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I just got to the part where she cliff jumps three two one hi friends its Lola so soon as I did that video where books control when I eat for a day I've been brainstorming the ways that books can control our life in some other aspect I was thinking books could control what I wear so I could just flip open a book and find like the first time clothing is mentioned and wear that or I could find the first time makeup is mentioned and put that on my face or keep going until they go on a trip somewhere and then I have to go that place but then I was like what if I just do all of those things at once so books are gonna control our weekend I don't know how many books I'm gonna have to go through to get a reasonable amount of activities for the weekend but I'm basically just gonna flip open a book whatever they're doing we have to do they need to be careful about the books that I choose because if I pick something like we could be going to Europe at the end of the day you know if I go over here I can have to commit murder I think we're gonna stick to the contemporary shelf to be safe I'm gonna give myself one out just in case something I'm sure multiple things will pop up that aren't reasonable but I'll give myself like one what do you call it chicken we could be you know going to the zoo we could be kissing what if I flip one open we have to go to Paris I mean you love beyond rose first I'm gonna try and be kind of safe because we live in British Columbia and that is where this book is set this is Bernie by Tracy Lindbergh maybe she'll be swimming maybe she'll be visiting the ocean oh my gosh or eat it just says each and a and W once in a while that's literally where we went to eat in the last time I did this thing yeah I can't wait food is the first thing that showed up if you don't know what a W is it's a restaurant it's like one of our favorites they have them in every small town at least unlike the west coast should I cut in clips of us doing the work should I find out all the things and then film probably fighters have everything first just to make sure in case we have to like go to Germany today okay why necks do you want to pick one what are my options 700 bucks so you said you were staying on one shop well I mean I feel like this is the safest place to be outside unrequited she said are you working today and she said no so we're not going to work today thank you Emily doing one thing from each book so working no next we're gonna do me and Earl and the dying girl hey we're going to see a movie Hey the first line is so I guess you really like films oh why next you pick another book one last thing before I go the first line is you're gonna die I guess that's my first out not I'm choosing no oh he's wearing shorts and a tank top okay so that's you gotta wear two tank top seems like a personal problem sad Todd wears black goggles orange earplugs a red bathing suit and blue flippers as he swims his laps he does this every morning fifty laps across the Versailles pool baby we're going to some women so far we're not going on any trips so I mean I'm breathing a sigh of relief I also like wanted to go to Australia ooh it's too big little lies and put his book back down and put his arm around her weight books could decide the books I read wait let's see if it says what he's reading and then I'll have to read that the page before says he picks up his book and then he pulls down his book and then he picks it up and it says he was a big fan of Patricia Cornwell murder mysteries he flipped a page Patricia Cornwell oh good it's a real person I've never heard of her it's that bad she's a series called key Scarpetta who I guess is the person the next book we're gonna do the Raven cycle and you don't know which book to do the further we get in the series the more magical it will be in the more unrealistic the thing will be okay let's just go ahead and read from my favorite book because you'd think my favorite things happen in here and we can um do them ourselves no magic no magic no magic what if I gave him my old college car finally Helen said what if I gave him my old college car the crappy one I was gonna donate to the broken car charities he doesn't want it what crappy car obviously I would obtain one and say it was mine the truth is he really did need a vehicle oh my god I don't know if you heard that but get you a supportive partner I'm getting a car I have to I already used my out I have to do everything that the books say what are we doing next let's finish brillar just because ooh maybe we'll have to go on a boat but I also might have to commit murder I climbed onto the bed my bare skin touching uncomfortably to the plastic and pulled the white sheet up to my chin so I guess this is making the decision when it's time to go to bed what next oh they go on a little road trip here I can't remember any activities they do in Paper Towns but I'm gonna flip Chen here towards the end and hopefully he will have to drive somewhere do something fun a dialogue dialogue I stumped down some grass and sit she lies down next to me her backpack up pillow I lay back to you she digs a couple books out of her backpack oh my god oh my god oh my god and hands them to me so I can have a pillow two selected poems of Emily Dickinson and leaves of grass who know that books would decide what I read this weekend okay what else should we do fight zombies become mermaids I'm pretty impressed nothing bad has happened so far this is this song will save your life and I figure maybe we'll get to dance around and listen to music I think we should give you a makeover Vicky declared shortly after we met up at Calendar Girls a consignment shop downtown as we pock through cheap bracelets and belts Vicky suggested making me over oh hell yeah I'm down to go shopping are you kidding this could be a mistake I just got to the part where she cliff jumps they have scary does my husband also get a veto okay next let's do Catching Fire what could go wrong it's go great near the beginning I get to spend the morning having hair ripped off my body I run my fingers along the soft curly down on my legs and give myself to the team I can hear every strand being yanked from its follicle well I have to wax alright these are the ten books that just decided my fate for the weekend let's see how it goes okay I have to be very strategic about what order we're doing everything in so first stop I figured we'll go to the consignment store I'm actually just going to go to the thrift store I feel like it's the same thing and I now have a vehicle full of stuff to donate we also have a super fun day ahead of us do you think this car is too small should we get a new one I guess we'll also stop by the library and I'll see if those books are there that people were reading and I brought the backpack that I can put them in and lay my hand on I also have my swimsuit because baby we're doing 50 laps in the pool we made it you can't see this line ready to help me you get a makeover first I need a new shirt cue the montage [Music] I don't think I cried on a single flattering the makeover is not going well okay I didn't find anything I liked so we're gonna give my bookshelf to make a brain set Oh mystery let's try to find that I meant Patricia okay I'm very hot I could have tried on some more clothes made me some Falstaff gonna fall make over but I'm very hot it's like today and I only got two buns see now we need to buy the library and see if we can find any of the books there who's gonna find some books me these bugs are how many books did you get show me I'm apparently reading Walt Whitman alright we're here we've got the books we've got the grass we've got the backpack oh not the worst pillow I've ever had definitely not the best and look we've got the pool so I'll get ready to do my 50 left you want to do the first dive so can I fly in fly and yes [Applause] can you block me doing my fifty laps actually just vlog the first ten and then I'll just play it five times straight [Music] all right Liam still swimming I'm gonna attempt to read that mystery book at least a couple pages and just see what I think it's about dinnertime now the boys are just doing the recycling and I actually got twenty pages into Scarpetta this is the one that I chose I guess it's like the sixteenth book in the series but it's the one that actually has the main characters like lasted a minute so I guess there's a lot of like her own storyline in here I don't think you have to have read the entire series to read each respective title but I'm sure I would know a lot more and I would be less confused had I read something else I had no intention of accidentally reading it I just wanted to start it so I felt like I was you know following through with the video but the first 20 pages were intriguing and I think I'll read a few more at home and just see what I think I've never read a medical examiner type book it looks like it's gonna rain so the cliff jumping gonna have to wait till tomorrow and we're just gonna go get dinner oh this was a bad idea why did the internet tell us to come here so fizzy oh I have my A&W and very excited about my put in I don't feel like vlogging me eating my entire dinner shocking I know she's Liam's beyond me looks delicious no this is great he's moaning my ear okay I've got dinner and I'll see you later good evening it's time to watch our movie we were thinking about going like out to a movie because I figured when Bucks are choosing what we do it should probably be entertaining but I don't think there's anything that either of us want to see that bad in the theatre so we're gonna sit here and watch book-smart Jim goodnight good morning we are on day two of this experiment and we have a couple of things left on the list that we need to do an update on the books shocker I didn't finish them but to be fair he only read like one in fact he didn't read any of this it said he flipped a page and then put the book down so I actually did give this some effort I got like 50 pages in I'm not interested enough to continue but I'm kind of proud of myself that I didn't pick the smallest one I went and I picked the one that sounded like I would be most interested and I gave it some effort it's not something that I would normally read but I'm happy that I read a couple pages to challenge my own you know beliefs in what I like to read this one I didn't read it all but again to be fair they just used it as a pillow no one was actually reading it so I'd know what teenager carries this around it's a fact tag like come on so what we have on the docket today what do I still need to do oh I need to buy a new car and I need to go cliff jumping I actually did stop at a car dealer yesterday guess where we are oh there they are ready no sense on one of these and then I chickened out but we're gonna go to a different one today and hey the biggest gripe I have about my vehicle is that it's way too small I've had it for nine years and I can't put kayaks on the roof or anything so if at the end of the day I have a new vehicle cliff jumping should be easy because we can kayak to some cool clips what am i doing I'm also gonna stop at the library and grab that third book that was mentioned because I saw it at a different branch here's my leg I forgot this was a thing today and I accidentally only have face and bikini waxing strips I'm not going to be showing you me waxing my face or bikini so we're gonna use these on my hairy legs cute listen summer's over and I am NOT shaving anymore not excited to use these plus they're very tiny apparently you don't need to rub them or anything they smell terrible I hate this a lot what do you do just stick it on well I'm unhappy Caddy's had it worse so let's do it you umm I'm gross now you just have one patch with no hair I'm not doing my entire leg with these little things three two one I wouldn't been upset about me not getting a new windshield cuz it's cracked joke's on you I'm just gonna go buy a whole new vehicle instead yeah okay so my number one wants in a new vehicle it needs to be bigger because Liam's hockey bag doesn't fit in our car anymore so I wanted a little bigger but not a huge SUV I want like what would you call it a medium size SUV and I want it to be white because aesthetics I'm gonna buy a car for a video it's gotta be a perfect car Chrysler Dodge Jeep and Ram you see that it's very loud alright you've got lots of trucks more trucks do you need a minivan I see a Jeep should we get one the same color as my car it is it's also tall I think Rob you would want one of these I need a vehicle that I can reach the top to put a kayak on Liam Lexus body ater way to get down my god yeah this one is black I want all white hello a Jeep or a Jeep I think this is the 2019 there's a lot of stuff in here I've never experienced before it's a button ebrake this has a backup cam there's this dial to switch between things everything up here I don't know what any of these things do lights are over here and look at the back there's so much more room and there's so much room between my head in the room it's obviously got radio but also I was like we can do Sinai radio in blue 2 is really 17,000 kilometers on it all right I saw a lot of good stuff I test drove a couple things and I think I'm pretty set on the renegade and one of the ones there had everything I want including a remote start so I've like never had a garage and so I every morning not the biggest issue in the world but I am cold in my car for the first you know 10 minutes of driving to work in the winter it's Canada so like our winters are pretty cold and snowy so it had the remote start I wanted it was the size I wanted I can put racks on top and had apparently this size like engine and I needed and I'm taking a break in there cleaning it up for us okay I know books didn't tell me to go to Value Village but I have to book shop all right I bought one book while we were in there it's called last seen leaving I've heard good things about this author Caleb roaring I don't think books have chosen enough for us to do buying a car going cliff jumping we need something else to do today I think just flip to a page I'm like that's where we'll go for lunch or that's what we'll eat food maybe beginning our breakfast okay chapter four she's not hungry she's having a mental breakdown I'm hungry I see restaurants Red Robin Oh Red Robin for an that's where I was already chapter 4 that's weird Apple they're in an apple orchard okay I have to get something with Apple I changed my shirt because I'm almost too hot I promise it's the same day we're at Red Robin for apples only apples [Music] there's our apples [Music] you thought a buck was going to tell me to buy a new vehicle and I just gonna go buy a new vehicle like you were ready [Music] okay we just drove to the location of our cliff-diving the Sun is setting and I wasn't going to give up on this cliff diving excursion I know I'm really sorry I just made you watch an ad but I just spent $30,000 on a vehicles oh so we're doing it's September it's gonna be cold Liam brought his sombrero and they swim shorts we're gonna have a great time you're not doing oh no this Casey where the picnic tables are yeah there's a little jet there we can go all the way over to the point but there's rattlesnakes it's a little different than what Bella did she just pulled over at the side of the road and jumped into the ocean I have to hike to find my cliffs all right we found cliffs we could keep going that way but we're running this sounds literally sunny so we're gonna go to some littler cliff get my camera on my hand sure when you're more worried about this doesn't look too steep at all it's quite steep [Laughter] [Laughter] these came out of nowhere and we got hiked back up Mountain Goats already done okay we're home now I'm pretty exhausted it was an eventful weekend and I know I was just watching the clips back side note we're definitely gonna call that rock jumping no I know it wasn't quite what the book told me but I had to like work with something you know overall it wasn't the wildest amount of things like they weren't too outside of what we would normally be doing you know what I mean like of all the things that a book the character could be doing I feel like I got pretty lucky I was fully prepared not to like actually have to travel if a book was like getting on a plane but like to find a way to like make it work in a funny or fun way but honestly nothing that wild came up besides you know buying a brand-new vehicle which let's be real I've been putting off for like two years because I was scared to commit so if faces will force me to finally do it which is so funny because I was 100% planning on getting a new vehicle finally like this month or next month before the winter season so everything is kind of worked out in a really weird way also I found these selected poems of Emily Dickinson from another library branch I forgot to show you and so in order for this vlog to be somewhat about reading I did read I would say 60% of this there were some parts I skimmed there in sections which is super cool poems about life poems about love poems about time and eternity I started skipping the loved ones because they just we're a little questionable to me the ones about nature were my favorites something else interesting is the back of this where is it it has an index and the index wait where is that oh the index is done by the first word of each poem which is super useful if you're looking for something specific I guess but just what's weird I'll admit I don't know a ton about Emily Dickinson I went through a phase in my life where I was really loving poetry literally elementary school and then I didn't read it again at all except required reading in high school until just a couple years ago when I started picking up some like modern poetry and I liked some of it don't like some of it going back to some classic stuff was weird it's hard for me to read just cuz it's written in such a strange way in general because it's old there are definitely ones that I enjoyed though the nature ones like I said I quite enjoyed I don't have a favorite or anything I don't think anything stuck out or was really memorable but I do read it so I feel like there's some reading in a video on my reading channel I think I completed everything I definitely took some liberties I didn't fully get on the swim outfit and you know jumped off of rocks not a cliff which you know not super stoked about that many bathing suit images of me being on the Internet here we are I had a really great weekend let me know if you enjoyed hanging out with me if you want to do this video I highly recommend but be very selective about the books that you're thinking of choosing it worked out well for me but it could be weird thank you so much for watching and I will see you sometime next week bye
Channel: BooksandLala
Views: 59,507
Rating: 4.9749322 out of 5
Keywords: books, booktube, bookish, booksandlala, obbsandlala
Id: SA9B07znPcI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 40sec (1720 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 21 2019
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