Reading Books I'll Probably Hate | EXPERIMENT

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hello friends welcome to a reading vlog slash challenge slash new series on my channel where I read tropes or genres that I have previously disliked before you think that I'm just trying to read books that I expect to hate for clickbait that's not quite what this is basically I made this video I think a year ago called things I hate in books I also did a things I loved in books so check both of those videos out but then the things I hate in books I listed a whole bunch of things books set on the ocean for some reason books about famous people you know historical fiction and those items were listed because I've read multiple books that had that thing or were that thing in the past and they just didn't work for me and I come to the conclusion that I don't like that thing however I regularly like to challenge my own beliefs and try things that I haven't tried in a while the first one I'm gonna do is books about famous people books about celebrities I just don't find fame particularly interesting I've never been one to be part of a fandom or to like fangirl over a celebrity there's nothing wrong with that I'm team let people like what they like but for me it's just never been interesting to consume media about like a celebrity falling in love with a regular person or I think some people like self insertion books where they get to kind of experience like what Fame would be like or people like to see a behind-the-scenes of like the humanization of a celebrity which again like I just I don't find that interesting I don't need to be challenged on my beliefs about like celebrity subculture I think some people also like to see the power dynamic be challenged between like romanticizing the idea of a relationship or friendship or yourself being a celebrity some books that I've hated in the past about or involving a celebrity in some way so books I've read that lower dnf'd in the past some examples are I know who you are by Alice Bailey until it fades by Kate Tucker reality boy by Ace King I mean fate on the first kiss my q-see West bad boy by Elliot wait also this is what happy looks like by Jennifer E Smith and here we are now by Jasmine warga so it doesn't seem to matter if it's a former celebrity if it's a YouTube celebrity if it's someone chasing Fame if it's an actress if it's an athlete it could be if the love interest is an actor or the main character's dad is a famous singer the only place I seemed to waver is sometimes if it's a famous author so like I love misery by Stephen King I love the wife by Meg Wolitzer which has to do with authors but at the same time I don't like charity by calling Hoover which is about a famous author and similarly I hated all that this is true by Lizzie a day planner floor so if it has to do with an author I guess I'm not as strong in my convictions so though I don't like this thing or I think I don't like this thing he doesn't stop me from picking up books did involve this thing so my whole goal is not to just read this thing and on it it's to pick up books that I already own that have that thing or really critically acclaimed books that have that thing the book that I'm most likely to like that still contains that thing I don't think this is making any sense there are some authors that I really like like Alice Hausman I loved radio silence I liked solitaire I don't like celebrity books but I still picked up I was born for this because I like Talisman's writing and i want to see what she does so of all the books out there about Fame I'm most likely to like this one because it's an author I've enjoyed in the past this follows a girl who's part of a fandom for a pop-rock boy group and we're also following the perspective of the frontman of that group I think the intent is gonna be a commentary on fandom and the truth behind being a celebrity and that it's actually hard work when people romanticize it so I hope what I get from this is just an enjoyment of the relationship and of the characters and I think Alice Osmond could do that so we're gonna read that this week then I picked up a book from one of my favorite why a contemporary romance authors Emma Mills this one I believe doesn't have a celebrity as the main character so maybe it'll work for me this takes place in a small town and it's a girl who's on a high school marching band team and to get her team into a competition she wants to connect with this celebrity from her small town and she thinks that she can help make it happen I do think based on what mmm else has written in the past or what I've read from her in the past that this will contain an adorable relationship as well so perhaps if the celebrity aspect is insignificant enough I will love the book and then of course I have the seven husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins read which is one of the most popular books on booktube in the last couple years I haven't heard many people not absolutely gush over this and this is very celebrity front and center this follows a woman who's a Hollywood starlet and she's always kept very secret about her life and then she ends up hiring this unknown journalist to interview her write the story of her life this one I'm very apprehensive of because it actually contains quite a few things in my things I hate in books video but I've been to that it also includes some things from my things I love the video list so I do believe if I am to like a book about celebrities celebrity culture this is a good pic so the intent of this video series is I read three ish books and then I draw a conclusion do I actually hate this thing do I actually hate books about Fame and celebrity and if I do truly dislike all of these I think it will dictate the books that I choose to pick up in the future because sometimes I'll pick up a book that might have a thing I hate but I've heard such good things that I want to challenge my own thoughts in this video is the perfect opportunity to begin that self-discovery if you want to go ahead and check out the things I hate video I'll put that down below so you can go and see the list again and give me a list of books or even just one book that you think I should read in that thing I hate and we can do another round in the future with that out of the way I think I explained what's happening and let's get into this week of reading I'm going to begin what I was born for this hey life update you're balancing on some scooby-doo fruit snacks I am reading I was born for this I start listening to the audiobook and I actually am really enjoying the experience so highly recommend you for gonna check it out and I don't know how far I am into it but I need to make dinner the Sun sets before dinner now we're just depressing I all see you after good morning I didn't update you last night I'm so sorry I'm about three-quarters through I was born for this and my thoughts at this point are it's a it's a good book but I'm still not interested in the topic at hand which shouldn't be surprising like I didn't think this experiment would suddenly make me care about fandom celebrity things but I am quite enjoying the audiobook so yeah I think I have I been listening a lot of books oh I don't know but I think I'm a quarter from the end maybe like all of Alice Osmonds books I really like the characters and I think they're dynamic is nice I like that it's lacking romance so it's not just good I can't listen well I can listen during my drive today but I can't listen at work or anything today is a wild to hit three things firstly we're launching new prints including the photo shoot that I was in which is weird because I have to like post those pictures it's my jobs like to post pictures of myself on our Facebook feeling weird about it and also the biggest days me legs history we're launching tops today for those of you who don't care just skip on ahead for those of you who do oh my god it's a tunic it's got pockets it makes me feel amazing I went to that early last night so I didn't update you I went to bed at like 10:00 which never happens because I knew today I was going to need a lot of energy it's gonna be a long day a long week don't know why I decided to vlog during it here we are and then after work Liam has hockey so we'll be doing that and then we'll just see when I end up finishing my book oh hello I'm sitting here because I'm filming a video this late at night I know but I couldn't wait I am almost done I was born for this my brain is totally fried and I've actually been clocked in for almost 12 hours now but as I fall asleep I'm probably gonna listen to the end if I was born for this um I know I haven't told you like anything about it but like I said my brain is right so I'm really sorry it's funny because I kind of started with this one because I anticipated it would be my least favorite of the group because it's getting terrible ratings from a lot of book two that I have watched people are not liking it especially when compared to radio silence and how big of a moment that was but the fact is I'm fine with it I'm still not interested in the topic at hand so it would never get like a high four or five star but I'm enjoying it regardless like outside of that element so I figure it's gonna mean in the high threes I don't dislike the book I'm just more or less indifferent but I do think it's kind of well done with that said I think the audiobook is the only way to consume it I can't explain why I feel that way but I very much feel that way if you've started it and didn't like it highly recommend trying the audiobook the voice actors are talented I think it adds some clarity and some definition to the chapters it's kind of a treat to listen to I think I probably would have dnf'd it if I was reading the words with my eyes because it's not like the most interesting thing Wow I suck at vlogging here's what's happening in my real life I bought this sweater from sumali it's like two sizes too big I worked for 14 hours yesterday I haven't eaten a proper a home-cooked meal in a couple days also my washing machine broke a couple days ago tomorrow there's a library book sale but I'm trying to figure out how to get to I'm also desperately trying to figure out how do you see honey boy tomorrow because I anticipate this is gonna be like my new favorite movie of all time but I can't figure out where to watch it what else is happening lots of hockey that I haven't been showing you I need to hang out with a friend this weekend I feel a little socially repressed but bookish wise I finished I was born for this I was listening to the audiobook so I didn't realize but last night I literally had three pages left of the book which is embarrassing so got in the car this morning and they turned on my audiobook and it played for two minutes and what we follow her attending like a convention for the band and then going to meet the band but she ends up crossing paths with one of the band members Jimmy outside of the actual meetup and they become important to each other in completely different ways then either of them would expect we're equally following Jimmy and his struggle with having an anxiety disorder he has frequent panic attacks he's questioning if he wants to be a part of the band he is uncomfortable with Fame the boys in the band are put in unsafe situations and they're not totally happy with their circumstances their relationship is tense and I think this did a great job showing like a behind-the-scenes of celebrity culture even though like I don't know what that's like nor does the author but we can imagine this is a positive depiction I think I can safely say that I can appreciate what this book is but I didn't like it I respect that it gave a great view of fandom culture how unhealthy it can be how unsafe it can be for different parties involved but at the root of it you can also find amazing friendships and in some cases like a will to go on with your life her life isn't something that I can relate to in any way but it's something that I can respect and I think because it was well explained in the book like why she was so obsessed with this boyband why sometimes you just need something to exist to be excited about in order to be happy I think this book covered a lot of great things that all of Allison's book - there was a lot of mental health awareness there was a lot of diversity there was a lot of great conversations whether or not any representation anybody feels good or bad about like I have no idea but I know that she included a lot of stuff just in here has this changed my mind about liking celebrity books no hello I'm here because I just filmed a video with my three thriller video if you haven't checked it out its up I did end up getting to stop by the library book sale because I realized that I needed to reorganize my hours for my work week so I need to end of this video on my way there to my editing area I'll show you the books that I got so I found four bucks then I'm really excited that I made record time at that book sale - I was like flying up and down the aisles and I found I'll get bow which is to this day one of the only graphic novels I've ever read and I really enjoyed it next I found a thriller that has been on my TBR for a while it's called something in the water it was actually in the top like 20 of the Goodreads Choice Awards when I did that video last year I read all the nominees then I found the disenchantment by Nina Lacour which I've seen a lot of places but not in this edition and I really love this cover and then lastly I got an Indian horse this is my Richard wagon ease and it's in the Canada reads 2013 selection alright here we are ready to start book number two I have actually taken a couple of days off from reading the selection of books just because I feared a little bit that if I read the same thing for an entire week that I would naturally just start to like get bored of it I guess and I want to give all these books the best chance possible so I read a thriller recently and now I'm back at it and I'm going to read the other ya1 that I have because that's just what I feel like reading this is famous in a small town by Emma mills I think with my history with animals like maybe this will be absolutely incredible so hi now 50 pages into this I really liked the opening I think it's gonna be very sweet and it's just what I need I found a video with Liam then upload took some pictures of the book Marsh with book charm shop did a little bit of work dinner lots been going on and I was like oh I'm gonna settle in and have a good reading night and then I remembered we're going to our friends house tonight so we're leaving right now and my evening is actually going to be wine and games and we're gonna end up sleeping over there so so no reading but we'll get back to it bright and early maybe not early bright tomorrow what good morning I just got home I'm tired didn't blog anything last night because why would I be a proper vlogger theme is in a small town we're gonna read that entire thing today reading updates I'm like three-quarters of the way through famous in a small town and I like it in the way that I've liked all Emma Mills I really love a good friendship group in books and she always has really authentic seeming friendship dynamics so I'm really enjoying that the group of friends have some like just classic vulgar teenage humor going on witty banter the romance is pretty center of the plot I have a feeling that the famous element of this isn't gonna go where I was kind of assuming I just have this weird feeling that the celebrity isn't even gonna be a part of the story like at all I can't say definitively but I think this might not have been the best example of me not liking famous people in fiction like we're not getting her perspective or like journal entries or lyrics or much of anything over I think the point of her plotline is going to be the classic thing where it just helps the characters realize that like celebrities are real people I think they're idolizing her to come fix what they need but I just like have a sense that it's not gonna go as perfect as they want she's not gonna be like everything they expect or something like that so all in all this was actually my least favorite EMA Mel's I think the celebrity portion of this like is part of the reason why it isn't getting five stars even though it wasn't like it was integral to the plot because it revolves around like the title is literally famous in a small town and like I said they are idolizing her and hoping that she'll come fix everything and I'm not gonna give you any spoilers for what happens at the end but while other people might specifically pick this up because they like famous people in fiction I think that took away from my ultimate enjoyment of the book so I still think I can conclusively say that I don't like celebrities and fiction side characters main characters love interests whatever I don't know my final rating for this it's probably around a four maybe a little bit under because I do like Emma mills the relationship was really cute but I found myself like even though the book revolves around like wanting to put on this event and have this famous person attend and perform even though I know that was important to literally everything in the book it was such a small part of it that I found myself wishing that those parts were just more of the relationship and the friendship because I wanted more from it like this could have been one of my favorite friendship groups if I got a hundred more pages I get the reasons for every and I respect what this book did with that the narrative of there there was some good celebrity culture stuff just a little bit mentioned so overall just okay still don't like celebrities now we'll move on tomorrow - Evelyn Hugo which I'm nervous mode by highly anticipating but not putting too much stock in trying not to go in with my hopes too high because I think we're learning that I was right these experiments are either going to prove to myself that my preferences are still my preferences or they're going to challenge my beliefs so far the former is true so let's see where it goes hello I just bought huge teddy bear coat and just came to the mail and I look a lot more ridiculous then I was ready for it doesn't even have pockets alright I clearly need to chill out I just had a lot of caffeine because I decided I'm gonna read this all in one day and he needed all the energy so I went to work today and I was debating if I wanted to listen to the audiobook of this on my way to and from works that would have been an hour of the book down but I wanted to give this a proper go with my eyeballs I can't remember if people have told me to listen to the audiobook or not like I don't know if it's a really highly produced on with a lot of voice actors or whatever so depending on how this is written I can see the very first page is an article so maybe I'll want to switch the audiobook I'm not really sure I've got like five hours so I go to bed so I think I'm good to read this in one day I haven't read a book in one day in a really long time 380 pages my reward to myself for finishing this is getting to watch a Disney movie because Disney Plus started today and I want to let go watch cadet Kelly or Hannah Montana but I know that as soon as I start in on that my TBR is just gonna die so I'm gonna remain focused and complete this challenge complete this video and then I can put it up tomorrow which is exciting and then I can go watch your movie I Bought a year of Disney Plus so like it's not going anywhere I'll be fine what I know about the seven husbands of Evelyn Hugo is there's a reporter or a journalist somebody I think her name is Monique and she gets invited to interview Evelyn Hugo and Evelyn Hugo has always lived a really private kind of life as much as you can being famous at least people know she's had seven husbands but they don't know like the background to it and then I also know that there's a great forbidden love that's what it says in the synopsis I know what that forbidden love is I don't know um who it's way but I know that a big like selling point well some selling points of this or at least of Evelyn Hugo herself is the people say that she like kind of revolutionized the film industry throughout finding all about her husband and what she went through you really respect her she was like a trailblazer is the word I'm looking for I always hear people talk about how she's Cuban Cuban American and that's like a huge part of her career and talking about I don't know what it talks about actually but that's part of it and her also being bisexual is a huge thing that people always mention so part of the mystery is like who was her one great love also why does she have so many husbands also a mystery is like why Monique was chosen I think it's like I would assume that monique is either somehow related to Evelyn Hugo or like she's the daughter or granddaughter of like a friend I'm gonna stop blabbering and stop trying to give a book review for a book I haven't read yet okay so I'm gonna check in with you every hour until I'm done we are a hundred pages in already I've gotten a lot of answers to a lot of my questions I already think I know who like the forbidden love is with and I really like the character the situation with Monique is definitely interesting and I don't have any theories quite yet about that I had one theory but I think it's already been debunked love like who's my daughter she might be basically what I'm assuming I think I'm already getting a good sense of why people like this book and I think kind of what the tone is gonna be throughout which is just enduring what you have to going through a bunch of in Justices we're talking Hollywood in the 50s so there's a lot Evelyn has to like put up with in order to get what she wants out of life basically and I have a feeling that's gonna be kind of the tone I think all of her husband's all of her marriages are gonna be based on like what she's getting out of that marriage and I think that tone is good like women taking charge of their own life and not allowing people to shame them for getting into multiple relationships or whatever I can definitely see why people reading this book really loved Evelyn Hugo she's not necessarily written to me a likable character I don't think in the traditional like way that women are sometimes written to be likable it's been another hour my lipstick is all gone I just ate dinner so I got through less pages than last time I'm also getting really tired and I don't know how long I can blame the time change but I'm just gonna blame the time change I really liked the last hour of reading though the book is tackling kind of everything you wanted to I mean it's as far as like relevant intense topics like there's a lot of misogyny just based on the time period and the situation talking about racism we're talking about homophobia and through it all Evelyn is persevering and crushing her career I am liking Monique's storyline I'm going back and forth with like are we getting enough of her should there be more of her in her personal life but I do think this book knows what it's doing it's smart it's well paced it's stewing all the right things I just don't feel a lot I got another knock on my door and it was another piece of my new fall look okay I'm another hundred pages into this I'm having another burst of energy and just like I thought I'm continuing to enjoy this in a very passive way I'm like yeah okay like I get I get it I get it this forbidden romance like I feel for both of the people involved we're moving through time pretty quickly and yeah I'm just gonna run through the oh it's eighty more pages still see you in in another hour I finished this seven husbands of Evelyn Hugo and I'm just gonna reiterate all the things I've already said not only with clips of this book but clips of every book I gotta be honest I really hate this vlog I've been editing it and I just feel like everything I say is so redundant also I never know in these challenge videos how much to vlog my real life versus just my reading and so I decided that I wasn't gonna vlog my real life and so I didn't take you anywhere listen I've done some fun stuff I've been to friends houses this week I've been to work a lot the sunsets and sunrises have been beautiful I've been hiking I've been going to the park with Liam lots of hockey on the road on the ice didn't take you any of those places and now it looks like in the vlog that I just don't leave my house because the only times included my real life when I was buying something or complaining about something and it's just not a good representation of my life and I'm bothered by it also all of these books were three stars and I learned nothing from this experiment so what was the point yes I'm sorry to say the seven husband's Evelyn Hugo was a three star I I I liked this I thought it was fine and I get it I totally get why people love this I did appreciate the reveal of who Monique was and I thought it was well done I thought everything about this was well done but it's like I said before in my mind the celebrity thing would never get five stars anyway so regardless of how much I'm liking this story I'm never liking it as much as I would like it if it was on a topic that I actually found interesting so to sum up I read three books involving famous people all in different capacity we had a main character we had one of the two perspectives and the other special perspective was someone obsessed with that celebrity this one didn't have celebrity as a character at the forefront but was just mentioned and glamorized I really did choose three books that if my mind were to be changed this was them I mean people love this so desperately I love these two authors we had queer characters we had diverse characters though all three of these books are by white women though so maybe I just don't like famous stories by white women like who knows we could do this experiment all over again I do actually think I have a couple port books on my TBR with famous characters so now the decision I've made us that I'm on hauling any books I have with this thing because I don't like this thing it doesn't matter if it's by my favorite author I just don't care about celebrity culture which I knew but now I know as a definitive answer it's not just oh I've had some celebrity type books and didn't enjoy them and maybe it was because of this element or this aspect but no the conclusion is cable it is not like famous people if you know of any books on my TBR that include this because sometimes I don't read the synopsis of books before I buy them let me know so I can give it a new home and somebody who is likely to like it because it's officially not me it's not my thing I was right here's the a feeling of satisfaction but also makes this video like not what I hoped it would because one I always hope I like the books I'm reading and two I like challenging myself and I like finding out new things in books that I previously thought maybe I didn't like and it makes me feel good because it means I didn't lie to you in my video where I said I hate these things in books I was telling the truth but now we can go find another thing in that video even though we've proven that I know myself I'm gonna do this challenge all over again probably not until definitely or until 2020 but I'll do this challenge again and we'll pick a thing next time that I think I don't like and we'll see if I'm right I'm so happy if you like these books another thing is like making a video where I don't love anything I read it's just not fun to watch because I feel like if you do love these books you're like loss a sucky video where you just talk trash about my favorite things but maybe here we go in the comments below feel free to recommend to each other other famous people books I know because no matter what I say in a video even if I tell you like a fact you will still feel a desire to recommend something to me I get that feeling and I respect it and you leave whatever comment you want if you're sure that there's this celebrity book don't change my mind you go ahead and let me know but I think more so if you clicked on this being like oh I like books about famous people go in the comments and there let's have other people recommending books to each other because it can just it can be a love fest for this thing even if I didn't feel that way let's flip it and do that okay I love you so much and I'll see you later bye
Channel: BooksandLala
Views: 78,022
Rating: 4.9597526 out of 5
Keywords: books, booktube, bookish, booksandlala, obbsandlala
Id: ErpGjk2ktHA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 23sec (2183 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 13 2019
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