whoa I can't believe I have autofocus I can go all the way back here and they don't have to hold the button but I'm filming the trapper cake so once I film this and want some red stuff then I'll come back and keep vlogging okay so what I've decided to read today and doing the try a chapter tag about the focus of that video and what I'm reading is boy meets boy by David Levithan this is really short and I've had it in my closet for so long that it's like how have you not picked it up because this would literally take a day to read so I kept thinking like I'm just not interested in it I'm gonna get rid of it on haul it eventually but the fact that it's got the most amount of votes in the poll it's very interesting to me and I was very intrigued by the first chapter you might have already watched my try a chapter tagging know all about this but so this is what I plan to read dinner's ready in like an hour and I'll probably able to get you through like but also I really want to edit and post the three thriller buddy I just film the three thriller video really quickly and I'd like to edit and post it like today because there's only like 8 days left in the month and I have like 5 videos I need to put out so I might as well put one out as soon as I can so there's like a couple days in between each video instead of cramming them all together in the same week which might happen it's getting pretty late well I mean not like lately almost 8 o'clock I am slowly making my way through this but I ain't getting distracted by my phone a lot I need to do my couple stories from scream and scream again honestly I think I might just go buy it I'm really sick of reading on a screen I am super pathetic I'm reading the shortest book of the week and I can't finish it in one day I just suddenly got super tired it's 10:00 p.m. I should have read it earlier but I was distracted by YouTube I'm not even halfway through I think I'm about to get my period I just ate everything in the house I feel like and I want to go sleep I am liking it so far I think there are some like problematic details in here but I've never really heard anyone talk about this book other than just recommending it in general so I'm gonna look into that a little bit I'm so bummed I can't finish my video I'm filming the try a chapter tag right now and I have to finish filming it tomorrow because there's no way I can stay we can finish this right now goodnight [Music] [Music] get out good morning it's Thursday I'm trying to figure out if I like this bun I don't actually have time to figure out if I like it I just have to go at work oh I really need to be in a pool I also need you remember to bring my tripod in the car so today we're just gonna go swim because it's like thirty something and I need to be underwater I've been to the beach is entire week which is weird usually I spend an equal amount of time like in the lake and in the pool but the pool is just so nice and like there's nobody else there so it's been a good time and then I need to go home and finish boy meets boy and I haven't really read many stories from scream and scream again so I should probably make a dent in that and then besides boy meets boy I need to read I need to start another book because my goal was to read a whole book on Thursday and Friday and then another book on Saturday and Sunday and I would have been done all my simple books piece that's still gonna happen I think so so all I have left is born for this or I was born for this or whatever it's called and then the kiss of deception my two longest books so I have two days to read each one but that means I have to read like 200 pages of one of those tonight along with finishing boy meets boy and reading a bunch of stories and scream and scream again I don't think seven books is gonna happen I'm not gonna vlog that because I've logged in the pool last time and I got my camera all away hello I'm getting ready to start a book I need to choose between the kiss of deception and that was born for this I feel like all I've read this week are contemporary so I'm gonna go ahead and pick up this I'm actually like real scared books set in kingdoms books about princesses and queens don't tend to appeal to me but there have been a couple that I've read in really high so I know I can like a book like this and it intrigues me that there's like a mystery in here you're following I guess two different characters but you don't know who is who basically how this has been pitched to me is like there's a princess and she runs away and there's two people chasing her one is like a spy and one is like a prince but you don't know which is which I could have gotten that totally wrong and I'll find out as I read but this is one of my five star predictions I made a video about the books on my bookshelf that I think you're gonna be 5 stars and I just said this one because it felt like if there was a kingdom type book that I was gonna like it'd be this one and 50 pages in that's ten percent I'm supposed to be 50 percent but I'm going to bed but good morning it's Friday day 5 of 7 and 7 I slept with my hair in a wet bun and I regret all my decisions so today I'm working from home today is a launch day we're launching four new prints and in fact like a really important collection so I have a lot a lot to do today I made it that grave error get your life together my hair green again my workday is over I tried to read and then I fell asleep fall asleep flat on my face too which is really funny cuz I have these lines across my face they might be gone now I filmed my haul which will go up as soon as I anything I need to finish the kiss of deception oh I finished the audiobook for the poet acts 5 stars it took me a little while to get into it but then I fell in love with it and I I cried listening to an audiobook I don't know if that's ever happened before but I was like in the car I think twice this week crying over my audio book and now I need to go back through it and read the annotations and highlight my favorite parts because I didn't really pick up the physical book very much this week I'm also about to finish boy meets boy and then I can film my like final chat about that because my try chapter tag was supposed to go up like yesterday so hopefully I'll get that up tonight and then read what 400 pages of the game of deception okay I finished boy meets boy it took me a couple days to read it I think I'm giving it a 4 so I'm reading the kiss of deception I'm just at a hundred pages which isn't great but I just hit the part where like the princess meets the two men and it's just it's exciting I have a theory for who's who for sure I have a feeling this is gonna be the last book I read for the read-a-thon like there's no way that I'm reading this and another 400 page book like this is probably gonna take me the entirety of the weekend good morning it's Saturday so day 6 of 7 and 7 I'm pretty determined to finish the kiss of death today but I also want to go to the beach with some friends so I really like to get outside today we're all a little bit like grumpy I feel like it's because we spent all day yesterday like inside so maybe we'll head for a hike maybe we'll head to the beach maybe we'll head back to the pool but I also need to get around a lot of reading done and I need to film a couple videos this weekend so I'm just trying to juggle like do that today I put a make up and get all ready eat when though it's already like 10 a.m. or do I do that tomorrow and then I don't know and then booktubeathon starts in like 36 hours which is weird to think about like I'm currently in arena thon and then another read-a-thon starts in less than two days I think maybe I'm just feeling a little overwhelmed which is silly because it's raining but I am really into the kiss of deception so maybe I will read a good chunk of it now and then go outside and get some fresh air and then come back and finish it and maybe if I finish it today I can read a whole nother book tomorrow we'll see I really want to read screaming scream again because I am a couple stories into it and maybe if I lift Liam and I read some together we can get through it anyway I'm just doing a little like blah they will figure it out I don't even know where I put my book I really don't know Oh kiss of deception let's do it Robbie just came home with vegan cinnamon buns from this brand new place my office it embedded in the cinnamon butter is this like you do you ridiculous Liam has been coloring his owl crate I'm gonna go get the shield oh okay well I think we're all I mean I've been filming a video together I can't show you though yeah you can't see what so we're not going out today I'm finishing this today and then tomorrow we're actually gonna go float down the river I'm so excited and I can't stop reading this because I love it's 11 o'clock I am doing everything I can to stay awake and finish this book tonight I took a bath because I figured like I never fall asleep in the bath but it was so hot and cozy so now I'm trying to listen to music while I read but I've made great progress that's all I have left it's less than I know 30 pages I'm gonna finish it tonight okay don't doubt me I did it I finished it I've hundred beautiful pages what do you think I gave it 5 out of 5 which I love this pretty much exactly what I was expecting and it was in my five-star prediction book video and it was 5 stars and I loved it so glad I found the entire trilogy I've got a village so if you don't know kissa deception is about the princess and she doesn't want to be a part of the arranged marriage set out for her so she runs away and she lives in this tiny little village but two guys come after her one is the prince useless marry who's pissed and one is an assassin who's supposed to kill her because you know reasons and she like kind of falls in love with both of them and they both fall in line with her but we don't know which one is the prince and which one of these ask me only know their names and it's great and the reveal is great and the plot twists are great and I loved it like a lot maybe I like Kingdom bucks now what am I supposed to do read them all it's really apparent how shitty my phone is it filming when I have my vlogging camera now but I'm something I hear because I'm not gonna risk taking my new camera down the river but we're headed to a river flow it's gonna be a couple hours I am reading a bit of my book on the way there I don't know I might bring it try to bring it in the foot whoever really big floaties that I feel like I could keep it dry I have read most of this but I have a couple stories left and I read a good chunk of this this morning and I read a couple stories before I'm not reading it in order so I can't tell you like how far I am I'm just reading the ones that sound interesting but I have like three left so I'm gonna see if I can finish them during the drive but I already found my wrap-up this morning are like on my way out the door really quickly and I said I gave it three-and-a-half stars that's my feelings on it now those last couple stories me like sway the rating so we'll see but other things I think any more readings having done today I'm stopping the read-a-thon at six books I wish we could have done seven but I'd rather spend my day out in the Sun on the water I told oh yeah from the dollar store is this leftover from Eastern Wow thanks guys yes I gotcha you found me I'm a snorkel [Laughter] oh so every piece of equipment including all of the lines they have to figure out what bleach bleach okay I'm editing my vlog and I did what I usually do I could cry what I always do is I kick ass at vlogging the first couple days of a read-a-thon and then I just fall off the face of the planet so to wrap up this hurts my arm we were just outside in the Sun all day and I'm I'm very tired but I need to edit this and curl my hair and do my booktubeathon TBR and post them and post and edit and post my wrap-up all within the next 12 hours the read-a-thon was a success in that almost all the books I read were 5 stars which I didn't realize until like last night when I was telling Robbie about all the books I read they're talking to you what were they talking to myself I was like did I say that to a camera or to my actual human husband I'm delirious it was successful in that way the poet acts 5 stars all your perfect five stars listen to your heart five stars I didn't talk about listen to her it's a beautiful super cute contemporary summer romance it's got it like an unexpected love story it's got like a love triangle with a girl on her best friend fighting over a boy which I don't see very often all your perfect was like horrific ly relevant to my life the poet X was insanely beautiful oh and the kiss of deception Robbie got a earful of my obsession with the kiss of deception last night and then boy meets boy I read and scream and scream again which I did finish and my rating was pretty right like three and a half stars I'm really sorry if this vlog was not like great I didn't vlog at work at all it was just like hey I'm going to work and the next clip was me home from work oh but it was unsuccessful because I didn't read seven books in seven days I read six books in seven days and like I just want to like pick up something can I read this in the next five seconds account this is nice on book like I failed and I'm sorry so booktubeathon starts in five minutes oh okay I'll see you later tomorrow right after this I don't know I love you bye
Channel: BooksandLala
Views: 38,632
Rating: 4.9818091 out of 5
Keywords: books, booktube, bookish, booksandlala, obbsandlala
Id: A79zNGLeihc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 47sec (1847 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 30 2018
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