The 7 Types of VR Users

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throughout my years in vr i've come across all sorts of vr folks with my 77 000 hours of steam vr not not really and my interactions with the vr community i've come to see quite a few trends if you like vr you'll pretty much fit into one of seven categories of vr user almost no exceptions although you might fall into multiple here there is some overlap so which ones are you the first category and probably the oldest group here both in terms of one of the first vr user groups and in age of the actual group is the elite dangerous grandpa this guy bought vr back in 2017 played a few games then downloaded a game called elite dangerous and they've never been the same since thousands of hours later and elite dangerous grandpa has more hours in vr than 20 users combined has mastered using hands-on throttle and stick better than maverick flying his f-14 and probably has more space flight training than a nasa pilot the crazy thing about elite dangerous grandpa is that they probably weren't even gamers before and they're just that the grandpa the oldest of this entire vr user group but something about mining rocks for hours and hours and hours just became appealing but hey i don't blame them why spend your retirement watching football and infomercials when you could be in space 10 hours a day that with your new job that only pays in interstellar credits so we went from the oldest group but next we have the youngest group of vr user the rec room squeaker this is probably the easiest group to find in the wild because literally all you have to do is load up rec room and go in direct room within seconds you'll hear the squeaker in their natural habitat but warning here if you turn on your microphone and you even resemble someone that's post-pubescent the squeakers may become extremely territorial and you'll be attacked with insults like boomer this group of kids love vr but what they love even more is crying when you smack them down in paintball however there is an elite group of rec room squeakers that have put so much time into the game that laser tag almost becomes unfair for people like me and they'll spend dozens of hours getting the top scores in rise of jumbotron usually these kids are the cool ones and as much fun as it is to make fun of rec room squeakers it's usually just a group of josh dub loving vr consumed kids that are passionate about headsets and they'll definitely remind you where their no-no square is and really they're just the next generation of a later category the vr chat bro but we'll get on to that in just a second first we have the beat saber yo beat saber bro have you played half-life alex yet no no uh been playing beat saber uh um what about bone works it's actually it's actually pretty great does it does it have blocks what about uh savers uh no what about star wars squadrons yeah look if it doesn't have pp i'm not interested and that's the beat saber it doesn't matter what game comes out doesn't matter what's going on this distant relative of the osu no lifer practically has a vr headset for beatsaber and beat saber only a freaking half-life game could release but it don't matter it don't have blocks how am i supposed to play a game that don't have blocks so the hardcore beat saber group or what i like to call pp chasers have become so good at this game that high level beat saver play and what actually comes with the game are almost completely different and the skill ceiling just keeps rising with new maps if there is one section of the vr community that is ridiculously hardcore and would risk their bodies controllers and monitors to be the best this is it and they've likely dabbled in other vr rhythm games because well we all know there's a lot of those but at the end of the day it's not beat saber and there ain't no blocks now we've got my personal favorite category the vr chat bro yeah i may work at mcdonald's and my car has a flat tire and needs an oil change and i live with my divorced mom and i have like two dollars to my name but i've got vive trackers valve index and alcohol tonight so no matter how that my reality is virtual reality is about to be popping because i'm getting the vr trap bro may be 20 years old and have an alcohol problem but at least they have real friends in vr that they can party with every single night and they don't have to worry about covid plus you could wear the same clothes multiple days in a row and no one would even know because although your t-shirt may be a little sweaty no one can smell you in vr plus you look pretty fly in virtual off-white and supreme common conversations often relate to how much you drank last night erp and how bad vr chat's performance is and how you're getting 15 fps while in a 20 million poly avatar while looking at a mirror most often cited while laying down in full body tracking often in the void club which reminds me a bonus category sister to the vr chat bro is the vr chat how look doesn't matter if you're male or female or somewhere in between these people get full body tracking a uh voluptuous avatar and immediately become what i like to call a full body thotty whether in a club or public worlds this group just loves to dance and will dance on anyone or anything not gonna lie i've uh i've been there done that and uh i love him i love it vrchat would not be the same without it and it's part of the culture and i love it taking a far left turn is the pro gamer these guys haven't played much of your chat a rec room in fact social vr isn't even really much of an interest to this group all the pro gamer cares about is dunkin on fools in pavlov onward contractors echo arena you name it these people spend hundreds of hours learning every in out and exploit possible in competitive games and are sure to use them you've likely encountered many of them if you pop into something like onward for the first time you'll know it too because you'll feel like you're the only one that doesn't know what you're doing however this is a hardcore group that has no mercy and never aims down sights because turns out in vr you don't actually have to aim down sights to shoot your shot and you'll only be wasting your time if you do so and vr is special as well because a lot of these players are esports hopefuls or actual esports teams but you'll probably run into them because well player populations are low and uh they're always on playing the game and you'll probably remember their names because you'll be seeing it a lot while you're respawning after getting killed by them next we have the questor you don't have a pc and you're proud anytime someone like me mentions using a pulley system for my valve index and the wire this group feels inclined to comment laughs in oculus quest however for the quest users that do have a pc they have become an awesome modding community and turn their cheap vr headsets that does everything you want it to decently that is into an expensive vr headset that does everything you want it to decently their favorite youtube channel is probably bmf and their most used application on their pc is probably virtual desktop and you likely own a router that costs more than your actual vr headset but no matter how many problems or issues the questor runs into their resourcefulness and r slash oculus quest always comes through clutch even when their own phone processors and their headsets don't another common trait of the questor is the eternal defense of the quest hardware you know i can't even tell the difference between 72 and 90 hertz and in fact the head straps quite comfortable it's the only headset that fits my big brain you know and who cares about the screen door effect i like oled over lcd any day i like seeing the black i like seeing the color okay this group will be eternally burned by the fact that their quest has been made nearly irrelevant by a cheaper faster quest too and the feels bad man meme will circulate through the community until the original quest is no longer supported now our last category is the developer these guys spend more time with the headset on their forehead than actually on their face whether because of a passion for vr or flat screen game development has become way too saturated these are the guys and gals that are pushing vr forward and they know it they may eat instant noodles and peanut butter sandwiches every day because of the razor thin margins but it's about the long haul and even though their vr game that they worked on for years and years may only sell 100 copies that's a hundred more copies sold than if the game wasn't made this group have their mind body and souls on the line for the success of vr and there's no one who wants vr to succeed more than the developers of course the goal of a developer is to turn marushan into steak one day and to have a badass vr game to show for it that people love so there's the seven type of vr users that you'll meet of course there may be more and if there are then you should tell me about them in the comments maybe if there's enough demand they'll make another one of these to cover more types of vr users and if you fall into any of these beautiful categories i want to know just how hashtag relatable this was if at all the vr community is amazing and diverse and full of some really interesting people and that's part of the reason why i love it so much i know this new video format but if you if you hate it then i don't know just let me know if you if you love it then really let me know with the you know like button and stuff i do want to thank all of my patreon supporters you guys bought me this wonderful green screen you make all of this possible like this video of course and i want to thank all of the omegas especially like 2080 ti benji daniel fusion oak gecko86 hdg randon kra julian ronzarelli that brock guy tristan sloane true killa and very evil shadow don't forget to like this video if you loved it subscribe if you want more of this and hit that freaking bell if you just can't live without it much love thrill out you
Channel: ThrillSeeker
Views: 4,040,168
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vr, people you meet, in vr, thrillseeker, thrilluwu, oculus quest, valve index, valve, virtual reality, vrchat, beatsaber, oculus quest 2
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 25sec (625 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 09 2020
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