I Broke Out of Jail with a Hammer in VR! - Prison Boss Virtual Reality Gameplay

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what is it okay that is a very weird picture okay love letter there should be able get warm we're done here wait she won she's booking it over here [Laughter] oh she moves fast I want to keep up with the latest Komodo gaming videos be sure to subscribe and click that Bell hello YouTube moto gaming here playing some Prison boss BR and yes folks we are stuck in prison and this is absolutely not a lovely place by the way this little thing is disturbing me at the moment you need to stay away so this is a prison game where I guess you hope to escape eventually and you have to craft items sell them do jobs and overall I think we're gonna have a lot of fun with this game here I have a lot of requests to play this on the channel oddly recently so here we are we're checking it out here today let me know you guys think down in the comment section below and what we've got over here and on there is no guards out during the day I don't believe we've got to be careful because today we are making cigarettes okay today we were making cigarettes in jail so we're gonna take our paper we're gonna rip it in half pour some tobacco in there and make some cigarettes and hopefully we can sell them now do not condone smoking but you pretty much have to do what you have to do to get out of jail here alright so we're ready to go to the night let's go ahead alright so this is where we have to be careful let's watch out for guards okay here we go it's so gonna be pretty efficient about this it's gonna get our paper we're gonna rip this in half so we're gonna pour the tobacco on here and then we're gonna roll it up with our fingers I'm seeing yeah I don't see any guards right now and check this out we gotta lick it and that's gross so what we need to do we need to hide everything because during the day this guards are gonna come actually even at night here they're gonna search our sill and I guess they don't know how to use drawers or something because yeah they're not gonna find our stuff as long as we hide it here okay there's another one complete dropped it on the floor it's fine okay so it's rip up some more paper here get this paper ready to go so I think eventually you get to move around in different prisons and you get to craft some more items so hopefully we won't be rolling our hands around too long here because this is kind of tiring but I guess this is what we have to do here isn't that where we can make a living no that one's empty just go ahead oh oh okay there's a guard there on I scroll this last one up real quick okay he's coming homeboy put that in let's grab the one off the floor okay put that in okay so we have another door over here so this is put this empty box in there we might have time for one more here come on come on come on come on okay toss that in there uh if he turns he's gonna see us here oh boy don't turn buddy don't try oh he's coming he's coming okay no no no no no no no don't get caught don't get caught okay put that in there and close that okay boom oh that was close horn is he coming hey you have contraband in your mouths yeah see smoking is bad for you to cause you to cough like that okay you know what we got a little bit of time left it's gonna get a piece of paper here and let's see we got one more I think we can make oh there's a faster movement guard on the other side oh why is he running come on come on come on come on okay look and boom and there we go we'll get a whole pile of cigarettes let's go ahead go today all right here we go Friday day two the fourth day of spring all right so we've got to wait for our buddy to come around oh here he is hey pound it out okay so we can trade with them or we can do jobs now jobs get you ingredients and I think new unlocks because eventually you will uh kind of decorate the sell in here and get more places to hide your stuff so let's check out the jobs here so they see me rolling two cigarettes I think it's what it needs and we get a reward of some more tobacco paper and I believe that's reputation so okay you know it's so odd that the guards search your cell but they don't find any of this we kidding me all right let's go and complete that boom we get rewards here so let's see what do we have we have more paper available that's good let's see we have more tobacco available which is also good for us we have what is that okay that's a little weird we can we can write love letters now okay open this one up over here we have the desk lamp which what is the point in that can we hide stuff in it and then we have the pencil which I'm pretty sure we're gonna need for the letters and boom we have the nightstand with drawers available now so we can buy this stuff we can do more jobs so see the next job is six love letters are you kidding me five cigarettes do I have enough for that one yeah no I have four down here but I couldn't make another one okay so we got that or we can just straight up going here and trade so we can trade so it's three dollars for tobacco five dollars for a five piece is that five pieces of paper there's a much other stuff locked here okay so I guess the best thing to do right now let's go ahead and sell some stuff here so we can sell let's sell it's gonna sell at all right now all right so that's 32 dollars worth so now we can buy the pencil which I think we need that's 16 and then we can buy paper oh that's five bucks a pop oh boy so we got to manage this stuff here so it's maybe not let's just buy the pencil for now let's get more tobacco that way we can work this and get more cigarettes rolled up okay traded our stuff and oh boy we have a bunch of contraband now hi buddy I'm gonna have to ask you to leave my cell have a good day okay all right let's go ahead and go tonight here all right watch for sneaky guards I have a feeling they might change their patrols up a bit so we definitely want to be careful there okay you know maybe we'll write one of the love letters let's go ahead and roll up these cigarettes real quick and look out for guards I don't see anybody right now okay there's another one dude I am getting efficient at this okay here comes this one that is perfect okay so I haven't seen their pattern they haven't come out hopefully they all come out of that main door because if they move around I'm going to be in trouble here all right you know let's go and write a letter to Soho this is how you write love letters into oh here he comes okay come on come on come on come on come on come on come on okay is he gonna stop like the other one did ee come on write it write it write it write it write it write almost done I think I think it's done I think it's done ok put this in here no he's continuing to walk okay I'm gonna put her stuff up yeah okay don't don't come in here don't come in here Polly my turn get that in there hey where's my pencil come on get that close ooh oh hey buddy nothing going on here totally not breaking the wall is he gonna be walking out holy man okay all right so I think we finished the letter so that should be good let's just leave that in there all right I think I can make one more dingus cigarettes here and put that away cool okay close that all right everything's good let's go and go today okay so I think today instead of trying to do a job we're just gonna straight-up trade with this guy so is this love letter good how much of these worth okay these are worth 10 and cigarettes are worth 8 so definitely love letters are a little bit better but I feel like the cigarettes might be cheaper than make could be wrong though all right I feel like that was a good trade there let me think maybe we should do let's go back real quick what are the jobs and yes 6 love letters or a second system tobacco and more paper or we do 5 cigarettes 4 guards or 4 maybe we should go back into the cigarette making operation before we do the love letters so I've got to buy a whole bunch of stuff of cigarettes here we're gonna maximize oh he sold out of paper really okay so he can sell a lot of stuff all right let's go and trade there should get a little cash on top of this here so we got monies can I hide up in here no it looks like it should be able to you know eventually wait does he have any furniture available ooh what's this that is a poster okay maybe I should have bought some of this ooh a basket wait can I hide stuff in the basket home let's buy let's buy that real quick can I select that here there's money okay let's get our basket okay there we go so this thing can be used I'm assuming to hide contraband so if we place it down there so we're decorating our sale here oh I can hear a guard coming so let's go ahead let's just stick this in the garbage bin here that's fine okay are you coming all the way across sir okay can I shake out take a little more here dudas hmm okay just ah sitting there not doing nothing here what are you doing are you coming I she's gonna set at the corner there you're wasting my time lady I gotta make stuff so you don't notice anything right because it's a garbage bin yeah okay that garbage bin is awesome all right let's get our stuff back out all right so my gosh should be coming by hello how are you give a little bump there all right so I can't do any jobs I'm gonna go ahead and trade the cigarettes because I need more paper because I'm writing more letters here so let's go ahead put those up there actually well this complete one of the jobs let's see four was this good for any of the jobs here let's check we need who that's gonna be for oh we could do the poker night one but that only gets us more tobacco I kind of needed more hmm you know we're gonna do this there we go so we'll get some extra stuff for the missions real quick and see if we unlocking in good fabric now available that's got to be something for crafting let's see Locker oh that would be amazing for the cell let's see rope wait what I need rope four and boom that is gonna be even more paper available all right you know what not bad Oh how to craft okay we got a new crafting item here I'm gonna learn that uh yeah we're just have to deal with the paper you know just put the love letters in here all right tonight we write two novel this is gonna take a while awesome I'm holding this pencil in a way that it's very uncomfortable okay there we go all right did you do look at this this is just pure art like you can understand what I'm writing right this actually kind of looks like my uh my handwriting in real life which is absolute garbage so yeah if anybody ever asked me to like do anything for him like hey can you uh sign this or hey can you fill out this form for me they always look down and go you know maybe I should just fill this out yeah it's that bad mm okay that is a very weird picture okay another love letter there should be able to get warm we're done here wait she hold on she's booking it over here [Laughter] oh she moves fast she looks like a warden or something I mean what's a lot about writing letters in jail I mean I thought you got to do this stuff for free anyways I think you going after she's out hope that was close one alright one week in jail already Wow and I've already caused this much problems at what point do I get to escape hey buddy pound it out okay so I can now buy fabric because I can build ropes now maybe for escaping I'm hoping so we've got that let's go ahead and go to actually just go back let's go to jobs okay so we can get this one this sleepless night so let me go and load these letters up these are quite weird alright I just had to do something for us boom yes all right wait what was that wait something just went inside that great oh yeah oh I guess it's oh he gets fed through here okay that's a pretty good rule word sweet okay so I might maybe I should save this stuff for one give me this back okay so there goes my stuff are you serious okay we really want to complete that last mission it's going start storing some things here and let's buy some supplies all right so if I buy one fabric does that give me enough stuff I'm not really sure they were gonna be writing some love letters and making some tobacco tonight so let's do that that gives me enough to make a rope correct but is it just one I need three of those holy man that's a lot of fabric all right no that's gonna work I guess I can put this away for now I'm not gonna be using this anytime soon okay so I'm gonna be busy the next couple of nights trying to make as many cigarettes and all that because I'd like to complete that last mission it's really the fabric the fabric takes a lot and I think it needs maybe three ropes which would be a total pain in the rear end okay be on the lookout the guards been getting a little bit more aggressive as of recent so make sure we don't get caught by them all right so I can do this Reading Club job you know I keep wanting to do this last one because it looks like it's gonna give me a lot of stuff plus one of those little squishy things for for aggression but I feel like maybe completing one of these earlier jobs might be beneficial to me so it's good one two three and this is gonna be four in here okay put that you're nuts get rid of that yeah okay and to love letters coming right up let's go BOOM BOOM put that back in there all right so I should complete that job boom yeah you're made to the way to the top it feels nice wait in my prison boss uh wait this time about completing the last job wait where is that oh the great distraction so I need two ropes and six love letters and I get to escape that's my reward heck yeah all right so we are almost done with this okay so I need some paper I said you give me to pay for how many cigarettes for this so let's go ahead and get rid of our cigarettes and try to buy as much material as we can all right so I need some paper here so definitely give me all your paper get home and take couple of those back all right so we're gonna trade that and then actually I've got money in here don't I okay throw that in there let's see if we can get one more piece here there we go and let's go one cigarette actually I need to actually keep one of those don't know why I got rid of them all all right so it's gonna take me a little bit to work my way back up here but we should be good we need six love letters and we need what is it two ropes to escape the prison they got fun a cheap method here so I can write these love letters in the trash down here and I don't think I'm getting caught actually this is okay this is pretty useful actually okay keep going keep going gone yeah soon as he gets near okay oh just drop that okay totally nothing to see here hello good sir not writing love letters in the trash okay so completing the last of the love letters there so we can actually move that down there okay so the last thing I need to do I'm gonna have to farm away here at the tobacco that way I can get out of money for enough fabric to make three ropes and then we escape via rope out of the prison which is absolutely amazing oh I've been caught what I get caught with where do they catch me with though the drawer wasn't closed enough here's what they found they felt room I love letters now the guards are patrolling yes I know this if you skip tonight easing the clock I know they search the sill was this the first time I get caught wait I got my stuff back oh man thank you oh that could have been complete and total disaster there all right hello buddy wow we got caught here today you know in Syria I can get rid of this how much would this give me I got rid of that is it enough to buy the rest of the fabric so I need I think it's five more pieces can I make enough money here there can I go one two three four five holy man I think I have enough okay so let's restored everything let's go and stick love letters in here because obviously I can't close this anymore due to all the fabric that I'm getting so I'm going to use this time to go and sort my drawers out I might attempt to do this without buying any more furniture I start sticking fabric in here actually good it's going trays boom okay sticker money I'm not really worried about the money now we're just stick it in here alright this should be enough here to finish our jobs all right so it's going to go back leave and let's jump tonight okay so rope is a bit of a weird thing to make in the game so you start doing by doing that and then we're just gonna add pieces like so this is so awkward to do I don't like doing this in the game there's that okay and then we do one more piece I hope we have some ones to actually hide this will it fit in here oh yeah beautifully okay alright let's try to make all our rope here tonight the this thing is so awkward rubbing together I gotta find it what okay here we go and okay ropes done I hope that holds okay man if we get caught is game over all right come on don't get caught don't get caught don't get oh yes I think we could do it I think we're gonna escape here folks I can't wait for my bud to come by that casual what's up buddy can get a little fist bump there job go down - actually there was - to escape now I only need it two ropes I thought I needed three oops yeah well you get an extra today buddy there you go and I need six love letters let's go one two three four okay move this okay five six all right does this mean we get to go home boom oh the great distraction way what's happening wait there's a there's a lot of prisoners out here do I get to can I can I open these what are we doing Oh Oh smash okay yes this is mean we win you escaped yes okay how many days fast 12 days times caught once wow we were supposed to be able to get that done in ten days but we get to go to the next prison which is awesome man that was actually pretty cool let me know what you guys think down in the comment section below if you were to see more of this on the channel thank you guys for all the love and support on VR and we will see you guys next time maybe in prison boss
Channel: Camodo Gaming
Views: 1,501,681
Rating: 4.8953691 out of 5
Keywords: prison boss vr, prison boss vr game, prison boss vr gameplay, prison boss htc vive, prison boss game, prison boss vr new update, prison boss episode 1, prison boss vr escape, jailbreak simulator vr, virtual reality prison simulator, prison simulator vr, prison break, prison break vr, jailbreak vr, prison game, prison simulator, jailbreak simulator, roblox jailbreak, prison boss vr camodo gaming, camodo gaming vr, camodo gaming virtual reality, camoodo gaming
Id: C_vLBfYl_b0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 55sec (1195 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 24 2019
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