Virtual Reality Has Officially Peaked (Again) in Hellsplit Arena VR

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lmao this is fun

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/GamingWithHybrid 📅︎︎ Oct 10 2020 🗫︎ replies
all right i'm just going to come out and say it virtual reality has officially peaked again that's right barry the last time i was in this virtual world i was bound to the constraints of dumb vr hands that wouldn't let me do what i wanted to do but now i'll bet now i have i didn't even mean to do that but now i have full control see not even of just my hands barry but of my weapon yes i can now half sword i can grab the blade i can whack you in the face with the handle i can stab you in the eye the possibilities are put around your head and bring you in for a big old thought i was gonna kiss you didn't you [ __ ] get that look off your face get it off right now morning get that get it off g'day charles how you going mate well i hate to tell you this you're gonna get royally what i was saying to charles over here before he turned into a puddle of blood was that you guys are going to get royally messed up today so step one of disarming a dangerous foe step two and then step three you may as well remove the legs as well alrighty i think it might be time to give this a try did i do that oh well looks like the sun's going down you know what that means don't you that that means it means it's time to go to bed [Music] all right boys you want a piece of this let's go free hugs free hugs come get your free hugs you just you just got a tent just cue up right here please gentlemen right here free hugs come on come get him oh god these guys are so dumb give me come on give me a heck give me a haggy big damn idiot you here now do not do not invade my personal spirit no no no no you're in my personal space right now stop stop i'm telling you alrighty i guess it's time for a good old medieval training session here goes nothing come on stand still oh my god give me that back hey oh oh wow this is getting all kinds of crazy uh yes i see we've got the new traps in uh gentlemen if you would kindly follow me this way stop stop stop wait move back well it's time to take on the boss a guy who's clearly already died once before and i'm supposed to take him seriously oh god this is a wonderful boss i'm filled with determination how you feeling right now buddy probably uh regret getting oh don't get up no no no don't get up stay right stay right there get it oh hey guys look at my new axe oh [ __ ] that has got to be the worst throw all right lay down this won't hurt much [Music] hold on what did they seriously remove the ability to rip out hearts and eat them that was like the best feature in the game how about snapping next can i still do that a little twist a little twist around nice little circular motion 10 points for flexibility mate never seen anything quite like this before but i'm very impressed absolutely remarkable all right swagger souls you ready to die again you think i came here to play i did not come here to play [ __ ] yeah that's right get punched in the back of the head oh weak spot got it all right i'm about to do the same thing that i just did to your friend how you feeling now tough guy huh get off my sword no don't get up don't don't get don't get up hey eat this eat this you know you know they say an apple a day keeps it keeps the doctor away oh it's a little bit chilly out here i think i might need some mortal hand-to-hand combat in order to warm myself up come at me boys [Music] get out of here get get out out they all end up out the window eventually sorry just just a second sir i just would like to ignite bro i said just a second please sir i even called you sir you rude right now you get it now you know you get it you dirty boy yeah i'm inside of you that's what's up that's what's up i'm freaking inside of you i'm right up in there how does it feel to have a real man inside you that was the weirdest thing i've ever said in any video ever you're fired what the f where did this come from okay whatever oh god i've cut his guts open gross now a wise warrior would keep attacking those guts seeing as they're hanging out all over the place oh that's right you know what's up you're not feeling too good right now you know that death is on the horizon how dare you worm violate this sacred place with your presence great this guy sounds confused so you're the last one huh all right let's do it yeah time to die peasant take that and that and that that don't look at me like that don't don't you dare look at me like that i told you i told you that all you needed to do was praise the sun and you said [ __ ] the sun all right i guess i'll put you out of your misery but first i i need to properly disarm you okay hold on a second we're not done here yet try and get that bucket off your head [Music] i mean i'm not saying anything but don't i look come on gentlemen oh god okay i'm going to stand right here and you're going to try and hit me 10 points for tron all right i think you might be the chosen one the ones that the legends have spoke oh god help me it's like watching a train wreck in slow motion it's like you know what's going to happen but you can't do anything to stop it nobody can i think you wouldn't mind demonstrating your fighting skills again or what if your great victories were nothing but a combination of luck i've literally won every single round for the past 50 rounds what are you talking about idiot oh you again awesome oh i'll warn you i'm pretty good all right swagger souls you and me jesus nobody told me the final boss was a mix between voldemort night king and michael jackson has he put he poisoned himself did you poison yourself this isn't even my final form [Music]
Channel: Cheru
Views: 286,654
Rating: 4.8960795 out of 5
Keywords: Hellsplit: Arena, Hellsplit: Arena Game, Hellsplit: Arena Gameplay, Hellsplit: Arena VR, Hellsplit: Arena VR Game, Hellsplit: Arena VR Gameplay, Hellsplit Arena VR, Hellsplit Arena VR Game, Hellsplit Arena VR Gameplay, Hellsplit, Hellsplit VR, Hellsplit Arena, cheru, cheru2016, vr sword fighting, sword fighting in vr, valve index knuckles, VR Funny Moments, hellsplit vr, hellsplit arena vr, cheru vr, vr cheru, best vr game, best vr game 2020, best vr games 2020
Id: ZuwlyPzTdbE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 5sec (485 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 02 2020
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