VLOG | reading thrillers for #spookathon

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good morning welcome to spook Athan I can't believe this book Athan really just came out of nowhere so it's Thanksgiving and therefore nobody has to go to work or school today so this is the perfect day to begin this because I'm I'm basically gonna lie in bed and do my grocery order and have breakfast in bed and then we're gonna take this opportunity to get some errands done depending on what's open today I really need to buy a couple things like fall boot I have no boots and a heat jockey one fact that I have no boots I also need a new bra TMI I also really need to get my nails done I have a photo shoot on Wednesday which is going to be interesting and I really want some fresh night so then we'll go pick up groceries and go to family families our family's house for dinner it's early and I will read at some point today I think I'm gonna start with an anonymous girl I haven't read any thrillers recently and after spooky fun week I have no plans to read any thrillers because I have other things that I want to get to so this week is just gonna be spooky spooky scary skeletons okay I'm headed to the nail place and I can't show you the sweet legs because it's an unreleased print but my nails will be a tease of what color they're going to be there are four different colors in this print and I think it's so not festive for fall because these are like winter New Year's type colors so weird thing about working in like I'm sure lots of different industries but like fashion is we're currently in fall but working on creative for like late winter and then we're also working on designing prints for summer so it just never really feels like a proper season because your focus is everywhere else anyway I think this I'm looking at my jar of pens this looks pretty similar to one of the colors it's very like springy in this print it's the perfect winter accent I might change my nail color like the day after the shoot but I really want it to be this color for this shoot I think I'm just gonna take this pen cap with me and try to find the right nail polish color to match I got my nails then I don't like that they're just not I like them they're just not me like they're specifically for the shoot I came home and put on a shirt and completely not on purpose matched my nails perfectly and we're finally gonna start reading this girl I'm very excited I'm a little apprehensive I read Greer Hendrickson Sarah Peckham ins other collab the wife between us or is it just the life between I always mess it up and I loved it so much and everyone the literally everyone who's read both of their books say that this one is not as good so that kind of sucks I'm hoping I'm the unpopular opinion and I think it's incredible I don't totally remember what this is is this one where they're doing like experiments like psychological experiments and then the therapist hey things take things too far yes okay so I hope there's some good plot twists because I know that's what happened in the last book by them I read I'll let you know what I think that's what a reading blog is I'll check in with you when i have more opinions I just set up to get a drink and of course I match this to you this is a problem god there's just something so weird about having a tripod in your bedroom isn't there I'm on page 76 and honestly I'm kind of bored it's got some interesting writing it's written in first person and second person we have two main characters the girl the woman the lady participating sorry so every time I say girl somebody gets offended by it I'm sorry oh my battery so today we have two main characters the girl participating in the Sydney the study and the doctor doing the study it's just it's fine I don't know it's haven't grabbed my attention yet it's really well the slightest spooky look at the moon so last night I got 160 pages into an anonymous girl and I think it's starting to pick up I feel like the first third was slow like I just who loved the writing style and now I'm a little more used to it and I'm gonna listen to the audiobook our commute to work and home today right now I hate how dark it is in the morning often the person they judge most first thing is ourselves every day the criticize our decisions our actions even applied applause we worry the telev an email we sent to a colleague might be Missy's room hello I'm home and listened to an hour of the audiobook so he'd figure out what page that is I do like the audiobook but I'm gonna listen wait I got myself to boil Shh chapter 50 well that's a lot oh these are really short chapters actually that's still a lot I wasn't doing 100 pages oh my gosh I only have a hundred pages left that's not actually that surprising because the audiobook it felt like I was starting to wrap up I don't know it's kind of a weird book like the pacing is weird I feel like most of the thrillers that I read usually have to do with like a dead body a murder-suicide that they think might have actually been a murder I'm missing just missing and dead people and this one was just a little more chill but then like 200 pages in it introduced a mystery so the timing is weird and then I feel like it's already wrapping some things up sooner than I thought it would be wrapping them up so again weird pacing we're writing we already know that I don't know if I told you it's written it's half written in second person which is like just so weird especially on the audiobook because it changes narrators I actually started listening to the audiobook because you guys suggested it pause let's go through the challenges one of my challenges is straight a book with right on the cover doing that a challenges to read a thriller doing that one of the challenges is to read something outside your comfort zone and I left that up for interpretation whether that be a genre a sub-genre a format whatever and for me I never listened to thrillers via audiobook I have reserved audiobooks for non fiction or fantasy so the a book was me like doing something outside my comfort zone because you all said that the audio book is actually really good and I agree because it's two different voice actors but it is weird because the voice actors change but both both sections aren't written in first person I have no theories about what's really happening because I am NOT invested enough to sit here and theorize and make charts and like really think about what's happening I'm just experiencing the book and I don't think I've told you any other plot points besides she's participating in a study the therapist psychologist whatever is asking questions about morality and making her do like these experiments and tests based on other people interact with other people and morality and we found out why at this point she's doing the studies and I don't know if it's a good enough reason for me to feel fully invested but only a hundred years ago so we're gonna crush it the boys have gone to hockey I am feeling a little overwhelmed in general I have a lot going on with work and then I have a lot of video stuff I'm trying to get done and books to Graham's stuff bookmark stuff just kind of like this stuff I always have going on but it's all like in the same day I need to get it all done I'm doing a promo with book outlet right now for a sale thing and then tomorrow I'm announcing the buzz word read-a-thon and then I need to edit the video for the weekend and then tonight I need to get fully ready for tomorrow's photo shoot I need to like shave my legs and I don't know axe my moustache whiten my teeth and wash my hair just gonna be weird having my hair and makeup done that's the new you're going to work without makeup on tomorrow huh Liam's coming with me I don't know if I mentioned that [Music] it is so much later is the cleanest my hair has ever been on his channel I was instructed tomorrow to come with clean hair no product not styled so I can't curl it so I tried to get myself a bit of a blowout anyway as I was bathing and shaving my entire body lightening my teeth they're not exactly where I want them to be but it's fine I finished my book and I'm a little sad because on one hand people were saying like it's not as good so I went into his low expectations but I actually had a couple of my friends and messaged me when I posted that I was reading it and they were like oh my god this is five stars for me like you're gonna love it so they didn't hyped me up and I didn't love it I haven't thought about like what exactly didn't work for me in here so I can't quite explain it to you I was just expecting a lot more like twist that guys like a huge like oh my god plot twist which like me arguably for some people maybe they felt that that happened but I just never got that I can appreciate what this dead like the rhyming I've talked about so many times it's super interesting I think it's a smart book I think it's intriguing enough that obviously I finished it I just think I wanted to go in a different direction but I don't know what direction I wanted it so I don't know I think I'm giving it three stars so that's my middle of the road like I don't know I didn't have any serious problems with it but it wasn't bad I'll see you in the morning people have been posting spook azan vlogs I can't leave people are daily vlogging for my read-a-thon that I'm not even daily vlogging forward like I feel like such a piece of garbage but that was just too ambitious to even attempt so I have been getting distracted a lot by watching everybody's vlogs I can't believe people well it just makes me feel so great you're all so wonderful I'll put some people down below if you want to watch their vlogs good morning Jenny it's a sweet like photo shoot and this is what I look like that's really it looks like I'm bringing my book with me in case I have some downtime [Music] I oh never mind as much makeup in my life and it looks really intense but on camera it's not as intense I also had fake lashes on but I took off immediately and now I need to go home and inscribe my face because wow I really thought I was gonna come home and I was like I'm not gonna waste this makeup and come home and film some videos nobody could take me seriously I wonder if I just take off my eyebrows I could do it I don't think so I'm just gonna read instead this is now entering Adamsville I can't take so seriously okay I feel better I was just watching the Tosh's live taking off my makeup and now I'm gonna start this and we're going to I just posted let's do some reading sprints we're all reading really hard as much as we can for the next half hour okay wow what did you hear my arm crack I am losing steam and I'm sure it's like 90% me and 10% the book but I've read the first 20 pages like three times I still like just don't grasp what's happening slash I'm not enjoying it so do I go to bed or do I read a different book well you might be able to see a behind me I'm starting the silent patient instead and hoping that even though it's 10% the book this is going to be interesting and engaging enough that even though 90% of problem is me that this will magically fix it so the silent patient all I know is it's about a woman who shot her husband in the face and she hasn't spoken since I am reading this because you have all recommended it to me and because I'm assuming it's gonna be part of the Goodreads like best thrillers of the year just based on what I've seen people say about it and I don't know if I'm repeating that challenge that I did last year where I read all of the nominees I don't think I am but I'm considering doing some type of reaction commentary to it so I would like to read any books I think are going to make that list if I'm interested in them this is one of them let's read let's hope I stay awake in my next clip isn't tomorrow morning okay I was right I really just needed the right book I feel re-energized I'm on page 55 I'm not even that far into it but I love it so much and it's different because it's so interesting it's written from a psychotherapist point of view but it's also told in journal entries and any time a book like has ever done that before I usually have a preference for one of the perspectives so much so that I'll be distracted in the other sections thinking like oh I can't wait to back and get back to the journal entries and find out like the truth and I want to continue like hearing what's happening or like I find the journal entries boring and I don't think that they're serving the plot and I want to get back to just like the first-person narrative but this one both are so strong that I not only am NOT like itching to switch but I'm forgetting that the switch is gonna happen I'm so captivated by what's happening in the section that I'm thrown off when a new section starts and suddenly we're in a different perspective I'm so excited so we're following the psychotherapist starting in a new place and we're following the journal entries of the woman who killed her husband like way back in the day before she killed her husband he is kind of enamored by her he kind of took the job because of her and wanting to help her and find out her story he has the goal of like maybe writing a book or something like this is gonna be his big moment which is obviously so problematic as he is a medical professional but he's acknowledging the fact that it's wrong so it's interesting it's self-aware good morning morning morning it's day four I'm reading this but not right now because I'm going to work I am debating downloading the audio book now because I'm also gonna take a long lunch today saying buy a Halloween costume for tomorrow three years ago I had to not only glue the flowers to my antlers but I had to make my own antlers I was sewing left Hanks I walked into the Halloween store I was just gonna go to Michael's and you would I did in the past which is going to take a headband and then you hot glue pipe cleaner to it and you can just twist the pipe here into antler shapes and then you wrap it around with flour tape which is already brown and right next to Michael's was a Halloween store and I was like I might as well walk in and see if they have anything they literally have antlers not only do they have antlers they have these little ears they just clip into your hair why should I do this costume stuff like this did not exist well we are gonna are gonna craft me how's that Michaels I bought all these flowers which were 60% off because they were like the fall left over or something my helpmeet at work is tomorrow yeah I mean Casey you are doing some type of costume that needs flowers here's a little informative tip you didn't know crafting flowers you can just pop the heads right off of them you can Wow I usually get them from the dollar store but I wanted these ones to last because I'm gonna wear this costume like three times I also didn't read any more of my book if you're wondering which you probably were [Music] just like that hopefully I'm a deer okay let's see I've spent the last couple hours distracted by watching the challenge watching hockey painting my nails which I regret I'm finally gonna start I'm not finishing this but I'm on page 100 and I can't help but start theorizing what's happening because I was reading the back of the book instead of the inside of the book that's how procrastination heavy my life is and Blake Crouch that it's destined to go down as one of the most shocking mind-blowing twists in recent memory what could that mean Blaine Crouch so now I just desperately want to know the twist I stayed up so late and I didn't even finish this island patient I have a hundred pages left I'm doing work I'm gonna do my dear makeup and I'm gonna watch some people spook up on blogs I guess I didn't tell you why we're dressing up today considering it's the 18th we're putting out like a newsletter this week of last-minute costume ideas to wear with sweet legs so we're all dressing up today I'm taking pictures for the social media posts newsletter oh yeah you've got a new video from Riley Chandler here we are this is it I don't know how well you can see I'm just gonna go ahead and post the photo so we're taking pictures at work like I said and I'll post that here soon see you know its glory I don't know I feel good about it yeah let's go with that confident I'm home from work I have two hours to take off all my makeup put my makeup back on like normal person makeup pound as much caffeine as I can cuz I'm tired get Liam from school and late a hundred pages and then we're going out bowling and drinking with some friends so I guess we'll see how much I get accomplished this is the priority I didn't end up starting the audio book like I could get the audio book of the silent patient I could have listened I couldn't probably finished it today listening to it into the car listening to a while I get ready but I'm really liking the physical act of reading it with my eyes so I didn't give in to the temptation okay I'm tired but I'm gonna finish this book and I hope the twist is so good shoot I'm still 70 pages from the end but I think I just figured out the twist turning I've been sitting here for 20 minutes pondering my thoughts about this book and if my internet would fix itself I would write my review which is just I'm annoyed well I want to love this book and I thought I would love this book I loved the writing like a lot it's very much my type of writing and I don't know how to better explain that the thing is I don't want to give any spoilers in a reaming blog so I'm gonna have to do a three thriller video where I can do full spoilers because the thing with this book is that the twists itself ruined a lot of what I liked about the book like I don't know what kind of drugs Blake Crouch was on when he said most shocking mind blowing twists in recent memory I do agree with a lot of the other births spellbinding psychological mystery it was that the story relentlessly pulls you in and doesn't let go true I finished it absolutely dazzles I'm put down a ball emotionally chilling it's not totally original it was suspenseful it was engaging I liked the writing but if I finish a thriller and I immediately can think of three other scenarios that I wish it had ended on like that's not a good thriller I wish it had tried to trick the reader a little bit more and I can think of some ways that could have done that I don't you know to say because everything is a spoiler I think I'm giving it three stars the things that I wanted to be shocking weren't shocking the things that were building in anticipation didn't have great reveals the reveals were something totally different and I don't know I'm gonna go to bed I've read two three star thrillers when I don't want to read now entering Adamsville I'm just not in the mood friend at all so I just put on Twitter like I made an excellent thriller recommendation please so it's up to you don't do me wrong all right we're switching up the TBR I really slept in today so I don't think it's the best decision to start a four to five hundred page book when there's only like 40 hours left in the read upon but a bunch of people were saying Karen Slater actually Karen Slater so I have two big bucks here one's called pieces of hurt one's called pretty girls this one is from I think last year and this one's from me mm and then it was talking to Elias and he said pretty girls like I have to read pretty girls so I have to read pretty girls someone made the decision for me and this is what we're gonna do today I have absolutely no idea what this is but I've read one of her books before and I thought it was amazing and this is a book that has been on my TBR the longest out of like every unread book that I own and I wasn't even on my TBR shelf it was in the depths of my closet I don't know why I haven't felt motivated to read this probably cuz I don't remember what it is but I'm just gonna start reading without reading the synopsis and then I'll tell you more about it later I desperately need to clean my house today and I have some work to do I'm thinking about going on a hike and in all those scenarios I think I'll switch over to the audiobook which I found on overdrive and just wish me luck honestly so you guys weren't messing around this book is a lot I'm 150 pages from the end and I could finish it right now but one I need a break and two I'll have nothing to read tomorrow and I know I can't read an entire book tomorrow and it would just like stress me out what if I was trying to complete a whole thing so we're gonna take it easy um yeah Karin slaughters really like the one she's doing it she doesn't mess around she doesn't skirt around horrifying uh graphic scenes let me read the synopsis so I know what you should know Oh see this is why I don't read synopsis people there was something like it probably wasn't into like a hundred probably a hundred pages in and this thing happened and it was a shock to me but it's right here in the synopsis so we're following two different women Claire who is a glamorous trophy wife of an Atlanta millionaire and Lydia a single mother dating an ex-con struggling to make ends meet oh and then another thing we revealed I like the hundred page mark that was a surprise to me as well also in the synopsis wild okay so basically there's this missing girl and there's some other missing people and then these two women are trying to solve the mystery basically and that's it like if you don't know you don't know you shouldn't know when you should go into it knowing nothing like I did every content morning every horrifying event that you can think of murder rape assault animals children kidnapping murdering and I say murdering murdering with all that said I feel weird saying the words I'm enjoying this book because that's gross I'm not enjoying those things because I enjoy those things I'm enjoying the writing and the book like a lot I think this is a great recommendation there have been so many shocking things small things Bay things just all of it oh I'm so happy I love it I will mention I don't know the significance of this yet I'm trying to figure out what it is maybe it has nothing to do with the bucket it's just a weird mystery cover and I'm gonna go edit my video for tomorrow you should go bet it at a reason all the time because Liam has hockey at like 6:00 a.m. so yeah turn off the internet as I leave read my blog I'm trying so hard to leave the house fingerprints here I'm like 20 pages from the end I filmed a video today I washed my makeup brushes today I did a little bit of work and now I really just need to leave the house because it's super gloomy out the house is dark and it's only 2 p.m. and I have two plans I think we should probably get groceries I also need to my conditioner so I can wash my nasty hair you can you know what what's new with you I'm sleepy smell like peanuts that's because I just had you remember my temptation except they didn't have for like 4 months I had it again today so about two bags oh my gosh I hate going to stores on Sunday like why is this the decisions that I need we were shopping for clothes we were shopping for groceries I got a new lipstick life is great I also finished my book and I thought it was amazing so I'll tell you all about it moving down all right change of plans on the way home Liam got called into the a substitute goalie for another team so I'm suddenly unexpectedly home alone to put away all the groceries and I guess to make dinner but they're not gonna be home for like an hour and a half what I might do is go live cuz I finished my book I'm not gonna start a new one and I'm home alone so not gonna be stealing my internet my internet should work it's not the worst idea say hi everybody was i answering a question oh like it always used to be in movies it was like oh I'll pick you up at 8:00 or like let's go for dinner at 9:00 and I never understood that cuz like I eat dinner at 5:00 if you work in till like 6 7 p.m. then dinners late but I know I'm off at 2:00 okay smooth-on has ended its the next day I was really tired this week there's something about October like what just like the time of year when it starts to get so dark in the morning driving to work in the dark and then getting off work in like an hour later it's Jeff and it's just soul-crushing I don't know I just don't feel like I was my normal peppy self or as usual it didn't include you in all of the things that I was doing this week but I did update you on my reading so that's what a reading blog is we're fine I read three books for spook Athan I didn't update you when I finished pretty girls because that was a really intense book some might refer to it as torture porn were that the violence was a little gratuitous which I'm not gonna argue but I'm gonna tell you it was four and a half stars and I loved it like I think I said this is my second Karen slaughter and both of her books this and the good daughter respectively have been 4.5 stars each I love them equally I recommend them equally I really like that she focuses on family stuff specifically sisters are involved in the stories I've read I wonder if that's a common theme I would love for you to let me know if pieces of her is equally as good and if I should read it as well I love the way this book was written it was written from those two different characters perspectives like I told you about and then the missing girl there's like letters to the missing girl from her father and that was just intense to read and then finding out what happened to her father because he's writing these letters but there seems to be like misunderstandings from different parties where he's at and what happened to him there were just so many different mysteries in here and I know this won't work for everyone but me I need thrillers to be shocking and engaging for me to love them they have to have me on the edge of my seat I have to be invested I have to feel like things are moving and happening and I want to be confused I feel like that's part of the enjoyment of a thriller for me and then I have to be shocked by something in order for a thriller to get a high rating I would love to be sophisticated enough in my reading to say even if I guessed the ending I can still appreciate the book and give it five stars because it was well-crafted and it was smart and it was sensible but if I don't get a plot twist doesn't even have to be the biggest plot twist but if I don't get surprised it's not successful in my eyes and this was this had multiple twists and even like I said things that are in the synopsis that I didn't know that I was like what a shocking revelation and I loved it her writing is great like I need to read every Karen's letter but I'm really not interested in her series and it's funny because as I was reading this who was it someone was in my subscription feed who posted a video about all the standalone Karin slaughter books I'll put that down below if you want to watch I was in the middle of this and didn't wanna get spoiled for anything so I didn't watch but I'm gonna go watch that now so I know which ones I want to read so yeah I'm really happy that I finished this on a positive note because I had 2/3 Starbucks and I feel like I didn't well explain this one the silent patient by Alex Michael itis and I feel like it maybe sounded confusing why I was only giving it 3 stars but there's nothing I can really say without it being a spoiler so I have a goal to do a three thriller video on these so read them right now so you can fully watch my spoiler video when I do it but it might not be out until November sidenote I just had this um video idea or video series idea you have some people do like vlogmas where they do a whole bunch of videos around Christmas time or like leading up to Christmas or whatever next year I want to do like a whole week of Halloween type videos or like spooky thriller maybe some type of costume type video I don't know but I need your help naming it because the only things that I can come up with it's like Halloween which sounds so dumb or like how Lola ween is that equally as bad what should I call it but that's a year away so I hope I remember that I want to do it and you're from now that's it for spooky sign thank you so so so much for participating oh I love you guys as a friend and talking to me on Twitter and Instagram and posting all your photos and your videos it just like makes my day every day and I wish I could be more involved I just don't have time to like tweet everything I want to tweet and do all the reading Sprint's that I want and I wish I was doing and all the challenges and even vlogging as much as I want so I appreciate that you're here anyway even though I know spook azan could be even bigger and better but I appreciate you so much for sticking with me even when I feel like the reassigns gotten smaller over the years which is like not what I want I want it to be bigger and ambitious every time but it's just not realistic with my life so that's it I'll see you later thank you again I think is a thank you a hundred times thank you you're great all the links down below and everything that I probably mentioned in this video and I'll see you on Saturday bye
Channel: BooksandLala
Views: 59,316
Rating: 4.9859605 out of 5
Keywords: books, booktube, bookish, booksandlala, obbsandlala, spookathon, vlog, reading vlog, spooky books, thriller books, mystery books, goblet of fiction, chandler ainsley, gabbyreads, A Court of Crowns and Quills, riley marie, Alexandra Roselyn
Id: m6FSwxJ4xg4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 7sec (2347 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 23 2019
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