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this is my TBR for the week the first story was heavier than I expected why am I not reading anything all she wants is to go back and like find the treasure that she left back in the 17th century but her family is like no you need to like go to college and get an education but I will not dns a second book i dnf'd three books this week good morning it's day one of the buzzword read-a-thon it's a Monday and I was gonna do it get ready with me but it's Monday and I'm very tired and a little late good morning this is my TBR for the week oh look whose numbers in it just one hundred thousand one giant leap hungry hearts thirteen tales of something and three dark grounds I am going to start this but I'm gonna start with the audio book because I found it on the script and I can listen to it during my drive to work I don't totally know what three dark crowns is besides it follows three queens and one of them at the end of a deadly competition is going to be crowned Queen I'll let you know how the audio book goes so at this point I am two and a half hours into the ten-hour audio book and I can't figure out if I'm not liking the story or if the audiobook is affecting my enjoyment of the story there are so many characters like we have three queens and they each have their own like group of people and they all obviously have names and they're just constantly being referenced but the audio book isn't really making it clear like whose chapter we're in and even if it is I feel like listening one page into each chapter like you forget whose perspective you're in and so it's really hard to tell like who's in whose group of people and what's actually happening I understand they all have a different type of magic basically they don't live together they're part of their own like section I just feel like some details are getting lost on me and then might be because I'm listening to it and it's all just all these names are flying by so I'm gonna pick up the physical book which I was planning on doing anyway and just see if I want to continue because right now I just don't feel very invested in anything I don't like this book back I refuse to get in a reading slump we're gonna start something else I haven't seen you in a couple hours a lot has happens I'm suddenly reading three different books I ate an entire layer of toffee see I don't feel good I read three more chapters of this I don't like it I would try to form thoughts and words on why I didn't like it but life is hard meet me I'll try again tomorrow and or explain to you what's happening why didn't like it um then I read two stories from hungry hearts because I remembered that I loved anthologies this is gonna put me in a good mood it did but I want to read two a day so I was like I'm gonna pause this so I read two stories a day thirteen stories that math doesn't work out but close enough the first story was heavier than I expected the second story was heavier than I expected why didn't I think this is gonna be cute and sweet and light no so we're pausing even though I'm sure some of the stories are different vibes so then I started a lunch I get bleep what was that noise OH one giant leap Oh bleep oh um and now I'm 10 pages into this and it's actually doing a really good job of reminding me what happened in the first book in the series dare mighty things because I don't remember anything and I also can't tell you anything because what happens in this look is a direct result to the ending of the first book which ends in kind of a shocking way I think I'm reading this now but it's also really late and tomorrow is a busy day at work good morning it is day two of the buzzword read-a-thon I made it to a third of the way through one giant leap and I'm not liking it and I'm feeling annoyed by my own reading choices so I'm gonna go to work and then figure out we're gonna go from here correctly across the sky and question County livings on all sides long repeated spikes likely to be like day I am home I left work early my kind of splitting my day and working from home a little and I might switch over to reading one giant leap exclusively as the audiobook kind of like while I'm working on and off this evening because I never feel this way I think I just feel this way because I'm in a read-a-thon and also it's a book I've been talking about for so long but I am not liking it but I want to finish it normally I would just D&F a book like I did have to book yesterday but I want to finish this I really want to finish it I'm halfway through I'm 200 pages committed to the story well 600 pages of commitment into this - ology and originally I was apprehensive about one giant leap because I don't think this is a spoiler thinking about it I love astronaut competitions where someone gets to be chosen to go into space this book the sequel shouldn't be shocking that it then takes place in space so I knew that and I think that's why I've put this off for so long because I prefer space related stories but on earth it's a weird preference I know but then this year I've read a couple more like hard sci-fi books full on set in space and I've loved them so it's like this is it like I love space let's do it no I don't like it but I will not DNF a second book in this read-a-thon so I'm just gonna listen to it and get through it hope it improves but if not it's fine it's just it's over and we'll start fresh tomorrow don't come near me oh hey the colorings better now yeah weight balance oh I walk I look like I'm just on fire with my cheeks I finished one giant leap and I also finished editing an entire vlog in one day and I'm really proud of myself but one I need to sleep - I hate it this bum so much and I'm sad about it and I don't want to talk about it but I finished it - go to bed you look sleepy don't talk here I did nothing Rob you just took a three-hour nap and it's not midnight and I'm ready to go and I predicted five hours for work some of us reads on the sleep good morning it's day three of buzzword read-a-thon I'm wearing my new solid gray so yeah thanks what do I want pink today I'm going to work like I do every day and then I'm gonna pick up Liam from school and then I'm gonna head fret nail appointment with Ariel Ariel is coming Anthony I'll talk to you more about one day and leave at some point and think of like my full thoughts that I want to tell you but right now I don't want to think about it and I want to move on to something else so I'm gonna start the dust of 100 dogs I don't know out point today or at all today but I'm gonna bring this with me just I'm not gonna be home for like 12 hours I really need to bring a tripod in here because there isn't anywhere to put this it's stable and aesthetically pleasing you're not in the screen oh I see your glutes now movement you don't want to be on camera today okay oh no no he does what color getting your nails painted always what go orange good thing I found my book cuz we're here 15 minutes early you have a book to read yeah you did I just finished oh I saw you reading the whole way here I'm reading let's have a montage [Music] give me to read out loud to you yeah he stood with his arms and face raised to the night sky I cursed you with the power of every spirit who ever knew love [Music] very different you and I hi I've been really bad at vlogging it's the next day these are my new males they make me very happy and I haven't read anything I basically took an entire day off from reading yesterday we just got our nails done and then ended up going out for Vietnamese food and then that we went public skating I'm very close to the camera and then I went to sleep nice and early today it's already like 4 or 5 p.m. it was a long day at work stayed a little late now I kinda just want to lie around and watch the challenge and a little bit of YouTube so we'll see what happens I think maybe I'll focus on the hungry hearts anthology and read some stories from that I just don't feel like I can invest myself fully into a novel right now I literally only read the first 10 pages of the dust of 100 dogs I also kind of just want to pick up a contemporary I have a couple contemporaries that are on my backup TBR for the week I don't know I feel weird about my reading right now but I'll update you when I figure out what I'm doing here's what I'm up to right now this is what I do when it's time to take all the pictures of the book works probably putting them on it I see I sent out my playlist of booktube videos that I need to catch up on I'm sure Cindy will appreciate this pause and then I take all my pictures of all my bookmarks I put them here I lay them flat I'm using by diffusing curtains why can't I do this while looking through the camera struggle bus that's that's what's happening why am I not reading anything oh wow Oh pizza pie oh that's it grating well I haven't been pressuring myself to read at all I think cuz I know that this weekend I have very few plans so I know that I'll get a lot but I'm having a hard time finding the desire to read and this is kind of par for the course that's not the right term um I never read on Wednesdays and Thursdays so I'm not shocked that I've read nothing for two days but I'm sad I've read nothing I read fifty pages of Lola Carlisle's what the heck is a book called Lola Carlyle twelve-step romance and it's exactly what it says to be and it's a seemingly problematic of like an event not a book but like the contents of the book follow a girl who fakes an alcohol addiction it's not funny to get into rehab so she can like get this guy to fall in love with her it's not funny but I do believe the book is self-aware it's not you're not supposed to think that this characters actions are a good idea however I don't want to blame this for why I'm not it's not holding my attention but I might as well bring it out and that's that the main character her mother is like a super famous celebrity like followed by the paparazzi everywhere she goes her thing with going to rehab is that the boy who's in rehab is famous and her dad who's like an agent or a director or something has is associated with him and so they kind of know each other but this is like her moment for him to fall in love her I didn't know any of that going in that's not in the synopsis not that it matters not that many people would care because people don't have obnoxious preferences like me but like I just did a whole vlog on I don't really like books about famous people and I might as well clarify that here because I think I said in that video I am NOT obsessed with celebrity culture like I don't care and I guess that's not true I wasn't really thinking about it in a larger context and so I didn't have any issues making that large claim when the fact is I do enjoy a lot of TV and movies that revolve around ladies and musicians and actors and famous people so I'm sorry I accidentally lied listen if I had actually thought before I spoke almost famous is my favorite movie of all time literally about a reporter like following around a band and and groupies one of my other favorite movies of all time don't come for me I'll defend it my dad Detroit Rock city's well hi I'm trash I have trash tastes I love Detroit Rock City oh and then in that video I mention honey boy by Shia LaBeouf which I still haven't seen because it's only in theaters and nowhere near me I also talked about Hannah Montana so clearly I enjoy celebrity culture but not in literature at all ever anyway I read 50 pages I don't want to read that book anymore it's not interesting me and I'm watching booktube again meg will appreciate where I've paused I'm very sorry let me remain distracted from reading and tell you some people I've recently subscribed to think you should subscribe to Meg with books who's about to hit a thousand subscribers go check her out I'm just watching her blog for a ninth house I'll say dreams go check out sage reads I'll link some people in the description just cuz I feel like it there's nothing I like more than finding new book tubers literally just search the word booktube vehemence sort by most recently uploaded and it's just super fun to discover people who you know are gonna be really successful in this space but are just starting out host I just subscribe to like today oh the artisan geek she has a thousand subscribers I feel like it's a good thing that booktube is so saturated because you can find anything that you're interested in you can find somebody talking about it gone are the days where you could utter the words people on booktube don't talk about that or I've never seen anyone talk about that because if that's what you're saying it's on you because there's somebody talking about everything and anything but I know with how saturated it is and how many channels there are then it can be hard to like find your niche or find a friend group or feel seen so I don't know I just encourage you all to go find new channels all the time and keep your sub box fresh oh and then oh I don't know how to pronounce her last name I'm so sorry but her channel is Donna sand all snow ku it's how I want to say it oh and then also I recently subscribed to booked with Pancham Mila hello my friends my name is lucky and welcome back to my channel today I am doing a massive book haul hi we never leave my bed do we it's 6 p.m. and I haven't filmed anything for my vlog because I've spent all day filming videos for my channel I haven't read a single word and there are 30 hours left in this read-a-thon this point I have dnf'd 2 bucks I had given one book two stars and I'm restarting the dust of 100 dogs and I'm gonna read this entire thing today and maybe also finish hungry hearts because I read a couple more stories and I liked them and I might as well continue but I'm also thinking about switching up my TBR after this so yeah we're following a girl who like I told you was cursed to live a hundred lives as a dog but the story takes place after she's already lived those lives that she's like back to being a human and now she's determined to go become a pirate and I don't understand what's happening you know I'm getting through this book very slowly but at least I'm loving it so there are actually three different storylines there's the girl back in like sometime in the 17th century we have this girl who tragically loses her family and is sent away somewhere else there's a little romance involved then we started the book knowing that she at the end of that life gets cursed and has to live as a dog and we get little sections like one-pagers about like how to be a dog and then we're in not even current day it's like the 70s and we're following her when she gets to live as a human again and her experience the current day and how all she wants is to go back and like find the treasure that she left back in the 17th century but her family is like no you need to like go to college and get an education she's like I have hundreds of years of knowledge and I know where I left my goal I wasn't expecting to love this as much as I am happy sunday happy last day of the buzzword read-a-thon I'm gonna wait until the end and tell you my thoughts on all the books because I just have so much going on right now I can't create concise thoughts but today is kind of a busy day we have to drive like two hours away for a hockey game today so we're gonna have to leave in just a couple hours and I have nothing that I'm reading I don't feel like continuing anything that I've already dnf'd I am uninspired by anything that I own even like in the TV our closet there's nothing I want to read my husband is home with breakfast we don't have like post mates or skip the dishes or anything here so basically he's my post mates and I'm really looking forward to okay breakfast time where were we so I can't access any new physical books because the library is closed and I'm nowhere near a bookstore there's a couple books I still have on my TBR but not physical copies of one of them is 10 blind dates by Ashley Elston and I found the audio book on Scribd it doesn't make for a very exciting and vlog today just me with headphones in but I'm really in the mood for a contemporary romance and this one is set like in Christmas time and it's about this girl who just broke up with her boyfriend and her family sets her up on 10 dates with 10 different boys I think it sounds perfectly precious and I'm not really gonna have any time next month to read like happy holiday why a contemporary because my TBR is already pretty packed so I think I'm gonna be a little ambitious and try to read or listen to an entire 350 page book today but yeah I'm just gonna something out of your book I'm taking a bunch of books and pictures today I really need to do laundry and clean my house and do all the things I've been neglecting all week and then we're heading to hockey and since we have two hours in the car there and back I could reasonably listen to the audiobook for this long of a road trip I'll give Liam a screen so he'll probably be on his switch the entire Drive and then Rob you'll probably sleep anyway so audiobook I'm about halfway through the audiobook we're here ready for hockey so the book I was hoping wouldn't be like so trophy um I feel like it's really predictable at this point and it's just not doing anything really new don't have spoilers though to like who she ends up in a relationship with by the end or even if she handsome in a relationship I ever see haven't finished it so I don't know but at this point it's a little basic and I hope it improves for me and my team so they won their game it's very dark out and we're gonna type home and I'm pretty much finished my audiobook I think I can't on the way back shocker back in my bedroom for my final thoughts listen this week was weird and I gave up on vlogging I kind of gave up on reading but I figured it back out don't worry it was a weird one i dnf'd three books this week who am i but I also finished four books so this is just a little recap because I don't think I told you my ratings of anything okay here's what happened oh we don't need to be in focus I'm not fine so I D enough three dark crowns I'm pretty sure this is a permanent DNF not everything here is like a final opinion I did not mesh with this writing style or this plot in any way via audiobook and just like reading I gave it such a good effort and I don't know what it was about this like I really can't pinpoint it I just didn't like it then one giant leap here's the thing is we all know I don't like sequels and there's so many reasons I don't like sequels the thing that I love about books what a stupid way to start a sentence I love the discovery of things I love the adventure I love the inquisitive nature of the first book in a series where like the person is just discovering they have magical powers or they're training to go to space in this example or they've just discovered like some new magical land and what happens in sequels is there's not so many it's not fresh it's like they're discovering more about the worlds and they're using their magic powers and they're just like being in space so what pulled me in to a series is like the new exciting adventure stuff and then subsequent books are just like we're in it and for normal people I feel like that's a positive thing you're like alright got entries to this thing like that thing now get to experience that thing in sequels I guess I just I didn't care about anything happening in here it was just like your average like hey we're in space on a spaceship and then we're on a planet and we're running away from robot alien cyborgs no I'm just kidding I don't yanks some was high action an adventure still which again that's what people love but it's not the type of adventure I want because I don't I like the discovering how many times can I say the same thing this is everything I liked about the first book was gone then crisis mode I was like do I really want to contemporary because I don't read like contemporary very often so I picked up Lola Carlos Johnston I think I might try again with this one day but this was just not the time I don't know should I just get rid of it all together I truly don't know how to feel about that so then I was like alright maybe I'm not in the mood for like temporary maybe even thriller I've been doing some fantasy sci-fi like so let's switch to a thriller I didn't even tell you I was reading this three chapters in likes no this one is not the books fault at all I just I really don't want to read about missing children anymore like at all I've I don't know I feel like I've accidentally read so much of that in the last couple years that I don't want to read any more about missing and dead children not because it's hard to read like when is but the reason is just I've just read it so much like it all just kind of blurring together so then what happened back to some fantasy the dust of 100 dogs was not expecting to love this but I should have I know it's asking but I was like debut novel like what could this really be doing a lot this was so good it reminded me no I didn't I don't know hello I want to say reminded me of Challenger Deep I know it's completely different things like this is literally fantasy where she's living different lives and Challenger deepest about mental illness but just like the ocean and pirate nature of this and the kind of duel timelines with the same character even though I didn't love that book I think if you did you might like this as well okay then I finished hungry hearts this was so good so all of these stories tie together which is just wonderful basically hungry hearts is like this row of restaurants and we follow lots of different characters who like work in the restaurants or order from the restaurants or whatever is happening and then it's just like a little crossover so like a girl will drop off a box of donuts in Wednesday and then the next story is about that girl and her donut shop like I said this was more hard-hitting than I was expecting but there definitely was a mix of tones like I was expecting it's just really lovely like I don't understand why people don't love short stories and I wish more people would promote anthologies and talk about them because I love just getting a glimpse into someone's life first 30 pages getting an idea of the author's writing I liked that a lot I never give anthologies five stars but I thought one was pretty high up there kind of like a four and a half in my wrap-up I'll try to mention specifically which stories are my favorites least favorites but my battery's looks like last one was 10 blind dates by actually Elston now I changed my tune about this book the first half of it it was the whole the whole thing is like pretty generic why a it doesn't try to do any thing out of the box or experimental it was really traditional and for the first half I was like all right like I get the point I've read this story ten times but obviously I haven't because it's a different author and it's a different story and the 10 blind dates is just such a fun addition to it and like moves the plot along and it's her like finding herself even though it's like people trying to find her a new boyfriend it's really about her like discovering what she wants and what she needs from herself and her partner and her family the family dynamic in here so wonderful everyone is so close and she's just coming back together with some family and friends that she hasn't connected with in a while it was really just a sweet easy basic read and I mean that as a compliment even though through to the end it was really trope filled I thought it was actually nice and I appreciated it more in the second half I was like all right this is just enjoyable and light and there's some heavy stuff in here too her sister is in the hospital having a baby and having some complications and she can't be with her all the time so it's also just like making time for herself and coming together as a family it just has all the positive vibes that you want I think I forget that when I'm reading light why a contemporary romance is I'm looking for something more but then when it comes down to it like this is what I was looking for it made me feel good and I highly recommend it for the holiday season four out of five stars that's how my week went I'm really sorry I I keep saying like I wasn't as engaged and this read-a-thon as I wish I was my last couple of readathons I felt like there's so much more I could be doing but I can't find time for I appreciate Gaby so much for co-hosting with me thank you to everybody who post in your vlogs and participated and posted it all and communicated with me throughout the week I had a time but it ended on a positive note so feeling good about buzzword of fun I don't know when the next one will be a couple months let's take it let's take a pause and feel free to recommend any words you like to see in the future I will see you later thank you start watching be rid of heart reason is hard when you have children I didn't read a book for
Channel: BooksandLala
Views: 44,748
Rating: 4.9714398 out of 5
Keywords: books, booktube, bookish, booksandlala, obbsandlala
Id: RrMbCdC6LwI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 21sec (2001 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 28 2019
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